Touhou 17: Willy Wonka and Weenie Critters

>What if I combine HSiFS with UFO?

Looks great desu

Attached: WBaWC.png (512x384, 331K)

Other urls found in this thread:

There's gonna be a 4th playable character, r-right?

>not tenshi or komachi
actually for real why the fuck didn't ZUN do teams
teams in IN were really good and he never bothered again (apart from the sort-of team setup in SA)

Kasen. Or she'll be a boss, one of the two.

Attached: full power oni kasen.png (1017x1443, 872K)

I actually really like this new Kasen, so I'd be fine with it

that's still surreal to me, I've fapped to lewd pink hundreds of times over the last few years

Attached: kasen stroll.gif (600x800, 3.73M)

She's really pretty.

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Lewdfags get fucked

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HSIFS had two really big improvements:
1. reimu lost her OP hitbox advantage that made her always the best shot
2. modular shot types allow you to customize your shot

it made HSIFS really easy to balance, and every player has a different favorite shot type (there are 16(!!!) in total). TH17 is doing modular shot types again, so it should be really good.
I'll pick Marisa Wolf probably.

Never played a Touhou game before. This going to be a good one to jump on and try the series?

start with either 6 or 7
6 is the most popular one and the first one that isn't semi-canon
7 is a way better game and one of the easier ones

yeah the games are pretty standalone, you can play any of them solo and have fun. if you like the game, you'll get addicted and want to play through all the other windows games anyway.

Having the shottypes only be different options is so boring, though. Kinda makes every character feels less unique.

we can't really know what sort of difficulty we're dealing with until we get more information about the game, but it could be
generally I'd recommend starting with 6 or 7, and working your way up from there
you can get the all in one pack here

Something something Malice Cannon.

Shut the fuck up about kasen already.

The recent chapter of WaHH just dropped a few days ago and was a huge fucking deal, easily the biggest development in it's 10 year runtime. It's blowing up in Japan too, Kasen was the most popular character to come from print/manga by far and this is easily the biggest design shift any character has undergone in all of 2hu.

Call me when doujins of the new girls start coming out.

Oni kasen is cute, cute!

Okay everyone hear me out for a second
the stage 6 boss is obviously kasen
will the ex boss also be kasen or, seeing as how the ex boss is ALWAYS a new character, will we finally see the 4th deva AND will the mid stage boss for the ex stage be a 3 on 1 fight of you against the other three devas? please, i just want my wife yuugi back

I like different combination of shottypes in HSiFS and it worked pretty well, too.
I hope this game will be better.

Attached: HSiFS bingo.jpg (680x510, 128K)

>ex boss is ALWAYS a new character

i mean a new character to that game you silly billy

here's hsfs in a nutshell

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I don't get it.
There are things wrong in both slashed and unslashed panel.

>tfw iku will never get a new appearance

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>your favorite 2hus will never appear again

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>easily the biggest design shift any character has undergone in all of 2hu

She appeared in DS at least.

She'll be playable in a mainline one day

it's a hard feel

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why cant mommy/oldersister-hus catch a break

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PC-98 to Windows doesn't count, that happened to everyone and they're basically different series. Unless you're referring to specifically MS Alice, in which case Kasen's shift is still bigger.

Why do we have to suffer this much Kanakobros?

Iku is top cute. Too bad she's largely overshadowed by Tenshi (even though she herself is pretty good.) It stinks because her being a plot link to dragons has some potential behind it.

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Does everyone in heaven get a sweet hat to wear?

Tenshi's hat is dumb.

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She is in.

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Nah that's hoping to much.
I think Iku need to rest. Even Suika is no longer relevant.

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>jp mlp

I want to show Reimu my willy

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She’d chop it off. You’d have better luck with literally any other 2hu

>Sakuya is playable in PCB, IN and DDC
>Sanae is playable in UFO, TD and LoLK

What if this is the last time any of them become playable?

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good, maybe we'll get some new playable characters

I honestly want the IN team system back, with all the characters that were introduced since you could have a lot of gameplay possibilities and more replayability.

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At this rate the next playable character is obviously not Rin or Shou

Tenshit sux

Hopefully, Reisen still needs two games to catch up.

Maybe next game, at the end of the current arc.

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Attached: hakurei reimu and komano aun (wily beast and weakest creature and etc) drawn by hater (hatater) - d3 (1321x1020, 1.43M)

>implying DDC onwards won't lead to a Phantasmagoria

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Reminder: She's in.

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Next game, faggot.
ZUN already highlighted GFW 2.

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>DDC onwards
>all those previous tuhus that didnt get to be in a phantasmagoria

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Don't worry guys, I will destroy both Kasen and Reimu and become the next playable character

Clownpi will be the Extra stage midboss.

Is this Clownpiece?

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Jesus Christ, fuck this RNG.

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Big Aunn is big.


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There's definitely going to be 4th oni. It's now or never.

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Of course

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>fat teats
yea its your loss fag

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>Yfw the 4th deva is Konngara

>konngara returning before mima, yumemi/chiyuri, sariel, or kotohime
lol i want that too user

God I wish she was flipping the bird in this

I have a bad feeling about the beasts powerups in the lower corner.
So it'll upgrade the shots/bomb but looks like it's going to be hard to maximize any of them and you'll end up with combinations of different powerups most of the time, assuming getting what you want is going to be difficult like UFO.
I hope it's not really a big deal.

Attached: WBaWC.png (512x384, 410K)

Getting what you want in UFO is not difficult because the UFO tokens are static and you can move near the rainbow ones to stop the random switching.

Whoa someone remember my favorite PC-98

Attached: crazy princess.jpg (1248x1386, 177K)

>It's blowing up in Japan too
I want to see a link to confirm that.

shes a cute princess, but my favorite pc 98 is rikako

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why is she crying

given the artist she was most likely just raped before going on a date with her unknowing boyfriend

How old is Reimu? Shouldn't she be reaching her late 20s by now?

>someone else loves rikako

Attached: Asakura.Rikako.full.1906848.jpg (876x1024, 475K)

Hater's half incomprehensible attempt at writing an artist note seemed to imply she's a schizoid
Not entirely sure where he's going with that, but it's pretty classic hater

Kotohime is good for meme stalling into a baton pass in puppet dance

Winter's on the way

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This game STARTS in hell? What's the backstory? Is it like SA where the characters choose to go there or did someone send them?

read WAHH to know
shit is happening for some reason
if you don't want to read it Kasen is an oni shocking, I know

Remember when ZUN made new bullet sprites in new games?

Attached: 269px-Th15Junko.png (269x340, 87K)

Kasen is not an oni!

There's an uprising in hell and friendly animal spirits send the three musketeers into hell
It might be like SA where the first two stages are going to hell, and the rest are in hell

>Reimu is in hell in WaHH
>incident in VFiS is related to hell
>WBaWC takes place in hell
>GFW2 is probably going to set in hell

Geez ZUN there's a lot of hell this time.

Attached: reimu here we go.png (1024x673, 544K)

fuck off with your shit tier memes

Also in Violet Detector

wtf I thought the manga was for secondaries

cringe retard!

How did you understand the plot of The Great Fairy Wars?

Remember when ZUN have new character as Extra boss?

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manga explains the plot

Youmu is cute, cute!
Reitaisai cannot come soon enough

>official manga

That's against the definition, don't you think?

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Crazy pole dancers!

Attached: crazy pole dancers.png (686x969, 377K)

Go back to your wheelchair

Maybe her butt hurts

You guys told me that 1cc’ing was the only requirement to being a primary

Touhou is Doom now

Attached: doom touhou.jpg (863x925, 234K)


Yeah but reading official material doesn't make you a secondary.

don't seek validation in Yea Forums
anyway the plot is in wahh

Why do you care about a label so much lmao

Attached: _kaenbyou_rin_kaenbyou_rin_komeiji_satori_reiuji_utsuho_and_reiuji_utsuho_touhou_drawn_by_nobu_baka_ (500x687, 218K)

>what are moons
>what are clownpi's lasers

God I hope Kasen won't appear as a boss. HSiFS already deprived us of an original extra boss, I don't want it to happen again.

Attached: kasen.gif (600x600, 859K)

>game will be darker than usual

Can't wait to play shmup space marine

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A secondary is simply a fan of the fandom or a poser. People like this are in any fandom, they will stay in the ride with no interest in the source material and claim to be fans when they are not, secondaries are worse than casuals which is why everybody fucking hates them.

If you do care about the source material (games and arguably the manga) and you don't need Yea Forums to force you to consume them, you are not a secondary. Any other definition is just arbitrary dick measurement competition.

No, you have to import ZUN’s beer to be a primary

Because he doesn't reuse gimmicks.

boot on head retarded

I just want Rika back, damn it. There's something beautiful about living in a world of magic and monsters only to say "fuck that, all you need is grit and gun."

this shit is not worth the hassle to get it working. Enjoy your dying genre nerds.

Attached: alice vs yuyuko.jpg (2948x3176, 1.23M)

>download game
>launch it
Wow that sure was hard
You don't even need the English patches because all the dialogue is on the wiki anyway

I can tell just by your reply alone that you're a secondary.

>double click exe file
>it works
Unless you mean EoSD or something. But I take it you're not retarded enough to not understand how patches work, right?

Clownies lasers aren't new though
Moons and Hecatia Triangles are

You wish I was. Seeking Yea Forumsalidation is retarded, Idgaf about secondaries when they don't shit up the threads.

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I'm fine with secondaries as long they are not annoying. After all, Touhou has tons of fan content that's worth discussing, like fangames and music arranges.
If they just stick with those I don't mind.

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Pretty sure the lasers she uses in Striped Abyss don't show up in other games. And the triangles are more of a visual effect so I didn't count them.

Remember when ZUN made spirtes with different poses?

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Who give a fuck about the genre? Other Bullet Hell games could go extinct for all I care. As long as Touhou is good then I’m good.

is mima back yet

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Not till 18, something of lasers.

Those hands are terrifying

I unironically thing there is a chance

Attached: Into my bones, niBBa.jpg (720x540, 24K)

No, this is Konngara’s game

>Touhou is the only shmup series that still regularly release games

It's kinda sad but I take what I can get.
At least it has cool lore.

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How do I get good at touhou, I can't even beat ESOD on normal. Best I've done so far is got to Patchy.

Also I refuse to play on easy because

>Easy modo kimoi

>caring about ancient memes
anyway try practice stage, my general rule is to do the first 3 stages deathless

Practice for a long time. Otherwise just do what I did and read all the dialogue on the wiki and only play the fighting games

Pick the shot type that suits you the best, practice, memorize. Patchouli is a bitch to fight I'll give you that.

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bone goast mode is unlockable

Now I just feel like a dumb tertiary. How long would it take me to catch up?

Play PCB instead

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Also sakuya blocks you from fighting remilia on easy

50 chapters of manga, not much

WaHH is basically episodic. You don't actually need to read everything

You absolutely should though

>nothing happens: the manga

you really should though. Kasen does actually progress and change as a character and there are some kino moments.

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we're talking about WaHH, not FS or Fairy trash.

Kasen is literally the same exact thing except for the new chapters
rinse and repeat

There's something finally happen in fairy manga and FS is happening:the manga.

Attached: cirnoarmy.png (894x763, 536K)

>completely misses Kasen and Reimu growing as friends
>misses Kasen coming to like humans and taking their side against Yukari
>misses the progression of Gensokyo as a whole with the moriya lift becoming operational and the tie-ins with the games.
You're probably an EoSDtard.

>Watatsukis are boring, broken trash
>Kasen is boring, holier than thou (even though she sucks at being a hermit) trash who's only good for porn
>Kosuzu is boring trash that Reimu and Mamizou want to fuck
>Three fairies of light are kino as fuck characters that got to be in a shmup
How do they do it?

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because you tried taking the mangas seriously when you shouldn't have

Kasen's "holier than thou" thing was setup for the big oni reveal. She was overcompensating for her own urges/nature and now she's totally letting loose and doesn't give a fuck.

Can't wait to see how she loses her arm this time.

Is this the new epic buzzword?

can't handle that Kasen is literally Poochie

I suspect you being a lolicon has something to do with it

WaHH is very formulatic, it almost feels like a sitcom
>Reimu is the incompetent dumbass who sucks at her job and has a poor business sense
>Marisa just stands in the background looking cute and sometimes works as the delivery boy
>Kasen is Reimu's responsible mom, always knows what youkai is behind the incident and pretty much solves almost all the conflicts by herself
I get that it is biased for a reason but this structure keeps repeating for several chapters with no actual growth. Even Reimu and Kasen bounding happens mostly offscreen due to the amount of timeskips. The best chapters end up being the ones about side characters like Sanae and Nitori.

>it almost feel like a sitcom
It is

Jokes on you my waifu isn't explicitly a little girl.
I mean she's little but her age is ambiguous so it's fine.

Why do retards expect groundbreaking changes and plot progress in a SLICE OF LIFE manga?
Same thing for Forbidden Scrollery

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>I mean she's little but her age is ambiguous so it's fine.

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Kasen is old as fuck, it makes sense that she’d be wiser/more knowledgeable than Reimu. She’s one of the few youkai that doesn’t seem to have self-inflicted brain damage.

Cirnofag detected

>call others boring but praise fairies because he is a fairyfag

They are all the same: characters only used for story device or setting up the atmosphere, but they do still have few things going on them so I won't call them boring, at least by Touhou standard.

Attached: three armed fairies.jpg (1024x1436, 462K)

how 2 git gud at soku

No but she's a human, not a 1000 year old loli.
She's just short.

Yeah I don't know unless you're a fellow Marisafag


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Sure, but giving Reimu brain damage for the sake of making her look smarter is pretty stupid. You would never see fairy manga Reimu or game Reimu say retarded shit like pic related.

Here is an idea, if Kasen is old as shit why not make her wise about Oni culture or more obscure youkai? Reimu's years of experience as a shrine maiden being just ignored is ridiculous.

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>Trust nobody not even yourself.

I like that characterization of Reimu, I’m tired of her being a grumpy bitch.

>I like retard Reimu

>what is MoF

Reimu has always been a "bad" shrine maiden with the shrine often stated to be in disrepair, lacking in visitors, inhabited by youkai, and she doesn't know the rituals or how to contact the hakurei god. She operates by shooting first and asking questions later while following her gut instinct in every game.

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>want to get into 2hu
>constantly get BTFO because of my boomer reflexes
I should have started 10 years ago, fuck

Bad at her job Reimu is fine and how she's always been depicted
So braindead she forgets to eat Reimu is not

>Error: Maximum file size allowed is 3 MB

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Don't worry, Touhou will be still going 10 years in the future so just practice now.

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You will need to be more specific
What you described comes from laziness, not ignorance. Even in WaHH she was pretty competent when she was motivated to get shit done, this is not the issue being discussed.

Now that I think about it, Kasen being old means even less when so many other characters in Gensokyo are old too. You will never see Tewi or Eirin telling Reimu how to do her job, which makes sense since as old as they are the subjects they will be knowledgable about will vary.

Nobody wants Lumia

How would write Marisa for pic related?

Attached: the canon reimus.jpg (1600x1500, 380K)

noone cares about marisa LOL

>You will never see Tewi or Eirin telling Reimu how to do her job
so what? they don't care, but kasen does.

Memorize your hitbox
Learn to use peripheral vision to pay attention to your hitbox but still keep track of bullets in surrounding area and boss position
Get comfortable with leaving the bottom of the screen when needed, some patterns become impossible to dodge if you hug the bottom
Learn to tell when an attack is aimed, there are some aimed patterns which look really threatening I'm looking at you, Remilia but once you learn they're aimed and stop panicking and moving all over the place they become much easier
Try not to depend too much on bombs
Play in short bursts, take breaks

Kasen is also a busybody more than other characters.

That's not how you speak to a deuteragonist

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There is no point because Marisa as always been pretty consistent in every work

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Friendly rival, emphasis on the contrast between their personalities. Fairy manga comes into mind.

the only thing to elevate her into Poochie status would be her winning the fight in the next chapter or showing up in a main Danmaku title

Kasen winning would be kino. And getting added to a game would be fine too

Fuck the crimson slasher and fuck Reimufags

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>Kasen winning would be kino.
well she is alive and kicking in th17 so tough chance bub

Reimu is absolutely based

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silly yukkuri.

Tenshi and Komachi are going to come and they still won't be able to win.
Then Kasen will tell her true goal which is actually rather mundane and not harmful, then everyone have tea.

Attached: evilkasen gyate.png (800x500, 61K)

>zun says 17 will have a darker vibe

And in those 10 years will have been released 8 new games and 3 whole mangas along with 4 lorebooks while we shitters are still trying to get past SA

Attached: spotthedifference.jpg (750x625, 35K)

>You will never see Tewi or Eirin telling Reimu how to do her job
Tewi wouldn't give a fuck and Eirin already tells other people how to do their jobs

She's legal. That's all you need to know.

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everyone in gensokyo is canonically really fucking dumb tho


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>mfw I'm going to stop coming to Yea Forums to avoid spoilers until the full game is released

Who's with me?

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>for a Touhou game

See you tomorrow.

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Where is the long hair one?
Come on nips.

Attached: true kasen.png (724x1024, 949K)

>Stage 1-5
>HEY Move out of my way!
>No u
>Stage 6
>HEY Stop doing thing
>No U
>Extra Stage
>HEY stop doing ACTUAL thing
>No u
>quirky/wholesome ending
sorry bro, couldn't resist spoiling it for you

They're to busy nutting to her.

I don't want to see the characters until I can play it myself.

>spoilers in 2hu
Don't act like the whole thing has a full detailed storyline in the first place

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So you'll be back after you play the demo, then when the game is released you'll leave and be back after you get to the boss of the Extra stage?

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A couple of games starting with MoF had a consecutive story.

I wish I could marry Alice

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Yeah but the storyline is very basic and easy to grasp anyway. At worst do a run on ez mode so that you get the hang of the plot.

There is still a plot going on that usually contain some twist, not to mention references here and there.

If you were playing SA for the first time without knowing anything about it beforehand, you won't expect a game that started from going underground to old hell will end up fighting a nuclear bird.

Attached: __reiuji_utsuho_touhou_drawn_by_gengoroumaru_ambidextrous__30b44aa15d20a70d2d500c1df33bc30e.png (750x900, 608K)

>fighting a nuclear bird to a bangin' soundtrack

>flying around collecting UFOs in the sky
>end up in demon world fighting buddhists

to be fair there are some great moments that could be spoiled like IN stage 4 or Devil's Reccitation.

IN stage 4 remains the most kino moment in all of Touhou. How did ZUN do it, and will he ever top it?

>fight a singing bird in a forest
>end up in fucking space fighting an immortal NEET princess

>fight a ghost princess
>end up fighting your pimp

>chase a treasure ship
>end up in the demon world fighting Youkai jesus

IN stage 6
UFO stage 6

And they said UFO isn't kino.

Attached: myourenjipose.jpg (620x349, 87K)

>why the fuck is it so cold outside
>ghost princess is stealing the weather to wake up a tree

Attached: 1551243293294.jpg (610x781, 184K)

>why is it so foggy outside
>some annoying loli vampire is changing the weather so she can go eat people outside

Attached: 1551833502665.png (750x500, 481K)

>the weather is fucked up
>actually some god is hiring servants
>actually she's just attention whoring

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Excuse me officer she's actually 500 years old.

There's no twist in it. It's pretty straightforward and boring.

Attached: sleepy smug.png (329x179, 64K)

>why is everyone sad
>actually there's a girl stealing their emotions
>actually she's lost the mask that gives her hope
>actually she's trying to learn how her emotions work
>actually she's trying to shut down religion

>why is the weather so wonky?
>bitchy spoiled heaven brat is fucking with the weather for shits and giggles

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I really like dressing up pictures, even more when it's a cute outfit.

>>bitchy spoiled heaven brat is fucking with the weather for shits and giggles

Attached: 1513263481889.png (450x532, 19K)

Why the fuck is ZUN so obsessed with weather

one of the few good things about WaHH were these one-off pages

Attached: x7.png (2010x1443, 622K)

>wtf why are the Lunarians after Gensokyo
>some Chinese bitch working for a wacky Hell goddess is trying to destroy the Lunar Capital for revenge sake

Attached: 1540742161546.png (600x1000, 145K)

>Fight some random gal that can control shadows
>End up beating ancient vampires in a kick-ass mansion
Man, reimu's life is weird

>lunarians are about to purify and destroy gensokyo
>turns out they are actually asking for help because a clown and an angry chink are spreading AIDS in their homeland

Attached: __junko_touhou_drawn_by_okema__a13828b0a70719c6dacf1e16e08ea377.jpg (600x600, 325K)

>whoa we can possess each other
>socioeconomic inequality

>why is it so warm
>well some oni is partying

Attached: 1545704092308.gif (232x300, 1.97M)

>few good things

Attached: chen fucking hold me.jpg (1646x1457, 276K)

>why are all these ghosts gathering in one spot
>oh haha turns out it literally doesn't matter and this wasn't even a real incident to begin with

Attached: 5da34dd214bc82164dd59778bd57f6d0.png (805x1250, 504K)

>A clown and an angry cink spreading aids
.... Reletable

>some tomboy insect is lurking in the forest
>end up going to space and fighting three fucking immortals of all people

Attached: 1535041200390.png (308x301, 89K)

Umm excuse me the oni was just making people party she wasn't controlling the weather.
Boy I really hope user got fired for that blunder.

>why are tools acting weird
>a midget is trying to start a revolution

Attached: shimmy.png (836x958, 344K)

I'm pretty sure that was in the job posting.

same as any other fighting game, just fight people online until you start winning

>revolution happens
>oh wait it's just a dolt that's living in a constant opposite day

Attached: 1484593149514.jpg (367x367, 92K)

>Go out to do something
>Small fry gets in your way
You don't go to space in IN you fucking dork.

Isn't Eirin's fight set in space?

>Some random ice girl wants a revenge because you supposedly kicked her ass one year ago
>End up killing ghosts because they were trying to resurrect chtulu without knowing

Attached: 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f (278x268, 14K)

>You don't go to space in IN you fucking dork.
I dunno m8 when you take the 6A route the background looks like you're pretty much in space

>why are there so many flowers
>turns out the grim reaper is slacking off
>everyone get lectured by a judge and go home

No, you're just outside, your characters even mention that you've just been led right back outside.
Kaguya's also seems to be outside, just in some sort of weird version of "outside" where you can see the true moon. Something something borders.

How were the protagonists in LoLK able to breathe while on the Moon?

eirin's drugs

>Go down a corridor
>End up in space

they're still in the border

they were on the fantasy moon in fantasy space with fantasy air to breathe
read SSiB

Fucking borders man.

Attached: 1555671458180.gif (221x231, 514K)

>ZUN said PD mode wasn't canon.

Pretty sure Sanae actually asks the same thing.
Something something barriers something something the true moon apparently has a fucking ocean filled with water what do you expect?

>266 posts
>82 posters

Attached: Sayuka.jpg (200x200, 10K)

>the fucking moon has an ocean
>gensokyo doesn't

If this isn't space then I don't know what it is

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Attached: reisen.webm (720x480, 1.51M)

Landlocked lol.

Pretty normal for a thread with actual discussion.

>tfw you'll never be on a fantasy moon breathing fantasy air and eating fantasy flan

Attached: Dn0buoPW0Aon7uZ.jpg (900x1200, 130K)

that's just the night sky, user
try leaving the city sometime

>Dude where the fuck are we lmao?

Attached: 080_stg6bg3.png (256x256, 125K)

Yeah but the fake Moon itself is way bigger than it is during stage 4. They obviously gained some altitude. But yeah Gensokyo is a weird world so who the fuck knows where they actually battle.

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>Look up some game dialogue
>Marisa translated to speak like a fucking hick
I fucking hate this nu-soiboi fucking translators I swear to fucking god.

Learn Japanese, or write your own translation. They're just XML files you can edit in Notepad.


blame the Americans for only having two dialects for translators to use

>America consists entirely of the south and everything else
woah, europoors sure are cultured...

>Learn Japanese

Attached: why didn't i think of that.jpg (800x450, 140K)

good luck my friend

Attached: learning japanese.jpg (765x512, 150K)

>learn hiragana and katakana in like two weeks
>immediately quit after seeing kanji

Attached: 1555625374288.png (702x388, 235K)

>Learn Japanese

Attached: 1548230032729.jpg (155x155, 8K)

>too many flowers blooming
>end up risking going to hell
no wonder why reimu is so bitchy

Attached: Th09cover.jpg (1652x1647, 1.23M)

>know over 3000 kanjis from being chinese-american
>can't be assed to learn moonrunes

Attached: 1543088956.png (301x337, 136K)

There ain't no point in tryin' to learn a different language just so you can read a lil gal's dialogue with its intended meanin', ze

Attached: 1553729286130.png (175x137, 51K)

Xtube is full of japanese dudes crossdressing as touhou characters, fapping and dildoing. Touhou is some kind of tranny game?

Okay but what does that have to do with Europe?

2hu is heterosexual as fuck bro

Attached: D4EjnqXUYAAUXgt.jpg (900x1200, 134K)

You tell me, you're the one looking up tranny porn on Xtube

>tfw you will never have a perverted kigurumi suit wearing bf that dresses up as your favourite character that you can pump full of cum

Why do I even live anymore

Attached: 112012339276087.gif (402x317, 2.47M)

doesn't xtube only show that stuff if you specifically choose to look for videos of men?

I'm looking for gay porn but when I search for some japanese dudes it's just full of trannies doing touhou crossdressing. It's annoying, I want homos not weirdos.

Why haven't you prayed to the Moriya Shrine yet, guys?

>the kappa bow to Kanako
>in contact with a myriad of gods
>rumored to possess heavenly abilities
>controls the youkai mountain with an iron fist
>owns shrines and donation boxes all over Gensokyo
>direct descendant of the ancient Suwa bloodline
>will bankroll the first villages on the moon
>own basically every DNA editing research facility in Eientei
>first designer babies will be Yasaka babies
>said to have over 200+ IQ
>ancient scriptures tell of a goddess who will descend upon Gensokyo and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with her
>owns nanobot R&D labs around Gensokyo
>you likely have Kanabots inside you right now
>Kanako is in regular communication with the Sages of Gensokyo, forwarding the word of Dragon to the Moriya Shrine
>learned fluent Japanese in under a week
>Gensokyo entrusts its entire gold reserve to her. There's no gold in the SDM, only Mt. Moriya
>over 2,000 years old from the space-time reference point of the base youkai
>in reality, she is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big pch~uun to the end of the universe
>Kanako Yasaka will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace, and love

Attached: Kanako_398.jpg (800x1131, 414K)

>I'm looking for gay porn

Yeah, I'm looking for gay porn but I'm getting tranny porn. Gross.

Popular characters, easily purchased outfits, cute designs that aren't too revealing so you can cover your ugly man chest if neccessary

>not weirdos

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Because I'm a Taoist, obviously.

Because Shinto isn't a real religion.

Suwako was unfairly removed from her spot by Okina's daughter, bring her back.

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Maybe when she's respected by her own descendant

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>the big pch~uun
i like it

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>Reimu can't handle this face

Attached: smug_bird.png (500x500, 469K)

Everyone jokes about Satori giving herself 11/10 but Sanae giving herself 9.5/10 is almost as arrogant.

she can't handle the truth getting out

Attached: th125 Screenshot 2019.04.14 - (640x480, 600K)

Suwako got outplayed by Kanako's genius fair and square. The frog should've expected it.

>too beta to handle the based tengu reporter

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Why don't you provide some examples

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Suwako is more powerful but she gets countered by Kanako. A shame but what can you do? At least they're friends

Why would Gensokyo have an ocean? It’s located in the fucking mountains.

>Suwako and Kanako are friends despite their former battle
>Reimu is friends with all the villains she's defeated
Gensokyo must be a fun world

DDC's demo itself had some pretty fun twists to it. I remember laughing when Sekibanki's midboss card happened, and the sheer nostalgic feeling from Stage 3.

>Reimu is """friends""" with all the villains she's defeated

You are now aware that Kanako basically moved into her mom’s house

she gets along fine with Sanae despite being rivals. She also hosts and organizes banquets at her shrine and pretty much anyone can attend without Reimu kicking them out

Attached: 1518529193032.jpg (566x837, 136K)

At least she's being modest and not giving herself a full score.

Yukari is Kanako’s mom?

Nope, if seems is Okina but don't ask me how, I am not Okina lore user.

At least she recognizes her faults.

Yukari has

Okina, one of her myth is Ookunikushi, parent of Takeminakata (Kanako)

Attached: x9.png (853x1200, 394K)

Datori knows she's best girl

Attached: ab6ec574bb7c7618915f273d2eac9502bd86727c_hq.jpg (300x500, 24K)

And, who, may I ask, is the father?


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I'm gonna marry your daughter

Depends on if you think Okina is faithful or not.

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I don't understand what they're talking about, do you need to constantly google shit to follow along the plot of SSiB?

Only if you know how to cook.
And not just trash.

Don’t concentrate so much on the names, just follow the gist of the situation.

Does that mean that Aunn is Kanako's sister?

Attached: Aunn.gif (900x950, 381K)

Attached: 1411517395851.png (212x182, 56K)

Attached: D4nos2mUIAAo5mi.jpg (857x1200, 288K)

You can't just put something on your head and call it a hat.

Aunn = creation
Kokoro = accidental creation
Kanako = actual daughter

It's just some small talk
>hey this rope is nice
>oh yeah we seal gods all the time so our ropes are pretty good
>like the two extra thick ropes for Okunikushi (Okina) right?
>you know what Ran, Kanako is also bound by one too


Attached: 275px-Th16Satano.png (275x402, 128K)

I heard someone was shit talking best hermit.

Attached: America2hu.png (1101x800, 992K)

I only see an Oni.

>What if I combine HSiFS with UFO?
you get another shitty game that people only pretend to play because they like the porn

kokoro literally rose up

if you combine HSiFS with UFO you get this literal mod that does exactly that

That looks fucking awful.

I'm gonna be so mad if ZUN pulls another asspull and she gets away with everything.

Where does Kirby fit into this?

Attached: B8962DDE-497B-4CFD-B815-7E344CE7F63E.jpg (210x245, 21K)

what about taking LoLK and putting all the DDC bosses in at the same time?

I can only think of two non-asspull outcomes that don't involve drinking tea at the shrine:
>Kasen defeats Reimu
Literally impossible since onimiko has plot armor.
>Reimu defeats Kasen
Highly unlikely since it'd involve a female character getting killed.

Oh boy, are you one of those retards who thought Kosuzu was going to die?

Attached: rin.png (552x595, 298K)

That's horrifying and kino
Now show Lunatic.

The intents were different. Kosuzu was possessed while Kasen was after the arm and onihood the entire time.

>comparing possessed kosuzu to genocidal psychopath kasen

I'm struggling to find lunatic videos, but here's Raiko and Hecatia (and Junko) at the same time
forgot to event put the link wew

Isn’t that the plot of every single Touhou game though?

cute moonbitch

Attached: 1532654501797.jpg (2138x3035, 2.23M)

We still have no idea what Kasen is truly after
>she hates hell
>she hates hell onis (and Suika)
>she wishes for the end of the universe

Attached: kasen.jpg (996x624, 256K)

What other 2hu has straight up fucking killed people or ignored spellcard rules? Kasen is seriously trying to kill Reimu.

No it's
>evil villain comes up with an evil plan for shit and giggles
>Reimu/Marisa/other PC comes up and BTFOs her at danmakus
>they drink tea at the Hakurei shrine

>he doesn't know that the sky shattering is a euphemism for the hakurei barrier shattering

She’s wants a comfy life in her hermit dome filled with lesbian sex with arm-chan

that's a reference to Suika shattering the sky in IaMP, showing Kasen still has feelings for her despite acting tsundere in that one WaHH chapter

getting away with it = not getting beat up by reimu

Attached: 72129782_p0.jpg (1001x1780, 949K)

Kasen just needs her lower horn to grow back
Would recommend this series, it's a really good four parter, and same dude who did Osana Reimu and stuff. Ties in a fair bit of the actual mythology into it's decisions. Their art is phenomenal these days.

It's a weird ship but I've still bawled in the end

Attached: gyate reimu3.png (540x470, 333K)
Have you ever watched her series?

Attached: 1417710614138.png (500x393, 195K)

I did when I was 15 and new to touhou, and even then I thought it was way too cheesy in all its edginess

>minesweeper mode

Attached: 1553645931744.png (521x288, 131K)

>Osana Reimu
so its trash?

Kasen can win by virtue of being a main character. That negates plot armor. WaHH Reimu is nerfed in general too, Kasen could wait out Fantasy Nature with her speed and cunning.
Reimu could win too, there’s nothing preventing it from being a non-fatal victory. Kasen would spare her friend and claim she was just messing around .

what the fuck I love this
thanks user

If it's so easy then why do Youmu and the prismrivers keep pushing my shit in?
it's unironically just minesweeper in touhou

Who could've foresaw that Kasen was an oni???


Attached: 1551059225489.jpg (1315x849, 637K)

difficulty is probably
MoF > IN > TD > UFO > PCB > EoSD > SA > LoLK

idk why people say pcb is "easy"

>easier than PCB

She never did fit in with the other hermits.

Attached: 27134344_p1.jpg (900x871, 285K)

Big shocker
It's not easy to write such a well hidden plot twist and made it work for 10 years

Attached: 870e40e9869d37045e6a1382f2f3172e-700.jpg (695x700, 92K)

PCB is easy when you pick Sakuya, granted you'll need some practice for Youmu and Yuyuko but stages 1-4 are ez mode

To be honest I've hardly played TD or UFO, it's been years actually

No one predicted how cool or cute her oni appearance would be though. Hermit Kasen can’t hold a candle to her, hell neither can the other oni.

UFO is bullshit. Everything after Ichirin is hard/very hard, in all difficulties

Everything with Koishi sucks. No one can actually handle the character with any finesse. Either it's edgy shit or lol she's autistic or she's just an insensitive asshole.

I dunno man, I'm really rusty after not playing for years and was never especially good at Touhou games, but I can still make it to Yuyuko on Normal without losing lives before stage 4 as Reimu.

Attached: 73152717_p4.jpg (2662x4074, 1.97M)

Everyone but Reimu.

Who hurt you?


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Gods never done nothing for me

Frog > Snake > Slug

Atheism > all

Attached: _izayoi_sakuya_touhou_drawn_by_oshiaki_a47739cc92534f0ccce47e176f2ca747.png (1100x1500, 1.12M)

Imagine being the lucky guy who got to impregnate suwako.

neither have the taoists, at least buddhism preaches peace between youkai and humans and has a hottie for a leader unlike the taoists which are led by a tranny.

Attached: __hijiri_byakuren_touhou_drawn_by_hisona_suaritesumi__sample-38488f64b82f77bbd0ddcee34b08a02f.jpg (850x680, 198K)

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>dindu nuffin apologist

Attached: 1549931901390.jpg (509x623, 51K)

Taoism gave me the path and let me walk it myself, that's more than enough.

Attached: 54659563_p10.png (635x890, 335K)

please no, having to chase those things in a screen filled with bullets, while trying to catch them at the right time and avoiding the other UFOs of the wrong color was terrible

Attached: 1534620386897.jpg (280x320, 27K)

mommy byakuren

Attached: 1551146070380.jpg (450x617, 57K)

The only religion I need.

Attached: 1377848619511.jpg (440x342, 51K)

From what?

Attached: 1445709525732.jpg (310x310, 28K)

unprotected anal sex

unironically, git gud. UFOs were fine and engaging unlike the other gimmicks which were either usless or extremely overpowered.

Just do a perfect run bro

>UFO apologist is here.
Well, it was a nice thread while it lasted.

She probably ate him afterwards. The Moriya gods are scary

The spirits pretty much look like ZUN doing UFOs but better. It doesn't look like there are ones that change color and having 5 means a single wrong pickup isn't as bad.
But most importantly, it gives you a buff while you still interact with the game the regular way instead of distracting you from the core gameplay.

haha could you imagine geting eaten by suwako pretty scary haha

You've been reading too many edgelord doujins, Suwako is a nice girl.

Attached: ThGKSuwako.png (448x665, 119K)

Okay Zounose, next you're telling me she genocided a city during childbirth

>What you described comes from laziness, not ignorance.
I was always under the impression these two things were tied together. She is ignorant of many things because she's too lazy to actually figure out how to do her job properly. Obviously WaHH plays it up but considering the fact that all of the Manga play up different aspects of her personality and the comedic nature of WaHH I don't think that's really a problem.

Hello wizard Yuuka

WaHH takes place from Kasen's perspective
FS takes place from Kosuzu's perspective
Fairies is from fairies' perspective
SSIB is from who the fuck knows' perspective.

It's going to be Watanabe no Tsuna, who's soul is conveniently trapped in hell, and you're going to like it.

Attached: jp2758_s.jpg (2044x1000, 415K)


Attached: shinki.jpg (457x446, 72K)

>people learning about kanako's mom and why the actual shit the moriya shrine is there
Reminder okina is basically sanae's grandma.

Unless Kanako was the one who got Suwako pregnant, I'm not so sure about that.

Attached: 73632250_p6.png (4299x6071, 2.54M)

>no comfy heaven game

Attached: hinanawi_tenshi_and_nagae_iku_touhou_drawn_by_zounose__db598ce29e96098ded29238eb1ee4a11_waifu2x_art_ (1600x988, 3.32M)

>this and stage 4

Attached: 20-1448016185-cover-image-.jpg (600x450, 34K)

>post picture of someone unrelated to heaven and one who got thrown off the window of celestial palace for being piece of shit

is there an actual ingame plot point about them, or is it just the connection between the gods they're based on? i still haven't beaten hsifs

Attached: 1525846612268.jpg (500x707, 221K)

If everyone in heaven is as much of a bitch as Tenshi, that shit can't possibly be comfy

Connection based on gods for now, though the connection is primarily implied in SSiB, and Okina's mythology in her name so it's pretty much canon

Attached: grandma.png (256x346, 8K)

she got kicked out for being a bitch

She got kicked out for being a selfish bitch, it's different.

nice, i hope we get some canon interaction between the two of them

hopefully the next fighting game throws more different characters together
>touhou gods and sages

Attached: 1555547441524.png (930x654, 776K)

that'd be sweet. I'm still butthurt that kanako wasn't in HM
>all the religious factions duking it out
>somehow the actual god (with her own faction) who set their returns in motion was just a background character with two frames of animation

Attached: it's her.jpg (677x400, 53K)

Okina probably has a billion relations we don't know about.

Attached: okina forma de daikokuten.jpg (962x1024, 149K)

Cute and greenpilled.

Attached: okina forma de mahakala and more.jpg (1365x1440, 395K)

>seven colored shrine maiden

Attached: 1527818017386.jpg (461x547, 57K)

Wait what's this about GFW 2? Was Eternity actually confirmed to be pulling some shit or are people just speculating?

What the hell is that?

Attached: nigger.png (1440x866, 418K)

some of Okina's identities

This was obvious. Why does she think she fooled someone? Fucking dumb onis.

Something big is happening in fairies manga.
Luna fucking died

Attached: 1548475586462.png (1044x990, 942K)

Kasen is worst hermit, AND worst oni. She's double worst! Only good for cheap pump and dump!

Attached: 1446609966103.png (800x715, 114K)

Years of speculations and autists analyzing every single detail lessened the impact, but it still has been the biggest plot twist the series delivered so far.

>manga is literally called wild and horned hermit about a main character with not-at-all-horns
It was as discrete as the nose on your face.

Not everyone in Gensokyo knows about Japanese lore and they don't know the title of the manga nor the internet to look up her name and its relation to the manga's title.

Attached: hyaaaaaaah.png (600x600, 337K)

>trapped in eternally-frozen japanese fantasyland
>not knowing nip lore

I just want to fug a 2hu lads

Not everyone in Gensokyo is well-read. It takes someone like Mamizou to see the connection and see who Kasen actually is.
Sanae might also have the knowledge but still too dumb to notice.

That's nice, user.

This time we're gonna see a PC-98 make a return. Right?

Attached: __okazaki_yumemi_touhou_pc_98_and_etc_drawn_by_miata_miata8674__16de6053a9fd45c473ce217b2a4e70c8.png (900x1200, 867K)



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You also read to many cute doujins.
Suwako is just as scheming as Kanako.

>mfw everytime I see fanworks depict Suwako as a child like that 2hu fanime

Attached: suwarage.jpg (257x307, 50K)

of course, because Kasen's power is making everyone around her stupider by like 20 IQ to make herself look holy than thou and flawless.

Not everyone.
I think it's pretty given since most of the time Kasen hangs around young humans.

Attached: __onozuka_komachi_touhou_drawn_by_kitsune_maru__33d200aec981e48f6265cee389b7ca37.jpg (779x1100, 1.05M)

Doesn't she look like a child in Soku though?

Attached: 1549493695137.jpg (618x850, 245K)

Think of it as Fallout's intelligence. She's smart(sage, elder youkai, blah blah) so everyone else seems kind of retarded from her perspective.

For a small human girl like Suzer, Reimu and the gang are reliable, and for the faeries, they are scary and violent.

Yumeko is far worse.

Sorry, I mean act like a child.
That Suwakoto doujin is cute and all but I have to turn my brain off to enjoy it.

Attached: yuuka smile.png (884x617, 280K)

I can't believe Okina can look like this.

Attached: MahakalaSMT.jpg (1872x2500, 679K)

Oh cool Youmu is back as playable.

Okina can be anything you believe her to be user

Yuuka is moe.

Attached: __kazami_yuuka_touhou_drawn_by_nagami_tami__b234412a96d8eb234488338a5bf72d0b.jpg (1280x1600, 207K)

I guess my waifu Kanako isn't in it, as usual.
Another pass from me

Replace this with the Watatsukis and it'll make more sense.

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She can look like that as well

Attached: __matara_okina_and_reiuji_utsuho_touhou_drawn_by_shikido_khf__a2aeff2fa40636b194f65b1b1c30734f.jpg (1722x2067, 345K)


>implying it wasn't the other way around because frogs can switch genders with no males around and gods do weird God shit.

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i'm glad she exists just to make retards like you seethe

Attached: gyate okina.png (800x752, 213K)

On one hand I'm happy he improved his skills a lot especially in anatomy (remember character hands in EoSD and PCB), but there's something better overall about his old style.

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Attached: 674976.jpg (964x906, 667K)

I don't think this is a legal hold, I'll have to ask Aya

I think he uses new software to draw and color. This was last year

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Lol her gohei really gets bigger each game.

Attached: reimu jackie.png (579x300, 193K)

Which windows game should I play through today?

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As a holy instrument it feeds off the souls of youkai she exterminates.

My multifaceted god can’t be this cute



Attached: confused rodney orin.jpg (1914x2046, 1.94M)

Now that Kasen is evil, who is the new pure hermit?

Attached: Kasen eat people.png (1016x1443, 839K)

I thought she was going to summon a gashadokuro when I saw this page.

Now the only hermit here are cool hermits.

Attached: raddest taoists.png (1529x2048, 3.95M)

I was disappointed when that didn't happen.

Now it's back to the OG size

Attached: Th01cover.jpg (400x560, 37K)


She will be in this game, don't worry.

Attached: boned yorigamis.png (495x516, 259K)

Will Reimu ever wear a proper shrine maiden uniform again?

You can test your luck with these. They are pretty cool

I got Joon in both my laptop and my phone.

>site won't even load
looks like I'm below Jo'on tier, even

>boss can summon skeletons as danmaku

I will jump if that happens in this game.

Attached: reimu on spooky day.png (1017x1443, 2.09M)

>small luck youmu
I'll take it.

Attached: 57420205_p0.jpg (1500x2155, 927K)

Double Spoiler

>good luck sakuya

Attached: 1538964189779.jpg (1100x1044, 171K)

Is your ISP AT&T by any chance?

o-oh no

Attached: uncertain.jpg (459x946, 63K)

nah, but if different ISP's are blocking it, it might be because I'm in the UK on Sky

I had to reload the site a few times before it gave me anything.

I reloaded and it worked fine

I got Joon twice, god dammit. Despite really liking Joon I also have no pictures of her to post.

Attached: 1551463083699.png (514x490, 60K)

it worked on Microsoft Edge, but not on chrome
Jo'on, as expected.

>excellent Reimu 2 months ago
>good luck Sakuya now
Great. I really need some right now.

Attached: 1f887c87bfaba3dfd99e4ef6c428a089.png (992x1402, 1.9M)

Haha time for 1cc on Lunatic

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-21-06-10-40.png (720x1280, 195K)

I got...Reimu. what the fuck?

Attached: 1552859386917.jpg (370x320, 28K)

How take a screenshot in Mobile?

Attached: 1554852011555.png (995x560, 895K)

>chrome with square address bar
how old is your phone?

Kys tranny

Attached: CaSinOdVAAAGdnP.jpg (820x820, 56K)

mai and satono should have had their names switched

>youmufag doesn't know how to screen his phone

Attached: 1538047723808.jpg (850x637, 140K)

leave Yea Forums

>youmuspic is completely retarded
no surprise there

...well at least it can't get worse

Attached: Luck.png (396x425, 121K)

Tewi for last post

Attached: 1553933819515.png (340x340, 97K)

Attached: 1539529735414.jpg (443x455, 56K)

I'm gonna Royal Flare yo ass, bitch.

Attached: witch of detroit.png (640x960, 866K)


Attached: 1554654105750.jpg (1300x943, 521K)

Attached: 1554261518445.jpg (552x414, 22K)

Dumb dorkspic.

Attached: 1547018562339.jpg (740x560, 154K)

No, Tewi.

Attached: 1554052398967.jpg (500x500, 46K)

Wow this thread was quick, wish I was here earlier.

Attached: cirno smoking.jpg (1280x1451, 671K)


Attached: yuyu gonna get busted.png (512x256, 288K)