I've always been a console gamer
ps1 > ps2 > gamecube > ps3 > ps4
I've mainly bought it for emulation to replay a lot of games I miss/didn't play when they were out
Is there any pc exclusives that you would recommend?
I've always been a console gamer
ps1 > ps2 > gamecube > ps3 > ps4
I've mainly bought it for emulation to replay a lot of games I miss/didn't play when they were out
Is there any pc exclusives that you would recommend?
Other urls found in this thread:
>buying a PC for exclusives
You dumbo, its the other way around.
PC is your multiplat machine. Consoles are for exclusives.
pixelshit and indies, unironically
>risk of rain
>dorf fort
>dungeon of the endless
>king arthur's gold (recently f2p)
>caves of qud
>space station 13
>haven & hearth
I have enjoyed these games more than any AAA or console games
I would also recommend Cities: Skylines, Civilization and other such games
>gender fluid colors
Anno 1800
But I'm I didn't I bought them for emulation., exclusives would just be a bonus
No rgb phaggotry on my rig I just grabbed it off google bud
Total war games I guess
Stalker's good.
Not many exclusives, but all multiplats are better on pc.
porn games a lot of them
I know very little about building one so I just used this template off pcpartpicker
Mount and Blade: Warband
Dwarf Fortress
Prison Architect
Faster than Light
Also you can play AAA games at better graphics and better performance
>buying anything for exclusives
>ryzen 5 2600
>radeon rx 580
>PC has no exclusives
What is Arma 3?
prolly under powered or old but it serves my needs fine
Come back when you need tech support, and you will need tech support.
Did i goof on the specs? or are is pc gaming just more cumbersome?
It can run all modern games just fine at 1080p high settings.
Dumb anime poster.
I bet you wasted 400$ on a rtx card lmao
Something always goes wrong, ALWAYS. Might be minor, obscure setting or BIOS update needed, might be major, defective hardware.
Xbonex owner here, I have a few questions;
1-how much would a 4K60fps PC cost me? Able to run modern games such as Shadow of the nulara in that resolution/framerate
2-is piracy a pain in the ass like you need to download several cracks and struggle to make games work? Are all (offline) games pirated?
This Pc fills me with disgust I really hope people don’t actually put shit like that in their cases.
Thanks for the heads up
3000 on a rtx card.
why is an rtx card a waste?
too much RGBs and LEDs, but a glass screen with colored lights is pretty comfy
There is a fuckton of old dos games that you may have missed. Types of games that never made it to console. Simulations, point-and-click adventures, and stuff that's just bettor on keyboard. Consider getting into using DosBox and ScummVM.
I've wanted to play Beyond Good & Evil and learned that I need a VM so thanks I will dive a bit deeper into the past
Looks to be 10 bucks on GoG.
My friend just dropped a grand on a PC that looks like this and something about it triggers me.
I blame pc master race retards and true gamer faggots making it seem like you need to build some carnival light show or your rig isn't cool enough.
But the light make it go faster!
Their core focus, being the ray tracing, isn't used in many games right now. It's a technology that will take a few years to become more widely adopted. There's really no point in actively seeking one out right now, and the past generation will do you just fine.
>benchmark whore games like SotTR
To my knowledge, nothing can hit that right now, not even the 2080Ti.
>is piracy a pain in the ass
Not usually. One crack will do you in most cases. Just need to know where to look.
You guys didnt tell this poor fuck PS2 emulation works did you?
It does for good number of games
I was kinda hoping it would
It's spotty, but the majority of games are playable without serious issues.
What a retarded cooling config.
I know plenty of people that won't buy a pc component unless it has rgb