Trannies destroyed, based Nintendo
Trannies destroyed, based Nintendo
Other urls found in this thread:
Pearl Harbor 2 when?
based Reggie
TOS = Tree Of Saviour?
>We are gonna ban LGBT players but its ok because we are fence sitting cowards
>we are going to advertise our sexual fetishes in a kids game and proclaim we need "rights" even though we already have full legal rights
absolutely based
Someone post the stage
commit suicide
Terms of Service
Businesses shouldn’t be political
I doubt you actually think that, and just want replies
This is really fucking triggering me right now
What the fuck I thought that were outr allies what the fuck what the fuck
I need to calm down
press D to dab on transfreaks and jannies
>We are gonna ban LGBT players
That isn't whats happening though.
imagine being so much of a slug of a human being that THIS is the hill you're prepared to die on
>"Imma post in a place where people obviously hate my kind and expect positive replies to my comment!"
And you wonder why people call you mentally ill.
wtf I'm buying a Switch now
how many threads are we going to have about this non-controversy
You are just fishing for (you)s, but even so, join the 40%
Seething leftards.
wtf I love Nintendo now
Try actually reading the image.
Enough to make trannies seethe more.
>Removing user-generated agenda-pushing bullshit from their game must mean they disagree
garbage has no place in the game and you know it
Why are nintendo fans like this?
The fuck do people mean by "Trans Rights?" What makes them believe that they don't have rights? This shit is fucking with my head but whatever, based nintendo for shutting them down
Trans people are just over-glorified living tattoos and no one can prove to me otherwise.
How is deleting a trans flag not a political statement
>gays can't play video games without making it about their gayness
I hope Nintendo just blows up stage builder at this point. Every time Nintendo gives its players some slack and allow them to create and express themselves, they take all of two seconds to ruin it.
le 40% face
They took the “soy” memes seriously. In reality, Nintendo is the Trump of vidya while Snoy is the Hillary.
Guys, what's happening? This was supposed to be OUR meme game, where we just post "he's in XD" sometimes and that's it!
Why do we now have to think about if dilating and dickchopping is good thing or not in the context of Smash?
Damn, I feel bad for not owning a switch now.
but hates retards, right Laura
>trans herobrine
oh no no no
How is posting the flag in a game like Smash Bros not a political statement?
posting it is. fostering an apolitical environment isn't. get help.
we don't, this thread is bait, and you fell for it.
Did anyone miss the fact that this did not EVEN happen?
The trans minority of enraged autistics are raging like apes over something that is completely made up
Isn't that the dumbass that got the persona lyric wrong and posted an entire article about it
Stay mad tranny
Time to start up the ol switch and do another round of flagging tranny stages
>can fight on a pair of huge tits but transflags get the rope
absolutely based
your pronoun is he
>Playing on US lobbies
Always remember, dial 8 for relieving.
>fence sitting cowards
The opposite would be to let anyone who wants project their political beliefs while I'm trying to play Mario Kart. Fuck off.
why do trannies need a flag?
>STRICTLY and ONLY anglos
why is this always the case?
Jesus, "living tattoo" is a great way to put it. I'm gonna have to steal that.
They're not banning players for being "LGBT", you retard. They're taking your tranny flag stages down.
am i retarded or do I not see anything here that indicates it was banned or removed?
Quality bait user. have another (you)
Your pronoun is it
what rights are left to give to trans people? a lot of them have their surgeries paid for by the tax payer. we should just make anti trans stages
their entire "movement" is based on outrage, they have to scream and cry like children or else nobody will give a fuck about trannies and they wont get pity money
>Yea Forums is now full of Republicans
What happened?
Easier D&C
What is dialation?
I was gonna report them all myself but I realised I don't care enough to fill in the reason box that many times.
so we can filter them.
ironic coming from cowards who couldn't cope with having a dick
Please, we hate jews.
>Laura Kate Dale
Private company. Can do what it wants. Your rules fag.
Fuck if I know, it's just another buzzword like "cope".
You put a stick in a tranny vagina, the body recognises it as an open wound and tries to heal itself so you need to regurarly force it apart.
We grew up
>Resetera has no influence on Ninten-
Just you wait. By the end of the week Mario will be dialating xerself spread eagle on a trans-rights flag and you seething /pol/cels will be completely impotent to stop it. RESETERA ALWAYS WINS BAYBY!
I thought it was fine for companies to censor things because it is privately owned.
Or does that only apply to things they don't like?
What are some good Lynchian games?
you must be 18 to post here
trannies stick a glass dildo in their "vagina" so the wound doesn't heal back up
he could at least try and clean shave his ugly fucking face
You know, maybe people wouldn't hate gays and trannies so much if you didn't try to shove your sexuality in every single facet of society. I don't give a shit about what someone does with their personal life, but everywhere I go you crybabies are throwing tantrums over the stupidest shit.
and we're celebrating the same made up thing
>Trans people are going to pretend they don't already have rights for attention
But why
Actually in America trannies don’t have full legal rights by technicality.
Our current anti discrimination laws don’t have a specific clause for trannies and other weird genders. This means that there are no laws in place currently to prevent trannies from being discriminated against in employment, healthcare, housing, or adoption. However, any decent lawyer can easily make a case that the Equal Protection Clause applies to trannies too.
Additionally in some states you can’t get recognized as your “new gender” unless you get the corresponding surgeries to your genitals, which trannies aren’t okay with.
If you transition and don't pass in a year you should be imprisoned.
The body recognizes the knife-wound vaginas that trannies get as an open wound and naturally begins to heal it over time.
In order to stop it from doing that the trannies have to keep something shoved up their fake pussies a few hours a day.
Basically they have to keep a dildo in an open wound to stop it from healing over.
>banning trannies but keeping the mario pissing stages
Absolutely based
That's how you maintain your nuvagina by constantly shoving things inside
you don't have to be a republican to not be mentally ill you know
Sounds less like rights and more like permissions or privileges depending on who you ask.
Amen brother. 86+ gender identities when just trying to make sense of fucking women. Clown world is exhausting.
They probably though Ass On Cortex and Mumbo Jumbo being puppets in a stream meant Nintendo would parade their shit too.
> By the end of the week Mario will be dialating xerself spread eagle on a trans-rights flag
Too late! They're already forcing this propaganda into their CHILDRENS games. What a disgusting company
Trans rights literally just means banning forms of speech which are anti trans
It's a petition to once and for all end the 1st amendment. They're just subtle about it.
things they dont like then they try to witch hunt the company under the guise of equality
>ban LGBT players
literally that's not what is happening. they banned an LGBT flag which is a politcally statement regardless of whether you like it or not
just like if i planted a straight flag or white people flag on a stage, it would be a political statement
Someone post the teratoma image. You know which one.
Reminder that Laura K Skuzz became trans because he was an autistic incel who wanted to become a Night Elf from WoW. Reminder that they need to an hero posthaste.
I wish I could make Gunpei Yokoi and Laura Kate Dale switch places in time.
remind me of what "rights" these dumb cunts don't already have
40% should become 100%
>thinking the world is 6000 years old
>growing up
based nintendo not suporting mental illness
All trans m2w think this.
>Additionally in some states you can’t get recognized as your “new gender” unless you get the corresponding surgeries to your genitals, which trannies aren’t okay with.
Good and I hope you dont think that is a bad thing.
You can bring this up and I’ll bring up that this shit has been going on since the 90s
>I don't have full legal rights because I can't force other to pretend I'm something I'm not
How can you be a gamer in current year and not know what ToS is?
but it's literally not the same. there's nothing wrong with showing the flag of a marginalized group, it IS wrong to show racist /pol/cel bullshit like that
you'd be singing a different tune if it was a nazi flag
>As of February 2019, the federal government has not codified any laws specifically protecting transgender people from discrimination in employment, housing, healthcare, and adoption, but some lawsuits argue that the Equal Protection Clause of the federal constitution or federal laws prohibiting discrimination based on gender should be interpreted to include transgender people and discrimination based on gender identity.[citation needed] U.S. President Barack Obama issued an executive order prohibiting discrimination against transgender people in employment by the federal government and its contractors.[1] In 2016, the Departments of Education and Justice issued a letter to schools receiving federal funding that interpreted Title IX protection to apply to gender identity and transgender students, advising schools to use a student's preferred name and pronouns and to allow use of bathrooms and locker rooms of the student's gender identity.[2] Recognition and protection against discrimination is provided by some state and local jurisdictions to varying degrees.
You mean they don't have extra rights granted to specific minorities. None of which should exist.
Free video games from this political bullshit.
he looks so much like joshimuz it's scary
>flood the game with shitty maps which the only thing in it is a tranny flag
>nintendo removes them so people can actually play the game
I'm literally shaking right now.
Wait did the onions filter get removed?
>I have the right to have my delusions fed
Not really, freak.
>Where would be the best place to post about LGBT pride?
>Why surely a lobby for a children's game!
And they wonder why people hate them.
Tell me more about how the right is more tolerant than the left.
So censoring sexual imagery is fine but this isnt?
marginalized group or not, it's still a political statement
would you say BLM are a marginalize group? They are political groups and Nintendo wants to stay neutral. An LGBT flag isn't neutral the same way a claimed Straight flag wouldn't be nuetral cause it makes a statement.
I mean what's the point of codifying laws for a group of people that end up killing themselves before they hit their 30's? Seems like a waste of time and resources.
Its actually nice to see there's some quality control to the maps.
>thinking a 32 week old fetus that is starting to learn and can feel pain is just a bundle of cells and that killing it isn't murder
>thinking the government has unlimited money
>thinking that you can magically change your sex
>thinking that hate speech isn't free speech
>thinking that nuclear energy isn't the cleanest energy we have
>thinking that there's no reason someone 10 minutes away from a police response needs a gun
Yea, time to grow up
In other words, they don't want human rights, they want special snowflake rights. Don't fucking transition then, wear a dress or something.
The right to impose on and criminalize people for turning them down on the basis of not being born the right gender.
The right to get handouts for a job whether or not they have the skill set for said job, but are entitled to the pay just because
The right to have a dead woman's placenta so no one can play the "can't breed" card as the basis for not wanting to sleep with the ex-men.
>rules state no political content
>but this political content is fine because I agree with it
nintedo is doing the reverse,censoring politics and allowing sexual imagery.
Wew lad, you know something went horribly wrong when "living tattoo" is an accurate description of a person
I do consider a pride flag for a marginalized group that holds some of the kindest people I’ve ever met differently from the flag of an oppressive fascist regime responsible for millions of deaths, yes.
I don't understand this metaphor.
This always gets me. They go around the Internet using some attractive fictional female as their avatar yet in real life they look like a middle aged man with a wig. I know trannies are mentally ill by default, but. their delusion is something to behold.
Well first I can tell you all about how you the right is the only one that has any sense of humor anymore.
Want to hear about that?
Dunno if it's a good idea to alienate 50% of the own audience in the west. Probably not but if Nintendo wants it that way...
You need a Yea Forums gold pass to remove filters
Since when has anyone ever said that?
Most of us laugh at the Nazi flag, not parade it.
Reggie, you were too good for us.
>Implying I don't accept evolution
Why would I not accept the theory that lets me say with scientific accuracy that niggers are lesser humans?
people fly commie flags all the time and they killed more than nazis ever did
hell chinks are committing genocide right now, you can still wave that flag around
>thinking that there's no reason someone 10 minutes away from a police response needs a gun
You’re confusing leftists with liberals again.
Fuck liberals.
Damaging and altering your body for the soul purpose of attention.
how does that work?does the thing just fall off like it was glued?
>misunderstands a lyric and think the song was insulting retards
>writes a rage article about it
>gets blasted for being racist
Fucking good shit.
Still broke the rules fagioli.
I know. Retards are diametrically opposed to the true american doctrine in favor of "muh feels." they need to be exported or secede already.
That is Laura "I have a vagina now" Dale
>90% of the people in this thread reveling in how much they hate trans people
>Hurrr why do they kill themselves???
Inb4 they ban Nazi flags and you guys will be seething
People that get their stages removed are also banned for 1 month
Wasn't worth following to begin with. The guy's a gloryhound and always has been.
>that holds some of the kindest people I’ve ever met
Every tranny I've ever met has been a cunt to me which turned me transphobic, what trannies have you been talking to?
reminder that trannies kill themselves at a rate that exceeds the rate jews killed themselves during nazi germany and the holocaust
>my vagina will start closing
>my vagina is going to collapse
Post Ms.Doubtfire and friends.
>Censoring a game creators vision because of trannies and SJWs in commiefornia upset that they'll never be attractive women
>Removing mental illness promoting stages from a children's game, taking a non political stance on things as Nintendo always have
Trannies are fucking idiots
>Additionally in some states you can’t get recognized as your “new gender” unless you get the corresponding surgeries to your genitals, which trannies aren’t okay with.
well put your money where your mouth is and do it then. you can't be trans without transitioning
stop laughing, Takao.
This is why I don't understand Yea Forums hates Nintendo. They have been the most based company since 2017 when they BTFO of NeoGAF when they didn't get Linkle in BOTW.
Have you considered not being so hateable?
Me too user. Me too.
So none? Having your delusions fed is not a right
>Giving the mentally ill access to guns
Nintendo's strict no politics being entirely objective and blowing out trannys. Based.
positively lynchian
You're all in the same fucking bundle
You commie faggots don't criticize gun control that the dems push, you go all in on bernie sanders and his assault weapon ban push etc.
I don't want to hear your "but muh Marx" bullshit on not disarming the populace when there is literally NEVER any fucking leftists that criticize gun control at a public level anymore. You've gone complacent. At least public figures on the right have called Trump out on his bump stock shit.
It's a fake vagina made by cutting skin. It's literally a flesh wound, so it's going to keep healing. It even undergoes necrosis, which is the rotting of dead skin.
>discriminated against in employment
Man, I am a white male with all the supposed gender/ethnicity privilege in the world, and employers still wont hire me. This is not a unique problem to trannies
>waaaah a bunch of peope on the internet were mean to me because I'm a freak of nature so I'm going to off myself
Good riddance.
We also hate jews and niggers but sadly they don't kill themselves because of it. Maybe trannies should grow a skin.
I'm curious
PragerU are boomercons, I'm an openly hateful Zoomer fascist.
Think how people get liberals and leftists confused
Shall not be infringed, liberal.
This was Reggie. Bowser is now in charge.
it's not because they are hated for the sake of hate,trannies are a frankenstein,pure mentally ill abomination.
you faggots will never be a woman,or a man,you are not even the middle ground,and when they see the truth of this and that they can't go back ,the only way out is suicide.
This is what Lovecraft warned us from
I’m not even American I just hate gay people, they have mental problems, in the gestation they never received enough testosterone and their brains never developed as a healthy man brain and instead ended as a “female brain” in a male body, you have to remember we were all females as embryos and after a couple of weeks the sex is decided, but if the mother has bad habits like smoke or stress it affect the testosterone levels and damage the fetus and that’s how gay,trans,etc are born they are freaks of nature, nothing more
Lesbians are lesbians by choice because they had some kind of trauma with some guy in their youth though
when they said collapse, what they really meant is that it will lose it's intended form which is a make believe vag. So it's the collapse of an image of a fake hole into the image of a closed wound.
Trannies are the most vindictive, self-obsessed queers in all of faggotdom. They demand CONSTANT validation because they know they've done irreversible damage to themselves.
western society needs to start hunting and beating up trannies again. the muzzies are doing it right by throwing them from buildings. do you ever see uppity faggots and trannies acting up in muslim countires? exactly.
Yea Forums has told me to kill myself for over a decade, and I still haven't felt the need to.
If a non-tranny made that stage they would have been banned all the same. Stop pretending to be retarded.
Is this to help with the suicides?
Isn't Liam one of Dale's friends and both of them are ResetEra moderators?
what does the nuclear energy thing have to do with the other points? That isn't really a left wing position
Today I will remind them
You ever get a cut and have it heal up and basically close itself shut, looking as it was never there after a few days? Because that's how you'd body's natural healing system works?
That's basically exactly what's happening.
>arm trans women
>they all kill themselves
You know, I'm starting to see your logic here and I fully support it
dont do it user
>Our current anti discrimination laws don’t have a specific clause for trannies and other weird genders.
You mean the part about race, sex, affiliation, religion or creed?
>I'm a pissbaby that needs constant validation, everything I touch becomes about my desire to have a gaping axe wound between my legs and I will kill myself if you don't agree with me!
>dedicate your life to shilling your shitty lifestyle to people and trying to shove it into media
>get confused why people don't like you
I didn't even care about gays until they shoved their shit into all the media.
The green new deal for instance wants us to do away with nuclear energy in favor of wind and solar.
Dems have unironically begun to believe that nuclear energy is bad because of the hit piece propaganda surrounding it.
Why would anyone want to harm themselves like that? I don't understand, doesn't someone see that and persuade them to reconsider their choices? This shit is inhumane.
didn't the catholic church recognize evolution? thinking that christians don't believe in evolution is the stupidest strawman ever.
this is a popular thread
i wonder why
>Rightists: Being trans is bad because of the suicide rate!
>Also rightists: SUPPORT THE TROOPS!
I've not lead the life my parents in visioned for me but at least I never did that to my father. I would kill myself too if I had caused him that much shame, Jesus fuck.
no one asks why do they kill themselves its self explanatory
It's not like the republican party is pushing for nuclear power either. Both parties are anti-nuclear to pander to anti-science Luddites
they really shouldn't. 40% is not high enough.
Based Reggie
The opposite. The surgeries are shilled HARD - even though there's really no effect on the suicide rates.
I mean that’s to be expected duh.
They cut their dicks open then they hide it inside out and leave a cut, i don't know if i explained right but i don't want to know either.
>One step closer to the crown
Why is it always m2f trannies the one to complain? I don't see any f2m complain about anything at all. In fact I don't even remember the last time I saw a f2m tranny on the internet
Good they deserve to kill themselves and die
It's the look of knowing they'll never be a grandparent
I'm so fucking tired
HAVE lesbian SEX while identifies youself as a woman
>One group makes sure you can live in peace
>The other group drags everybody down with them
Trannies are better than veterans!
So when will you do it?
If anything I tell myself to kill myself more than Yea Forums does
Republicans aren't anti nuclear, they just aren't pushing it like they push oil.
Democrats are outright anti nuclear nearly as much as they're anti oil.
It's really all in the money. Republicans are sponsored by oil companies, which by their nature will be anti solar and wind. Dems are sponsored by a bunch of solar and wind companies, which by their nature will by anti oil, but have also been on a 50 year crusade against nuclear due to how much it has fucked them over in the 'clean energy race'
so anybody wanna set up a lobby? i'm trying to practice with Kirby and need pointers
People are honestly getting tired of the LGBTBBQ shit being forced down everyone's throats. It's in nearly every modern western movie, TV show, cartoon, etc. Nobody says anything because for some reason the media and the twitter Lynch mob can and will ruin someone's life if they dare tell these perpetual crybabies to fuck off.
Incredibly fucking based. I kinda miss my grandad now
The thing is why cut off your dick and go through all that shit when all you can do is put on makeup, use women clothing and bitch about everything? This is what I don't get about trannies
Based Nippon
Based Nintendo
Basically, a teratoma is a tumor created from cells going overdrive, resulting in a glob if flesh with hair, teeth, skin and even eyes. They generally form either at the ovaries or in our case, in a transfaggot's "vagina" (they look disgusting like pic related)
>le 40% meme
you do realize that number is because assholes like you bully them relentlessly. Being transgender doesn't inherently cause you to become suicidal, but when society bullies them and makes them feel unwanted that causes the number
>Ban LGBT players
Cite this happening??
Do butterflies have to dilate too?
Is this what not eating meat or working out and being a full time vegan s.oy does to you?
>society bullies them and makes them feel unwanted that causes the number
even better
F2M trannies are typically less psychotic and have an easier time passing so they don't go batshit at the drop of a hat.
Discrimination laws are not rights you fucking tranny
They’re kind of making up for it with Cadence of Hyrule but that looks like a damn good game
You think I go out in public and go around telling these mentally ill trannies to kill themselves? No. I'd like to, but I don't want to be doxed and lose my job.
If you don't fucking like getting told the truth get off of sites with anonymity because people will use that to say what they really think you dumb fucking tranny.
>B.O.W are real
You see some people make good transitions. Thing is, like that image, they were attractive and took good care of their looks before they transitioned too.
40% of bullying victims do not commit suicide. There's something unique and harmful about being transgender that leads to suicide. You can't just explain it with the social stigma
Do it already freak. Society will never accept you.
Yea Forums doesn't hate Nintendo, they hate their toddler fanbase
>Giving mentally ill faggots guns
I’d rather give them to niggers or hell just bury them.
Trannies are mentally deranged animals and the only mercy they deserve is a painless death.
Please tell me this is a sarcasm. You're using an example of natural biology to defend a bunch of mentally ill attention whores who try their hardest to pretend biology doesn't exist.
Find the odd one out: 0.030%, 0.014%, 40%
The thing is that I agree with Yea Forums on this. It's just tiring, over and over again all the time for years. I wish we didn't have to talk about this shit, and I wish it wasn't constantly trying to pry its way in. I want to go home.
Dunno if you are right about that
>As of 2008, Iran carries out more sex change operations than any other nation in the world except Thailand.
>the government provides up to half the cost for those needing financial assistance, and a sex change is recognised on the birth certificate.
Saudi Arabia treats transgenders exactly like homosexuals though.
Probably a Shia/Sunni thing again.
I didn't know Trannies could be this stupid
>you were born a baby and will always be a baby
>using nature of all things to justify your mental illness
fucking wew
>arm trans women
Why? They'll just add to the yearly gun suicide count that dems lob in with other gun deaths and try to use said statistic to push for gun control
That poor grandfather.
Fuck off and kill yourself degenrate
why is Yea Forums so based today? are the resetera trannies asleep?
Suicide rate
uhh if trannies don't have legal rights then how about you stop being a tranny????? you will have all legal rights
They all killed themselves.
You can really feel the sadness and love in him. He really wants to save his grandson but he cant
also they'll quickly stop being a parent
"Why is Yea Forums political, why can't Yea Forums understand that this person is a woman"
Not even in the spectrum of reality is that true. Also 40% tranny suicide rate is true, just ask Google.
Don't try to do the "le" reddit bullshit when we both know that's where you belong. They're much more accepting of people like you, you can get banned if you're not. Go back there and get your validation dopamine hit.
Absolutely fucking disgusting
Why the fuck did I click the spoiler?
trannies wil make some noise and nintendo will backpedal in 1... 2...
what about when you wake up and look in the mirror and all you see is a man, despite years of taking pills?
you sure it's all because of bullying and not because of the realization that you'll never be a woman?
or maybe it's seeing real women on the street, chatting away happily or being with their boyfriends?
or maybe seeing a mother push a stroller with an infant in it?
Or maybe it's watching too much fucking anime and telling yourself you'll get to be a japanese school girl when you get to the other side. Are you sure all of 40% is just bullying?
>one group suicides because they don't get enough attention and aren't treated like special snowflakes
>the other group suicides because they watched their friend have their limb blown off, crying in pain and begging not to die as the life slowly exited from his eyes just as the tears fell down his face
Wow golly gee definitely the same
Americans haven't woken up yet
What a based grandfather. He doesn't deserve to live in this clown world, he's too pure
Is this true ? Some medic user can confirm ?
>This means that there are no laws in place currently to prevent trannies from being discriminated against in employment, healthcare, housing, or adoption.
Employment - Are they're going for jobs they have qualifiable skills for or are they hoping a hiring quota grandfathers them a job with good pay regardless of whether or not they have the mental fortitude and ability to do the work? A lot of people crying about discrimination are not capable of doing the work.
Healthcare - The right to healthcare is meant to treat you when you're sick or when an illness affects your ability to work. HRT and shit is seen less a preventative treatment and more like asking to pay for surgery and medicine for what isn't proven to be a quality of life improvement. Moreso since the suicide rates of trans people make it seem more like a liability
Housing - If your credit is shit, lenders ain't gonna help you get a house and landlords don't see you as a capable party to rent to.
Adoption - Adoption agencies expect some kind of stable parenting structure and some are even religious. They don't want to adopt to parents who have shaky employment or housing situations. Not all gay or queer parents have the ideal home or environment to raise a kid, regardless of intentions. You can argue some hetero parents don't either but some are good at working in compliance with the system or putting up the appearances for it.
Yes, protestants, catholics and orthodox Christians have recognised and accepted evolution ages ago. Also the Christian churches (the ones that matter anyway) have been the biggest financial contributors to science for hundreds of years - this is something the fedora tippers don't even know. Since the days of Galileo Galilei the Christian church has reformed itself and embraced scientific progress.
It's only some American meme sects like the mormons, the baptits and Jehovah's witnesses I think who still refuse to accept evolution. I'm not sure about the Amish though.
>Comparing a natural process to mutilating yourself
Except those weren't real communists retard