MK11 leaked DLC fighters
Wasted slots
Excited to see how edgy they'll make joker with him in a M rated MK game
>Joker gets into Smash
>Now he's in Mortal Kombat
Is there anything he can't do?
>no Ferra/Torr
sindel model also leaked
Can't believe they ignored reptile completely
YFW it's not even Bruce Campbell doing Ash's voice.
Why only one horror character this time?
He's in.
i bet 5 bucks they'll turn him into a pajeet
Hasn't been relevant for 15 years. You could have used literally any other character ever made and they would be more relevant.
>Joker in 2 DLC of 2 different games
Come the fuck on
Joker is the Codename for Batman Who laughs user
Aka Judge Death Ripoff
he's in
>You could have used literally any other character ever made and they would be more relevant
>guest need to be relevant
Just kys retard. There is a fucking movie in the work.
Spawn will be fucking great and they can give him a shit ton of iconic costumes too.
Ash is cool
They'll probably pick a shitty iteration of Spawn or make their own shitty version.
>pokemon&persona weebshit in MK
I thought the current count for announced dlc characters was 6? Joker makes sense though if they drop him in October for marketing with the movie.
Weak bait anime retard. Nobody likes your Yea Forums cancer
>Nobody likes your Yea Forums cancer
>franchise with a character based on a final fantasy character
too good looking
it may be codename for pennywise
it would also make more sense
If it's because he wasn't played much in MKX they only have themselves to blame for giving him such shit variations. They bring back fucking Jaqui but not Reptile.
The Terminator counts.
>GOTY edition
>Game isn't out yet
Rlly makes u think
>can use any iteration of spawn
>they end up using knight spawn
>tfw EnvironmentName and SyoryName are Sektor and Cyrax
based enviroment name is in, can't wait to play as him
>data mining
>.ini file
I'll be fine as long as Kontent Pack Two puts in Rain, Smoke, Stryker, and Mileena so we can finish the Trilogy roster
And then I'll wait for the GOTY version to go on sale in a year for half the price
>Fucking spawn
What decade is it?
decade when reptile isn't in the main roster or first combat pack
>Based scumbags already have content on disc to pocket into the GotY edition for double the sale price
This is why the fuck I'll pirate your game fuckwads
Saw the full story, quite underwhelming, the battle cutscenes are quite meh, I mean, most of them are. NR failed to make their battle cutscenes impactful, which is weird because the impact of the battle cutscenes from Injustice 2 are quite good, you will really feel they're very powerful beings.
While the twist(explanation) that Kronika was always the reason that Liu Kang and Raiden always had fallen out in most of the previous games, and Liu Kang always getting the short end of the stick was awesome, and Raiden's solution to prevent that from happening again was to turn Liu Kang into a god was awesome, his feats of power, except on his dynamic entrance on the final clash in front of Kronika's castle, was fucking disappointing, it doesn't feel like he actually became a god at all. It also applies to Cetrion, she doesn't even does her Planet-sized form used in any cutscenes, she only ends up hurling fireballs and creating 5 meter fissures.
Kronika, despite being a "time god" rarely used her time powers, and her stop time are literally useless against Raiden, and even when had the opportunity to wipe Raiden's general she only kidnapped Liu Kang.
tldr; It's fucking eh, great graphics but dissapointing cutscenes, bleh story except God Liu Kang, but fell short because the cutscenes are fucking boring.
>Ash and Terminator
Why bother with female characters anymore?
>they already giving themselves GOTY before they even released.
it's like they already bought and paid the shills.
You will never see those jobbers again.
Just in time for the new movie
>post your face when it’s Joaquin Phoenix Joker
P5 was a mistake.
is this a man or a woman in the middle?
What's the appeal of this shit
Not terrible. I don't think returning characters should be DLC, but those are good picks, and the guests are great picks.
MK11? I guess I'm a little out of it, since last one I remember was MK8Deluxe...
GOTY must be code for Kratos
>70 trillion dlc
>game isn't even out yet
How did we get here?
Now every damn game does it.
>when you already paid for the goty award
Jesus old man, you didnt even hear about Alien and fucking predator being in MK10?
I bet its just another ninja with fucked up palette.
You know McFarlane is working on a Spawn film right now, yes?
hes not in
But this guy is
Finally a Pokémon rep in Mortal Kombat
I mean, the base roster isn't small by any means and a lot of this stuff requires a lot of licensing, so it has to be done in advance. The MK characters are slightly disappointing, but at the same time they were likely focusing on developing and balancing the base characters and their variations before launch.
I can see being mad at something like Cyrax and Sektor, especially with their no NPCs quote, but planning a bunch of DLC before launch isn't really problematic to me overall.
I can see the twitter comments now
>omg she's so hot!
>I can't wait to play her
>she looks beautiful!
>NRS designs the best women!
>my new main!
>take that incels
>I like that she is old, it makes it better!
Im glad I skip this shit
Ill sure watch all fatalities and maybe some top tier tournament match ups but thats it. not a single cent from me
>they'll turn him into a pajeet
And gay
don't forget erected nipples
Not likely, but I wouldn't mind seeing him in the Power Rangers game
What tracks do you think they'll add to Mario Kart along with these guest characters? I'd be down for a WB water tower track.
>No reptile
>Doomguy modeled and animated by NRS
How horrifying.
isn't it kinda presumptuous to already have plans for a GOTY version before your game is even released?
Oh cool, Fuujin's in. I'm kidding, nobody cares.
It really is no different than releasing all that DLC and pretending it wasn't planned in advance and done along with the rest of the game only to be removed and sold separately.
Environment name is my favorite MK character.
I prefer "expected".
he looks fucking stupid
Predict what sindel will look like
>The games that are being played on the final day are the three most popular games
>and also for some reason, the least popular game
nice tournament mr wizard
>Guest characters
Hate this shit.
Behind SamSho.
He IS fucking stupid. They've spent several games showing us how useless the elder gods are and so they're bringing one back? Who was never popular, or even liked? Just give us Bo Rai Cho if you're going to pull this shit.
>Already planning the GOTY edition
This game is doing a lot of bullshit but PLANNED DLC does not mean it's ready at release. Most of those characters are licensed guest characters -- that takes pre-planning to get the licensing done and shit. We have no reason to believe the DLC is actually complete prior to launch, especially since the base roster is a decent size.
The game has enough problems with its F2P-style grind for gear without having to get mad about something with no basis in reality.
people seemed disappointed nitewolf wasn't in and i'd agree with them, but guest characters can fuck off
What do I look like, Lovecraft?
I thought the Ninja Turtles were an interesting way of using the style system, but yeah, fuck guest characters.
>This game is doing a lot of bullshit but PLANNED DLC does not mean it's ready at release.
Yes, it does. DLC is spread out to artificially keep sales healthy and give the illusion of the game being maintained. If NRS or whatever other studio actually had to license something after the game was finished, the DLC would realistically only come out in a year or so.
You are pulling this out of your ass. You have no idea how long licensing deals might have taken and they were already working on developing the game as released. You have no actual evidence that the characters are already developed, animated and balanced and ready for release.
Again, the game has enough problems without people being hyperbolic about some datamined text.
>classic MK favourites
>wasted slots
Get the fuck out you brainlet
Whatever you say, viral marketer.
funny how in mk9 these would be considered the weaker characters, but at the point we're at they're almost welcome in comparison to the new roster
Yes, a viral marketer would acknowledge that the game is a shitty grind and has plenty of problems while defending unannounced planned DLC as being a perfectly reasonable thing for a developer to be working on.
I'm not buying the game and I think anyone who buys it at anything less than a steep discount, preferably for the GOTY, is throwing their money into a shitty ecosystem that WB has turned into a mobile game with a $60 entrance fee.
I still think devs and publishers planning DLC before a game comes out is reasonable and normal practice, especially with a roster of 25 characters with multiple set variations and customizable movesets. That's a shitton of work and balancing on its own.
user, no. We've had this discussion repeatedly since the 80s and it is nearly universally agreed that the winning argument is it is at most action horror, with it leaning so far into action that the horror vibe is entirely lost after the ten minute mark, and T2 is pure action.
>>and also for some reason, the least popular game
Pretty sure it's because ArcSys is expected to announce the next Guilty Gear at EVO
That'd be the easiest way to blend and have others let their guard down, yes.
I'd call Terminator suspense. There really isn't a lot of action in it. He shoots up the police station and stuff but it's more of an unstoppable force working its way through a bunch of victims than anything action oriented.
What about Mariokart 9 and 10...?
That makes zero sense. "The best way to market a game is to defend unannounced DLC plans while simultaneously recommending not to buy the game because of its shitty F2P aspects."
>A fucking twink
I hope Arnold gave them permission to use his likeness.
That's a girl.
That would be preferable than someone daring to speak of widespread industry practices that paint the game in an even worse image. Also, you said to pick up the game on sale.
>whole internet is on fire because of jewy microtransactions/grinding in the single player mode but Yea Forums sie still butthurt about female costumes
yeah who cares that now mortal kombat has f2p mechanics in full priced game
It wouldn't be the case if EU didn't fuck up and send out copies early. What a bunch of faggots NRS and WB
At best, yes. And I'm literally saying to do that because of widespread industry practices that are putting the game in a bad light.
We have actual indications that the game is an MTX-ridden grind. We have zero evidence that the planned DLC is actually already fully developed. It's perfectly reasonable for them to have this DLC planned and even have work started on it without it being code complete and ready for release -- but nothing in the data mining so far has made that indication, so your claims are baseless.
I for one am very excited to see their next hot take on this underused gem of a character.
Didn't they confirm that DLC would be in packs of 6 though?
/ourguy/ is in
>calls out bait
>still falls for it
>this years old practice is only now a problem because it affected something I enjoy
Should have spoken up earlier, now get used to it.
>Terminator 2, now THAT's a good movie
I'm wrong because they removed the DLC from the game, even though the strings are all already there. Alright.
>"So, whaddya say, user? Wanna boogie in outworld? Haha!"
It's happening, Yea Forumsros
>>I like that she is old, it makes it better!
Cant wait for that
Why does the grandma from Napoleon Dynamite have a gun?
>releases November
>still no teaser/trailer
>actually caring about 30fps kombat 11
Terminator would be fun as shit desu.
>This is now an Evil Dead Thread
>Joker gets in SSBU and MK11
Today is the perfect year for being a Personabro
Man I hope they don't ruin Nightwolf's aesthetic, I love the Native American fighter archetype in fighting games. It'd be cool if they pulled a Chief Thunder and gave him a more accurate look though.
is that in the middle a dude or a girl honestly have no idea
Oh don't worry, they have no problem making good-looking male characters
and DBZ behind both what happened
fuck off linda hamilton is awesome
mk vs dc they censored his fatality
shang tsung's fatality where he turns into a clown in the later game is it essentially.
Albino giraffe.
>All these boomer "horror" movie characters
How about adding characters people actually want instead of meme shit from 30 years ago?
Like what, some wigger with facial drawings?
>MK is just as old if not older than most of these characters
Fuck off zoomer shill faggot nigger, you came to the wrong thread
What would the last Joker's moveset be?
>there's now more bad Terminator movies than good ones
Why can't they let it stay dead
probably same as injustice, crowbar fake teeths explosive bullshit etc
decent dlc pack, hopefully Smoke and Rain are in the second pack
What a bunch of jokers!
>Freddy Krueger
>Jason Voorhees
Will we get the Horror Crossover Fighter next, or do we need to wait until we've wrapped up MK12?
No Smoke. Sigh.
>Excited to see how edgy they'll make joker with him in a M rated MK game
Cant be edgier than the time he cut his own face off and then wore his rotting decayed degloved skinned face as a mask on top of his exposed musculature, and then literally did the same to a bunch of kittens.
>There is a fucking movie in the work.
That movie's gonna reach Duke Nukem Forever levels of disappointment. Look at all the horrible capeshit butchering the source material. I like Spawn but have zero faith in a proper movie. Don't believe the hype, and more importantly, don't believe McFarlane. The HBO series is the closest we'll ever get to a decent adaptation.
That's like 9 characters I'm sure that's both the packs Unless I'm missing something
Fuck is this?
Is nightwolf even supposed to be from a specific tribe though?
Thunder was, so they were able to do that particularly well.
>Kabal gets with best girl
>Game is poised to break records
>Yea Forums will just be assblasted
love it
Its being written and directed by Todd himself.
I dont know how you get more faithful than that.
>Written by Todd
You are now aware that Spawn was only truly good when handled by Image writers like Neil Gailman and not by Todd who couldn't tell a story to save his own live.
The comics been pretty alright recently.
I mean its not like a standout great thing, but i've been enjoying it as a little weird horror book.
Surely they mean Shrek, right?
Guest Fighters that will vary on each platform.
>switch exclusive fighter
>sony exclusive fighter
>M$ exclusive fighter
I dont think it will outsell X in lifetime sales, but its gonna be a huge success regardless.
Kind of lame in terms of returning fighters. I wanted them to get weird with it
FUCKING WATCH. Nightwolf won't be native american anymore, he'll be black or latino or some dumb shit just to not seem "racist"
And Predator was "horror"?
The only reason anyone even thinks that the guests should be from horror movies is because of IP kikery, not because NRS has some idea that mortal kombat and horror is meant to be together. They initially put Freddy into 9 exactly because of the reboot
Jason got into 10 because Freddy was in 10 and they doubled down on that by putting Predator in the same pack...and since predator was in, they needed alien to complete their duo or miss out on the chance forever. And since now they needed symmetrical packs, they also shoved in leatherface with alien, partly motivated im sure by leatherface actually having gameplay potential unlike michael myers
Terminator is about as "horror" as Predator, the point is that he is brutal, just like Ash, Spawn and Pennywise which ill be surprised if he wont actually make it since everyone is buzzing over the IT readaptation and the second part is coming this year
>Xbone - Master Chief
>PS4 - would probably Kratos again but based off nuKratos
>Switch - i dunno, Bayonetta?
>black washing a proud native american character
NRS are fucking retarded but no way they'd do that.
Why would KI get away with a badass native but MK wouldn't?
I loathe his looks and playstyle in Injustice 2 so I definitely hope they revamp him hard if hes actually in. He is underused cancer but I cant really imagine a wildly different playstyle for him either
Dude, they made every female a 2x4 to pander to feminists, friggen Boon said he's "grown up" yet still makes a terribly violent video game.
Mark. My. Words. Nightwolf will not be native pure native. He'll look black or Hispanic yet have a native background or some dumb shit.
Nice to see MK11 is already Game of the Year. Based!
>really wanted Shiva playable
>with her involvement in the story it seems pretty likely
>but she looks like fucking shit
She'll probably still be fun to play, but damn, clothing design aside every chick in the game looks decent besides her. I got monkey pawed pretty hard. Thanks Ed.
>first the Immortals theme gets used again
>now Spawn and Joker in MK
That's pretty cool.
They are filming a movie with Jamie Foxx and Jeremy Renner.
Maining EnvironmentName day 1. Holy shit bros.
fucking kek
you and me both, man
Thunder never was from a specific tribe in the original KI. It was only when Doubl3 Helix was making KI 2013 that they decided to make him come from the Nez Perce tribe.
Nightwolf is a little bitch
wish the did WicthBlade
Where the fuck is REPTILE? Wtf NR it's like you guys want your game to bomb without us Reptile's not fair we lose a spot to a nobody like nightwolf
>leaving out Cyrax, Reptile, Sektor, Ermac and fucking Goro
It's for diversity points even if I think he's worth bringing back.
MS should fund MK vs. KI
Shit would sell billions.
Because if you hadn't noticed, they're marketing heavily to women and fags with this one.
Leaving out Mileena and Reptile are the most unforgivable ones since they are the only mk2 characters not in.
Sad but true
pleeeeease, i want this so badly
man they look so young and happy
I for one im glad nightwolf's in, such an underrated character and his sacrifice in MK9 was kino
You know, I think the reason why they didn't include Jigsaw is because a cancer-stricken, Assassin's Creed cosplayer could never even hope to top even the weakest of the Mortal Kombat roster.
Oh well, they could always use Mark Hoffman.
I can already imagine it. Mark Hoffman fighting Sonya Blade, and then slamming her head on a desk while calling her a fucking cunt with every slam. Shit would be so cash.
he's in.
Why won't NRS just make a movie crossover fighter already? It's pretty clear that they want to, they always go all out with the references too
Nightwolf is based but NRS are going to fuck him up
based samurai shodown, we need to (rightfully) meme it to goty status
>No Mileena
I liked Predator
but Predator's also one of my favorite movies period so I'm incredibly biased
I love it but hate the fact that people treat it like it should me mandatory.
Yea Forums can't do shit as far as fighting games are concerned
weit they put him in a movie?
maybe >we can flood the stream
If he's voiced by Arnie it's all good. But it would be better if it was the T-1000
Ferra/Torr return was implausible. They're a big monster character.
>Casualfag: This guy's ugly and slow, pass.
>Tourneyfag: This guy's slow and hard to learn, pass.
>Lorefag: This guy's too hard to write fanfic for, pass.
Zangief is probably the only exception to that in fightan, and that's a grandfather clause.
this is an elaborate Yea Forums prank right?
Didn't Sarah Connor die of leukemia? I have no idea what have happened in the Terminatorverse since 3.
Guess this means Kitana's classic outfit will be added later on. If SFV taught fightan devs anything, it's that sex appeal costumes causes NEETs to shell out NEET bucks post-launch. Based Ed Boon knows what he's doing.
Oh, and Nightwolf isn't going to be changed into a black or latino.
i wish people understood what the term "data mining" means. it's kind of in the name.
>Well, at least MK11 should spawn some Sheeva por-
Guess this means Kitana's classic outfit will be added later on
lmao you fucking dumbass, you probably seriously believe that
Been out for long, gameplay issues, mostly had DB name giving it a push, new shit's out
Why not make a horror crossover game instead of Injustice 3? I'd buy it
Like who?
Gimme Marcus Fenix or Fulgore over Master Chief
He just sits there and his robowaifu defends him.