Which one did you rike more?
Which one did you rike more?
Sekiro was very underwhelming. The rest aren’t out
Japanese setting/lore is fucking boring, none of them will be or were good
Ghost of Tsushima looks shit, sekiro was shit, Nioh 2 should be the best but the fact Team Ninja has already put out two new games this year isn't a good sign that it isn't a glorified expansion
GOT looks promising because it’s keeping the mythology gayness to a minimum
Ghosts of Toshiba look super shit
Sekiro was godtier
Nioh 2 will prob be an alright flawed 6/10, decent to play when theres no proper FS game around
>sekiro good
>sekiro bad
Who do I believe?
Ghost looka good because it isn't full of super natural shit. I just want a samurai game
>the fact Team Ninja has already put out two new games this year isn't a good sign that it isn't a glorified expansion
they released 3 games in 2017, the year nioh came out
when on Yea Forums believe everything
>women warriors
I dont think you picked right game if you didnt want supernatural shit buddy
What's your favourite thing about dark souls? Is it kiting enemies while learning their bullshit hitboxes and attack patterns or is it playing around with character customisation? If it's the former then Sekiro is good, if it's the latter Nioh 2 is a better choice
Play it and find out by yourself, you idiot
sekiro ok
>Nioh 2
>Custom silent protagonist
dropped. bring william back or give me someone else to root for
Nioh was pretty bad plotwise.Gameplay and customization was cool but the game got boring midway.
Nioh 2 will be the same
If you like Dark Souls and Metal Gear Rising you will love Sekiro.
A shitty phone game and some copy paste dynasty warriors shit. Meanwhile they probably built the new Marvel game from the ground up
This is the real correct answer.
Shadow Tactics
But what if I don't like thinking in my games?
kills: 0
deaths: 1
sandwiches made: 0
Sekiro was great
GoT look like an uninspired AssCreed clone
Nioh was mediocre, they need to fix loot system, enemy variety, level design and the atmosphere in Nioh2 for it to be even remotely good.
>sandwiches made: 0
you mean onigiri
>Which one did you rike more?
Well as the resident time traveller I guess I --------------------------------------------
yeah bro i bet your life is way more badass than hers ever was.
Play the goddamn game.
I hope Nioh 2 is good. Sekiro was not what I wanted at all.
>Nioh is a painfully dull Dark Souls rip-off but in Japan
>Ghosts is a another Snoy "le cinematic experience XD" and is already in development hell
>Sekiro is just a parry simulator with no actual interesting combat
Make the switch, lads. Join the winning team.
Ghost is going to be the red dead redemption for the samurai genre, i for once want a game that lets me rp and explore feudal japan, not all this mystical chunni poorly written bullshit.
Not that I expect a reply; but why was MC such a dick to her?
>Bullshit hitboxes and attack patterns
Literal retard found.
Well, seeing as sekiro is the only one out then that one
Sekiro is easy but it's definitely fun. New game plus adds a bit more challenge but only a bit.
Sekiro was fun but I find myself going back to Nioh more, and since they said they'll just be improving what was already there for Nioh 2 instead of making any drastic changes, I think it's safe to say I'll end up enjoying Nioh 2 the most.
I just might...
Don't you know there's been female cyborg warriors since the ww1
Wow, someone suggested an actually good and challenging game on Yea Forums
Oh please. If she told you to lick her feet you'd do it in a heart beat you sad recluse.
T. Korean
>S-s-s-s-s-s-stylish! button masher
Sure thing, bud.
She'd have to make it back from the battlefield not as a corpse first.
for me, its nioh- intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor
In feudal Japan? Good ruck with that
>0 level exploration, literal fucking hallways
>dull setting
>putrid reddit humor
>garbage fire of a story
>weak enemy variety
>difficulty to entice microtransaction purchases
>gold orb login bonus like a mobile game
Yeah no thanks. I'm also not looking for what this guy said
is there microtransactions?
Oh yeah. I bet Crapcom would love it if we forgot when they added mictrotransactions to DMC4SE as well.
who needs this? the game isn't even hard.
Wow, I almost fucking puked
no one needed DXMD MTX either but people still went berzerk over it and the game flopped because of it
but its ok because it's japan.
No one fucking cares, you faggot. All that shit is completely optional and barely anyone paid attention to it, especially since there is a way to abuse the Faust weapon for ez red orb cash.
Seething white knight basedboy
>button masher
So, you haven't played the game. Just say so.
>Caring about all that shit
It's still a better GAME with better GAMEPLAY than the rest of that weeb trash.
Three of them.
Mythologies Sub Zero
The others don't even have an estimated release date. Pitiful.
They're all shit except for nioh 2 and Ghost.
what's so boring about japanese settings compared to european
After playing sekiro nioh 2 is the one im going to like the most i think.
I enjoy sekiro, i dont mind its limitations or anything like that although i do prefer rpg systems so i prefer that part of the souls games. Ghost based on what we have seen is just a more cinematic and less flashy sekiro. i guess if you are looking for something more story based or something based in the real world you might enjoy it but those are not my types of games.
Not him, but for me it's not so much the fact that Japan is the setting, but more because it's ALWAYS set in the same time period - that being Nobunaga's time, which is around the late Sengoku era. No other era in that country's history gets explored, like the Meiji era when Japan was becoming less isolationist and more open to Western influence, or the time of the 13th century when the Yuan Mongols were trying to invade the country.
None because Japanese settings are boring as shit
I own three replica samurai swords based off the ones Ted Cruise used in The Last Samurai so yeah I'd say I'm on par with her.
how many games are there about europe set before the renaissance
>custom silent protagonist boring
>Wirriam, who basically is custom silent protagonist-tier, isn't boring
>Ted Cruise
>nioh and sekiro compliment each other perfectly
This is a glorious fucking feel.
And Tsushima will be more for casual cinematic players and that’s fine.
Nioh 2 is the only one with character creation.
why is that important to you?
I dunno, you tell me.
Doesn't mean they couldn't have redeemed him in 2 and made us excited to see him again. It's exciting to have a sequel announced to a game you enjoyed and seeing the MC back after so long and seeing how the years have changed them. I just personally like having a hero you can root for and a face attached to series, I guess. William even represented Nioh in Warriors All Stars. It also sets the series apart from Souls and other clones.
I want to play as a cute kunoichi instead of a manlet fagget or western ninja
Shitran Kagura is two doors down.
the one that was made by actual japs
What's there to be excited about when he was hardly a character in the first place though? I'm sure you can just make him in the character creation if you really want to, don't really understand the complaints about character creation in Nioh at all
But I want an actual good ninja game. In Tenchu you had Ayane, in Shinobido there was a playable kusarigama kunoichi
What exactly is so great about Nioh?
stances>trick weapons
Posting from my time-travel machine, Nioh 2 is the best of those.
Wolf > William
William is only fun as a protagonist if you assume through the whole game he didn't have any idea what the ching chongs were saying.
Okami and Muramasa exist
You should blame westerners and From faggot westaboos for being incompetent
>Ugly dirty Japan shit
Call me when we get another Muramasa
Mocking Hanzo's accent alone puts William above Wolf.
>Nioh 2>>>>>>>>>>Sekiro|
ghost of tsuhima? why is it on a rike list?
The rice ball quest line alone puts Wolf over William
Master Chief was a non-character and people were always excited to see him again.The things you do in game are not just your feats, but William's too. All the shit William endured in Nioh was insane, and it would be cool to see how it's shaped him. Also, I found William pretty compelling. Dude went through hell and back to get his child hood guardian spirit back. I'm sure there's also a love angle you could do with Okatsu or whoever.
Dam you. Time to reinstall i guess.
The grabs have wonky hit boxes
The Ki management is cool.
they're also highly telegraphed outside of the chained ogre, who you were probably filtered by
>not jelly doughnuts
William looks like photoshopped-chad-guy here.
>You should blame westerners and From faggot westaboos for being incompetent
I just don't like japanese settings.
why not
shit game,shit setting. Every game set in that country will be garbage lmao
because japanese style is not my thing
what ethnicity are you
white (thanks god)
i'm so sorry user
what's wrong with being white and not a weeb ?
it makes you look like one of those nazis people like to call you guys nowadays
Good game, actually surpassed my low expectations.
>NiOh 2
Didn't quite get used to the first one, so I'll pass.
>Ghost of Tsushima
Le cinematic openworld shitposting aside, looks interesting but still unsure, have to see more gameplay.
but neo-nazis really like glorious japan
>being white in 2019
>not being a weeb in 2019
no one cares what neo-nazis are like, you nazi
sekiro is goty material
GoT probably a huge world/beautiful graphics and underwhelming gameplay
nioh 2 can't be as bad as the first one
>far right
How politically ignorant does one have to be to assert something like this?
As a normie, ghost is the only one that matters
>Sekiro is easy but it's definitely fun
>unanimously voted to be harder than all of the other Soulsborne games in every poll done since release
Fuck off
because it's new
>have to see more gameplay
There's a reason they're holding out on gameplay.
The substance is in the visuals.
Even DSP had a harder time with BB/DS3, fuck off.
Thats not how it works.
And Lobos took like 3 hours. Don't know who that is? Doesn't matter. Using e-celebs as a metric for difficulty is fucking retarded. Fuck off and kys.
make up your fucking mind, Yea Forums
>And Lobos took like 3 hours.
To kill SS Isshin that is.
Rockstar did the same thing with RDR2, I could interpret the discretion as them being confident about their game, so they don't need to spoil too much stuff before release.
>Doesn't matter
I bet you died to SS Isshin more than 3 times like a total scrub
seeing as though most people on Yea Forums can't even get passed one of the easier boss fights (lady butterfly) you probably shouldn't take their word on anything.
Sekiro is meh
I don't have faith on nioh
Ghost of fukushima seems to be the most promising one