This game fucking sucks

This game fucking sucks.

Also, good god, the dialogue is cringy. It went past the campy side of things straight into the cringy anime dialogue. They even have the stereotypical autist with glasses as a character; I never understood why the Japs think this stereotype is cool in any way.

And the combat sucks incredibly hard

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Other urls found in this thread:

>They even have the stereotypical autist with glasses as a character
Pic related

I bet that he does the autistic "glass push" in later custscenes too

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Go dance with the angels

When does the DLC missions come out?

>Go dance with the angels

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Where are you in the game? The best moments in the game are all in later missions.

Just ended Mission 4

I have the controls set on manual swerving and I'm using a controller. I just don't find it fun at all though. Last AC game I've played was AC2 back in the PS1 era

Just get to mission 9. From there is pure KINO


can you hear me, OP that's sucking 3 dicks?

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>Shield dropping is choreographed with the chorus

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Pleb filtered.

Why did you get sense that this character was supposed to be cool, just kill yourself man

Dude wtf any game with an F-14 Tomcat is automatically amazing. Go back and play the game properly and keep your shitty opinions to yourself

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I feel sorry for you. Only a brainless rejects a masterpiece like this game

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You don play Ace Combat; you listen to Ace Cambat.

It's on sale on PSN so I plan to get it.
Which plane should I save up for, bros?

PL-12 Airtruk

Sukhois, best bois

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Fucking kek!

Imagine buying Ace Combat and being mad that you got something anime as fuck.
That's the appeal, dicknugget.
Hush is the superior version of the main theme and there's not a thing you can do about it.


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Pretty sure thats the same guy who cooks food in ff15

Zero's good, but it's not a version of 7's theme.

Go back to your looter shooting games FA you absolute faggot

Um sorry sweaty but there is only one slav plane that’s worthwhile

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what is the best way to grind GMP? i'm short 4 mill for the last trophy

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I got it wrong

Take your damn pills, you psychopath

There are faggots like OP in all ace combat series. And I've told every last one of them.

>finished AC4
>finished AC5
dear god. how could i missed those games?

is zero as good? i want to play that one before going to play 7

zero is my personal favourite of the three

Are you going to miss this?

You go gurl

Zero is good. Mechanically it's essentially a mission pack sequel to 5, a little shorter but more replayable with the ace system. Overall, it tends to be a coin-toss between 5 and 0 for most people out of the PS2 trilogy.

Attached: ace combat 7.png (960x548, 649K)

unfortunetly i dont own a xbox360
but i downloaded the psp ones

i also pirated 7 just to see if i could run on my toaster ready for disapointment but dear god
it runs better than the ps2 emulator.

I bought a 1:144 F-14 from Revell and I think I'm gonna try and paint it to look like the players skin with the three strikes on the tail

Is it just me, or are there way too many enemies coming at you at once in this game?

wait thats the little girl from the end of 5?

They did Ace Combat ASSAULT HORIZON for pleb like you. Go play that shit

At times, but it's not as bad as 6's campaign of 8 straight hours of missile warning tones.

>going the suckoi route
Enjoy not having fun

It's not even the same country.
Out of the LRSSG themes it's got to be
For the Freespace 2 vibes.

all those who debase komi-tan deserve death

It is unfortunate, but I have to agree.
The missions just aren't as enjoyable as previous entries, and the story feels simultaneously overbearing and lacking.

The gameplay itself is fine. Though, as is usual with such graphics jumps, the roster is shit.

What jets did you want?

What's wrong with Sukhoi? To my understanding, they tend to be among the most maneuverable, especially the Flanker variants and Berkut.

friendly reminder that idol planes never ever

Attached: Su-33_-MIKI-_Side.jpg (1280x720, 469K)

Yeah the story was handled pretty badly. No idea how scrap queen was even relevant, especially when she was set up to be really important to the story at the start and in the trailers. And we're kind of meant to figure out why the princess fucked up or care about the president dying when there isn't much reason to do so. Trigger's fall to a penal squadron, bandog killing off someone all of a sudden, were all promising storylines but it kinda fizzled. Mister X and his remaining squadron falling in battle was alright but coulda been better.

The games saving grace was the absolute fucking KINO in some of the missions when the gameplay just matched perfectly with the music, scenery and radio commentary.

US jets generally have better weapon loads, and in my experience I find the f-15 to be superior

The thing i would usually do is mock you for being bad at the game, but instead i'm just going to remind everyone that OP is just desperate for attention and thinks bashing a historically popular franchise on Yea Forums is the way to make up for his mother abandoning him in front of a console to go get railed by niggers.
Any attention is good attention, right? You internet poisoned teenager.

Don’t bother with slav shit besides the mig31, f15 is great, yf23 is patrician but the f22 has a better load out. F35 is great for ground/air target missions

Why are the unnamed Spare Squadron members so good?
>Bandog: >
> >

>Fullband: >
> >

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Champ: "Woohoooo! My blood's boilin'!"
Control Tower: "Toss the chump in solitary once he gets back! Spare 8, when you land your ass is grass!"

The best dialogue is when Trigger flies through the tunnel in misson 6


Su-57 is actually the best plane in the game for single player. Pulse laser is really fucking broken.


True but it’s also at the very end of a long line of shit while all US planes besides maybe the f18 are good. Even then the f18 with railgun is great for ground assault

F-15C for PLSL. Actually faster than the Su-57, and good high speed mobility. Plus it leads to the based F-15E, YF-23, and F-22A.
Flankers are unusually average in 7.

I loved the Spare Squadron's banter. It felt like they took chunks of Chopper's personality and spread it around a bunch of delinquents.

Having a squadron of four Berkuts during the intro to Aces is true kino.

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don't mind me, just posting the best plane

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Russia is actually better at most points. Fulcrum is better than Tomcat. Flanker D is better than Super Hornet. Eagle and Strike Eagle are better than Flanker F2/Fullback/Flanker F, but Firkin/Flanker E/Su-30SM are better than Lightning II, and Su-57 is better than Raptor. The only time US planes are better is when you're in the middle using the Eagles, and they're optional anyway. If you take the middle branch with the Lightning II you won't get them.

Getting first place in a mig21 in a no price limit battle royal is so satisfying

It's a shame the Japanese/American/European tree line all intersect, whereas Russian is all by itself.

I prefer the tomcats load out and lightning has 8agm which is my favorite anti ground weapon, f22 is better in multiplayer

>still no release date on the DLC

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Assault Horizon worth playing?

Not really. It's not the worst thing in the world, but it's possibly the worst Ace Combat game, barring Advance.

is not as bad as people say
what kills that game are the forced helicopter stages


While it's still, compared to most action games, a decent 7/10, it's not worth playing if you can get your hands on literally any other Ace Combat besides Advance

I prefer Su-30M2 or Firkin for MP. Raptor has better stats but the lower slots are annoying. Lots of people seem to like Raptor so maybe that's just me though. I don't really play MP much anyway.

not one of your complaints was about the gameplay, I'm gonna assume you haven't played the game?

nah its the second best after 5 as far as im concerned

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gonna be difficult in that scale, should have been a 1:72 at least

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Secret Ace Combat game.

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Bandog did nothing wrong

>not gunpods

>love live
This gets modded in but not im@s?

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Whoever thought to include these OP drones in the game should be quartered and hanged

They don't call him LONG Caster for nothing.

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I don't enjoy this game very much.

AC7 is my first game and I'm stuck on mission 6, how is this shit possible? I'm considering downloading a trainer just to beat this mission. I like dogfighting not this time limit bombing shit.

Qaams and 8aam are op as fuck in multiplayer with the multiplayer sp missile upgrades

Stop posting this fake map

>Using the fan made map


>can’t pick wingmen’s planes in 7
I just want Mage and Strider to all fly whatever I fly dammit

You are literally a faggot

Get something with unguided bombs, start with the air field with the bombers taking off, then cycle around between the other two, then when the drones appear grab aa missiles from the resupply station and focus on them

Use A10

>Long Day
Yeah, that's the first real roadblock most people go through with this game. Use a ground-attack specializing plane like the A-10.

I thought it didn't end up being Bandog in the end though. I thought it was that Belkan magic-science messing with the IFF systems

Russian planes get QAAMs too. 8AAM aren't OP, they're terrible. Bad homing means you'll never hit anyone who even thinks about dodging.

You are a massive faggot

Sky Crawlers gameplay but with Kotobuki when? Reminder both of them are owned by Bamco

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Stop lollygagging and go faster.

A-10 and go for the three TU-160, 1200 points

Those intakes are way too blocky and big.

Apparently it's in the localization that's the difference. Bandog is less of an ass and genuinely seems to make it out as an accident.
Which I like a whole lot less than Bandog doing what he needed to do to stop Full Band from blowing Stonehenge, and the chance at Osea winning the war with it.

ultra seething

Here's your (you)s samefag

Will we ever see more Sapin?

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Bandog obviously did it on purpose no matter what language you use. I have no idea how anyone couldn't pick up on that. It's not subtle at all.

7 is the easiest game in the series, if you're having trouble, consider playing on easy if you emulate 4/5/0

He seems pretty based to me

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That's what I thought when it happened, but when they throw out the fact that Erusians were actively fucking with IFF systems it brings that into question.

Any planebros here that can recommend me a good game?

I've only ever enjoyed Heroes of the Pacific and War Thunder, but I'd like to try something new. Preferably one with a playable SR-71?

>inb4 "black ops lmao xD"

>dude I saw so much intel today
>stop it m8
>man you wouldn't BELIEVE what I saw, I'll tell you when we get back

What? I've been playing AC since 4 and I found 7 to be one of the more challenging ones, actually.

Ace Combat 3 has an SR-71

>person with reasonably functioning brain
>this game wasn't for me, oh well

>zoomer tourist brain
>literally everything about this game is fucking terrible, -3/10 not smash ultimate

Reminder that this guy watch over the intern Yoko Martha and Simon Cohen from AC3

the 2nd one is shit tho

Erusea don't fuck with IFF. They impersonate friendlies, that's it. They can't make friendlies appear as enemies, only Bandog can do that. Fucking Bandog.

I guess its because I started with 5 a million years ago but I really think 7 is the easiest in the series.

Thanks anons

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The launching bombers on the ground in the airbase are the key points.

Not him, but AC7 is definitely one of the easiest. Ace difficulty in the old games was rage-inducing.

It's a 99th rehash of a trashy console movie for anime retards. What did you expect? It's one of the most overrated franchises due to all of the degenerate anime children on Yea Forums.

Maybe it's the Checkpoints. AC7 fucked my ass, no lube more times than any of the trinity did, but the checkpoints probably made it seem like it wasn't as bad.

KB+M, controller, or joystick ?

Belka's gotta reclaim the clay eventually.

Game was meant to be played on a pad, but I heard the other control methods are just fine.

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Most slav planes don’t, and 8aam with upgrades into the middle of the retards doing loops garuntees kills

KB+M works fine, but you should bind the keyboard for persistent aircraft movement and mouse for fine adjustments movements.

I use wasd for pitching and rolling, Shift for afterburner, space for brake, and Alt for high-G.
Q and E for yaw, middile mouse for padlock view/camera lock

maybe because i was inexperienced, but i vividly remember restarting several missions in 04 because i didn't reach the wanted score in the time limit
never had this issue in 7, the only two missions i restarted are the one you have to stay beneath the clouds and the other where you have to maneuver through a valley of searchlights, thats it, everything else was a breeze

True but it was like 3.60 bong so it it goes wrong I'm not out of pocket.

This comes out in June though and it's Mihalys plane and that is definitely getting a Sol-1 paintjob.

>On mission 11
>most of the missions so far have just been hide and seek games because there's always some bullshit that fucks with your lock-on capabilities
Does this get any better or am I damned to do sandstorm bombing runs for the rest of this shitty game

And you are bigger faggot

7 is far easier. In the old games if you get hit by a missile on ace you die instantly, the end. In 7 they only do like 30% damage, and you have a part that gives you regen on top of that. And you have flares so it's even easier.
Yeah, and most US planes don't have QAAMs either. I don't see how that matters. The Su-30SM and Su-47 do get QAAMs so it's all good.

This is why you’ll never go FAST

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Plenty do and the f22 outperforms every slav plane while having them

It gets better, but mission 16 and 17 are terrible on your first play through

>Broken English
Poo goes in the loo, Pajeet, we've been through this.

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the ground convoys don't move very fast, so once you get a peek at them from the radar (be sure to use the long range radar toggle), you can just pretty much make a straight beeline for them.

I didn't have trouble with that mission, it was just incredibly boring and gay.

>tfw AC5 mission briefing will never be surpassed
god fucking damnit

Cope harder lmao

Briefings 3 and 4 were pretty fucking good in context.


AC04's hangar theme is absolute fucking kino.

Have vag

Yeah, I know Raptor has better stats. I said that ages ago. I still prefer the Russian planes since they're slightly lower cost so they can fit more parts meaning they have better QAAMs.

I don't get the appeal of this game. Planes fly better in fucking GTA V.
What's the point?

All you need on qaams is enhanced guidance and capacity

>7 is far easier. In the old games if you get hit by a missile on ace you die instantly, the end. In 7 they only do like 30% damage, and you have a part that gives you regen on top of that. And you have flares so it's even easier.
Sure you don't get instantly killed in AC7, but in the older games it was much easier to avoid being hit.

Don't lie on the internet and expect to get away with it.

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why do people jerk each other off about the ost so much

Because it's GOAT, I can't even rank the themes, they're all good

>still here

The nauseating "cinematic" sequences don't help, either.

But at least you had to bother. Half the time in 7 I don't even bother dodging since I know I can just regen it anyway. I guess I am playing in easymode by using the regen part though.

Try playing in anything else other than normal, even with the regen part, you'll get raped

>wasting slots on your plane for regen
Holy shit, how can you be such a little bitch?

Do any other games in the series offer a control scheme similar to AHL where left and right bank instead of roll?

>novice controls
Just learn to roll user

I only play on ace and I really don't. Regen makes you basically invincible as long as you have a minute to heal between missile hits. It's not hard to avoid getting hit that frequently.
I prefer to think of myself as lazy rather than a bitch. But really, it's not like it matters. I already have all the parts I need in the other 7 slots. If this was ACI I'd skip it and go for maximum performance, but it's not. I had enough of trying hard in that game. AC7 is just casual flight time.

Anally ravaged

Is it worth investing in a joystick ? I heard it completely change the experience but I'm not keen on wasting 80 bucks

>Is it worth investing in a joystick
yes, but not for this game alone. Have others lined up.

No. Especially since Namco are greedy fucks and deliberately broke compatibility with anything other than the specific AC7 branded sticks.

>is zero as good?

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I hear 7 isn't too enjoyable with it. Pad is preferred.

Any way to remap the flares on pc?
I hate how they mapped them to both sticks instead of just using the d-pad.

use your special anti air on the planes that are taking off on the ground. then towards the end theres a ton of planes at the 3rd base that will give more than enough points

but all the games had that
just hold triangle when you are behind a enemy


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Which is why you had to make a thread about it
The ironing

impeccable taste

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>3 first

fucking dogdotjaypeg.jpg

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Does Assault Horizon have kino moments?
Is it worth playing?

Attached: bs.png (1063x564, 1002K)

Zero has the best fucking final boss theme in vidya, its worth buying just for that final fight.

Attached: Ace Combat Zero Final Mission.jpg (1280x853, 424K)

that part is mostly about using the yaw control and barely touching the other controls.

No and no. Only the main entries are decent unfortunately.

This is it
This is the post

>having problems with the tunnel section
Git gud
I crashed like 20 times trying to get inside, same while trying to get up the elevator

AC7 is the hardest on Normal and the easiest on ACE

Fuck me I though I had the webm of the Mig31 going balls to the walls for that tunnel. Have the actual hardest tunnel instead.

Attached: 1528378912150.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

Every time I see the SOLG I remember ACI running it at fucking 20fps and it just hurts me.

Save your money and only use the F-104 Starfighter, only plane you'll ever need.

re-orientating yourself to go up the shaft is way harder than this

It was pretty much just following the red lights on the bridge to get a clean entrance.

Attached: 1548295840798.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

>holy fuck

>He thinks 7's tunnel run is hard
Don't play X, 5 or 3 if you don't wanna lose your mind

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I can't tell if these are falseflagging ACbros making these threads because there's almost no other way to make AC threads without it being archived early

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I love 3's tunnel, it's so fucking good. Everyone should play it just for that. Best tunnel music, too.



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>fuck Rena

>OP tries to make thread shitting on a good game
>turns into thread of people actually discussing it
Every time

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ACI:2 when?

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Full Band and Long Caster stream if you are interested

>Full Band is eating instead of Long Caster

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Swap 5 and 4 and you're set