Scoia'tael, Order or Neutral?
Scoia'tael, Order or Neutral?
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Neutral or Order, Scoia'tael is a trick option
>elf fucking shits or order fucking shits with Siegfried
Order. Plough the elves.
Elves are assholes in The Witcher, I always fuck them over when I have the opportunity to do so.
Dwarves and Gnomes are ok though.
Is siding with the elves the most cucked option? I mean, they literally hate humans which you are, and the only reason they're even somewhat tolerant of you is because they see you as a freak mutant and not fully human.
Neutral, they do a good job of making both sides have a valid point and reprehensible at the same time.
This choice is nothing to do with a witcher, youre just here to kill monsters and get paid. If it aint black and white dont get involved. Shame the other games wouldnt let you do this.
the elves are murderous terrorists and they think its justified because humans wont share their resources with them
they are basically niggers but with swords instead of guns
they are objectively wrong
>not duking it out with your bro Siegfried
what the fuck are you doing
Neutral if you're roleplaying as Geralt, Order for everything else. Based dwarfs will always have Makaham where antimagic freaks can't touch them, elves are old and busted and need to be purged
>siding with deus ex dudebros or hippie ISIS
Neutral that is. Siegfried was a bro though.
Neutral is canon but Siegfried is a bro so the Order is acceptable as well.
>Actually siding with the knife ears
The only Elf that is remotely alright is Iorveth, and Iorveth can't carry his entire race by himself
Neutral all the way.
I think it's different because normal humans see you as a bigger freak than the Scoitael does.
but it is very black and white
the order is right and the elves are wrong
This. Sigy is should replace Roche.
The only bad about neutral choice is how you execute it, you just run away from the fight.
Aint no reason to do Scoia in the first game.
Scoia in the second game was lots of fun however.
And then they aborted everything about it in 3.
I'll never not be butthurt about the lack of Iorveth.
Daily reminder that Yaevinn was literally responsible for second war with Nilfgaard and deaths of thousands innocent people.
Which one is "quit the game out of boredom long before that point"?
I usually like elves but in Witcher's universe they are like niggers in our universe
Fuck elves and fuck niggers
>I'll never not be butthurt about the lack of Iorveth.
Did they ever say why though? Did they run out of money or didn't what to do with him so they just act like he does not exist?
Order. Stick with your nigga Siegfried and protect his innocence, elves are ALWAYS trouble.
Meeting Siegfriend in 2 and him sticking with you no matter what is the second best thing to come out of save importing in the series.
Neutral except the bank mission where it's unavoidable, so go order.
Siegfried was a bro but he becomes a genocidal maniac in the final chapter if you don't side with the order in Chapter 4.
This. Fuck CDPR for not having Iorveth in 3, man singlehandedly made Scoia a decent option in 2
Because only fujos and retards picked the Scoiatael path in Witcher 2.
Elves in the Witcher are basically real-life Whites in 50-100 years.
Human bitches still fuck you all the time and you spend most of your time in human society, so that's a moot point.
If elves were dominant then I'm sure most of the harassment would come from them as well. They only see you as a means to an end.
>He missed out on being best buds with Zorvan in a based dorf city
>Had to deal with Roche's lesbian bitch in some shitty war camp instead
Laughing at your life, cuck
It's a shame they couldn't import your Witcher 1 choices into 3 for whatever reason. A couple of things like Adda marrying Radovid were bizarrely absent.
>This. Sigy is should replace Roche.
Make up your mind /pol/tards
Both of these statements can be true at the same time you absolute faggot.
Neutral. Rest is for faggots.
>helping elves
dwarves are fine tho
>There are people who still think that Geralt is neutral
The whole hurr neotrool thing he goes in is just an excuse to not do shit he doesnt want to do
Yeah, Adda still bothers me. Much like no one killing Thaler in 1, I'm guessing most people uncursed Adda, so bringing her back wouldn't even break up the continuity for most folks.
Maybe they just didn't know what to do with her or ran out of time, but that seems silly.
Always Neutral. Both sides are full of hypocrites and shit people just out for personal gain, whatever that may be changes depending on the individual.
Much like real life.
on my latest replay of witcher 1 i sided with elves and holy shit did i regret it
they are constantly killing civilians
Fuck Elves
>hey Witcher could you help us with that shipment of humanitarian good?
>actually it's weapons lol
>hey dumba... I mean Geralt, please help us map those ruins!
>actually we're using those ruins to infiltrate the city, we just needed some monsters to be killed lol tough luck
etc etc
Also firebro dies because of Elves
I went full on genocide in TW2 with my bro
>If elves were dominant then I'm sure most of the harassment would come from them as well.
Pretty much. In the books they enslaved humans. Elves see them as an inferior life form, in a way similar to how humans treat livestock.
And picking a side between elven terrorists and mercenary zealots is exactly the kind of shit Geralt wouldn't want to do.
True, but he doesn't like politics and being used, so neutral is the most canon option
Geralt mostly cares about his friends/family, choosing sides always hurts them one way or another
I should add that, at first, elves were in good terms with humans. It wasn't until the events in Loc Muinne that their stance changed.
whatever my nigga roach selects
Not for any other reason besides both sides being fucking idiots.
>Humans invade and take over Elven lands
>Elves have to resort to guerilla tactics to fight back
>Hurrr Elves are assholes
I'm a pretty diehard elf shill for most games but Witcher 1's elf path ain't so great. Its bad.
>Americans invade and take over Middle East
>Native population have to resort to guerilla tactics to fight back
>Hurrr Muslims are assholes
Muslims fighting back against the jew puppet forces in the middle east is fine by me, godspeed to 'em.
So long as they don't come to Europe.
>Humans invade and take over Elven lands
objectively wrong
All lands belong to Allah, kafir. You’ll learn.
The head of Jew puppet forces is in the West
>Vizima is built on top of elven ruins
The head of the western forces puppet is the Jew. You'll learn one day. Its been this way for 1500 years ever since the bignoses kiked the Europeans out of their ancestor worship and traditional gods and became praising their tribal false god and rabbi emmanuel yeshua ben josef
It's sort of an ideal he tries to hold himself to, if for no other reason than practicality, and repeatedly fails. It's better to claim a professional's code and stand of neutrality than to tell some noble trying to hire you as an assassin to bugger off.
>Elves invade Vran lands
>Elves build over Vran buildings
>Vran have to resort to guerilla tactics to fight back
>Hurrr Vran are assholes
I never said it wasn't Jews you fucking booger sniffing /pol/tard
Neutral, Siegfried being a bro is the only reason u might question this though
Also if you didn't know it already, Thronebreaker is a thing and it's pretty good if you like Gwent
Shame it bombed
They flock to europe all thanks to US foreign polic(y)ing.
Order. Siegfried is a bro.
There was some Catriona cure quest that featured Iorveth that was cut from the game due to time constraints.
Only things I noticed if you saved Adda in 3 were this hidden letter that talks about trying to make her a Striga again in Vizima, and the Queen piece in Chess is her in the game.
At least we can all agree that Yen is the right choice.
I liked how The Lady Of The Lake, and the Hermit returned in B&W.
>Shame it bombed
>make a game about a warrior queen
>don't use the one everyone remembers from 2 that was mysteriously absent in 3
Missed opportunity.
They didn't invade though they were put there by magic, it's not the humans fault they are vastly superior to the Elves in every single way, it's just evolution.
>in every single way
Pretty sure it was ultimately quantity vs quality. Humans have never reached the highs of lost elven tech or culture.
It's hard to admit but when i was younger i red what side had better armor and i went with that side. Today i would pick neutral 99% of the time
Yeah the master race Elves are shit at breeding and making defensive weapons to keep the monkeys with swords from taking over all their land I forgot.
Should've spent more time building walls instead of fancy door ways imo.
First of all. Siegfried is an absolute fucking bro.
The most sensible (and canonical) option for Geralt, is of course Neutral.
The second most sensible (although not canonical) option for Geralt, is actually Scoia'tael. Geralt in the books DOES sympathize with the Elder races.
The least sensible option is siding with the order, despite Siegfriend being an absolute fucking bro. Because Geralt is not a religious zealot, and he's not a human supremacist, he's barely considered human anymore by other humans.
Ordnung muss zein
It's sad that he didn't even appear in TW3
Surprisingly Based and Redpilled
Geralt doesn't really live by witcher code, he's always sticking out for his friends even if they are literal monsters. It makes sense for him to side with Siegfried no matter how much of the faggots the rest of the order are.
This. Triss is bland as fuck.
>Witcher code
Cmon son, this is what your dad said when he was going to get milk 20 years ago.
>make a character the main romantic interest for two thirds of the series
>set you up to betray her with literal who from the books in the final instalment
What did they mean by this?
Triss brainwashed you and I think that was there way of getting it across, by brainwashing us the player, epic if I do say so myself.
She wasn't absent she was fucking dead in the comic
I wouldn't trust anyone who sided with terrorists. Fuck non-humans.
>you don't have to romance Triss in the first game
>you don't have to romance Triss in the 2nd game
Everyone describes her as untrustworthy and you find out she's keeping something big from you very early on in the series, if you still fall for her then you're a retard and you deserve her.
Geralt included?
>What did they mean by this?
The first witcher game was meant as a non-canon standalone game. They salvaged it pretty well with the 2nd game, and the 3rd game was a 100% sensible and fantastic ending to the whole series, books included.
but Geralt is a non-human you fucking retard, he LITERALLY sacrifices himself while defending a bunch of elves and dwarves and gets stabbed by a human peasant with a pitchfork and dies
why are polfags so retarded?
>Geralt in the books DOES sympathize with the Elder races.
Yeah he sympathises with the elder races but not with the squirrels. He's killed a fuckton of squirrels and a lot of them have tried to kill him. I seriously doubt he has any sympathy for them
He does, he just thinks they're being detrimental to their own cause unless I'm mistaken. But he would still side with an Elder race "cause" for survival before human oppression against them.
I'm guessing they either couldn't implement choices for stuff from 1, or figured too many people playing 3 wouldn't know anything about the first game since not as many people played that one
You heard me
I get it that they didn't know what to do with the story in the TW1 so they replaced Yen and Ciri with Triss and the source boy and basically retold the books plot. But in the second game literally the first thing you do is wake up in the bed with her. Compared to that Yennefer has zero reason for player to care, the only people that pick her are bookfags and contrarians.
And by the end of TW2 she admits that she lied to you and you set out to find Yennefer.
There is no such species as "witcher", you fucking retard. He's just a mutated human.
Makes no difference for peasants and religious fanatics. Anything different or unnatural = bad.
>Compared to that Yennefer has zero reason for player to care
He spends most of the second game looking for her, when he has his big meeting with the antagonist of the game one of the first questions he asks is about Yennefer.
>choosing between bipolar lying cunt or tsun tsun
Gee I wonder.
Makes no difference to elfcucks either. Most of them would choose to kill you if you didn't actively help them.
Makes no difference to anyone. Most of them would kill you if they could. Except (most) mages, they don't give a shit.
the only reason i pick up yen in my first run was to cuck her as much as i can then forget about her the moment i start NG+ and pick up triss
>want to see my actions of TW1 in the 3rd game
>can't bring myself to replay the 2nd game after how bad it feels in comparison to 1 and 3
Life is suffering.
Makes a difference to me, because I'd rather humans beat the elves than the other way around.
>be me
>play w1
>kill siegfried
>play w2
>kill letho
>realize how much i screw things up
Witchers don't get mixed up in politics, The Witcher's Code™ demands it
Only TW2 has consequences on TW3 as far as I know.
>Iorveth: You're the most noble human I know Gwynbleidd
>Geralt: I'm no human
even if he were human once, no human actually considers him a human, it's like saying the Greater Brother monster is human
you're just a fucking retarded /pol/fag that wants to somehow jack himself off to the though of some epic crusade against elves, kill yourself
Is Geralt supposed to sound dead inside 24/7 or is his English VA just bad
This. Plough the elves in first, plough the elves in second, and plough any elf you can find in the third.
>if I pick that dialogue path then that means I'm right
Well done, faggot retard.
And no, I pick neutral in W1 all the time because it fits better.
This guy is correct, and even then it's only small things like Letho showing up for a side mission in White Orchard.
TW1 essentially isn't canon, when they made it they never planned on turning it into a trilogy so it's really just a re-tread of a bunch of plot points from the short stories.
>Not siding with your dwarf bro
Nigga please
>TW1 essentially isn't canon
Lol yes it is
>if i pick that dialogue path
Geralt says it himself,you don't pick shit,holy fuck you're retarded hahahaha
>2 feeling worse than 1
But it is still canon, you meet several characters from it.
Your choices aren't canon but that's a whole other matter
>gwin blade
I never understood why the games let you make choices that Geralt wouldn't make. You are playing fucking Geralt.
>everyone is surprised at Ciri's powers despite the fact that Alvin literally did the exact same thing in TW1
Which ones? I honestly can't remember any aside from Shani, maybe Kalkstein if you count his cameo
He says it himself when you're on that path, you dumb fuck. Go with Roche and he won't.
Most of the time they do a good job of giving you a selection of choices that he might make. Of course some stupid shit slips through the cracks occasionally, like handing over Ciri or killing the cat school guy.
The combat just doesn't feel like an improvement over the first. Trying not to use buzzwords, but it just seemed like they started from scratch instead of trying to fix things that didn't work(clunkiness, seeming lack of weapon impact) and or capitalize on the things that worked well(sword stances, timing attacks, non roll dodging). Both games oozed atmosphere, but I genuinely enjoyed the writing and combat of 1 more so compared to 2.
t...that's because noone calls him a human on Roche's side,because noone considers him human
I suggest you commit suicide, you are too retarded to live, I am quite curious on how you actually manage to use a computer
I also love how you're so militant about your objectively wrong "opinion"
>everyone is surprised at Ciri's powers
It's not really an everyday thing lol
>if I choose the elf side then that means Geralt likes elves
This is literally your argument.
There's a quest from Alvin/Jacques in the Novigrad bookstore.
The Lady of the Lake tells you not to lose Aerondight again after she gave it to you the first time.
The Professor's glasses.
The Berengar's Sword quest in Kaer Morhen.
The frightener attack and Savolla being mentioned when the choice to patch up the hole in the wall is given.
I don't understand what kind of mental illness someone must have to side with a different race, because it is essentially a race question. Even if Geralt as a Witcher is a bit outside of the human race, he's still human. Basically fuck elves and fuck niggers.
Shani appears in the books first
>sword's name is Loa'then
>means Hatred
Really? I find TW2 a really fun game, only downside of it is the railroad nature of it and the fact that it's a really short game
If Geralt hates elves and other non-humans why then he died protecting them from the angry mob? Checkmate /pol/tard
kill yourself /pol/tard,you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about, dumb fat fuck
Because the drunk old hack was sick of people only recognizing his Witcher books, so he just wanted to kill Geralt off and be done with them.
I never said he hated them. I said that he feels like an outcast due to his mutations but that he's obviously still human.
The elves would treat him as even more of an outcast if he ever tried to live in any elven society. He just associates with them because they're both downtrodden.
>a single, missable scene has more dialogue with Eredin than in the entirety of witcher 3 WILD HUNT
What did CDPR mean by this?
>dwarves are fine tho
They are manlets user.
Wild Hunt was a mistake.
Didn't expect that id read something at this level of retardation but Yea Forums delivers yet again.
Maybe because they don't have that conversation? Holy shit you're retarded, there's plenty of conversations in both games and books were Geralt doesn't think of himself as a human, stop being contrarian for the sake of it
>missed this mission during my first playthrough
>it is essentially a race question
except it isnt at all
the order wants to protect people, even peaceful minorities
meanwhile the elves just want to kill everything
I was more knocking the way they pronounce it. Gwynbleidd is just a fantasy-scrambled version of "blaidd gwyn", meaning white wolf.
Yeah, that's my point you dumb cunt. The other faggot is trying to pass off a conversation that depends on player choice as somehow canon.
Neutral and doing everything little thing to make money is the way
Honestly bro, when my roommate introduced me into the game and told me about fucking women in the game, it was my only priority.
>Trial of the grasses makes you sterile
>but also cannot contract disease
it's canon.
Always neutral, fag.
>right choice
>a violent disloyal retard
What did he mean by this?
The Witcher 1 takes place after Geralt has had his memory wiped. It makes sense for him to properly follow the witcher code now. Part of his memory loss i think was to allow the player to play how they wanted without "compromising geralts character". Shame the other games again, threw this to the dogs.
Only girls and trannies like elves. Real tawk.
I'm most interested in the middle one
Violent disloyal retard is basically Triss though. In between specializing in fire and burning down a building in the middle of Novigrad, sleeping with Lambert, and fucking choosing Novigrad of all places to settle in when the church was laying down the hurt on mages, she tags all three of those attributes.
Geralt makes a visit to a brothel and his medallion outs a lot of them as vampires.
If you choose to let them be and carry on their work (they arent killing anyone), one of them bangs you and thats the card.
I always found the nicest looking card to be the with practising in the cave, with the angry mob outside trying to kill her.
>TW1 is my fave game in the series
>TW3 beings in TW1's armor and it's the best looking armor in the game by far
based poles
It is time to post comfy tunes.
Because it is you inbred. The player doesn't choose what Geralt says in that conversation, ergo that's something Geralt the character believes and you can't change it. If Roche had had that exact convo, Geralt would've said the exact same thing. Choosing paths doesn't change Geralt's personality. Is it that hard to understand, are you 12?
Except the dog quest.
they both have soul you retard
Huge ass medallion ruins it.
Wrong. TW3 is a generic open world game
I think I'm talking to an actual retard.
The only reason Geralt has that dialogue is cause you put him on the path. The Roche path and the elven path don't both happen at the same time, it's either one or the other. So Geralt's dialogue changes accordingly.
The same way I can decide to say I fucking hate elves all throughout the first 2 games as well, doesn't mean that Geralt is now canonically an elven hater.
Have you even played it? TW3 open world is soul.
>censored cards
>TW3 open world is generic
I fucking wish that was the standard mate.
That's king of the wild hunt, not eredin.
Neutral or Order.
The Order appears to be righteous enough for most of the game whereas the non-humans are always terrorists and murderers from the beginning. Siegfried is bro-tier and sides with you when it is revealed that the Order is actually evil.
I feel that canon Gerald would not ever side with the Scoiatael.
>most of the dialogue in that scene is lifted straight from one of the short stories
What did CDPR mean by this?
I'm gonna be honest with you my dude. I want to fuck the clerk real bad.
You stupid mongrel. Have you even read the fucking books? Geralt thinks of himself as a non-human every single time someone compares him to one. He accepts it. It's canon, you can't do shit about it. Why the hell do you refuse to accept it?
for me,it's the noble
You can farm Salamandra guys at night for the tallow.
Order if you're looking for a definitive save file to carry on to TW2 and TW3.
Good thing that the games have a different canon from the books, huh?
>Voiced protagnist
>Says exactly what the answer you picked told you he would say
BASED Witcher
More like they continue the canon from the books. The events of the books happened in the games, game Geralt is a continuation of book Geralt.
Which armor?
In 3? Grandmaster Manticore armor in Toussaint.
Based and potionpilled
Not according to the writer of the books who deems the games to be non-canon.
>So Geralt's dialogue changes accordingly.
But Geralt's personality doesn't change. he's the same person no matter the person he allies himself to hunt Letho down. Geralt never thought of himself as a human, that conversation's not the only moment in the franchise it happens.
Ther is no other option
>game Geralt is a continuation of book Geralt.
Book Geralt is dead.
The games are fanfiction, they're similar to the 'Something Ends, Something Begins' short story.
Start off with the Order then go Neutral towards the end. Fuck elves.
Nigga's just salty he sold his rights for a dime.
If he really wanted to invalidate it he'd write another book
TW3 is one of the few games where a forest actually feels like a forest
True, I haven't been this immersed in a game forest since Gothic.
To the books, the games are non-canon
To the games, the books are canon.
Game Geralt doesn't exist in the books because Geralt died at the end of them.
Book Geralt exists in the games because that's the Geralt you're playing as after he survived the end of the books, chilled with Yen for a while and then rode with the Wild Hunt.
Thanks, definitely getting this one in my 2nd playthrough
The audio design is pure kino. Twigs snapping, birds singing, trees swaying with the wind and the ambient tune softly playing in the background.
Not really.
Books = canon
Everything else (comics, games, tv shows) = non-canon
Imagine actually thinking like this.
But the games follow their own, internal canon that continues the books. It can't get any clearer than "to the books, games ≠ canon, to the games, books = canon".
Game Geralt doesn't just pop into existence when W1 starts, he's a continuation of a man that had several books worth of adventures. That doesn't follow Sapkowski's canon but it sure as hell follows CDPR's, which as I said considers books as canon to the games.
its the best set in the game, except for the gloves, nilfgaardian guardsman's gauntlets do great with this set
Tell the truth user, you just like the critical damage bonus.
Same person
b-but c.dmg rocks
Is it just me or The Witcher 2 had much better looking armor?
>Game Geralt doesn't just pop into existence when W1 starts
He literally pops into existence with amnesia.
>follows CDPR's
It doesn't, W2 ignored everything (story, decisions) from W1 and W3 ignored both.
Regardless, you're still wrong.
It can, since I can choose plenty of times vastly different dialogue options.
no, its just most of W3 armors looks awful in general, except maybe for a few witcher gear armos like viper and manticore. the only kino outfit in W3 is the Ornate robe, pairing with the professor's spectacles. sadly it gives no bonus, yet turning the game into a challege makes more enjoyable
Not really it's just that 3 has a lot of trash armor since the pool is larger. Stuff like New Moon set from Hearts of Stone or the Undvik and Nilfgaard sets from the free dlcs are really good and there are vanilla armors that look good too. Besides the witcher sets, I mean. There are a lot of trash armors though and being low level and finding mostly that type will leave a more lasting impression than finding a few great sets lategame.
Also, am I fucking imagining this or do the non witcher armors look more and more worn out the lower their durability gets? I could swear their appearance being based on the durability was a thing, but I may be wrong.
For real i was waiting for a Siegfried cameo in both 2 and 3
Triss is a qt and actually nice, not a cunt like Yen.
Triss is the obvious choice. Have fin being henpecked to death by Yen. Triss is making cookies for me.
Both are witch sluts who need to be incinerated.
He's in 2 though, if you import a save with the Order path. See
>He literally pops into existence with amnesia.
No. Geralt existed in the universe the games take place in before the witchers find him in the outskirts of Kaer Morhen. He's a 100 years old give or take. He isn't "born" right then just because you start the game, or because you somehow think this Geralt isn't a direct continuation of Books Geralt.
>It doesn't, W2 ignored everything (story, decisions) from W1 and W3 ignored both.
The mere fact that W2 has to do with the Assassins of Kings first seen in W1's epilogue proves you wrong. Geralt starts the game with the Raven armor, Aerondight, Ard'aenye
and Moonblade, Adda's fate is mentioned, one of Thaler's agents gives Geralt a package whose context changes depending on whether you saved him in W1 or not, Shani gets a codex entry explaining why Geralt's with Triss again if you romanced her in W1. The imported choiced may be badly managed, but to say they're outright ignored is disingenuous as fuck.
there is no witcher's code, geralt made it up
>It can
Not in that specific regard.
>since I can choose plenty of times vastly different dialogue options.
You get to choose which factions helps you accomplish your goal and whether or not to kill some characters, you don't get to change Geralt's entire personality. He's still a Witcher, he still likes women, you can't join the bad guys... Geralt's an established character just like Adam Jensen. And just like Adam, you can choose inconsequential choices that don't change the character's personality
Both are cunts
Yen is for Geralt___
Shani is for ___me___
Triss is for burning at a stake
Based and lilacpilled.
He was in 2 though
I like gwent
If you sided with the Order, he'll show up to help you on both routes of 2.
It's not a cameo, but Geralt does mention him during HoS in 3.
>REEE you can't be gray you must choose a side
heh jokes on you, I had my own side all along
That whoring witch has her eye on me!
But triss can just btfo.
Aah. I'm wasting time.
Neutral. But if you've got to pick a side, pick the side with Elf pussy.
>Geralt starts the game with the Raven armor, Aerondight, Ard'aenye
And you sell them immediately because they're useless.
Thaler appears in W3 even if he died in W1
"Game canon" doesn't exist.
keep your trash game and trash waifufaggotry out of these threads, shit for brains
based and redpilled
*pack of wolves blocks your path*
>And you sell them immediately because they're useless.
How does that have ANYTHING to do with the fact you get them? Do you have the autismo user?
>Thaler appears in W3 even if he died in W1
A retcon doesn't mean game canon doesn't exist. Because it does, no matter your opinion of it. It's not subjective, it's a fact.
>"Game canon" doesn't exist.
You're a retard
That was kinda random. Just wanted to bury so random dude
Neutral always.
you can't go neutral during the bank robbery right?
It literally is if you read the books. To which the games are a direct sequel. Canon or not.
>"Game canon" doesn't exist.
You're a fucking retard
Game canon is a meme people made up to validate the choices they've made. Please stop misusing the term.
It's just you. Some of the early game armors makes Geralt look like a bum but all of the Witcher sets look great.
Come, sit, have a drink!
Not just that scene.
I read all the books after I had already gone through the first witcher game and It was absurd just how many conversations were lifted word for word off the books.
>it bombed
Do we have sales figures? I doubt it cost more than 5 or 6 million to make.
>canon is the material accepted as officially part of the story in the fictional universe of that story.
>The books and the first two gamers aren't canon to Witcher 3
Were you dropped as a baby?
I understood this reference
goat armor set
>dyed armor
>puts ciri in a trance on thaneed
>leads to the mage chimp out and elf invasion (granted it was gonna happen anyway)
>ciri ends up in the shit for the next few books and geralt is crippled
>"everyone makes mistakes"
fuck her
I can still choose what opinion Geralt has on several things. I can be outright racist in W1, for example.
>>The books and the first two gamers aren't canon to Witcher 3
I'm pretty sure no one in existence thinks this. Why are you retards even arguing about this?
Colours are ok.
Why doesn't he close those straps? He's leaving his abdomen open.
>I'm pretty sure no one in existence thinks this.
Don't underestimate autism,
Yeah I know. Witcher 1 is basically References: The Game which is funny because no one read the novels.
too fat
She was retarded, but she got her punishment for it.
Sapok, is that you lad?
Cuckflix not released yet and you're still seething
Hey if it wasn't for the games the novels wouldn't have gotten translated to english in the first place.
I desperately wanted to read all of them 10 years ago and I only got the chance a couple years back.
It doesn't make a difference. When a big ass monster slashes you with its claws you're fucked either way.
He's right though. Witcher games are 100% fan fiction. Good fan fiction but fan fiction all the same.
more comfortable for movement
too good to get hit anyways
Looks pretty nice. Its not Geralt yep?
For me every fucking book is a fanfiction of Mahabharata.
You cant beat this.
>You cant beat this.
Why would anyone even attempt to beat this?
What's the use in shouting at crazies?
So why wear armor at all? Just run around in a coat/shirt then.
That's what witchers do canonically. The game just needed an excuse for loot. Not that I mind since the designs are pretty cool but that full plate of armor on geralt is an abomination.
shut up
The forest at the beginning of 2 is my favourite forest in a video game.
What's stopping me from considering the games as canon and the books as a fanfic?
The fact that the games came a long time after the books and the credits literally say that they're based on the books.
This is obvious and you're baiting but here you go anyway.
The white shirt is genuinely the most book-accurate outfit in the game.
You can't stop me, Sapk
More or less. Elves -lost- and now they're seething against extinction.
Did you feel antagonized when an old man stated he didn't enjoy playing videogames?
I don't understand you people at all. How can you bring yourself to care?
Dunnno man, you seem to care a lot
These men are correct.
that is the most pathetic Geralt i have ever seen
hes so short and tiny, hes like a woman
>Music in TW1 pretty chill and what you would expect from an rpg
>Fight boss
>[metal starts playing]
Pretty based
I respected him a lot more before he turned out to be whiny bitch.
Barely anyone really cares what he considers canon anymore and I certainly don't either, for me it's all connected. The games are so much bigger than the books ever were. His reasons for bitching is just how mad he is about losing out on a shitton of money because he was stupid.
2 is just 3 minus the pointless ubisoft sandbox and with better writing
Pls actually play games you post about
2 is just 3 but instead of riding through a wonderful forest you walk through doors
Neutral is the best option, both are retards and deserve to be slaughtered
>riding through a wonderful forest
You're thinking of KCD, in TW3 you ride through loosely scattered trees with terrible lighting and LOD issues.
Order ofc
fuck the elfs
>wonderful forest
But that's literally just the first act of W2.
>terrible lighting and LOD issues
You play on console or what?
Witchers are meant to be Neutral.
Also fuck elves, they are all cunts in the Witcher.
>loosely scattered trees
Toussaint has some pretty dense forest parts.
>terrible lighting
I dont like it either for the most part too since its more stylized than realistic
>LOD issues
On trees? Maybe from distance not when in a forest from what I remember. Its mostly the low level thats really jarring looking imo but fixable with higher gfx settings.
>To the books, the games are non-canon
>To the games, the books are canon.
I don't get why it's so hard to understand this holy shit actual brainlets in this thread.
From a game perspective. Scoia'tael. Those paths tended to offer more "substance" I felt like. Not counting Witcher 3 obviously, bit if a shame they decided to pretty much completely ignore the whole race war thing.
Though that said the only good choice is neutral. Not even from a book or Witchers perspective, both groups are just retarded.
For a series that kinda hailed itself so much as a "your decisions has major impact". They royally fucked up when it came to carrying them over game from game.
When even fucking Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 3 managed to outdo you in that area almost 10 fold, you know you kinda fucked up.
Yeah, Book Geralt would initially support Yaevinn's Scoia but I'd wager his patience would run out pretty fucking fast considering how much bullshit he pulls.
This, being a bookfag I always thought that Geralt becomes a retard if he's near a girl
>ever helping a bunch of terrorists
>after they literally and unironically leave helpless peasants in a crypt filled with ghouls
Book-Geralt is an embarrassment and all, but he's not that much of a whimp, user.
>Game Geralt doesn't exist in the books because Geralt died at the end of them
Geralt was revived though, that's canon.
Scoia'tael were colossal faggots, probably made for people who like cats.
Geralt is supposed to be have neutered emotion due the witchers mutagens (though he occasionaly shows some emotion like when he finds Ciri or in the bad ending in Witcher3) I think it's supposed to be the same thing for all witchers but I doubt it as Lambert is an angsty little bitch
Debunked. I like cats and don't like elves
Isn't Geralt one of the few Witchers that still has emotions (though supressed)?
Witchers don't have impaired emotions, that is a made up rumor afaik. Any book fags around to disprove? It's been a while since I read the first few books.
I went with the Order because Siegfried is a virgin bro and the elves where unlikable dicks.
No, the no emotion bullshit was made up by ignorant mages.
I see, thanks for clarification.
more like: Toruviel or Rayla?
My whole choices is based on who do I want to fuck next
>arrogant bitch vs scheming whore
I'm choosing neither.
I choose perfection.
Neutral, but I had to choose it'd be Scoiatel.
Never the Order, imagine siding with a bunch of religious holier-than-thou nut jobs
>imagine siding with a bunch of religious holier-than-thou nut jobs
Siding with a religious order it's alway's the right answer, user.
Except if you're a minority, I guess...
2nd best card
What's the best?
Neither, they’re racist retards.
wanna know how i know you're an american christcuck?
Imagine siding with literal terrorists.
Seigfried is just some rando you spend all of like one quest hunting through the sewers with. He isn't a friend in any meaningful sense.
that's what he said though
TW1 combat is not even that bad, polish (lol) the animations and make dodges less awkward. Also let dodges have a use in melee combat, feels like when you dodge you may avoid attack but it doesn't help because before you are back ready to attack them, they are already attacking you again. Lets you get a sign attack off tho
>elves are persecuted and killed in their own lands
>fighting back is terrorism
It's never clearly established, really. The boys that are given to the witchers' care are hardly going to be all that emotionally well-rounded to begin with, then give them some harsh training, complete with mutations that will more likely than not kill most of them, and even if it doesn't, the whole idea is that it interferes with the regular physiology and therefore likely the mental state as well. Made it though all that? Cool! Now you get to spend hundreds of years delving into the bloody, gory lairs of the most hideous creatures on the planet, and if it doesn't kill you, you will still have to get the peasants/merchants who hired you to cough up their last gold piece or you risked your life for fuck all.
I always considered the emotionless state to only be wishful thinking, if anything.
>not the milky peasant or the bisexual nurses
Milky peasant is also top tier I will give you that
I would go as far as to say that the cards get progressively worse with each chapter
Thanks for you reply i just joined my local Muslim community and started the preparations for the takeover of the West
May the Allah be with you
>slaughtering random, sometimes innocent, people to spread chaos isn't terrorism
what the fuck was her problem?
order, of course
i wanna lick her feet
he's mentioned with that side quest in 3 where you find a fuck ton of the order making drugs or some shit
Someone post it
there are no innocents in war
White people deserve to die, they literally fucked the romans to death
I assume he means humans from Wild Hunt realm/world.
Keep telling yourself that when you're burning the next orphanage, elf.
Neutral is canon but its soooooo lame compared to the other two
>not picking neutral to get the threesome with the nurses
You can kill Thaler in TW1 and he won't be there in TW3.
They had the witcher assassin as a sequel hook at the end so they were clearly intending to make more.
TW2's swordplay is poorly done and you pretty much have to use signs/bombs or resign yourself to rolling around all day if the enemies are capable of blocking. You have pretty much no good approaches for attacking enemies frontally with your sword if there's multiple enemies that are capable of blocking, so most players play conservatively and spend most of the fight rolling. Against enemies that can't block, they are virtually no threat at all and you can just hack and slash away. This game seems to lack enemies that can block after Act 1 though so it becomes easy after that.
>You can kill Thaler in TW1 and he won't be there in TW3.
That's a literal lie. W3 does not check any W1 choices.
whichever gives the best reward
your younger self was correct, how did you get retarded?
roleplaying is for faggots
>everyone shitting on elves itt even though book geralt literally sacrificed his life to defend non-humans in a pogrom and is presented as being sympathetic to their cause without agreeing with their methods
scum the lot of you, the humans of the witcher universe are literally foreign invaders that drove out the elves by mass reproduction
The elves are foreign invaders too.
Yes and Geralt's stance on that is that elves should stop whining and get over it.
there's nothing in the books or the games to support this claim, both the vran and the elder races are the original inhabitants of the continent
Elder races= dwarves, halflings, gnomes.
Yarpen Zigrin explained it to Ciri.
He sacrificed himself to defend innocent people from rioters. That doesn't mean he's anti-human or pro-terrorist. He's just anti-asshole regardless of race.
The elves being world-hopping invaders is a major plot point of both the books and the games.
it's almost like the books had an anti-racist message
Trailer says it's Lambert
She cute
Scotia bank