The music

>the music
>the dialogue
>the stakes
Name a better presented boss fight

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go away cal no one likes you

>that quote
the fuck does it even mean?

Literally any non-weebshit boss ever

>Also like an hour
They never remember that part

That if you wasnt charmed andbfull heal him and that if you bother to fight 13 fucking time

My fav persona but fuck that

at the end of your life, you die.

>Using Mitsuru for this fight

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>You're almost done

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>persona 3
people think Elizabeth is a bitch with all her restrictions and a nuke on timer, meanwhile I am like
>there are literally only two ways to beat this guy, one of which involves getting one of his demons into an AI loop so he stops using party wipe nuke
>the other one requires you to be put to sleep to null the nuke with the only Null skill that doesn't piss him off
Is there an RPG boss as sadistic as Hito?
>you are still likely to go through many attempts before he finally dies because some of his demons have instant kills and healing

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The salt charm is real

Did he never beat it?

He beat Nyx

is that demifiend? what the fuck I thought dds was a regular rpg without smt stuff

It's still megaten

DDS is part of Megaten.
Sure, it abandons the Mon schtick by having your party roster be fixed - instead of recruiting demons, now the party members turn into them.
You get Press Turns and all that shit that comes with MegaTen. Just fyi, second game is a sequel to first one and not playing it might leave you with questions.
you get to fight Satan in second game, and unlike Demi who wants to beat you up, he's one fucking giant puzzle, as all his attacks have some pattern to it, including his party wipe.

so it's a sequel to one of the nocturne chaos endings?

The demifiend fight is not canon

It's extremely kino. Watch it on YT regularly and wish I had my own save for it so I could play it myself.

>Celebrate life's grandeur... Its brilliance... Its magnificence...

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that nips can't write for shit

Reminder that you have the best narrative if you bring Junpei, Akihiko and Ken to fight Strega and Yukari, Mitsuru and Aigis to fight Nyx.