shaking my head at yo right now Nintendo...
Shaking my head at yo right now Nintendo
Other urls found in this thread:
good morning i hate trannies
Based and, dare I say it...redpilled
Today I will remind them!
Even Japan is shitting on the trans people in this incident.
Imagine being japanese and seeing this genderfag tranny westerner bullshit and having no idea what it means
How are trans"people" perceived in Japan? Unbiased answers please
if the tired poster from the last thread is here i agree
i wish we didnt have to discuss this sometimes but here we are
From reading the thread I saw, they say they always cause trouble and are attention seekers. I saw this one poster say "Don't think your games will work in Japan". I think there's also a law where you must become sterile if you under sex change surgery.
In other words: BASED
Based Japan calls it like they see it.
I pity gay and trans people, they have mental problems, in the gestation they never received enough testosterone and their brains never developed as a healthy man brain and instead ended as a “female brain” in a male body, you have to remember we were all females as embryos and after a couple of weeks the sex is decided, but if the mother has bad habits like smoke or stress it affect the testosterone levels and damage the fetus and that’s how gay,trans,etc are born they are freaks of nature, nothing more
Lesbians are lesbians by choice because they had some kind of trauma with some guy in their youth though
a lot of these trans dont even have dysphoria or any bullshit like that. Actual dysphoria is INCREDIBLY rare. They just have a fucking fetish for being a girl
and lesbians don't exist. if lesbians existed they wouldn't be shoving fake cocks inside of them
>he thinks gays are born
Good now kill yourself faggot
based and jappilled
Christ that's a retarded post
Me too!
Have some fat morning tiddies and have a great day
They see them as much lower than niggers and almost as low than the chinese
they are legally obligated to be sterilized
Good. Keep your political shit out of Vidya.
Death to all trannies!
>Implying those disgusting freaks would ever reproduce in the 1st place
What is """she""" implying? That straight males shouldn't be disgusted by being kissed by man in drag? That they owe them that?
I’m not talking about dysphoria, that’s the body composition of all of them, the slightest change in the hormones received as an embryo it’s what causes that illness, just like retards and their chromosomes gays needed more testosterone as a fetus to be normal
And you are right lesbians it’s just a term for women who hate men
Go search for studies of the (T) spheres in the conception
damn that's kinda based
Nintendo still bowed to paid online, day-one-DLC, microtransactions (Amiibo), and season passes.
Fuck em. They are no better than EA, Ubisoft, Take-Two, and Bethesda.
Being whimsical and wholesome in the face of all the degeneracy doesn't get you a free pass to be just as shitty with your business as everyone else.
Virtue Signal this. *grabs dick*
Multi-billion-dollar companies aren't your friend. They never will be.
Well, that's because they do look like that.
t. local
They're also removing Pepe and swastikas, in case anyone here gets the bright idea that they're on "your" side.
This. I just want to enjoy beating up Mario without all this drama. Trans flags, nazi flags... Just keep them out of my games.
that means they're on the correct side of "keep the bullshit american politics out of video games"
the difference is someone drawing a swastika won't be surprised in the slightest when it gets deleted
Except all those opinions on founded on scientific evidence while your vapid ass just feels icky and calls names.
The revolution is now. You filth will not oppress normal people anymore. Sargon of Akkad will take office and the dominoes will begin to fall.
Our generation is done watching you destroy civilization while pretending it makes you morally superior.
its the same in america. To get legally recognized as they other sex you need a sex change operation. The reason it seems different in america is because we have both state and federal identification systems and some states have made certain parts easier to change
God forbid someone doesn't want to be sexually harassed by a mentally ill guy.
In the warped mind of a tranny, taking down tranny flags makes you a Nazi anyway
Good, kick it all out.
I mean don't get me wrong, 99% of all trannies are failures and will never pass, but I've definitely some traps (mostly asian) that definitely do pass
No burger politics is great
Calm your tits, I'm not trans and hate them too. That other user's reasoning is just plain retarded.
>removing Am*rican politics from their game
How is that a bad thing? Removing both sides is the best outcome.
Trannies are off the deep end of illness and don’t recognize what they are
>you must become sterile
>because trans people produce more transpeople
Every trans person was born to a conservative hetero cis family.
What is it with trannies and injecting their bullshit into literally everything?
Absolutely based people reporting this shit
They see them as living jokes
WTF? I'm buying a Switch now!
Good at least Nazis don’t bitch when they’re stage called
“9 Million jews” is deleted
Are trans, pepe and nazis exclusively american?
It gives them a reason to postpone their inevitable suicide.
They’re attention seeking cretins
They survive off shoving their shit into everything especially where it doesn’t belong
Which head?
Good. Fuck trannies and fuck Nazis. Just let me play my vidya.
Making your political leaning into a fashion statement and a lifestyle is an innately American thing
Trans rights... Uh
What right don't they have?
Cute boy
>if you don't like trannies, you are a nazi
I'm fucking liberal and I see them as a scourge.
No but highly associated up until you reach the slums of Germany crawling with skin heads
I have a hard time believing LGBT community members started spamming their flag in the nintendo shop.
Me thinks this is more /pol//Russia shit.
shoving social and political issues aggressively into everything is exclusively american thing.
Special snowflake rights like being able to invade other gender's toilets and crap like that.
Me thinks you’re a delusional cunt.
Whenever some political movement starts over there 24 hours later you have people selling mugs and t-shirts with said movements designs.
I am sure if Yellow Vests would have started in USA people would find a way to cash in on it.
You obviously haven't played Splatoon.
God trans are like fucking leeches
How obnoxious do they have to be
Doesn’t that defeat what they are trying to do?
the twitter chat is hilarious, everyone else supporting nintendo is just too polite to just say what they really mean
just bought a 10th switch
>TFW even reddit agrees with the removal
What universe am I in?
Based. Good to be on the winning side.
A few of these have to be legit for that twitter OP to happen, but I know many of these coming on up search are shitposting.
fuck off 99% of the people being like POL is at it again is actually people false flagging as POL to make them look sooo bad
Neck urself
I don't own a Nintendo entertainment system, what happened with trannies and Splatoon?
Good, don't need another splatoon 2 episode
Go play Splatoon. It's not only then doing it but also furries.
You think they wouldn't do obnoxious bullshit like that? Have you seen the trans ""community"?
What reddit? I looked at nintendo and smashbros out of curiosity but I didn't see any threads
Trannies started spamming the social function with trans positivity shit and people would see that instead of the fun memes.
>>because trans people produce more transpeople
>Louise Draven was born a man but is having hormone treatment to transition to a woman, while Nikki is pansexual and dresses as both a man and a woman. Both want to raise their son as gender neutral so he thinks of himself as a person, rather than a boy. But their decision has sparked controversy and raises questions over whether they are projecting their own beliefs onto their son.
All I want is consistency.
If you tell me I can't name my stage "6 million jews" then you shouldn't be allowed your lbgtsahdjal+ shit either.
I saw trannies complaining about the stages getting taken down and lamenting that you don't see trans rights posts anymore and stuff. good riddance. I reported every single one of those messages I saw. furries too
Did they remove that awesome stage with lucario getting it in the ass?
Hahahaha this is hilarious
I could care less if I get banned for my holocoaster map
Trannies are seething because they're used to having power over EVERYTHING they touch and their loss of privilege feels like oppression
Mods on all subs started removing all mention of it for some reason. But here's one of them.
>retardera on a hysteria crusade about this
What's wrong with these people, and why do I see more and more of those fags on my Yea Forums
>saw those posts endlessly for two fucking weeks
>haven’t seem them since
It was so fucking bizarre honestly.
I've never seen this image refuted
Stop browsing /pol/
Focus on improving yourself
Stop using hatred of others to make yourself feel better temporarily, its toxic to you and everyone else
Live and let live as long as no one is trying to hurt you, so dont hate anyone but muslims basically.
what's more likely
>people who don't believe in the cause are posting trans flag stages that will be removed and cause them to get a 9 hour ban with potential for more serious bans in the future
>people who do believe in the cause think this is a hill they need to die on because they're all mentally ill enablers who thinks this shit belongs in a kids party game
Can we legally see start concentration camps for trannies?
I just want to play video games
Reminder that ResetGender fully supports the idea that PDP was 100% responsible for the NZ shooting
Nintendo is considering removing stage builder. Remember to thank the trannies for killing a feature just because Nintendo doesn't want their autistic propaganda all over the place.
>tfw you realize trannies bash muslims only anonymously because otherwise they'd lose their brownie points
This week has been amazing when it comes to trannies shooting themselves in the foot
>Nintendo is considering removing stage builder.
Substantiate your claims
>trans herobrine
I thought it was a rainbow flag for them
You are based my friend.
Just so we're clear, taking hormone pills and dilating isn't "working on yourself"
Keep the homo and trans people separated, please. They are nothing alike at all.
it's the halo effect
people make fun of it ironically but they really cannot do wrong in most cases, and when they do, people won't blame them and think they're mistaken
I dont think that is the truth , just the rest of the world waits a while to do it.
>as long as no one is trying to hurt you
Nice try tranny. When you get your shit out of modern media I'll go back to not caring about you. Also 1st world Muslims are based, the 3rd world refugees are the problem.
Look at how fucking SPECTACULAR it is Yea Forums
I genuinely want to know this. As far as I can tell they're not legally prohibited from doing anything anyone else can do except join the military last I heard?
I believe the T in LGBT should be removed.
What else has happened?
Truly spectacuar...
Faggots get the rope too
It's an effect of consumerism, really. I live in Poland, and leftism (and making politics into a commodity in general) is a thing only in big cities
Kill all trannies, please.
this is what trannies want to turn Yea Forums into
Why do people post in resetera?
that place is way way way more authoritarian shithole than any other place.
>flag implies there's two genders
>whole fucking concept of trans implies there's two genders
It's obnoxious and painful to look at, makes sense it's their flag.
he probably means kotaku failing to properly deal with a tranny's shitty article about lyrics
can't think of anything else and people will forget about all this shit in 3 days anyway
Agreed 100%. Gender dysphoria is not sexual orientation.
Does he have a point?
Lesbians in my Smash isn't so bad tho.
Repeat after me
its like shitty easter marshmallow candy
user LGBT is just a straight-made acronym for “anything that isn’t straight” or in other words “faggots”.
haha yeah user it's entirely the trannies and not also all the porn of youthful characters and furshit and literal sex animations
Best asobi
enjoy hating things
>le epic trannies are mentally ill maymay xD
Kill yourselves.
Is it possible to start some kind of global trolling campaign against these degenerates to make their life hell (even more than it already is)? I want these sick fucks out of my favourite hobby, and also, I want to shame them because they're filthy and disgusting. Since they're so sensitive to being offended online, I enjoy leaving them derogatory and insulting comments every time I have the chance, but now these literally festering abominations are starting to seethe into my video games and I don't want that.
I'm already reporting the fuck out of all these degenerates and their shitty levels in Smash already. Fuck these mentally ill degenerates.
i like how whoever wrote this is super careful with the wording. nintendo has every right to prohibit anyone using their game for any kind of activism but they they still want to be seen as vicitims
People have the illusion that heavily moderated discussion produces better opinions and thoughts when it's the opposite. In sites like Yea Forums, even with its shortcomings, people are free to express their opinions and thoughts with no fear of being banned and censored for the most parts. Most of the really honest and enlightening opinions/rants I read came from Yea Forums.
You first tranny
>Kill yourselves.
That's a tranny thing. You do it
My (ex-)favorite internet forum got overrun with these faggots
I'd love to start something
>user was banned for this post
Jesus, trashera is reaching new lows every single day
Fuck leftists and fuck alt-right incels and Naziturds.
I hate you all equally. You faggots politicized the shit out of everything in the last decade. You all deserve to burn.
>doing this to yourself
>not mentally ill
>going after video games relentlessly as if video games are that much of a deal in the global state of things
>not mentally ill
>dismissing concerns of representation ban
we need those on Yea Forums for next year's april's fool
We're proven time and time again and your deranged post is another example
Does NoJ give a shit about NoA or will they ignore this tranny tantrum?
leftists: it's ok when companies censor, they're private companies they can do what they want
also leftists: any time a company doesn't do what we want or censors something we don't want censored, we must harass them, send death threats to the people in charge, harass their families, and harass other companies to put pressure on them like removing their app, cutting off their internet service, revoking their web domain, etc.
>being a neutral faggot
2nd best*
40% of you will do it first
>none of us are getting representation, the game has fantastical cartoon characters and anime characters that you won't find in real life
Thanks Nintendo.
jesus i don't know why im reading this shit even though i know it's going to irritate me
what is SRS?
lead by example
>brownie points
>All those reasons for banning?
Is there any compilation of those? They are hilarious.
If you have social networks you could start posting response to these seething retards supporting Nintendo's stance on removing their filth from the game. These freaks are what, the 0.0001% of the global population? I'm sure that if a few hundreds people start supporting Nintendo and shaming them for their degenerate behavior and trying to politicize a game that is intended for all ages they'll eventually just stfu and pick another target to infest.
I can't ever imagine myself acting this way. I cannot conjure a situation that would make me act so victimized.
How can someone have zero self awareness on that level?
You'll never be a woman user, it doesn't matter how many twitterfags tell you you are, the truth is that you cut open a wound and removed your dick, but you're still a man, a man who'll probably kill himself
LGBT shouldn't exist at all if you ask me.
It's no different than pushing a white power agenda. Or black power, for that matter.
It might as well be a Confederate flag at this point.
Take your meds.
The second point reminds me of a song from Man Man called Poor Jackie.
>Jackie's still on the loose
>As detectives gather clues
>So she tattoos a mustache above her lip
>Shaves her head, curses God for those hips
>That sway when the beat plays
>Dead giveaway she ain't no man
It's obviously going to get banned.
I say let em in the military and use them for suicide missions.
>wearing bulky headphones in public
Lmao truly only autists try to be trannies. Those things are the headwear equivilant of white NewBalances
Flip a coin. If heads kill yourself tranny.
based and good morning to you too user
White people (males) aren't suppressed. PoC and LGBTQ+ are.
That is my new favorite word of the week.
Poor joe...
As jokes. They are used as comedians or the butt of jokes. Gintama, one piece, that tv show host, all of the depictions i can think of them are seen as jokes.
Their parents never explained to them reality exists outside of their perception when they were developing. Victims of new age, self centered philosophy. Its sad really.
These two don't really seem to bad about it though. I mean sure they look and sound retarded, but overall their priorities are straight. Their son is currently calling himself a boy, and they're happy with that. The only thing they're doing is teaching their son that it's possible to not be a boy, but it's also possible to just be a boy.
jesus fucking christ do they literally just want mario to come out as a woman or something? there's no winning
This guy doesn't even have a Switch. Why does he care? And it does justify it. No political messages. That means NOTHING. If you allow Trans flags you can't bitch about MAGA flags.
>headphones while shitting
Nigger what?
Did he put them on to look trendy and pretty for the photo?
>Serious topics
I can think of no more a serious topic than playing as black people in Smash bros. It's right up there with healthcare and tax reforms.
unironically this
>brownie points
You should have seen the recent discussion they had on Zelda. They said they want Link to be female next game. But it can't be Linkle. It HAS to be Link. Link himself has to now be a female. It has to be the same character but a chick.
'the nazi symbol' lol
The fuck kind of representation are people looking for in Smash? I wish I looked like Snake and had a Samus gf but they are incredibly idealized characters, they aren't meant to represent the average person. Isn't that the whole idea of the Mii characters?
>If you allow Trans flags you can't bitch about MAGA flags.
trannies don't consider trans flags a political statement, that's the mental gymnastic behind it
>I could care less
So you're saying you care if they ban you for your holocoaster map?
>trannies don't consider trans flags a political statement
Trannies say everything is political though. Therefore it is political.
>caring about representation in fucking Smash Bros
Besides, what characters do they even want in the game that would make them feel represented?
>Yea Forums now actively wants political activism in their vidya
truly this place is flooded with reddit and gaffugees
Straight """people""" need to be gassed
Gays are primarily developed from young molestation of boys, especially those who do not have a father figure. Something like 90% of pedophiles are gay men, but the percentage of gay men being pedophiles is more like 40-50%? It's rougher and rougher to get actual statistics because documenting this and producing data is considered hatespeech now and banned.
As for people who transition, they're almost always people with borderline personality disorders and people who had a weak familial structure. I was under the assumption they were also like that because their brains essentially receive the wrong chemicals from some things I'd read, which again, much harder to find especially with google changing search algorithms to make you "less of a bigot".
Dark skin? Must be an evil character!
I don't have any social network, but has there been any posts of support for Nintendo in this unironically laughable matter? What is is even about, like 5 of these degenerates screeching while nobody gives an actual fuck about them as a couple of gaming journo sjws make it sound like it's a big deal?
Seriously I can't see anyone giving a fuck about this except a very small minority of these dumb freaks.
Alright guys. Jokes over. Which one of you was it?
Why would ANYONE go back to resetera with that much of a tyrant moderators? I'd assume people normally would just FUCKING LEAVE after being banned for the most mildest non-issue shit. I can't fathom this.
it was created in a backslash against Notch bigotry
shitting you not
>ree at least be consistent
>noooo it doesnt matter anyway
this is why you dont ever give these people a single inch
nobody cares as long as they do their job well.
マツコ is the biggest host in jap TV and he's a okama, the difference with okama and the western "trans" is that okama stay in their own circle and will not forced you to accept them, unlike the west where you are basically hitler incarnate if you call them a guy.
Are manjis allowed?
Just about half of the nation isn't allowed to join the military. If you have any medical or mental issues you can't join, and the Military still views gender dysphoria as a mental issue.
Because it is. Not to mention their stance, or once stance on homosexuality, "Don't ask don't tell" was remarkably efficient until people got too fucking into themselves to the point that they have to make everything gay, even the fucking military.
>dismissing concerns about diversity
>EVERYTHING is politics!
>w-wait why are you removing our stuff for being politics?
fuck trannies, they can kill themselves
But trannies and faggots urged everyone to respond to apathy and inaction for more than two decades.
"If you don't like it, ignore it" they said, while taking power. And then we tried to ignore them, and now they control everything.
>That straight males shouldn't be disgusted by being kissed by man in drag? That they owe them that?
Yeah, that's unironically what retardera thinks
he looks more convincing than good 90% of twitter fags, but that's probably because he's at the level of obesity where you look androgynous by default
>i'm not a customer
>i'm outraged that my feelings aren't being catered towards
BIG think.
I thought his cross-dressing is just part of his tarento gimmick?
>Ganon comes from a desert-dwelling race, the Gerudo
>Aversa comes from a desert-dwelling race, the Plegians
>no, they have dark skin because they are evil because icky Japanese
What a fucking retard. The only one he has a point on is Cia.
If you go on a dating app to meet women and it matches you with men, isn't that a big fucking problem? Shouldn't there be a separate category for men pretending to be women so you can avoid that?
It's a good question. They ARE bleeding users right now, some people got tired of the moderation (and 3 mods have stepped down in the past month) and they are off to a new place to ruin called MetaCouncil, a place where everyone is a moderator. MetaCouncil is a community that's been around for a while but leave it to Resetera refugees to destroy it in a month or two, just wait.
So NOW censorship is bad.
Depends on the region. It's not that bad even in Europe, just kids posting shit in their own languages.
Matsuko is also fun as fuck and dares challenge Japanese politicians on their bullshit.
Whats the fucking point in having a forum if youre going to ban everyone who disagrees?
Their ideology isn't self sustaining. It's why everywhere they go eventually gets destroyed, and the fact that some of them ended up coming here and call themselves one of us makes my skin crawl.
>joe's my favorite character
>bangs lilly kane
>last couple of games he gets harassed to death by a tranny
it's not fair bros
That's implying they'd use it.
>>Aversa comes from a desert-dwelling race, the Plegians
it's nothing but a circlejerk for closet pedos and rapists
And that's just for homosexuals, that's not even counting transsexuals who rely on all sorts of medication to keep their body working. How are they supposed to go outfield?
How are they still defending moonlighting Rapp?
there's no fucking way that's real
i refuse to believe you didn't just edit the text there's no way someone can be that retarded
>ban Trump-related content for being a political statement
>wow, BASED Nintendo cracking down on racism in Smash! Truly progressive!
>ban trans flag for being a political statement
>um wow Nintendo this is VERY problematic, this is 2019
tldr “politics should only be allowed if I agree with them”. This is the modern left.
woops idk why i greentexted that my bad
Nuh uh tranny, you should've stayed the fuck out of my hobbies. I'll never stop hating you.
Trannies are mentally ill, and being "validated" has only made them lose sanity quicker
The would be permaban on v
that and he genuinely don't care, he's a self-admitted slob who tells everyone in his shows that he has never set foot outside of 3 zones in Tokyo and binge eats junk food.
he started off as gay and just went the cross-dress route and run with it.
oh no nintendo fired a woman who was literally a prostitute and a pedophile
why is nintendo so alt-right
why dont they want someone like that working at a company that makes children's games
>(Switch Online launches and they have tearful goodbyes)
It’s $20 that’s fucking pocket change in America what the fuck.
Indeed, glasshouses etc.
It's because she's a woman.
Let's agree to disagree on the term "working". Them losing their medication would just eventually turn them normal.
>user banned for drive by trolling
>Boot up Splatoon
>see names like 'Gay Rights' and messages about being furry, gay, trans, or all of the above
I thought this game was for 'kids'
>trannies raid Splatoon
>Nintendo doesn't ban them
>assume Nintendo is on their side
I used to not give a fuck about trannies until you people tries to push your shit onto our site.
now it's personal.
Who’s Rapp and what happened with him/her?
holy shit, we're literally at the point where trannies are crying transphobia if you aren't attracted to them? jesus christ the mental illness never ends with them.
Oh fuck off. The company can hold its own beliefs
Wasn't Rapp fired because she was a literal prostitute and a supporter of pedophilia?
>and lesbians don't exist. if lesbians existed they wouldn't be shoving fake cocks inside of them
What? Your logic doesn't make sense. They have nerve endings down there that are stimulated by something shaped like a dick. You can blame evolution for that one. That doesn't mean they find men sexually attractive. I'd be willing to bet that some gay men use pocket pussies for the same reason.
If you don't want to fuck a tranny you are literally a KKK /pol/ incel toyunboxer nazi GGer drumpkin r/donald 4channer.
do correct me if I missed a single boogeyman term they had ever used.
wow im a nintendo fan now. NINTENDO BASED AS FUCK
You know what, that's a good point. After pumping their body with all sorts of shit like estrogen and getting all sorts of surgery, what would happen if they stopped their meds?
>I'd be willing to bet that some gay men use pocket pussies for the same reason.
wow if I didn't know any better I'd think sodomy is a fetish and not a "sexual orientation" or "identity"
And that's how we know it's real.
Are they still raiding Splat Two? I haven't been on in a while. Last I remember it was the furries.
>these people are STILL seething over Allison Rap
Holy shit that was like 5 years ago
>company censors 2D T&A
>Trannies: "Oh fuck off. The company can hold its own beliefs"
>company censors their flag
She had an account on an escort website and had tweets saying child porn should be allowed. I don't know which one was the straw that broke the camel's back, but I'm sure it was one of the two.
>modern left
It's been their rhetoric since like 2007 when the big bang theory came out and they decided people having fun with videogames was a problem they sought to fix.
I can't confirm or deny this post, but I do have pity for boys like the little niglet Charlize Theron adopted. Raised by a single mom, with a sister, having nothing but female presence in your life, it would make sense that at 3 years old you would say "I'm not a boy." But then Theron takes the little shit literally and now at 7 years old, the kid is now a "trans girl" instead of a boy. He's going to grow up with so many mental issues it's not even funny. And all because of his white celebrity mom.
One of the ways to cope with doing something wrong is spreading your own misery.
A former prostitute and SJW who was typically virulent on twitter, but let slip that she was PRO CHILD PORNOGRAPHY and got fired for it.
This is a "harassment" campaign apparently. A kids company firing a former prostitute who DEFENDS CHILD SEX ABUSE.
Just throw this shit back at them. Private company, they can do what they want, etc.
I'm just glad they put a hard stop over all this shit instead of picking and choosing, varying response speed aside. Saves a ton of headaches later.
Can they suddenly not vote, bare arms or get married?
The moonlighting broke her contract with Nintendo so out she went.
go to the kiwifarms retardera link, literally every 30 minutes it gets updated witha new batch of people who get banned. I dunno what's more surprising, that people still keep going back there to register, or that there's some tranny dipshit living on welfare dollars doing nothing but passive aggressively moderating the site 24/7.
to play doubles' advocate, probably no since they will fill in "female" in official forms and get their rights revoked on account of providing false information.
>bare arms
Not for much longer, goy.
His point was probably substantiated somewhere else, meaning it's still a good point.
Nazis don't exist anymore dumbfuck
no political bulllshit allowed on the nintendo network
Miyabi has a very feminine and fertile vagina. Stop lying.
Nice try, Schlomo
Why in the fuck do these people feel the need to make their shitty statement on a video game of all things? No person who matters is gonna play Smash, go download a stage and see all the flags and go "Man, these people sure deserve rights."
b-b-b-but your pepes and nazi symbols are censored too!!!! take that /pol/cels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
courtesy of trannies are quite literally retarded
What they mean by trans rights is
>the ability to spy on your daughter in the bathroom
>the ability to put children on hormone blockers and mutilate their genitals
>preventing normal people from voicing their opinions publicly
>be employed
>moonlight as a prostitute
fuckin' women man
Honestly good, those should be removed too
Why does filling in a bubble on a form matter so much?
>No political statements.
Thanks dipshit.
Well there is some solace to be found in the fact that God is punishing these aberrations for their sins.
A part of me feels sorry for them but then I see their ilk desperately trying to normalize this shit and drag more people into their hell and I feel that a purge is the only way.
Some days are better than others really. I'll see how the Splatfest but lord have mercy try to keep that shit in a separate community or something. I think I'd feel better if they were merely advertising a discord for like minded people, which I do recall seeing.
I mean me personally, I greatly enjoy the smut that Splatoon produces, but you won't see me shouting in game how much I wanna fuck all the idols.
Swastikas are a politicial symbol though. Pepe was deemed a politiical symbol ages ago as well as dumb as that shit is
How does this website allow blatant transphobia?
me too bud
Only Pepe being banned I have a real problem with.
Seething /pol/tard... POC and transgenders are winning and it scares you. Our numbers continue to grow.........
Legally you can't own a gun if you're mentally ill.
>be a prostitute that wrote your fucking thesis on how good child porn is and continue to defend child porn on twitter publicly
>leftists: WOOOOW they fired this poor girl because le gamergate harassed her!
leftists are absolute scum.
dilate niggerlover
I wouldn't really have a problem with trannies if they didn't keep pushing kids to be transexual, they aren't fucking old enough to make those decisions.
Give this a 'Yeah!'
Only 60% of it. ;^)
Honestly if someone says something you deem offensive you should just be able to cut out their tongue, desu.
Based miiverseposter
the point is we don't care, trannies always tries to inject this false narrative that "/polv/ hates games because it shats on their /pol/-motivated ideologies" when in reality we just want to play some fucking games.
now nintendo finally shows up and say fuck you to every pollitical element in their game and trannies are acting that as if we were also the losers here, as if we actually cared in the first place.
I can't blame them for banning pepe since the mass media already enforced the impression that pepe=hitler, if you are going to make a pepe-themed stage maybe renamed it battletoads or something but I doubt it will go pass the filter.
have sex
Pathologic need to convert normal people into trannies
I hate the term 'transphobia'.
There's no reason to fear them, only hate.
By not having skin as thick as a paper sheet
what if we made apu stage
No see they probably thought without goofygoobergate nobody would have ever looked into someone's twitter private life and got them fired over it, despite them doing the same thing constantly
Yeah, Pepe is a lost cause but it should have never been this way. It's just sad.
phobia means fear. you probably noticed all the posts telling trannies to kill themselves, does that sounds like fear or just good old hate? use correct terms please
>trans herobrine
Those are some fuck ugly headphones
As a fedora tipper, I think that we normal human beans should deal additional punishment to these freaks.
I find it especially nasty that they keep trying to contaminate children's media and sybols, such as video games, rainbows, etc, with their filth.
Please, don't let god do all the work, you should help him.
I bet it was going for an anime girl look. They actually think this is doable.
Why is everything with these people a ""fight"""
It must be fucking exhausting constantly looking for something to be outraged against.
that's the wonderful thing about anonymity, no sugarcoating, you get to know how people really think even when they're not trying to be toxic
probably the most helpful advice that will go unheeded.
based and sensiblepilled
Nice try, fuccko.
With a tranny? No fucking thank you!
>Our numbers continue to grow
From 40% to 50% is your yearly goal, I take it?
It's a totalitarian agenda that seeks to control every single aspect of your life. Having places to escape their agenda means people have places to think without their agenda.
a species of ancient reptile, dilatesaurus, trannysaurus kek
who honestly cares enough to write this though? regardless of stance on trannies i read this and all i feel is bitterness and anger
It's a shame, but shit happens.
>Splatoon has a supportive community for queer kids
>implying they believe a few faggots making miiverse posts to strangers hardly even making a conversation is a community
>implying they don't even know what friends are
>implying they are so fucking delusional they don't even know what they don't know
>Why is everything with these people a ""fight"""
because they're ideological zealots stuck in a cult of the weak and ugly
I was going to say that it's ridiculous to think anyone gives that much of a shit and then I remembered how autistic this site can get. Still better than ResetERA.
Why lump in people of color with trans people when they have nothing to do with each other? Id like to see trannies try to go to iran
Bigots spotted! Are you jealous of our beauty, neckbeards?
adding to this: It's not too late even if you have your dick cut off. Eunuchs are a thing, and they live pretty normal lives without anyone ever knowing about their problems.
It's just there's no reason to go through with it in the first place.
It's not my fault if I don't see anything attractive on women.
Utterly based. Cheers, brothers!
they're removing all political stuff which is fair enough.
you can't deny the recent surge in trans acceptance movement. they are overrepresented and it's dangerous to easily impressionable, depressed teenage boys. they're recruiting them into their death cult
can you refute the points in the image without attacking the author or it's tone?
I've met about three overtly gay people in my entire life and two of them had extremely obvious trauma in their childhoods and had almost zero impulse control.
My neck beard is lustrous and powerful. You lose again.
>ellipses with more than 3 full stops
fucking horrifying, trannies fit in worse than reddit the donald retards
>LGBT is just a straight-made acronym for “anything that isn’t straight”
Yes? That's the point of the community: it focus on reuniting people that aren't hetero.
But T should be booted off, though, since gender dysphoria isn't sexual orientation.
Best thing is, she talked about communism during paid sex, and her rating was 1 star out of 5.
The sad thing is, I can't tell if the people that are pro-trans rights are trolling or actually serious.
Holy fuck that's brutal
...but it's not wrong.
Yep. Pure Jealousy.
>it scares you
you fags always project so fucking hard, the only thing you do is claim phobias and fear in your opponents
its a fucking pol user larping as a tranny
>Their son is currently calling himself a boy, and they're happy with that.
>and they're happy with that
So why are we even seeing them to begin with? Why is this a story? Wake the fuck up.
the absolute truth
A trans flag /is/ a political statement, whether it be positive or negative. This shouldn't be an argument.
>Yes? That's the point of the community: it focus on reuniting people that aren't hetero.
Why would people band together like that? Just look at this whole "minority united thing". I'm Indian and I don't like the Chinese and the Middle Easterners, and I'm sure they don't like me as well.
>she talked about communism during paid sex
You can't be serious.
None of those is a bad thing though. Youre just one of those idiots who screams microtransactions bad, dlc bad like the mindless sheep you are.
Paid online isnt inherently a bad thing at all, infact microsoft has shown that if doen right, its a perfect system. With the money they get from the knline service, they are able to sustain a proper online infrastructure, free games, exclusive discounts etc. Yes Nintendo hasnt gotten there yet but the free NES games and Tetris 99 already makes up for that measly $20 yearly fee. If you were to buy 20 NES games from the virtual console, each costing $3-$4, then you would have to pay $60-$80 per year. Add onto that a free online Tetris game that if you hosts in game tournaments and gives out $10 to the top 999 players.
>Day-one DLC
Lol look at you trying to equate microtransactions to Amiibo. They are no way comparable. Microtransactions most of the time start with you buying in game currencies to purchase in game items. At most amiibo will give you a costume or a skin for your character but thats it. Most of the time its pretty minor stuff like a free in game item that you can get without an Amiibo or it just gives yiu health like in Kirby. Amiibo is a figurine first. The only time Nintendo has microtransactions is in its free games and at that point I dont get why you are complaining. They have to make money off of the gane somehow and even then Nintendo gives you free shit in their mobile games daily so that you dont even have to pay. Look at Dragalia Lost.
Whats wrong with season passes. Youre literally just pre ordering DLC. Look at this moron
>and it's dangerous to easily impressionable, depressed teenage boys
Not just boys or depressed teenagers but very young kids are impressionable and some people disgustingly enough prey on that. Whether or not this is intentional or not kids should not be exposed this shit. They're at the stage of their lives where they start imitating what they see adults doing and considering the whole 40% meme you can see why that's not a good thing.
I can't wait for the day of the 100% tbqh
Homosexuality is natural. It has been observed in all animals that are capable of having sex.
It has been theorized that we have evolved to have homosexuals so that surrogate parents are always available if actual parents are unable to care for their offspring.
You have a better statistical chance of surviving a bullet then continuing to be a (((girl)))
That has to be a troll review
>Paid online isnt inherently a bad thing at all,
That's kind of why you would write this though
People are literally ruining their lives over what results in a minor high in their online communities.
And these are mostly pretty good people who have nothing wrong with them beforehand.
What they need is a friend, and instead they get cosmo'd
pretty based for a nigger
You mean when trans people are 100% accepted into society? I look foreword to that day too.
so has cannibalism
Absolutely based
Fuck trannies and fuck their made up flags and identities
Nothing that user said implied it wasn't "natural". Cancer is natural. Cannibalism is natural. War is natural.
Are you seriously making a bet when its 40% vs 0.07%?
Intersectionality at work
Sex Reassignment Surgery
Thing is, she wrote about communism part herself, in her profile. How we can talk about communism and how we need to smash capitalism or something.
Why the fuck is what bathroom you use so important, it's literally there so we don't get stuck with the long ass shitty lines women keep fucking making. I'd make up a gender and say I'm whatever gender has the shorter line if it wasn't always consistently male
100% accepted into society as something that are even below niggers
Isn't it kind of telling that they think gender doesn't exist and pink doesn't have to mean girl and blue doesn't have to mean boy but they use blue and pink on their flag to represent female and male? Their entire movement and lives are dedicated to corrupting and breaking down civilization.
I've won under worse odds.
Literally everyone except ugly incel bigots are fine with transgenders. Too bad for you.
Cannibalism causes death and suffering.
Cancer causes death and suffering.
War causes death and suffering.
Homosexuality does not.
What terrible fucking arguments.
>No person who matters is gonna play Smash
Answer me honestly, do you think that sort of society is possible and would last long?
>my word against video evidence
sure thing trancel
>fuck capitalism!
>now pay me for sex
What would be different in a society where trans people are accepted for who they are and people just get on with their lives?
Now do the rest of them.
The lifespan of america is almost over anyway.
>tfw grandchild of refugees that escaped the Soviet invasion, grandfather was shot trying to escape them and still has scars
>the idiots I share a country with keep talking about how good Commies are
I swear Trudeau is putting something in the water that's making people stupid.
don't make me bring up homosexuals rates of HIV, pedophilia, domestic abuse, divorces, and unfaithfulness
stop larping you massive loser
>Homosexuality does not.
it does though
HIV and other STDs are much more prevalent among gays
gays are more likely to commit suicide than straight people
so it literally does cause death and suffering
I don't care about the points in the image, and I realize you're trying to get some sort of free handicap by getting me to say "well, I agree with you, but..." which is the same exact sort of tactic used by the sjws this thread is complaining about
No, the point I'm making and that you're trying to ignore as well is that its unhealthy and unnatural to care so much about what other people do to themselves. It's one thing to present the facts as they are, it's another to go on some big long emotional diatribe like that image just to kick someone while they're down. Emotionally and mentally ill as they are they're going to do what they will regardless of our input, whether they're cutting their dick off or killing themselves, its happening either way; it's pure egotism to think that we're important enough to have an impact on that. What that image is is pure indulgence, pouring salt in the wound, getting a rise of it. That's just as sick as the trannies they're making fun of, and I shudder to imagine what kind of life is responsible for it and urge you to reconsider yourself if you think its healthy.
And if you still insist on doing so, at least be honest with yourself. You're not concerned with anyone's health and you don't want to see them get better, you're edgy and its fun. Thats all. But, consider that if you do need some sort of "i-it's to help them... tough love..." defense mechanism to justify that what you're doing is right, should you be doing it?
diversity at it's most spectacuar...
You mean the world before trannies started shitting it up and demanding preferential treatment and attention?
Yeah I'm happy the boy didn't start calling himself a girl without knowing what the fuck he was doing so they could start transitioning him in any way they legally could. If I put you in a burning building but you make it out alive that doesn't mean you're not coming out without burns or that what I did was right.
>they are getting rid of swastikas
>War causes death and suffering.
>Homosexuality does not.
So you would agree with the statement that homosexuals have always had a happy and healthy time throughout human history?
unironically kill yourself you tranny subhuman
Both parties are in the wrong
Nintendo should've ruled it out and said it was inappropriate content as it refers to tranSEXUALITY and SEXUAL ORIENTATIONS
Which are widely inappropriate topics of conversation/communication for a game like Smash brothers/online scenario
Ruling it out as a political statement is vague and only instigates people further.
Nintendo should've known better.
This image offers no alternative advice other than "just stop", which is completely unhelpful. If you really wanna help these people you should be guiding them to seek professional help. Many of these people can be treated while a small percentage will still need to undergo reassignment in the end.
The whole fucking problem with the transgender community these days is they just fucking cut out the entire psychological evaluation process to begin with.
Ironically Society is the name of a pitbull who eats only trannies.
wtf I unironically love niggers now
>its unhealthy and unnatural to care so much about what other people do to themselves
Are you fucking stupid of course I'm going to care what our fellow countrymen are doing to themselves, especially when it's something so destructive and sick.
Fuck off with your convenient periodic nihilism.
>Aversa comes from a desert-dwelling race, the Plegians
I'm not really well-versed in the whole LGBT thing regardless of my sexual orientation, but the point is not to LIKE. Of course, you will have homos disagree heavily with lesbians and vice-versa on the matter of whether sex is actually attractive and what isn't. The point is NOT to force you to like others.
The point is respect, tolerance, love those next to you, regardless of their and your beliefs and visions. I'm sure the "minority united thing" you speak off focus for the same thing too.
Honorary white at work, chaps.
>based niggers stomping on trannies
the enemy of my enemy is my friend, top tier kino anime moment right there
>professional help
it's literally as easy as bro just repress
stop masturbating stop watching anime learn a skill get busy
truly disappointing pokemon.
Transgender is gender identity, not a sexual orientation. Stupid fuck.
Heart attack.
When a society can't even call a man a man without someone's livelihood being taken away you are basically done. This is where we are at now.
But it's not, you fucking moron. But sure, turn them away from real help, just like the trannies do to their converts.
You're only contributing to the problem.
Don't lump Peeps in with that trash
>this image told me eating shit is unhealthy and society will never recognize me as a shit eater
>but it didn't tell me what to do to stop eating shit
>guess i'll keep eating shit
rent free
Say what you will about porch monkeys but nobody brings the pain on queers and trannies quite like coons do (40% aside lol)
yeah i fucked up somehow
>What that image is is pure indulgence, pouring salt in the wound, getting a rise of it.
that's not what it's about at all
he's trying to stop people from making a huge mistake that they will regret for the rest of their lives and most likely end up committing suicide
yes helping people, very edgy
>tfw no easter candy war tomorrow
>Homosexuality does not.
most gays gets AIDS at a staggering percent, they are also a majority pedophiles. It checks out.
Whenever i see this one i wonder what it's face looks like after because that was a pretty nasty face stomp, not to mention his foot kinda slid on to it's face. Is it's nose like on it's forehead or something?
based pepe
have penile sex
1 in 20 seems pretty high for the overall population
Finally, someone I can agree with 100%. Still, there a lot of people who teach this shit to young impressionable kids that could fuck them up for life. Look at Sweden with their "hen" gender neutral pronoun bullshit. This could create a cycle of mentally ill ideologues and that's not a world I want to live in.
>its unhealthy and unnatural to care so much about what other people do to themselves.
It's both extremely healthy and natural to not want two fat lesbians giving their 6 year old son hormone treatments. There is nothing wrong or even slightly controversial with not wanting an increasing number of children having chemicals pumped into their bodies to fulfill some insane delusional cunt's desire to be socially relevant and hip. In a sane and just society every single parent, psychologist, plastic surgeon, and doctor that did this to a child would be strung up in the street from a lamp post.
Or the heterosexual ones.
>most gays gets AIDS
So does heteros.
>they are also a majority pedophiles.
So are heteros, imbecile. Do you realize where you are?
Why should some political stages get banned but not others
Why are these people so hypocritical?
>I feel like shit unless I actually eat shit!
>But the only options I'm being presented are to keep eating shit or feel like shit!
>I think I'd rather eat shit instead of feel like shit
Believe it or not, trannies have a perceived problem that they can't work through on their own, they need help.
>team PEEP turns out to be based and red pilled
>respect, tolerance, love those next to you
Nobody deserves respect
Nobody is entitled to be tolerated
And Love is very rarely unconditional
This is asking for a lot from random people and nobody comes into this world to be blindly accepted
If these "minorities" or "type" of person want to get respect, tolerance and love they need to be people worthy of attaining such.
It's attained through self improvement and learning to be an acceptable person.
What they're asking for is some kind of magical world-changing mind-metaverse warping shit where Society just forms into their ideal utopia where we form into one and life isn't like that.
Feel free to supply actual significant data, not just baseless statistics. I'm expecting it to be massively inflated by retarded third world countries who think "CONDOMS ARE JUST FOR PREVENTING PREGNANCY, SINCE WE CAN'T GET PREGNANT WE DON'T NEED IT" while countries with non-retarded populations are going to be under 10%, or even 5%.
>have a history of violent oppression
>still regularly discriminated against in western cultures
>meanwhile middle eastern cultures and russia are still killing gays openly
Somehow it doesn't surprise me that gay history is a bit troubled.
If you are born with Y chromosomes in over 95% of your cells, you are a man.
You mean Bowser.
>So does heteros.
AIDS is much more prevalent among gays than straight people
Why can't trannies do research?
>Can't read "Transexuality AND Sexual Orientation"
Stupid fuck
Ima stomp em in the nuts
Yeah man just repress one of the basic components of identity in our culture for your whole life, easy.
They need psychological help, one side should stop pretending they are totally fine (they really fucking aren't) and the other should stop pretending they aren't a thing.
technically all "sexuality" is a fetish, the only difference between straight and gay is cultural
Well that's because of the mental health crisis that also feeds into that 41% you see up there. Shit's fucked.
Trannies encourage self diagnosis and self medication, I don't know why you'd think encouraging seeing an actual professional is something a tranny would do.
inb4 the statistic from the 70's chigago street
Why do these guys have to be weird? Why can’t they just play the video game and have fun? Who the hell wants to express s political statement in a damn Smash Brothers game
>No, the point I'm making and that you're trying to ignore as well is that its unhealthy and unnatural to care so much about what other people do to themselves.
I do care when it affects me and my future. They're pushing their agenda and it's infringing upon my freedom of speech rights as an American, them pushing this nonsense in school is a danger to my children and children like these losers who are susceptible to this rhetoric in this vulnerable period of their life, it affects me when I have to pay tax dollars into their retarded self inflicted wounds.
Fuck you.
And youre basically saying I shouldnt share facts about "transition" unless I'm ready to arrange a transperson's entire life for them. Fuck off
typical tranny; not taking advantage of its i-frames
what you call "sexuality" is simply "culturally-accepted fetishes".
that's because it doesn't get reported to avoid copycat suicides.
Happens all the time in universities but you don't see the university tweet out condolences every time because it will make the issue worse. Instead you just raise awareness on mental health services without directly referencing the death which is for the most part a personal family matter.
basedthis too
yes, pretty much, which is why we have all these retarded new sexualities now. it's all cultural, it's all a spook.
gay men can get it on and fuck a woman
lesbian women get a taste of dick and turn "bi" all the time
there's no way being straight is a fetish or cultural, it's the default state you fucking RETARD
For the same reason you are in a thread like this in a board about videogames.
It's impossible to enforce moderation 100%, if you find political stuff report it and with some luck it will get removed.
This is why uneducated incels like you shouldn't be making any decisions for other people.
grow up and get over it or become one of the 40% faggot
Mario killing trannies in the next mario hame please
No, I'm saying you should at least have the common sense to tell them to see a fucking psychiatrist. Give them some actual fucking direction instead of "just stop", because telling someone to "just stop" never fucking works, retard.
>Somehow it doesn't surprise me that gay history is a bit troubled.
So what you're saying is homosexuals existing has lead to a lot of suffering and conflict in human history?
Maybe because Nintendo wants fuck all to do with politics because they know they'd be fucked if they went into it. It's a go woke go broke scenario. Stupid fucking fags always trying to start shit
That's extremely generous seeing how many "males" in the US can barely be called men.
Nintendo just doesn't want these degenerates corrupting the minds of children on their platform.
Genuinely, honestly, please tell me what "rights" these people are picketing for. You are entitled human rights at birth. You are NOT, however, entitled SOCIAL rights at birth. Does that sound about right? What are they pushing for?
What is more prevalent doesn't matter. What matters is that no one is absolutely free of AIDS, and that everyone should be wary of condoms and ways to protect from sexual diseases.
If you try to imply that homo people should be shot because they have sexual diseases, then we might as well do this with hetero people too, since they neither are 100% clean. Consistency is important.
>has the balls to stand up and say it's political statement
>+9 hour ban for contacting support
holy fuck i love nintendo now
>a thing
If they would get the kind of help they desperately need, they wouldn't be.
i dislike the stereotypical tranny but this is just obscene and the guy should be in jail it's hard to see but this could literally outright kill someone
you need to kill yourself immediately but before that send anthrax to your family
"straight" is just as much of a spook as "gay"
It's not the default state, otherwise there would be way less variation in sexuality of people.
It is the most likely one.
They are on my side, but you aren't.
But that pic is like a standard JP joke...
Its in tons of anime and games, as a joke...
so edgy
less than 1% of people in the US have HIV
for gays it's 14.5%
to remove freedom of speech
to make sure it's illegal to decline sex from a tranny
to make sure it's illegal to criticize trannies or trannyism
Actually no, the existence of straights caused the suffering.
Fuck off you pedantic cunt.
>tell them to see a fucking psychiatrist
We're way beyond the point of that being a solution. Psychiatrists are either actively encouraging people to do this to themselves or they're so afraid of having their careers ended they won't speak up about it. When a confused transexual person goes to see a health care professional they don't want to be told they can be fixed, they want to get everything they ask for to continue the delusion.
>the US
yanks don't have the balls to do anything like this to pride faggots lmao
>If you try to imply that homo people should be shot
did i say that?
you are demented
Wrong. The existence of differences between people caused the suffering. You said homosexuality was natural land did not lead to conflict and suffering. It very clearly did and continues to.
this user is 100% right gays make up like sub 3% of the population they're an abberation
>blowing the flags away first then the fag
wtf based
>if you're not with us, you're against us and now a bigot
One day we will eliminate all the straights and trannies so we can live in a glorious utopia
>Feel free to supply actual significant data, not just baseless statistics.
Data without context is important.
Did you read what I said? I said "if you TRY to imply".
I'm NOT accusing you. I'm supposing that if you try to.
when you criticize people you can criticize what they do
but autists can't understand anyone but themselves
they think that others have faults for not being like them
and so the "criticism" is
>why are you female/whatever gender
You're retarded
Oh wow it's like Nintendo knows they make products for primarily children and don't want to have to deal with parents complaining about kids being exposed to any kind of adult crap
Right, I'm done arguing with you concave-headed faggots. This'll be the last thing I say in this thread.
You faggots always talk about how trannies are mentally ill. Well, I happen to fucking agree with that assessment. Yet when someone tries to advocate for them seeking help instead of cutting off their dicks, you accuse them of being a tranny themselves? "Just repress it bro" is not an effective treatment for mental illness.
Some of them will encourage it, it's true. Might be a good idea for some well meaning folks to try and collect a database of psychiatrists who are actually willing to help. You're right, they will catch shit for it, but so far I've heard nothing of any psychiatrist having their careers destroyed over telling someone they didn't need to chop their dicks off. I dunno, that's a profession you just don't hear about catching shit too often from the SJW crowd, anyways. Probably because they refuse to see such people to begin with.
>everything is political (and therefor nothing is)
>this means shitty political pandering is acceptable
literally the only for this argument to ever come up is when some liberal faggot is looking for an excuse to validate his abuse of the medium as an activist tool
>being gay
>be trans
enjoy hell
I'm sure your turd babbies will grow up to be beautiful
>gets btfo
You have some serious strawmanning going on.
Differences between people cause suffering, and homosexuality is on that list.
It's like saying guns should be banned since they're 100% a part of gun crimes.
100% in agreement with you on that.
I really wish it could just be the LGB movement because trans folk end up ruining everything they touch.
but think of the trans children!!1!
>literally more AIDS than africa
why do large countries always go 3rd world tier?
and that's a good thing
trans children are abused children
I feel really bad for them.
Tolerance is one of the founding facets of the country, though. Tolerance just means you're not putting a rope around their necks. Acceptance on the other hand is a different beast. You don't owe acceptance to anyone right from the get go
>chad homosexual vs incel anime nerd
You're a fucking idiot because I didn't straw man anyone's position. I'm arguing my own position. Repeating tired internet debate terms doesn't make you instantly win any kind of conversation to enter into.
>Between 24% and 90%
not even a queer tranny, but what kind of statistic is this
is there any real point in arguing with these people, they are so dense and just use mental gymnastics. it's seems like a waste of time
Problem is, that is a dressing up scenario, not brenda becoming bob.
How many FTM look good or passible as men?
yeah so do i, they're the biggest victims in all of this
LGB are simply sexual orientation (fetish)
T is self-harm dangerous mental disease
>So does heteros.
heteroes don't get Aids at a rate of 80% of the whole population
>So are heteros, imbecile. Do you realize where you are?
Almost all pedophiles are gay men, and about 50% of gays are pedophiles, such trauma leads them to be pedophiles and gay. This is a fact.
jesus christ yes please go have an anxiety attack somewhere else
by not killing ourself