Now that the dust has settled, what's the Yea Forumserdict on Wolfenstein II?

Now that the dust has settled, what's the Yea Forumserdict on Wolfenstein II?

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>punch so hard his hat just broke

Great stuff

>One of the worst stories In vidya ever
>One of the best gameplay In modern fps ever

sjw pretentious trash made by and for cucks.

It's bad. /pol/shit aside, it somehow feels a lot worse than previous games, despite being very similar. Maybe I'm just tired of playing the same game for the 3rd time.

That isnt rainbow six siege.

The first 3d game was okay, the rest is irredeemable trash, yes you heard me right TotalBiscuit you fucking hack.

irredeemable trash

idk, no one played it apparently

Gunning down nazi krauts is always fun.

Boring and repetitive, too many unskippable pseudo cutscenes, story is shit, characters are shit, submarine is annoying to navigate

shit game with leftist propaganda

Liberal SJW garbage. All Wolfensteins are shit.

zoom zoom

>Burgerland's politics has become so fucked up that violence towards nazis is considered a controversial topic

The fucking STATE of freedomland

>t.communist faggots

>If you're not a nazi you're a communist

so your a civnat faggot who would not mind seeing his daughter getting blacked.

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You seem like a whiny projecting beta male

burgerland is beyond repair, they should nuke themselves and rid the world of their existence

it's a great game if you skip the cutscenes

Was it worse than TNO/TOB? Those games were enjoyable for FPS

>That hat clipping

>i don't care if my race and culture gets replaced by immigrants, as long as they come legally they can do it!
bet you are still on the MIGA train too.

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probably a polackoid

Had more fun laughing at triggered naziboos then actually playing the game.

It badly needed better level design.
Great shooting, amazing visuals.
Very contrived story and retarded characters.
It just ends suddenly, like they ran out of time

Jews and Communists are the Nazi's biggest enemy's, Which one are you user? And if your neither, Why do you hate them so much? The war ended over 70 years ago, Are you mad at Genghis Khan too?

>Only jews and commies hate nazis
Imagine being this delusional. Not even right wingers want to be associated with you, you're literal cancer

>Dodges the question and uses an ad hominem
Why do you hate them so much user?

pretty much this

>Good gameplay
You m8 must love to eat shit

Embarrassing fag opinion

>Ignoring the argument
You don't have to be a commie or a jew to hate nazis. The majority of the world can't stand them.
>Why do you hate them so much user?
Because I don't agree with your retarded ideology, just like I and you disagree with commies. It's that simple, you braindead moron.

so what are you then faggot, are a commie? a kike? or a deluded libertarian/conservacuck

are you a*

It's 2019, user. Get with the times, It's pretty cringey and irrational to hate a dead army, Makes you look foolish, Fighting ghosts.

I never liked the core gameplay loop from the first one, something about it didn't seem right (too much running around/not enough planting your feet? idk).
I really liked Doom, so I'm not sure what it was about wolfenstein that didn't click with me.
I didn't play the second one.

A conservative, retard. Just accept that nobody can stand nazis, you'll always be hated. Reminder that you have to hide behind anonymity to even state your ideology otherwise you would get disowned and rejected by every employer.

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boring shooting that nobody would give a shit about if not for sjw good boy points

>mfw you will in a time when people from the "land of the free" get visibly upset over killing fantasy nazis in a videogame
I suppose this is the kind of things this clown world meme is about

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>best gameplay
It was servicable at best. Weapon variety was good but guns themselves felt fucked in comparison to TNO. Not to mention all these fucking cutscenes dragging out the pace.

I can't explain why but it felt as if the maps wasn't as throughly thought out as in Wolf 1. However I still really liked the game.

Fuck off retard

>A conservative retard
You didn't have to spell it out

The moment when your head gets cut off made the entire rest of the game worth it

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Lmao what a garbage game you can see through the fucking hat underside

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Excellent game engine, but not very much content.

It was pretty gay

>you follow an unpopular ideology so your beliefs hold no merit.
wonder if you will say that when the govt finally take over the last of our rights, fuck face.

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Oh you hate us? You must be white alt-right nazi
Oh you hate us? You must be commie kike

You both are retarded failures

thats a fake article.

Our very own communist propaganda

>this thread
At which point did Burgerland become this irreversibly irredeemable?

Fuck commies, fuck kikes and fuck nazis.
But most importantly, FUCK VIDEO GAMES

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It's not about the ideology being popular, it's about the ideology being unfitting for work. Wouldn't employ some nutcase who won't get along with the employees because some of them aren't white men or don't want to kill the jews

>One of the worst stories In vidya ever
It's far from it desu
I bet you just butthurt because it has "nazies are evil" as a part of a storyline

I loved it, killing nazis never felt so good


I disagree. The guns felt great but the low health and level design encouraged you to play the game extremely conservatively. Maybe it's because I just played Doom 4 before I played it but I'm really not a fan of the cover shooter aspects of games, expecially when basically everyone is using hitscan weapons rather than shooting projectiles that you can predict and dodge. Also, the weapon switching system was absolutely fucked.

This can be the motto of this board.

This game doesn't work for me because they openly state Americans support the nazis, and you are not taking back your country, you are actively fighting against America

It's a downgrade from TNO. Old Blood was much better.

so at 19 instead of age 12

I don't believe in National Socialism because i have yet to study it, I am however Anti-semetic, Anti-Communist, And pro capitalism, Your nazi "insult" is worthless pleb, Worn out

>i was waiting for someone to say something negative about nazis so i could start a flame war XD

>riot for 23 weeks straight every day
>achieve literally nothing because you have no guns

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This is still the best Wolfenstein game and it isn't even close.

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>wonder if you will say that when the govt finally take over the last of our rights, fuck face.
Nazi Germany did take over most of the rights if it's citizens and people like you praise to this day


Honestly it felt like an expansion pack for NWO it had some good moments but it just couldn’t live up to its predecessor also the dlc is riddled with technical issues.


I find it funny how you can't even mention WW2 games on this board these days without it always descending into a /pol/ shitflinging contest like it inevitably does every single time.

Wasn't the controversy started by their retard Bethesda twitter handle? They were drawing parallels between the nazis and Trump.

my verdict going by the demo is into the trash with the absolute state of cinematic cutscenes
can't say much about the movement because you're wheelchairbound during the demo and it's hardly fun, shooting seems pretty cool but pickups should be automatic
verdict- not buying

>ancient mummy tombs, high tech robot experiments and nazi occult together with classic ww2 world design

Take me back bros

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Look, I'm just gonna come out and say it. Fuck /pol/fags. They're the niggers of white people. Nobody likes people who are constantly obsessed with race. They're fucking Nazis wannabes who blame SJWs for their own shitty lives.

That said, TNC wasn't a very good Wolfenstein games. It was pretty lame in fact. So I'm saying this from a perspective from someone who doesn't like /pol/.

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He wasn't talking about Nazi Germany, Clown. I see your lot follow the words of Joseph Goebbels "Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty." Reagan was right about the next wave of fascism

Shit, the level designs were bland as fuck and the story really sucked, even putting aside the fact that Yea Forums guess the twist right off the first fucking trailer

nazi Germany revived the economy and gave rights to all citizens, every citizen was encouraged to have guns and some social/work programs gave them guns, even the Hitler youth armed those that joined it, the only people that were not allowed to be armed were the kikes that were undermining Germany in the first place
>also fuck jannies

When will we get a game that doesn't portray all nazis as evil? Sure the ideology is retarded, but many soldiers just did what they needed to do. Joining the army was the only way to defend their country




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>Bro what if we take doom and add nazis lmao
They should've kept TNO gameplay and the 1930-40s RTCW style instead of 1960s and now 1980s. The new lore "jews invented everything, including ghosts" ruined the atmosphere too.

>your lot
>fedora tipping quote which boils down to NO YOU
Okay this is epic
>Revived the economy
Only to destroy their own country in the retarded war they started
>they gave citizens muh guns and made the german zoomers join the organisation that prepared them for the army and which ultimately let the child soldiers join the war and die on a battlefield
Truly the ideology of peace

>One of the best gameplay In modern fps ever

explain what made it one of the best

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>nazi Germany revived the economy
By gearing up for conquest. War economy is the best after all. It made US what it is today.

>defend their country
*attack other countries for promise of land and slav slaves. Not be of worry, Ivan. Klaus just of wantings your land and you to be his serf. He comings of peace.

>Only to destroy their own country in the retarded war they started
Hitler saw the path Europe was heading towards and tried to save it.
>>they gave citizens muh guns and made the german zoomers join the organisation that prepared them for the army and which ultimately let the child soldiers join the war and die on a battlefield.
Like America does do so? Every citizen except for kikes were given rights, even the niggers, gooks, and spics, that lived in Germany were given guns and rights as long as they did not race mix.
>muh guns
Are you the conservacuck or someone else?

Unironically this. You must be dumb to worship nazis since the basically ruined Germany with WW2, ending up worse than weimar. Nazi Germany was a joke compared to the German Empire for example.

>Okay this is epic
Christ, Still using that stale twitter meme? Embarrassing, Don't even reply to me

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Name other single player fps's aside from doom 2k16 that are good

I'm going to have to call bullshit on that image, there's no way them cars can park like that without driving all over the grass, an that yellow one with the tree infront, no way he parked there, and lets point our exhausts right at the tables to people get gassed whilst eating

In recent memory, aka from 2015 onwards

Shadow Warrior 2013

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The camera bobbing and viewmodel animations feel like they were made to make you puke.

>which ultimately let the child soldiers join the war and die on a battlefield
All sides had young boys fighting, Especially in WW1 wasn't that uncommon to be fighting along side a 14 year old. Did you just learn about WW2 or something, This is common knowledge to the educated.

level design is shit compared to new order. it's only serious fault.

Shooting nazis in the face and drowning them in their own piss never gets old. It's the best fun.

>Hitler saw the path Europe was heading towards and tried to save it.
And in the end helped to create Israel and created the future we living in
>b-but it's because he failed
we would be living in the clown world 2.0 totalitarian edition if he succeeded desu
Don't assume my knowledge of history by one post nigger

>talk shit
>get cathedral burned
and the best pat is that they voted for this

>And in the end helped to create Israel and created the future we living in
kikes were bound to take control if no one tried to stop them, Hitler tried, he failed, and the Jews took over.
>we would be living in the clown world 2.0 totalitarian edition if he succeeded desu
German citizens had plenty of rights, the only people that were in danger from the government were kikes, kike sympathizers, commies, and degenerates, everyone else lived freely.

So what you're saying is, the only reason they became alt-right is because they were raped as children? That doesn't sound good.

See you in every thread. How did he help to create Israel when it was the UK, US and USSR creating it tho?

Any one who knows basic history can tell your full of shit. The brits, Or most importantly, The Rothchilds gave them Israel, The nazi's wanted to ship them to Madagascar

Didn't they actually buy Madagascar?

The act of genocide against the Jews gave them a "muh six million" card which they used to influence the UN
Also no, i'm not in every thread, probably some other guy

The plan was to use the Jews money they seized from the banks

>don't even riot
>still achieve nothing and slowly have your gun rights stripped away regardless of party in power

But the numbers are off it was only about 400,000 The math doesn't add up, Not saying it didn't happen, It did, Just not on the scale were led to believe, And probably not with the malicious intent either, A lot died over starvation due to the bombings of the farms

The story and level design were a significant step back from the first one, but the minute to minute shooting gameplay was massively improved from the first one.
Also the tech side of things was a massive improvement on PC with the removal of the FPS cap and less hitching.

I love the little tap.

The 1950s were a strange time. If you were a well off white guy, it was a wonderland where anything was possible.

If you everyone else and not well off, then it was a dystopia where if your neighbor just outright didn't like you, they would report you as a communist, race crime was amping up with the Civil Rights movement, and every single second you wondered when WWIII would break out.

I know this thread is probably like 10 posts of three word reviews of the game and 100+ posts of /pol/ inanity but I got relevant thoughts.

>massive gameplay and quality of life improvements; BJ moves much faster, you can pick up stuff just by running over it, selectable dual wielding, enemies are less bullet-spongy but also do more damage so gameplay feels a lot faster in general, hatchet also makes for satisfying and weighty takedowns
>level design, especially after BJ gets his new body is a step down, most of it centering around having to accommodate the player having anywhere from 1-3 movement kits
>story really suffers from middle trilogy syndrome, and kind of lacks the desperation and exhaustion conveyed by New Order

It's almost like Halo. Like the Nazis are supposed to be this big gigantic world-spanning threat and taking down Deathshead was this big gesture that wasn't going to liberate the world.
And then BJ sails to America with his international group of resistance fighters with their nuclear weapon-armed party yacht.
This isn't really a big issue with the first half since BJ has to contend with the fact that his body is only really being held together with a machine, but once he gets his new body it's basically just Halo but replace the Covenant with Nazis and BJ reacts to everything with mild bemusement.

It also feels a lot like a Naughty Dog title, like they just thought up random scenes and cool sequences then strung them together into something resembling a functional plot. There's really no reason for the entire New Orleans part of the game since all it does is tell the heroes that to get at Engel they need to hijack her giant ass flying fortress which is something they probably could have figured out on their own and Horton's resistance group doesn't really make much of a meaningful contribution after the fact beyond contributing moonshine.

Still, gameplay's pretty good. Spent a lot of time in side missions and the score attack modes.

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I thought the hate on Yea Forums was just a /pol/ meme at first but it was genuinely bad

This. I actually had a decent amount of fun giving it one playthrough (and skipping all cutscenes), but the level design is very obviously bad. It's a play it once then forget about it kind of thing.

Rubbish for antifa teenagers

The game is bad, but /pol/ just went further with it because "WHY ARE NAZIS THE BAD GUYS?!"

I didn't even like the first one and the second one was apparently worse.


anti-White and pro-Communist trash
You play as a scumbag terrorist disrupting world peace.

staged as fuck, the armband goes on the left arm
t. National Bolshevik

I don’t have a problem with the content of the game’s plot or anything other than it being too serious for Wolfenstein. No my problem is the trash gameplay.

BJ literally calls the communist traitors who let America die.