Video game comics can be funny

Video game comics can be funny.

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I'm gonna pull a strawman and say
>implying you can hatch a ditto from an egg

>ditto in an egg

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Why does both of them look at each other like the other is culprit? If one is ditto then it knows it, so no reason to pretend. Also
>ditto in egg

Ditto can't hatch from eggs, everybody knows that.

I wish the author of these comics actually knew what she was talking about or cared about the source material.

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Haha cute and funny

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It's a double whammy. Either one of them cheated on the other with a ditto, or one of them IS a ditto.

why would the female make the angry face? she's the one that laid the egg

Why would both of them be suspicious of other if one of them knows the truth?



The eggshell is another ditto, brainlet.
Hemce why they’re both suspicious of the other being a ditto.
>there are brainlets on Yea Forums right now for whom a 5 panel pokemon comic is too hogh IQ

They're both dittos dumbfuck

Your comic is doo doo

Post more comics!

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What is that shit?


tiny pet dicks

But only if the community tells you what to draw.

I thought so but I didn't think dicks could get that small

they’re clearly white, retard


Shota dicks

I want context


Why disembodied shota dicks?

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The only way for a Ditto to be an egg is if both pokemon are Ditto, they are both Dittos pretending to be another pokemon

Ditto can't even hatch from an egg.

>The only way for a Ditto to be an egg is if both pokemon are Ditto
Nice one, being so wrong and all.

maybe that's why they're so suspicious


Best edit


Even me.

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What’s the song, scarecrow?

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Nice filename

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She is lying down with penises on her face and thinks it's heaven.

Garabatos don't give a shit

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This is degenerate and should be banned from the internet.
Pedophilia is no joke and shouldn't be joked about. Pedophiles rape kids every single day and should be hanged.


>Pedophiles rape kids every single day
Guess you're a busy man aren't you?

Nah he's 10 it's cool.
half your age plus 7

Based yet in addition also cunnypilled.


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red's dad is a ditto. discuss

This is why you wear a comdom before you fuck your pokemon fellas.

just check your egg groups and you'll be fine

Why is Oak bleeding from the eyes like a copypasta?


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i dont get it

her explaining why the joke is incorrect, doesn't excuse it from being so

Does anyone have the edit where he brings the Filipino girl over to suck his dick while he plays ps4?

her comics are genuinely one of the few that actually make me chuckle a bit

Would you fuck a ditto Yea Forums?

You know it brother

Base form, no

>Giving money to people that live in poor countries

I suggest never doing this anons. Let them fend for themselves.

can't wait for the PS5 version


Hi, kike.

the real question is, why wouldn't you fuck a ditto?

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It's an animal... I think.

Only in base form.

But his mom Martha is dead

>Tfw I'm so used to reading manga that I forgot I was supposed to read this from left to right and got confused for a minute

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I would fuck Oak

that was a great twist

I want this feel.

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I know what's going on under the sheets.

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the point is she knows and you're a fucking autist for fucking whining about it

I remember seeing this as a Mothers Day card a couple years ago.


Wait, I thought Falco was a blue jay?

The lesson is: don't cheat your way to a logistics solution. If engineers did this, people would die.


Oddly enough, she is actually a rocket scientist.

Come on user

Attached: zimmerman.png (999x1528, 2.19M)

>wtf Katie why did the rocket explode?
>*makes a funny face*

>Pokemon frequently show intelligence to the point of following conversations just fine
>Some are psychic and straight up MORE intelligent than us
>Signs that humans used to get it on regardless

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It's literally as much of an animal as you want it to be

truly the most underrated post.

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Most accurate interpretation about the whole thing considering the audio recording journalist tried to hide and burry
Zimmerman got jumped by him, and Trayvon was casing houses for break in, his school locker was full of stolen jewelry

And still its not bad of a spin as they did with that Brown guy, who moments after robing a store tried to cap a cop and became a innocent child who was gunned down in his back with his hands up, at lest that what his gang buddies said and obviously jurnos ran with that instead.

is this some gunshowcomics or a knockoff?

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>Most accurate interpretation about the whole thing
Not really. It goes full dindu virtuous on Zimmer.

Man, I sure am silly.

Thing is there are barely any pokemon who aren't fully sapient, plus there are those so intelligent that them fucking us would be bestiality.

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>Open image
>Close image

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This person jerks off to their interpretation of Mewtwo and you can't convince me otherwise.

In a few years she's going to get tits and end up fucking him

japanese "humor"

Except by Zimzam's own testimony he was following Traytray because he was suspicious of Tray, so how could he be stalked and sucker punched?

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Nearly all psychic pokemon are sapient. Hell if it's anime rules all pokemon are about as smart as children.

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chinese engineers do that

because he lost sight of Tray and then went back to his car.
After talking to the dispatch for about 5 minutes, tray came back, approached him and attacked

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>Pedophiles rape kids every single day
And then they put back on their suit and go lobby for more censorship on the internet and in video games, in order to protect the children.

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lol furshit cope

>Most accurate interpretation about the whole thing
Zimmerman followed Trayvon, that weird strawman comic is not accurate on even the basics of what happened.