Why the FUCK is no one talking about he story? ITS OUT!!!!!

Why the FUCK is no one talking about he story? ITS OUT!!!!!

Game looks like a rendered movie! Absolutely insane!

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Other urls found in this thread:


>MK story.
Gee I wonder why nobody gives a fuck.

>game looks like a rendered movie!
I know, 20 fps fighting game, what the fuck were they thinking?

Who gives a fuck about the story after MK9? Especially in MKX where they killed Mileena.

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Any webms?

Yeah, I noticed the animations are better than ever. The story/cutscnes look excellent. Look at Kitana's fucking face though.

>Why the FUCK is no one talking about he story?
zoomers are fucking retarded

>muslim kombat

>giving a shit about MK
>giving a shit about the STORY

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Why does she looks like a generic FOB "asian?"

Holy shill thread batman

The exclamation point makes it real obvious.

How is she not cute as fuck? Shes literally only rivaled by D'Vorah who is probably the best looking model in the entire game.

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Is Kitana's model based on a real person?

Ok enough. You can't shill for shit.

Is the single player mode fun?

Because the story is short again like MKX, it's a YEAS QUEEN SLAY fest, it's become obvious that we will not get a MK9 like story mode again and pic related.

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Tell your boss I want Steam wallet of $50 if he wants me to shill this game like you niggers do. I'm not talking kusoges unless I get paid to do so.

below average by chink standards
t. been in china

Yep, having put over fifteen hours into the game now, it's undeniable there's a grind here that's pushing people to skip the queue rather than wait in it (metaphorically speaking, at least). The worst for me, IMO, is that the fatality and brutality inputs are thrown into the pool with literally thousands of other pieces of content so it's VERY hard to get what you want out of the game when you make the choice to spend some currency. The worst for me is that if I want to focus on collecting pieces for my main, I have to finish an arbitrary milestone (pints of blood spilled, for example) even though I just spent 50,000 of my coins gaining access to that tour. As someone who has played the game it is undeniably designed to break down your resilience until you just buy what you want.

The problem is that I can't quite work out how NRS and WB are going to offer this stuff in terms of real money. The store isn't up yet, and there's no use for your time shards. SO time will tell on that front, but given how the game is structured it's hard to be in denial any longer.

I want to cuddle with Cassie after she's finished pegging my ass!

First dvorah killed Mileena and in 11 she kills Scorpion

I think she’s cute. Also nrs are trash

>you have to grind for fatality and brutality

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ok, this is completely fucked up.
Shills any comments on that?

At least she looks asian now.

>Shills any comments on that?
That will be the day.

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>better than ever

But they were always dogshit?

>Fighting game
>Mortal Kombat
yeah i wonder why...

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does anyone even care about MK after 9?
mk11 has been forced itself into my circle via cringe drama and "political" shit

Because the story is literally shit. Its fucking fanfic even by MK's standard.

You would think advertising companies would realize when they're the only one making threads for 9 months.

Spoil me the ending, OP.

That just confirmed I’m not buying. That’s fucking sad too. No wonder Boom is now just pushed to being a face of the company. Bet he wouldn’t have had this shit.


>You have to grind to get brutalities and fatalities.
WB repeating EAs mistakes.

Attached: Youmustgrindtogetunits.jpg (800x500, 72K)

Ok, Liu Kang Blanco beats Kronika and reboots the timeline alongside Kitana.

That's enough. I am playing games to have fun. If I want them to be more difficult and make me grind more I can easily set the difficulty myself. This looks like torture for a full-priced game.

Boom is now just pushed to being a face of the company. Bet he wouldn’t have had this shit.
Boon is behind this shit. I have heard from anons here excuses like that he doesn't have full creative control etc. It's all bullshit. He clearly has an opinion and can steer the game to where he likes:

It's Tobias who was the heart and soul of MK and could hold back Boon's random bullshit.

What do you expect? In two generations we had consumers rewarding and even defending (“it doesn’t bother me”, “i don't use that part of the game so i don’t care”) it to the point where its a blatant part of sports franchises and now has infiltrated fighting games.
Its a shame too cause NRS seemed to be one of the ones that really cared for the fans. Off Injustice this was going to be my first day one NRS kombat, now ill just wait for the game of the year version down the line.
It seems that chopping out parts of the game to resell as day one dlc isn’t enough for developers and publishers, now we are monetizing playing a $60 dollar game as if its an arcade.

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Explain to me one thing. In MK9, when the reset happened, Kabal was a cop. He got burned, and he ended up with his classic look. Then, he dies. Alright. Becomes a revenant and all that. But he was one of the good guys.
But, in MK11, his entire backstory has been changed. What the fuck was going on there? It just says he was Kano's goon since he was a rookie cop. WHEN did that happen? how the fuck? is it the old Kabal from the previous timeline?

This post will be ignored, but that doesn't make it any less true then or now.

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>ITS OUT!!!!!


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>Kombat Pass
>Towers you have to actually grind instead of have fun with them.
Looks like my MK money will go to Samsho instead. Not touching this shit until it gets at the very least a proper offline single-player.

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Funny because one of the most common shill defenses I see for MK11 is in regards to it's gameplay. MKfags will literally parrot anything NRS tells them to parrot I suppose.

>Why the FUCK is no one talking about he story?

need tiddies

He was an undercover member for the black dragon. What’s so hard to understand?

>that screenshot
>like a rendered movie
From 2005?

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They love fucking up the timeline
Originally, Kabal was in the Black Dragon because "muh retarded anarchism" and he fought Outworld during MK3 because being by their side got him burnt
In MK9, they retconned Kabal so that he left the Black Dragon before the Invasion and became a cop
And MK11 retconned it again so that he was always with Kano and now has a Red Hood-ish personality

glad im not the only one who thought mkx story was short as fuck.

That would take me like a week to download.

He wasn't on shao kahns side in mk3


>Tournament mode is completely separated from the rest of the game; you can't customize anything in tournament mode, and the variations are locked

>Pre-set variations outside tournament mode are also different from competitive variations. You have to manually build competitive variations for practice mode and local mode

>When player 2 joins, P2 still uses a different user which has to be built up from the ground again as in previous games

>Gee I wonder why nobody gives a fuck.

That's the best aspect of modern MK games and they have the best stories of any fighting game.

The Black Dragon was
That's why he left them, if I remember correctly

Reminder that she also injures Kotal and loses to Jade.


live in yurop?

>best stories
Are standars really that low?

worst character

I'm confused right now. Make up your mind NRS. What do you want your shills to shill? Gameplay or story?

>>When player 2 joins, P2 still uses a different user which has to be built up from the ground again as in previous games

Seriously decentivizing local 2 player? Wtf

for fighting games? absolutely

don't you mean america?

Here's your story


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Just plat tournament mode, where all the fun variation moves are locked away!

Of fighting games. Learn to read. You’re like a retarded journalist

hes asking a question retard.

Notwithstanding your difficult mental struggle with the concept of improvement, I'm just saying the cutscenes look fucking good. Watch them, they're really nicely animated. For the record I'm not buying this game and I want it to fail.

Publishers haven't liked local multiplayer in a long time. Why just sell one game for multiple people when you can sell them a game each?

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are there two endings? because I saw it as Liu Kang and Raiden being the ones to make the New Era

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I can't believe they're just repeating the fuckups they made with Injustice 2
that player 2 shit is the worst thing I've seen in any game and now that customs aren't locked behind rng drops and grinding you still can't use them in tournament mode

>no Cyrax
>no Sektor
>no Smoke
>no Rain
>no Reptile
>half of it are guests
Ash is pretty sweet but he's not enough for me to buy Kuckold Kombat 11.

so did they just hit reset on the storyline or what because last i saw liu kang and kitana were evil and ruled underworld.

When even resetera has issues with the game, you know you went too far.

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>this underage facebook normie likes mk11 story

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Holy shit.

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>probably the best looking model in the entire game.
being the best looking model in an NRS game is not much of a hurdle to clear

They've basically retconned MKX. Some shit goes down and basically sends a wave that erases it, Dark Raiden is in the game for all of 2 mins.

She's CUTE and in time Yea Forums will learn to love her too.

>Tournament mode is completely separated from the rest of the game; you can't customize anything in tournament mode, and the variations are locked

This to me sounds like a mode for esports tournaments. If they didn't then there would be meta movesets and people complaining about characters being OP which can result in characters being banned.

Can't we just have a game where all the ninjas are in it? I hate it when they remove characters because of their shitty writing.

I'm not gay enough for that lad

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wow what a load of shit, i wouldn't buy it for that alone. what the fuck is ed boon smoking?

>I'm not gay enough
>not enough
I think you underestimate yourself.

honestly looks like a fucking trap i can find in nana plaza
why can't they make her at least look like a damn womyn

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The way I see it theres only one way to win back the trust of the real MK fans...

Mortal Kombat Xtreme Beach Volleyball

your mental state is deteriorated enough to complain about videogames, so I don't think you're too far

I'm still pissed the beach level that swaps between hell and back has never returned. That might have been one of their best ideas and they never touched it again.


Nah I thought about it and I've come to the conclusion that the females in MK11 are too manly for me

Gays fear femininity

I complain about movies too I guess I should be put onto an FBI hit list right?

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Is that really supposed to be Kitana? I thought she was supposed to be borderline arab fantasy race

>dvorah fan

end yourself

I can just watch the cutscenes on youtube withou buying the game. The women are ugly on Mortal Kombat 11. #WaifuHolocaust

Looks plenty like a woman, you've just spent so long staring at cartoon porn that it warps whatever media you're watching

>Tournament mode is completely separated from the rest of the game; you can't customize anything in tournament mode, and the variations are locked
>Pre-set variations outside tournament mode are also different from competitive variations. You have to manually build competitive variations for practice mode and local mode

These are literally good things though, only casual fags give a fuck about variations

>look at a woman
>all he can think about is trannies
Ara ara...

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Its remarkable to me how this board turned into a bumch of housewives. Gameplay doesn't matter, my virtual barbies aren't pretty enough.

Think about your life for a second and ask yourself if thats fucking pathetic.

Yikes what an ugly chink.
Godtier art

said the university student who had his views on women warped by being surrounded by ugly ass asians.


wer can i watch it?

>win both rounds vs Kronika
Liu Blanco and Kitana reset the timeline together
>lose one round
Raiden helps Liu
>lose both
Liu gets his throat cut

The game is really good, check out my review:

I don't waste any of my time looking at videogames and yelling 'LOOK HOW UGLY THE GIRLS ARE THOUGH'

I play videogames for entertainment.

She looks EXACTLY like Tokido with long hair and a mask

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MKX had the most cringe inducingly bad story ever, have you watched a movie in your life?

Why is everyone so butthurt over Mileena? Fuckin Baraka with tiddies looking ass bitch

Well certainly not full asian

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I know what a real woman looks like and none of the boys in MK11 come close.

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It’s not out

Yeah I'm gonna call based on that one.

shit nigger if im staring at a screen with such a character centric game i would give a fuck about how it looks
all the guys looks nice, muscled with bulging pecs but the women look like twigs and this is a franchise that's not really big on realism too

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Peak Kitana in regards to clothes and presentation. Not so much bodywise but still.

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>Shao Khan the symbol of toxic masculinity, the level every man should dream to reach
>Shao Khan was a mighty juggernaut that was the most feared being in MK9
>MK11 he is a jobber and second fiddle with no impact
>His fight against Kotal is literally "Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door" tier
>Kotal defeated him easily, the guy who has absorved billions of souls, energy from many realms and milenia of combat experience
>He gets defeated and killed by a cut throath by Kitana
Fuck off NRS.

Attached: FuckYouLeatherMan.jpg (1570x822, 717K)

>MK11 he is a jobber
Just like MK 9

>brain automatically relates perfectly normal girls with men
user, I think you might have gay. Try getting fucked in the ass one time, just for being sure.

>took the elder gods themselves to defeat him
>social politics
Truly more deadly than any other force known to man.

>post a picture of a real woman
>your reply is all about being gay and fucking man ass
Project much? MK11 females still can't touch this by the way.

Attached: jessica-parker-kennedy-me-in-my-place_631.jpg (1200x800, 61K)

Her face is the best looking in the game, but its still horrendously plain and her body still has zero waist. At the root of all the SHOULDER AND HIPS shit is the fact that they have bodies shaped like refrigerators.

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After see the whole story mode I think the setup for Mortal Kombat x Injustice is ready.

See Liu Kang arcade ladder ending and then Superman ending, both are in position of authority in their respective realms, one trying to protect his own realm, other starting to explore others universes, the perfect excuse to fight with each other.

And considering Liu Kang's ending, now at least 5 kombatants can face Superman and other super beings canonnically.

The problem is the gore stuff, I would put only Fatal Blows/X-Rays and stage interactions to make it violent, but without fatalities, so you can please both MK and INJ fans.

But probably NRS are struggling to submit a DC +18 game.

>MK11 females still can't touch this by the way.
And neither can you virgin.

>caring about story and grinding in a fighting game
kill yourself faggot and take this shitty grindfest microtransaction game with you

To be fair he was shitting on Kotal

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>Can't have sexy woman with curves
>Still got two buff dudes wearing thong fighting in the gayest way possible

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Listen to yourself. Its literally 'My barbies aren't pretty enough' and thats pathetic. I'll be picking this game up to destroy at fighting game tourneys around my ciry and you'll what, cry on Yea Forums about virtual women some more?

wow i cant believe they have these unrealistic depictions of male bodies s m h

>I'll be picking this game up to destroy at fighting game tourneys around my ciry

simmer down there killer

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Because it's a fighting game and people who actually like fighting games don't give a fuck about story mode. Only fucking 09ers+ care about that dumb shit. Also MK is trash.

>it's out
que the fuck? I thought it came out next week?

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You're just like reverse feminists, all your points are laughably childish.

True but one gets my money and the other doesn't.

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R34 when?

>Yea Forums uses womyn unironically now.

Attached: You are your own worst enemy.webm (540x360, 1.66M)

Talked like a true cuck.

>MK9 Shao Khan
The whole plot was showing Shao Khan as a supreme boss that can destroy all realms if the cards aren't play right. It took a demi god powered up by the Elder gods to take him down.

This place is reverse Resetera for some years now, and they also don't even realize that too

Still trying to cope there champ? I've got images for days, for every MK thread.

Attached: jessica-parker-kennedy-ii.jpg (1920x1200, 320K)

>haven't played mk since mk3
ex-fucking-cuse me? Is this real? I was kinda interested in the game but not if this shit is true.

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>I'll be picking this game up to destroy at fighting game tourneys around my ciry
Sure you will, whobitchthisis.

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>Female sexualization

>Man sexualization

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Nice knowing you'll be spending all your time on these threads, I'll be thinking about your pathetic life while I play the game.

Seems they repeated launch SF5's mistake pretty much.

Cope harder champ

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>I wish I could be in the game user but I'm afraid I'm too sexualized by you

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How does this "woman" sit in a chair?

You really can't shill for shit...

Two of the coolest looking characters in the game. Khan mains, where y’all at?

I hope you guys keep the NRS autist occupied for months, I don't him back to /fgg/, thank you

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fuck I miss the 90s

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Heh take the throne. I didn’t want it anyways lol.

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Redpill me on this faggot, because I feel like he's a carbon copy of Barry/Eric/Michael.

Man why do the new characters that were actually likable from MKX get shafted meanwhile the shitty ones get all the spotlight?

>GOTY in the files
oh I'm lafin

Can you guys stop posting in this onions game thread or at least post tiddie

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He's obsessed with NRS and RWBY, spams the same images for years, always brags about MK sales, and even defends NRS animations. And now is going insane, since even Yea Forums is turning its back against MK design

That's not a big achievement.


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Kotal was always garbage. He’s either stupidly wanked like in the comics or a jobber like in the game. In 11 he’s still useless but Kittlesten hooked him up with Jade to make people forget.

This will be a pass, atleast until it goes dirt cheap, then I will only get it if the DLC list is true with Ash.

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>They teased it on the trailer

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Notice how the armor goes out of it's way not to cover the titties.

I'm pretty sure it's intentional "fag pandering".

>You're just like reverse feminists

That user has a point though because it's hypocrisy from SJW's. It's all double standards when it comes between male and females, it just shows that it's a personal issue rather than a reasonable one.


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umm sweetie that's male power fantasy

what the fuck that has to be photoshopped right

yes, but the real one isn't much better

I can't remember that far back, but if I had to guess I'd say that MK9 Kitana had people of Yea Forums screaming that they turned her into a nigger.

For what it's worth, I think sorta-Persian Kitana was her best and hottest look.

Like Kano's peeing and how one of his fatalities is dancing with male opponents.

And that's the funny part, no man bother playing as a buff guy, while woman doesn't like when sexy woman shows up.

>Men playing or seeing a buff guy: "Damn, I want to be that guy"

>women playing MK
are you retarded redit refugee or just a desperate shill?

imagine the taste of her cheese

You've missed something big, ranked and tournament variations are different. NRS community especially is big on online play, so if you want to practice outside locals you are fucked. But even worse if they try to hold an online tournament, which are more common now, they lack an easy way to set it up.

I just asked my gf and she said she doesn't care.
What's your next step you imbecile?

*prostrates to their new queen*

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fuck, looks like my ex with tits 2x the size.

how do i get their body type?

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To be honest I'd wear as little much clothing as possible so long as there are girls watching me, but there doesn't seem to be any around in most levels.

>I just asked my gf

Yeah I live with her, what's the problem?

Don't make me say it!

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Do you think these could be bait names? They did it with IJ2 with Atom being labeled “shaggy and Scooby” or something. But on the flip side, these seem believable.

holy shit it's fucking Tokido. can't unsee

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>playing Muslim Kombat
>calling others pathetic

Your hand doenst count

i liekd the anime

Fuck off, tourneyfag. Waifufags are way more important and affluent than you, and they don’t like western uggos. Enjoy your one evo and done dead game.

>social politics and mk

Truly a deadly alliance**

When did I said about "woman playing"?

Funny because the most dead fighter on the market right now is DOA6.

>w-we wont have lootboxes guys!
>oops we forgot to mention we have premium currency rng microtransactions and a disgusting grind fest to unlock stuff requiring online connection so you spend real money on your account
>maybe if we make our game woke the sjw journalists wont tell people about this ridiculous scam
if you actually buy it you are the cancer killing gaming

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>Beliving in woman

For Kotal, lift alot, sleep enough, eat alot and lift long enough.
For Shao Khan, lift and roid.

>it ok to pretend redditera's opinion on singleplayer aspect of a vs fighting game matters when it fits the /pol/tard narrative of hating on the game

klassic Yea Forums fightan game thread keep up the laffs

Go be a gay nigger somewhere, oh wait, this is a mk11 thread, you ARE in the right place

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In Tekken 7, you can just auto-hotkey kick, go into the treasure mode and unlock every single customizable thing with Katarina overnight. Didn't bother me that much.

Is this possible in MK11?

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Mileena was undeniably MKs best girl, and on top of that she was fun to play.
T. Assblasted mileena main

What's your opinion on the Switch version?

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any youtube links to the story.?..

how will it work on the go if you have to always be online to play single player modes? lol what a scam

DoA abandoned waifufags for that sweet fgc money and only at the last minute did they try to appease them when they saw it wasn't going to work

does it run at solid 60?

Real life women are oversexualized. They need to be removed.

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please tell me this is at least the undocked version of the game

Wait people unironically care about Story in a fighting game...is there anything more retarded?
It's like caring about Lore in League

Ed coon lied to us again bros.

Attached: MK11 Switch version.jpg (1280x2876, 854K)

looks pretty good considering switch's weak hardware honestly

>those dotty hair textures that always show up on low quality mode
oh god that's the fucking horrendous, why wouldn't they make different models for the switch version

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Looks about on-par with MK9 Vita.

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You are a fucking idiot user, that was him satirizing that exact point.
How fucking dumb can you be, how fucking actually retarded are you, you absolute nigger, you fucking fagheaded fuckwit, you estrogen brained abomination.

You are not a person user, you aren't even an NPC, you aren't even part of the script, your entire genepool ending in you is just a legacy of failure and retardation.
When you die, the world will collectively average a higher IQ, god bless cancer, pray it come swiftly and take you from this Earth and rid you of what destitute existence you have.

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>Why the FUCK is no one talking about he story? ITS OUT!!!!!

Fucking shills man when are they going to go.

>Appealing to the FGC with dumbed down gameplay
Lets just agree they fucked themselves hard.

Because MK story is literally just finding reasons to justify the roster.

I'd rather it looked like this than the blurry AAless mess we got

I know I'm old but this reminded me comparing the Turtles in time arcade with the SNES version.

and? you give up while playing shit that's optional? it's a fucking fighting game. quit being a scrub and git gud.

Ban evaded just to tell you that this unremarkable cunt you keep posting, is not some proof of femininity. She's a strong 7.5, I'll give you that. That's a good score. But next to Kitana, she looks like swine. That broad jaw, that broad face, those broad lips when she smiles, those broad nostrils, and even a broad waist. This girl was built broadly.

You could have posted any girl as your example of beauty, and you chose this chick? Did you really think you were making a point?

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>Ban evaded just to tell you

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how long till skidrow gets this shit out?
no way im paying for a game without rain

qt name?

A week probably.
One thing tough, the game is almost online only, if you want to pass the time unlocking equipment and shit like Injustice 2 you probably can't, the game checks shit after every match, since they gonna have premium cash currency they did this to evade shit like Cheat Engine and the like, there is a chance that a big part of the game doesn't work on a pirate version.
I think you can still play Story mode, Arcade and regular versus tough, so if you only want that you better off waiting for the pirate version.

what is it with you rain fags. he wasnt even a real character until trilogy and he only shows up as the most last minute addition into the big compilation games like mk9 and armageddon. he's also easily the gayest looking ninja and thats saying something considering one is literally a rainbow.

Look at how unremarkable she is. Nothing about her stands out. Not the best ass, not the best figure, not the best tits, not the best face. Nothing "wrong" with her either. But jees, if you're going to parade a chick around, at least choose one that's outstanding. If she were a game character, she'd be the basic character, all the others are balanced around.

I'm also getting sick of the idea that femininity = big tits and wide hips. I do like a variety of body types. Kitana doesn't need to be jessica rabbit to be considered feminine. But I do wish that they pushed her proportions to make them stand out more. If they were going for a slim tight body, cool, just make it the most attractive version of a slim tight body. It's all about shape and dimension.

No clue, I saved it from another shitposting user.

Attached: 1542971389703.webm (720x960, 1.87M)

I would expand dat belly with my seed. forewarning woman, incoming stretchmarks

the unlockables are just faggy cosmetics right?
who cares the gameplay is the important part

Ill always have that gripe against mk since he was never added to mk x
on-disk dlc and unplayable fully finished characters are fucking retarded

>woman doesn't like when sexy girl shows up
In order to see those women you have to play the game retard.
And no, sane women don't give a fuck about titty jiggle or suggestive sexy outfits. That narrative is pulled out of smelly tranny ass of twitter mob.
Now shut the fuck up you bitch.

>who cares If I don't care
this is your mind on leddit

>In order to see those women you have to play the game retard.
Tell that to those feminist.

>sane women don't give a fuck about titty jiggle or suggestive sexy outfits.
Unironicaly, ask your mom about that. Woman with low selfsteem tends to level things to their level to try to make things less "unreachable".

Are you that blind to see that their is clearly a double standard in this game?

This popular franchise designed to go on forever that has most of its popular characters dead and set up a time travel plot ends with a time line reset.

Stupid unfun grindy bullshit which is why all the collectables require you to be always on to access them so you pay microtransactions instead of using cheat engine.

I didn't say anything about standards, we have no reason to argue, but
>Woman with low selfsteem tends to level things to their level to try to make things less "unreachable"
It can be said but not about videogames.
They simply don't want you to enjoy cute sexy girls in vidya, simple as that.
Yeah, that's right, as stupid as it sounds twitter mob just wants to TAKE AWAY YOUR ENJOYMENT.

okay the graphics and story might be good but you forgot the video game part

That's not really an accomplishment

>Thinking female tokido is cute

Holy Shit

Attached: 5g87td4edu8gd46vi9.jpg (1920x1920, 1020K)

Wow its like you shitters never tried to master all characters in MK9...Oh i forget fags like never played MK

I don't care about the story in fighting games. That's retarded.

are you braindamaged?

Wait. They seriously killed Shao Khan? Fuck this shit.

wtf i wanna fuck Gouki now?

In the middle of the game, and he was pretty much a push over and a side plot to Kitana.
>Defeated by Kotal and had to be bailed out by D'vorah and Kronika
>Got pushed around by Kotal in the second battle, but broken his back
>Kitana defeats him and cuts his throath

Raiden also got killed right in the beggining.

Thanks, user, I'm definitely not buying this game now. You just saved me some 60 bucks.

>caring about muslim kombat
lmao get the fuck outta here shillomo

Yea Forums decided to hate MK now because there is too much clothes on The women fighters despise they looking way better than the manjaw trannies of the past two games.Say good bye to another Yea Forums classic as the Incels x SJW bullshit keep destroying any fun.

kill yourself you dumb cockroach

>caring about story
only retarded faggots and journalists care about story in fighting games

Nobody gives a shit about Tranny Kombat

Funny, this guy insulted me in another MK thread. Go fuck yourself you stupid insect. No one cares about your pathetic bug comments.

You probably think that's an insult because you're so afraid of them.

How are you not getting it?
Nobody gives a shit about you here or your dumb bitchass opinion.
Go back to lebbit and never come back

Are you serious? MK11 is the game that has the tranny looking characters. Plus the stupid generic costumes and generic new characters. It's the most SJW MK yet. They went mass effect Andromeda mode with the character design.

>game looks like a movie
>this is a good thing

Attached: 1543424114534.jpg (640x640, 210K)

Have a big frame. Eat clen and tren hard

>I just asked my gf
and even if true
>believing what women say

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Will the average joe care about the bullshit grind? Will whales play MK11 and generate like 90% of it's profit?

I shall train hard, become mighty and shine my nipples across the universe.

if it makes men more skimpier then it's okay with me UwU

she said "Even If I don't like it, some people do"

Anyone complain to Boon yet?

Godspeed user

>haven't played mk since mk3
Same here, Ultimate on n64 as a teen. Damn played the ever living hell out of that game. Was super interested in this game because it looks sick and nostalgia. But having to buy characters as DLC is weird and unsavory to me. And then Microtransactions for fatalities? Yea I'm gonna pass on that.

Johnny "monkeys back to the" Cage

>Mortal Kombat Team Racing
This is what the people want, an expanded version of the minigame in Armageddon kek

Attached: member.jpg (1200x900, 314K)

Why should consumers accept worst costume design, just because the faces are more realistic? Those things don't relate.

Also, just because the faces are more realistic, that doesn't necessarily mean that they are appealing to look at. I mean, sure, the previous games had some wonky faces, but you kind of understood that they were shooting for a high beauty standard, despite their inability to reach it.

The logical progression, would be faces that escape the uncanny valley, and escape the masculine slant. Simply more believable attractive and feminine faces, which reach the high standard attempted before. But instead, graphics progressed in a more realistic direction, while the standard went down. So even though it's more technically impressive, it's still not as great as it *could* be.

>people unironically play Mortal Kombat games after 9 with female characters that are ugly as sin
>in a day and age where Soulcalibur 6 exists

Attached: Ratko.Mladic.jpg (640x480, 33K)

Soulcalibur 6 was awful.

>people play video games just to look at digital girls

>modern MK games and they have the best stories of any fighting game.

Have you by any chance ever heard of BlazBlue or King of Fighters?

>Soulcalibur 6 was awful.
Ed pls

She looks like a viet. That's two steps up from abbo. There's a reason games don't have abbo protagonists

Switchfags are too busy reeeing over the fact they can't play with their toys outside because they need an internet connection.

>Less content than SC3
>Characters are all paid DLC, next to no unlockables
>Character already in the game locked behind buying the season pass
>CAC has a fraction of what SC3 offered
>More CAC items are, again, paid DLC

I mean fuck MK11 too, its got some always-online bullshit and the same kind of absurd DLC, but SC6 was a huge disappointment.

The sexy chicks are part of the fun desu. Neither of which I'm seeing in the MK franchise past 9.

Attached: 875.jpg (2512x1004, 614K)

>Barely over 350 players

Are you one of them?

>Always-online for single-player modes

Nope, never okay, kill yourself you fucking shill.

>does not pander to groups that are easily outraged
>Yea Forumsirgins are getting outraged over the female characters in MK11 not looking like animes

I actually play on a system where i don't give a fuck about that. Sorry you're conception of fun is limited by your autistic behavior and you need so badly to play with your toy on the street or on buses/trains.

pretty sure you mean America.
t. stuck with cuntcast

She's not even hot for Asian standards. And she was never Asian.

NRS shills really are the worst and most apparent out of any other shills honestly

anyone who buys this is a idiot who loves to eat shit

>scat fetish analogy

do you also like to grind for fatalities?

Where’s Reptile??

Attached: A1918F92-B255-40BD-BED2-91585DD26E18.png (524x650, 412K)

According to DLC leak maybe on MK12.

I live in Europe, Poland and I need more or less 30minutes to download a 60gb game

I didn't care about the prude female design, I didn't mind that much for the gameplay changes and didn't care about the shit roster, only if I had my main I used for a while. She is just pieces used as gear.
Fuck NetherRealm.

Attached: 1555717486670.png (748x654, 430K)

>people complain about paid DLC and Denuvo instead of sailing the Seven Seas

Attached: 16Karadzic_cnd-superJumbo.jpg (2048x1505, 440K)

It funny the same people that were defending the shit female disanges are now defending

>aways online
>a ridiculous grind for even things like fatalities
>extremely scummy DLC practices
>MMO like gear system

these people are fucking cancer


I just opened up steam forum and saw thread "Why do you care about single player and cosmetics in MK".
People are so fucking stupid it's kinda amazing


>D'Vorah who is probably the best looking model

based and apipilled

Attached: 6212656.png (300x250, 18K)

It might surprise you, but some people just get the game to play online. Same thing it was with SF V

Also to play many of the single player modes with two players requires you to make another profile and do the grind again.

It might surprise you, but some people get the game for single-player, campaign and unlockables

Okay lads, MK 11 is expensive, grindy and shit, but got me wanting to play some fighting game, what other game its worth getting? Injustice 2, MK X, Tekken 7?

If I'm correct you have to play the single player modes to unlock characters to play them online which requires you to do the grind

Wait for Samurai Shodown, it might be good.

I'm just gonna watch my favorite streamer play it

Attached: 1549403825905.gif (360x358, 2.76M)

I'm not the one calling others stupid just because they just wanna play online

Hope it's not true then

I wonder which Pokemon would be involved. Pikachu's lightning attacks are a given.


MK11 characters looked like shit but there is a reason they covered up a lot of the faces in 9 user.

Unist is good and DOA6 has a f2p version

>that image
I don't get it.

Why is nobody talking about this it’s cleary real

But they are stupid because they simply don't understand that someone wants something different from the game and having that part locked behind hardcore RNG is disgustingly stupid.


It's Mileena's brain used as "gear"...


It's just Boon wanting to get his place alongside Barlog and Druckmann or whatever that kike is called as the new face of onions games for journalists.

What does the new guy collector do? Does Baraka become a good goy or something, a lot of his intros I saw with Scarlet have them mentioning how he turned on Shao Khan and she's his right hand now?

Based, butterfacefags getting dabbed on.

is it on youtube

Baraka doesn't have any money.

guess I'm pirating this then

yeah, you're new to fighting games, we know

>Baraka is a good guy?
No, He gets his whole race genocided by Kotal but they are brought back by Kronika alongside him. But Kitana wants his army so she beat him up and say if he joins her she is going ask Kotal nicely for them to not be genocided again by him. Yeah, this stupid.

>MKX's plot sucks
>the comic is good
>MK11 confirms the comic writer is doing the plot for the game
>it's actually worse than MKX's plot
You can't make this shit up. Fucking kek

>literally the same body model for the two
This is Armageddon 2: electric boogaloo

Anywhere I can watch all the cut scenes?

Apparently WB is pushing the trigger on youtube videos with spoilers.

Should I prebuy MK11? All I care about is the multiplayer

Just without the neat konquest style mode, character creation, everyone's favorite characters, kart racing mini-game, while severely punishing people who bought the game with various lock outs, grinding, always online, and lootboxes. Basically worse than Aermageddon and more like MK vs DC.

Will DLC characters be unlockable with ingame money? Like grind for 30 hours or pay 14.99+tip? Or will it be real money only?

It has way better systems than MKX with emphasis on neutral and fundamentals and netplay in the demo was good. They're also talking about crossplay post launch

Hopefully not xplay with pc cheaters

asians are cute

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I don't get it. Is this meant to be a POV shot? Why is she kissing the camera? If this where supposed to be a self-insert thing isn't she just kissing the eye of the character you're supposed to self-insert as?

That's the worst part about this whole thing. Men get inspired and want to be the buff jacked dudes. SOME women will see a hot, toned women and get similarly inspired, because hot toned women do actually exist in real life, despite what the sjw's will have you believe.

So it's kind of proof positive that NRS is not only catering to women, but the worst kind of women: the ugly frumpy ones who see female beauty and don't get inspired, but jealous, threatened and pissed off.

this is why I don't stop for strangers

>not having cute girls kiss your eyeball
Lol fucking virgin.

that's how you have sex you dummy.

t. never played the Xrd series of guilty gear

fuck off Shill

an observation

Attached: sketch.png (2100x2800, 1.48M)

So the games are still shit

Where did you get the concept art for MK11 from? the game isn't supposed to be out yet.

>user can sketch sexier depictions of women than NRS can facescan and model
you better add some blood to that drawing user, get your core values in line
gore good, boobs bad

dude the price to pay for "customization" was that every character was the fucking same with the same animations and even the same fatalities. The only redeemable aspect of the game is the konquest mode and the kart minigame.
Literally the same pose every fighter. It's one of the worst mortal kombats of all(and this is saying a lot considering the shit they pulled out) and only roosterfags will deny this.

Attached: MK12.jpg (1104x900, 236K)

>missing the point completley
I know it was bad, I was saying that even as bad as it is it still managed to have some good shit there as well, something MK11 dosn't.

>it’s rendered like a movie!
Jesus Christ go back to marketing school Terrance

>Cassie beat Liu Kang in the first chapter
Fucking dropped instantly

and thats the reason you dont even have a social life, at least switch users have one, what is YOUR excuse?

MK is like the open world third person RPG of fighting games. More budget, padded content, and addiction bait but shit fundamental gameplay.

Tekken 7 is still have a strong community and DoA6 si f2p if you just wanna scratch that itch

>mortal kombat story

called it
i played injustice 2 a year after release and i knew they were going to jew that system

Did you get the GOTY edition?
Was Injustice 2 still populated after a year?
Did you had to grind for anything?

>people saying that it was like that before
People will defend ANYTHING just to try and one up each other on the internet.

Attached: file.png (1824x889, 1.18M)

>Did you get the GOTY edition?
>Was Injustice 2 still populated after a year?
Got it on PC, wasn't very populated but you can arrange matches in the steam community forums, Xbox one had a larger player base
>Did you had to grind for anything?
Yes! I had to do those multiverses multiple times and i spent like 80hrs to get the darkseid reverse omega beam because i love him in the comics but didn't get it anyway thanks to the lootbox thing being RNG. The multiverse also has super bullshit bosses that i couldn't defeat if the game didn't have the "AI plays for you system" . If they removed this auto play system the game would be a super grind fest

>time crystals
>skip fight tokens
>easy fatalitie tokens
>gear level up tokens

jesus christ netherrealm

Attached: 1425324687380.png (332x257, 14K)

my speed ;>

Attached: Capture.jpg (655x103, 10K)

Attached: 16187567151.webm (1280x720, 1.87M)

>nrs shills will defend this
I'm literally shaking my head as i type this because i know they will defend it

Holy fuck.
The dedicated Mobile game kasts make sense now.

Attached: Going through some changes.webm (450x472, 1.44M)

>what could possibly go wrong patching a fucking game mechanic weeks before the game full release
>webm related

Attached: Sub Zero wavedash seems like 2nd fastest after Kotal so far.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

So Yea Forums wIl say and do anything to hate this game

Read the thread nigger

What are you a retard

I am it's full of retards crying

Yes if you take a look at any thread on Yea Forums they're all horny as fuck and MK11 has characters they can't jerk off to so they're scraping for anything they can to say it sucks even when literally everyone else is excited.


Jesus how long are the stages in this game?

Its so goddamn tiresome. This is why single player modes are locked behind always online.

Attached: Goddamn it.png (255x254, 99K)


he reboots it with Raiden

So basically you and the shills defending game

but you keep building that strawman

>We want to design the characters more realistically
>I mean, what woman fights in a bikini haha am I right ladies?
>However, the woman still wear high heels

Attached: 1310481500822.jpg (805x669, 36K)

Paid shills vs paid detractors

I was actually thinking about pre-ordering like one hour ago. This greatly decreases my interest

Attached: 1550096568155.jpg (640x640, 33K)

Seeth harder pajeet.

Attached: Kotal Khan wavedash speed, I wonder if some chars are even faster.webm (1280x720, 637K)


Attached: file.png (707x1306, 561K)

>easy fatality tokens

Attached: 1533055848228.gif (200x200, 2M)

You should read about the long grinds and only online features


Attached: ImplyingAnimaHett.png (846x900, 884K)

Attached: 1554843536691.png (586x586, 348K)

I just want to cry some fucking times, man. Non stop, its always my favorite series that get fucked over by either political bullshit or shitty jewish business practices.

Attached: I was a wimp before Anchor Arms.jpg (600x300, 201K)

I don't see the issue outside it looks silly, but a wavedash usually does. Everyone was crying defence was super good, now you have a good way to get in. Not like you just dash head first in as you still need to watch for lows.

So you don't know what you are talking about do you retard


Fighting games always have shit like this post day 1. Jacqui had an infinite in MKX that was patched day 1.


so retards here prove you didnt play mkx


Attached: puffinboi.jpg (740x740, 55K)

they said they will get rid of it in the patch you fool

>7 different currencies in a fighting game
lmao where the fuck do we go wrong?

I'm so fucking happy to finally be able to say "i told you so"

Anooooooooooooon, you really gonna be like that??????

They made Kitana a chink for no reason at all, why? I am an Asian myself and i don't like it at all.
Frost is extremely cool tho, she's really cute with her cybernetic eyes and all. Basically a cryomancer version of Alisa Boskonovich. To be honest, the idea of making Frost a cyborg came to me earlier too, because I liked Cyber Sub Zero, but they had to revive him as a human. Sometimes NRS just make bad decisions and have to deal with them later on.
Story is alright I think, even though it's hilarious af that they had to erase yet ANOTHER timeline, lmao. Hope they don't fuck up the next game's story.

Welcome to 4 years ago user

so why are retards mad about single player things again

Attached: 74d6b517d8c28d8ac92319dbfb448c4a6524818c592f0c678384cf8cbe1ebd02.jpg (625x468, 69K)

Look at all these currencies this is suppose to be a fighting game not eu4

so you are a retard then

correct me if I'm wrong but you have to play single player to unlock characters and fatalites now don't you?

>This samefagging weebcuck is still here
comparing one fighting games story with another is always pointless when theres always retcons thrown into these games

It's so 2005 to actually research things, user

you know both of those games are just as grindy right retard

It was already a thing? I never played MK since 9

so is this the firs mortal kombat you know about or something

I did but this might be the final straw. Probably just wait for Samurai Shodown

nope this is the first one I heard of where you have to grind for fucking fatalites

yes they have then for retards that cant do them

so you are a fool you dont need to use the shit online guy and you can get both games

They were introduced in MKX

i like that frost is a cyborg so she doesn't feel too similar to sub-zero but I really dislike everything under her neck, it just look to cluttered, a more sleek design would have been better I think

You did the right thing anyway, x is souless and introduced lots of trash characters

idiot all you need to do is go to the krypt and unlock them like always where are you getting you info from

>Kotal defeated him easily

Do we really need more proof that NRS is trying to get rid of the old cast?

MK XX is gonna feature Jax's transgender daughter, Cage's lesbian daughter, Kano's bisexual son, Kung Lao's gay cousin, Scorpion's wife's son, Sub-Zero's ice clone, Ermac's detached soul sister, Sheeva's cousin twice removed who's half human, and Kid Raiden. now.. teen raiden.

I'd say the future looks bleak, but the present ain't all that much better.

yes you know what we need to do is go back to mk armageddon all the characters we love are there

I don't wanna get both. I was already on the fence about MK11 but I don't really want to support all of this shit

GG and BB have terrible stories. All tell, no show, retarded plot points, bad va for English and Japanese, everyone just stands around, and terrible dialogue.

What's wrong with easy fatality tokens? It doesn't affect you in any way, if you don't like them don't use them loooool I play games to have fun not to memorize long-winded sequences of moves I'm not a cryptographer with a controller sweety

Attached: you 4 you.gif (500x296, 466K)


>same images every single thread
Thanks for proving that shills do visit Yea Forums

retards need something to mass replay to

I think you meant kidd thunder

Attached: Kid-Thunder.jpg (394x293, 25K)

>Gear level up tokens


Nora is cute.

I'll stay at 9 thanks, everything 3d sucks ass except for quan chi and kenshi

>being this much of a shill.
>playing SJW Apologist garbage.
>"Oh we want to have more respect for the women and make them look realistic yet we're going to show blood, guts and gore!"

I haven't been on Yea Forums in a very long time, but I don't remember it being this cancerous.

Attached: 1595201-oh_look_its_this_thread_again_super.jpg (460x500, 41K)

Just add secret codes on menu to turn on and off insta fatalities, you cant be that cheap to freakin capitalize on people who want to see animations that are on compilation in Youtube

Pedoera frequents Yea Forums now and you know how bad those fucks are.

Attached: 1516818758556.gif (480x238, 443K)

Back to 8fag, political puppet

>literally sonya + johnny
>female boxer jax minus grabs
>cool but just a discount mavado+scorpion hybrid
>>kung jin
>archer dude generic as fuck
>>ferra thor
>recycled injustice bane
How can a game introduce so many shit characters is beyond me

whats with you guys you are getting this mad at single player shit

Will they get rid of the grind too? Or the dumbass decision to have local play NOT share gear?

same dude

a kid is a combo of there parents wow

not an argument

I probably am overreacting it's just if I have to pick between the two games I'll go with the one without all the token shit

If you're excited for MK11 though that's good for you

whatever shill

so are you going to buy the unlockable characters outright then?

why didnt you retards flip your shit at the tekken 7 grind or the street fighter 5 grind and they are taking away even more fight money or the doa6 grind its almost like its selective rage

Ironically enough I've never been there

I thought there was only Frost, who you get in story mode not the krypt

No, it's not good. Because of retards like him buying this shit, MK is going to be ruined further.

you know you can not do it right

so its ok for other game so let you grind for shit but when mk does it its the end of everything

What grind is there in Tekken? The cosmetics? 2,000 matches and you get everything, and chances are you'd already have what you want for your favorite character before then.

>What grind is there in Tekken? The cosmetics?
what do you think your getting in mk11 guy

6 currencies you goddamned shill, and character towers give you a CHANCE at unlocking gear provided you complete those stupid conditions. Fuck you.

>What grind
> 2,000 matches

>doa6 grind

but Yea Forums did flip their shit over this but it wasn't as big because DoA is not as popular

>street fighter 5

fight money was a big issue when it first came out

Not everything after 2,000 matches, that's for sure. And Tekken was much more respectful, money and gear after EVERY fight.

Are the fatalities out yet? I want to continue the tradition of jerking off to the woman in it getting the killed with them.
Although it's probably going to be less satisfying with this one.

Attached: Caged.jpg (300x168, 9K)

It's going to be a hell of a lot more in MK.

>6 currencies you goddamned shill
ok so

I pay $50 for 5MB and my other option would be satellite internet that caps at 10MB for like $80 and horrible ping and only 1MB of upload.

Attached: 563130.png (500x280, 156K)

how the hell do you know

A literal non-number if all you're doing is playing online. MK11 dosn't even come close with it's mobile tier grind system.

they needed to find another thing to cry about

>MK11 dosn't even come close with it's mobile tier grind system
so does street fighter 5 and doa6 dont see you crying about that

games cucked and for fags. hate to see it

So wait all that shit about customization outfits is now locked behind a MMO tier grind?

Read a thread next time

because I can read the thread unlike you you fucking zoomer shit

tekken 7 is a random loot dropper to get shit and you get ingame money to buy shit

doa 6 has a in game money for you to buy shit and grind endlessly for costumes

street fighter 5 you need to grind like mad to get fight money to get costumes and characters

so why are those games ok but mk11 is not
>muh other currencies


so did you play the game or somethiong or are you going off what some other guy on here sid because the only thing i see are idiots posting pics and mass replying to them

I was bummed I wasted money on mk11 until i found out fucking Bruce Campbell was in this motherfucker

>they reboot the MK universe...AGAIN
are they going to do this for every other MK ?

Attached: bored chinese cartoon.jpg (640x480, 23K)

Every odd number MK

Attached: 1542543115848.jpg (320x320, 23K)


>posting pics of people who wrote up their thoughts on the game because they already have copies*
enjoy your grind, you illiterate retard

Attached: 1548968874712.jpg (440x386, 37K)

>MK11 has no cute gir-

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Attached: skarletts new hair.webm (1280x720, 2.01M)

wow something from some random did you make that then posted that here and you know they they will add more shit to thee towers when the game is actually out right

her father?

Attached: 1542195875989.jpg (332x332, 43K)

nice hive mind

So is this game good? I remember even though I never got to play X, I was always REALLY interested in trying it while with 11 I'm sorta "eh".

now I can just watch this movie and forget about it

>This goblin

Yea Forumstards sure have some low standards.

Attached: 1336375764896.jpg (395x395, 135K)

is any of the unlockable gear for female characters risque?

Dios mio

welp the mask does the job just fine i guess


Attached: 1555549685266.jpg (1936x1936, 269K)

i know jacqui has a lot of cleavage showing

fuck's sake I can't even tell if this is cassie or sonya
incredible & unique designs, NRS

Attached: IMG_20190413_182343.jpg (750x531, 49K)

>from man to boy

Actually good since it sorta forces you to develop your fundies through grind.

Maybe casuals will stfu

Attached: wow.jpg (605x424, 83K)

>look im retarded

fuck this looks awful

Attached: 1555703271562.gif (320x322, 2.86M)

Attached: 502-34.jpg (480x360, 17K)

>25 year old on HRT or 13 year old on HRT

fuck off billy


Attached: !soul.jpg (800x450, 91K)

Attached: brainlet.jpg (1170x742, 70K)

or both apparently

cant what for this game to come out for you outrage fags can move on

>a mother and daughter look alike

I never asked for your selfie

>unique, eyecatching, easily discernable character design that compliments how a fighting game character fights

Except multiple people in the thread shit on those nrs shill also
>b-b-but other games
You're Pathetic you should honestly just kill yourself

>defending RNG wallgrind
it's fine fag, you won't be a brainlet If you knew that you're a brainlet

everyone should be outraged by this EA tier shitheap

Thank you

ok retard