Can I get some help identifying this possibly one of a kind DSi?

(Moved from /vr/)
I've posted on as many retro gaming forums as I've been allowed to, and I can't find any new information. I'll summarize all the info I do have of it.

I was browsing ebay, happened to click on a dsi, saw the strange logo in the second pic, and I bought it.

I found the logo roughly translates to "National Vendor MD Championship". Here's it typed in case you want to search it, 全国ベンダーMD選 手 権 (選 could be wrong?)

It isn't listed on the console variant website, and they denied my addition due to lack of info on it.

Only information that I do have or that has been found by others, is this picture which is a pin with the same logo, but 2007 instead of 2008, and this article that shows that it fits the span of their partnership. Which doesn't say too much on it's own.

Everything else has been guesses. I've found no direct relation to any exact event this could've been for, it's kind of hard for me to search considering I'm not japanese.

I'm looking to find mainly if any others of these exist, (0 pics online besides mine and the one the seller took) what event this is from, and how/what it was given for.

I appreciate *any* help, I'm running out of places to ask.

Attached: RDT_20190402_130824409879835.jpg (895x672, 31K)

Yeah someone stole that from me in the kindergarden.

bump for interest
why don't you ask the seller about the origin?

is that you tyrone? motherfucker I knew I shouldn't have invited you over

I thought about trying that, thought to wait a little bit just in case, I don't want him trying to take it back somehow lmao. I doubt he'll have much info besides on where he possibly bought it from, he's a pretty large reseller.

He can't take it back legally or physically. Go email Nintendo and see what they have to say.

you can always tell him you already resold it but you are just curious

Gonna look into contacting nintendo now, originally thought about contacting coke but forgot. Not sure if this will go far since their only contact seems to be for support help, but I'll see.

I have coke as a backup too, which probably would have more info on the event as well.

Hit a quick dead end, gonna call sometime in the morning, I don't think their phone number is up right now. I'm guessing in their phone automated directory thing it also has these choices, leaving no option for something like my situation.

Attached: rr.png (887x236, 30K)

Couldn't find the answer on gbatemp either OP?

Attached: flat,550x550,075,f.u3.jpg (387x550, 38K)

Support can pass your email on to someone that may know more. Good luck. Post if you find info.

bumping for interest

Went easier with coke

"Thank you for your message! We’ll get back to you within 48 hours."

Hope I don't get a cookie cutter reply

Sure it's not just a sticker or painted by the previous owner?

I originally thought that when I bought it from the pics on the ebay listing, because they weren't very clear, but in person I can say I'm 90% certain this is made professionally. It's perfectly lined up and even, looks like some sort of ink or something.

I could try to get better pics, but my phone camera is dog shit

They had a collaborative contest, this was one of their prizes. Just google "Nintendo Coca-Cola 2008"

Attached: ss (2019-04-20 at 08.21.57).png (745x248, 18K)

This is basically the same article I included in my post, doesn't say anything about this event, if any others exist, or if it was given as a lottery type contest or to a winner of a competition.

Have you tried asking GBAtemp?
People there usually know their stuff.

Yep, post got a very reasonable amount of attention, best info I got from there was the pic of the 2007 pin with the same logo.

They told me to check out some other forums like assembler games, but I've never been allowed to post there since I signed up.

Also tried nintendo age, nothing but guess suggestions. So I'm really counting on either Yea Forums or one of these companies to help me.

Probably a prize given for performance in a retail job
In Japanese domino pizza stores they used to give a domino branded rolex watch to well performing employees for example

You could always try /g/.
Or the "what is this thing" subreddit on reddit.

maybe it was the main prize for some vending machine brand that sold refreshments. judging from that logo and the fact that japs love random prizes