We're going soon bros

We're going soon bros.


Lets hear it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I am in the faction that does not get swindled by Blizzard again.

1. It's not coming out this year
2. Even if it came out, it wouldn't be the same

Taken from the demo that went up recently

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Race: Receded hairline mid-30's white male
Class: Classic WoW shill
Faction: Activision/Blizzard entertainment

Can't wait to spam 4channel.org with fake hype threads! Hope I can help save my dying faction from bankruptcy and not get laid off!

Ahem, ahem:
>muh 4 da light, kings on her friend
>n-no shoes
>w-we have pretty cities

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You are either a falseflagger or a fucking idiot to keep making the exact same thread over and over.

It’s just going to leave classic wowfags open to getting reported and shit by the jannies for spam.

>EU times
>classic wow threads like this

YIKES i didn't know refugees hated comfy so much







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I never understood the purpose of mount farming.

>still coming into threads where you know exactly what to expect just to be angry

The same purpose as the rest of the endgame: to waste time and distract from something else in your life.

>still posting literally the exact same threads over and over again only to expect everyone to just be happy with you spamming the board

>20 x game threads
>20 y game threads
>20 z game threads
>1 classic wow thread


Attached: classic.jpg (1241x597, 164K)

He just wanted 300 mounts

Maybe mage but I'm scared I'll hate constantly drinking water too much.

Don't play dumb. There have been dozens of threads in just the last three days. They're constantly recurring with formulaic OPs and stale "discussion". That's called a general and belongs on /vg/.

You'll love to never needing to pay for water

I still enjoy these threads, I guess your happiness lies elsewhere, fren

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>be lvl37 mage
>join a dungeon group
>people ask me for water
>mfw these quadruple negroids don't know that I can make lvl25 water only and they could buy lvl35 from a vendor

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Yeah agreed we should only have memes politics boobs cock and futa porn threads on Yea Forums, relegate the discussion of actual video games to /vg/.
>Never change Yea Forums


>autistic retard claps along to the exact same thread with the exact same topics, exact same copy pasta and exact same replies
Well shit no wonder you are so excited for classic wow then

How much locks needs water during leveling?

Dark Mer

Theme song for classic in 2020

What's your point, that people can't talk about the same game too much? Should we try to be as original as possible, only to please your deranged sentiments? It's an old game, i think it's 15 years old or so, i don't understand why people like you feel the need to post in these threads if you dislike the game so much. It's like you hate fags but you can't help yourself from visiting gay bars and then complaining that there's a bunch of fags in there.

>the xth smash bros thread is fine
>the xth e-celeb thread is fine
>the xth tranny/racebait thread is fine
>the xth soulsborne thread is fine
>the xth waifu thread is fine
>the xth VN thread is fine
>but the theads for this one game gets him angry

Human rogue
Human paladin
Human warrior
Gnome mage
Will be my most likely characters

I don't want to poop in Classic fan's party but I'd like to ask you guys something so I get things cleared up:
I started playing in Legion (I know, too late), had a great time with friend and quit the game 2 months into BFA with everyone. Blizzard went full retard and downhill with retail WoW, and I promised not to ever give them $15 for such a shitty product.
What I want to know is, why are you guys okay giving Blizzard $15 once again even if it's Classic WoW? The company is a fucking disgrace as of late ...

If I live in yurocuckistan but want to play with my friends on a US server, will my 100 ping make a difference or not in PvP and such?

The point is take it to fucking /vg/ already, this isn’t even video game discussion anymore it’s a fucking circle jerk of the exact same posts over and over.

What’s gonna happen is someone else will get mad enough to start reporting it for spam, a jannie will probably buy it based on archives because it’s literally the same shit, and that will cause classicfags to go fucking nuclear so just go to /vg/ before this happens and makes shit even worse.

Classicucks BTFO

>this isn’t even video game discussion

Yes it is. It is literally discussion about a video game on the board designated specifically for video game discussion. Fuck off now

They're addicted. They literally can't stop. They're paypigs for life and will do anything for their nostalgia crack because it reminds them of their childhood, when they were happy and had real friends.


If I go Prot, will dungeons be my only feasible source of xp? I keep hearing their questing sucks

only if you play melee and even then it wouldn't be that bad

Most of those things don’t literally start with the exact same wojak and exact same copypastas following it

You can have almost 100% uptime thanks to life tap and life succ
I've only played lock once, here's a nice starter guide:

If uptime is a factor for you then look into the priest class, they have a 2x spirit proc talent(spirit tap), i've leveled a spriest and it was very comfortable

private server cucks are obsessed with min-maxing so they'll tell you that it's inadvisable, but you can still level pretty quickly as prot. it'll take you longer to kill a mob but you won't have as much downtime between mobs

and 80% of 5-man tanks while leveling are just arms warriors who bring a shield. if you're a real tank, your groups will thank you and probably all friend you


That’s cool then. Makes me excited to quest in Barrens while waiting for a group to ask me to do Wailing Caverns.

Personally, i've never played WoW up until an year ago or so

I'm not a battered wife who has supported blizzard for 15 years or more, so i don't see Blizzard as a mean rapist daddy who i must boycott, to make a food analogy they're nothing but a burger shop to me

If they make a good burger i'll buy it
If they make a bad burger, i won't
I don't give a shit about their track record, they could be involved in showering their blizzcon audience with literal pig shit for not buying their pig mount and i'd completely disregard that when deciding whether to buy a sub or not, all that matters is the burger itself

undead, mage, the fuck you think

so why does all the discussion you can muster 100% revolve around
>"what character we rolling boys"
>"man we sure must make retaillfags mad LMAO" or

Water is expensive, and you can drink more frequently if you get mage water.
If you have to buy, you'll only drink when you're completely out of mana AND are about to fight groups of enemies, if you get mage water, you can drink between literally every fight and even multiple times, between each time you move a bit for example.

>laughs in warlock

lol who the fuck rationed their water like this? sure water cost money but it's still cheap as fuck and while leveling you'll find plenty of water too

because those are all easy thread bumpers. The "what are we rolling boys" is as good as a "last 2 numbers of your post decide your class" (banned) image for gathering (you)s. The second one is just low effort bait to attract falseflagging counterbait. The third is usually just a reply to bait, or someone seeking to have their views confirmed. It's been spammed so much that it's become a /vg/ thread basically, all formulaic posting with no real discussion to be had, because there's nothing new to actually discuss (because it's not out yet, and even if it were it's 15 years old so ther'es nothing to talk about)

What? water is cheap as fuck, and it drops from mobs anyway. Yeah mages saved money with their skill and it was convenient, but it's not going to save anyone from poverty either. WoW drowns you in gold as you level, i never understood how some retards managed to go broke and couldn't afford a mount or whatever.

You don't need to worry about specs to tank low lv dungeons, all you need is a shield and 3 buttons
Your leveling experience will be godlike if you can find a healer buddy to play alongside you from 1-60

WoW drowns you in gold as you level
I mean, not exactly. You do have to actively seek out gold with profs or using the AH to afford a mount.

you need 2 things
that's basically it. Just spam thunderstomp over and over. Congrats, you are now better than 90% of all random pub tanks.

It's not cheap, and if you use 30-40 water in a dungeon it costs a lot of money and you may lose money from going there.
And that's discouraging.
With water, you can have higher DPS. The Shaman may be able to afford a few more shocks and maybe dropping Fire Nova Totems, for example. Instead of just auto attacking.

Not enough drops, and if you buy your skills it's easy to run out of money.

Shaman + warrior is sick af
windfury totem on top of other totems and heals

>Blood elf

>You have to use the AH
Yes...? Obviously? What else would you do with all the truckloads of cloth you get for free? Or the BoE greens you don't need? Don't tell me there were people who vendored all of that for pennies. No, now that I think about it, there must have been.


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Waiting on those TBC servers huh

It's not actually "convenient" at all. Conjuring your own water gives you worse water than vendors on every x6, x7, x8 and x9 level. Even on the levels when it gives you water that's as good as vendor water, you spend extra time (minutes) casting, drinking and then casting the conjure spell again. Maybe you can argue that it's worth conjuring your own in vanilla, but TBC onwards it's str8 up a waste of time with no upside. Only talking about leveling.

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Tauren have the best written story in my opinion. It is easy to sympathize with their struggle for survival against the Quilboars. I like the Tauren because they are tribal, they don't really care about the war between the Horde and the Alliance they are just about protecting their own way of life. They also have this traditional thing going on where you are being "initiated" into the tribe through various rites and challenges, that is really cool, makes you feel a sense of belonging.

Daily reminder that human male warrior is the only chad race/class combination. Horde players belong in the trash.

>Conjuring your own water gives you worse water than vendors on every x6, x7, x8 and x9 level.
Eh, who cares. So I sit there for another second or two, big deal. I save more time not visiting vendors or running out of it to begin with.
If you're really concerned about optimizing within the span of a few seconds per day, you're barking up the wrong tree. If your object is to level faster there are probably macro-improvements you can make to save hours instead of seconds, forget about water.

Why the fuck would you play alliance? half of the player count for allies consist of house wives

worgen death knight

>caring about "losing" a few seconds
Are you speedrunning your /played or something?

Why would you ask for the faction after the race lol
I miss talent trees.
but not enough to pay for a subscription again

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you forgot to say fuck femtrolls

What about Human male rogue? Is it acceptable?

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You can train your first aid. It's useful to have

the BoE greens may not be very profitable. Many don't sell easily, and you may lose money if they don't sell.

Some classes may need to buy a weapon in AH. Not that expensive, but it'll cost some gold.
I just gave up on my Shaman when I was still using Hammer of Orgrimmar at level 32. Didn't realize I needed to buy a weapon.

You will not always be doing something anyway. You may for example just be bored in Orgrimmar, and that's a nice time to make some water.
You also don't need that much water as a mage in the first place, just make a few and use Mana Gems and Evocation and that Orb when you reach high enough level a lot of the time

I can't decide between Nelf Priest and UD Priest, female.
I'm a healslut.

Well these threads are usually full of "le optimize everything obey le meta" grognards who obsess "getting ahead of the pack" while leveling so I thought I'd chime in.

>meanwhile on retail
Say hi to the new horde playable race

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Looks cute, but no idea what it is

a desperate plea for furfags and girls to resub

>allied races
>resub material
people that play one month a patch don't have AR requirements unlocked and quit again

female dwarf priest

Is Netherwing 2.4.3 any fun to play?

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There are a few different archetypes of alliance player.
>The Tryhard
Intends to grind Reputation autistically, so they MUST play Human or else they're not optimal!!! Intensified in later expacs when humans were given lopsidedly OP racials.

>The Barbie
Needs to play a "pretty" character, and the only ones available are Humans and Night Elves. This includes women, trannies, and general homos of all kinds.

>The ERPer
Ties in to the previous one, but is even more degenerate. Intends to masturbate to their character, so they have to be attractive, and for 99% of people only Humans and Nelfs qualify. Since Belfs don't exist yet the Alliance is their only option.

>The Normalfag
Plays the Alliance because they appear to be "the good guys' on the surface, and the races are all essentially generic fantasy races they're already comfortable with. They fear anything new, interesting, or unique so they choose the blander of the two factions.

>The Neckbeard Paladin
Humanity, fuck yeah!! xDD Probably a Warhammer 40k fan, maybe even plays a dwarf, makes jokes about hating elves but picks the faction with elves. Basically just wants to be a paladin because "roleplaying" as Mr. Lawful Good Paladin is both a wank fantasy and the most braindead kind of RP you can dream of. In any case, only Allies can be paladins so that's what they choose. Later they are forced to wear a dress and they're more than OK with it.

>The Completionist
Unlike the other archetypes, this one is a well-adjusted, right-headed, probably friendly type of player. They didn't really want to be part of the Alliance, but after playing the Horde so many times, they felt it necessary to experience the content they haven't seen yet. Don't worry, they're only passing through. These people are the glue that holds the Alliance together. The skills they honed in the better faction follow along with them, and as dutiful roleplayers they support the Alliance despite knowing better.

and the horde archetype
>the NO SHOES wanna-be nigger

Is this pasta? lel... Awfully on point.

I know I'll be playing a Human but choosing a class is tough.

Priest for being a useful team player in raids, Warrior or Paladin because knights are eternally cool, or Mage because I've never played one before and roasting monsters with arcane magicks sounds pretty exciting.

I played WoW vanilla back in the day and quit after WotLK, which is where retail should have ended. Anyone who disputes this literally deserves pandas lmfao

allies btfo

female human
prot warriror

You could get to stormwind during the demo?

Why would I choose to buy level 35 water when free level 25 water gets the job done?

Here we see the typical Ally response to being exposed. Notice how it lashes out in confusion, mumbling autistically about shoes, and calling Horde races niggers - while having actual, literal black-skinned humans all over their faction. This ability to block out reality and substitute another is the Ally's most-used coping mechanism, regularly employed when ganked by a member of the Horde to convince themselves it wasn't their fault they died so fast.

That's more of a Brad, but its acceptable. So long as you're a not a hybrid class shitter or horde you're good. Warrior is the objective alpha class though.


Dwarf priest always.

Go for ne. There will be a lot of ud priests. Most of them going shadow tho. Alliance will be dwarf for the progress oriented guys or ne for the visuals


Shoes were covered with Alliance blood from kicking their asses so hard I had to toss them.

You may do it. I'm not stopping you. I'm actually not even complaining. But if you do it, you're making an active decision to slow down the group. And if you do that, then you don't get to bitch about anyone else either.
However if you choose to do both of these things, then it marks you as faggot and a moron and a likely future belf player.

I'm not tryhard enough to want to be a short fat uggo.
NE is what I'm leaning toward, it's kind of a shame Horde only gets two options, so Undead will be all over the place.

Is there a single more chad race/class combo than the male night elf priest?

Night elf is quite possibly the LEAST chad vanilla race. 90% trannies and housewives, and the lore for the race is basically them getting cucked and losing over and over. And Priest is quite possibly the least chad class as well, you're a healslut in a dress that serves everyone else's needs. Only way this could get any worse is if it were female.

haven't been following WoW for a long time. So will Classic begin from first patch and slowly progress to up to date or will it just be the first patch/patches...?

Did any of you play Warhammer Age of Reckoning?
vanilla WoW is the goat mmo but WaR up to like level 30 was so fucking fun. It's a shame that it falls off hard after that.

What class levels best with a shaman?

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Healers can't be chads. Non-humans can't be chads.

>shadowmeld MCs you off a cliff

I'm ready to pay 15 dollars for a quality servers that aren't too big like some private servers are, aren't run by powertripping mods like some private servers are, and aren't being constantly ddossed by Chinese gold farmers because the mods decided to ban, which all private servers suffer from time to time.
Also 15 dollars a month is chump change.

Please rate my Brad subrogue spec:


(Brad doesn't care about dps he just wants to kick Horde ass in open world and bg:s)

Attached: brad spec.png (650x510, 463K)

It'll be 1.12 mechanics from the start, with 16 debuff limit and all
There'll be pvp/content phases tho

it will progress through the expansion

>*starshards your bitch*
what was that?

now I am really hyped, so it will go through all expansions?

I'm gonna roll an alliance mage, I guess gnomes are much better than humans? For both pvp and pve?

They're not saying it will, but chances are it's going to go that way since the playerbase will completely die if no new content comes out. And there's no chance in hell they're going to spend budget on making new content.

I'm thinking of doing a survival hunter for pvp

Yeah they are, but you have to live with unironically being a gnome so it's not worth it.

Do you want a


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what weapons do you plan on using?

you have imp ambush but no backstab?

so whats Barrens Chat and is it going to be a thing in classic?

I thought about using daggers
>you have imp ambush but no backstab?
I havent played rogue before (on vanilla) but i figured i would use Hemorrage to build combo points instead of backstab because it is way cheaper in terms of energy, and then i would rely on eviscerate to deal big damages.

yeah, they feel like one big family, they care for their environment and try to live in a balance with nature
Tauren are probably the nicest and most peaceful guys out of all the playable races, which sort of subverts the expectations with them being so big and strong

I thought it was mainly about their escapr artist ability? Isn't it really good for pvp?

How many of you are going to poopsock to 60, then poopsock some more to get blue bis gear, faceroll MC and BWL with all world buffs, get bored before AQ is out and then start demanding for fresh server so you can poopsock again? Because that's exactly what private server people do.

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I wouldn't be surprised if I take even longer to get to 60 than I did the first time

I am fucking confused about it, I want to play paladin or maybe warlock or maybe warrior, but not sure if go alliance I hate those faggots.

Looks decent, though I would personally get imp gouge instead of 5/5 dodge

dunno about that but post the full image please

>so whats Barrens Chat
Boggerbones: where is mankriks wife
Orcucked: on my dick LMAO
Groggu: LF tank for WC
Maxorc: When Chuck Norris falls in water, Chuck Norris doesn't get wet. Water gets Chuck Norris.
Hunterx: wtf why cant i find raptors

>is it going to be a thing in classic?
Not in 2019, sweatie

yeah hemo is fine, and you can have success with that spec and I agree with on imp gouge.

personally I would probably do this: classicdb.ch/?talent#f0eb0xZhfZEMec0hoo

Pls respond

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>When Chuck Norris falls in water, Chuck Norris doesn't get wet. Water gets Chuck Norris.

Chuckled to be fairly honest

warrior, druid, and warlock are good pairs


Elaborate on this one? I was thinking of rolling a lock

>Type "nigger"
>Disconnected and autobanned faster than can press enter


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Thoughts on my build? I want to solo quest and heal dungeons on the side.

Everyone is just going to call each other "Blackrock slicers" and people will understand exactly what it means

Not him, but shaman will tremendously help any class

Mfw gonna roll a qt female dagger rogue

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pet to tank, ability for warlock to lifetap freely with shaman offhealing, free lvl 40 mount to keepup with ghostwolf / help shaman buy mount, and don't really share armor types with each other

looks ok i guess but why take imp SoR if you're gonna use SoC anyways? i'd put those 5 points into divine strength

i stopped giving blizz money cause they stopped giving me a product i was satisfied with. classic is something i want and they are the only company in town selling it

Max out spiritual focus, spell knockback is a huge deal on vanilla especially if you're soloing
Get consecration too, it's a great aoe

yeah shaman + any other class pairing is really amazing

How important is +hit for levelling? Rolling a shaman and I'm thinking about detouring 13 points into restro to get the +3% hit talent first.

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Help, I'm thinking of ordering vanilla & TBC strategy guides for humor and nostalgia value.

>OP is a strange person to ask that after asking race
I've never played as a female, but thinking this one try as female. Do female humans have red haired ponytail?

like user says spell pushback is huge. you're going to have to facetank heal sometimes while leveling and it sucks to get unlucky.

>drop mana spring totem + earthbind totem
>lock pulls mobs with instacast dots and kites them around with the totem
>lifetaps and gets shammy heals whenever needed
>shaman throws in CL / magma / fire nova if needed
I would actually love to try and see how well it works.

As a levelling shaman I would personally go deep enhancement right off the bat

+hit is helpful, but I would think your leveling would be faster in ele or enh overall than dipping into resto first

>Managed to talk a coworker into playing Classic with me
>He's a full aggro sort of guy and plans to roll an orc warrior while I'll be playing troll shaman
>mfw I think about pocket healing for him and keeping a windfury totem down as he goes full murder machine on shit
>mfw I think about being able to just type LF3M DPS to make groups and gatekeeping the fuck out of specs after my gear

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I had the vanilla strategy guide. It was huge and it was filled with these newgrounds tier comics on every other page. It also had an index of every item available in the game iirc.
So much work for something that was outdated after the first patch.

>tfw back to back windfury hits with your ravager

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>drop windfury and healing stream totems
>keep the warrior healed and constantly range pull additional mobs to your totems+warrior circle of doom

based tbqh

>play shaman
>get to 60
>never get in a group again

its as good as you think it is. probably a top 3 pairing overall

>tfw you are literally just wasting your days wishing you were playing classic wow
fuck this is torture, i can play a private server but whats the fucking point im just going to have to do it all again


Crossroads guard duty all day everyday

What should I play bros? I'm torn between Warlock and Mage because I like the arcanist class flavor. I have a lot of experience with Mage and I like the utility, but since I have no friends I dislike the thought of playing without a pet. Never played lock before.

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Don't bother. Don't also bother with twohanders unless leveling with a bro. You'll be missing all the fucking time and mobs resisting shocks and stormstrike can fuck you badly. Killing high level monsters is a nightmare. I had a lot of success with a build like this where I started using one-handers and a shield after wailing cavern staff had run it's course.


That being said, learn to kite with earthbind totem and should you get some crazy ass 2handers then yes, you can go back to using 2handers. It's just one talent point so you could get it either way. I didn't have any luck with dungeon drops.

Can you bros tell me more about shadow priests? I am aware I will (mostly) always raids and dongeons, but I was wondering;
1-are they really good in PVP? What makes them good?
2-will solo levelling suck and take forever?
3-can I level full shadow and still easily content up to say... UBRS?

I personally hate warlock. They have shitty mobility and gameplay consists of applying dots. Also I don't like to manage pets

this is leveling a priest
>mind blast
>shadow word pain
>shoot wand

Skinning/LW for Shaman or Alchy/Herb? The dragonscale armor sets look pretty nice but I keep hearing horror stories about shaman mana so maybe a steady supply of mana potions would be wise.

Meant to say can I heal UBRS in a shadow spec? What about MC?

1) tanky as fuck shadowform + pws, fortitude. ive 2) solo leveling will be boring for you at first, but priest is a very strong solo leveler. only bad part is low mobility
3) you should be able to heal dungeons eaily as shadow leveling up. ubrs really depends on the tank gear level but i would lean saying yes

No more fucked up pandas, goblinos, werewolfs, niggerelfs, draenai. We are home.

>1-are they really good in PVP? What makes them good?
yeah they're pretty good, definitely one of the better specs
>2-will solo levelling suck and take forever?
nah, it's actually pretty comfy with barely any downtime just specc into spirit tap and imp wands
>3-can I level full shadow and still easily content up to say... UBRS?
while leveling up it's no problem to heal as shadow but for max level dungeons you definitely wanna be holy

*ive seen spriests hit 5k+ hp on private servers, I can only theorize their ehp is like 8k

>Forgetting mind flay

you're unironically a pussy and a fag if you go enh and don't wield a 2h

As someone who once levelled a hunter with skinning+dragonscale LW, honestly dont't bother. Most patterns are shit besides the healing chest that drops off the final UBRS boss, and then again it's not amazing money since only pallies/shamans can use it

>Swing, mob parries
>Wait four seconds, swing again
>Mob dodges
>Wait another four seconds
Sounds fun.

Ok thanks for your input. Changed it a bit. I heard consecration is a mana hog and not worth it. Is that true?

>I'm not tryhard enough to want to be a short fat uggo.
enjoy never being invited to any group/raid because the Dwarf Priest who has Fear Ward will always be invited over you 1000%

I'm going to be a human shaman for the alliance fucking mong

based as fuck, dorf hunter here, I can't wait to kill all horde

Good to hear, the Devilsaur Leather mafia scares me anyway.

Yes but despite the “full” status you’ll never see anyone while leveling or in orgrimmar.

its quite mana intensive if you do it off cooldown. you can just opt to use rank 1 for mob tagging or vs stealth players in wpvp.

if you're going that deep in holy its a must get

i mean yeah, consecration is pretty expensive but you don't use many spells while playing solo anyways. having aoe is pretty helpful while leveling, farming, fend off rogues and so on.

You're going to suck his dick right?

Dwarf Paladin, can't wait to be a PVP healer and have literally everyone sucking my dick.

Attached: Sleeping_dwarf.jpg (1024x768, 58K)

I've never played WoW before, but I loved my RO days. Should I go home with you, bros?

some of you cowards will no doubt be rolling trolls, or another low pop race so you can avoid the rush on day 1. but i'll be in it. undead mage, i'll be spamming login when the servers come up, i'll be there in the ocean of bros as we fight over zombies and stacks of crates.

based undead poster

>Literally only 3 5-man dungeons at 60
Defend this.

You're meant to stop doing 5 mans at 60

I'd probably do this classicdb.ch/?talent#sxxdbxoZZVoxtrcq

your choice if you want to go holy first for consecrate, or go into ret first to get SoC and the movement speed + crit

>make undead
>quest to level 4 with kill zombies quest, kill skeletons quest, collect bat/wolf quest, kill spiders quest
>run to orc/troll start
fuck trying to get that niggers body to bury, the boxes, the fucking scarlets that take ages to respawn, and the fucking scarlet named npc dude. also fuck the entire undead starting zone after level 6.

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You can't go wrong with herb/alch, it helps a lot to have access to unlimited pots while levelling, and at 60 you make good money from selling your arcanite cooldown and high level herbs

>tfw you don't know what to play and release is approaching

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Iktf bro

They need to bump the availability of the Dungeon 0.5 set up a bit.

0.5 is literally useless tier.

>tfw my whole TTRPG group is gonna be picking up classic
>tfw we're all horde chads
>tfw my gf will make a qt orc shamaness to help my warrior-lookin' ass level
I actually don't know which class I'll play, I'm just glad to have someone to play with
I'm coming home
I've only ever played vanilla on private servers, and never went beyond level 40. I've never played retail

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what's your personality type? i'm INFP which is basically support, but i'm playing mage cause i have been a dps main forever and it's just what i know. druid would be perfect for my personality but it seems kinda shit in vanilla

im beta cuck

mage is a safe bet if you have no idea what to play, always wanted, easy money, and great in pvp and pve

hmm you might wanna go pally then

>Faction leaders will be a significantly high source of Honor in phase 2
>Both Sylv and Thrall have easy-access backdoors in their cities and nobody ever defends the cow place
Oh yes.

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So since Classic is on internal alpha at the moment, it's gonna be an August release, right?

you mean sucking everyone's dick, at least that's what I'd assume with you wearing a dress

dorf hunter here, the truly chadest of classes


>le evil guys best

I never played on nostalrius. Did they have a pve server too? Was it populated?

Mage is more fun, zipping around and blasting shit...great in pvp and pve

IIRC they had either just launched a PvE server or were about to launch it when the C&D order came in.

>wearing a dress
That's PvE, PvP Healing is basically this
Pic related

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their PvE server launched 7 months after the PvP server

DId people play on it, or was it pretty much empty?

It was okay I guess, they mainly added the PvE server to make carebears shut up. Most people still played on the PvP server

Honest question. How many of you played back on release? I played Vanilla for many hours and have no desire to play it again (I also dropped retail during WOTLK).

Is this kids looking to experience something they missed or 30 somethings trying to go back?

I know I'm just messing, never played allience and dorf seemed like the coolest race

between 3 and 6k people i think

>never played allience and dorf seemed like the coolest race
Same, I always rolled Undead, but was jealous of Dwarfs and Ironforge.

What's the current fotm vanilla private server? wanna test some things

I started playing towards the end of vanilla when TBC was announced. I played TBC a ton and I kinda wish we were getting a TBC server but I will dedicate myself to classic.

i played tbc, vanilla seems like a less shitty tbc and wow was actually an mmo back then so i don't know what you on about.

Light's Hope
There's Retrowow if you want an instant 60 for testing stuff



Sure can't wait to use improved fire nova totem into war stomp chain lightning shock to delete people.

Agreed. TBC was the comfiest WoW time imo. Karazhan, flying through Nagrand, Ally and Horde all hanging around Shatt. Great times

You should stop being an ignorant retard. They announced it's coming this summer months ago.

Nobody plays fem trolls.

Classic WoW probably won't come out until summer 2020 at the earliest. Besides, why pay Blizzard when the experience you actually want is available already for free?

What about name bros? Tell us how you named your characters on private servers (and/or retail)

Female human rogue
Male human rogue (black bald man)
Female orc shaman
Female gnome warrior
Female human warrior
Human dorf hunter
>Gankstarr (hiphop reference...)
Orc male shaman
Human male rogue
Tauren druid male

i played it but never beat ragnaros so i wanna try again

Because private servers are filled with bugs/chinks/hackers and raids are stupidly easy. Also, retail classic will have by far the best population

No, dude. You have Blink, Ice Block and Cold Snap. This shit on top of your PVP trinket as well as all your slows and roots makes you basically fucking untouchable.

That's fine. Take your time. Most people will.

>tfw raid night and you got some weed and a 6-pack of cold beers in the fridge

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Skinning/LW for Hide of the Wild if you really want to minmax. Otherwise alch/herb. Keep in mind a lot of people go eng/herb cause engineering is viable in both pvp and raiding and herbalism is just great for gathering mats for your consumables. Someones gonna have to be alch, and it usually falls to an alt.

I hope you're not one of those faggot stoners that runs into walls and just auto attacks as a hunter for the entire raid.

I do

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They'll release WC3 reforged before Classic so that you have time to play it first, right?

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WC3 Reforhed is a part of Nu-WoW.
Only original W3ROC/TFT for Classichads.

well i thought that too, but they said classic comes this summer and they didnt really say shit about wc3 reforged so yeah

can u guys pls stop meme'ing on the official forums

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Nobody should even think about playing that trash, not only does it look terrible but Golden is going back to rewrite lore and make it into gurl power the story

>Healer player
>Having anyone suck your dick
That's very cute. Good thing you're so short and right at my night elf hunter groin. Start sucking, healslut.

>Raid night
>*cough* "I'll be right back boys, smoke break"
Hope there are less degenerates in my guild this time round

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>brb, sucking my gf's dick

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>pull in 3...2...
>PULL! *raid engages*
>haha oh shit im so high sorry guys what's going on? lol

Reminder that your first order of Buisness should be maxing out alts and grabbing all the most famous and popular names. Then, after waiting a couple of months for the economy to grow, start anonymously selling them on the forums.

>grabbing all the most famous and popular names.
All I want is my actual first name as my main.

I think you're right Yea Forumsrehs. I'm gonna play the original RIGHT NOW (tomorrow).

Tbh I wouldnt be surprised if Blizzard gave Swifty his name in case a shitter takes it

Based. Swifty is /ourguy/

I'll play an Orc warrior and be a pugstar 5man tank. Probably won't have time to do raiding.

I'm going to miss these threads so full of hope before blizzard fucks everything

The most important part of vanilla was always the journey, not the destination anyway.

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>playing alliance

bend over

don't worry retailcuck, we have atleast 4 more months of based going home threads to drive you blizz paypigs crazy

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>classic dies within a month, only players left are zoomers following around some random streamer
>meanwhile, retailchads will get 8.2 with nazjatar and all the azshara content
>classicucks will crawl back to retail

>implying they will release classic before 8.2

>just auto attacks as a hunter
thats impressive theyd just afk next to a campfire and feint death

Gotta love how in the shitposting lore classichads are somehow interested in retail.

Imagine being a classicuck and missing out on this
It's pretty obvious classic is nothing more than bait for the real game

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Nor will your game
Enjoy them backlogging that mount and never releasing it

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oh wait that's a mount not a pet.. WAY TOO BIG nvm

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only women and fags care about mounts

you can get bees as pets in wow bfa
but you can't get enjoyment in wow bfa

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Is getting The Insane title really that hard?
The only annoying one would probably be the Darkmoon Faire.How many times would i need to kill Jezzrik anyway to boost my Bloodsail Rep up?

the insane title was added in wotlk, friend

It's over for retailcucks. All the money you spent on store mounts, all the hours you spent farming transmog and pets while your wife was fucking Tyrone, all gone. Everyone will start from scratch on Classic, and BFA will be a wasteland.
You can't get that title until wrath.

The insane title is just time consuming because of the time it will take you to get all the rep
Some players say 2 months of grind if you go casual