
>[horn blowing]

Attached: 67634764_p0.png (1368x1176, 765K)

Other urls found in this thread:


More like fuckfest lol

Also reminder to spin the target to lock away your ink in the shifty station and to not spend a fucking MINUTE AND 26 SECONDS PAINTING SPAWN

Attached: how to play the new shitty station.webm (800x450, 956K)

tortoise bros let's do this

Is this the last splatfest?

No, last splatfest will be in July.

I feel like a retard as I didn't know you could move it yourself using this. Thought it moved randomly or something, oh well I still had a flawless win streak for a solid hour representing team hare

Does the 10x only matter if you win, if not idk what it does.

Only matters if you win, makes it so you win points equal to if you won 10 matches. Same for 100x battles.

Attached: D3eIHXYUcAshi_a.jpg (1200x1000, 213K)

yeah, only matters if you win

How long does this splatfest last? Might sign up for Nintendo Online. I haven't played Splatoon 2 since paid online started. I miss the game.

there's 31 hours left in this one
if you have amazon prime you can get Switch online for free

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till tomorrow 2pm (in europe)

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Alright cool, wish I won the one I got then.

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that's in july

>tfw you're so good that you get squidbagged every time the enemy manages to splat you.

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just got to max, won a 10x battle for tortoise but I forgot to take a screenshot

user I saw that and I raise you another

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If you're a sniper, you deserve it.
Because your weapon isn't meant for turf war that means your usefulness is solely based on how well you can kill.
If you let me pass and I kill you with less range and steal your turf, it means you failed at your one job and deserve to be mocked


This is the best TW map in the game because there is some sense of permanence. If you control mid for the entire game, it's practically impossible to lose if you wipe in the last 30 seconds.

Yea Forums, can you slow down for a bit?

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>won 5 out of 6 of my 10x battles for tortoise
How will harefags ever recover
How popular is hare anyway? I've been getting mirrors on occasion.

Attached: 63795501_p0.jpg (2048x1536, 374K)

>How will harefags ever recover
Good question.
The real answer is that your personal performance does not matter because for every one of you there are 3 literal children playing Sploosh.

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>All the same squad
Yeah okay pre-made
You getting many mirrors? Popularity seems kind of split on my end.

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>not having friends
I only got 1 mirror. Turtles are definitely the popular oneh

I thought hare would be the popular team

Guess it's the classic splatfest problem of everyone trying to go with the less popular choice.

Goddamn fine, I'm up. I'll reach Tortoise King later or something, I gotta put some food in me. Octo daughter best daughter.

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>Another Marina victory

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Well maybe they should stop giving her the superior choices

>Big Loser

Does the game match premade teams against random teams?
I refuse to believe a team of randos got 40 wins in a row.

>Splatfest ate two of my victories by data error on the final screen
Fucking hell, this game sometimes.

Seems like it since I once got matched against a team of people named "BEE", "BEE", "BEE", and "FLOWER".

This, I hit royalty and never knew about this.

Wrong, if the enemy team is insanely aggressive have has some good turfing weapons, you can control the entire mid map and still loss if they push deep enough into your side.
I did it 3 times.

Guy has enough images to justify its own thread honestly. Also go team tortoise!

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It must be really difficult to actually lose at that point.

It's really fucking wholesome and beautiful. I love it. TORTOISE POWER

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It will be really interesting to see if any of the shifty station gimmicks will be used in Splatoon 3 maps.
They do seem like a great way to test ideas, and most of them are really interesting and different.

As long as you when the face offs in the last 30 seconds and your team has decent turfing weapons, you can easily win the match even if you have the danger prompt for your team.

The mid "pillar" is like 30 ish points of ink, it's a pretty huge uphill battle to overcome that. Can be done, but you'd have to keep the enemy team locked in their spawn.
I'm conflicted. I like the map because having mid doesn't give you a huge positional advantage for once, but most of my usual weapons can't spin the spinner for shit.

Good, I'm laughing at the fact that after getting crushed in the early splatfests, Marina has won every single splatfest under the new system.

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some Idol Agents

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Now tthere's a dream.

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what would they look like, as they have no canonical appearance

whats the not retard team this splatfest? I dont want to play that long

Probably how they look in promotional material, plus how agent 3 looks in the octo expansion.

Attached: 276px-Agent_4_official_art.png (276x250, 68K)

There is no such thing. Tortoise seems to be slightly more popular.
It's especially bad since the shifty station actually requires some coordination. Don't use short range weapons unless you want to rely on said retards.

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I'm just gonna pick Hare because I want to be pink this splatfest

My brother

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Short range seems okay if you have burst bombs. Been doing well enough with aerospray pg.
Who knew there would be a day where an aerospray would be one of my favorite weapons.

Agent 4 and Agent 8 definitely have canon appearances, they always look the same in all the artwork and shit. It's Agent 3 that they don't have a concrete answer on.

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Why can't squids be real.

Attached: Woomy.webm (1280x720, 2.25M)

No longer true!

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Now we need an edit to say winner

3 has mostly been showcased as female in plenty of official with the koshien event and relationship chart being the recent one.
I like all of the agent designs regardless of gender , but I wish canon 4 had the hime-cut instead.

woomies rise up

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yes. groups that have less than 4 people get assigned randoms to fill in the extra spaces

Yeah, but the fact 3 has had variation at all means they're not too fussy about how they're perceived. I personally like male 3, the 1 guy 2 girl dynamic is a pleasant one. I like the bob cut too much, it's top cute.

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lmaoing at your life right now. Octos for life

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>imagine not getting 1k+ inked with E-Liters

>win match
>A communication error has occurred.
>next match same exact thing happens
At least I got the exp on the second one.

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>Suddenly endless communication errors

Why is it at least once as per splatfest there has to be a period where you can't fucking connect to anyone?

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Oh no you don't.

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>spend more time waiting in lobbies than playing
Fix your fucking shit Nintendo. Game is the most fun I ever had obline, but god damn. And I bet 3.0 didn't fix shit in Smash either.

Did someone say horn?

Attached: S2_Sploosh-o-matic_Official_1.jpg (1920x1080, 126K)

Anyone got a squad going?

Be honest
Do you prefer Inklings or Octolings?

Are dualies still the most broken weapon type?

Inklings. I do play as an Octo at the moment as a part of hype for finally beating IA3, but I am probably going to come back to Inklings soon.
I guess I prefer cute over sexy.

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I don't even see a difference desu

My baby girl, by a mile.

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Inklings, but Octos have the cute ponytail, so I play Octoling

Inklings have a more memorable and iconic designs.
There’s nothing really unique about octolings.

I could see why you would think that if you're shit at video games.

>There’s nothing really unique about octolings.

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Fuck you buddy

How goes your splatfest, Yea Forums?

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I'm really enjoying m[A connection error has occurred.]

pretty good, won a 10x battle for tortoise


keep choking but keep winning anyway

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I thought that was on my end. Then again all the salmon runs I was doing went fine.

What will happen to this game after the final splatfest? Will it slowly die?

Probably not

This question pops up every single fucking thread.

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NIgga people keep playing the OG Splatoon. Splatfest are the worst part of these games because they force you to play the absolute worst mode ever.

>dominate my first few matches
>5th one is a x10 match that we dominate
>end up on a losing streak afterwards
>Ebb and Flow refuses to play during matches

Attached: [cries internally].png (1200x643, 335K)

It's my first one, but I got to Queen pretty quickly since I've been winning a lot. Seeing how much of the game changed surprised me and it's been genuinely fun.

I regret not picking this game up sooner.

I prefer Octolings as a concept but Inklings as a design. Give me that big tentacled hairstyle of the enemy variant and Octoling will be my answer 100%.

Attached: Splatoon2_octoling_art.jpg (1024x678, 67K)

I don't understand the people who only play for Splatfest.

Turf War is fun

>keep getting shit teammates now that I'm almost to King
>just lost a 10x battle
Goddammit, I was doing so good last night.

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Is it, though?

>voices and hairstyles
>everything else
am 40-13, mostly with friends but its shitty as usual, especially when the game gives me garbage low level players that have no business playing with or against me

The only reason I can think of is that they are pretty much done with the game but whenever there is a limited-time event reward, in this case shells, they need to have them for one reason or the other.


You get snails anyway.


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Why? I was done with that shit 4 years ago even before I hit level 10.

Inklings still reign supreme

Attached: may you find your worth in the inkling world.jpg (1022x628, 86K)

But you get less. This is pretty much that MMO effect that addicts have.

>close to 2400 power
>suddenly losing streak

Fun things are fun.

I guess? How much gear do you use where the snail-per-level you get isn't enough to level it?

*joins your lobby as your teammate*

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It's just fun. Not stressful like ranked

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That would be a fine argument if Splatfest wasn't basically ranked Turf War.

Dammit, all the shitty people came to play during daylight hours.

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It's not really

what team do I pick

It's just as sweaty.

I love matching gear with teammates and getting those stupid long names

do any hare niggers wanna party up?

Marina, she seems to be on a winning streak.

Maybe if you're playing Pro mode. I can just fuck around with any old setup and still have fun in Normal

>not playing Normal for casual fun
Turf War is fun. Ranked is too stressful. For the past few months I've only played Turf, Salmon Run and occasionally League in duos. I got my 3rd X in December and fuck me for every time that I tried the calculating matches in X. Turns out I'm more of a borderline S+/X rank player and I barely get to keep above 2000 X power at the beginning of the month and just stick to Turf Wars for the rest of it. I keep telling myself that S+ Ranked is as much of a game as X but fuck me if I ever wish to go through that emotional hell again.
Maybe I take the game too seriously. Because of that I choose to hang out in Turf War. Losing turf matches doesn't feel as bad as getting cracks in your Rank meter. I get to experiment with various weapons and learn to use them instead of pushing myself to the limits with the weapon I can do the best.
I find the game much more enjoyable that way.

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not with an n-word spouter

>flop in front of somebody to taunt them
>he starts trying to squid party

Attached: 1502195741223.gif (300x200, 903K)

Man I wanna fuck that betta fish

>start squid party together
>other enemies join in
>splat them afterwards because it was a ruse

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This nigger is literally me

and Paruko, of course

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the beta fish is male, the latest official art that had the betta fish in only featured male band characters.

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Source on the pic? Haven’t seen it yet

why will no one party up
what's the point of this thread if none of you are gonna fucking play

Yeah? And?

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What team?


>join team
>14-win streak
I'm sorry

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>I’ve been losing for 2 hours straight
Fuck Splatfest I already have over 100 Super sea snails
This Splatfest can go to hell

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Wait, that was my win streak. Motherfuckers

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I am playing. I'm not interested in partying up.

No-can-do friendo

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too many noobs and scrubs that only play during these things

it's already dead, most switch players moved to Fortnite because of paid online

>defend the mid section for the first two minutes almost entirely on my own while my dipshit teammates accomplish almost nothing besides permadying
>almost the entirety of the locked away mid section is painted in our color
>just die fucking once shortly thereafter
>get special raped for the last 30 seconds while the enemy team paints everything else
>lose by a small margin

Sometimes this game makes me squeal with rage.

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Where my bunnybois at

>do this on the opposite side

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open a lobby and I'll join

>first Splatfest in Splatoon 2

Jesus I had forgotten how competitve basic ass Turf War can be.

Pro is easier to solo though.

>implying that changes anything
I'd love to play as one and fug the fiddler from Bottom Feeders. This series has such cool and interesting designs for their species, it's a shame we only have two playable ones

Attached: Music_S2_Bottom_Feeders_band_image.jpg (3554x2000, 1M)

Octolings, always wanted to have a playable one when i played the first game. They seem to be the mechanically inclined species so as an engineer i just favored them instantly. Just wish they added more hairstyles for them

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Cute and Tummy

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I really like this scrapped hairstyle a lot. Shame they didn’t add it.

>yfw you get a 4-squid wipe

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My precious woomy daughter will always remain my favorite

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is the pro controller rumble supposed to be weak?

>haven't played in month because no time
>get on my trust gal. 52
>absolutely shit on people's day

What happened? Is it OP now?

Attached: Squid_Autists.png (888x1000, 339K)

It doesn't feel as strong as joycons.

>finger twitches sometimes
>people think I'm squidbagging them
>get squidbagged

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Does gear like this exist in-game?

I don't get why squidbagging's such a big deal. It's nothing but entertaining for me to watch people bloop around.

I'm so sick of retarded fucking teammates. Somebody please team with me

The best feel

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if you're hare give code

So what does the "clout" score mean?

>get a connexion unstable error during game
>game continues anyway
>feels like I'm all alone
>I actually am all alone in my "team"
>the opposite side is the same, only 1 person
>fuck it, splat everything I can anyway
>lose by 0.1%
God fucking dammit


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It's funny how people constantly forget you can still use your main weapon while in bomb rush

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how much cummies your team has managed to bukkake on the rival team

yeah bro I got to queen then unzipped the fuck out, dunno why it was so bad this time

>multiple anons asking to group up
>no one posts their fucking code or opens a lobby
>fuck you all

Attached: ANGRY.gif (274x249, 214K)

Hare or Tortoise? If Tortoise I can whip together a room.

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Do it Tortoisebro

>Always find yourself carrying shitty teammates that squander all the opportunities you create for them.
>Consistently lose despite being the highest scoring, highest killing player in every match.

I have such a love/hate relationship with this game.

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Room will go up in 5 minutes.

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I only ever seem to win when I'm the worst in the team

It's all so tiresome

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If Im not on voice chat, I go into every match just improvising without trying too hard. A match can go to shit in such a short amount of time that it's not worth investing too much if I can't coordinate with my teammates beyond "This way!". I just try to have fun desu

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if you're not quad X rank do stop posting this shit every thread

Could be worse

Attached: average day in low-level turf war.webm (854x480, 2.74M)

I think it's because if you are able to score so much in the first place, your team is required to be garbage

Attached: there can only be one.webm (1280x720, 1.88M)

I swear, some of these guns kill me instantly it seems

>get splatted
>the Japanese guy on your team is idling

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Imagine not using motion controls

Attached: 1517795265552.webm (1280x720, 1.25M)

A lot of weapons have a very fast kill time, but laggers will magic you to death.

Fucking japs

>Get splatted
>Player starts squidbagging you
>One of your teammates immediately gets revenge for you

Attached: 1469148454899.jpg (497x640, 111K)

Bet they had mics. Fucking tryhards.

is that the from bottom band

Bottom Feeders

Attached: Music_S2_Bottom_Feeders_album_artwork.jpg (2000x1985, 2.2M)

>Get chased into enemy territory
>enemy shooting at you from front and behind
>throw down a splatbomb just before you explode
>Both get BTFO just as they're about to celebrate

Attached: 1464473741649.png (217x225, 22K)

>Get splatted
>Player starts squidbagging you
>One of your teammates is squidpartying with them

Attached: eviltree.png (186x183, 5K)

>squidbagging them when you're clearly about to win

Attached: 3b745eca2a708c0c5dc410cf49d5c3b88730449ba3476cf2bec13caab2939c65.gif (498x280, 1.59M)

>Get a Communication Error
>Switch says I disconnected.

Fix your shit Nintendo.

Fuck, we should have had that one

>Level 8 shitter stuck on my team

>join a random match
>always playing with the same guys, nobody is quitting
>we get a few losses, but some awesome heard earned wins at times
>already been playing for like 1h altogether already
>we knew each other strengths and weaknesses, adapted to each other's playstyle and weapons of choice
>we're getting more and more steady wins
>been playing for almost 2h altogether
>suddenly FUCKING maps change
>back to the lobby
FUCK. But the feels were real. I'll miss you, bros.

Attached: 01.jpg (301x269, 76K)

>be level 36
>get stuck with level 3, level 10, and level 17

>entire octo team
>we wipe all 4 foes
>4 simultaneous veemos
I fucking love this.

Attached: 1555563852490.png (1500x1668, 847K)

>be level 31*
>stuck with Timmy, Billy, and Little Sarah
Jesus fuck at least give me my prestige brothers.

Attached: 1554735412540.jpg (202x202, 19K)

>be level 15
>always get against Lv60, Lv80, 95+
what the fuck is wrong with the pairing system. Well, I fare well enough, but I can feel a difference in strength nonetheless

You know what, no fuck that. I turn my head for one fucking second and you three get wiped and that happened twice over the course of that twice. How the fuck is that even possible.

fucking awesome, dude!

Attached: 324.png (469x411, 11K)


>I can see my entire team is alive
>kill 3 guys head on by myself
>4th one gets me
>No biggie, my crew can clean up
>they're nowhere close to where I was and now half the map isn't our color anymore

Attached: 1532430873671.jpg (684x1024, 53K)

>me and my bud duo queue during the Knights vs Mages splatfest
>femocto in our group, full knight gear and using a gatlin gun
>maps arent suited for it but she goes full force
>play tons of matches together
>slowly start synergizing our playstyles
>she realizes when we're giving her an opening and backup for when we rush enemy territory
>gets revenge kills for when we get splatted
>booyahs with us at match start
>map change, back to lobby
I hope you're doing well, octogirl. Continue being the best lady knight you've always been

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You faggots better be playing for this to be so dead.

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I took a break

no one in this gay thread wanted to group with me after multiple posts

I'm sorry man

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>Have the lead in the last second. Enemy have there bombs out and it go off when the clock reach it limit.

Fuck this game. You allow bombs to go off once the time run out, but you don't let Ink Storm do it thing. Seriously fuck this game logic.

Should let brellas go off too

Everything should be allow to continue. Why the fuck does one class get special treatment, while others have to respect the rules of the clock? I'm so mad right now, it's not even funny.

So, what are the essential clothes perks fo you?

Object Shredder

>go back and watch Splatoon 1 footage
>everybody is the same default ass woomy

Man I had forgotten how things used to be. I find most of the new hairstyles hideous so I've always been classic woomy in Splatoon 2 anyway.

Pearlie is that you?

Some old E3 footage...

Attached: 1406682307444.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

Makes me wish I had footage from when I first played the game

Was he gaining ink just for being in squid form and not having to be submerged?

I was a Yebbie for 1 and 2 up until OE came out. I just didn't particularly care to be a woomy.

Attached: 1554596371985.jpg (705x1199, 113K)

You always gain ink when not shooting

Yeah. I think the demo was more generous because it was the first time ever being shown.

Attached: 1415248885602.webm (1024x576, 2.92M)

Well you naturally gain ink over time even when not in your own ink, just at a really slow rate. Probably just values adjusted for that one E3.

I was pretty much a woomy in 1 and 2 until Octo Expansion because we could finally be octos at that point

Attached: fbcb4b95-e305-4bf9-a2bf-3aab7b94cf55.png (1231x1200, 492K)

I know that but it was pretty much the same rate as being inside ink

>get sploosh and ss jr on team
>they're too scared to push up

Attached: 1508098196547.jpg (500x300, 93K)

why's that?

But Im already tracer.

Maybe in Splatoon 3 user maybe in Splatoon 3, for now I'm just happy I can play as an Octoling.

Attached: weyyo_bowl_cut.png (816x1294, 805K)

>they're painting every square inch around your spawn two minutes into the match

Weird thing is, I wasn't part of the MAKE OCTOS PLAYABLE camp. It would've been cool if it happened but I could take it or leave it, though I did see how many people really wanted it to happen. Then OE actually happened and I fell in love. It always comes when you least expect it, don't it?

No reason in particular, I merely didn't care enough to switch to a female MC. Woomies are definitely cute and they were a huge selling point for Splatoon when it came out. I was personally sold when the testfire happened so it was more of a bonus to me than anything else. Woomies are nice but I didn't go fanatical over them like everyone else did. I appreciate the character design and the lewds, at the very least.

Attached: 1550396388587.png (2000x1500, 858K)

Just found you in a game BB! you guys sweeped me and my newbie friend up tho :(

I suck

>Splatoon 3

So when's it coming lads? My.gut says we'll be waiting till Switch 2.but that's probably still like three years away at best. I dun wanna wait that long for more precious woomy and veemo.

Attached: 1551098792207.jpg (1200x857, 262K)

>play mirror match on Shifty
>get put on the left side
That was a weird experience

I've only been on the left side, even in mirror matches. Right must be something else.

Attached: 1548809842359.jpg (2048x2048, 319K)

>can`t kill shit or play aggressive

Getting carried hard! Thank you guys for breaking my personal record.

Tortoise is going to lose, right?


Not really having fun playing, even when i winning.
Being backline/support really sucks

>got to King in about and hour and a half
>constantly 10x and 100x Tortoise wins on the news feed
I'd honestly be shocked if they did.

Attached: 1547135585140.png (658x838, 247K)

Anecdotal evidence means nothing when japs account for at least 75% of the playerbase.

Dropped the game near last Xmas, I remember Pearl winning fucking everything. What happened, what is this new system?

>have a 10+ losing streak at 2nd rank
must be nice being gud

Attached: 1535935481164.gif (480x345, 3.29M)

Will the Splatoon 3 campaign be Octo Expansion level or will they hold out on us for DLC again?

>play support
>get matched with someone who works with you well

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Attached: 1551114390193.jpg (480x474, 41K)

some woomy pictures give me a good sense of the thickness of the head tentacles and it makes me really horny more than any loli body shit. just the TENTACLE thiccness H hh

The most appealing part of the Woomy has always been the cute beak/fangs. They give her a mischevious tilt that I've always loved.

kamefags are 2slow

Attached: _0.webm (1280x720, 2.26M)

>"A communication error has occurred"
I want to fucking kill myself

I wanna FUCK Marie
I wanna paint her INKHOLES with my mangoo

I want to hug marie

No you don't

Nothing but mirror matches. Where did all the hare niggers go?

I wish I was a squid
i want to cuddle up with other squids and flop around and yell loud and be happy with other happy folks

You're depressed

Most of us are. We wouldn't be on this shithole if we were well adjusted people.

All my dreams lately have just been me cuddling in a pile of like ten or so squids and octos and napping

I wish you were a squid too
So I could chop your arms and legs and watch you try to move around with your floppers

I only need one octo in my life.

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Attached: 1555444638798.gif (245x250, 967K)

Fuck you, I'm a happy son of a bitch

Most doesn't mean all you happy retard.

Good, I'm glad you're depressed

Love you too user.

Attached: 71USSuz7++L._SY879_.jpg (502x879, 38K)

Anyone want to team up?

Attached: D4muq38UIAAB7hy.jpg (1480x1121, 191K)

>finally get grouped with some good players
>communication error

Attached: 1481400616689.gif (1280x720, 486K)

When does splatfest last to? Is it just today?

I'm seeing a crapload of art for this splatfest. Where was this avalanche during the medieval splatfest? There was art, but not nearly this much.

Attached: 1541506541057.jpg (1417x1486, 192K)

17 and a half hours

Because this one has bunnies, and that can depicted as either cute or sexy apparel

good. that means i can take a break and still get hare queen later.

Just don't forget

Three questions

Why is Splatoon music so bad?

I reached Tortoise King today, did i do good?

Why do Marina looks like a Mexican?

Attached: 49607d191ff97ba97ec8a90ba079237c02d2b531_hq.jpg (783x1024, 106K)

Witches has the exact same thing going for it.

Attached: 1541816622930.jpg (1280x1374, 204K)

>why is Splatoon music so bad

Imagine, just IMAGINE having taste this bad. Imagine it anons.


You are garbage and have garbage taste. Never pick my team ever again

I don't feel the same way, maybe on the cute side, but not the other.

Dia de Los Muertos Marina makes me feel funny.

>no matter how many times you mash "This Way!" they're only response is "Booyah!" or "Ouch" from randomly falling off the map or getting sneaked on
I wish you there was a way to actually call people out on your team for being fucking idiots

Attached: ff5.png (624x642, 312K)

The sex appeal definitely is a good reason why this Splatfest gets more art than that splatfest

Attached: 63d2e9e1-a4c6-4b20-a2cd-04db17fb327d.png (1000x1200, 690K)

>Why is Splatoon music so bad?
i know Yea Forums is full of oil pastel eating zoomers but this is fucking ridiculous

Attached: 1555071334086.jpg (720x632, 26K)

Clearly you don't know enough sexy witches.

I wanted mostly cute octo witches, though.

Attached: 1543117688913.jpg (800x828, 75K)

This post sucks.
Who’s your favorite splatband, Yea Forums?


I love the fact they have some little homeless kid in the band.

>entire team just sits on our half of the map and never pushes up the entire fucking game
>other team paints the entite fucking conveyor floor while my gaggle of retards sits on their ass the whole game

Attached: 1549886181124m.jpg (1024x545, 82K)

>it's a god charger locks your whole team down episode

Attached: 1538371085609.jpg (196x196, 11K)

fuck you senda

>playing splatfest
>get teamed with mexinigger senda

>playing salmon run
>get teamed with senda
yeah i really didnt want my profresh rank anyway

there was plenty

Attached: 11.png (800x567, 254K)

Don't you have somewhere else to shitpost?

shut up senda or ill block you

senda stole her nintendo switch online subscription, thats all mexicans do anyway

block senda if you play with her

who the fuck is senda?

Not enough. The bunny art is already eclipsing my magic art.

Attached: 1546588781730.jpg (1181x1500, 354K)

senda sucks off mexicans to afford rent

3/4 salmon run lobby open, anyone can join except senda

senda needs to be jailed for her crimes against humanity

>/ink/ is here

Well fuck threads over I guess

senda stop spreading your mexican swine flu everywhere

Is this what /vg/ autism looks like? It's been so long.

Attached: 1546573938564.jpg (768x1024, 80K)

senda i want your greasy chimichanga

/ink/ vs Yea Forumssplat when?

senda will give you hiv

senda is team tortoise because she is fat and slow

Can I still get the winter items?

turn on cnn senda just got caught in a drug deal with the mexican mafia

Try scrolling through all the Splatoon 2 news feed articles. They added that feature so it might be possible to open the game through them.

You can order them off of other players.

wow senda look at how youre ruining this website

senda shoves squids in her ass and rolls them into a tortilla

>3 enemies splatted
>whole team shoots at the guy at the same time
Poor bastard

Attached: 1444421704595.jpg (217x204, 8K)

>senda cant stay alive

senda hacks splatfest results but she still always loses

i lost a 10x by .1% tonight

Attached: 1555261615692.jpg (1024x963, 112K)

>bringing drama into a Yea Forums thread
Fuck off to /vg/, you're just as bad as the /xivg/ fags who start posting their shit characters on Yea Forums XIV threads

Attached: 1554723924803.jpg (1181x1181, 200K)

we need to tell the mods to ban senda immediately before she causes harm to us

That's the weird thing, I was able to get the Halloween items that way yesterday, but the article for the winter items is not showing (EU by the way). Even weirder is that "all articles" shows less than just the overview for some reason.

senda is a mexican nigger neanderthal and she needs to be banned

Did they increase the frequency of 10x battles? I've been getting a shitload, when I normally only get 2 or 3

Attached: 1527890790832.png (4000x4000, 881K)

senda eats loads of shit

>die once
>entire team forgets how to play turf war

Attached: 1554432418955.jpg (480x360, 14K)

senda i know youre reading this, think about what youve done to destroy innocent lives

I have never got ANY kind of special match. no x10 OR x100 Not fucking once. what the fuck

senda lags because she has dial up mexico internet

>get Hare mirror
>it's a team of Japanese cyborgs that absolutely buttfuck us

Hopefully they're squashing tortoiseniggers with the same efficiency, Jesus Christ.

senda runs like speedy gonzales

hey senda?

senda is a negrologist

Do they play nothing but Splatoon all day, every day?

>start a lobby
>senda joins

That's weird. Maybe if you restarted your Switch?

That's what I was thinking. I've gotten at least 6 10x battles today. I've never been in one before this splatfest.

Attached: 1547138622325.jpg (1443x2048, 210K)


I will try again later. Restarting a console to update an externally run newsfeed seemed like an odd idea.

I also still need to run some salmons later. I want that sailor cap. Seriously, the sailor outfits are some of the cutest in the game.

We have 10 days left in the month, how did you not have it by now?

>the sailor outfits are some of the cutest in the game.
I dressed up my veemo as one immediately. I didn't change it until the splatfest started.

Attached: 1555156511868.jpg (821x634, 342K)

>mexican on my team
thanks senda

>Havent played plsatoon since Mon hunter Gen XX came out
>bored so boot it up for easter spkatfest
>added back ATTACK UP for main weapons

Is the meta as good as it was in splatoon 1 or are there limits to how strong you can make your main weapon?
Casue i may need to reamake some of my old splatoon 1 builds since we have attack power up now

Someone give me some info

Attached: woomy woomyyyy splatoony.gif (500x450, 645K)

i reported senda for throwing

Anyone else play different music while playing? I wish there were audio sliders in this game

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I do not actually play Splatoon much. I just don't have the time to play games this intensively anymore. Too many things to take care off after an 8 hour shift. The last time I played actively was Witches vs. Knights.

i heard senda plays the game with mariachi music

>Paying for online

Attached: 1470305779746.jpg (612x816, 447K)

senda rapes octopus

they need it to keep the servers running smoothly

senda we cant carry you anymore please leave

Fuck no, I love hearing Pearl and Marina sing.

Best go get it, then.

Attached: 1554840668176.gif (1080x1080, 162K)

ur the retard. that ink doesnt even count towards the resultd

>He thinks Nintendo use servers
It is all p2p naive boy

Attached: images(29).jpg (500x352, 20K)

I like the music, but after playing so long, I want to hear something different every now and again

matchmaking uses servers

So in the year or so since they've been added, I have never had a SINGLE x10 or x100 match during a splatfest..What the hell am I doing wrong?

Attached: Inkcopter.gif (308x360, 1.44M)

>Peer to Peer


Considering you can only hear these songs once a month, and they'll be gone after July? I'll enjoy them for as long as I can.

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Not playing with me

>stomp shit in a mirror match
>remember that those guys are gonna go off to face hare teams
>will probably keep getting stomped

Attached: 1392149156309.jpg (431x479, 64K)

Just played and won my first ever 10x battle. I've personally had a pretty successful Splatfest but I'm not confident about Hare's chancea considering how many Tortoise wins I've seen in the news feed.

It's never a good feeling, but at least you personally can stomp.

Attached: 1555367779040.png (1000x1060, 695K)

>roller tries to roll over someone looking right at him

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Fuck you, user!

Now now, no need to be hostile.

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Dumb smug octo

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>remember the first global testfire


We all thought the roller was so cheap and OP in those days, goodness me.

Who's we? I adapted to those fuckers after about an hour.

Attached: 1433446969876.png (695x695, 217K)

You seriously don't remember the threads? It was nonstop bitching about the roller.

I saved this back in 2015, my man. I was around since the beginning, and I stand by my statement.

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Attached: 1543968581451.png (817x785, 353K)

Speaking of being here sincr the beginning, I'm currently watching one of those Jap Splatoon holo concerts on Youtube and marveling about how far we've come, not even the most optimistic people predicted it would take off nearly as much as it has.

Octoling girls aren't as cute and the boys look like huge faggots.

It's truly come a long way in such a short amount of time. There's merch out the ass that we don't get, constant online events, magazine tie-ins for game content, Smash inclusion almost immediately, and concerts for not one but two fictional pop idol duos. It's downright mind boggling and I'm glad it's become such a sensation.

Attached: 1546838823552.png (897x964, 793K)

>Octoling girls aren't as cute
Of course not. They're cuter.

Attached: 1529703972780.jpg (438x718, 90K)

I wish it has more international appeal

I wonder when Splat 3 hits, will they introduce yet another set of idols or give us more of the existing ones? On the one hand the more new characters they make the more new merch and shit they can push, on the other hand they might stretch themselves a bit thin if they just keep adding more and more characters.

Attached: Rabbit Callies JP.png (320x360, 91K)

>start playing after hours
>get amazing fucking teammates

Attached: 1511487400787.jpg (671x432, 41K)

All the Timmys are in bed now, time for the nolifes and Japs to come out, or even worse, the Jap nolifes.

The game moved Wii Us over in the west and it's a no-brainer for most Switch owners so I'd say it definitely has appeal. It's not going to be rabid like the japanese but the audience is clearly here. I just wish they let us have some of the goodies.

Half of me wants a Squid Sisters comeback, the other one wants a completely new group. Maybe a full band this time?

That's why I got to Champ in about an hour last night. Getting to King after waiting up was a hassle.

Attached: 1546530722534.png (1920x1080, 1.53M)

>waiting up
Waking up, damn it.

Attached: 1544760294416.jpg (481x470, 299K)

I don't think I've ever 180'd on a character harder than I did Pearl after the Octo expansion. I love the little gremlin so much now, I'll be sad to see her go if they do push her and Marina out of the spotlight next game.

I was already warming up to her by the end of the first splatfest. OE pushed her into based tier. Marina still a best.

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Attached: 1555410097272.gif (1372x1024, 800K)

>enemy team
>10+ win streak
>beat them

Attached: 1475763631824.gif (375x375, 171K)

I have no idea how the win streak counters work, I've lost matches and still have the game tell me I'm on a win streak in the next one.

Attached: 1551043905906.png (1280x1280, 510K)

It goes by the player who has the highest ongoing streak. You can hop lobbies every match and still raise a streak

Attached: 1555368519529.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

>Moray soon

Why did they have to bring back the least fun map? Why?

Attached: 1552763555741.webm (1140x1080, 866K)

>they put it in Splatoon 2
>it's the map for Smash
>they'll most likely port it to every single Splatoon game from now on
I fucking hate the Japanese race sometimes


RIP Urchin Underpass


I use chargers, fucker. Doesn't make the map any less tedious. In a game based around movement and freedom, traversing it is huge slog and it's not particularly enjoyable even if you're winning.

The Reef wishes it as Urchin Underpass.

Attached: 1552152375250.png (2362x2992, 2.52M)

UU is the absolute OG Splatoon stage and it's a fucking travesty that it isn't in the game but fucking Moray made it back instead.

I love inky little boys and girls

It's just not fucking fair. Like everything else wrong in the world, I blame the japanese.

Attached: 1551063745812.png (850x839, 208K)

Octogirls are literal sex.

>there are people out there who actually fucking play male characters in Splatoon instead of precious Woomy and Veemo

I can't even comprehend the absolute lack of taste it would take to look at the character models side by side and choose the males.

Afroling's based though
now if only the japs would let us have the suits

Please don't lewd my baby.

Attached: 1552747109550.png (600x965, 411K)

She lewds herself

Don't be naive user she lewds herself in her winposes. She's a grown woman now, it's time to let her live her own life.

Attached: IMG_0395.jpg (600x800, 396K)

What utter nonsense. Just look at this pure creature.

She is but a child. She can do whatever she wants once she grows up.

Attached: 1554838505515.png (782x1440, 1.02M)

She's being corrupted by her time on the surface. Inklings are hedonistic sluts, they're teaching her all sorts of lewd things when she hangs out with them in the square.

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Attached: ANTIFA Squinty 57.jpg (1280x720, 231K)

>"God I swear if this faggot doesn't shut the FUCK up"

No child of mine would go out dressed like one of those little savages. She's a good girl and I know it.

Attached: 1553339020395.jpg (1032x1257, 458K)

I'd appreciate it if you didn't refer to my daughter as a savage, she's just an independent girl.

Every game. Every fucking game my team doesn't rush mid on shifty. Like, the first time, yeah, it wasn't apparent how the stage works. But holy fuck.

Like I haven't heard that before.

>someone on the other team invades our side of the station
>the other 3 waste their fucking time trying to kill just one guy
>one usually dies anyway while the other 3 foes go nuts on mid
How can such a good stage attract such horrible people?

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All Woomy and Veemo deserve our love.

Attached: IMG_0393.png (717x1037, 190K)

Fair's fair, I'm not one to stop affection from being spread. I just love her so much.

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Marie's maries.

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I wanna Marie her Maries

>going to have to wait until Splatoon 3 for another Splatoween
I don't know if I can hold out until then.

Attached: 1c617eb454b7c601d509759a7bb9160d.jpg (2640x2461, 762K)

I'm really dreading the end of Splatfests bros. I have the sinking feeling it's gonna be a pretty long wait for Splatoon 3 and I don't want it to be true.

Attached: IMG_0396.jpg (724x709, 303K)

I just don't know why it has to end so soon. There's no way Splatoon 3 is coming in the near future, it's just too damn early when everyone is still playing 2. I can understand if they'll want to take a break or give a B-team responsibility for a spin-off. But just keep the events going for maybe another year? It can't be that difficult.

Attached: 1554857512183.jpg (900x900, 142K)

If they don't wait till Switch 2 I could maybe see Splatoon 3 in 2020, they usually have a blazing fast turnaround between announcement and release for these games. I don't think it'll happen though, 2021 at the earliest is what I see realistically happening.

I hope not. They could totally wait until Switch 2 to release another Splatoon, seeing as how alive it still is, but I hope they either put another one out or do some life support for it

It just doesn't make sense when loads of games get years of support before stopping and getting sequels. Everyone understood for Splatoon 2 since Wii U was a dead console but this isn't going to die down anytime soon. It and Smash are the main reasons to even pay for online.

Attached: 1554117155184.png (700x600, 350K)

>go on a long streak with some random
>two guys leave
>gets replaced with mouthbreathers
>lose to some retarded Sploosh team

Attached: 1530575353958.jpg (1000x700, 64K)

Attached: 1553472002420.png (324x646, 163K)

hello fellow squids

Attached: 1535221191111.png (987x940, 126K)


Why is he making such an obscene gesture?

he wants to have sex

He's gonna go rape a veemo

Time to shoot a fucking squid, then.

Obviously not rape, he's asking someone if they want to have sex with him. Probably asking a boy too.

Main power up is only damage up on certain weapons, and it doesn't tend to give too much damage up overall anyway. Only lets you three shot with the splash-o if you have three mains of it, for example. Plus on a lot of weapons it just increases accuracy while jumping.
You can see what it does for each weapon here splatoonwiki.org/wiki/Main_Power_Up or press ZL on the clothing with main power up to see what it's doing for the weapon you have equipped.
As for the meta otherwise, I have no fucking idea.

Not so sure about that, I paid attention to results to try and test if it did matter or not. There was one match where we had the entire locked platform painted but we were pushed back into our side at the end. Normally it would have been maybe a 65-35 win for them, but we won instead.

Attached: 70259448_p0.png (768x1024, 371K)

Ever since the splash screen on tbe original Wii U I've wanted a room for my Woomy to decorate with various odds and ends. Considering how much of the team worked on Animal Crossing this seems like such a no brainer.

He's signaling to his weyyo buddy to hold her down for him

Callie is lucky

Attached: muffin get what muffin want.png (800x800, 519K)

Still can't believe they didn't add that in. There needed to be something else to spend all your useless money on and squids would very naturally want their rooms to look fresh as fuck.

Attached: 1550385661385.gif (350x263, 1.62M)

Attached: 1550385865703.gif (350x263, 1.5M)

I had other autistic ideas that never panned out as well. Like friends list functionality being handled in game via your squid's cell phone, friends could ping you to join matches and it would act like your woomy is getting a call on her phone, with slightly versions of the battle songs playing as ringtones for the phone.

Shit, that sounds rad. I don't get it, Nintendo of all people finally created a franchise centered around the youth and modern technology that I don't hate and they're not even fully capitalizing on it.

Attached: 1550392740086.jpg (800x600, 72K)

When does it end?

About 12 hours.

Oh, 4 hours if you're in europe.

where was all the little witch academia crossover art?

Was this the first splatfest where burgers started last? I always that we went early


Attached: tuez_moi.webm (853x480, 2.87M)

I unfriended everyone who used him as their profile icon

>Half of me wants a Squid Sisters comeback, the other one wants a completely new group. Maybe a full band this time?

Imagine if they took one of the rock bands, and set the main hub area in a dingier part of town. Gave the whole game a pop punk aesthetic

Attached: D4MtuUMUwAUwls_.jpg (2048x2048, 226K)

Back in Splatoon 1.

Attached: 1438121962195.jpg (1800x750, 301K)

Based and witch pilled

Attached: JPEG_20190418_234330.png (492x492, 305K)

It only even exists because I requested it. You'd think there would be a lot of overlap between fans of the two but it would seem I was mistaken. I can only image the sort of art that could be made nowadays.

Attached: 1552771063880.png (700x528, 207K)

Attached: 1552149412592.jpg (1075x833, 158K)

I like this. Could make Grizzco expanded too, since that's shady already

Nothing matters but speed and snipers will never be as good as on 1

Attached: 1551697379538.png (1200x900, 634K)

Goddammit, the shitters are waking up. I'm starting to get teammates with zero kills and no turf at all.

Attached: 1551052317596.jpg (800x799, 64K)

I just noticed in Salmon Run. Had one really good one but after that it's shitters all around.

It's why I mainly play in the dead of night, when the Timmies slumber.

What the fuck is a timmy?

The literal children that play the game.


What the hell kind of lingo is that? It sounds absurd.

Ever heard of "Little Timmy"?

Who hasn't? Still seems pretty dumb.



Well, that was a fun splatfest. I guess it's over now

Still going on in EU, but I'm only getting mirror matches right now.

>it's over now

Attached: 1550717652092.jpg (2048x1791, 155K)


Way to quote me, user.

Newfag here. How do those 10x (and 100x I guess) battles unlocks? Is it random, or does your team have to get multiples victories in a row?


Attached: 1550327078451.png (724x720, 638K)

Shit's random, though from what I can tell it's a lot more likely to happen now. I'd never been in one before this splatfest.

It's random, they count as if your side won 10(0) battles also the latest ones get their winners publicly shown on the plaza one the "choose your side terminal"
pic is an example
got 2 this splatfest

forgot pic

Attached: file.png (1200x675, 1.26M)

Finally Tortoise King. I can relax with some salmon run now before bed.
>Hazard Level MAX
Fuck yeah.

Attached: 1555727601465.jpg (3000x2800, 382K)

>Reached 500

Good enough
Fuck this game
Being average really fucking sucks.

More Marie's maries

Attached: D4kUy69UcAA9ih6.jpg (517x1200, 50K)

the front woomy needs to learn how to behave in front of a camera


>Two people on the team DC
>Third one rage quits

Attached: 1537237538754.png (249x359, 59K)

>enemy names are all small written
Easy Win
>enemy names are some cryptic bullshit
Getting stomped

Attached: images1.jpg (246x205, 10K)

I forgot about salmon run

Attached: 1312201300192.jpg (160x133, 5K)

Squids are so unreasonably lewd.

what are those squids doing??


Watching your veemo grow up into a beautiful young lady.

Attached: 1544776730081.png (1800x1520, 1.34M)

It feels like the turf in the lockbox counts for less

