Thisi s your Canon happy ending Yea Forums

Discuss about the best family in Yea Forumsidya

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how will samus drink that with her helmet on!

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>Doomguy is a Manlet
>Samus is tall because of her armor
>both are cute dorks

>he doesn't know

Damn that lady is tall.

Happy family.

Its the armor that makes her tall, she without it has the same size as Doom.

I really like this image
I want more pictures of space marine family.

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Reminder that Samus is canonically a virgin.

It was weird in other m how big all the dudes were compared to samus given she's outside of her suit freakishly tall thansk to tbeing genetically modified
average human height in their universe must be about 9 foot tall for men since they stood several foot taller than a 7 foot tall woman in high heels

*unzips dick*

heh, not for long

doomguy is 6'0

Only if I get paid in advance.

I'm now picturing doom guy desperately trying to correct people about his wife's real height in a family gathering so he doesn't come off as a manlet

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>Implying she wasn't riding that bird dick for years
All of the bonus of getting some dick, but none of the worry of pregnancy or compatible diseases.

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>family gathering

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>realizing Samus has bird pubes

Honey, stop curling up into a ball again, and help me with John's diaper!

Pay for the comission user

only if we pester Ridley after i teach john how to jump

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>Doom Guy fucks abd impregnates a 6'3" athletic woman
Test so high other men can grow beards standing next to him

who's the guy in the bottom left with no face?


is doomguy the only man who cannot be height mogged?

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when you spend you life ripping and tearing guys taller than you I guess you become immune to it

Why the fuck do people make Samus tall when her actual height is just 6 foot? That's just retarded.

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>Metroid has to teach Halo to jump because Doomguy is incompetent at it

That’s a cute idea, go get yourself a treat. You’ve earned it.

We need a anime or cartoon in secret saturdays style where they go around the multiverse doing heroic shit
Adam and VEGA are the best AI butlers ever made, and Cortana wants to be real.

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because it's hot

and Samus looks to be 6,1. Doomguy is a manlet.

She's 6'3, not 6. And wears high heels in the blue suit ever since her inclusion in Brawl making her look taller.

>His pinky is risen because he has class, and his waifu is the best weapon that he has
Trully a Long Lost Gentleman

>Samus and Doomguy teaching their son how to use a gun.

He mutilates and brutalizes things way taller than him for fun.

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tits too high up

the author is the guy who does some console tan art on twitter, and the one who made the devil trigger gif with dante and nero

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Good for him.
Tits too high, also too far to the side

Based thread
I want both Chief and Doomguy in Smash, always wanted these two to crossover with Samus.

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who know user, who knows?
E3 is coming out soon

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jesus why is samus so hot on armor


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peak zoomer-core

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>Soft, downy feathers

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>tfw Uncle Ranger comes to visit
>Nowhere to run as the front door swings right open and all that can be heard is the sound of HUH echoing through the halls, getting louder and louder while some deranged psychopath barrels through the house to hug his favorite nephew
I hate him so much.

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This thread is EPIC comfy content

sadly it will die soon

>Cousin Isaac comes to visit
>Keeps stomping the furniture to see what's inside

>he's growing!

I loved that idea enough to spawn a shitty mspaint of it so here you go

I'm also imagining Ellie sitting in the corner very embarrassed with a drink in her hand

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>what is bird flu

>Doom Guys son grows up to be better and taller than his dad

I hope Metroid and Master Chief are happy together :)

Imagine being a grown space marine and being any shorter than 6'10''

Maybe behind his back, but no one would have the balls to say it to his face.

Doomguy is at the optimal height for tearing out demon guts. Don't hate on efficiency.

He shoots the demons you retarded zoomer

>what is Cyberfisting in Classic Doom

found the underage shit

Then you punch them, not tear them. The "le rip and le tear XDDD may may" is the "le caik is a lie" of the Doom franchise.

>zoomer who never read the GLORIOUS Comic

I did, it was shit.

Jannies XVkun wants to derail another thread

My little Spartan can't be this cute!

>doomguy is 6'0

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>Hating the Doom comic
You will never become John Romero's bitch, faggot, get to playing and stop being a pussy nigger

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>Great Grandpa BJ
>Grandpa Keen
>Cousin Issac Clarke and his wife Ellie
>Cousin Dante
>Co-worker Hellboy
>Little Brother Ranger
>Little Sister Crash
>Son John 117
>Wife Samus
>Pet Daisy the Rabbit

This is the ending the Marine deserves after all the shit he's been through.

also uncle duke nukem, lo wang, caleb and gordon freeman

What about his nigga Phobos?

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Shit, I knew I was forgetting some people, more like:
>Best Friend Duke Nukem
>Good Friend Lo Wang
>Quiet Nerd Co-worker Gordon Freeman
>Emo friend Caleb
>Buddy Corvus (Heretic)

Douk is the seedy pervert uncle that Samus won't let in the house because he keeps trying to take the baby to the strip club.

Goddamnit I love it. Best ship

As if, Doom sucks and Halo is good and still more popular than it, stop comparing this boring shit to Halo please. Metroid isn't even an FPS, it's an action platformer and story and lorewise share a lot with Halo, Doom doesn't share shit with either and the no named Marine is too autistic, call me when the Doom series moves on to traveling the galaxy and fighting different alien factions instead of demons all the time. Doom fans are a sad bunch always trying to shove their shit into Halo and Metroid. I hope your thread dies fast.

>doom 3 marine is a brother from another mother

So is Chief

Why do power suit samus and zero suit samus feel like entirely different characters?

Because Smash garbage made it feel that way.

This sounds perfect. Someone definitely should get a drawfag on it.

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Never realized how retarded Doomfags are until now.

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These are my ideas if anyone wants to save it and pass it along to someone.

I always envisioned a "dogs playing poker" kind of scene, with BJs wife bringing everyone drinks, samus hold a kid at the table, duke trying to be the "cool uncle" and teaching John some one liners at the table, BJ/Marine/Lo Wang/Ranger/Nukem/Caleb/Crash all around the table with cards, with Daisy the Rabbit in the middle resting.

It's a fun little idea I toy with. If you don't like it, keep scrolling, but it brings a smile to my face.

Your series is dated shit, stop comparing it with Metroid and Halo, you're not welcomed.

Who is that dude without a face on the left?

>no marathon

It's stupid, Chief is in his 40's probably close to Samus and way older than Doom shit is supposed to be, he's a grown ass man and lives in a timeline similar to Samus's Doom's universe can't fit into Metroid and Halo's. There is no such thing as extra lives in Metroid or Halo.

t. zoomer nigger fag

Get off the family computer, underage

It's not about in universe shit you retard, it's about how one game inspired and eventually spawned another in real life, and even then Samus is the only one whose game isn't FPS related till later on.

Boomer nigger, stop shoving your shitty PC franchise with Metroid and Halo.

>Doesn't like Doom

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Whatever, Doom is boring repetitive shit, I don't care about or the history of FPS or PC gaming in general never did in the 90s or now, stop comparing it to Halo and Metroid is a 2D action platformer.

jesus, can't we just appreciate cool vidya characters in armour shooting shit

Not when it's another Baby's First FPS thread again in hiding.

>I don't care about or the history of FPS or PC gaming in general never did in the 90s or now
>I don't care, so others should not because my opinion is the only valid one

Why the fuck are you even in this thread then? Why are you wasting your time like this?

Based and Marspilled

Still not as fast.

Is this the start of some new OC?
count me in

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>2016 plus upcoming
A bit late to be saying this

BJ Blazkowicz is 6'4". Yeah there's a shitload of generations between the two but at least one version of Doomguy has the genes to be a pretty tall dude, and Quake Champions has them about the same height.

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Need the guys from SS1&2.

>"Uncle (SS2Guy)...what are those weird goggles on your face?..." - 5 year old John 117


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DOOM (93)
Super Metroid

Now those were good games

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Best use of this image. Thanks for the laugh.

these two are never not cute

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That comic was shit and everyone ripped on it when it came out you fucking faggot. Stop pretending you were around when you were still in your dads scrotum.

>I hate something other people hate, therefore my opinion is the only valid one
No one here or anywhere cares