Even though I have the money to buy a game, I pirate it because it's free and save me money.
Even though I have the money to buy a game, I pirate it because it's free and save me money
>save me money
based savings lad
based. fuck paying for literally any media
bro 60 bucks I can buy two rum bottles with that who the fuck gonan pay for a childerrends toy that much
>another american thread
>pirating because you want free shit
neutral evil
>pirating because you would pay but you're too poor to justify spending money on games
true neutral
>pirating every game to know if good and worthy of the money, while shitting on bad games in order to do your part cleaning the garbage industry because you love your hobby
chaotic good
debate me
not even going to list people that buy every game
Unironically based.
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than being a buyfag. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are buying from, subscribing to, playing the product of, and defending a corporation solely so they can go and get your games locked onto certain digital stores. All the hard work devs put into their beautiful games - sculpting their bodies, getting the animations just right, figuring out what their audience wants, designing a fun experience. All of it has one simple result: their game is more enjoyable for one particular audience that will buy it on another storefront. Made the perfect game? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random alt-right russian hacker incel who has nothing to do with digital stores, who just pirates the game. He gets to play the game without any sort of interruption or DRM. He gets the benefits of the game's good times, the way the devs intended. As a "man" who has a PC, you are LITERALLY dedicating years of your life supporting a publisher simply to support games for other storefront consumers to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
having a son is even more cucked if you think about it
Meanwhile this thread is still up, i wanted to talk about something very controversial, you see. futa can be made less gay than straight porn. You see, straight porn has one guy and one girl. Because you're fapping to something with one guy in it, that's 50% gay. If you watch futa fuck a girl, that's one girl and a half girl, thus only 25% gay. You could make it 0% gay with two girls but the problem is, that makes them lesbian, which wraps back to being 100% gay.
>which wraps back to being 100% gay.
But you're saying it from a male perspective. Of course anyone likes cute lesbos.
Completely and utterly based. Invest your money instead of wasting it you faggots.
>dude just invest your money bro
What the fuck do people even mean by this? I hear this all the time but they never give anything specific just the same generic advice
put it under your mattress, put it in a piggy bank, stick it up your ass, literally anything but spend it on avocado toast and videogames.
It's letting your money increase on its own. Why let $10000 stay as $10000 when you could increase it to $12000 with no effort on your part?
Based, gives me more savings to spend on my daughter instead
Generic and vague advice yet again
Retarded zoomer. Don't you have a twitch streamer to sub and donate to?
Are to ever planning on buying a house, or another similarly large purchase, user?
learn how interest works you dumb fucking poorfag cunt, it isn't generic or vague and you don't deserve a fucking dime if you're too lazy to even do that.
>bro just invest lmao
>no I’m not gonna tell you how, you just gotta know lmao
I don’t even know why I asked.
yeah we don't either, fuckhead.
You deserve to stay poor lmao
Sometimes I feel like paying, sometimes I don't.
interest doesn't exist anymore
Set up an appointment with a financial advisor. He's not going to give you the best advice for investing (they push for things that will get them the most money), but what he does tell you will still ultimately be good. Unfortunately, we're kind of at a high point right now. We should see the economy take a big hit soon. That will be your time to invest.
I buy from gog.com which has no DRM. Your move, Merry you fagass hobbit.
b..b..but try before you buy.
dont you care about the industry??? Pirating is supposed to help publishers.
this isnt a thread about your love life
Why would you ask for investment advice on Yea Forums
Buy bitcoin to inflate the value of user's bitcoins so he can sell them and keave you to take the fall.
I dunno I just wondered what people meant when they say it. They never say anything specific like “you should invest in ___ because ___” it’s always just
>dude invest xD
you should invest in index funds because hopefully you aren't completely fucking retarded.
Please convince me that paying for a string of 1s and 0s is not a mental illness normalized by society
I'm waiting
Because even on Yea Forums you'll probably get better advice than you would on /biz/
>giving people pirated games from shitty companies to starve said shitty companies from money
Ok here's how you get rich easy:
>be born into a rich family in the first world
>do whatever the fuck you feel like for 18 years
>once you're an adult your daddy will give you a small loan of a million dollars and tell you to put it into a family friend's trust fund
>tell everybody on the finnish ice fishing board how they should just stop being poor and how anybody can get rich if they work hard on your way to the bank
>pic related
please be real
Please convince me that paying for a string of chemical reactions is not a mental illness normalized by society.
I'm waiting
Have sex.
Holy fucking based and redpilled
>wasnt born as a woman to get free money for literally nothing
why did they get easy mode bros?