It's time for you all to admit that this was the best game in the franchise

It's time for you all to admit that this was the best game in the franchise.

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The Patriots were right about everything. It was ahead of its time.

Keep in mind, this was the most hyped game at the time and the twist of the story is about messing with your expectations and how our media processes information to control us.

It’s one of those games that you had to play around the time of its release to really appreciate it.

I've been saying this for years.

your game is nothing without the meta narrative twist

That's only if you don't count Metal Gear Rising

the gameplay was absolute garbage and the story is fucking dull for the middle 50% of the game

>The Patriots were right about everything. It was ahead of its time.

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>ignoring all the gameplay improvements
>dynamic A.I.
>the music by Harry Gregson Williams
>”nothing without meta narrative twist”
>hasn’t played it
wew lad.


Fuck off, 3babby. Go back to your pause menu simulator.

cant beleive they killed of snake and replaced with some faggy boypussy and pliskins

Read a book manchildren. Video games can't intellectually stimulate you unless you're 12.

How come Snake suddenly showed up at the end and Pliskin didn't?

I like MG2 and GB a lot too when it comes to general game and level design. MGS2 is probably my overall favorite, though.

imagine being so autistic you can't play a video game without maxing your character's stats at all times

have played it,
has european extremed it
always loses steam after fatman

pliskin is suddently friends with octocon thus octocon gave him snake outfit

It's a garbage game.

>Doesn't sneak past enemies like he's supposed to and just runs through the areas like a retard

that sounds more like mgs2 gameplay than mgs3 gameplay

No, it doesn't. Stop acting like a retard.

I admit it
It was also pretty good

>your game is nothing without one of its critical elements
Based mouthbreather

Yeah, it does. MGS3 guards can see you from miles away, you can't just wait for gaps in patrols and rush through. MGS3 is more of a sneaking game than any previous or later MGS game.

The reason why I like MGS2 a bit more than MGS3 is because MGS3 has too many menus for a bunch of shit that aren't even fun, like healing. It breaks the rhythm of the game.

Lol no, there's a reason MGS3 is by far the easiest game to earn BB rank on. And the fact that MGS2 guards doesn't have quite as long vision cones is compensated for by the level design.

Too bad that sneaking involves pressing the pause button a million times before you can actually move. That's why it's such a boring game. Sneaking is what the whole thing is supposed to revolve around and it's shackled down by the need to open up the pause menu every time you're on a different surface. The main aspect of the game ends up making it less fun because the gameplay gets broken up and put on hold every few seconds. MGS2 isn't held down by such unnecessary tripe.

You can change camo every couple of rooms and never run into trouble sneaking. Changing camo every time you change surface is for autismos who can't tolerate not being 100% optimal.


Not to mention once you've played the game for more than an hour, the whole survival mechanic of finding your food and eating it becomes nothing more than superfluous shit you can safely ignore. Anytime I replay MGS3 my inventory is always full of calorie mates and noodles that I've never bothered using by halfway through the game

Wow, so instead of needing to change it every 20 seconds, it's every 40 seconds. That makes it so much better kek.

Yeah it's only a fun feature at the beginning of the game. The first time I played was a few years ago and I was really busy because of college so I couldn't play as often as I wanted. Lo and behold, I go back to the game once my finals are over and all my food is spoiled except the calorie mate and instant noodles. I knew it was going to happen but it was pretty annoying and a bad idea in general.

MGS2 was better if you care about the meta.

And the gameplay.

i love 2, i got all the dog tags, beat it on extreme, figured out the story, it's my favourite metal gear.

3 is a great game but i agree that the menus bog it down. it's cool and fits the theme to be stitching up your wounds and eating spiders, but on subsequent playthroughs i get frustrated at all the pausing. in mgs2 the more you play it the smoother it feels, the game keeps up with you in a way that mgs3 doesn't

I agree, fellow Yea Forumschad.

>complains about unnecessary tripe
>in MGS where every five minutes someone calls you for a ten minute exposition dump about some gimmick you'll have to use one time in the next area

You can actually skip those parts entirely. You can't skip pause menus, not if you want to successfully make it through the game without detection.

>actually fucking around with all the camo options when you only need to stay hidden long enough to put a dart in a guard's head
inb4 "that's not hw ur supposed to play!", if the game gives you a resource you use it

> if the game gives you a resource you use it
then you complain about the game being too easy, lmao

>if the game gives you a resource you use it
That's the point, you fucking idiot. The camos from the pause menu are the game's main resource in terms of sneaking. You either take to the menu to sneak past enemies properly or you just wait for paint to dry. Either way, it gets super repetitive and dull fast.

You're absolutely correct

Felt that way since it came out, my dude, even despite people winging about Raiden

It's aged like wine, whereas the rest of them aged like milk.

That's mgs3, cuck boy

Most of the camos are utterly useless and you only need like 1 for each type of major environment jungle, mountain, indoors, water.

Nope. I know it was your first game, but you have to face facts now, user.


guys wtf it told me to turn the game off...
I was so spooked and scared...
kojima does it again

It’s tied with 1 for my favorite story, but I think 3 is the best gameplay wise.


It was the best game in the franchise up until that point. Except for MGS1 of course. Also it stopped being the (second) best game in the franchise when MGS 3 came out.

the difference being that mgs3 doesn't waste the whole game on fucking terrible gimmick levels

No, it just wastes the whole game on fucking terrible gimmick camo changes

the actual difference being that one moment is based on characters and emotion rather and the other is just FRIKIN EPIC FOURTH WALL BREAK

>STILL pushing this meme

Dude you have the most OP weapon in the franchise with tonnes of ammo. You can just tranq everyone you see and never have to change camo once. Use distractions to lure enemies away. Hide behind trees and terrain and shit like you did in earlier games.Or just fucking run up to everyone and cqc slam them. Use cardboard boxes. Camo is only one part and you can actually pretty much ignore it and still get through the game if you're not a fucking idiot.

It's not a meme if it's true.

Game was fun as hell, loved the meta aspect of if and the fact that it was kinda of a Shadow Moses reenactment

they nailed memes, VR and mind manipulation via the internet, now I'm just waiting for nanomachines to become real and trigger transhumanism

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Completely forgettable other than the prologue and codec sequence

*freezes bomb*

>One is based on a generic coming of age story where student surpasses teacher while the other is literally one of the most iconic and defining moments in vidya history
Fixed that for you.

>literally one of the most iconic and defining moments in vidya history
This. Find it weird how people can deny this when Kojima literally invented the word meme

He didn't invent the word meme you retard he can barely fucking speak english.

Half of those suggestions you can also pull off in the other games and the other half just turns it into an action game. When the game is supposed to be based on sneaking, and the sneaking isn't even fun, then it's failed as a game.

>and the sneaking isn't even fun
so like MGS2?

Or maybe if a game is praised as being one of the greatest games ever made, and you don't like it, then you're wrong.

No, like MGS3.

>Or maybe if a game is praised as being one of the greatest games ever made, and you don't like it, then you're wrong
I hope the irony of this post isn't lost on you.

3 is the game retards prefer because it's easy and has the most braindead and straightforward story and characters in the franchise. It's the casual's Metal Gear.

3 has the deepest and most rewarding gameplay mechanics. 2 is a corridor shooter compared to 3's Deus Ex.

Fuck you fat ass gatekeper scum you can appreciate this game at any time if you have the capacity to THINK. Go get some sunlight and learn in the rays of Amen Ra

untrue, one makes your weapon not shake when aiming, one makes stamina deplete slower etc, there's quite a few useful bonuses on the camos

If by "deepest" and "rewarding" you mean "boring" and "stupid" then sure.

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>Raiden being shit
>the sudden as fuck reveal of the Patriot AI
>said AI ranting about bullshit at the end
>the plot being thrown out the window

that alone makes MGS2 one of the worst in the series

The VR missions are fun

I've always said this, all the other games have babby plot

It's still the most solid in terms of gameplay too

It is but only the Substance version. It's a fucking crime that they made raw gameplay that fucking good and wasted it on the shit piece of level design that is the Big Shell. At least Substance has the VR missions where you can really sink your teeth into what the game's design has to offer.

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