Dark Souls

After the combat masterpiece that is Sekiro, will we ever be able to go back to Dark Souls, aka Roll simulator, and not find it awful?

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Dark Souls wasn't even as good as Demons Souls in terms of combat.

sekiro is too different to compare to the other souls games so i'm cool with going back. i love replaying souls games.

Roll simulator instead of L1 simulator? I don’t see why not.

All Souls, Bloodborne, Nioh, Sekiro etc games are trash.

Finally someone else said it. Fuck Dark Souls.

I'm curious, what makes you think that?

Woah there, pump your breaks kid. Nioh has fantastic combat

Reminder she's Emma but more attractive.

>combat masterpiece
Compared to Souls, sure. On its own, it’s alright. I can go back to Souls easily for its replayability. I hope we get some dlc for sekiro otherwise I probably won’t touch it again. After platinum on sekiro, there’s nothing to do. After platinum on souls, there’s still loads of builds to try, and also multiplayer

Dark Souls combat was good for its time, fuck off.

Theyre not gonna downgrade back to it anyway, I imagine all FS games in the future will have godtier super active combat akin to Sekiro

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Sekiro combat works in it's context, but makes no sense in the other Souls games

>Compared to Souls, sure. On its own, it’s alright.
No other current games come even close to Sekiro/Souls/Nioh when it comes to melee combat though, so whats the point of making that distinction.

I sure will go back to Souls. Not sure I'll ever go back to Sekiro though. It was fun while it lasted, but it's a one-trick pony.

Who said anything about current games?

The game is fun but among other things I miss duels and getting invaded by both clueless retards and expert gankers.

I like the posture mechanic but it just wouldn't work on PvP because of the lag. Parry and backstab are already a memeshow for the same reason but the results were hilarious

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The combat is pleasant but it's anything but a masterpiece when you can mash a button to get openings. For instance, Godhand has more depth to it.

I've gone back to Dark Souls already since Sekiro has fuck all replay value. Sure the combat is largely boring in comparison, but the exploration is much more rewarding and interesting. Sekiro should've done away with items entirely and just been a level-select type action game a la MGR.

Dark Souls never had good combat. It just has a lot of build variety. They’re good games because they suck you into their worlds and offer unique experiences.

No! (your favorite game) is!

All they'd have to do is implement Sekiro's sword clashing system and Souls is good as new

Not even hard.

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I need to know something. Can i play with someone else on the same console or I need 2 Xbox machines? For all Dark Souls games I mean
I'd like to play with my father

Only Sekiro is trash IMHO

souls is over

DaS' combat was fun when you had to manage your stamina (i.e: before DaS3). You had to gauge how much both you and other players could roll/parry/attack

>died many times to butterfly
>About to give up
>Suddenly a run where everything goes perfect , get all the dodges and deflect perfect
If feel like it's only getting harder at work

You could always parry instead of roll.

I'm playing Bloodborne for the millionth time alongside Sekiro and it feels fine. Like said they're different games so it doesn't feel jarring in the same way that playing DS and BB at the same time does.

There wont be a new souls game for a long time.