Is he right?
Is he right?
Other urls found in this thread:
>problem fixed by getting a special controller for his disability
>nah, I want to force fromsoft to suck my fucking cock and praise me
Fuck off
I'll make him a deal... Give this up and I will stop using his bathroom stalls. Because they weren't designed for me.
>give up disabled people. you are shit and will never be able to enjoy normal things. dont even try to accomplish things people without disabilites can
What is his disability being fat?
He should focus on losing weight and living til 50
Why can't people leave Fromsoft alone? They're far from the only developer that doesn't have difficulty options. If anything Soulsborne/Sekiro are more "accessible" than the average "challenging" game. They give you a ton of ways to succeed and a fair amount of leeway for inputs.
>accessibility allies
what a twisted vision of the world.
With just two words you can see tribalism, judging people not by their character or as individuals, some kind of weird world where relationships are between groups and not individuals, a patronizing behavior towards disabled people, entitlement, bullying of against the creativity of artists.
These kinds of assholes are the worst, the kind that harass people under the guise of good will
Hard spin but there's nothing wrong here.
He should visit the site and check the options. There's one for handicapped players to design their own games.
there's a difference between accessibility for disabled people and ez mode for shitters who claim the only reason they want it in is for disabled people when they've been begging it for years beforehand without mentioning it
colourblind mode, better ui scaling, shit like that
There is nothing "right" about compromising YOUR WORK at the whiny behest of others.
disabled people are like less then 1 percent of the population, why should we worry about providing for them
no deal
Imagine ever taking a fat fuck seriously
They scream to "add accessibility" as if they are wheelchair-bound when they are perfectly capable of "walking", they just don't want to put effort into it. It fucking disgusts me. I can't stand it.
Pun intended.
gas the fatties and the trannies
Why do they sound like handicapped people?
accessibility /= difficulty
if he has a disability, then don't ask fromsoftware to make the gameplay easier. You're just sabotaging the intended experience for yourself.
>I want to play Chess so they should change the rules for me so I can be better at it because it's no fun if I lose all the time
>literally who has an opinion
He is free to think whatever he wants but what exactly precludes anyone from playing it?
Why should anyone be entitled to finish a game or have any game in any genre cater to them?
The claim is bold but unsubstantiated.
Conformism is not accessibility.
I... didn't know he was actually wheelchair-bound.
I honestly apologise. But that doesn't mean game should be made easier, it's either for you or not.
I legitimately feel bad now. Some stupid blue box on the internet getting soft, ironic eh?
>Why should anyone be entitled to finish a game or have any game in any genre cater to them?
None of them want to answer this because it reveals that all they want is to be pandered to.
>If you want the story you can read it online.
>You can use CheatEngine.
You need to be less of a faggot and stop feeling bad for this disabled faggot trying to force individual games to cater to him to the point that it destroy's the game itself.
surely this is the crux of it all.
christ what a crybaby
I only feel bad for the "walking" analogy. It's still applicable for those able-bodied, but I had no idea he was actually wheel-chair bound. I would hate to be that way, personally. I like omni-dimensional movement.
I did say that it doesn't mean games should be made easier for casuals, it's either for someone or not... like any hobby.
when you make books or television programs more accessible you don't change the actual content.
when you make games more "accessible" you do.
clown shit and a bunch of sick fuck journalists using people with actual disabilities as a shield and excuse to cry about difficulty in videogames.
I am a quadraplegic and I would like to be an f1 racer now thanks journalists get on it chop chopp
Imagine dying to a fucking straw.
reminder that a person beat literally all souls games, bloodborne and sekiro with only their tongue and face to use the controller with 1 cripple finger.
That dude looks like a literal potato
so what, is he retarded or something and he cant memorize patterns?
Dude probably chokes on all of those extra chins he has on a daily basis.
C'mon, what are you afraid of?
>dont even try to accomplish things people without disabilites can
You're not accomplish the same thing if you're drastically changing it.
Why are you autists getting so butthurt about this? I think it is perfectly fair for a disabled person to ask the developer for greater accessibility options in video games. Whether the developer chooses to do anything is up to them. I don't really care that much either way. It would be good for the dev to do something, but on the other hand you can already get different input devices (foot switches and other things) that are meant to help people with different disabilities play video games. Unfortunately some of those peripherals can be quite expensive though (e.g. the Xbox Adaptive Controller costs $100 I think, then you would have to buy switches and peripherals to plug into it, which is even more money).
Why are you guys so butthurt by a disabled guy just trying to play some video games? Why are you so insecure?
Yeah I agree. EZ mode for shitters is dumb. But accessibility for disabled people is a good thing to do, I think.
>major soccer event
>turn on TV
>"wtf this isn't fun to watch. they need to appeal to me by having mass fist fights every 15 minutes like in ice hockey, because I am mentally disabled"
Videogames are a luxury and a product. You're not entitled to playing every last one of them and enjoy it.
I like using those bathrooms. He can have his easy mode, but I get to shit in the extra-wide stall.
>accessibility allies
>we love sekiro
>we don't love sekiro the way it is
Do people think there's some kind of enjoyment hidden away behind the challenge that they miss out on because of muh hardcore elitism? The challenge IS the enjoyment.
t. mentally ill
>can only drink if it's through a straw, implying limited mobility in hands and/or head and neck
>is able to tweet this nonsense all day long
we have the special olympics tho, so you can race and shit if you want. what's wrong with adding a special olympics (easy mode) to a video game?
>muh disability
being shitter at fucking video games is not a disability
and why would these people keep attacking From Software? Cuphead and 2hu never got this sort of treatments
Since people like this are crying and throwing fits because of disabilities and saying that they simply can't git gud, here is a disabled quadriplegic simply gitting gud and fucking up the Demon of Hatred
There are people out there who claim to be "inspirational" and "strong for standing up for something" yet all they do is cry, and there are people out there who actually are inspirational because they don't simply claim to be and then do nothing, but instead actually complete the challenges in front of them
Yea Forums is full of whining manchildren who play less video games than the OP. More news at 10.
Is it some kind of universal rule that "disability spokesmen" or whatever they´re called need to be obnoxious crybabies? Literally everyone I´ve seen is a whinging bitch who wants the world to cater to them instead of trying to overcome their limitations.
If you want to experience the game without being able to put in the effort to overcome it´s difficulty or are unable to do so, watch a fucking playthrough on YT.
except paralympians compete with another paralympians
>We love Sekiro & want EVERYONE to play
That's not how things work, not eveything has to be accessible to everyone. The cripple in the post can't access stairs, does that mean we shouldn't have stairs? Besides, anyone can play Sekiro, they just have to pick it up and play it, adapt or die.
Learn to read you fucking idiot.
You try using a disabled toilet and see how they react. No he isn't.
Does this guy know a literal quadrapalegic has beaten the game?
>when you make games more "accessible" you do.
People keep saying this but have never pointed to a single concrete example.
fuck this guy
>implying I even bothered reading all your shit
Go bitch to sony or microsoft to make a controller you can use
The funny the thing is that From is the least likely company to actually listen to this retardation because they know difficulty is one of the main selling points of their games. All this whinging is free publicity and the game already sold millions and is a massive success.
Cuphead got shit for doing easy mode right, they cut content out for people who played it.
>I think it is perfectly fair for a disabled person to ask the developer for greater accessibility options in video games
Too bad that's not what they're asking for.
I'm not the person that made that long post you deluded parasite. Somehow you're more disabled than the guy in OP's picture if you choose to be a spaz clown and not understand the context of what he said.
Be the voice of the unheard ones, they deserve it too.
Fuck Jannies
>Every disability is exactly the same so someone with incomplete paralysis should serve as an inspiration to someone with no arms
>let me tell you how easy it is to do something when I have literally zero idea of how the internals of From work.
fuck this cunt
Morons like DSP and Ninja able to beat the game. What's this fucker excuse?
Lazy fat fuck
>Why are you guys so butthurt by a disabled guy just trying to play some video games? Why are you so insecure?
First off its because the difficulty and death in this game are what the entire game, from the gameplay to the story, is built around. Changing that would be changing the entire framework of the game, simply for the comfort of others who don't want to adapt to the game. People knew this game was hard, they knew it was built around being hard, bought this game anyway, and then complained that it was hard and demand that it would be changed. Second off, and more importantly, the game already is possible for disabled people, look up Limitlessquad on youtube, a quadriplegic who beat the game better than most people out there.
Hate this fat paralysed cunt.
>sekiro doesn't need an easy mode
>it needs an EQUAL mode
>he thinks sekiro needs infinite hp, infinite posture, 100% stealth while crouched
>somehow that doesn't equate to an "easy mode"
Using his disability as an excuse and leverage for SJW brownie points.
You don't sacrifice the creative vision of the people who made the game to cater to every single disabled person on the planet. They already made disability friendly controllers.
Git gud or die trying.
If I ever make a game, I'm adding a videogame journalist mode where it makes all enemies die in one hit but it also activates my developer commentary where I brutally insult the player for being such a retard.
Looks like neither side is above using disabled people to try and win an internet argument.
People with mental disabilities ought to be culled
i like how people call that one of the hardest bosses in the game
its not like you can completely skip 2 of the phases.
the third certainly isnt a joke.
>both of them are equally bad!
>What's this fucker excuse?
what context? being disabled hinders you from getting good, expensive peripheral make it less accessible for some people
fucking broly becomes SF pro with only normal controller while being paraplegic . your excuse doesn't mean shit
>has degenerative wasting disease
>still fat as fuck
Go fuck some space princesses Jabba and leave my fucking video games out of it
Why yes, using the accomplishments of a person with a disability to shit on other disabled people s is a shitty thing to do.
Based Donovan
They are already are. Seen a lot of younger down-syndrome kids around recently compared to like a decade or two ago? Guess why this is.
They want to be part of the gang but are lactose intolerant.
Go play Mario Party you cripples, cope.
His last name almost sounds like spoon
Your muscle wastes away, not your fat.
weak bait, not worthy of a (you)
How are they still taking about this. Surely there is something nww for them to click sit by now?
More games should not have a difficulty setting. Much more fun that way.
I agree with halfcoordinated. Not this guy, though, he's just being a cunt.
Yea Forums would slow to a crawl
>some fat retard demands an easy mode because it's not fair disabled people can't enjoy the game
>point out that someone with barely functioning arms managed to beat the game fine
>this game should add easy mode for """"disabled"""" like me
>no it doesn't, here's some proof of actual disabled people doing it
>wtf you can't do that
get you whiny ass of here
just learn to play the fucking game, how is that fat bastard gonna play any other game then?
he should fix his controller issue to fit for many games, not ask for company to do it for him
Leave it to Yea Forums to make fun of someone with a debilitating and deadly disease because they're fat, which is a result of them being unable to fucking move.
What a waste of human life.
No, obviously not. I'm not good at Sekiro and I still beat Isshin without the extra handicaps (demon bell etc.) It's not fucking hard. It's far easier than DS3.
If Brolylegs can be the number 1 Chun Li player and if Nintendo is making controllers that literally anyone can use regardless of number of limbs explain to be what kind of barrier is stopping him from playing Sekiro?
Oh right he won't get good.
>accessibility allies
>everyone always replies like retards
>If Brolylegs can be the number 1 Chun Li player
He's not, but ok.
>progressive wasting disease
I love how the dude in the girls crowd just waatches the other guy silently climb up while the woman already start to complain.
Fat only builds up if you eat beyond your requirements. Why can't he just stop eating so much then or is he somehow defying physics?
He has been #1 ranked online.
Anyone can get good.
Disability or not.
It's spirit that matters.
I don't see how that's a bad thing
>I think it is perfectly fair for a disabled person to ask the developer for greater accessibility options in video games.
theres a difference between "hi could you build a wheelchair ramp to your establishment so I can access it on my own" and "hey idiot wheres the the fucking slave employee to carry me on their arms through my shopping trip?"
there's a speedrunner who doesn't have the ability to fully use one of his hands that learned to fucking play with one goddamn hand and can fly through games with more skill and precision most people can with both, halfcoordinated i think is the name he goes by
dude's amazing and really fucking positive about shit, which is why he gets shit done
adding accessibility options to Sekiro is exactly what building ramps is though, user
What kind of accessibility options are you referring to?
If you want visual audio and colorblind mode I'm all for it but I disagree with any gameplay based changes.
No he's a retarded fatass
Have you seen what "accessibility " did to shooters post COD 4 after 2007 ? 2 weapons limit, 4 hour campaign with tons of cutscenes, regenerative health, brain dead AI, no skill in multiplayer just random insta kill killstreaks for every player etc.
No thanks. Fuck off and just install a trainer on the PC version of Sekiro if you're too retarded to play it.
What about control maps
>I agree with inconsequential shit, but not anything that would resemble an easy mode
nigga already massively beat the odds, it's a miracle he made it past infancy. he could still die any year, might as well enjoy what time he has.
>he doesn't know
You don't expect disabled people to play video games , or do most normal activities, just how it is. Society doesn't dumb down itself to catter to down syndrome people, no matter how much you preach muh tolerance. Fact of life, like it or not. During primitive times, these people were left to starve by their tribe.
The guy that plays Sekiro in that vid deserve credit tough.
>with inconsequential shit
to who
Correct. Anything that reduces the barriers ONLY disabled people encounter is fine, tools for people with blindness or deafness. Controllers designed for people with less than two functional hands. Those are great.
Changing the game because people refuse to get good defeats the point of the game.
Not familiar, what's that?
Then he should be out getting hookers and blow
>still seething
Cringe all you want, you are not getting it.
what the fuck they want to actually make everything one button
slowing down the game, letting you pause during fights, simplifying controls. you're acting like that would take away from your enjoyment but you'll still have the game as it was meant to be played. not everyone is so lucky though
Worked for Bayo 2.
>we need to make games easier to be accessi-
You can do literally all of that on the pc version.
But From will still be using development time for people who would rather cry than git gud instead of adding content or developing a new game
>slowing down the game
Fuck off.
In what way did it work? Bayonetta 1 already had the one button jerking off mode, but do you actually have factual statistics that this is what drove sales?
>you need to realize that there are people who can't do the things you take for granted. shouldn't they at least be able to enjoy games?
I watched a quadriplegic beat the game fine. If they're even more disabled than someone who barely has any motion in his arms and hands, they probably have bigger problems than not being able to play video games.
And going by even that's not much to speak of.
I'm not aware of a disability that causes people to perceive time at alternate rates. So no.
That's something that needs to be overcome with skill, that's not a problem with awareness or input.
No. Buy a special controller for disabled people if your problem is the controls. Otherwise you're whining because it's too hard and you can't get good.
>If they're even more disabled than someone who barely has any motion in his arms and hands, they probably have bigger problems than not being able to play video games.
Video games aren't important for you either, shit for brains.
>won't let him git good in Dota2
he played better than I did every time I watched him stream it
I can't play music.
I also don't demand that they make instruments where I push a button and the song plays itself, just so that I can feel better about myself by saying I "played" a song on an instrument.
Not everyone can do everything.
No, but they're a good time waster when I'm done at work using my fully functioning arms to move things around while using my fully functioning legs to transport said things to other locations.
t. too stupid to beat sekiro
Are you implying there's something wrong with that concept?
well they obviously cant since they are asking for a cheater mode to finish it
He just needs some custom hardware and he could play it fine.
That looks like a condescending crow from the thumbnail
>Cognitive disabilities exist
Someone with an IQ of 30 doesn't need to play videogames, just give them a choo choo train or something
>Accessibility allies
Oh, fuck me; are you kidding me right now?
>i'm entitled to enjoy your game
>yang avatarfag got banned
From the looks of his face he's been the ally of cake and pies for far too long.
There needs to be the ability to use a specially customized control setup for people who actually need it, but there doesn't need to be a fucking easy mode. Journos just want a free ride, a mode with less damage taken and more damage/posture dealed out or even having less enemy aggression wouldn't solve the intrinsic problem of the game's design simply not catering to the disabled.
It's like if you went into a building and demanded they built a disabled bathroom since they don't have one, which is a decent thing to do, but you only want it because you like shitting in the big clean stall, not because you want to actually help people.
Shit guys, blind people can't see enemy animations. Guess we can't use visual queues to help out the player.
Oh shit, and deaf people can't hear enemy sounds. Guess we can't use audio queues either.
Shit, some people are in a coma, and are completely unable to interact with the game. Guess we'll have to not release it, sine it would be unfair to deny them the chance to play it, just like everybody else.
They should add an easy mode. It should take all the AI away from every enemy, set there health to 1 so they die in one hit and give you unlimited health. Make it as boring as fucking possible.
>and the trannies
Trannies are actually good at vidya.
Based retard
Are game journalists just fat or physically impaired or something?
I beat Genichiro and Owl and I have mild dyspraxia.
Literally in the filename
There's a reason the Special Olympics are separate from the real thing.
The onions clouds their mind, throwing a veil over their sight
my points still stand. this is literally 'REEE why should these people have the things I take for granted'. compared to the expense of making a triple A game supporting accessibility options is a joke
What us even the appeal of the game for these shitters? It's not like the writing is that amazing. People play these games because they're "hard," they require an amount of mastery to complete. There are a fuckton of easy games. Why do they insist on playing Sekiro? Are they really trying to push this accessibility issue to cover up for the fact that journalists are bad at games and can't review Fromsoft titles properly?
there are literally billions of games
why need to ruin one masterpiece
If their joints can't handle grabbing a controller they can just watch a twitch streamer and blame whatever religion they're into for life being so unfair.
>Game is based around colors and differentiating them
>No possible way to accommodate for the colorblind on the harder difficulties because of the vast array of colors
>Because those kinds of games already exist, I wanted to make a game about colors
Sounds like the description for an item you'd pick up off their bodies in a Soulsborne
i havent played sekiro yet but is it reall that hard? people are acting like its some kind of non eucliduan nightmare that shatters their mind.
are there really billions of video games? that sounds high, I would have guessed tens to hundreds of millions.
There are a billion but 950m of them are re-releases of Skyrim.
Thats literally what hes asking for
>works on my machine :^)
It's one of those games that's challenging to play through on your first run but a breeze when replayed
This is actually just part of From’s marketing campaign, they want people to ask for an easy mode to make the game seem “hardcore” and trick “mlg pro” 16 year olds into getting off their esports memegames and trying something single player. They have to lean on they difficult, they know they can’t just sell it for what it is, a mediocre action game, because that won’t sell, they have to paint everyone who won’t give them money as some braindead generate monkey who only refuses to drop $60 (plus the inevitable $20-$30 of dlc) because they’re le casual. This is how they sold every souls like game, this is why they had the “prepare to die” slogan, this is why Activision added the “Shadows Die Twice” tagline to the official title, they want people to buy these games to prove something, but they move the goalpost saying “you didn’t really prove shit, now you have to play through our two hacked together $15 dlcs to really prove you aren’t subhuman”.
Ashina onion juice
An onion picked just before its ripening. This curious vegetable juices provide reduced movement noise thanks to the lessening of muscle mass.
The setback continues to disrupt the visuals after use. Only for skilled warriors.
The onions cloud their mind, throwing a veil over their sight.
>paper straws are choking hazards
how the fuck are plastic straws any different?
In some cases, you may not be able to make every experience accessible to everyone. But then again, not every player wants to have the experience you are offering. APX is about helping you think about what you can do for players with disabilities while still producing the game you really want to make.
basically japan and middle east.
how the fuck does this affect me or you in any way
This is the exact same "lazy devs" mentality you constantly see spewed on Yea Forums, and no it's not less retarded coming from disabled people.
plastic straws don't break as easily
I'm fine with accessibility options, like colorblind mode, adjustable UI scaling, completely rebindable controls, that's fine. People wanting the game to be outright easier can fuck off. The point of Souls games in general is to ensure everyone gets the same experience. When you beat a boss, you can talk about the challenge it was with other people and you know they had the exact same experience.
I used the option to skip the puzzles in the Spiderman game because I got bored of doing them since they were all so basic
>nerf chess!
these people
fuck them all
No , in the end he is making a power play.
In the big picture is a symptom of the west who believe with life is to hard it should be made easier instead of having to put in more effort
How fucking hard are you sucking if you break a paper straw and choke on it?
except that for the people who need an easy mode the bosses might be even harder to beat
Minigames sometimes are shit anyway. These people want to skip the main game, combat and all.
>How does setting a precedent for developers compromising their visions because retarded faggots who can't play the game properly whined about it?
It affects anyone who plays or plans on playing video games that will be developed and released in the future. I can see your point about most of Yea Forums not falling into that category though.
For me an artist doesn't have to negotiate his artistic vision with the consumers. That goes for music, painting, theatre, books, all forms of art and yes, also vidya.
Don't respect the artist or his vision? Don't buy and that's fucking it.
From can do whatever the fuck it is they want and they'll reep what they sow in form of money. If they value money more than their own vision they should listen to these fags but if they consider themselves to be artists they shouldn't give a fuck.
Fuck this. It's like heavily censoring a porn game to make it more accessible to a wider audience.
>Why are you autists getting so butthurt about this
>I don't really care that much either way.
You can't defend one side of an argument and then declare your apathy for it you humongous hypocrite.
I don't remember this. I know Curse had difficulty options, but I don't remember seeing that for MI1 or MI2. What gets removed/changed in the Lite version?
Literally every other game has easy mode options. Go play those and let FROM be. FROM makes their games with just one difficulty in mind. It's their secret sauce.
>comparing the ability to scale difficulty to actual censorship
are you literally retarded
not everything is made for everybody
you can't please everybody
this society of whining for shit has become awful
the vast majority of games have because easy, auto-saving, hard to lose messes because of it
you take largo's clothes out of his room, you just buy map pieces for 100 gold, etc.
it's a very different and much simpler game, more of a story walkthrough. yet noone got upset about it back then
No, you don't get it. Plebs wish to play the game to experience its story. While the difficult gameplay is the sex and story sequences are the reward. Instead of watching someone else play it, or cuck the game for them, they want to put their pathetic cock in action instead, not realizing they would be fucking a lifeless corpse instead of a fierce animal.
I really doubt there’s more than 100k commercially released games. There’s only like 2000 NES games.
>t. virgin
Can anyone tell me what kind of disability he's talking about? It's obviously not intellectual as even low functioning autists have basic pattern recognition and can play the game and beat it with enough time. If you have some sort of physical disability like only having one arm or something that's zero problem and there's people who have done it with such disabilities
No, he's a cuck.
He just looks fat to me.
>I really doubt there’s more than 100k commercially released games.
How young are you? There are 113.025 games on Steam alone right now.
No, I'm capricorn. And you must be Cancer because I can't fucking stand you.
Special Olympics isn't easy mode though. They simply compete with other people on their level.
We also have different games for different people. You can play those.
The rare case of being fat because you're disabled, if you're in a wheelchair in America it's hard to stay skinny because sugar is in everything.
No, there are people with disabilities that have done fine.
If it's a physical disability that's hindering you and you physically can't manipulate the control don't cry for the games to get easier to compensate, cry for a controller that you can use.
If it's a mental disability that's stopping you progressing because you're retarded or too slow then literally deal with it. spend more time working shit out or building your muscle memory. Don't cry for an easier game because the majority of people are doing just fine and aren't retarded
Easy Automatic is supposed to be insulting to you though. Like those games that notify you that easy mode is now unlocked once you die to the first boss 20 times in a row.
>want to make a game that expresses the experience of overcoming hardship
>not allowed to express that because some people are incapable of overcoming hardship
What do you think censorship is, exactly?
Adding in options to scale the difficulty of enemies, how much damage is taken, etc etc does not remove those gameplay mechanics from the game. It doesn't even change the defaults.
The game will literally still be the exact same game you playing, difficulty and all, it would just have an option menu where you can change aspects about the game to have a better personalized experience.
this. ideally you can still get the same game experience, the game doesn't have to add difficulty when you're already gimped
how the fuck do you choke on a straw
babies you dip
>scale how much damage is taken
No. Sekiro is perfect how it is, and From doesn't need to change it because theres a couple cripples that cant beat it. Womp Womp.
I’m 32. The fact that I jumped at the NES library instead of the steam one would hint at that.
Alright, I revise my statement. I doubt there’s more than a million, maybe no more than 500,000. Especially not including ports.
>want to write a book criticising communism
>have to also talk about how bad fascism is
“Adding in text does not detract from the text that is already there”
probably costs as much as it'll bring in. whatever.
There's different types of disability user, and disability options in Vidya are very limited. No an easy mode is not a disability option but there are plenty of easy to implement things devs and companies can do to make their games more accessible without ruining the artisitic intent. Of course there's always a limit, someone with no arms or legs and is blind and deaf is most likely out of luck, but it's kinda ridiculous that there can be games released today without UI scaling
Because you only see the game already gimped due these changes, not a before/After situation.
An examle could be Half life's 2 testing where they simplified a cave system a lot because a dumbass tester kept walking in circles, or Dishonored almost suffered from this when in the mansion level, a guard tells you "you can't go upstairs" and testers did not try to go upstairs in a game about being a god damn vigilante that ignores the law.
It's easier and better for both the dev and the consumer to have only 1 difficulty that has been polished and tweaked as the experience needs. Several difficulty settings usually mean number tweaks that make it not challenging enough or too tedious (bulletsponge enemies). Very few games have worth playing difficulties where they change or add things on higher ones to actually make it a greater challenge and not just "do this 5 times instead of 2".
Individuals suck though. If you make policies maximizing freedom for individuals, then everyone is playing gacha games, shooting up heroin, and eating junk food.
I don't really know the situation, but it seems he's asking for an easy mode or something? Can't disabled just use cheat engine?
Ultimately I don't think it really matters if they add it or not. If people don't like whatever feature, they don't have to play it.
The only real argument is that it sucks development resources from elsewhere, like DLC or what have you.
>I think free speech is important
>unless you use that speech to criticise something I like, then you should kill yourself.
You say this, but how do you know the cave system wasn't fucking awfully designed? all you have is them saying "we did this cuz of feedback" and are assuming that it was a detriment. We will never know.
And, who cares if it becomes easy or tedious? if they want it then why not? they paid money for it, if they get their jollies by cakewalking over everything that's their choice.
>Using Accessibility and people with disabilities as an excuse to push an easy mode
I don’t care if you want an easy mode or not, but it’s shitty to exploit disabled people for this kind of thingn
I want From to add an easy mode but do it in the style of Ninja Gaiden Black where it belittles the player the entire time they use it.
If someone is actually literally retarded I could imagine why paper and metal straws would be an issue, and even then it's really stupid to stop plastic straws when it's just promoting the metal industry which will pump out far more hazards than improperly throwing away a plastic straws will
Oblivion is a prime example, the game had a ton of accessibility changes that inherently broke an already broken Morrowind, the main culprit is the fact that scaling was added for accessibility and the difficulty slider was an excuse for the broken scaling since you can just adjust the difficulty which is both immersion breaking and stupid
No. It's actually kind of incredible that people take to twitter about a video game being too challenging instead of simply giving up and moving on or working hard at getting better.
>it does not remove those gameplay mechanics
It completely fucks with the incentive to ever change tactics if what you're used to doing doesn't work on the next enemy type you run into
If you can just open the menu screen and directly fuck with the risk/reward related to how you tackle enemies, why would you ever need to adapt, just scale down their damage
>Every NPC is rude and dismissive towards Wolf
>Even eavesdropping on random soldiers have them brush you off
To challenge yourself at a video game, are you retarded or do you just always take the easiest option no matter what?
>/pol/ analogy
go back
Wait...what? Why is that a /pol/ analogy? Huh?
And if they want to not have to change tactics why is that any skin off your nose? If they have more fun doing that who are you to judge?
>the game so hard it makes people petition Fromsoft
fucking kek what babies. they want to play a from game without having a challenge. using "accessibility" as a cover for them not being determined to put the hours into figuring out the game. what fucking mongols.
>are you retarded or do you just always take the easiest option no matter what?
No, which is why I'm not with the ones trying to masquerade an easy mode as an accessibility feature
I was just explaining that it fundamentally influences the balance of the game for that user either way
>You say this, but how do you know the cave system wasn't fucking awfully designed?
Because the cave system was literally just a Y section where left was the right way and Right looped to the beggining. The tester looped 3 times and still did not realize it was doing the same.
>who cares if it becomes easy or tedious? if they want it then why not? they paid money for it, if they get their jollies by cakewalking over everything that's their choice.
Difficulty is one of the main aspects that define the enjoyment of a game. When a game is challenge (a proper balance between an obstacle to overcome and the skills demanded to beat it) is when you have your most fun. It is expected to start with lower difficulties and to climb up from there, nobody should laugh at you for still being climbing that stair, but don't expect the right of shortcuts.
The satisfaction a painter, model builder or engineer comes from all the time ivnested in their craft and the improvement in their own skills over time. The souls series, RTS or Rogue games aren't that hard per se, they demand a certain level of dedication and investment from the player. If it was made easier they'd lose value as without the challenge there is less reward when beating them.
The people complaining about Sekiro and the RIGHT of an easy mode are those who want the same reward as the ones who actually learn and beat the game, but faster ans easier.
It's no different than people complaining about a movie like Memento being too hard to udnerstand and therefore it should be simplified and maybe time-ordered. Then, the movie loses it's point.
It's stupid because there's a fuckton of other hobbies who have these exact situations happening (board games, fucking DnD and others) but because they aren't that popular nobody complains.
All it's happenng is a casual audience discovering about more niche products and demanding them to be made easier, which in turn would make them lose their niche value.
>Omni-dimensional movement
You shouldn't use words if you don't know what they mean.
I would kill you in real life
There are lots of games that already exist if you'd like to mindlessly press attack through the whole game without paying much attention to what mechanics they present. If the Sekiro devs didn't want it to be another one of those that's their decision
But From has proven they don’t care about “perfectly tweaked difficulty” in the past with the shitty beefed up enemies in NG+ and beyond. Have you ever fought all the black phantoms in DeS in NG+? How about either of the optional dragons? The shitty-ness of the ai becomes far more apparent when doing any of these, and this happens in ever one of the 5 games i’ve played by memezaki
When do we start protesting sushi restaurants for not serving cooked fish
Didn't this guy JUST say a few weeks ago disabled people don't want easy modes, only accessibility options? Why the flip-flopping?
Instead of:
Moving the goalposts
You should:
Kill your parents
it's not worth it
Meant with binds or specific button mapping,
>But From has proven they don’t care about “perfectly tweaked difficulty” in the past with the shitty beefed up enemies in NG+ and beyond.
Well but that is post-game as you say. They play by different rules because they aren't mandatory and aren't necessary to "experience" the game, at least not beyond the main intention. MArio games usually have way harder levels in their post-game that's a bigger jump from the base game than the itnended curve, but it's your choice to start this challenge.
>How about either of the optional dragons?
Same as above, optional content play by different rules
I'm not saying Sekiro or From does masterpieces, in fact I think Sekiro could've done a better job at explaining the intended or adviced way to play, but that's another topic for another day.
The design philosophy behind Sekiro, Bloodborne, and the Souls games is an old one that relies on players learning from their mistakes so they are better prepared to handle new mechanics and tougher challenges later on. Adding easy modes would not only break these games and deprive less-skilled players the satisfaction of overcoming a challenge, but also damage the industry as a whole.
Imagine if every developer was required to spend time, money, and manpower destroying their initial visions by making sure their latest releases were so easy that even a toddler could play them. Casuals would be so spoiled from "beating" these games that they'll expect the next one to be even easier and, if it's not, complain endlessly unless the developers pacify them with a patch. It wouldn't be long before homogenization caused even remotely challenging games to go extinct.
Video games are just as accessible as any other form of media. The only things keeping casuals from playing are their defeatist attitudes, self-imposed inexperience, and lame excuses. Harder games having a "barrier of entry" is a myth perpetuated by those that have no faith in themselves and people who insist "gatekeeping" is a major problem fail to understand that others telling them to "git gud" aren't necessarily doing it out of spite.
If there's one thing predictable reactions to games like this prove, it's that there are genuinely entitled "gamers" out there who simply can't stand being left out. Everything can't appeal to everyone. The hours these people have spent begging for easy modes online could've been used to practice whichever part of the game was giving them so much trouble OR look for a new game to play instead. With the sheer number of shallow narrative-centric slogs to choose from these days, casuals have more options than ever before.
No one should seriously expect to beat every game they buy simply because they picked up the controller. If you aren't dying, the devs ain't trying.
im all for accessibility options but not changes in difficulty to make things more accessible.
things that are not really game mechanics shouldnt be lumped in with this bullshit regarding difficulty. Subtitles, Colorblind options, key rebinding, and really just as many settings as you can. These are things people with disabilities need. While things changing the difficulty would actually help people without disabilities they fundamentally change the game. Its not making the game more accessible. its changing the game to make it more accessible. if its a fundamental part of the game design then even for disability i cant see a reason to make the change (color blindness rarely falls into this because the intention of things like color coding enemies is for player knowledge not to limit knowledge which is why some disability options are fundamental to how the games are supposed to be played)
There should be easier versions of all books that avoid complex words for people with learning difficulties. It's easy to implement.
What goalposts did I move you stupid cunt?It’s required for platinum, if you don’t want the player to do it don’t make them do it for any reward. The whole game is technically optional, this isn’t the same as just doing something in weird boring way, like beating a boss with just your fists, it’s an encouraged part of the game. Of Nameless King was 20 minutes of you firing arrows into his ass with little to no threat to the player, you couldn’t just get away with saying “well it’s optional”. Plus an easy mode would be just as optional, and it’s not like the “reward” of beating a game is some limited resource or coveted trophy, it’s basically meaningless, the world is more or less changed zero by someone who sucks at the game winning by cheating. The argument “they can just use cheat engine” actually works pretty well though, but not really on consoles. The way I see it you should be able to cheat all you want in a single player game, even if you are good at it, it’s still fun to cheat sometimes, and you already bought the fucking game, you don’t owe anyone shit.
Nobody deserves shit, nobody is owed shit.
Anyone saying “get gud” is doing out of spite user, it isn’t advice, it’s just meant to piss people off.
a few years ago
>god gamers are so fucking entitled it's sickening
>what the fuck why aren't companies listening to and implementing my every word
Why are they not dead yet user?
>I AM dealing with it
no you're not, you're fucking crying about it, what the fuck.
Why are they complaining now? Why aren't they complaining about fortnite's lack of accessibility options? Why aren't they bitching about league of legends having a cripple and drooling retard only league?
>this is what psychopaths believe
Git gud at life, unironically. Stop thinking everyone is as petty as you and you’ll enjoy life more
Yes, and it's the decision of people who would like more options to say "I would like this"
And don't go quoting that "sekrio must respect it's players" because what he said was that it should respect them, to know what they want. Or do you think your willpower will see that "enemy health scaling" button and feel the overwhelming temptation to press it?
They're only complaining because they're bad at the game.
There was nowhere near this furor when any other souls game was released. Why? Because you can get carried by summons, in this one you have to actually git gud (for 15 minutes then because every fight is so fucking samey you're immediately capable of beating the final boss once it all clicks) and these literal failures can't even do that.
One of the first things you learn as a designer is that the audience doesn't know what it wants or how it wants it. They may claim to do so, but 95% of the time they won't know how to explain or convey it. You are claiming challenge should never exist because the option to skip it is aviable. What is the point of a puzzle if it's jsut a picture and no pieces to put together?
That's exactly what a puzzle is, dude. You are given only certain tools and info (which needs to be enough) to complete it, the only thing stopping you from doing so is yourself. videogame is just a complex version of that.
And on the same sense of "my right as a consumer to do whatever I want as it's a product I already bought", then why should devs catter to your demands when it's a product nobody forced you to buy in the first place? Why are you complaining about the state of a product you're not the target off? And if you are this itnended target, do your complains come after an analisys and study of the systems and mechanics the game has, or was it simple you not being able to push forward?
Of course you have the right to do whatever you want with this product, you bought it after all, but why complain that it's nonsensical when you went straight for the 7th volume of advance mathematics or started skipping pages. What you bought was the right to play, NOT to beat it. Buying a book doesn't make you adquire it's information per se, there is an effort that needs to be made for it to happen. Don't act like you are entitled to see the ending of a videogame.
The fact that you can read a book, watch a movie or listen to a song doesn't mean you will understand it's concepts and much less that you'll even like it.
Why do people virtue signal over videogames so much? They are games, they are supposed to be fun. There is no virtue in beating a difficult game. I guarantee you game developers don't see it that way, they just want people to have fun, so I have no idea why players act like it's not about fun but about hard work or whatever for the sake of being virtuous
Is this the based and red pilled section?
I bet half-coordinated can beat the game
microsoft is constantly releasing controls specifically to retrofit for your own configuration and comfort, if you are unwilling to adapt to play more skilled based games then that is your own problem
ITT: cryassbaby.jpg
No seriously like you just parry more and dodge more so you get hit less and then you win more, but get gud is shorter and more fun to type. This game simply does not tolerate mistakes sometimes. Hesitation is defeat.
Also, in general, people need to get gud at asking for help. "How do I beat sword saint" is vague, and the response will be vague. "How do I know whether sword saint will ashina cross or elbow into sweep?" is specific and can get you specific help about reading the distance.
Should hardcore players now demand hardmode for easy games?
>filtered by a straw
this fat fuck could learn to go without food for a while
Not your call retard. If a dev wants to make a game more accessible they can. If concerns are brought up devs can decide if it's worth it, but simply dismissing is at not worth it is beyond retarded. Look at the game legend of grimrock and how they added the option to only use mouse controls to control the entire game, because a guy wrote them and asked if they would have that option. It took them less than a day to implement and was worth it in their opinion, so why not do it.
here's the redpill:
He's fat, that shows a lack of discipline and self control.
that means he literally cannot take a step back and just learn to parry/dodge properly but instead just rushes shit, this is the reason he wants it to be easier, he wants to be able to play it without any commitment
Let's be completely honest here. Why are people arguing about accessibility for the disabled when a majority of Yea Forums, a board filled with mouthbreathing retards, can play the game?
At the same time why is no one arguing that puzzle games are insanely more inaccessible than any action RPG?
Unironically the only correct response.
>what are self-driving cars
that's just stupid user, blind people will literally be able to drive in 10-20 years
literally lets players have solved this problem 15 years ago. whats wrong with these people?
>At the same time why is no one arguing that puzzle games are insanely more inaccessible than any action RPG?
Because people already cheat at those by using walkthroughs. Most puzzle games don't ask for actual high mechanical involvement from the player.
>I think it is perfectly fair for a disabled person to ask the developer for greater accessibility options in video games.
You're right, it's a reasonable request. And the developer should at least provide a polite answer.
>yes, we understand your concern
>unfortunately, due to the way the game is designed, adding these accessibility options at this time would be a difficult problem for us
>thank you for your interest in our game
Big corporations have whole departments just for writing bullshit like this. It shouldn't be difficult.
>I love my wive so everyone should fuck her
PHYSICAL disabilities are the least of these people's problems...
Admitting you can't play a puzzle game is admitting you're a brainlet
I promise I'm not trying to be retarded on purpose, but if a game is inaccessible to you then just watch a fucking lets play of it right? Like I don't see a single soul petitioning for Resident Evil to be less scary so that they can play it, and isn't it the same concept? The content of the game is too much for you to endure?
They don't fucking give a shit about accessibility. They just want ez mode.
Physical disablities are fixed by having special controllers.
The only real accessibility options they could implement are color blindness modes, but that wouldn't suffice because self-entitled shitters still can't excuse them having easy mode on account of accessibility.
Literally why do these people even play games.
Nah, he's not asking for a "disability mode", he's asking for an easy mode.
because nobody gives a shit when a small game like Baba is You is difficult.
Only when it's a bigger production people expect it to cater to absolutely everyone.
They won't be driving, they'll just be a passanger, even if they're sitting in what would normally be considered the driver seat.
They really are just handing out those checkmarks for anybody, aren't they?
>Threads are still just screencapping twitter posts from literal who's and feigning agreement for (you)s.
How the FUCK does this keep happening?
>Using disposable plastic straws when the superior reusable hard plastic straws exist.
Stick it to the man, bring your own straw to mcdonalds
do the right thing and build a wheelchair ramp up to the peak of Everest
If I have a heart condition where high stress could lead to a fatal heart attack, do horror movies owe me accessibility by removing stressful and scary content?
Just got play a different game you fat potato fuck
I saw an armless man play jazz drums with his fucking feet last week, these faggots just aren't trying hard enough.
Donovan is right. Steve is fucking stupid. Every game can't be made for every person. Disabled people complaining about the game need to shut their fucking mouths.
>absolute unit
>unironcally using the phrase "accessibility allies"
>mad because bad
What a sad post.
Guys don’t worry, their easy mode accessible game is coming...
How does he love Sekiro if he can't play it
I don't try to take down things I can't do, why should they?
It's not even these faggots. It's journos throwing disabled people under the bus and claiming their bitching is justified when there are tons of disableds playing this game just fine.
This, I have a nervous system condition that causes panic attacks whenever I run for 30 seconds or more, I demand sports to be made more accessible for me.
Nigger in this fucking context since people love using Dark Souls as an example, fucking put points into Vitality, Endurance and Strength. There you go, Easy Mode as you requested.
>Donovan the gamer
>The gamer
Cringe and makes whatever he says instantly wrong no matter what
I love mouse-only mode in LoG, because it lets you play on touchscreen.
yep kys
The guy he's replying to is.
It's entitled as fuck to demand accessibility options and to pester devs to do something that directly goes against their, quite obvious, design philosophy.
In all honesty I could hardly give an actual fuck. From can do what they want and add in whatever the hell they want for all I care. If they add in easy mode I can just play on the harder difficulties and still continue to not trust journos.
i'm poor and games should be free for me
>do the right thing
>reeee if you don't do what i want you're not doing the right thing, obey me or you are not a good person
>any fat other than morbidly is a disability now
Sure, and I hope he finds a controller that suits him. But he can fuck off with the accessibility shit.
Where do you draw the line at accessibility? Is anything that involves competition and "winners and losers" ableist?
I wonder how these retards would fare at chess
Inherently, anything which people can fail at is ablist and inaccessable, because there’s always going to be someone that can’t.
You hate sekiro and video games and only seek validation from your friends. You’re a waste of space and deserve a slow painful death for lobbying companies and strong arming them on social media. Social justice is a plight on society.
>job is working with disabled people
>more often than not, they just want to experience things the same way as everyone else
>game journos use actual disabled people as their trojan horse for games to be made easier for them
Absolutely fucking disgusting behavior. Game journalists get the rope
Dude disabled people are barely even people so stop feeling so bad. He’s going to live his entire life in a wheelchair. What a fucking loser lmao. I’m gonna walk up these steps to my second floor while he needs a 12000 dollar chair lift HAHAHAHA
he needs the straw since he can’t lift his fat arm up enough to get the cup to his lips
when you’re that fat, you don’t eat, you just kind of inhale
I could've swore there was a cheatengine-like hacktool to slow the game down or speed the player up.
Does that not exist?
disabled "people" should be thrown into the grand canyon
This is me whenever I'm talking to a neurotypical who literally WILL NOT give up on the 3dpd meme and still clings to his outdated snake oil placebo instead of getting a waifu.
He's lying. He doesn't want everyone to play, he wants everyone to WIN.
All to propagate his participation trophy attention whore culture.
If you’re blind, don’t try to watch a movie. If you’re retarded, don’t go for the advanced puzzle books. If you have no limbs with which to play a video game and your eye setup can’t have enough inputs for Sekiro, go down a different path. If you are literally unable to indulge in a specific media “the way it’s meant to be experienced”, then don’t, take part in other media or get the next best thing for said media.
How hard is it to press l1 and r1?
How does someone winning affect you? How does them winning devalue your winning? Do you really play games for the feeling that there's people out there who don't win/beat the same game? Imagine all the old people who don't play vidya at all. Do you get off knowing you beat them? What about all the babies too young to play? Or do you get off on beating a certain group of your peers? Why do you suppose you need this "win" in your life so badly?
But he doesn't love Sekiro, just the popularity of it. To love this game is to enjoy the difficulty and overcoming it's challenges.
They are a detriment to the community and cannot have a conversation with someone who actually played the game on equal terms. It’s like doscussing cinematography with the blind, sure, the audio companion to the movie described the scene, but they don’t actually know the scene at all.
Or they can put money and time that would go into making games accessible into making a game good
>If you make policies maximizing freedom for individuals, then everyone is playing gacha games, shooting up heroin, and eating junk food.
I fucking wish. Instead they're playing Fallout: New Vegas, doing weed, and eating soya and kale.
Compared to that shit, your world of opium, gacha and chips sounds like a utopia.
>How does them winning devalue your winning?
That's literally how winning works. It means nothing if everyone does.
Cringe but redpilled
Just 2 questions
> is he disable or just fat?
> what type of disabilities options is he asking for? Color blindness? Compatibility for special controllers? Or this is just about the easy mode shit?
Fuck them. Cripples are all dirty fucking shoplifters. Them and their fucking scooters
Just watch a lets play on youtube.
Winning means to overcome. If everyone overcomes it means the challenge was too small.
Easy mode.
Just changing damage multipliers and giving attacks longer delays wouldn't be much effort to implement.
Sure, as long as he is willing to pay for it
Game rebalancing is not free, hand over 14.99+tip and we will talk.
But no you want it for free so you can just fuck off Twitter caption man.
Just getting good wouldn't be much effort to implement.
>animations now look like shit
>get shit on in reviews for it
Lmao you have no idea how this works
They are using disable people because they cannot beat a game? What type of scumbag does that?
I definitely wouldn't spend that time on twitter complaining about video games being too hard for my crippled ass
>”why are autists getting so butthurt about this?”
>proceeds to write a butthurt autistic paragraph
o i am laffin
games like sekiro have a really strong community because everyone is playing the same game and facing the same challenges. you divide the community if you add difficulty options.
I never heard this much shit over games like Ninja Gaiden, if you can't beat Sekiro then I doubt you could beat NG on easy
Twitter was a mistake
Best thing about Sekiro that it make all those "game journalists" and "gamers" cry blood. It really shows who is the real gamer up to the challange and who just doing it because its "cool" or they get paid.
Really happy FROM games got to the stage where they are considered "the plank" and these trash "gamers" can't just say the game is bad because it too hard - game IS good and they are officially recognised as bad players.
How he is typing those tweets if he is paralyzed?
Why they just don't buy the game?
Ummm what does he mean exactly. You only need hands to play. Is he trying to get a mouth controller for parapalegics?
I feel like there's more behind this. People were talking like easy mode was an inevitability, and getting vicious with people that didn't agree with them. It can't be a disabled people thing. Whats the actual end goal.
Reminder that these are the same people who call you "entitled gamers"
Reminder that these are the same people who told you that not every game is made for you
HalfCoordinated can SPEEDRUN games with ONE HAND. What is your excuse?
Disability specialist here. The Motherfucker in OP's pic gets almost a MILLION dollars a year to do EXACTLY what he's whining for other people to do for him. He is well aware of cheat engine. His people use it all the fucking time. He's doing this for attention and donation bux. Granted unlike the trannies begging for ball removal surgery, he actually sometimes does useful shit with his donations, even if he never releases exactly how he spends his money.
It would be NICE if every person on the planet learned sign language and braille, but DEMANDING every one do that is not reasonable. What we have instead are specialized services, like captioners and ASL translators, to interpret the shit for the specific needs of the disabled person.
One more thing: Denuvo blocks mods and cheat engines, and some special controlers, and text hooks for braille screens. FUCK denuvo.
He's claiming that the difficulty of the game is an accessibility issue, and not a core component of the game. That is NOT accessibility any more than the difficulty of the questions on an exam. Thumb boy is overreaching and he knows it.
There's a guy called BrolyLegs who can't use his hands and manages to play Street Fighter at a competitive level using his mouth. He even beat Low Tier God. Why can he play games just fine without whining for developers to make the game piss easy?
>The Motherfucker in OP's pic gets almost a MILLION dollars a year to do EXACTLY what he's whining for other people to do for him.
Most people don't realize this. They don't want a perceived ill to change because that would cost them their job and a lot of dosh.
The oppression industry is very real.
Literally a cripple
>cuck analogy
>accessibility allies
Severely disabled, as in has limited use of one thumb, and uses a machine to help him breathe. He’s got that jerry Lewis wheelchair shit.
This is why euthanasia is right
Not quite true, if you’re blind, you can get a transcriber to describe the shit on the screen. Preferably a drunk friend.
Maybe he should grow up and accept whatever his handicap is
>the metal industry which will pump out far more hazards than improperly throwing away a plastic straws will
A metal straw reused hundred of times will not produce more hazards than hundred of plastic straws.
It's rare earth metals that pollute a lot. Steel is not that horrible - if producing a bunch of straws was a problem, megatons of steel produced yearly would have already wrecked the world.
44% of PC players were filtered by Gyoubu.
50% of PS4 players were filtered by Gyoubu.
Game isn't too hard, you're all just fucking garbage.
How is that even possible? I'm fairly shit at the game but even I only needed 3 attempts.
It would be NICE if we just aborted retards in the womb.
Because they're fucking garbage and they think rules don't apply to them. Mother fuckers rotted their brains on shit tier movie games and now don't know how to do basic pattern recognition.
It never fucking clicks for them that "Oh, I'm supposed to parry all the moves that don't put the kanji above my head." or "Oh, Its like a rhythm game and I just need to learn his combos and patterns"
Its "This is too hard and I'm special so its not my fault."
Hiding behind gimps won't change the fact that these are the same people that were crying about Wolfenstein calling them a pussy bitch back in 2014.
>blind people are driving the SELF DRIVING cars
I wish this fucking site would read your post back to you before you post something so retarded
Yeah, exactly.
>It's like if you went into a building and demanded they built a disabled bathroom since they don't have one, which is a decent thing to do, but you only want it because you like shitting in the big clean stall, not because you want to actually help people.
More like:
>go to small town
>no ramps for the disabled
>the very few disabled people in town have family to help them
>sue the entire town on ADA grounds
>get positive publicity
>win case and get the settlement, too
Lawyers do it all the time.
>wall of text
Yeah, you don't actually want any of those questions answered, you just want to whine a lot for virtue points. She still won't have sex with you.
still doesn't make it right
He's obese, his problems are in his brain to begin with.
he isn't disabled himself, he just use the cause to yell at everybody.
Um sweaty stop gatekeeping that's bigoted toxic behavior and reeks of white maleness
>go to small town
>no ramps for the disabled
>you don't notice at first nor do you care because you have legs and they have families
>come across building with long staircase and no escalator
>you and a bunch of other people are mad about this because you don't wanna walk up the stairs
>kick and scream until you get the ramp
>disabled people use it but its more there because you didn't want to have to walk up the stairs
Right but for all the wrong reasons
>Thousands of easy games on the market that you can pick up and enjoy without difficulty
>One game is hard, and the appeal of it is being hard
>It's popular because it's hard
Accessible? Like simple English for mentally challenged folk.
I know my government has to have those on their online presence.
games don't have to be for everyone, it's that simple
No one believes this whole "it's for disabled people" thing, right? It's all just a bunch of journos pissed that they don't include an easy mode so they can publish their reviews faster and make more money.
in the future the ADA will require all games to support people of all abilities. gaming will be reduced to easily visible high contrast characters that don't move too quickly. all games must be accessible to all peoples. here's your controller bro
Basically what that screencap is saying, yeah
kek, i just remembered that a guy from dubai that complained sekiro to the authorities for the reason that the guy was repeatedly unable to reach the next level, believing he had been sold a faulty product.
Cripplenigger can use cheat engine.
Difficulty is part of the essential nature of video games. Winning and losing conditions are part of the essential nature of video games. Even the special olympics gives out awards for the gold siver and bronze.
Accessibility means being given equitable opportunity, not demanding equality in outcome.
Disabled people deserve the opportunity to play video games. Not some piece of garbage with all the failure conditions removed. That's a fucking movie. A fidget spinner.
I actually think he's trolling, but I see the "accessibility means its for EVERYONE" argument, mostly from interesectional liberals who go around insulting the fuck out of disabled people in an effort to help them.
>We're imploring the NBA to do the right thing and lower the rim 5 feet
>We love basketball & want EVERYONE to dunk
>when your body is so sick of your shit it tries to kill itself
Previously, it was just journos. But the guy in OP's pic is an actual disabled advocate, and runs one of the biggest gaming charities in the world. He also really should know better than to do this stupid shit.
Strawman clutching retard
Intersectionalist fuckhead. If you're going to advocate for the disabled, you should learn what the fuck an accommodation is and not insult the entire community.