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Other urls found in this thread:


what's the max price you are willing to pay for this, user?

Same as any vr. 99$

This has some sort of finger detection, right? That would be pretty cool, though I'd imagine having a completely open hand and trying to play would be rather difficult.

>vr is saved

It was in distress? Shit I didn't even notice over here playing VR games with my Oculus

the controller tracks your fingers and it has a strap so you can fully open your hands without dropping it

>w10 only
it's shit unless that is just a placeholder.

All VR sets recommend W10 because only it has important features for VR like async reprojection and native screen-mirroring, why would you even stay with an outdated OS?

It probably isn't, W10 has several VR updates W7/8 don't have.


>and Linux
You're free to choose.

i don't understand why they don't sell the headsets with the controllers, only in bundles which is weird as fuck.

Had to return my oculus because I wear glasses and it felt like my face was being put in a vice. Maybe this one will be bigger? Didn't like my oculus either because of the black mesh everywhere.

Plus, what is the final solution to the motion sickness question?

>i don't understand why they don't sell the headsets with the controllers, only in bundles which is weird as fuck.
How is being able to buy each individual component weird? If you already have the lighthouses then you won't need to waste money on the full set.

get better genes

>playing VR with an outdated OS
based retard

>i don't understand why they don't sell the headsets with the controllers
iirc, they'll sell it in different bundles?
>Plus, what is the final solution to the motion sickness question?
Either do some game design R&D, or attach a device to the back of your head that nullifies it. Whether the latter becomes a standard in HMDs? Dunno.

>Plus, what is the final solution to the motion sickness question?
I thought there was some kind of inner-ear vibration device being worked on to fix that.

There's a few that's already released. But there's also worry what constantly blasting white noise on the back of your brain will do.
Me thinks the solution for the most part is good game design, followed by Brain-Computer-Interfaces.

>resolution thought to be the same as vive pro
God damn it

Episode 3 VR exclusive confirmed.

Attached: 1555118074196.jpg (640x427, 42K)

>Giving a shit about the resolution

All I give a shit about is the FOV

you can buy prescription lenses for hmds if your eyesight is that fucked

My W7 got updated last time two days ago.

Enjoy your tile botnet, nigger.

you ment latency and refresh rate, so you don''t want to throw up after 30mins?
Nobody cann be that retarded to put fov/rez above these.

>you ment latency and refresh rate, so you don''t want to throw up after 30mins?

Those are pretty standard across the board no matter what you get

If you actually cared about botnetness you wouldn't be using Botnet 7 to begin with, if you are going to larp as a /g/tard then at least install gentoo.

If you can't hold your lunch at 90hz, just give up.

yeah but we're talking about upcoming hardware and general pov on these things. Not like current hardware is final and technology is fully developed.

Only for security updates and bug fixes. Its gonna cut off after January, enjoy your day-0 viruses then.

Yea Forums is a botnet user
your phone is a botnet
the moment you connect to the internet? botnet

>day-0 viruses then.
nigga just stop downloading futa porn from untrusted sites and clicking for 'free Fortnite bux' or whatever.

I can't remember how many years ago I had av installed on my personal PC.

Attached: 1554613572282.webm (640x360, 1.42M)

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Can you explain to me what a botnet is and how it works on W10 without using google?


Attached: 1554617480012.webm (580x692, 2.89M)

Blah blah blah you don’t need OS security updates just don’t be a retard blah blah. We’ve all heard it

I'm gonna need a name senpai

Attached: 1554647736113.webm (800x450, 1.51M)

>that look on her face that says she's kind of uncomfortable but wants to see where this is going



Attached: 1554615616027.webm (400x224, 2.57M)

I'm just saying, without any security updates, Windows 7 is just going to get less and less secure, and there would only be less and less things to do on it because of that. I would recommend having both operating systems for compatibility with older Windows software on 7 and having the newer features and better security with Windows 10.

webmfag fuck off

This user is actually based instead of trying to shill for rupees.

>win 10 sucking up all your data
>better security

>literally every VR owner.jpg

>it will get less and less secure over an os that comes busted out the gate
okay. I have both and I still use 7. You're just a nigger.


Most aps will work fine and do not need updates anyway. Apps used for work.

Other things like browsers will have updates for few years/ as long as there's enough people using them.
I don't give a fuck about Microsoft support.

Just because they 'drop it' doesn't mean OS becomes unsafe day after. They've been patching it for fucking years.
Or that I'll start downloading fucking viruses all of the sudden.

Who cares, it's almost y2k level of nonsense.

Attached: e889876f-df1d-4905-a1bc-df9127fa826c.png (344x426, 314K)

I'm scared
Im having erections playing blade and sorcery using the 100% female NPC spawn option.

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my eyesight actually is that fucked. I presume there'd be some for the Index but I'd probably have to wait, right?

Try to hold onto that feeling because that is the proper reaction to being told you have brain damage.
Don't feed those kind of thoughts, and it'll pass, me thinks.

Attached: 300px-Wheatley.png (300x307, 116K)

Id expect them being available day 1 since devkits been out for a while, 3rd party of course

I haven't used my Vive in literally a year, VRChat was alright but there are no decent multiplayer experiences beyond that and all the SP games are either tech demos or short experiences.
Still waiting for a VR MMO that doesn't suck.

500 or i'm probably just going to get the quest

quest is a waste of money
get a rift CV1 bundle (399$) if you want VR. But not the fucking quest to play shitty vr mobile games user

>anally rapes your entire reddit-tier shitpost

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This is insanely outdated and nitpicky and the vast majority of problems are on W7 and below too, W10 was buggy as fuck when it just released but it's smooth now as far as Windows can be, the only legitimate complaint is spyware but you can disable that.

>muh w10
Lol at all these stallwort windows 7 and (Linux) gamers clinging to a even older more broken pos
>B-but od windows doesn't track you

Install gentoo

>tells you things that W10 has which are in fact important for VR
>posts /g/ memes as if that disproved anything
Why are W7tards so braindead? Why would you even stay with the outdated botnet instead of upgrading to linux?

>even older
>more broken pos
I have not seen a single bluescreen since maybe 2015. Not a single unintentional restart, shutdown and maybe five times when, due to prolly hardware, WindowsExplorer.exe stopped working.

All games work like a charm, except Dx12 modes. But there's like 15 games that use it and I'm interested in maybe 4 of them so far...

Look at this w10 drone people.

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>just disable it bro

Attached: 1533381597457.webm (1920x1080, 2.08M)

>win10 only
>when it has linux support
Just install *buntu you mong.

So much for a comfy vr thread the moron w7 steamfagsbare here
>defending ancient 10 years old os that has dx12 patched in jank on per game basis
You morons do realise xp/2000 fags hanged on the same exact way and got rekt by entropy
Same here on the latest build of w10
Older builds where awful I freely admit it

>Not playing on console instead
You are all truly plebs. PCVR is developer tier.
PSVR is consumer tier. If you want actual good games and a gaming experience, you should get PSVR.

and your a fucking moron
Suck my pirate dick faggot
Because they are stupid poorfags

Attached: lol.png (610x441, 150K)

But VR got saved by PSVR which is only headset that is actually selling well.
Why do you think this shit will save VR?

Attached: 1461549643283.png (400x227, 24K)

So can I buy just the controllers and use it with my Vive?

itt: bunch of manbabies who spend all time playing videogames call each other names

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Psvr is blurred 1080p
It's only saving grace is that it looks fairly smooth 90-120hz but ps4 looks like a blurry mess
2k and 4k would look amazing on pc
I'd bother with vr if all headsets wherent jank pos

its good enough to enjoy presence and to enjoy the best VR games available.

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>first it was "PCVR is not good, PSVR is better!"
>now it's "PSVR is good enough"

>suggesting somebody to buy gen1 vr trash at full price in the current year
>talks about wasting money

It won't save VR, this is only for enthusiasts and it will remain a very niche market. Playstation had the right idea with PSVR. For the average consumer, price is more important than any tech specs.

Except WMR is better and cheaper, the only actual issues are marketing and lack of killer apps.

Nah I tried it tracking sucked and it was a blurry mess
Needs higher resolution and some sort of lightbox

PCVR isn't good enough
>being contrarian

>turn back to sensor tracking cuts out
Dude it's low res glitch shit
But it's very usable for a budget console I'm actually interested in what psvr2 gen 2 and Ps5 does for the normies hopefully we get pc ports of psvr games I'm sick of basednys baseded garden

Gimme the fucking deets gaben

In what capacity was VR saved by playstation?
I doubt oculus and valve's R&D had anything to do with sony's dumbed down device.

I really don't give a shit about the headset

I just want those fucking controllers

>This has some sort of finger detection, right?
Yes: youtube.com/watch?v=cjXSXmHZP3Q

What do you have? Rift/Vive SDE is fucking aids

Up to $700-900 depending on the specs, but I'm pretty sure it'll either be sold at $499 or $599 (probably the second) as a package.

>mobile games
>when all games its getting are PCVR ports

Attached: quest.jpg (1600x3098, 1.3M)

obligatory "this is fake vr, wake me up when i can jack into the matrix johnny mnemonic style and live in the virtual world while my body gathers dust" post

Motion controls ARE a limiter not a liberator

Attached: based VR btfo.png (1995x2356, 699K)

Really? It’s gonna be the same price as a vive? How the fuck does that “save vr” ???
VR is only going to explode when it becomes affordable.

I have a lot of current VR but that is the end goal yes

Attached: the person you want to be.gif (1200x1300, 416K)

>VRChat on the quest
that can't be good. i'm still waiting for the devs to get slapped with cease and desist stuff for all the models people upload and use.

I'm reminded of this banner.

Attached: 249.gif (300x100, 82K)

yes it is

Like a clockwork. Motion controls are the best thing that could've happened to VR before hassle-free BCI becomes cheap and easy and the current VR market is too small for the focus on motion controls to affect the progress of BCI in any meaningful way.
Also, many people wouldn't mind extra physical activity even after busy day if it is fun enough, and fatties might as well kill themselves for all I care.

>calling eyescreens VR

>more waggling
>saving anything

How can you be sick of something you havent experienced?

>tfw no DMC in VR
>move blade flat and pointing forward then thrust to stinger
>high time by just doing the uppercut swing
>round trip by adopting the stance then throwing with knuckles

Attached: Sairento Flips.webm (852x480, 2.87M)


yikes! imagine not having a 360 degree setup..

I really hope they don't announce half life VR. It'd be a PR disaster to surpass diablo immortal.

>Writing up an entire essay just to say that video games are bad because they are not real life.

imagine being so seething with rage and jealousy you type this up...

Attached: drum belly.webm (1280x800, 2.14M)

That won't happen cause its non profit

none of the usual models will work on quest anyway, the game is unoptimised to shit and the fact that they want to even get a quest release is even funnier

4th paragraph shuts that argument down!

too bad it gets old after 20 minutes

Teleporting has been phased out for years. Complaining about it just makes it obvious that you have not even bothered to look at recent VR gameplay despite replying to a post with a video that shows a game without teleporting.

its amazing how true this ended up being

I'd like to see your 360 degree set up that allows you to jump 30 feet back and forth, also the teleport is used only for the jumps in the game, you can clearly see free locomotion in the beginning of the video, if you weren't a fucking retarded mongrel that is.

Never. Dropped 15 pounds in the last month playing Blade & Sorcery every day pummeling the fuck out of people.

Also this guy convenient ignores that porn has and will always be the biggest driving force behind media technology.

>the teleport is used only for the jumps in the game
This isn't even a teleport. It just shows your trajectory so you can be more precise since the game allows you to aim the jump both left/right as well as up/down. The point of teleporting is to avoid motion sickness. Jumping is the opposite of that. Flipping is the extreme opposite of that. It actually says a lot about the uniqueness of VR that people who haven't tried games will attempt to argue against it by using evidence that shows the opposite of what they want to say.

$600 for the whole kit, but I'm pretty sure it's not gonna happen 'cause Headset + Knuckles + Lighthouses will cost $1k+

Lets hope Valve doesn't feel like they need to sell at over 200% production cost like HTC did.
I feel like using it as a loss leader might be more in their interest if it means getting more people to join and buy stuff on Steam.

>cause Headset + Knuckles + Lighthouses will cost $1k+
Remember, the only reason the Vive was as expensive as it was is because HTC was the one doing the manufacturing. Not saying it won't be expensive for the full package but I don't think it will reach $1k

It's probably going to be $500 for the setup as a bundle. 350 for the headset, 100 for the two lighthouses, and 100 for the two controllers.

I really hope that Valve not being with HTC makes a real difference...

HTC pretty much just took advantage of people thinking the Vive was the first-party Valve VR.