What are some video game settings you'd like to see more of but know you probably won't...

What are some video game settings you'd like to see more of but know you probably won't? I'm tired of seeing Japan in almost every action game I play.

>Ancient Mesopotamia

Attached: Marten_van_Valckenborch_Tower_of_babel-large.jpg (1000x700, 631K)

Other urls found in this thread:


You literally go to the Tower of Babel in one of the Prince of Persia games

thailand ladybois

Punic wars or the conquest of Gaul would be neat.

>I’m tired of seeing Japan in almost every action game I play

So stop playing games set in Japan? This is a made up criticism that’s basically a meme right now after Sekiro’s release cuz all the seething anglos won’t stop complaining their games aren’t celebrating and worshipping them. Most Western games take place in Western worlds or fantasy/sci worlds. If you play Japanese games don’t be surprised they take place in Japan.

Dumb gaijins

It's in Xenogears and Final Fantasy IV

Kebab'd Spain

The West can't make good action games.

Serious Sam: The Second Encounter

>seeing Japan
Name 5 released in the last 5 years.

All you did was illustrate his point you fucking idiot


That's it, I'm stumped.

And Illusion of Gaia

This is the dumbest post I've read today. Not only does it not have a point its needlessly defensive for no reason. OP only noticed Japan being repeated because most action games are made in Japan. Your comment on Sekiro is literally made up nonsense. The lack of diversity in settings in general is a valid criticism of the industry. Also kill all weeb pedophiles

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t. Seething anglos who can’t make good games

African tribal wars


For action games:
>Hollow earth or 'journey to the center of the earth'.
>Chinese or Arabian mythology.
>Clockwork or Steampunk mega city similar to Resonance of fate's tower.
>Blame! style superstructure populated with weird creatures and civiliations.
>Gothic fantasy where you're a monster.

>Inb4 that one guy who's obsessed with the aztecs and mayans.


I remember this board making a big deal about this game a few years ago. The name escapes me now,though.

Let it die??

What's the best source of abrahamic mythology?

A Souls-like with Indian mythology.

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the entire sub continent would get ass-ravaged as soon as the first beta screens get released and demand progress to be halted.
Fuckers canned the possibility for season 2 of clone high cause Gandhi existed in it.

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That's the one. Thanks.

Fate/Grand Order

The Bible?

Poos loose their minds over their gods being depicted in non-poo fiction. Even if you do shit like have their war gods (e.g. shiva or vishnu) as playable characters in action games they will screech to high heaven and never stop.

Really? I haven't heard any blowback to the Shivas in Final Fantasy

What the fuck is happening with this? It was announced at E3 and I've heard nothing since.

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Anything but wh*te or weeb shit. That being said American Amerindian civilizations are tragically underutilized.

Platinum is working in multiple games at once. Bayonetta 3 was announced 2 years ago or so and we still haven't seen anything besides the very first teaser. They are also working on Astral Chains, which was announced not too long ago and yet will likely come out before the other two.

Damn, they're not a AAA publisher. How can they afford that?

Most likely by not overextending and hiring too many people. They do end up finishing longer though

Makes sense, I suppose.

Medieval, but in the way medieval art actually was like.

I'm talking dumpy-looking goblins, demons with crotch faces, 5-foot dragons with rabbit ears, various freaks of nature, regular animals with completely made-up bullshit super powers and strange animal hybrids.

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>tfw no game where you can main a butt horn class

Horror set in tribal/jungle Africa.

Loads of horrifying and paranoid beliefs, myths and monsters waiting for proper adaption. Psychic demonic rapists. Hidden tribes of "pre-humans" out to get mankind. A thousand varieties on "it takes you in the forest and does under your stolen identity". Evil creator gods that explicitly created mankind to suffer and must be spited through cooperative effort.

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Gal Gun 2
Yakuza Kiwami
Persona 5
Jackie Chan

>I'm tired of seeing Japan in almost every action game I play.
We've recently barely gotten any games with Japan as a setting though? This is only a meme because Sekiro, Ghost and Nioh 2 all happen to be coming out in around the same period.

The Bible

I want this too.

Fuck the indians, I play as Krishna in SMTIV and they never gave a shit about that game.

a WWI singleplayer game that's more true to the war.
BF1 is a fun game and it's War Stories are enjoyable, I just want more of that for a realistic WWI and not BF1 Multi's "Just give 'em SMGS and Semi-Autos". I mean the multi is still fun as hell, but still.

That's just an ice girl though with the same name.

Have you tried Verdun?

>You literally go to the Tower of Babel in a mediocre 2002 PlayStation game

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kill yourself you fat fucking cunt

2005, actually.

i'll strangle you you fucking cunt, you fucking hooah

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Ancient Arabia
More Three Kingdoms stuff that’s not musou
Civil War

Pre-Norman Anglo-Saxon England, where it was still a clusterfuck of warring kingdoms.

WW was bettet desu


70's NYC

I remember there being a rumor of an L.A. Noire type game set in that era.

thanks for reminding me i need to play through sands of time still

The blackouts are primo territory for vidya

>70's NYC
The Warriors

A good one, but there should be more.

"nuked back to stone age" ala xenoblade 2 is pure fucking kino

This. I don't get people and especially devs saying Japan as a setting is overused while they themselves keep making games in the same western cities over and over again. How many games are set in modern Japan? All I can think of is Yakuza right now. If we're going for older times then there's the 3 games you've mentioned, Total War Shogun, Nioh and games that released over a decade ago like Tenchu and Ninja Gaiden.

only 2 of those are actual games played by actual people

At least we got Digital Devil Saga, which had pretty much every hindu/buddhist god conceivable in them.

>not picking fartsniffer monk

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The great thing about Mesopitamia is that there's around 3000 years worth of shit tp explore going from Sumer, Akkad, Assyria and Babylonia, so it should be near impossible to run out pf ideas for it. And both the mythology and history of that place sounds like an absolute goldmine of vidya kino. We may not know as much about it as we do Egypt, but the stuff we do know about sounds far more interesting than Egypt ever was desu.

>The Epic of Gilgamesh
>Nebuchadnezzar overthrowing the Assyrians and sacking Nineveh along with the Medes
>Sargon usurping the King of Uruk and founding Akkad
>Marduk liberating Babylon after it fell to the hands of rival dieties like in the Epic of Irra
Honestly, I'm kind of baffled how we haven't had a notable game set in this region already

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He said action games, and it is true that there are a lot of them set in Japan, Obviously, that stands to reason since these games are largely made by Japs, but his point is a valid one. It's not a problem or anything and I don't care about a game's setting just so long as it's good, but it isn't just something that stems from recent releases.

Mesopotamian cultures are pretty generic in terms of aesthetics and technology, not to mention that their religions and mythologies were pretty boring compared to other ancient civilizations.
More importantly though, normies don't know anything about them other than biblical references and those civilisations were demons come from in horror movies, so if you're a dev and you want to make a game set in ancient sandlandia, you're always going to pick Egypt. Same as why you always pick greece instead of Macedon, even though Alexander was way militarily more impressive than sparta or athens.

Mesoamerica is my number 1#, but south/Southeast Asia and Mesoptoamia too.,


Nah, Japanese culture and history is probably the most single common influence in games after Medieval europe.

Hindu Mythology is too crazy for something as subdued as a souls game. Fucking Asura's Wrath, if anything, downplayed how over the top it can get:

>Warriors had their prowess measured by how many millions of normal soldiers they could solo
>A bow that dropped a mountain larger than Everest on whatever it hit
>Multiple galaxy-busting weapons, with several warriors and gods wielding more than one
>A slashing technique that generated a world ending attack no matter what you used to invoke it was frequently cast with "blades" of grass and got used to perform an abortion
>Bodycounts measured in the hundreds of millions after many major battles
>During Karna and Arjuna's final battle Krishna remained silent when Karna's chariot was pushed back three feet by Arjuna's arrows hitting it but apllauded when Karna's pushed Arjuna's back by only one. When Arjuna demanded to know the reason why Krishna revealed it was because Karna had a regular chariot but Arjuna's was being blessed to weigh as much as the rest of the universe combined and that was the only reason Karna hadn't already obliterated it.

Not to just shill it more, but Aztec stuff specifically, is the best fit for a souls game. Blood, gore, and horrible abominations are very common in their mythology, the cosmology itself includes a ton of cosmic horror shit, cosmic entropy, the idea that death ineivtiably comes to all things and that everything is transient, and life requires the death of other things (hence the world being created and sustained via the sacrifice of gods and humans but doomed to die) etc, as is you have tons of potential areas for the dark fantasy tone between ruins, jungles, caverns, deserts, etc

Attached: mesoamerica history summary.png (1457x1555, 343K)

I call horseshit, Mesopotamian mythology is one of the more hardcore ones, it's probably the most hardcore one after Mesoamerica

>not to mention that their religions and mythologies were pretty boring compared to other ancient civilizations
I disagree. The only pantheon I find more interesting than Mesopotamia's is the Greek one and maybe the Chinese. It damn sure blows Egypt's out the water, though.

But you're right in that most people don't know much, if anything, about Mesopotamian mythology and history. That alone means it isn't viable for a dev to set a game in that region because they obviously wouldn't think it to be profitable. It does make me wonder how Egypt became the mainstream go-to in terms of depicting ancient fiction in the middle east despite Egypt being surrounded by much more powerful and (at the time) influential powers.

All you need to do is paint it as the most exotic (and therefore most logical) next step in foreign settings. Really hype up the ziggurats, make it as extravagant as possible, Assyrian torture etc. All you'd need is for the next Assassin's Creed to take place there and as long as the game isn't a complete disaster you've now got the foothold and exposure you need.

>It does make me wonder how Egypt became the mainstream go-to in terms of depicting ancient fiction in the middle east despite Egypt being surrounded by much more powerful and (at the time) influential powers.
Because Egypt had good contact with the Greeks, Romans and Israelites. Three neighbouring cultures with a massive impact on western civilisation.

I'll admit I don't know too much about Mesoamerica. All we were taught in school about that place was the Aztecs. Looking at some of the architecture and sculptures, though, the Mayans and Incas seem a lot more advanced than I originally thought. Did these guys have cool Gods and shit?

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The mythology might be interesting, but there isn't much to actually work with for an action game. Pretty much every Mesopotamian monster was some variation on a centaur, griffon or minator.

Why would you want a shitty asscreed game out of it? The most interesting thing about Mesopotamia was their mythology. Their actual civilization, architecture, technology etc. was nothing special.

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>Their actual civilization, architecture, technology etc. was nothing special.
I dunno, man.

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Yeah, but the hanging gardens is literally the sole architectural claim to fame of the whole area and pretty much all depictions of it are done with greek or roman architecture, which is why it looks goo at all.
Actual Mesopotamian architecture, ziggurats and cities etc. looked like boring shit e.g. pic related.

Attached: Ancient_ziggurat_at_Ali_Air_Base_Iraq_2005.jpg (2576x1932, 862K)

>Why would you want a shitty asscreed game out of it?
Only for the exposure. La-Mulana 2 had a Sumerian level with a number of references to their deities, but nobody in the thread knew that. In-game it looked cool, but La-Mulana was all about ancient civs and you won't get more Mesopotamian stuff if there's no real demand. If the public can be convinced it's cool then the publishers will be convinced they can make money pushing out more and more Mesopotamian games.

Really crazy gods and very bloodthirsty. Aztecs were all about human sacrifice and believed that if they didn't sacrifice someone each day then the sun wouldn't come back. I'm really oversimplifying things and some anons will get mad at me but there's so much you can do with Mesoamerica and their culture.

It's more got to do with that there were a lot of highly publicized archeological shit going on in the 1800's with egypt that penetrated mainstream conciseness in the west and stuck around ever since, similar to how in the 80's/90's japanese culture/histrory got big thanks to the influence of their media products.

It can really happen with anything, you just need the stars to align right

Firstly, the Inca aren't Mesoamerican: They are Andean. Two completely separate cradles of civilization with separate histories, and they had very little geographic contact: About as far as Greece/Rome from India, except with even less cultural exchange. I posted a pretty good sumary of Mesoameircan history in particular in the image of this post if you want summerized timeline of the different cultures, important cities, etc and how they flowed into one another

Secondly, yes, both Andean and especially Mesoamerican civilizations are way more complex then they are given credit for. If you are interested, I link to a ton of posts by myself giving info, as well as a post with a list of resources and a mega full of book scans, art etc (though the mega is updated regularly) here: boards.fireden.net/v/thread/456956681/#456985875 and desuarchive.org/his/thread/5446429/#5453842

Also the image you posted isn't really an accurate example of any sort of Mesoamerican or andean archtecture. Aztec (and other central mexican civilizations like as Teotihuacan) architecture for example is actually pretty similar to Mesopotamian architecture, pic related shows a portion of the Aztec captial, for instance

>have cool Gods and shit?
Yes. Beyond the resources I list in the posts I link to in the posts above, the tvtropes page on Aztec mythology is actually a pretty decent starting point/overview for them.

I realize I focused more on giving you resources/correcting you then answering you in depth here, I'll make a second post

Attached: Montezuma's Palace besides the city center (off to the right), in Tenochtitlan, the Aztec capti (1200x800, 323K)

That's a pretty picture, but there's no archeological evidence that the Hanging Gardens ever existed.

Nigger, ancient Greek historians like Herodotus described Mesopotamian cities as the most beautiful and glorious in the whole world.

Why does Hindu mythology read like Final Fantasy, Naruto, and DBZ RP forums rolled into one?

Dude it's a 5000 year old worn down temple. In its prime it would've looked great and you can throw in some artistic liberties if you want to flair it up more. Pic related is a simple AoE sprite but the potential is there.

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Are you the user who always gives good Mesoamerican infodumps on /his/? Like that guy in the Jared Diamond thread right now?

As a matter of fact, there is. Just the evidence may point more to the gardens being located in Nineveh instead of Babylon.

>There are known precedents for large gardens in Mesopotamia which pre-date those said to have been at Babylon. There are even depictions of them, for example, on a relief panel from the North Palace of Ashurbanipal (668–631 BCE) at Nineveh, now in the British Museum, London. Indeed, some scholars suggest that the whole Babylonian gardens idea is the result of a monumental mix-up, and it is Nineveh which actually had the fabled wonder, built there by Sennacherib (r. 705-681 BCE). There is ample textual and archaeological evidence of gardens at Nineveh, and the city was sometimes even referred to as ‘old Babylon’. In any case, even if the hypothesis of Nineveh is accepted, it still does not preclude the possibility of gardens at Babylon.

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Bronze age

Attached: Two Mycenaean forms of armor, Dendra (L) and Thebes (R) panoplies, by koryvantes.png (750x792, 924K)

Herodotus was full of shit.
Still, I imagine would have looked pretty impressive when the city was actually alive.

>ridiculous Space Marine armor
Didn't the Bronze Age Mycenea have any regard for realism?

Herodotus reports a lot of hearsay and gets more and more accurate the closer he gets to his own time. It doesn't matter anyway, you can use his writings to spice up what you're portraying at the least.

Good shit, man. You sound like a legit history buff desu. Might be a bit presumptuous, but are you an expert of any kind on Mesoamerican history or is it just a hobby that you're passionate about?

I love you, MesoAnon
When will you have a comprehensive archive of your breakdowns up?
Also, do you know anything about North American and African lore? I really like how thorough but approachable all your shit is

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>The Bible
Like, it's the Word of God retold to millions spreading The Gospel, but not the source. God is the source speaking to and through Abraham, hence Abrahamic.

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> I'm tired of seeing Japan in almost every action game I play.

Attached: brainlet.gif (645x773, 41K)

More tame than the Minoans, who invented the corset, modern sewing techniques and their national pasttime was jumping over bulls charging at you.
>navy so strong they didn't build walls for defence

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Southeast Asia around the colonial era, China during the late Qing and Civil War, all the great persian empires

Here's an interpretation of what Ur might have looked like in its heyday. Not too colourful, but I can definitely see a decent action-adventure game being set here.

Attached: reconstruction-ur-city-sumerian_1-770x437.jpg (770x437, 77K)

The Bible is a collection on letters, historical documents, biographies and prophecies. I'm not quite sure what your statement adds or subtracts from the original request.

This would've been a good thread but you had to mention Japan and bring in the spastic weebs.

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Nice to see an image of what you look like, user.

>Only for the exposure.
A souls like game that dealt with Sumerian demons and shit would be a lot better for it than Asscreed. Asscreed is that series that you pick the safest, most played out settings for so that your shitty characters and stories can vamp the pop culture contributions of better works.

Herodotus isn't exactly a reliable source, but either way it's the modern we can look at Mesopotamian architecture, reliefs, statues etc. ourselves and the reality is that they're pretty bland compared to other cultures.

That looks even less impressive than the real ziggurat tb.hfa.m. The reality of Mesopotamia is that all the major monuments and structures (that we know of) were tiny and crude compared to what Egypt, Greece and Rome eventually developed.

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Absolutely no one has been doing that you fucking faggot

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This is just the Elder Scrolls.

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TES is draws from an even crazier lore

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Maybe something from nordic countries mythologies. No, I don't mean the basic odin, thor shit.

It's not the japanese setting that's the problem, it's just that they're all the same shit. Sekiro, Nioh, Tsushima, Tenchu and many more all look the same (though Tsushima is during the kamakura period) It's that or modern times.. I wish there was a game during the Meiji (I think that Ace Attorney game is set during that period) or post war period or some shit.

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Mesoamerican/south american

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The Greeks and Romans came centuries after the Mesopotamians, it stands to reason that their architecture would be more impressive since they were by default more advanced civilisations, but the Egyptian structures really aren't better than Sumer's or Babylon's in terms of aesthetic appeal. Just the Pyramids and the Sphinx, that's it.

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Fucking archetypes

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Where my Pneumatic posters at?

Also, changing a few words around makes Gnosticism the true form of Christianity

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>thread about unused and underappreciated settings
>gnostic retard jumps in to explain his entire retarded religion

>Also, changing a few words around makes Gnosticism the true form of Christianity
If it was the true form it wouldn't have been one of the motivations to sort the true canon out, labelled complete heresy and been stamped out 1500 years ago.

>Assyrian torture etc
That's something you could definitely touch upon. They can be compared to the mongols in terms of how efficiently brutal they were.

>Susa, the great holy city, abode of their gods, seat of their mysteries, I conquered. I entered its palaces, I opened their treasuries where silver and gold, goods and wealth were amassed... I destroyed the ziggurat of Susa. I smashed its shining copper horns. I reduced the temples of Elam to naught; their gods and goddesses I scattered to the winds. The tombs of their ancient and recent kings I devastated, I exposed to the sun, and I carried away their bones toward the land of Ashur. I devastated the provinces of Elam and on their lands I sowed salt.

These guys did not fuck around at all.

>The Greeks and Romans came centuries after the Mesopotamians,
Yeah, but that doesn't matter when you're talking about what looks more interesting in a video game, especially to normies who'd be flat out finding Mesopotamia on a map, let alone ball parking dates.

>Just the Pyramids and the Sphinx, that's it.
Nigger, the pyramids alone are one of the last remaining wonders of the world and the two of them together are pretty well the most recognizable structures ever built, along with pic related. Meanwhile, we don't even know what the hanging gardens looked like.

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>tfw hylic
At least I can still play video games.

The Bible is just a mess because of how many authors it had trying to compile the fanfiction
Shit, we still don't know what the Nephilim are supposed to be because at least 4 different authors wrote about them and that's coming from the King James Bible

i want more games set in archipelagos with sea travel and shit

>that quote
It's just not the same when it's not all in caps and with a lens flare image of Ashurbanipal

not a specific place, but I'd like to see more games designed with DS1's level of interconnectivity

Doing what? I didn't say anyone was doing anything.
Take a deep breath and relax user. You're not even making sense anymore. Does your handler know you are on the internet?

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It's 3 authors and only two are in the Bible. The first is the single mention in Genesis before the flood where is says the sons of God laid down with women and begat giants/nephilim. The next is the Book of Enoch, not part of the Bible but goes into detail about just what exactly happened. The last is in Jude which references the Book of Enoch just to note that those angels are currently in punishment as an example of those who get out of God's good books.


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nazi germany

I may be mistaken
I did some reading after watching this lad explain it and it was mildly convincing


by being a dysfunctional studio with more misses than hits.

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>Nigger, the pyramids alone are one of the last remaining wonders of the world and the two of them together are pretty well the most recognizable structures ever built, along with pic related. Meanwhile, we don't even know what the hanging gardens looked like.
Of course, the Pyramids are so famous because of how long they've been able to stand the test of time as well of the sheer magnitude of them. But what about everything else around them? Just sand and dunes now. Does that mean I think Egypt was a bland and dull place just because everything that was built around the pyramids did get lost to time? Of course not. And that's the thing, I think you're just going by the assumption that because Mesopotamian structures look like shit now, that means they were never beautiful and monumental.

We might not be able to see what those cities actually looked like today, but there is actually plenty of archaeological evidence to suggest that they were a sight to behold. We know they had very valuable resources to fuck around with like gold, copper and lazuli from scriptures found in clay tablets that were buried in the ground for thousands of years before just a few decades ago. Lazuli, by the way, is probably what the Ishtar Gates of Babylon were made out of.

And when it comes to the most ancient parts of Mesopotamia, like Sumer, we forgot that it even existed before it got dug up and re-discovered in the 1840s. When you're considered to be the oldest civilisation in the world, what chance does your architecture really have of surviving into the modern age?

Attached: Ishtar_Gate_at_Berlin_Museum.jpg (1024x768, 450K)

It's a god damn miracle we even have the glimpses we do now

To address the mythology question specifically, the main thing to keep in mind is that, sadly, most of our primary sources were burned by the Spanish. People always talk about the Library of Alexandria, but every library in Mesoamerica was torched and we only have around 16 pre-contact texts surviving despite the region having writing 2500 years by the time the Spanish showed up.

So, obviously, our sources are somwhat limited.... but far less so then people realize there's a ton written about Aztec society, history, and myths by both Aztec and their descedents themselves and Spanish firars in the early colonial period, and there's a ton of sources there (again, check out that resource post and the stuff I link in it). The classical maya also have a ton of surviving inscriptions detailing the political histories, though not much pretaining to religion... though we do have some stuff from the postclassical maya, such as the Popol Vuh. Other cultures we have way less records for, but there's still stuff here and there.

If you are wanting mythology stuff in particular I can get you a specific list rather then the larger genersal booklists you can find in the stuff I already linked. And while I already linked it, you'll probably find this series of posts of mine on Aztec Sacrifice, Metaphysical philosophy, cosmology, and ethics/morality pretty interesting: desuarchive.org/his/thread/5495687/#5510689 , see also pic related for some Aztec peoetry tying into it

It's really, really fascinating stuff.

Eh. Blood and sacrifice is a big part of all Mesoamerican religions, and their dieities and spirits can get pretty nightmarish, but nobody ever talks about how, say, they were also into flowers and birds. It's a mistake to characritize their society or their religion as a neverending gore/sacrifice-fest, or even to characterize the sacrifice itself as "bloodthristly", when it was a super formal and solemn thing.

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High Fantasy Wild West.
That or some more Indian/SEA inspired areas with Hindu Mythos. Got decent amount of buddhist stuff too, but more wouldn't hurt.
Can only think of Digital Devil Saga(inspired in terms of themes and some area appearances in game 1) and Asura's Wrath (creative with it through adding a scifi flair) for hindu.

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>To address the mythology question specifically, the main thing to keep in mind is that, sadly, most of our primary sources were burned by the Spanish. People always talk about the Library of Alexandria, but every library in Mesoamerica was torched and we only have around 16 pre-contact texts surviving despite the region having writing 2500 years by the time the Spanish showed up.
Fucking spics, always ruining everything.

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It's it's battle shounen before shounenshit was a thing
I remember some rando freaking out over Krishna with SMTIVA's international release

wherever this is

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Symphogear from the guy who brought you wild arms

Attached: Symphogear Training Montage.webm (600x336, 2.7M)

It really is. Especially now with ISIS constantly blowing priceless ancient artefacts up like the braindead retards they are.

The destruction of history in general just pisses me off like no tomorrow.
Makes me worried about when our modern history changes and becomes ancient. Will we still be able to have most, if not all of our history properly documented, or will some asshole repress or destroy all that info to the point where we're like the civilialisations we're researching now?

reminds me of that planet in KOTOR

In ancient Persia, playing as the hero Rostam from the Shahnameh.

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Read and weep

And that's the preserved stuff. We find wacky shit sunken off the coasts of major metropolitan hubs all the fucking time. We have no fucking idea what is lost solely to the sands of time

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This thread just makes me wish that time travelling was a thing.
Wouldn't even try to fuck with history like most people, I would just be sightseeing and trying to document everything.

No wonder people hate the spanish and christcucks


As of now it's just a hobby I go balls deep into my autism with. I have some contacts/networking with some actual archeologists and people who know people, and i'd like to pursue it academically, but I'm just pretty poor and the job market for it is beyond shit.

I would be remiss to not point out that if you want pretty gardens built into urban spaces, then the Aztec are what you want: Mesoamericans as a whole were all about incorporaitng nautral and open spaces into their cities, but the Aztec went ham with it and gardens and flowers in particular.

Imperial botanical gardens were a fairly common thing, flowerbeds, ponds, and gardens were build in public spaces as well as in courtyards in noble homes, trhe captial outright having a nature preserve in it,, and they had a whole complex, damn near proto-taxonomic categorizational system for herbs, plants, and flowers they used. The captial itself and a few other core cities also had canals running all throughout the cities and artificial islands expanding the space usable for them, since the core of the empire was centered in a giant series of lakes. The captial itself was mostly build out of these islands.


Also dumping excerpts of some conquistador accounts on them here rn: , might

I mean, boards.fireden.net/v/thread/456956681/#456985875 links to all of my long series of posts, as well as a post where I post the mega I and another user manage, and link to another set of resources, booklists, etc on reddit, by a person I also coordinate with. What here isn';t sufficient?

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>these people had no letters nor script...they communicated with images and paintings

I wanna note that this is actually wrong: Maya hieroglphs have both a picrographic/logorammic based glyph set, but also a set of glyphs that represent spoken sounds and combine to form words and has a full syllabry: It's a true, complete written language. Zapotec and Epi-Olmec are also heavily phonetic and syllabic based, and even the more pictographic scripts like Aztec, Mixtec, and Teotihuacano have some phonetic elements.

Sadly, those are the only writing systems in Mesoamerica we know much of anything about, AFAIK. We have only a single example of Olmec writing and we can't decipher it, and we know that other cultures like the Purepecha (who had the second biggest empire in mesoamerica after the Aztec as of the time of contact) had scribes and writing systems and books, as did presumbly most other cultures in the region since urbanism and statehood was the norm, but we don't have any examples of others to examine.

youtube.com/watch?v=lgsQndSyfHg is a pretty good video on the Maya script in particular.

One last image, I have other stuff I need to do for now, will read shit when I have time later and will reply if the thread is still up

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>Makes me worried about when our modern history changes and becomes ancient. Will we still be able to have most, if not all of our history properly documented, or will some asshole repress or destroy all that info to the point where we're like the civilialisations we're researching now?
That's a very interesting question. But it's a whole lot easier to record, archive and preserve shit now than it was hundreds or thousands of years ago. You have various multimedia like TV, radio, countless amounts of printed paper, and of course the Internet with its endless stream of information being constantly uploaded. I imagine it would be a lot harder for some maniacal dictator to erase evidence of our existence at this point. It's amazing to think, though. People could be looking back on these archived threads long after we're gone and see our posts.

Whoever is reading this in the far future - you're a faggot. Pic related.

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>He thinks digital media will last as long as physical stones

We lost the Yea Forums archive years ago and you think your shitposting will last even an 1/8th of the time our pre history has? Get fucked

>no XCOM-style strategy game where you fight evil spellcasting jews

Let's be fair, almost every culture out there has at least attempted to destroy another culture somewhere down the line. Humans are just fucking dickheads.

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1,000 years from now someone will read your post and you will be wrong and I can then laugh at you from beyond the grave.

regular urban areas with supernatural stuff

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Deep Amazon

Japs really were onto something with isekai stories but they're all so fucking bad

Like dicksipping Nippon propaganda is any better

I do love me some urban fantasy.
too bad it's plagued with trashy LNs, YA novels and their adaptations

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>but I'm just pretty poor and the job market for it is beyond shit.
I know that feel. History is my favourite subject by far but I know it is highly unlikely to lead to a viable, sustainable career path unless I want to become a teacher, which my crippling social anxiety does a good job of preventing,.

Yakuza 5
Yakuza Kiwami
Yakuza 0
Yakuza 6
Yakuza Kiwami 2

Mesopotamia is based, almost nothing is set there and it's always forgotten by some other shit like rome or greece, nobody cares about ancient history if it isn't for hoplite i guess.

How do you niggas feel about Old World of Darkness? (VtM:B)

I always laugh whenever the mesoamerican autist user out of nowhere into these threads

Three Kingdoms China

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From the little I've heard about it (threads here, a bit of reading on the setting), it seems pretty cool

dragon s dogma feels a lot like medieval art makes me feel, at least for me

It might. Digital media will only last as long as it's actively being copied, but at the same time it's trivially easy to copy.
A stone tablet is a unique item, but a handwritten parchment can easily have dozens of copies made, and printed books are made in batches of hundreds. A post you make on Yea Forums is instantly copied to hundreds of systems, and if someone thinks it's profound enough to repost, they can spam it everywhere with minimal effort.
We know hell of a lot more about time periods when writing was easy, than periods when it was hard, even if the storage media were worse. We know virtually nothing about time before writing.
As long as society stays at a tech level where we can manufacture hard drives, it's cheap for anyone to maintain a massive library, both of classical literary works and banal bullshit posted on anime image boards.

>retard chimps out over an outlier year with 3 games set in feudal Japan
>hipster locations up the ass

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How new are you to think that games being set in Japan is a recent thing? Besides that, you're completely missing OP's point, you fucking idiot.

I'd like to see the
byzantines empire
Pre columbian America
And spain before reconquista

Literally Morrowind.

None of these are hipster locations, pretty much eveyrhting mentioned has been a major site of civilization

hipster loications would be like tribal african or antoalian sheep farmers or some shit

That's some Berserk-tier shit.

And Super Mario Brothers 3. Even leads to heaven.

Kill yourself, weeb.

Korean War.

>Lets talk about [thing] you'd like to see in games, anons.
>You can see [thing] in [game], OP.
>Fuck off.

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Does such a thing even exist?


>Ancient Mesopotamia
How the FUCK do they not have a single game?

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1917 Russia.

ahh Detroit

Damn this has been my favorite thread in a long time. Thanks OP. I love learning historical shit from autism anons.

Does this just end here. I was invested

>A game where Gilgamesh and Enkidu bro it out while slaying demon's and going after Gods
>Endgame boss is Ea, who Gilgamesh needs to kill to get the Elixir of Life after Enkidu dies
I want it. I NEED it.

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where are my fucking aztecs/mayans


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I thought Ekidu is described as a wild man/sasquatch, not a satyr.

Enkidu is actually an extremely cute green-haired girl.

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>hipster locations up the ass

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Well, he was made by Gods, he's not a natural man in the first place.

IIRC the description was vague to begin with and he's definitely not a normal human, so no harm in doing it I guess. Him being depicted as a satyr could be because of his theme of being connected to animals and nature and whatnot, and coincidentally, "wild man" is often used to refer to satyrs too. Most likely completely inaccurate, but can't say it doesn't fit him well.

Literally where.

More Romans or medieval Spain would be nice

>I remember some rando freaking out over Krishna with SMTIVA's international release
That was a good time. I remember a few people complaining about killing YHVH and what not, then the poos moved in.

I'd like to see more Japan.

>medieval Spain
What are they even famous for aside from raping the Aztecs and getting BTFO by England?

Getting BTFO by mudslimes and needing to be saved by other Europeans.

Seconding this. Last time I played a game set in Mesopotamia was on Age of Empires 1 campaigns in 1997.