Will Sony censor it? Will it be the final nail in the coffin?

Attached: Cyberpunk-2077-1071586.jpg (590x350, 40K)

cd projekt will censor it on all plaforms

good, don't want to offend my girlfriend. She watches me play vidya, so I must uphold her integrity as a woman.

Attached: topless.jpg (392x400, 18K)

HOW DO YOU HAVE THAT PICTURE!? I knew that bitch was cheating...

how could they censor it

No, western games are safe

Tough to say. Right now Western games arent being affected. But we haven't had anything with full on sex scenes like this game will have.

Eventually I think Western games will be affected but we will see.

Regardless fuck Basedny and their dumb censorship.

why do you think the city has so much sunlight? it's to accommodate all the light shaft censoring

>censor lolicon
>fine, it was degenerate anyway
>censor any kind of adult female sexuality, even non pandering
why do they always self destruct?

they didn't censor tw3 for every region though
PC should be fine

No. Western games will be safe from this.

Sony is making the move to first party moviegames being their primary thing, and they went after Jap third parties with the one thing that would cripple most of them. Metro Exodus is on PSN right now with an uncensored strip club scene. The second they start doing this to triple-A releases instead of "lul weebshit nobody cares about" they'll catch a shitstorm.

>The second they start doing this to triple-A releases instead of "lul weebshit nobody cares about" they'll catch a shitstorm.

When are we expecting it to release anyways? 2020 or 2021?

2077 it's right in the fucking title you moron

I want you to apologise right now for being mean to me.

Yeah, that was rude.

Later this year, probably august-september.

I mean I'd like that but I doubt thats happening. Its probably next year at some stage.

TW3 wasn't censored on PS4 tho ?
so far CP77 isn't more explicit about sex or violence than TW3
there's no reason to censor it

There's been several leaks saying it's coming out this year. Earlier this year they hired new head of marketing, they are currently looking for release manager and merch store is going to open in few weeks.
It's happening.

Oh. I hadnt heard any of them. Been away from Yea Forums the last few months.

My guess would be early 2020 because it's based off Cyberpunk 2020

Still Japanese, and there was a minor shitstorm over how stupid it was until it got uncensored in america

Why would they? It's not pedoshit for weeb mutants

It will release between February and April just like Witcher 3.

you're going to equate giving CPR to a naked woman as the same thing as using the touch pad to simulated groping characters designed to look like children?

Nah, they want to release few months after E3 so hype won't die down. Besides, they are not going to hire release manager year in advance.