This is why I hate Nintendo.
This is why I hate Nintendo
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Why? Mental illness propaganda shouldn't be allowed in videogames.
I seriously doubt that's the content that is getting these stages banned, considering most people don't even know what the flag is.
This is sure to be a nice thread.
Imagine fighting for trans rights in a Nintendo video game while voting for more Islamic migration at the same time.
No politics is a great policy.
They removed my Donald Trump stage :(
Based Nintendo. Trannies BTFO.
>ps4 bans hetero content
>nintendo bans fag content
B A S E D as always
What exactly are 'trans rights'? Can't they already use whatever bathroom they want?
Mentally ill trannies GET FUCKED. I normally hate Nintendo but they're doing god's work right now.
For me it's Sony.
You have 40 seconds to name a single right trans folks don't have
They already have basic human rights like everyone else, they just howl for special treatment under the guise of human rights. Mostly they wan people to stop considering them freaks, which is just thought policing.
get fucked
This is why I love Nintendo.
This. How can a company be so BASED? While Snoy is literally having gay pride parades, Chadtendo is keeping the fags at bay.
welfare and free mutilation surgery
Imagine thinking you need to use a Nintendo game as a platform to tell people in a kids game about trans rights. Trannies are fucking idiots it doesn't surprise me in the slightest.
Respect, for one.
But think of it this way... they are too pussy to kill themselves, so if it works out for them they can be killed horribly by some smelly guy with a monobrow.
a right to marry kids younger than 4
Trans rights? More like trans blights! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
love is love bigot, punch naxirs and yt and shit lol
I agree, what the fuck Nintendo?
Should be a permanent ban from all online activity.
You are supposed earn that
It’s nice that faggots are immediately trying to ruin a good thing for the sake of their own egos.
I remember watching this. You could tell Reggie was struggling to make this statement. It was glorious.
based and tranny killed
the younger they are, the better traps we get later on, dumbass
>make flag stage
>don’t set song to Snake Eater
Kys pidor scum
>is based and lets us have games that give us cummies
>don’t objectify women pls, have sex incel
who would have thunk...
Gender change propganda should be banned from children's games, there is nothing wrong with this.
If I wasn't to cut off my arm and put in a chainsaw instead is that covered by trans rights?
holy fucking based
pic related: your average ps4 owner
this is why Nintendo is based
Based nintendo, Yea Forumsirgins BTFO again, this is what happens when you devote your life to living in your mother's basement, eating cheetos and playing bing bing wahoo. While the SJWs you hate actually earned their place in society.
There's no such thing as a passing tranny. Its so fucking easy to tell, you would have to be blind and on drugs to not notice.
Sorry user video game loving trannies are overwhelmingly american and overwhelmingly nintendofans