>Can't play the game without staring at an objective marker on the minimap
>None of the quest info is actual usefull for finding anything
Why are modern RPG's so fucking garbage?
Can't play the game without staring at an objective marker on the minimap
This is why From games are popular now. None of that Ubishit design elements present in western "RPGs".
>bamham combat
>bamham investigations
>potions reduced to short term buffs instead of hour long enhancements
but because its open world grand theft horse and because its the first and only witcher title to many its gotyay
Because game developers hate video games.
>Can't play the game without staring at an objective marker on the minimap
can't you turn this off in the options?
>>potions reduced to short term buffs instead of hour long enhancements
Ever been to a foreign city or even a new town? Open world games are this experience, you're in an environment where you don't know where anything is and you can only stare at your phone/map for directions.
Older games could avoid this because they were much more limited in where you could go and every part of the level was something relevant.
In a game that's this big the only real way to give directions is a pin on the map.
That's not the real issue, the real issue is that rather then presenting you with the relevant locations for the quest as the character would learn them the game also gives you directions where you should go when the character would not have any.
I'm gonna both agree and disagree on certain points here
>>bamham combat
Definitely not. It's not the same rhythm or arena interaction, and Geralt has far less going for him in terms of gadgetry and shit that affects the actual action, instead because it's an RPG you can spend ten minutes fucking with a horrible interface to give your numerals and boost, and in the case of oils on Death March, you can go back into the menu four or five times during a fight to reapply it.
Whichever one is better is irrelevant, but they're distinct enough, and TW3's has its own rash of problems that comparing it to Arkham is probably a waste.
>>bamham investigations
Absolutely, and a fucking shame. Epitome of lazy design work. Just throw me into the next cutscene you Polish fucks.
>>potions reduced to short term buffs instead of hour long enhancements
Eh, Decoctions still exist, though they're largely worthless until NG+ or the DLC you can't play unless you have the shitty vanilla adventure.
>open world grand theft horse
Not really, that'd be RDR2, which ironically has more RPing and "RP Elements" than TW3. You can't really do anything in TW3. You can steal from barrels, but why would you? You can awkwardly initiate combat with guards, but why would you? There's no excuse for the grand theft style of play because it's not designed for it, even if it wanted to be. It's about as open world as a museum.
He means that NPCs don't (or extremely rarely) give descriptions of locations, directions, or maps that aren't punctuated by satellite imagery.
You CAN turn it off, but in a classic Ubisoft-type move, the game wasn't designed for it.
Yes, and the game gives you 0 information on how to finish quests. The quest info is worthless.
>In a game that's this big the only real way to give directions is a pin on the map.
No, it's not.
"Go to the crossroads, follow the road by the river downstream until you reach a hut".
Except IRL you can ask people for directions.
Why do games even bother slapping so many NPCs wandering about? If they're just glorified setpieces who constantly pop-in and reduce framerate, then fuck 'em.
>quoting the only quest they designed where instead of following eagle vision the quest itself is actually a directional puzzle
Shame they made that one and then gave up, too much money spent on voiced dialogue for a cast of noncharacters I suppose.
Npcs move around, it's not a matter of writing a static conversation, if you try to make the npc point and give you an estimated distance you run in the issue of having the VA say all the possible distances.
You also have to multiply this by all the relevant locations in the game and maybe the work that would go into deciding who can give you directions.
Having the questgiver character point to a spot on your map is realistic in-game and saves a ton of work that adds little to the overall game.
Literal autist
Oh sure, it's the giver of quests who should be giving you directions, but it still seems like some minor, recurring named NPCs in the vicinity (like shopkeeps) could be able to be questioned, whether they have the information or not.
Whats really missing from all these games is a static map. Fuck the fantasy GPS map that can't be disabled. Show me the world in front of me and let me gain a cognitive map of it so I can reference landmarks and geometry and find my own location, as well as the directions I need to cross-reference on my way from A to B.
The irony in these huge, intricate worlds is that there is so little time the player spends actually looking at it. They don't need to learn the terrain or the architecture, they just fly by it on their way to the next marker.
RDR2 is probably the closest a recent game has come to fulfilling this. By the end of that game I knew the map like the back of my hand. Still it had the same design faults with the compass and map.
Head on over to and find a nice gun to shoot yourself with
No map markers and giving directions only works in smaller games. If you're about to say 'but Morrowind did that', yes Morrowind is actually tiny compared to Witcher 3
Decoctions are end game content mostly and still pretty useless unless you properly buff your witcher with the proper skills.
In W1 just to be able to see a thing in dark areas you HAD to drink cat potion. Let that sink in. And it lasted for like an hour which was more than enough for whole dungeon. And then if you wanted to remove the potion effects YOU HAD TO FIND safe place with fireplace to meditate to get rid of toxicity.
W2 and W3 botched the potions so badly it hurts. You can finish the games on hardest difficuty without using them....
Witcher 3 is an actual dogshit game, but compared to witcher 1 and 2 it's a masterpiece
>decoctions are end game content
>witcher 1
>worse than dogshit
Imagine allowing people to discard your opinions that easily
because this is what YOU amerifats wanted.
In order to make them you need rare monster ingredients and hard to obtain alcohol quality. Before you make basic troll decoction which regenerates health you are already like 30 hours into the game (or you are on your second playthrough and rush to get it earlier).
Majority of decoctions have very niche almost useless effects anyway... you cant compare it to swallow or thunderbolt from w1 which had enough power to make you survive the gangbang or even stand a chance against bosses (willow for example).
I actually overcame this by not looking at the GPS while traveling between known locations.
I'd take out the map at crossroads if I wasn't sure where to go.
I could ride from Novigrad to Oxenfurt to Crows Perch just because I remembered the routes visually.
The issue is visual indicators on the hud, not the map itself.
In witcher you could drink the cleansing potion rather then rest.
You dont obtain recipe for cleansing potion until midgane happens. And even then its rather ingredients wasteful compared to free igni sign and rest.
Stuff like this is what made W1 master piece game compared to casual friend w2 and w3. Personally i would love to read baby rage of consoletards complaining about killing themselves midfight by reaching 100 toxicity. In later games the game doesnt even allow you to overdose yourself. Its handholding you so much theres no fun.
You can kill your self in W3 by drinking too much potions.
I've done it.
I agree that the systems in 3 were crap, very dull compared to 1.
People dont wan to spend time fucking about looking for clues themselves.
Funny how Assassin's Creed Odyssey actually does it better, with characters offering directions to quests and the quest log telling you the approximate locations (west of X area, within a forest, probably on a hill) so you can look for itself. Shame the eagle UAV mode makes it kinda pointless.
>be me
>playin a geraldo du rivia
>game: you have to go to this place, it's pretty far
>yen: i can teleport u, you'll be there in one second
>me: sweet
>geralt: no I'll walk I hate portals *queue the laugh track*
fuck this game man
Why is this game so much like Conan Exiles?
>healing items slowly regenerate health
>Slow menus with tiny text
>terrible combat
>gather more shit than you will ever need
>stupid ass inventory weight limit
>not fun
I'm sure there are things I'm missing.
This is true in Witcher II as well. About 50% of the time you had to read the journal entry for a clue. Witcher III does the same thing with journal entries.
Turn off map markers if you want. I have a job, hobbies, and a girl. I don't want to spend ten minutes looking for a house you fucking autists.
>. I have a job, hobbies, and a girl.
Then video games are not the hobby for you, or at least they shouldn't be.
Scabs like you are why games are shit now.
Then make the game smaller.
Yet I have thousands in disposable income to give developers even though I drop half the games I buy after an hour or so.
Seriously, a game should not take hundreds of hours of autism. Read a fucking book and get a second hobby. Gaming too much makes you fat, unhealthy, and boring.
Kill yourself nigger
Edgy. You used a racial slur!
Sorry, but beating Sekiro is not an achievement. Go to a gym and pick up some job applications.
Having a job or a vagina to fuck is not an achievement, enjoy your life of servitude. You're a slave to everyone around you, you're a slave to money, a slave to a cunt, a slave to the eventual genetic waste you'll spawn.
btfo to reddit, nigger scumbag.
Yea Forums is so fucking tryhard contrarian that I'm cringing irl rn
>Why are modern RPG's so fucking garbage?
>game where you are restricted to a pre-defined character who is even restricted to a single weapon type
It's more of an action-adventure game with superficial RPG elements.
OP is not intelligent enough to find quest objectives on his own and yet doesn't want quest markers. What an existence
>RPGs need character creators
Your zoomer is showing
>>RPGs need character creators
No, they need actual role-playing mechanics. The Witcher 3 has virtually none of these.
It's basically a jrpg, except with writing and voice acting that doesn't make you gouge your eyes out (although its writing is still vastly overrated).
Trash gameplay but tards around the world think this is gotyay, fucking monkey fucks.
>oh no it tells me where to go WAAAAH
i bet you dont even drive without a GPS