At what age did you guys grow out of vidya? 25 for me.
At what age did you guys grow out of vidya? 25 for me
I seriously don't get people that actually think this way.
What did she sell?
Also fuck if only he sold it on ebay instead.
Poor bastard. Still going vidya strong at 27. If this ever changes, I'd wager that something went wrong.
I stopped dealing with kids toys like video games once I hit 25 and got my first god tier car from my own money
If you're with someone that doesn't respect you enough as a person to let you keep your hobbies you should probably leave them.
>selling his entire collection for MAYBE a few hundred bucks
>just so his wife can exert her influence on him
Don't marry those evil demons, a cute bf would never make you do that.
Post a timestamped selfie pic of you taking that thing off a sick ramp or I call bullshit
that car sucks tho
NEVER underestimate the power of pussy
Imagine taking orders from a woman
Why are you on Yea Forums' vidya board early in the morning then?
>Uh yeah we can offer 60 dollars for the whole lot, or 70 dollars in-store credit
This guy has to be really poor that a few hundred bucks actually matter
I fucking hate that front grill so goddamn much.
haha yeah me too. i sure would hate to be in my 30s and still playing that kiddie shit...
>not controlling your women
>We agreed
Just like "we" agreed it's for the best if Tyrone Jontavious Washington had exclusive pussy access.
>approximately $300 worth of video games
Literally why
couldn't the kid enjoy those games too?
>At what age did you guys grow out of vidya? 25 for me.
>still posting on Yea Forums
go fuck yourself
it's not about the money. it's about how his wife's vagina controls his gaming habit.
post your dick on the hood
no, the cucks get to keep their games so they can drown out all the sexings.
Probably when they're older.
I don't understand this mentality. It's like these people don't know how to balance their hobbies with their life or something. Just stop spending money on games, but keep the ones you do have for the rare chance you get to play them. That is if you enjoy them. Also I fully expect this was completely the woman's irrational thinking. As it usually is.
I’ll be 25 next month and I’m probably going to quit them soon. They are something that I want to enjoy, but can’t. I also realize that they are a time-sink. Other hobbies develop a skill or grow you in some way while providing enjoyment in that moment at the same time. Video games only provide the latter - and only when they are working for you.
31 here, literally bought an xbone last year.
bough RE2 remake last month, too
>growing out of vidya
no, its being a faggy beta bitch
This makes it even more sad. Your supposed to distract the cuck with vidya and movies without that it’s even more sad
What if your wife told you to drop your favorite sport? you'll have no choice but to comply?
Tell me, has this happened to you? Be honest brah.
nigga shoulda gone digital
If he was a nigga, he woulda gone single
Guys in relationships are the biggest cucks.
>tfw know a coworker that has to work two jobs cause his fiance wants a wedding and won't settle for anything less than the perfect Disney princess experience with the best wedding ring money can buy
I dont know any adults around 25-35 that don't play vidya of some form.
not to any of my friends
funny enough, this shit happened to one of his siblings, i got a good chuckle, so thanx user
Just dont marry a cunt, digicuck.
Despite what millennials insist upon, videogames are for kids.
Hell, the only reason AO games are not sold in stores is because of the idea that videogames are only for kids.
I'm 23 and i'm planning on leaving videogames in 2 years.
Then again, the fact that all games are garbage probably helped, there's nothing worthwhile playing anymore, so it won't be any loss.
There's far more healthy hobbies out there.
Now THAT is a good goy.
>my wife said I had to
Protip faggots, the moment your bitch has control of you is the moment she stops liking you.
>Retard with shit taste is gay
I actually grow into vidya more and more.
>over 23 and still on Yea Forums
Go ahead, tell me which games are good nowadays so I can laugh at you.
>taking orders from his future ex-wife
>Forced to sell vidya for the child of his wife's boyfriend
>lovely wifey
Seek help
>being with some girl that treats you like that
You guys fucked up. But there are good ones out there.
For example my gf frequently brings me a new video game and tells me to enjoy it without her pestering me. She's usually gone for the whole evening so I can play video games as much as I want and when she comes home she asks if it was fun.
lol, good luck with that.
30 here, I've pruned my physical collection down to about seventy, but I'll be playing games til the end.
Look at Yea Forums pretending to know about women lmao.
27 here I'm actually the young guy in our group. Our oldest is 48, 3 of the guys are even happily married with kids, one them in their teens. Both of them and another guy are home owners and 4 different people are business owners.
If someone asked me to dump an entire hobby on the basis of "it's for the best", I'd probably bash their head in on the basis of "go fuck yourself".
Everything on Switch
Oh but wait, Switch is for kids right?
Guess all video games nowadays are shit after all
Ask him and find o ut
>not having both
>wife forces you to do something
lmao glad my gf is sane
Oh god I’ve seen this too many times. This one happened just last year
>Cousin gets engaged said there going to have a simple wedding locally
>engagement party is this huge fucking Alice in Wonderland themed shitshow
>the wedding itself is a massive exhausting all night shitshow then honeymoon in Disney World for two weeks
video games are video games, nothing more, nothing less
Oh yeah, gonna have a hard time not playing Fornite, and Assassins Creed 34, or indie shovelware game that would be free in flash sites 10 years ago #1453905781309573908
What a pathetic excuse for a man, nubetamale s.oyboy subhuman, disgusting.
kek, underappreciated post desu
20, the problem is finding something that will replace it in this cold miserable age.
i've seen this before.
their marriage will last no more than two years, unless she has totally broken him.
Katana Zero literally just came out yesterday and was good.
Why do people get together with women who can't accept them for what they are? This is literally why there's so much divorce going on.
Kinda. Had a friend who sold all his vidya stuff when when he got a girlfriend but slowly built his collection back up after he broke up.
Videogames are a way to pass time of which you have plenty when you are young, they don't serve any other purpose.
Other hobbies might keep you healthy and such, but videogames have no advantages.
They are not worth keeping around, specially nowadays when all they do is try to bait you into paying for microtransactions.
This industry deserves a 80's tier crash.
I think I grew up from final fantasy when I played it on the original gameboy
Bet his wife is an overbearing landwhale that bosses everyone about.
Why does he have a sealed PS3 copy of FFXIV? Also that game doesn't support PS3 anymore.
I got married last week. wife likes gaming too, spent about an hour playing smash bros with the best man and maid of honor before we had to get the show on the road, getting dressed up and her getting her hair done etc.
Why would you ever marry someone who doesn't like or even just respect your hobbies? insanity.
>Oh yeah, gonna have a hard time not playing Fornite, and Assassins Creed 34, or indie shovelware game that would be free in flash sites 10 years ago #1453905781309573908
Wow, you have garbage taste. No wonder you hate vidya
Imagine being such a braindead tastelet
You're quitting video games because you wouldn't know a good one if it went up and slapped you in the face with it's 10 ft penis then forcefully propelled cum into your every orifice
Desperation due to societal pressure.
I wonder how much he got for that.
Oh that reminds me, he also needs to save up money for their overseas honeymoon.
I´m turning 30 this year and I have no intention of stopping. I´m still excited for new games and I´m discovering older games I loved as well. I got into some other hobbies over the years however, so it´s not like I´m spending all my free time playing vidya.
20, I grew back into it ~6 - 7 years later when I got a decent PC for rendering and photoshop.
So he only plays Final Fantasy games?
Why the fuck does a hobby need to have some social "benefit"? If it's enjoyable then keep doing it.
This happened to me, except the wife was so rude I thought she was kidding.
>Hey user, I'd like you to meet my wife.
>Me: Hi, nice to meet you.
>Wife: I don't like you
>Me: Why's that?
>Wife: You look like a pedophile
>Me: *awkward laugh and trying to dismiss it as a joke*
>Wife: I am not kidding
I kind of feel bad for the guy. He married a woman who can't make it 30 seconds into a social interaction without being incredibly rude and making an ass of herself. I even tried to give her out. So even if she blurted it out and didn't mean to say it out loud, I totally gave her the opportunity to dismiss the whole thing as edgy dark humor and she decided to double down anyway.
Not in this day in age. That vidya knowledge can get you a youtube or twitch career so there are two carrots on the stick. Instant gratification and 12 year old donations
"Growing out" of things, or thinking you're too old to enjoy something is how children act.
My girlfriend likes playing games with me and my friends. Me and my friends get together once a week to game all night just like we did in high school. We are all turning 26 this year.
Just wait until you marry her, she'll turn like the rest of them
Keep defending a dying industry.
And remember to preorder your next game to have 2 free lootboxes.
Except modern videogames are not enjoyable.
The only enjoyable part of the videogame industry is watching developers crash and burn.
>selling a few games (back to a store no less) to get $50 bucks for your kid
This nigga got cucked hard. His girl clearly just used the baby as an excuse to have him sell off his shit.
im 33 and still play games but maybe 4-5h a week instead of 10h a day. i slow it down maybe 3 years ago. i just got tired of always the same shit and everything started to look the same and now the games industry is so corrupted and just want to poop out the same stuff every years just to make moneys instead of dreams and wonderful stories and fun
I agree with multiplayer games that have no ending, like League of Legends, CS:GO, Fortnite and all the online bullshit. It's nothing but a trap that takes your money and time, endlessly.
But I still believe there is value in single player games with a fixed set end, be it to tell a story or have a good time for 30 hours.
And the name of the game? Bukkake Party
Yeah haha, imagine them ordering you to worship their boots while they spank you haha.
28yo here.
You can't stop me.
What a pussywhipped faggot
I have a 5 year old and I still have my entire Vidya collection starting from my 1st gameboy Gray from 1994
>My wife has decided for me that my life is now essentially no longer mine and I will be looking after Tyrone's child 24/7 and I definitely totally agree with her
What an absolute pussy. Children don't even take up much time once they are out of the infant stage. Stand up for the things you enjoy doing you faggot
>being in such an insecure relationship with such a jealous woman who can't take the idea of her husband playing some games to relax
Not healthy at all
That marriage won't last long.
/fit/fags have extremely low self esteem and vent it by laughing at other people for being unproductive. Don't respond to them.
>sells it to what I assume is Gamestop or some eurojank knock off
Bet he got a mean $50 for all that.
You're not better than a virgin if you sell your life away to a 4/10 who makes every decision in your life. She doesn't do the dishes though because it isn't fair.
maybe you should stop looking like a pedo, you pedo
>says all games are shit nowadays
>b-but I'll stick with it for 2 more years I guess
Neck yourself faggot
Damn son, you physic.
I rather make a living out of something that won't make me feel embarassed of my existence.
>can't play for days on end anymore
>every game is either just too simple or too boring that i can't be bothered
>new game
>play for 3 hours
>yeah i get the jist of it
>never start it again
Is it me or the industry thats changed i dont even know anymore
>rapidly realising the gaping hole that vidya has left now needs to be filled with something else
Taking suggestions.
Well, that's fine. What's she sacrificing for the good of the baby?
Try to get him/her into your old games in a few years.
>dad, no one wants to play your stupid old stuff
>wife tells me to sell my games and computer
>okay whatever
>also sell her laptop and cellphone while i'm at it
>she gets mad
I probably never will because I don't want to. I enjoy playing games every now and then and it's a really good way to chill. I also collect action figures as one of my hobbies.
I feel that the people who "grow out" of stuff are usually the most boring people to be around, who only do stuff because it's the norm.
And just so we're clear on this, I am an 29 IT consultant with a pretty high salary (above middle class, would make quite a bit more if I wanted to go with my own company). I own an apartment and have a wife who I've been with for 10 years. Currently waiting for our first kid. I also do sports on my free time as well.
So I don't think games have made me any less successful in life.
Never underestimate the power of a backhand slap
>he buys lootboxes too
Maybe you SHOULD quit vidya. Sounds like you just can't appreciate it at all.
lol I don't have to worry about that with my "kiddie shit" Nintendo games. Maybe you'd like them if you dropped your "I'm such a mature adult who likes mature adult things" act and actually gave them a try.
it's the mustache. shave it.
>Then again, the fact that all games are garbage probably helped, there's nothing worthwhile playing anymore
admit it user, who scammed you
I’ve literally never played a game that has lootboxes in my life.
Cope retard.
Did you wear anime clothes or had anime games in your hand when she talked to you?
Fuck you my name is Washington
That’s most kinds of work tho
used to happen to me a lot back on early 360 when i was in high school playing with people who were in college and later. sad shit
I still have free time, so hey, if something decent comes out, i'll play it, but that's it, i'm not giving the industry more time to stop delivering garbage.
No I don't, lootboxes are precisely what's pushing me away.
Kojima with MGSV.
i know a lot of men who are being pussy whipped
i could never understand them
this guy probably got around 10% of the value of whatever he sold on that counter
Im 40 and I still play videogames. Currently I own a Switch, 3ds and PS4. I also have a gaming laptop. I have no kids so thats always a plus.
It's hilarious seeing the delusion people have with their partners. "Oh she's so wonderful and not like those other girls," then one bad day happens.
Good for you.
While I would never cuck myself like your pic op, I am 25 and spending less and less time every years on game because of work, gf, friends, going out and all. I did buy myself redsteel 2 recently and play some yugioh gba games on the metro.
Really wish I could be as invested in a game as I was in wow years ago
>all games are garbage
>b-b-but im planning on leaving them in 2 years
Kill yourself.
They're on the way out for me. I can only bother to spend like an hour or two with R6S or Rocket League per day, maybe three times a week. Can't get into most singleplayer games anymore just because of a) The time investment needed to feel any progression nowadays (Fifty gorillion sidequests, my world is bigger than YOURS) and b) Fucking gameplay sucks in 97% of video games because developers are no longer selling video games, but "the experience"
Speaking of Square-Enix. This guy's wife should've dumped his ass after seeing he exclusively paid & played for Microsoft's Anime Excel. Final Fantasy is a bad joke, as is most all of the JRPG genre. If they were good games they could file under ARPG or SRPG or whatever subgenre you want. Instead their only relevance is their country of origin, and their hours of endless, shitty CGI mini-movies to distract from the atrocious writing and gameplay.
Fuck Squaresoft. At least EA publishes video games.
I find myself playing older games now. Maybe it's nostalgia, but at the same time none of the new games interest me.
If you're gonna quit just do it now and stop being a tremendous faggot about it you dumb fucker.
>No I don't, lootboxes are precisely what's pushing me away.
Didn't get the skin you wanted eh? Kind of silly to quit the whole hobby because you couldnt stop playing garbage games.
I was honestly guy on the right (thankfully she had a miscarriage) then we broke up
I’m back into Vidyas now
oh, you call bullshit huh? you truly believe he is going to deliver on account that you call bullshit? The idea that people are truthful on here....where the flying fuck do you think you are user..
I showed this to my mum. She said "anyone who says the words "lovely wifey" deserves their misery. Everyone who talks like that is a fat imgur neckbeard. A whore will only sell your game collection over my dead body."
Guys, what does this mean. Is my mum a weirdo or is this normal
While it is fake, it gets out classed by electric meme cars on every level for less
These days it's a win if you can get them to play any proper game before they get retardized by fucking garbage phone games and can't use a physical controller
>Don't actually enjoy vidya that much anymore
>Don't have anything to replace it with besides lifting
It's just some idiot projecting how worthless he is.
If you've never seen your wife have a meltdown shitfit, or if you have you didn't know how to handle it, you shouldn't be marrying her.
The fact of the matter is women by their very nature are emotional beings, estrogen is a hell of a drug and if you can't contain it then you're setting yourself up for failure.
No, the fact that all games nowadays are pretty much glorified smartphone games is what drives me away.
I don't want lootboxes at all, I don't want microtransactions I don't want DLC.
$60 and that's it.
Make that, and I might consider keeping pirating games.
Otherwise this industry can rot.
So did I and then I grew back into it in a couple of years. That's not you growing out of games, that's you going through stages. You'll come back, you just don't know it yet
Your mom, just like mine, is the only non bitch in existence.
>I showed this to my mum
If he had good money then wifey wouldnt care about a stack of games. He's a poor nigger. I had that moment but its when i realized i had 3k sorth of games im.never playing. I never grew out of games though lol
imagine posting this without realizing the irony of the statement
imagine posting while realizing the irony of the statement
Play warframe
That sounds horrifying. I wouldn't be jealous of such quick to judge wife. Those kinds divorce quick.
Turning 26 this summer and I'm still enjoying vidya and play something daily unless I'm not too tired from work or have other things to do. I'm still at the process of feeding my physical backlog with more games to play in the future.
Also my father is turning 60 in a few years and he still plays his old PC shooters from time to time.
Marry your mum for pure love. She knows you best.
So in reality, is it us as men that canonically cannot beat the puss?
Then don't play modern games you retard.
>No, the fact that all games nowadays are pretty much glorified smartphone games is what drives me away.
And as everyone keeps repeating, you need to play better games.
>play F2P farming simulator #5189573190857109837
Are you one of those people trying to defend this industry?
>Except modern videogames are not enjoyable.
>My subjective opinions are facts.
Kill yourself dumbfuck.
Going on 35, no brake on the vidya train. Got a gf that likes it too so there's no fuss. Getting someone to control your life like that is out of the question, I'd choose the neet way.
Collecting worthless shit isn't a hobby, it's autism. You can play every game there on a raspberry pi and not clutter your house with bullshit, while also making some easy cash from some collector faggot
A 30 years old dude playing with action figure doesn't struck you as abnormal?
Why are women so manipulative and evil
>he only plays smart phone games.
I don't think video games were ever your type of hobby.
I don't have a mustache. I'm clean shaven.
No. I'm not even into anime. I was wearing jeans and a plain shirt; no logos on it or anything.
Anime from the 80's
Onions has to give you toxiplasmosis but for women
Was at a party the other day and my gf wasnt there. Some bitch acting slutty all night trying to seduce me, I turned it around seduced her and then gave her blue ovaries by making her masturbate in front of me and leaving it at that.
Point is, if you act like pussy has power over you, you won't be able to conquer it. You'll just be a slave to women.
I played older games more than enough.
There's no better games, only western scams and weebshit.
Are you telling me that I should enjoy videogames just because others like them?
Seriously, why do you insist so much on making people tie themselves to an industry that's worthless now?
Stop playing western garbage, Japanese games have always been objectively superior.
>doesn't have basic reading comprehension skills
what are the odds
>all these fags claiming they outgrew video games
>still shitpost on a video game board
You think you're mature but you aren't.
I was about to give my ex fiancé a simple wedding at my old family church and 2 week vacation around the US stopping at KOAs
She started drafting plans for that same shit
>Baby I hate Florida! The mosquitoes there piss me off and I never want to go back
But Love our dream wedding!
>It’s supposed to be here in Georgia at my little podunk church this place means more to me than anything!
We didn’t last that much longer
Are you one of those retards that makes absurd absolutes and is comically cynical?
I'm 33 and I still play vidya.
Currently playing DMC5 and Sekiro.
If you love vidya you will make time for it no matter what, even if you have babies and other responsibilities.
>muh skill
Dude if you take up woodworking, you just become a faggot loser that can build a table.
>hate lootboxes
>i don't like smartphone games
Is this what a videogame apologist considers an argument?
This industry is worthless trash and every single developer deserves to lose their jobs and end up on the street for being talentless hacks.
Always love seeing this post because I know the store it was sold to. They bought each game for about 15 to 20 quid and then sold them for 30 to 60. The owners have supposedly had a few people come into the store and ask them about the Final Fantasy cuck. They're pretty sympathetic to the guy, but I guess they're making a decent fortune off of his misery.
Fuck off faggot
Soulless AND poor, embarrassing.
i would rape her
I wonder if the woman sees the irony in her spending hours watching television and using her phone, it's the exact same shit
what if fiance is typo for finance
all my friends are in finance and play Apex and Fortnite
on ps4..
try heading over to /tg/ pick up a card game, board games, or ttrpgs. It's what I supplement my lessened hours of video gaming with.
Heartless CuntFace
Imagine being so retarded you shitpost on an anonymous image board in the hopes of getting people angry so you can feel better about your terrible life
>kid grows
>wants to play vidya
>have to rebuy all the games
>playing videogames in your late 20s
Jesus fuck, why are you arguing this stupid position on a Albanian judo board?
Is this any better than the "shitty" games you hate?
It's a disc in a plastic box. Stop with your stupid memes and enjoy being nigger rich.
everything is for kids if the kid can do it
White people are such as yourself are really obsessed with black poeple.
You are a cuck.
>letting your kid play videogames
Why would you do this?
Or you could just pirate it.
a bullet to the brain you retarded fuck
i guess in this thread it shows who actually loves videogames and who only sort of played them because they had nothing better to do.
Video games are way too much part of my life to see myself ever stop for anyone's sake. Giving up video games for me is absolutely out of the question. If I ever get a GF (as unlikely as it is at this point), she has to at least tolerate video games. If she can't do that, we are better off going our separate ways for both of our sakes.
I don’t need to sell those plastic boxes to afford rice for the week poorfag, cope harder.
Have sex.
Get money.
i stopped playing games a while ago. still buying them though
>getting you jimmies rustled by simple shitposting
Holy fuck user.
Now tell me why you are playing these microtransaction riddled phone games.
If losing my virginity at 27 means sacrificing vidya, id rather not
People angry?
Yea Forums of all people should know that modern videogames are worthless trash.
A videogame is only fun to see it flop hard and kill its studio.
That is how womens brains work, if it doesnt bring in more money for me to spend it is useless
>tfw played more story-driven games over last few years
>tfw gameplay-focused games are tiring, boring and too difficult
>tfw started getting into storytelling, watching 6 hours long detailed movie reviews, reading about tropes, just reading in general, watching movies
>tfw stopped caring about vidya and only caring about films now
Yikes and cringepilled, don't tell me you are legitimately retarded and have such shit taste
>With a kid on the way, my wife said to sell all of these toys
This statement makes so little sense that it hurts my brain.
I can feel myself growing out of games right now.
When I was a kid I used to play every single day but now I only play Smash Bros when my brother is in town or some beatsaber if the mood strikes me. I haven't started a game and taken it seriously in almost a year.
I don't know if I like this feel
Jokes on you, Im in my 30s.
i work in the corrugated industry and have no friends, dont give a fuck
Google STD trying to shill their stupid online only rental stuff here. Physical bad, ownership bad, just RENT stuff from Google Stadia and always be online! DRM good, physical bad!
Fucking DRM caveman, hope you die.
i simply channeld all the energy on hating refugees. it worked perfect
>not telling her to fuck off
>we agreed
Only a millennial thinks being unproductive is a worthwhile way to spend his time.
>wifeys behest
What a cuck. My relationship might not be the best but at least we didn't rob one another of our hobbies like some kind if controlling psycho.
There was a social study not to long ago that found a fairly strong correlation between the rate of the divorce and how much couples spent on their weddings.
Makes sense really, if you blow 50 grand on a wedding, honeymoon, whatever, then everything in that relationship is going to feel lackluster afterwards.
We spent like 3 grand on our wedding total. Simple ceremony, only blood relatives, simple nice dinner with them, then a couple days at a vacation home drinking and BBQ'ing.
There has never been a perfect relationship, there has never been a couple that was perfect for each other. It simply does not happen. You have to work at that shit.
based mum
I feel like I'm growing out of them, I literally bought nothing on steam this year except Risk of Rain 2 which is the only release I have been legitimately excited about and enjoyed, nowerdays I play a bit of Titanfall and some Siege from time to time but I mostly stick to single player games like STALKER/FNV, no AAA games interests me anymore, I instantly loose interest whenever any big publisher pops up.
Overall I have reduced my gametime I think thats fine, better spend it on other hobbies.
But who wants to wait 12 years?
Almost a wizard user, just a little push
>Yikes and cringepilled
No wonder you are defending this dying industry, you are one of those newfags who came to Yea Forums in the past 3 years because of le "culture war".
>Alfa Romeo
You're turning down free money at no loss to yourself just to clutter your house. You're a literal woman.
My wifes bull plays a lot of nba 2k, fortnite andd call of duty but she's making me quit vidya to get a part time job delivering pizza. Kife is unfair but til death do us part and i still love her. Yes, I am aware that im a walking meme.
>A videogame is only fun to see it flop hard and kill its studio
Oh, you're a tortanic fag. That makes a lot of sense.
Funny you say that
He has a Pikachu gameboy and a flip phone for emergency call
I just personally refuse to buy a 5 year a fucking iPhone
They don't call it wincest for nothing
No, because my friends aren't pussies who married women that control their lives.
I did.
Psychologically torturing my first girlfriend was fun.
She was already emo, so it only increased the amount of cuts she had every day on her arms.
Yikes! I've been here longer than you normalfag.
You just are mentally retarded and autistic
I'm 29. I have weeks of time I don't play anything at all, then I got periods where I just binge play all my free time.
If I've really quit something it's practically all game communities except Yea Forums (I also never talk about games IRL), and Yea Forums is just a bad habit that's stuck probably for life anyways.
I also don't play much else than fun games anymore, games as art and "interactive experiences" are all shit. Games are toys for all they are worth but fun ones.
Why does the caretaker let you use a computer?
You're brainwashed by society to make you think your life is only as valuable as the labor you perform.
You dont grow out of vidia.
If you do you never liked it in the first place you just chased a trend like a common normie.
You can however grow out of pointlessly collecting physical video game memorabilia and shit.
Also this guy is retarded if he is selling his collection at game-stop or we he should have e-bay that shit.
Would have gotten way more money.
I’m 25 now working on a PhD and moved out with a wife. I really only get to play a couple of hours a week now and it sucks. I’ll never finish big RPGs. Don’t fall for the adult meme, stay with the rents as long as possible and work a simple waggie job if you must. NEET if you can.
>he took the funposting seriously
You become a tortanicfag by playing a couple of post-2007 videogames.
Yikes! Oof! Omegalul! Thot! *dabs*!
Kill yourself and take your twitter ebonics with you.
Yellow teeth. Disgusting.
So you own no
>furnishings beyond the absolute basics
Because if you have so much as a lampshade then you too are turning down free money just to clutter your house
They do know kids like old or retro stuff right ?
i still play with my mom's nintendo its a fun thing to show in a collection and talk about
>brainwashed by society
So then why does that go back to the very beginning of humanity before society?
Edgy, also kill yourself.
>Are you telling me that I should enjoy videogames just because others like them?
How the fuck do you get that from me pointing out that your opinions on video games are just that: your own.
The point was to inform you that you are not important and your opinions are not fact.
You’re mum has sense
he's selling them to a gamestop
>wife tells you to sell all your video games
>baby comes out
>its black
I decide what makes my life worth it.
Videogames certainly aren't, they are a pass time.
And one that's become genuinely awful lately.
>turning down free money
>Losing money on everything is free money
???????? Are you from /biz/?
>not keeping your games so your kids can grow up playing them
>You become a tortanicfag by playing a couple of post-2007 videogames.
Nah, only the retarded children did.
Imagine being legitimately retarded like this user
What items do you think the wife sold that she cared for? Nothing, of course
>There's far more healthy hobbies out there.
not wrong but you are being an hypocrite. Why 2 years? Do you really think you are going to turn your life around at 25? It's like those people who says they'll start going to the gym in january, you don't need to fix a specific date to begin something, you won't stop playing vidya in 2 years user
Nah, everyone can agree that videogames nowadays are pure shit compared to the ones that came before.
Why would you put your kids through that?
When I have them i'll do my best to prevent them from wasting their time with them.
I literally don't know anybody that this has happened to. What year are you living in user.
My fiance knows its games or i have an affair. There are fags here with unrealistic ideas of how a man should spend his time. Lets see how motivated you are when you join the us in the real world.
thank god i realized the wedding shit is propaganda while still young.
has this always been a fucking thing, or is it something recent?
imagine being so poor you think buying an italian piece of trash is more interesting or fun instead of an american made Model S tesla and playing vidya while you commute daily.
>t. Envious gercuck
if you aren't being funny you misinterpreted that quote even if I agree with what you were saying
no who the fuck still owns DVDs
fuck no
whatever dumb shit my gf buys
and no
You really are nigger rich aren't you? Go buy another "art piece" that no one gives a shit about just to tell yourself you're cultured
I'll admit that I was a dumb kid, but i'll also admit that it's funny how clingy some people get and how easy it is to play around with them when they depend entirely on you.
I dumped her after a few months though, her depression made her insufferable.
>And one that's become genuinely awful lately
How far back is "lately" here? Because AAA has been shit for more than a decade now
You should play some AA and indies
The games aren't worth much but those books might be.
>(Yous) four posts, only one of which has mentioned a game
fuck off
No gay man would ever make his boyfriend do this dumb shit. Women are the worst.
Listening to their cunt girlfriends.
Imagine TORtanic but for girls
Plus if all your friends are single you don’t have to worry about feeling bad about being single yourself because you’re an unlikable Whore.
It has Only been in the last 70 years or so that divorce has skyrocketed.
Don't get me started on diamond rings either.
You don't seem to understand that women give up 80% of their free time and 50% of their money every time they have a child. Man's sacrifices are nothing compared to that.
Man needs to help by giving his time and money too, otherwise the relationship fails. Be a man and not one of the children.
>then you tell wife to sell the baby
circle of life
No, it's generations of breeding and the culture punishing men for being men that make pussy "unbeatable". Unironically telling your gf no, and standing up for yourself asserting yourself as the dominant one in the relationship is what women like even if they say they hate it.
Western culture is fucked, you won't see women behaving like this anywhere else in the world.
This was wholesome until it wasn’t.
Good goy
Imagine owning a overpriced chrisler
I'd say it was 2006 when videogames turned into shit.
Do those even exist anymore?
Fuck no, indie games are all the kind of shit you'd find for free in flash sites 10 years ago. Some with even worse, GBA-tier graphics.
You never stop being a loser you just become a loser than can do X
Star wars movies are for "kids"
Toys are for "kids"
Games are for "kids"
The only childish thing is putting fucking perimeters on yourself thinking you can't do them because of something as stupid and irreverent as age.
I made my wife a Easter basket normally "for kids" but an adult can still enjoy these pleasures. My advice for these retards is to legit GROW UP. the only kid thing here is a person that limits their enjoyment due to imaginary social pressures.
Kill yourself
How much money are those plastic cases making you sitting on a shelf? Meanwhile some fat autist collector gave me $120 because I found grandia1 when I was cleaning out my parents house.
>women give up 80% of their free time and 50% of their money every time they have a child
>having your honeymoon at a fucking theme park
based barneyposter
>tfw I have a weeb gf (female) and she enjoys games and wants no kids
Thank goodness
No, I don't have friends.
fucking cucked by women lmao
>playing with action figures is a hobby
Never go full retard
I realised most games were shit around 2008-2010. Now I only careabout 2-3 niche things, but I don't even care about E3 or October-November releases like before
I wish something nice could come out tho
Yikes! Look at all these hot garbage opinions!
>not putting those final fantasy games in the attic for their kid to play with
>/biz/nessman gloats that he made 120 dollars on games that he spent 500 dollars on
You sure think about niggers fucking white women a lot for somebody who calls other people cucks...
How many nigger dick pictures do you have saved to your hard drive?
People who unironically say shit like "X is for kids" aren't mature, adult people yet.
>by women
Dude, I haven't had a girlfriend for 3 years now.
You could post some examples, then.
Careful some girls are super into rape fantasies
When she hands you a ski mask, Handcuffs, then throws her panties st you shit is on a whole new level
nobody is forcing you to have children, roastie, also if you're so inconvienenced with you spending time with children, why don't you swap with your man? he'll stay at home and you'll go work and provide for your family, how's that?
AA still exists yes. By definition it has less marketing than AAA so you won't see it on the TV, faggot. Research your hobby
>hurr durr all indie is pixelshit flash tier garbage
Yeah man I remember back in 2009 when I played Hollow Knight on newgrounds
>you should dispose of things you like for this relationship
can't wait till she abandons him and he kills himself
Women are useless shits 100% of the time so what does it matter
>living as a cuck to serve your gf
my gf plays video games with me and my friends on the weekend but she always wants to play alone with them for awhile while I go mow the lawn
she says we play enough together so i guess she has a point
Once but the guy is now nothing but a doormat and I can bet $200 the kid he's rising isn't his, on the other hand everybody else want to play ut99, quake3 or cod with me for that sweet sweet nostalgia trip.
I’m sorry I’m siding with the Jew on this one. If your wife is controlling your life that’s inexcusable
>every time they have a child
Here's a hot take: Don't have a kid.
Not everyone is going to be good at parenting.
If other people complain or whatever, they can fuck off.
so when Sonic '06, suddenly everything turned into shit. makes sense
>switch games
If Nintendo games were the only games I wouldn't play games.
Men are naturally submissive to women. Why not just accept it and live happily? Why you keep pretending to be independent when your mother or gf pays for your stuff?
Pretty sure my dad didnt pay $500 for Grandia when he bought it for me when I was 11
Fuck off TORtanic fag
Not everything is awful trash
Alphas lmao
Hollow Knight, La Mulana 2 and Rabi Ribi are objectively better games than all of your pre 2006 garbage.
They literally don't even then just buy a fucking baby sitter
Lampshades have practical use though
>my lovely wife
Lol someone got cucked by the pussy. Had sex one time and fell in love with a cunt who'll get ugly in 10 years tops, hell have a mid life crisis and then give in to making her happy above all else just to stop the screaming.
That's why I went in punching below my weight, I know my girlfriend isn't going to try to make me sell my shit, and even if she did, she has no influence over me to make it happen.
So, which ones?
Last AA I can think of is Left Alive, and that game turned out to be pure shit.
>Hollow Knight
The fact that this game is heralded as the crown jewel of indie games says more about the indie market than the game itself.
Sure man, I'll go ahead and sell my wife shoes for the baby or something see what she has to say about it
You only need 1 pair of fucking shoes
basic and bitchpilled
>Losing money on selling all his games and spitting in his father's face
My dad is 59 he basically grew in to video game not grow out of them.
He started on the Genesis playing Jungle/Urban strike.
Then he moved on to RTS games on PC like Starcraft ot Total anailation.
Nowadays he mostly played world of tanks and different RTS games from time to time and occasional mobile game.
Video games used to be for children.
But now games are no different from other media.
They just take up more free time.
In the end the point in life is to be happy.
And if games make you happy so be it.
If you have a job that earns money you dont also need to have a productive hobby unless you enjoy it.
Having to do a productive hobby you dont enjoy is still basically just an extra job on top of your job.
She hates niggers and we work and live together. She'd have to be stealth fucking which is possible but unlikely. Also, she loves watching me play!
Haha sure thing. To us it might be perfectly logical not to want to have children but good luck convincing any normal woman that kids are too much of a hassle
They'd REEEEEEEEEE your ears off
>it isn't a hobby because I said so
Go look up the definition of hobby user
Honestly, I think social media is a far greater waste of time than video games.
Yeah, video games can be a time-sink; but at least I have games that I look back on fondly and I'm glad I played them. Social media is like 100% terrible. It's addicting as fuck but it doesn't make you happy either. It's very much like gambling in that sense, just pure dopamine and nothing else. You take one quick glance on Yea Forums and suddenly you've been browsing for 3 hours, and ultimately all it did was just make you angry and tired.
Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Yea Forums, Reddit; people act as if they're different but they're really not. It's all vapid and retarded bullshit, I wish I could nuke it all.
It's not like I'd defend irresponsible manchild's life, but I got peers who have "quit gaming" but it's not really like they've became redpilled amateur athletes or furniture carpenter philosophers. Lots of former nerds just switch it to something like watching TV and/or drinking after work, they lost their interest in games but it's not like they made any profound changes in their lives.
If you are a gaming slob in your 20s it's unlikely you grow out of being slob even if you quit gaming.
oh yeah my fiance always has a big smile when she comes home from a long night out, playing on the switch really takes my mind away from where she is...
Imagine marrying someone who wants to control and change your life. That's seriously pathetic
t. pic related
Not really
2 guys i know who got married actually play more video games now, but only casual shit like Fifa & Fortnite
My current girlfriend plays a ton of runescape on her phone, so she doesn't mind when i play vidya
I bet money that you haven't even touched it you pathetic fuck.
Is he gonna have time for all that crap with a kid? Not really. I mean a fat pathetic NEET like you would, but the kid takes priority.
Yikes! Imagine hating games that are better than your favorites because you don't like new things;
33 and still playing vidya strong, mostly fighting games and granblue fantasy. Grinding hard on GBF all day since I woke up for GW.
>You only need 1 pair of fucking shoes
Every person needs at least 6 pairs of shoes just because of different seasons alone, incel.
Imagine being into findom
Movies are for kids
TV is for kids
I mean hell all entertainment that's made by someone else is for kids.
Grow up, son. I'm twice your age with a wife, kids, and a job. I like playing Crash Bandicoot to this day, so suck on my nearly boomer cock you silly bitch.
Look at the poor retard trying to defend the undefendable.
This industry is worthless, and so is everyone who works on it.
This happened to a friend... All his collector editions, all his game library, sold for less than 450 bucks to some dude so they could pay a fucking gas bill.
I screamed at him that I would gave him that money for just some of the stuff he had (fucking complete SNES Mega Man X3) and he just said "haha, we were in a hurry man, Im sorry" with a sad smile...
Why are homosexuals obsessed with black men? Stop pretending to be straight and go lust after those asian twinks with makeup that you love so much.
Write letter to your friend how it's very rude to say someone looks like a pedophile and how you can even charge her with defame.
Selling retro garbage is price inflated as fuck. I sold all my GameCube games for over $1500 dollars with almost $200 of that being the shitty fire emblem game for it I payed $30 for.
Keep staring at those cases as your mom brings your dinner to your room though you fat retard
Taking care of a kid isnt hard you know. He'll, he can use the games as a bonding session.
never, but that's because i work in vidya and 99% people around me play vidya. i don't really keep contact with childhood mates except for like two and they don't give a fuck. am also married.
That guy is married.
I doubt it's about the value of the games themselves. She just disapproves of his hobby and uses the kid and an excuse to guilt trip him into giving it up.
>the same people defending playing videogames in your 30s are the ones telling white people to not have kids
What a ((((((coincidence)))))), but yes, listen to Mr. Goldsteinberg right here, he knows the best for you.
Play videogames, watch Star Wars, watch Marvel movies, never have kids.
Why wouldn't you get with someone who you can share you vidya hobby with? Getting married or having a child doesn't equate to giving up your individual interest.
t. 34, vidyas, married, house owning, 2 cars having, 2 kids
Doesn’t mean you can’t put that shit in the attic. Happened with my father he took out his old Atari and we had a blast
That's not how defamation works faggot
>Stops playing Video Games because It’s Immature
>Still visits Yea Forums to talk about not playing Video Games
>normal woman
Yeah to an uggo, and he sleeps in separate beds.
>at least 6 pairs of shoes
Are you a girl or a fag? Which one of these two?
>/biz/nessman goes straight into larping just like he did during the bitcoin spam begging
You cannot make this shit up. No wonder you're so bad at making money, you're literally an NPC. Your script is the same every time with a few keywords changed.
t. roastie
>wife pulls a power play on him just as he has him on a leash
Sucks to be him
25 still playing games ... i stopped when i did have girlfriend and started again after break up
my experience so far
He is obviously bating.
>So, which ones?
You fucking serious? I'm too lazy to look up whether games are AA or indie so I'll just scroll to a random place in my steam library
Ultimate General Civil War
Space Hulk Deathwing
inb4 hurr durr they're shit
Research your hobby
>I like playing Crash Bandicoot to this day
And you wonder why boomers are mocked.
Fuck off CuntFace
Why lie about something so petty?
>Not an Aventador SV or Rolls-Royce Phantom VIII
What's it like being a tastelet?
>Then again, the fact that all games are garbage probably helped, there's nothing worthwhile playing anymore
Then you have people going /vr/
Who cares what your hobby is? If you like Comics/Vidya/Tabletop then enjoy it, as long as it's not crux point of your personality then it's not a problem. Only people with superiority complexes sees a problem with others enjoying things
What's up with stormfags and /pol/tards? They seem to absolutely love talking about nigger dicks, black men fucking white women, and cuck porn.
To be fair, Vampyr is pretty shitty.
Most men want kids, cucks. Don't marry women who want kids if you're into being genetic cucks.
>letting baby sitter raise your kids
>Boots for working outside/dirty work
>Work shoes for the job
>Sneakers for running/exercising
>Shoes that are supposed to go with a suit
Those are four shoes you should have minimum, faggot.
my neighbor's got an AR and it looks just like any other sedan and i don't get it
I played this game, and the fact that you are recommending me this piece of clunky, glitchy eurojank trash just proves even more than this industry is dead.
Not my fault that studio hasn't been able to do anything but reskin Gothic 2 for more than a decade.
The only problem I have with people having vidya as their hobby is if its their ONLY hobby
Like shit nigga. Diversify yourself.
wow, you might actually not be baiting. That is sad.
I had something similar where a friend of mine stopped talking to me entirely after he got married because his wife didn't like me.
She met me once, on the day of their wedding. I was a groomsman. She said I was a loser and rude so that was the end of that.
Had another friend who cheated on his wife all the time and I always told him he was begin an asshole but I was the one that got blamed for it , even though I'm about as smooth as a chunk of bismuth and he fucked a new girl every night.
Women are awful user even when they aren't yours
>Self sucking in the comments
That's because she hasn't tighten your leash yet
>I believe the programming the state and global elite want me to follow so become a mindless drone with my life aspirations being given to me in my shitty dead end job.
Get a load of this faggot.
I see we've reached the point where your autism makes you spam buzzwords to make yourself feel better after realizing you're retarded.
Because those hoes get bitchslapped back in line when they start tripping
The state wants you to be a permanent manchild, though.
>Talks about buzzwords
>The only thing he can do is cry autism and retard
>Obeying what woman says
All my money on him not being biological father.
>playing videogames over the age of 20
Fucking embarrassing
I know it's bait but i got cucked one time by a chick. It hurt but looking back, it wasnt bad. I'd stay in playing video games and she'd stop by a few days a week to fuck and leave. No money exchanged. Never took her out. Found out later she started a relationship with a guy and i fucked it up for her by letting him know.
You would still enjoy video games if you had a cute bf to play them with.
Because we play good games, kid. Go jack off to Fortnite or Overwatch porn while you down ritalin like candy you dumb little shit.
top lel
>I just personally refuse to buy a 5 year a fucking iPhone
Not sure if you're still in the thread but I applaud you for that.
If i had garbage taste and only played shitty western Games as service AAA made for normie masses garbage id leave games to.
People who leave gaming are usually just people who only played whatever was flavor of the month that there friends also played.
lol you are a women. Real men have, at most, two shoes.
>Women are awful user even when they aren't yours
This sentence disregards everything else in your post. You're rude and she was right.
The irony of this post.
why would you ever date or love a woman who didn't actually like you for who you were and the things you enjoyed
i don't get it they're not even that hard to find. what part of having a child means you have to get rid of a small number of your games collection
>Hell, the only reason AO games are not sold in stores is because of the idea that videogames are only for kids.
I thought the reason AO games are not sold in stores is because any AO would be either porn or excessively sadistic content (Like Hatred), and nobody wants to be associated with it even if in private most of us know we and everybody else engage in it. (Porn that is, not sadistic content, though some do too of course.) But what do I know, it seems like you got life figured out and everything.
Lie about what retard? look up the price yourself on eBay.
Yeah, good games that everyone's played to death.
Sorry for not wanting to play GTA SA for the rest of my life.
>employment gap starting to widen
>can barely snag part-time retail roles even if i live 5minutes away
Kys Tranny
you are 100% a cock smoker who also cant count. 1 and 2 are the same you pussy. i bet you got soft hands cunt.
Real men have the tools needed to do their jobs. Clearly you're not a real man.
>my wife said
>we agree
It’s recovering
People are wising up to the elephant shit in the room
Baby on the way.
Sekiro is fun.
Wife hardly cares about vidya but respects that I love it.
Baby comes first but a balance is necessary.
Also do ttrpgs.
Everyone ITT is a fag.
you're here forever pussy, deal with it.
yes and i always internally lol at them, people who fall for the "quick quick quick give up on yourself and get married and have 6 babies as soon as possible, its the true metric of success in life!" are a joke. im 23 and already have friends from high school or college settled down with kids, no time to adventure or explore life. why do that to yourself in your 20s?
Not necessarily.
If MGSV would have been out as it was intended, AKA, with you killing child soldiers, it would be AO.
You can just ban porn games, but everything else is retarded.
>Most men want kids, cucks.
yeah but not with you. i want kids, but i won't have them with a dumb roastie that wants me to sell my hobby, whatever it might be. my wife shares some of my hobbies and understands what they are and so i will have kids with her, and not a dumb thot that wants to control my fucking life. now fuck off.
>the state wants you to be a drain on resources
>>Boots for working outside/dirty work
>Work shoes for the job
>Sneakers for running/exercising
My single pair of hiking shoes is used for all of this
Wrong the state wants you to be complacent and not start a revolution. Being a manchild or a wageslave achieves both so I guess we're really fucked now.
>1 and 2 are the same
So you wear your dirty ass steel toed boots to board meetings, do ya?
its false flagging instigated by the political left
Yeah, I fully agree. Only children are into entertainment. Mature adults like us go to work and pay taxes, like you're supposed to.
we need to find a way to reproduce without women. science can handle that. then we need to invent a virus that only affects women and cant be treated. Only way to exterminate this plague.
People that produce a sprog without making sure they have the money for one first. He's not being made to sell them because they're for kids, he's being made to sell them because the couple is flat broke.
Meanwhile, all games with microtransactions make more and more money while singleplayer games with none of that trash are more and more scarce.
>not saving the collection for the kid to discover
Men who go outside need more shoes, fat incel.
Trannies are disgusting, just as disgusting as you retards for having such shit taste and complaining about nothing!
Meanwhile cute boys are smart and wouldn't shitpost about things they don't know anything about.
No, bf, boyfriend.
Girls are dumb and evil
>Used for all of this
How can it be used for any of that when you're a basement NEET?
I grew out of growing out of vidya at 20yo.
im 31, got a daughter due in 3 weeks, not grown out of games, but i do find myself not caring about achievements or things i used to far more. i just play for a bit of fun in my spare time.
that reason is irrelevant to what i posted. having a collection of any kind, so long as it's no exorbitant in space, is not a hindrance on raising a child.
lol you can do all that with two pairs of shoes. You gonna tell me you need sandels as well for when you go to the beach? FAGGOT.
And yes, I go to work, but I don't pay taxes.
Been evading for a decade now.
I dont work in an office like a homosexual. Again I bet you keep your hands soft for all that dick your stroking faggot.
Why didnt you destroy her by rolling with it?
>Dude how were you able to legally marry a 12 year old, what country was it?
>"Im not 12"
>Could have fooled me
Don't mind me, just going to reply to anyone who post pictures of a photoshopped sad animal or Ryan Gosling yelling with "lol".
oh, there aren't any.
>I don't work in the office like a homosexual
>He's literally bragging that he works at mcdonalds
I also played Nier Automata a few weeks ago.
But nah, even Japanese games are getting boring as hell.
SA isn't much to talk about. Never liked GTA that much. Besides, there are other fucking games from past and present, dumbfuck. Playing Overwatch and Fornite are like stale potato chips and then jacking off into the salty empty bag afterwards because you don't know a vagina from a hole in the ground.
I'm a married man and you're a manchild. Your wife will suffer from your selfishness and change man when she notices she's the only one contributing to relationship.
Fireman here. My boots are my work shoes. Enjoy your manlet board meetings
But I'm pirating :)
>Playing Overwatch and Fornite
I never touched those.
Haven't touched much that has come out since MGSV.
But nah, this industry can go fuck itself along with anyone that supports it.
There's no talent anymore, and they deserve to pay for that lack of talent.
>he is so retarded that he thinks there is only two jobs in the world
The political left isn't obsessed with nigger dicks like the political right is.
Not even progressive degenerates who are actually cuckolds enjoy looking at cuck porn as much as /pol/.
That dude is just going to play FF on his phone in the bathroom tho.
I am
It’s so weird to walk though a kindergarten and think you’re at an Apple store
The craziest part I thought my kid would get picked on for not having a phone but the other kids surround him because that school has shit service and their fancy iphones don’t work.
Meanwhile his gameboy works like a champ 24/7
yeah I was just playing into the joke, but yeah I dated someone a while back and made the mistake of speaking to her mom because she all of a sudden stopped talking to me. Then she called me and told me she didn't appreciate that and dumped me, fucked her ex and married him, then had a kid and got divorced. Then she emailed me begging me to take her back. Some women are really this fucking sick. Rob you of your happiness then attempt to burden you with bullshit that has nothing to do with you.
I know so many coworkers at work that are step dad's and what's weird is the women they're married to are fucking ugly.
Lets all be honest here, most people that "grow out of vidya" never had a diverse taste on games in the first place. This won't happened to you if you play games over several genres and systems. Of course playing the same shit over and over will tire you.
>all that projection
we've been together for 15 years, if she wants to leave me she's doing a terrible job, honestly.
>gacha shit
>Haven't touched much that has come out since MGSV.
>everything is shit
Starting to make more and more sense.
>mcdonalds allowing boots
Damn I bet you've never worked a day in your life actually.
No more yous for someone so gay. Keep them hands soft momo.
read the bible fuck. men are the protectors. we're in the field, we fight the wars, that's our curse. women feel excruciating pain through birth. that;s their curse. now it's all out of wack. women are working, men are fucked up and sitting and around. we'll all pay for this. get right with God
>he's too dumb to do white collar work
>has to work Mexican jobs instead
That's actually kind of sad.
Good goy
No fun just work!
I've played games that people generally agreed that are good like Nier and DMC5, but they didn't make me feel anything.
If that's what's considered good nowadays, no reason to stick around.
Redpill time, Women don't care about Men's hobbies, but Women like to control men, throwing away your video games is a power play move
I bet his "Wifey" kept her shoe collection though
>dumb eurocuck sells his entire collection to FUCKING GAME instead of eBay
It's both pathetic and retarded at the same time. Jesus.
True, I play lots of games with my boyfriend, hes not cute tho, handsome.
We swap controller when we die, so we never get tired of a game
Good, physical games are fucking retarded and if you buy them you're an idiot. He's selling all this shit because he's probably living in some shitty apartment somewhere and needs every square inch of space for the fucking C H I L D they are bringing into the world.
Gacha will have it’s day
Anti gambling laws its currently evading will bite them in ass soon enough
>nier and DMC5 are bad
wow, you really do have godawful taste.
If any of you find yourself in this situation, give an ultimatum back and be entirely emotionless when you do, otherwise she will think she can win this game.
It's not worth giving up what makes you happy in life just to get laid, might as well sell everything you own for that drug addiction or lotto tickets; it's the same kind of unhealthy. Buy a fleshlight if she leaves; problem solved. Just be sure as fuck you don't go through life with someone who constantly takes away all your harmless joys out of spite. Find someone you can share interests with, otherwise you will be one of those stereotypical married couples in sitcoms who absolute hate each other.
Hoping that happens to see the industry collapse and die.
This isn't a thread for common sense and logic
This is just for shitposting and lying
Yikes it's almost like not everyone has the same taste and you have objectively garbage taste and should off yourself before you infect other people with objectively bad taste.
your mom is pretty based user
Oh my goodness, this dude is going to regret this in the next few years.
Yeah Im really sad about my 4br home and summer cottage at 29 years old lmao
Well, doll theaters are a thing, model building is pretty common. If something keeps you entertained, I wouldn't call it childish. One grows out of things they don't enjoy anymore, why would someone quit something they enjoy, outside of the facts that if they can't do it anymore for some reason, it's hazardous for their health or they're insecure.
i hope this is bait
Lol look at this fag
A real man doesn't need shoes, or clothes.
Not bad, I kinda had fun with them, but that's it, I finished them, ALT F4'd and I barely remembered anything of what I played.
Nah, videogames are just generally bad nowadays.
Put them on a shelf then. More space for the kid.
huh, i work one job, wife and i went 50/50 (if one wants to consider our incomes separate) on the wedding and she still plays tabletop games with me. sounds like your friend just got a princess type girl.
Yet you still post here.
LUL. Bitchass nigga. You ain't about that life son.
The sad thing is you teenagers probably actually think he's making a mistake.
You'll learn.
All of my friends still play osrs together.
It's sad people settle for someone like this. If a woman is forcing you to give up your hobbies she was not worth being with in the first place.
>Alfa Romeo
How does it feel having your car in the dealer more than actually driving it?
Didn't grow out of games but I do find myself be overly critical about evetything and consider most games hot garbage.
>mfw female and boyfriend got angry at me for wasting time and money on games
>while he spends hours on mmo and fps shit
That ass got dumped quickly.
>i dont play video games
>i have better priorities
>he says on Yea Forums
Yikes, objectively bad taste alert! This user has a terrible case of objectively bad taste! Make sure to stay more than a meter away from him and wash your hands if you do!
At 25 but it's not something worth feeling some cringe daddy's little adult pride over. I just got increasingly bored of games.
he says while on Yea Forums
>Nah, videogames are just generally bad nowadays
Thats you. That is your subjective opinion. Do you know what subjective means?
>mfw all the zoomers trying to defend modern vidya ITT
lmao, enjoy your Fornite cucks.
>10 years later
>wife is butt ugly from aging
>probably doesnt want to have sex anymore and when she does its you who doesnt because her pussy looks like a moldy roastbeef sandwich
>stuck with an annoying old hag
>no video games
>dead end job
>cant divorce because she'll take the kid
haha at least i dont play video games
I also watch anime
Your communication skills are pretty bad ESL kun.
Why do you talk like a 13 year old girl?
Why would you sell things unless you're poor and desperate for money? He could always have kept them in a box in the attic for his kid to play when he gets old enough.
>throw child into kindergarden or drive them to school
>do house chores for "10 hours" which would take a normal person like 30-60 minutes
>after those 30-60 minutes they are just lazy fucks who don´t work and fuck some other guy if you are not good enough for them anymore because you "always" work
>when you come home they complain how you never spend time with them or your children and never do the housework
If a woman ever wanted to trade housework for actual work I would trade my place with her without even thinking about it. Housework and cooking is so easy I wouldn´t even call it work.
Yikes, imagine being a cuck like this user!
Yikes imagine having shit taste!
Yikes imagine thinking fortnite is the only modern game in existence!
>mfw less than a generation away from the next industry crash
All those dumbass millennials are going to regret behaving like kids in their adult years and trying to make a living out of making dumbass games.
look at me dabing at you hater
doesn't feel nice does it? *dabs*
>There's far more healthy hobbies out there.
Will you show me?
>yes good goy marry your high school gf
>good goy sell off all your personal belongings, BE A MAN, you have to afford an expensive diamond for your bride to be!
>yes, goy, spit out 4 children, you have to pass on THE GENES, thats the only purpose in life!
>support your pet wife goy, no matter what, no matter how much cock she takes, you cant leave her, you wouldnt want to put your kids through a rough divorce huh goy?
>buy that white picket fence house goy, dont worry about it, we'll lend you the money! its the AMERICAN DREAM goy
>why are you complaining goy? dont you know this is for the best? all your friends agree!
Or how about you remove that bookshelf so you don't need it for your boxes of video games you never play, and put a crib in that corner? Maybe instead of keeping tubs of N64 games and controllers around in a closet, you save that for shit you might actually use in the next decade.
if you married for good looks and sex, then you absolutely deserve this to happend to you
>Games are for children
>Says while posting overpriced shit for insecure manchildren
It's common for young couples just starting out. They find themselves living check to check from all the bullshit spending on fast food and maybe drugs so they sell all of their shit to get a few burgers that month or pay a cellphone bill.
>ps4 games
Nothing valued lost to be honest
>haha, i'm 50, I have no family, i'm all alone, my country is nothing but muslims, but at least I have my videogames, jews BTFO
>a PS4 and PS4 games
Why is everyone in this thread acting as if this is some tragedy?
At least he has made some money back from that garbage.
That just sounds like poor money management to me. I won't ever have kids, but if I ever married a woman who wanted one, I'd save up at least 20K before doing so.
As someone with an approximately equal sized Final Fantasy collection, I can tell you that what he has there really isn't worth much. I do not know what the books are.
That being said, if the person you marry makes you give up your hobbies for them, you shouldn't have fucking married them.
>only 20k
We are not in 1950 anymore user. Women go to work too.
>modern vidya
a few years back. I never kept up with trends.
>retro vidya
Don't know if I ever will. I tend to buy more games I grew up playing rather than whats hot on the market. Other than Smash ultimate, I didn't buy any games on my switch. Maybe I get Animal Crossing because my Fiancee is into it as well. Dunno.
>heheh, i fell for the meme and wasted my best years doing what i was told because thats what society expected of me, i didnt enjoy my life and now i'm old but at least i WON!!! i sure EPIC BTFO'd that rich guy hanging out with his friends all the time with tons of money to spare for personal enjoyment and enrichment
Or, you know, just push the bed to the left a bit and put the cribe there.
You might be retarded if you think a couple of games will take up the entire house. Hell, I have around 200 games and they all fit in a small bookcase (with room to spare for a small book collection).
being a cuck who will do anything just to get/ retain a girlfriend
I am enjoying my life.
Not by sitting on my ass in front of a computer though.
Videogames are a waste of time and the cancer of modern society along with the internet.
go to the gym and get hooge. it's great for mood, looks, and focus
>probably doesnt want to have sex anymore and when she does its you who doesnt because her pussy looks like a moldy roastbeef sandwich
This right here.
You want to live a happy life?
Learn to like fucking ugly chicks.
Rock her fucking world.
Make her think you are god and actually too good for her
You can still be visibly disgusted with her, but fuck her hard and make a nightly habit of it.
If she says no for any reason. you jerk off right in front of her and then go to bed.
not next to her or under the covers, either standing up or on your knees on the bed
And right before you cum tell her you are going to cum on the bedsheets if she doesn't find you a better spot.
Even if she hands you a napkin, make her catch the cum, or cum on her side of the bed.
If you cum on her side of the bed, stay strong, even if she gets pissed, do the same thing the next night.
You're living in a fantasy world my guy.
Do you realise how quickly fertility drops off?
Also cant you do all that exploring yourself after the kids go to college or whatever?
or you could sell all of your dresses you'll never fit in again, roastie
t. millennial beta
Everyone who plays videogames in their 30s will be forever mocked and laughed at for a reason.
Imagine supporting the worst and most SJW industry in the world.
Absolutely embarassing.
Its about your mindset, if something that intended for children still keeps you entertained after you grow up, clearly there's something wrong. I always cringe when watching adult doing unboxing videos for toys or legos on youtube. There's a reason why the term "manchildren" exist.
Dude, I've SEEN what mothers have to do and it ain't shit. At least they're typically chemically wired to take care of children. Put a man in an equally shitty job and the man will neck himself before the woman kills her and all her children in the tub. Not like there's people whose job is to literally take care of kids with the down side of not being able to smack them upside the head when they do stupid shit
>cuck talking about genetic cucking
stop larping nigga, you don't got shit or you wouldn't be shitposting 24/7 ya loser