Flight Games

>tfw too much of a brainlet to play flight sims
I can only play War Thunder.

Attached: 1547406841536.webm (1067x600, 2.94M)

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Why can't the japs make cg anime that actually looks good

Do it for the Kotobukis.

The same form than west cant makes a traditional animation looks good.


more like,
Why did anime downgraded?
They reached perfection in the 80s and 90s.
Why did they decides to downgrade their art?
I thought it should be easier and cost lesser to produce similar quality using computer,
but it ended up being ugly as shit in modern days.

name of anime?

CG is cheaper, simple as that

they did for a while

early 00's hit the sweetspot

>3D anime

Attached: b61.jpg (2037x1131, 259K)

What is this? Girls und jagdflugzeug?

Attached: 1542101872055.jpg (480x360, 15K)

laputa 3d remaster

Fuck cg animation

I can barely even play Warthunder. I shot down a plane the other day and I did a fist pump, that's how rare it is for me to actually hit anything. I have like 90-100 matches in realistic and 2 kills.

So this is a Ace Combat thread now right?

Attached: 1542101872045.jpg (1920x1080, 129K)

They did exactly that though.

Attached: 15120603185362328194.jpg (680x962, 161K)

Start by playing Arcade and figure out how controls and mechanics work, try to pull manouvers instead of just turning and learn how far or close you have to lead your shots and in what angle you should attack, then move to RB

Yes. How do I get gud?


Attached: 1548120456240.png (1366x768, 1.24M)

I feel like that would be less effective practice for me since I play with a controller
I should just stick to Sim Battles as I have the least disadvantage against m+kb players, but Sim Battles is half an hour of flying around looking for a fight then getting shot down by an enemy I never saw.

Why is Japan so degenereate that they have to shove cute girls everywhere where they don't beling?
It's the opposite of the west's obsession with shoving shitskins and niggers everywhere.
I honestly can't decide which is more annyoing.

If you have to ask, you probably won't

Attached: 1527162902556.webm (960x540, 2.34M)

This honeslty doesn't look fun at all.
Do people really find this fun?

It's a very specific kind of fun.

They absolutely can when they need to. But most anime are very rushed these days with almost no budget

War Thunder is more fun than flight sims. Shame it's so grindy and pay-2-win.

Attached: if only we might fall like cherry blossoms in the spring.webm (960x540, 2.88M)

But I land super quick in the spaceports on Elite Dangerous. I just need a tip or two.

arma offers decent flight, use ACE and ITC air mods for a not exactly sim experience

I am doktor. You do not have the autism.
I'm am sorry, sun.

i remember when I was 16...


they tend to be more fun when the physics don't fuck up

Just play the game like you would on advanced controls, remember to do high g turns and stuff, you know, practice and it well come. Turn up the music ang get pumped.

Yes, very
Not really, only a handful of premium planes are above the bar and they usually have a non paid counterpart, its just pay 2 not grind

Fucking hate that map

I will become better for my future girlfriend Brownie.

Attached: 2cc6e99f5392a74c18e5cdb13e3b08bc67658d1d6653f18e9ac60b88d8a8bfdd.jpg (1600x740, 533K)

>machine cgi looks like is was rendered separately, and is from another world.

Am I the only triggered by the super thin perfect black cgi lines?

>Fucking hate that map
It's a flight sim???? What difference does one skybox or the other make

It a ridiculous fuck huge map.

Attached: hypno 109.gif (300x169, 1.08M)
