Are you enjoying your Switch Yea Forums? What are you playing today?
Comfy Switch Thread
Enjoying Switch.
Playing nothing.
Salty that I missed out on a limited edition release.
Gathering materials and building a town with my wonderful wife Nelke.
About to update the Switch and Smash Bros back to back. I'm praying the ugly ass Otome garbage Fire Emblem Three Houses gets cancelled, also searching for a wireless Hori d-pad for the left joycon.
Why would a game coming out in 3 months get cancelled you dingus
This generation I prefer PS4 but I will have to get a Nintendo switch for Bayonetta 3 and Luigi's Mansion 3 what else should I be looking forward to getting don't recommend breath of the wild I think it's mediocre and I pirated on my Wii U
Should I get the switch now or wait for a price drop? I'm willing to wait for 3 months.
Astral Chain, Mario Maker 2
Depends. Do you care about the inevitable remodel coming when Pokemon drops? Do you have an urge to play what's available now?
Each and every time Nintendo updates Three Houses' status they're also announcing a delay. They've done it twice now and the game still looks like a hot mess: graphically and animation wise.
Beat the first Ace attorney, going through Justice For All. Everyone says Turnabout Big Top is the worst case in the series, but it's been decent so far.
I have lost more games of Splatoon than any man should have to, but I got Queen so fuck it. I might play some more later, but I'll probably play some Spirit Board in Smash first since I tried that out for the first time the other day and it was pretty fun.
I'll get Katana Zero at some point I think, but I might play some things I already have first.
Enjoying it, but I need to expand my library
Just started Disgaea 1, about 5 hours in. It's fun
Did anyone get anything in the EU sales?
I'm thinking of getting DOOM digitally. Already have a physical copy but it's a great pick up and play game
I'm still loving it. I was playing Mk8 online last night, played like 10 races and placed first in 3 of them. Got my shit slapped at the end of others and was sent back to 8th place, ect.
My entire Switch library is digital. The only cart I have is BotW and thats because I bought the Limited Edition at launch. That will probably stay nested inside for the rest of the console's life span. Having everything else digital is comfy as fuck.
I kinda wish I was fully digital on Switch but then idk
I went fully digital on Wii U and that was a huge fuck mistake and money drain
Just picked up a Pro Controller and I like it. Playing botw atm and lying in bed in weird position but still being able to play because of the joycons is great. Loving these little things. I also played a lot of Fast Racing RMX yesterday, catched up on my podcasts (I am 4 months behind). Loving my Switch atm.
Fuck that, when is there going to be a good sale in the US?
Anyone gonna get MK11 on Switch?