City of Heroes

Test Server is still up and running, only 200 people per zone who knows when a real server will be available

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Other urls found in this thread:

YOU WILL FIGHT the servers.

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I love how you juggle City of Heroes, Risk of Rain, and DMC. Maybe the janitors will promote you into cocksucker some day.

I'm in!

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How good of a computer do i need to run this?

I used to play wotlk on high settings and havent upgraded since, will i be OK?

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Spent a long time in the character creator

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Probably. The game came out 15 years ago.

The game is older than wotlk

oh shit whaddup

Attached: coh test server 4-20 8AM.png (1320x957, 1.03M)

Game is from 2004 so you should be fine. Just know that you cant run it in 1920x1080 or it produces black borders on the sides. Have to play in basic res

Whomst've'est can group with whomst'ev'est? Can heros and villians group or only heroes/vigilantes and then villians/rogues or w/e group together?

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does her ass fit the style?

Who here playing CoH for the first time?

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That's half the fun of this game. You can get lost in the character creator for hours and you get like 6 costume slots.

How the heck do I turn the camera without my character following? I want to take some neat screenshots damnit.

here. not bad and i liked going through the sewers with a group. just wish i had better support/aoe to clear mobs faster.

There's 10.

Beautiful user

Does the tutorial still blow the servers up?

Heroes and Villains cannot group together
IIRC though Heroes can group with Rogues and Villains can group with Vigilantes

Well, I made a character and walked all of 20 feet before I got booted out, but game seems cool

>Logged in
>Chose my character
>Walked around while dealing with mapserver connection issues
>Killed 1 guy

I'm getting a little further each time I try.

middle mouse

So I made Shantae.

Is there any transformation skills or something? Or should I just go full melee, fortunately hair whipping seems impossible.

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What do they have for a bug themed hero? Also are there summons and pets for a necromancer themed hero?

Is my FPS supposed to be shit in Atlas Park? I put every setting on the absolute lowest and it didn't even improve slightly, so I don't think it's my computer.

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Oh shit, I bound that to autorun (like I have in every mmo). What's the keybind option for it.

A lot, and yes

is it any good?

Is sewers a rogue thing?
how does one get to the sewers?

nice tits

You're part of the botnet now user. Enjoy the ride.

Is Pocket D still a thing? I remember hanging out and fucking around with heroes on my villain in that club, I had to stop playing before the rogue update came out so idk, i'm guessing that's what added a bunch of new accessories and shit too? I see so many new parts that i don't remember there being.

>CoH playable
>Avengers releases next week
Perfect timing Leo

Necromancy is one of the Mastermind powers.

I'm too uncreative to make up a back story and a cool looking hero
I hope you guys don't mind generic shitters

Menu>Options>Keymapping>Rotate Camera

I think you can also do it with Page Up

Unfortunately mediocre ass, but at least the pants are perfect.

It's more of the camera being stretched if anything. I don't get any black bars at 2560x1080

>coming up with original ideas
What are ya, a fag?

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Dammit I was so close.

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>picked shoot as first power over summoning a robot

Shit now I look bad because of how much better yours is.

The sewers are in Atlas Park for heroes. It's a super easy way to level up fast

open the map and hover your mouse on the red dots. join a group inside and go crazy on the mobs.

Sewers are a map on the hero side, there's a load of strong enemies down there. People get in big ol groups and clear it out for quick leveling.

Yeah, I know. It wasn't letting me use my imported outfit without choosing it since I had a customized rifle.

I plan to pick up the robots at Lv2.

Thanks for installing a bitcoin miner

I made an account. Can I get a link to the tequila client and whatnot? Can't find it.

I saw the threads for this last night before bed, where's the download and login sites?

thanks anons

Thanks senpai

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savecoh com is the register

It disgusts me how this game still has some of the best customization in video game history and has yet to be topped by another MMO.

Seriously, I spent way more time on the character creator alone than I care to admit.

Sometimes for superhero-themed TTRPG games my D&D group runs I just use CoX as a character model designer. It's fucking wonderful.

create an account then go to to create your GAME account that you actually login with.

Once that's down download Tequila from either the website or the magnet magnet:?xt=urn:btih:606490b92fc35d249abff9f00360302d0552e735&dn=coh I recommend magnet since alot of people are downloading Tequila right now. Then its just a matter of launching Tequila, letting it download the game, and playing on SCORE

again though make sure you login with the game account you create at not your basic account or it won't work

Redpill me Yea Forums:
City of Heroes vs Champions Online
Never played both, just heard CO had microtransactions.

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Always ate up most of my time playing. I could spend hours at Icon in Steel Canyon coming up with a costume only to change it the very next day to match a badge title

It just shows how lazy a lot of modern gaming is. There was no microtransactions for CoH it was all stuff that was added and could be earned.

Thanks Todd for your shitty horse armor starting this trend.


Got to say, I can see what all the fuss was about. This Char Creator is the shit.

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Thanks gents, been waiting fucking years to see this come back.

>No groups running in Mercy

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CO is paywall trash. Nothing worth discussing about it.

>There was no microtransactions for CoH
well not at first

but when it did get them, hoo boy

from what I saw last night Sons of Stroyer went red then everyone kept getting DCed and left

should have gone blue for that sweet sewer trial xp

>have to keep going to the Underground if you're Resistance in Praetoria
>mapserver hates it
well at least I can mostly play

They should be able to in places like the rikti war zone.

I must have stopped playing before then. What did they do?

they can in RWZ and Pocket D for Incarnate Trials

>you know those two archetypes that have been available since CoH and CoV launched?
>yeah if you don't have the box already you have to pay for those
>now buy our 10 new sets for scrappers

introduced some of the most cancerous MTXs you've ever seen. Controllers and Masterminds were locked, multiple powersets that even subscribers had to pay for, lootboxes containing the strongest enhancements in the game, you name it.

Go fucking look in the archive. Someone asks this every fucking thread

Any Kamen Rider/Super Sentai guys here?
Thinking we could make a group

I think so, about the only place you can cooperate. Needed a monster computer to be in a riki raid
>heals going off every second
>while enemies keep spawning in and blasting
>then an EB shows up
>all in a small bowl aboard the mothership
>while you attack shit at 5fps until its eventually over and you find yourself either dead or near death
not to mention the pylon lag and trying to keep up with everyone since for some reason there was a pattern to it

Wow thats a joke. At least we are free without restrictions now

I'm downloading the game, first time playing. I've always wanted to play this game to make a karate bugman, count me in.

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Is this server running i23? Or i24?

If I bother with the new stuff it won't actually be my first time, but it might as well be since I only played it a tiny bit a really long time ago.

Leo's hacked-together I25

Probably going to make one as my second character. Either that or a Black Ranger.

Not now though sadly. Got to go be a wage slave so I can survive for another month.

>people actually got suckered into downloading this

So is the game still getting stuck on loading screens?

What mission am I supposed to be doing first in atlas park?

Here, the character creator is something else compared to what you see nowadays.

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I only got to play for like ten minutes, learning the controls. Wow, it's very old school. I haven't played a game like this in years. When City of Heroes came out I wanted to play it so badly. I love superheroes but we were too poor to afford a gaming pc.

Disconnections aside now I can actually play it and it's fun. I can't wait till the server smooths out because we all need to get together. Seeing this game die back in the day was heartbreaking but now it's free and everyone can play it and do whatever they want.

This is like Christmas day times a million. I've never been so satisfied by something like this. Thank god for those BR's that threatened Retardon. I'll never make fun of Brazilians again.

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What are some good builds to make?


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yeah it was pretty shitty of them I bought every fucking micro-transaction they had available besides a VIP account like a good paypig to keep the game alive...

What's different between the i24 beta and Leo's i25?

Anything good? What's bad?

have we gotten a summonable penelope yin we can pretend we screw to cuck the clockwork king?

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Fuckin me. I love everything about it aside from the disconnections but things are looking bright. Guys. We collectively own City of Heroes now. It belongs to the people.

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New archetype added, the sentinel. Mix of scrapper and defender

Thanks doc.


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when are we likely to get regular, STABLE servers? Weeks or months?

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Yeah there's some pretty wild stuff. Finished powersets that were in development, a bunch of new powersets that I don't even know if they were planned, like ninja training for blasters. More Proliferated powers to other classes, and even a new class he made thats essentially just blaster primary skills and scrapper secondaries. Also he added a cel shading option.

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Can the character builder handle non-human characters?

>mfw you can actually play a hero with screaming flaming demonic hordes as slaves handing out balloons and candy to children and helping old ladies across the street superman style.

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Yep, though you are still human shaped. You can changed head, hands, tails, monster feet, wings etc.

Pretty much what I based the idea on. But I didn't want to do undead as it felt too obvious.

Plus forcing demons to save people's lives and commit benevolent acts of charity with no personal gain is a form of torture all it's own.

And the rest of the game is the shittiest

What's the ERP like in this game?

>forcibly disconnected, servers shutting down

>When the NPC's know better business practice's than NCsoft.

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Just make sure you download a copy of the Source Code and hide it offline somewhere.

Even if NCsoft nukes every server it can find, as long as we have that City of Heroes will never die.

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Credit where credit is due. This is all thanks to based Leandro.



Barring the mapserver issues, this server's actually astoundingly stable. We're looking at weeks for a truly stable server, mostly likely.

>When the coders get done deserializing and modernizing the code not only will city of heroes never die, but anyone will be able to rehost it in the time to takes to transfer and boot up a server.

Looks like they've got some optimizations they want to put on the server. That's why it's offline right now. Hopefully they help.

Hes not based. Stop sucking his dick.

It'll come back online soon

>It disgusts me how this game still has some of the best customization in video game history and has yet to be topped by another MMO.

Stop your contrarianism. Champions Online was the best superhero customization ever.

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What we have today is because of him. I'm man enough to say that is based as fucked.

Leo actually released a few I24 bins to the deserializing lads, so they don't even need to do that anymore.

Fuck off furries.

It feels so surreal. What the hell is even going on anymore. I feel like none of the bad shit in my life matters now. It feels like we've traveled back in time to better days.


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DIdn't City of Heroes get a lawsuit from Marvel because it's character creator was so good that people could potentially make Marvel characters in it?

How's the content, is there actual content of the game or just being able to connect on the game?
I really want to to play the game but I don't wanna bother until things gets settle down.

what is this?
an image for ants?

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Wow! Look at all that locked content

Can someone redirect me to a place i can read what happened? Last thing i knew about this CoH thing was that some Brazilian guy was running a Private Server for years without letting anyone but his friends/family in. What happened after that?

you only get to be called based if you do the right thing without death threats

lol I saw a captain america shooting the shit with a superman last night

too bad chinks ruined it by making it full of microtransactions that'd make EA blush

Will the forums ever be back so I can create an account

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Still waiting to get some time on the server
For the millionth time, its thanks to based niggers

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Yes, but then it turned out it was Marvel making most of those characters themselves.
everything that was in the game at shutdown is in this

Anybody know what the fuck I can do about this fullscreen shit?

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People found out where he lived and he was basically scared into publicly releasing the code. SO CoH private servers are possible now.

alt+enter brainlet

Attached: coh test server 4-20 9AM.png (1920x1080, 2.16M)

where do I go for first mission in atlas park?

>everything that was in the game at shutdown is in this
Holy shit.
Downloading right now.

Bless those BR's that threatened his fatass.

Leandro being the nigger who did the most work to get us here.
Not only based but, dare I say it, red pilled too.

>blaster primary skills and scrapper secondaries
Sounds broken as fuck, who thought this would be a good idea? Blaster but without the vulnerabilities?

apparently it kind of sucks

What does Yea Forums think of grams?

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God tier, well done user

Not even a day and they’re already improving it. Based

Not one person saying how to play it, lmao the shills are too stupid for their own good.
Thread reported for sharing a botnet.

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It would have never gone past his secret club if he wasn't scared shitless

if you're too stupid to figure it out, you don't deserve to clog the servers

The fuck are you talking about? Just sign up and download the shiz. I'm a computer illiterate retard and I did it.

>shitposting without reading the thread
this post is extremely low quality, don't deserve a (You)

>He can't find source
Surely is a clown world

so what you're saying is...
it's a brapper??
ooooh, frittata!

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So when do you guys expect this to be more or less stable?

There's more to a class than just having the same skills. If it doesn't have the same amount of base damage as blasters, it won't be as good damage wise. Also they don't have Build Up like blasters do.

I think the most important lesson we learned here is that Terrorism works.

Goddam it works so good.

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the character creator looks cool but i can't imagine a more hellish experience than playing a mid 00s MMORPG


I don't think the server will be stable until it finds a good home besides leo's server honestly

needs an oversized sweater not a poofy jacket

What is up with this game all of a sudden? Info for the clueless?

what is gram's power

cheek pinching and tummy aches by giving too many sweets

She's friendly!

>Try to get into the building
>It doesn't load and I lose connection

this isn't on Leo's server, it's on some networked-together mess from like three different people


Mission maps take a little longer to spin up, I believe. They won't be available right after a server reset

tequila pls

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Cringe post. Don't ruin the thread.

City of Heroes was killed but turns out some BR had the game and was running it privately for years and being a general dick until we found out about it and some BR's threatened to kick his ass if he didn't release the source.

Now everyone in the world officially owns City of Heroes and we can play it any time forever.

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I WANT it to work in fullscreen, brainlet.

Champions is free-to-play, however, a lot of costume pieces are locked behind a paywall, and free players can only choose preset power builds. City of Heroes is absurdly open-ended in costume and power set design.

I can't imagine a more hellish experience than posting on an early 00s yotsuba board.

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How do I learn to fly or whatever? Is it something you can learn as you level?

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Alt+Enter again. It will re:escalate into fullScreen fixed.

You can learn at Lv4. It's one of the general pools you can choose.

There's a hidden red X top right of the f the options window. Move the window around and it might appear. Had the same issue.



Level 4 I think is when you get travel powers

hit level 4 and pick power pools on the right side of the level up screen


Are there any super speed powers?

So it has a blast set with the damage scaled back like defenders and corrupters and scrapper level armor?

Hit level 14 or just go to the P2W vendor on the west side of atlas park and you can claim a free travel power



Server is offline now

Fuck, just keeps zooming in on the top left. Fuck this old software shit.

Hidden red x?

Thanks fren

Sweet, how fast can you go? Any sound barrier breaking speeds?

Flying, big jumping, speedboy running and teleporting.

Based favelaniggers

Supposedly, I also don't know what it's inherent passive power is and that's a big factor in separating classes. There's not really any write ups or patchs notes for it that are public but I imagine they probably exist on the score forum.

Also their powers sets do contain some differences, like their version of AR has AIM instead of bean bag, Disorienting shot instead of burst, and some spell called Incinerator instead of Ignite.

I haven't played since 2006 so how good is warshade and peacebringer? Never actually played them

I think the speed cap is like 97 mph?

Run in Windows 8.1 compatibility mode.

You mean run tequila in that?

>finally get in
>server shut down

At least i got some of it

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Incinerator is basically Ignite except it's an enemy-targeted AoE instead of a ground AoE

No, the actual score exe
you still boot it from tequila though

is there a quick way to switch channels?
me and some friend were playing but we kept getting split into different mercy islands.

If he'd released all the code and stuff fucking years ago think how far along the community and the game could be, but because of him we're basically in a newly starting out phase with test servers and shit like 6 years on, he is far from based he held this shit back for half a decade.

You should go with the monstrous head wolf head is too small for that body

Warshade is pretty alright but Peacebringer kind of sucks.

Yo, user, something's wrong with your cat.

Wait, did he give out the source code? Did the faggot Argentinian finally crack or did someone meet him in person and crack him?

Dude I'm excited to play as much as anyone but these people is discord saying there "crying" is fucking cringy. Can we just raid the discord and call these crybaby's faggots?

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>we could have a moonbase by now

Since we have the source code, could we potentially make new content?

He did send out the source code, though last I heard, people are still working on the mission data.

Oh really is there one?

Some guys found out where he lives and said if he didn't release the source code they'd come back and break his legs. Now we own CoH.

I tried. Got banned within seconds. That place is about as reddit as it gets.

Current story is he cracked and is helping, but it wouldn't surprise me to learn that he's been murdered and the killer is using all of his accounts as sockpuppets to get the game up faster, so he can play before his prison sentence.


Is praetoria more playable than the other areas or will map transitioning crash all the same?

Is this JUT CoH or Is it COX?

he released the I25 data yesterday and the I24 data this morning

He said in discord voice channel that someone sent him Avengers End Game spoilers to his email that's what did it.

Yes, but it won't be easy.

a fate worse than death indeed

It’s everything

Ah. Sounds like things are proceeding abreast, then.


Attached: coh test server 4-20 9AM 2.png (1920x1080, 2.43M)

Coh Freedoms or going rogue and what's the difference? it doesn't explain it too well.

someone send me a DL I miss this game so much.

sorry didn't mean to link that post I just meant for a new player.

>I can summon ninjas to fight for me
villainy it is

These niggers are all full of shit. Some bitch named Bree promised to send nudes. He became compliant soon after.

Server is now named Bree.

City of Heroes Freedom is Heroes and Villains.
Going Rogue was an expansion that takes place in another parallel dimension and introduces a morality system where you can be neutral or switch sides.

can someone spoonfeed me what Going Rogue is all about?

It could be worse, you could be playing a modern mmo

You don't have to be a villain to be mastermind.


Tried compatibility mode. I can't get fullscreen to work worth a shit.

I am autistic and hate windowed mode with a passion so this will severely hamper my enjoyment of the game.

I know, it just fits too well

It seems you can't put "the" infront of your name because it auto deletes, correct? Fuck.

>More power customisation after char creation
Hope I can respec if I pick something I don't like




You cannot change powers.

Can pretty much guarantee 90% of the people in tears over this shit leveled to 30 on about six characters, and then quit years before they even announced the servers would be closing.

You should have a contact in the building behind the big statue in Atlas Park. Go to the place that corresponds with your orgin and they'll start your quests

Going Rogue lets you make a Praetorian character as well as introduces the Morality system where Heroes can choose to become Vigilantes then do mayhem missions to become either full Villain or stay Vigilante

Same with Villains who can choose to go Rogue and either stay Rogue or become full Hero

Build her.
AR/MA Blaster. Right?

Attached: motoko.png (445x687, 308K)

If I recall, you find a way into an alternate universe where a super-powered tyrant has taken control of the city, but enforces relative peace, while a super-powered resistance does morally questionable things to try and unseat him. It introduces a few in-between states for heroes and villains who want to lean a little closer to the other side without going full white / black hat.

"The" is a title you can get later.

Like "The Glorious CHARACTER NAME" plus badge titles. Like EXPLORER, THE GLORIOUS BITCH NIGGA

Switch from color mode to scale and you can change the head size and shape

In city hall, find the room that has to do with your power origin.
Or look at your map and find the green dot.

Out of all the mastermind majors which one is the best?


Going rogue was the third expansion pack released. Freedom was the free to play update, and basically the subtitle for the final versions of the game and expanded upon a lot of the content and systems introduced in going rogue.

>had to go through like 30 captchas to do this post
I fucking hate slant moot

Post yfw leandro and his cronies are still playing a fully functioning, lag free game server RIGHT NOW while everyone else has to suffer with the hacked together infrastructure we've been dealt

theres no way this goon, after hoarding and running all this for 6 years, doesn't have a contingency plan to keep his little walled garden still up and running while handing out scraps to appease everyone else

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Look to the left of the name input area.

"The" is something you can tack onto the front of any name for free. It's auto-deleting it for you because of that.


The tyrant is also an alternate universe version of the Statesman, the iconic hero of the game.

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Well, let's see.
Try changing to a lower res or
Try to set it to windowed and then Alt+Ent

Most people say Robotics/Force Field is the way to go

you can get The right at the start, it's the other titles you get later

Nai I like this, it really makes him look like a Werewolf Vampire hyrbid which is what i want

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thats the best head for wolves, to me, as well.

Do you need to do quests, or can you just grind to level up?

Anyone elses download freeze at \cggl.dll?

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Grinding is fine. Game is very solo-able too.

>Werewolf Vampire hybrid
Holy shit we really did go back to 2004


Robots/traps. Forcefield does defense and little else

You can do both

Robots/Thugs in my opinion, thugs is higher dps, robots are tankier. Ninja/poison dps is also pretty high but lmao melee AI, they'll still melt Archvillains though. As for your secondary, Radiation/kinetics/dark miasma are top tier. Traps/FF is decent also.

MM's can only get Rad and Kin on this frankenstein patch

I'm guessing his server was so low pop that it was pretty much unplayable anyways. Six years of absolutely no content updates is enough for a game to get stale for most people.

I get the feeling he doesn't give that many shits about the game anymore, and was primarily compulsive about the secret not getting out. But now that it's out, he can dump it and move on, or try and scrape back some relevance now that CoX regained some traction from this.

Praetoria. Its basically the Bizzaro Paragon City where an alternate version of the Freedom Phalanx rule like instead of Statesman its Tyrant, instead of Positron Anti-Matter, Neuron instead of Synapse, etc.

In Praetoria everything is much more polished looking, but there is a huge underground resistance you can choose to side with. Its pretty fun.

The firewall message is just the logins getting slammed right? Also bros, how has 2019 turned out so BASED

street sweeping is fine at the start but the most optimal way to grind 50 is to do missions over and over

The source code is literally in our hands now, we have the full game. All that is left is to make it playable and put it on our own server.

Who gives a shit about that guy. Give us a week and we'll be in a server FREE of him.

How well do they do in PvP? I never got around to pvp when I played since I was a dumb highschooler

>downloading anything from buttblasted BR
good luck

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It's the year everyone gets to go home

Did the server go down?

Best timeline in centuries

>How well do they do in PvP?

You're the gayest class in pvp if someone decides to actually stand around and try and fight you instead of just leaving.

yeah I got that for the longest time. Just hit login again after the message pops up, not while its loading or you'll crash the game

or at least that's what happened to me if I clicked while it was still trying to login

Is ninjitsu as a second power any good? I was thinking of using it with martial arts

looks like

Make her a Warshade and she can transform, yeah.

But what about DOGS?

I'm kind of pissed they didn't make the wolves boars, and the dire wolf an elephant for a circus/african theme.

Score or Paragon Chat?

are there raids? what do you do for end game


Holy mother of god it's perfrect

For Scrappers/Brutes? I don't think anyone really knows, that's one of Leo's additions. It's pretty good for Stalkers, though, the mass Placate is aces.

ERP, got a bunch of /pol/ fags to play too so we're gonna be In chat talking bout Trump and shit too

Attached: like hey man.png (342x649, 428K)

The game is out of his hands now. Now we wait for someone more competent to one up him.

You think he is crazy enough to do that?
A guy came up to his residence with a fucking gun because he didnt want to release the source code.

Honestly the only thing that makes CoH a better game is the fact that you can be a villain. I still have no idea why that hasn't been added to CO specially when DCUO also has that option and millions of other MMOs as well. I can guarantee that if CO finally added it no one would give a shit about CoH anymore, but leave it up to chinks to not fuck themselves over.

There are 24-man raids, 8-man multi-mission task forces, and server-wide Hamidon raids where everyone gets together to kill an amoeba the size of a city block

Can do so right meow, Migu.

If I sit here staring at the grey dotted server when it goes live, will I be able to get in?

there are rikti raids too

CO is an out-and-out terrible game, and it looks like actual garbage. CoH, while old, has a much better gameplay base and still looks pretty good despite its age.


so long as they don't have pets that aren't shit then I'll never play that garbage

Still getting timed out sessions sadly.


I don't know I didn't play a lot of those later powersets, they were coming out pretty fast and I spent the last half year or so of the game just gearing our my old existing characters.

I wanna add to this by saying the real downfall of MM in pvp is that fights in the pvp zones would take place over large distances because travel powers and what not, and it was easy to get separated from your gooftroops of minions. And the real tactic was to stay in bodyguard mod so you split damage with your minions, but this meant you couldn't aggressively command them to attack. Personally I wasn't a fan of pvping on them, but I avoided trying to fight one just chilling with all his minions out. At one point you were able to use "immunity" skills like Phase Shift or Personal ForceField and still be able to command your minions to fight people and that was the GAYEST shit. But they patched them to go passive when you do that.

raids are basically Task Forces/Strike Forces you can do with 8 people (yourself included). Some are lower level, some are level 50, and there's ones for heroes and villains.

If you're looking for a true raid that will be Hamidon which I think we're still a long ways off until there's enough people who are competent enough to play without dying...always Rikti War Zone raids though, they're level 50 as well, but require alot of people to do

then of course a couple Giant Monsters that spawn around you can get a group and kill those for a badge.

Other than that its just badge farming

Has anyone tried contacting the original dev who gave out the code and informing him what this asshole is doing? Maybe asking him for the code so someone else could make a public server?

we already have the code. We have basically everything, now.

>try finding the original leaker
Nice try NCSoft

no one knows who he is, Leo scrubbed the code of the stored characters any mentions of this guys name before giving it to us

Yeah because we totally know who it is and he's totally public of about having leaked it and NCSoft was totally fine with it.

there's also Incarnate Trials, which are true multi-team instanced raids.

I don't think we know who it was that gave the dude the code - probably better that way, legally speaking.

Never got the chance to do those, sadly. Hopefully people will want to do end game content and not just farming or sitting around Atlas

I gave the code to Leandro. My name is Kim Jong Un

Bree more like BR REEEEE amirite

I've been getting the "Unable to contact login server" issue every time I tried to get in, did I do something wrong with configuring shit or is it just a known problem everyone is having?

What's so great about this game? what kind of content does it have

>can't log into the forum account I made yesterday
>but I can make a new account just fine

I guess whatever.

Attached: thats worrying.jpg (311x312, 30K)

None. It has no content. It's a boomer circlejerk is all

Server cap is at 200. It's gonna be like this for a while I think it's down right now as well

Anyone else fapping to their creations?

Hell yes, I'm going to attempt to make OOO but I don't know how doable it's going to be.

Best character customization, best character build system, fun combat, good RP support, clan support with clan bases, and raids.

>Banned within seconds

I wonder if you were being an autistic megafaggot spamming NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER or something equally annoying like making loud slurping noises in the microphone. Boo hoo, poor you. Meanwhile a handful of us were kicking ass in the sewers and it was fun times. Believe it or not, not being obnoxious isn't exclusive to lebbit and dicksword.

If I see anyone under the age of 26 playing this game, I'm reporting you.

Oh yeah, because he is going to leave a bright flashing sign outside his house saying that he distributed the source code.

try it grandpa

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Didn't he tame / use Hamidon and kill Recluse?

there is literally only 1 server with a pop cap ran by a loser who never even intended to release it to the thousands of people who wanted a working private server. This shit is NEVER going to work unless someone else picks it up.

>played this when I was 16 or so
>would tell everyone I'm 25 when playing and make up shit about myself
>now I'm 28
>playing this again
>feel like telling people I'm 16 so they don't judge me

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I can't imagine it'll languish unplayed

Figured out the problem, I had the Tequila application in the same folder I was downloading into, deleted everything and made sure the folder was completely empty and now it works, hope this helps anyone out there

>got a bunch of /pol/ fags to play too
No thanks

Never played this but this game seems cool, is this an actual server or will there be a better one soon?

Is Regen still good on scrappers? I heard it was nerfed a long time ago. Would it be better to make a regen brute?

Attached: rly makes u think.png (501x553, 393K)

90% of playerbase right now are 30 year old boomers

He struck some sort of bargain with Hamidon, I think. Basically, give us this isolated areas and we won't nuke you but make sure everyone is scared to leave.

And yeah, Recluse was dead. Kind of one of the points were the timelines diverge.

So raids with combat.

Sounds pretty boring if all you do is raids that have some combat

I don't know, I never actually got to play Going Rogue. I quit after i14. That sounds badass, though.

This is a test server so lots of timeouts and failed login attempts. I wouldn't bother until they fix the biggest server-side bugs and raise the population cap.

>Stamina baseline
>Travel Powers at lvl 4

Zooms will never experience sprinting across the hollows

Made me a shitty Kuuga but I would gladly join in. Technology origin with Martial Arts and Will Power should be good, right? I was very tempted though to use Street Justice.

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I can't wait till this shit is playable and not a mess of lag and disconnects

Do what you want my dude, but yeah, it did get nerfed.

Who /praetoria/ here?

any ETA on setting up an actual server?

Two weeks to a month.

>be a retarded 14 year old
>finally get hover at level 8
>excited I can avoid mobs and fly to meet my team on the other side of mercy island
>end up soaring at 1mph in the skies avoiding snake men
>get kicked for taking too long to get there
Good times

Never played CoH and have a weekend to kill. Can I get a basic gestalt on how to get onto this test server?

I would say two weeks bare minimum, most likely a month

So since you can't start in Galaxy City anymore, what's the point?

>Tfw remember when Hollows came out
>Was psyched because I got to pick between Perez and there

Attached: WhatTheFuckAmIReading.png (891x776, 846K)

>end up soaring at 1mph

They patched hover to be like sprint speed now, but I remember slow ass hover, that shit was hilarious.

ok cool

> finish character creation
> tutorial won't load in because maps too busy

for those not in the discord:

We've got two working servers at the moment. One is hosting the database and door missions; the other is hosting city zones. Due to the network setup between them, the city zones are kind of laggy and unreliable. We tried hosting the city zones on the dbserver, but it crashed hard from overload. Door missions should actually work fine, however.

We're working on setting up different server infrastructure. Once we can do so, we'll try migrating over. No guarantees when that will be, and I personally am unsure how to change the address used by the launcher.

Until then, the servers should be semi-stable but expect them to be VERY laggy. The mapserver does not love you. It is your enemy.

> The The-Wall

I look kinda Sentai-ish

Excellent costume.

Attached: space knight.png (876x715, 1.45M)

Don't go to the tutorial user

Hover was literally just, hovering above the ground really.

pretty sure he killed Recluse at the Well of Furies, before they got their powers

Oh fuck the wall better fix that! wouldn't want a fucking stone stutter.

It's not playable yet. Folks connecting now are just stressing it and typically go about 30 minutes before a crash.

>>Travel Powers at lvl 4

Same to you my man. Fucking stellar.

>Before they got their powers

Oh God what the fuck but why

Here's hoping we'll get a good custom hero game in the next few years! I played a free trial of this and champs way back when but just never could get into the mmo grind.

Can I get a rundown on what's happening here? What's this game and why is Yea Forums going bonkers over it? Just kinda happened over night

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Just come to praetoria, it’s kino and better than the nu-starting areas of blue/red

Stalker, Martial Arts/Energy Aura.

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because he's from the evil mirrorverse, they do evil things there

War. War never changes

Attached: Screenshot 2019-04-20 12.10.03.png (745x42, 9K)

so do you just log in with your cohtitan account and password? its saying my passwords wrong but I know it isnt.

00's era MMO that had a very dedicated cult following shut down in 2012, people have been missing it pretty badly, turns out some dude had the source code this whole time and had a secret private server, it gets found out, he releases the source code

Thanks, bro.
I copied your screenshot.

Attached: wtf am i reading.png (521x468, 332K)

Holy shit, playing my character makes me feel like a badass, I really missed this

just saw you ingame i think

an old mmo from 2004 before World of Warcraft released with one of the most advanced character creation systems you will ever find plus some interesting classes that allow for some interesting combinations

>Cult following
More like large and healthy following, yet NCSoft shut it down suddenly for dubious reasons (two different tales, one says the studio wasted a bunch of money and got punished, the other says the CEO was jealous a US game was outselling his pet projects and so he crushed it). Demand never went away, which is why everyone is going bonkers that it's back.

You need to go to and make an account, then go to and make ANOTHER account which will let you login to the actual game

I tried making a toku-ish man, what do you guys think? I suck with colors, so I accept suggestions on that - I'd just like to keep the main one as red, cause it's three times faster.

That looks amazing, man.

Attached: ahh.png (804x1028, 847K)

City of Heroes was a very popular superhero MMO from a while back, known for its incredible customization in terms of hero appearance and powers. It was closed down in 2012 by NCSoft for not being popular in Korea, which pissed a lot of people off, and they refused to sell the game to any of the people who wanted to buy it to keep it running. For a long time, that was that. However, it turns out that a dev had leaked the source code to a prominent community member in the hopes that he would use it to keep the game going. Unfortunately, he instead chose to keep it a secret, and ran a highly-exclusive private server for seven years, pretty much doing as he pleased with it. Then, one of the players blew the lid on the whole thing, and people were quite upset to learn that he had been keeping the source code for himself. Cue some harsh language, and the guy finally distributed the source code. In the next few weeks, there'll probably be a lot more servers popping up, and long-time fans will be able to play the game again, which makes them happy.

gotta make an account on the webserver in the disc, then make a game acc on that

CoH was the first super hero MMO with amazing customization that still has yet to be topped. A Chines company then bought the company, shut the game down and forced them to make a not as good F2P MMO called Champions Online that the Chines company loves to fuck and jew people with.

Someone from the original CoH team then leaked the code along with all of the profiles to a reddit mod who then started his own super secret private server and ruled it like some weird egotistical twat of a secret club for people who sucked his dick.

Someone finally got fed up and leaked this info to the public where everyone got super fucking angry at him because it also turned out that this reddit mod was also sabotaging other users and communities for even trying to talk about or try setting up a CoH private server.

Yea Forums and a few redditors then doxx the guy and find his address. Reddit mod plays cocky till some black user posts a picture of himself with a glock outside the mods house saying he better release the goods. Reddit mod's testicles fall off and puts all the info and code out.

Now thousands of people are trying to play on the reddit mod private server and it keeps crashing cause it was not set up for this many people.

that's...not at all what happened

its all over guys

The real appeal was that they never fell for copying WoW design like every other MMO. The biggest difference is group the mission system. Missions are a bigger deal and almost always involve a "door", a personalized randomized instance with an objective inside. More importantly, you can share missions with everyone in the party and progress and rewards are synchronized. This means you can form a party with anyone you want and do as many missions together as you want with no logistic issues.

why does this shit take so long to patch, is there a faster way to get the game?

Damn you're a retard

I wanted to make a demon mastermind and ended up trying to make a smug daemon prince boy

I worry the bottom half is a bit much though

Attached: score_2019-04-20_12-19-06.png (844x1160, 1.04M)

nah, looks good man

I think I finally found a design I wanna stick with.
We're gonna need to buy street clothes for the robot friends to rip off during Henshin Roll Call

Attached: BTWaitoTaiga.png (587x861, 621K)


Definetly too much. Looks like babby's first LARP

the shoes push it over

ive been looking for an mmo for years

maybe this will be fun?

>We're going to get custom costume pieces that ignore copyright.
>Expect people running around as Sentai, Jojo, or Transformers characters.
>Also expect a bunch of morons making Donald Trump heroes and being a nuisance.

Attached: starfox_crew.jpg (1600x1000, 260K)

I like this.

there's nothing else like it

Anyone remeber teleporting people off cliffs, clipping them beneath levels, or trapping them behind store counters?

>Hipster hair
based, dont listen to the haters

Attached: sad boi.png (526x558, 335K)

says the guy posting frogman


Attached: cityofheroes-2012-11-25-15-58-41-59.jpg (1680x988, 725K)

custom costumes and powersets are probably still a long way off

not bad, I'd say change the shoes to somethign more simple, and possibly give him some pants or black tights.

It's just a worst corruptor

I don't remember the first 2 but I do vaguely remember walking into an ICON and seeing a bunch of people trapped behind the counter

Anyone else going for retro?
Need to figure out a name/backstory for my space Rocketeer, here.

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WHat are the chances of a C&D order? By the various Chaos Gods I will go ape shit if they do that!

yeah I remember the guard towers in the Hollows used to be good spots to trap people using recall friend. But they patched them to have door cut outs.

even if this server is C&D'd, the source code and the data is out in the wild. It's out of their hands.

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What's the best archetype for someone whose superpower is not really having a superpower but they're nice to have around?

white pants definitely. good job

You watch too much redlettermedia

link(s)? Don't make me read the thread nigga

Thanks friend

How's this? Too far in the other direction? I don't know why screenshots come out so dark

its actually shiver but hipster was my first choice

Attached: score_2019-04-20_12-26-38.png (767x1150, 970K)

Yeah I'm definetly stealing this.
Great work, user.

Street justice

Every archetype has something like that, except Peacebringer and Warshade.


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People under 18 shouldnt post here.
Powersets are hard. Costumes are stupid easy to add, though, especially if you're sticking to 2010 graphics standards. Expect static things like hats and maces to come first.

much better

Imagine being so underage your only reference for pulp heroes is a youtube channel

The skirt thing ruins it in both instances.
It's just too tacky.

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tfw I still have my Pocket D VIP card in my wallet after all these years

how do i get in? I downloaded the client and made an account, but i'm clearly missing something

Do I need to make a new character?

where did you download it anyway?

Neat, installing now.

this user again fuck it I made the other one

Attached: thermoptica.png (659x1094, 730K)

We need to archive this thread so the future can know how pathetic and sad nostalgiafags are.

>Decide to Try DCUO
>You're initial hero design is ruined by them forcing you to wear a clown suit for stats

WHAT THE FUCK was the point of the character customizer anyway if im gonna wear some weird ass boots?

Hey, I liked the Rocketeer before the Re:View.
The guy's costume is one of the best superhero designs ever, in my opinion.

Kind of, I used to play as a kid but its been a long time.

Is Dark/Regen scrapper still OP as fuck?

every thread is archived, newfriend

some user posted a link in a previous thread
>inb4 i've been hacked
I am trying to find the discord link but i cant seem to locate one

You can go into the style menu and lock costume pieces you collect, but, yeah. Shit game.

bet you're fun to be around

Go to the style tab and you can lock your outfit. It's like a free transmog.

Is there in game moderation? Can I be a nigger?

I mean archived in the annals of history.

Is it still impossible to get in, or is it reasonably possible to get in and just unstable?

how can one game have so much soul?

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Do you ever actually become more than a sidekick?

I'll archive it in your annals of history

I'd cover the legs so they don't blend with the edges of CoT skirt. Maybe do a gray on the boots, legs, neck, and mask to give it a bit of contrast.

>can't have a melee only powerset to go along with dual pistols

That happens after the dev team gets split to make CO


Attached: MEAT.jpg (2053x936, 330K)

It's possible to get in, and it's actually pretty stable once you get. Just very laggy on overworld maps with really long load times. Missions work fine, though

works on my machine, bro

Attached: yes this is 4chan.png (624x636, 621K)

>live in a world with the likes of Superman and Batman
>expect to be more than a sidekick

Here let me give you this


But you can
Martial combat has a ton of kicks and punches and such to go with dual pistols

Escort missions+lag=pain

what is this webm from?

Oh shit I gotta get my bro to jump in so we can have our cringey duo of Frozen Rocker and Ninja Surgeon back.

I dunno I just installed it a few days ago myself because I wasn't expecting a CoX server to be up this fast and it made me want to play it again.


Wait I thought the CoH private server people were working on didnt have quests?

Absolute kino

Please let me in the database.

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Thanks for the input guys, last post probably but I think it looks alright

I agree the skirt is tacky but that kind of goes with the demon prince thing imo and options are limited

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Leo gave up mission and map data i believe.

It was, as most things out of their mouths, lies.

Times change, user. Turns out threats of violence are all it takes to get change in the world.

things are moving fast

God, that's stupid
I love it

toku heroes are cool and all but what about toku villains?

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The one they were """""working""""" on was just a front for shekels and false hope while they ran a fully functional server in secret behind everyone's back for six years. Now the files are out.

Anyone else having trouble making characters? Whenever I try to make one it says lost connection to DB server

is it normal for downlaoding qkcodecs4 to take forever?

its been on that for like 35 minutes now

Let me in...... LET ME IN!


haha this sounds like a fun story, details?

do you reckon a shitty college laptop could run this? i just wanna peep at the customization options that ive heard so much about.

I made a handful of villains to go with my Toku guy but only one really looks like a bug. The other is a big dude, one is a comical vampire, and the last one is a games journalist.

Can I get a quick rundown please.

Last I heard the guy said "now I can never release it you meanies :(" and now he releases it. What happened that changed his mind? Was he getting sued for 1 billion pesos? Is Leandro forever BTFO?

>Atlas Park 15

Attached: hand rubbing intensifies.png (447x466, 393K)

probably could. People ran this on laptops before it the game got axed

Probably? Game came out in 2004.

>in another anons words
Leandro was given the source code for the game 6 years ago, and has been sitting on it instead of releasing the files into the wild. This whole time, he has been using his real name, real identity, and everything to set up a small, secret private server for his little clique.

This means he's been literally painting a huge target on his back for anyone to take aim at.

The CoX community that has been mourning the loss of this game is aiming at him because of several reasons. He took money for and released something called Paragon Chat, which was essentially a stripped down version of the working private server he had, only with chat capabilities. He also gaslit the community by saying there was no private server and it would never be possible, then told everyone he invited into his clique that they need to be quiet about this server, lest they get banned. They were also told to gaslight the community by claiming anyone who leaked the existence of a private server was lying. They also had heavy-handed moderation on several different CoX communities, one of which was the cityofheroes subreddit.

NCSoft also now has their eye on Leandro because of this leak, since he's the only person in the world that has a wild copy of the source code.

This could've been entirely avoided if he had anonymously leaked the source files he didn't even obtain himself, the code was handed over on a silver platter by an anonymous source. If he had actually any intent on letting anyone besides his clique play the game again, he would've put the source code in the wild and disappear to let the community start up multiple private servers. NCSoft would've had to play whack-a-mole to take down private servers.

The game is almost 20 years old so unless your laptop is equally ancient, yes.

it never was

What year is it from? This game is pretty heckin' old.

somebody pls tell me if this is normal or not

I don't think there's really such a thing as cringe in a superhero game
Please don't prove me wrong

someone stood outside his house with a gun and sent him a picture


Attached: angry norse.png (686x724, 631K)

>Dark Armor/Ice Melee is the rarest combination in the game


Can I make transforming guys?, if so, then can I customise the transformation? I wanna make devilman


I'd go just one shade lighter with the gray, but I'd say that's a solid improvement

Where is AP33? What is AP33? Is it hell? Does it even exist? It's like the black hole where all characters go to die.

I always felt the explanation as for why a CoX private server couldn’t exist was very bullshit

do you have the picture they sent him? lmao


Adding this image to go along with what user said. According to the narrative being set on Discord, Leo's a good ol' christian boy who did nothing wrong and totally not a power tripping cult leader.

Attached: leo1.jpg (2562x1897, 1.01M)

Shit I gotta try to make Nasca now

you can use costume change animations to make a transforming character

saw a screen yesterday of a fedoralord samurai, that do anything for ya?

You can make multiple costumes for a character then Emote while changing to have that effect

You can have multiple costumes slots that you can switch in and out

yeah i ended up doing that, good call


Kind of. You could a bunch of costume slots (8 max, I think) with different costumes and use the costume change emotes. Or you could do a warshade/peacebringer for a couple of shape shifts.

things are pretty much entirely out of his hands at this point, no real point in continuing the rage. Just move on and leave him behind.

>Server is now named Bree.
This pisses me off more than anything. All she did was make some stupid fucking poll.
Destroyer stroyer is the one who went fucking undercover, and theres no mention of him anywhere.

We were pretty bad, user. I loved it.

Why is NCSoft fucking retarded? This IP could have been a moneymaker with how popular capeshit is now.

it was only 5 slots in live, but it's fucking 10 in the private server

Just keep mentioning that you think it's cool that Leandro named the server after a town from Lord Of The Rings and ask if anyone else plays LOTRO

All of this is wrong and I really hope people like you stay far away from the server. I'm legitimately worried that all the new autists from this site are going to destroy the amazing community CoX was known for.

Good shit, thanks, as soon as I get my pc back I'll be downloading this for the first time also man do I miss dead mmos like the lego one and some nickelodeon one

AP33 was the highest number instance Atlas Park hit on he day of shutdown on Virtue or Freedom I think. So they put it in Paragon Chat

>gaslight the community by claiming anyone who leaked the existence of a private server was lying
Another word dying by being turned into a generic term for "lying".
Read up what "gaslight" means.

It’s leandro, what did you expect? These people live from sucking up to others

Can i make a beastmaster hunter from WoW?
Im just asking if it's possible to make a bow user that also has pets?

Korean MMORPGS follow a Boom & Bust cycle, nothing slow burning
Beta failed in Korea

Bree convinced Leo to change his ways. That's a pretty fucking big deal considering all he had to do was disappear forever

Neat. Working on one of her SAC setups now.

Attached: sac2.png (435x833, 420K)

Yup. You get eight different costumes you can swap to at will, along with a bunch of emotes and effects you can combine when swapping. My old tanker has a macro bound to transform into an angel whenever he used his ultimate move (absurdly high defense for 30 seconds)

I think you could buy bonus slots on live after real money was added

gaslighting isn't just lying, and it's absolutely what Leo and his cronies were doing by portraying the private server as a conspiracy theory and anyone who tried to talk about it as a crazy person

beast/trick arrow mastermind

Beast Mastery/Trick Arrow Mastermind. You'd have a swarm of beasts instead of one though.

I hope the MTX shit can be removed in a slightly more delicate fashion than Leandro's hackjob

“City of Hero” failed in Korea, so they don’t care.

Can't say I'm playing since I can only ever get to the login screen, but I'm trying.

Attached: 1538217820176.png (422x810, 429K)

Fuck, looks like reddit woke up because it’s getting hard to get into the server again

>Character is still logging out
fuck off

Can koreans not handle having player count going down with their MMOs? WoW will never recover its top numbers but its clearly profitable enough to keep going. NCSoft confuses me.

Don't listen to retards

I've been blasting all the way to character select just fine, then it shits itself when I try to actually get in

I'm kinda late but what made Leandro change his mind? 2 days ago People were crying and mad because this fag had the game held hostage. What changed his mind? No meme anwsers please.

>Bree convinced Leo to change his ways
No, she didn't. The people doxxing his location and threatening his life made him change his ways. She made a half assed attempt at bridging a gap that he created.