It's 4/20, post Hitlerludo

It's 4/20, post Hitlerludo

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No, it's 20/04/2019, ameritard.

Fucking based

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it's 2019-04-20

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>be on permanent nofap
>lead a country to its glory days

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who here /underthefluenceofacertaindrug/

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My bestfriend never masturbated too and he's now gay for some reason

He was always gay.

Why do Hitler and PS4 owners have so much in common?

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I dont think so but he is very flamboyant

>lose even more territory and get the country bombed to shit
>"b-but the german will"

Give me the answer, trying to come up with a punchline for that one is killing me.

That was after their glory days

You can talk about that on /pol/ my friend. This is Yea Forums

>have the whole fucking world against you
anyone would lose, america will too eventually

Happy birthday.

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I smell (((bullshit)))

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holy fuck my sides

>have the whole fucking world against you
Maybe that was a bad idea then

Columbine 20the anniversary

>Sympathetic portrayals

Weird how only Japan knew to give Hitler the proper treatment.

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Based hungarian/japanese user

Based. Happy Bday Uncle Addy

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go back to resetera, faggot

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Based and ISOpilled

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