>see a qt streamer girl
>watch her play Sekiro
>go to her IG
>see she has an ugly Asian boyfriend
What is up with that?
>see a qt streamer girl
>watch her play Sekiro
>go to her IG
>see she has an ugly Asian boyfriend
What is up with that?
Large penis
>Watching women
She'd have absolutely no interest in you anyway, don't act like you missed out.
Asians and whites love to mix.
Good for her, I wish them happiness
>Asian, Latina, Black, Persian women for white men
>white women for everyone
This honestly. Especially wmaf. Eurasian utopia when?
>Watching streamers
>Watching gamur gurl streamers
>Being invested enough in gamur gurl streamers to look up their instagram
>Female streamer
>Is he can, everyone can
Don´t give up hope Yea Forumsros
Are asian men mentally ill or do they just have a huge victim complex?
the future
>watching streams
There's your problem. Go play some vidya
to be fair, Amouranth's husband is hot
They probably have a lot of common interests, her being a nerd and all.
Well I have an ugly asian gf so I can understand the feeling
There was this girl I was internet-interested in like 13 years ago while playing Ragnarok and she was instead internet-interested in a really ugly asian guy, could never figure it out. she was really pale and had red hair, kinda wish it would’ve worked out
Bro is he much cuter than her
No that's niggers. Look how much Asian's progressed in American society compared to blacks, despite having the same (if not worse) level of persecution
Gooks are soulless.
based and redpilled
Reminder that most of those fans threatening her were autistic Chinese men.
>all the autism about this
To think people like this exist, reminds me of when /jp/fags raged at some idol getting married, at least weebs don't waifu 3D.
>watching and not playing
Asian women love white dick
White women love black dick