Van scenes are canon
inb4 V
V doesn't appear with Vergil
Other urls found in this thread:
>van scenes are canon
>vergil never had the time in-game to get into the van
Which one is it?
They came back from hell
It's set post game after they get out of hell. Itsuno basically telling fans "don't worry they weren't stuck. For too long."
>balrog's jump can reflect golaith's giant fireballs
damn that was kino when I found it out. learning new things about this game every day
They came back from hell and the DLC will tell us how
Can deflect Vergil Summoner swords too
Anyone ever made a list of parri-able attacks?
Any proof on this? Where did you hear van scenes are canon?
do people actually believe they wont make a dlc?
Where did you hear that they're not canon?
Where did you hear van scenes are not canon?
Why would they make it such a big deal that they can't go back only for them to appear without explanation ina van?
And that right there is what the DLC is for lad. The van scenes are a teaser to keep us questioning, the DLC is the answer.
I'll wait and be surprised
Wish they just out right said DLC is coming, I don't need a date, just confirmation of something coming
looks like that dmc5 dev
Translation error perphaps, same thing with that Vergil line. In the novel even a little shard of Yamato can open portals out of hell also DLC bait
Yeah it would have been nice as the hype could have kept flowing but perhaps Capcom want it to be a surprise or some shit. All I know the silence is killing me.
You mean the Ladies night DLC will have a Lady shower scene?
Still doesn't explain why Nero was freaking out so much about them leaving though?
Trish has a shower scene too but no one gives a shit lmao
>DLC ends on a fight like the main game
>got to score well to get the secret ending
>except the more points you get the longer the shower scene goes on for
And Nico telling Nero it's okay to cry
Vergil giving Nero his book for him to be remembered by something.
Everything points to their return to be unlikely
You get the Trish one as a game over screen.
Nero is clueless, he don't even know Dante got out of hell after 2
>Vergil giving Nero his book for him to be remembered by something.
He also says he won't lose next time and to hold the book until then
>goes from best looking chick in 4, to worst looking character in 5
He gave him the book to "hold onto" for Vergil. That makes it seem more like they're coming back he just doesn't know when
Also Nero just found out he had a daddy and then that daddy was so fucking MOTIVATED he abandoned him to go fight demons about three hours after they met. That's probably an okay reason to cry
>and to hold the book until then
>Dante and Vergil come back
But as Griffon and talking Shadow or Agni and Rudra
>The entire plot of DMC6 is Nero fucking around trying to bring their bodies back
That was Kyrie followed by Gloria.
4Trish was peak trish and teenage me waifu.
Kyrie looked weird as fuck. She had similar problem with her face as Lady. Aka generic modded Skyrim thot look.
Gloria/Trish is basically same shit except with different haircut and skin color.
You said you were going to fix that image user, you said the grey tones were only temporary. You disappoint me.
I'm not the drawfag, my dude
Dante LITERALLY agrees with the "you can't comeback" comment with "why do you think i'm going, someone has to keep an eye on your old man". You guys have selective hearing or wha?!?
Dante just wanted some therapeutic vacations on hell with his bro without no one bothering them.
How good is King Cerberus compared to OG Cerberus? It feels like it still deals minuscule damage
One of his attacks can literally kill you in a second even on SoS
Finally got rid of this eyesore.
It's the same from 3 + 2 new forms
no I mean the weapon
Someone did but i don't have it
Why is Vergil so upset with his son?
Not sure if it's been done before
>dad my arm go vrom vromm voosh boom like sword
>dad why rip me arm off
>dad me miss little sword
Dante or any other character says something dumb = mistranslation, Nero says something dumb = He just too unga!11
So that means that the scene where Dante is reading a magazine and Vegil is looking at him would be when they first return. Meaning Vergil's hand clapping in that scene is him just being impatient because he want's to see his son.
>tfw you will never see Vergil actually being a good father and being nice to Nero because he is way too autistic
he isnt, he is trying to communicate with him but dont know how, his autism wont allow it
>my heart when
context of webm pls
It's a edit sadly
Appears to be a girl rocking out to some good music, wearing tape on her mouth so the music isn't drowned out by her singing the lyrics.
Guy I'm just having so much fun with DMC5. It's my second DMC game (DMC4 was my first) and I liked Nero but something about 4 never really grabbed me. But 5 is just perfect in every way. I like Nero a whole lot more, and throwing bosses around the room is fucking fun. Dante is technical as hell, I feel like I could play him for years and still be learning.
I thought I was having fun then I started Dante must Die today and god damn, it's the sweet spot for difficulty.
Thanks for reading my gay rant if you made it this far.
It's weird to me how the artist always portray Nero as this fusion of Nico/Dante character, as he is more serious than both lol. This sort of convo would never happen between the two. If anything it'd be uptight and antagonistic.
>s rank every difficulty
>get to mission 14 hell and hell
>realize you can still control shadow and griffin when you use DT on them
Glad you are enjoying it user.
True, Dante broke out in a Michael Jackson dance out of nowhere and Nero was like........nigga
When you get bored of 5 if you get try 3 too
Nero plays the straight man to all the over the top shit everyone else does and says. His banter is pretty good too. He's found his niche as a character.
he was angry for other reasons tho
>"It's churyaze time!"
>"No human no!"
>when Nero steps all over the titty monster
>we needed DmC to like Nero
Nah, he was already leagues above Donte in 4.
we needed DmC to like 4*
4 was not well regarded and was considered a huge stepback from 3, which it was. my friend played through 4 last month and told me "I understand completely why DmC was made"
>Nah, he was already leagues above Donte in 4.
I know that, but at launch Nero wasn't well received. We needed to taste the hell that was DmC to learn how to like Nero
I don't think that's the case. I didn't mind Nero in 4. It's just that in 5 we actually had more time to see his character and his dialogue improved.
I actually never played DmC and I quite like Nero.
At launch, that changed afterwards, and most publications were positive about him.
I liked him the very second he first revved his sword.
I was more upset at having to replay the same stages with Dante.... I liked Nero in 4 because using the Devil Bringer on enemies and bossed is fun as hell to me
Most of it had nothing to do with Nero's character at all, it was because for the first time, another character was given preference over Dante, and that naturally angered a lot of people to the point of being overly critical of Nero just for the sake of the focus not being just Dante.
Anyone else can't buy the alternate songs for the jukebox on steam? Were they pre-order only?
If Vergil had Rebellion instead of Yamato, do you think he'd have figured out it's powers way sooner when he was young?
Because being able to absorb weapons/power into onself via Rebellion and his power obsession would have made it so Vergil gathered power way faster when he was younger.
Then your friend's an idiot lol. Only game DmC is legitimately better than in the main series is DMC2. It's significantly worse than every other title 4 included. I know, I just recently replayed the shit lol, and DmC is as bad as I remembered it. Especially because of it's craptastic western cinematic design. An entire fucking level dedicated to platform to shit to save Vergil and Kat from crashing into shit lmao only in a western designed title.
Even 4 being a unfinished game it is still better than DmC
Deluxe only
Probably, since Dante doesn't really give a shit about nothing
Maybe that is why Sparda gave him Yamato, he knew how power hungry Vergil is, who knows
I wish my dad gave me a reality tearing portal opening cool looking katana
yeah it's crazy
I'm sure someone already figured it out, but in m3 if you put on the hood and get to the corridor where the boss does a fly-by, the hood gets blown from your head
thought it was pretty cool
Is it me or is BP the hardest as Dante?
Vergil only became the way he is after Eva couldn't find him and he had to live years fending off demons. If Sparda gave it to Vergil it might be due to the proverbs of hell.
Hold on now. You're telling me I gotta fight ALL THREE versions of fugging Urizen before fighting papa Vergil?
What did Lady go double check? Was it a mistranslation?
Using demonic swords on Vergil is hilarious, dude is trying to attack but the words fuck up a lot of his moves
maybe she's searching for kalina ann?
Where do I even START with Dante?
In earlier games I always had Rebellion to fall back to at least but DSD confuses me, and I don't like the summoned swords.
I feel like Cerberus alone could be my weapon, and I could still get lost in the options.
At least I can gradually increase the amount of weapons I've got thanks to the loadout selector.
Huh, that's another aspect I hadn't noticed. Both fit and reflect the other one's ambitions better than their own at start.
Dante neglecting his heritage with Yamato would go around closing every breach demons use to get in and Vergil power hunger would consume more and more power.
maybe he would even eventually do the same as Vergil and split himself too
Royal Guard's existence alone is enough to make BP the easiest with him.
DSD isn't that much more complicated than the other swords, formations works about the same as buster knuckle, launching, cancelling and pressuring enemies.
Cerb has a big moveset, but it works normally.
Funnily enough it's Cavaliere that works the most unorthodoxly and requires you to keep tabs on what you're doing and how to connect it.
Also don't sleep on Faust, hat trick is basically Dante's version of snatch and its turret mode can cancel basically all enemy momentum.
>hat trick is basically Dante's version of snatch
It's a mass snatch that'll suck in anything with a hat on it. And it pulls enemies from fucking far away. It's hilarious watching a Chaos roll away then get ripped out of its roll by a well timed Hat Trick that smashes its spine and throws it halfway across the room.
teleporting and dashing around with trickster also helps a lot
Yesterday i got the achievement for beating mission 11 with no weapons and shit was fun man, royal guarding and throwing roses like a madman, feels good
Did Vergil really fuck a woman who wears red?
I just died on floor 101 to vegils dive attack because he fucking glitched out on the 2nd dive and my trickster timing got fucked up. He was only a few hits away from his doppleganger part and I had my sin devil trigger all saved up to finish him off as well as half my royal guard.
i'm fucking livid. I fucking had him god damn it. I've died like 4 times already as dante on the floors above 99
is it okay to just cheese it and use the super dante if If had this shit luck?
I'm still trying to figure out how she managed to tame Vergil long enough for him to plant his seed inside her.. she must have tricked him into thinking fucking her would give him more power.
I bet she was a librarian.
Capcom's twitter page
>Dragons Dogma
>Resident Evil 2
>Dragons Dogma
>Resident Evil 2
>Resident Evil 2
>Resident Evil 2
Why they do this bros?
is there any way for me to skip back to floor 101 on bloody palace on pc? I've fucking died to urizen and vergil like 4 times already and I feel like I'm wasting time
>Monster Hunter
>Street Fighter
>Monster Hunter
Do they hate DMC5 :(
They want DMC5 to die
Is that why Nero wears red and blue? holy shit
I ordered the soundtracks (5 discs) over a month ago.
Within that month I had it preordered and got dumped without a date.
Just yesterday they shipped it when they said I wouldn't get it until May 20th after two weeks after being dumped.
I ain't complaining but this whole process is a mess.
twitch /thefinalrumble , on most fridays afternoon, this was from yesterday stream
Wake me up inside
Fast forward to 01:40:41
Absence diminishes little passions and increases great ones, as wind extinguishes candles and fans a fire.
So it is written.
>demon hunter
>not dead weight
That meme wore out it's welcome fairly quickly, shortly after leddit fags decided to change every name in nero wiki to dead weight. They killed the meme with oversaturation.
deep stuffs man, i like it
Post your swordfu
They are but stubborn and foolish.
It takes a journey to hell for them to accept and praise their God.
A fact that tickles irony's judgement.
>leddit fags decided to change every name in nero wiki to dead weight.
fucking bastards
It´s never coming back, right?
Maybe it will be Trish sword if, we really have a DLC
He'll be back on the DMC1 remake.
But you already posted her
Yep, leddit fags also inspired a couple of assblasted people with autism (who dislike the character) to take it too seriously and used the term to spew their assblastedness by continuing to edit that in for 2 WHOLE MONTHS STRAIGHT. Leddit fags confirmed for severe autism and meme killing.
Dante probably pawned it for pizza
Nero not crying at the end of DMC5 was legitimate kino. Pretty much on par with the similar scene from 3.
This is new, I've only seen the one where they tried on Wikipedia to put Nero under dead weight, until they got banned. That's not even oversaturation, that's being rude.
>If Vergil had Rebellion instead of Yamato, do you think he'd have figured out it's powers way sooner when he was young?
Probably not, considering he didn't work out the Yamato could be used to split himself until he was, at least, Nelo.
based yamabros
So many emotions at the same time, AAAHHH!!
Ah well. I just figured that perhaps if he had Rebellion and knew it's powers when he was younger it would have been a way to get power without having too many innocent casualties.
As there are plenty of asshole demons to absorb the power from.
I didn't dislike him, but I was waiting to play as Dante in my first time with DMC4. It wasn't until I learned about his MAX-act, shuffle, DT cancels and calibur that I began to enjoy playing as him.
He also has the best taunts.
How do i get with the lore? I missed all streams
The Rebellion might not work like that. It might just be able to do one Big Boi absorb, like Dante did with the Sparda. In that case DMC3 would have probably played out the same, as he'd be trying to get the Sparda to use the Rebellion to absorb it, assuming he knew the Rebellion could do that.
I liked him in 4, but he was A LOT better in 5. Kyrie is fine as a character but his constant crying and moaning about her in 4 brought him down. With her out of the picture he was allowed to be a lot more of his own character. The phone call Kyrie is actually in is a 10/10 scene as well, they used her perfectly. 4 established what they were going for with the relationship between the two. That phone call in 5 made me believe and understand it.
>"You said you'll my mystical tower and draw out the true power of Sparda from it. I don't feel any different."
>"What do talking to pillows has to do with any of this?"
>Carried the team
Yeah they got banned, so the assblastedness carried over to the main page. There's like one or two people still trying to edit it in lol.
drawing is hard :( actually its more like at a certain point you get sick of fixing the same image
Context of the original?
Dante with Vergil face kinda looks like DMC3 Dante
Where can I buy a coat like Nero's bruhs? I don't want to buy the exact one like a dweeb. But I don't know how to find even somewhat similar designs.
All the little symbols on it come in 3, the number of perfection. Apparently, in Asia number 3 represents union of Heaven and Earth, creating humanity.
>this opening with silver bullet
>this Dante's "Fuck you moment"
>this Papa Vergil
Jesus christ, I already came
That makes a lot of sense. The reason Vergil's face has become so different is because of the decades he spent in hell and as Nelo. His face being a lot closer to their younger likenesses is logical.
that looks fucking hideous
Outside of KYRIEEEEEEEEE I liked Nero in 4 and I can't even entirely dislike that either because JYB sells his anguish pretty well.
With no KYRIEEEEEEEEEE in 5 at all, Nero is fuckin great.
I got mine on ebay. I can post a link if you want
Yes pls.
it needs some tweaks but i can see it as a younger dante
Fuck, pure kino.
Anyone can make out what Grifon says when you jump? "Argh, not my ???"
"So high maintenance"
I wear a small and its perfect length. I'm like 5'10. so id go with a small probably unless you're really tall. They have a sizing chart so I would measure yourself first and maybe get a custom one if you need it
definitely not cursed
I imagine this is how dante stares at the pizza guy when they're late
Pretty much how he looks in mvc infinite.
How is the quality? you like it?
That one looks bad but looks ok, weird i think it's the lips
Its actually pretty high quality for chinese stuff. I was expecting much worse. Probably going to use it for a full nero cosplay this summer since I look like him a bit
Deluxe Upgrade Bundle
meth addict >>> hollow
he looks like how he looked in the dmc4 reveal trailer
4 did a really bad job at establishing how important Credo was to Nero and how lost he felt without Kyrie. I can't remember if it was even mentioned that he was an orphan and their family adopted him.
Thankfully, like 3 did with 1, 5 managed to make the events that happened in 4 retroactively more meaningful.
holy shit he looks weird. its like his DMC2 look with gone terribly wrong
This for the most part. Pining after a woman, is not a good set up for a solo character. It stops the character from developing and growing on their own. I call it the Twilight sickness. 5 did good on making her role more minor.
holy shit they teased dmc4 the year dmc3 came out? That shit would never happen nowadays
dante ALWAYS smiles at pizzaguy, even if he's late
>only for PS3
Going multiplat is actually what ruined DMC4
you can watch the past VoDs or the videos on the youtube channel
But is it more cursed than this?
>urban environments
>camera glitching effect
>followed by Dante grabbing it and destroying it
Holy shit, they did it way before DmC. I guess their only original idea was the Fetus Deletus 9000.
is it acceptable to use super V for bloody palace? I can beat it with dante and nero I just fucking hate playing as V and some of the bosses with him are weird
he looks oddly familiar.....
well he takes after his mother
hey there's nero for you
That was like the first thing you saw in DMC3.
Speaking of which i hope that if Vergil is playable he gets something akin to Royal Guard. It's lame as shit how he has it when you fight him in DMC3/5 but not when you get to control him.
And yes i know trick exists but still.
Incomplete playable Vergil has a block move
>He first appeared in Devil May Cry 4 in 2008.
Has it been that fucking long. Where did the time go?
How do you unlock the super versions of the characters? DMD? I finished Son of Sparda yesterday
I want her chest to suffocate the fuck out of me.
Hopefully they don't bring her back as a costume for DMC5SE though, they already facially raped Trish enough.
Yeah you get them when you beat dmd
but user
At this rate we're not getting anything let alone costumes.
There are DMC5 Vergil coats in offer already, but none so far ship to my country, so I placed an order for a hoodie instead. Looks nice on the picture, like something that would make Vergil's Yamato holding hand twitch.
You're not planning on wearing it outside, right?
Easy the best thing I've watched recently. Holy shit that was intense.
Urizen standing is only breaking his crystal, the other 2 are the real deal
Your mother hair stealing days are over Vergil.
Now I have mother's hair too.
>Hopefully they don't bring her back as a costume for DMC5SE
user, I...
This explains so much...
I feel like i'm the only one who enjoys playing as V.
Dante, why the fuck are you hitting that camera you absolute madman
Dante.... return your mother's hair, please!
where THE FUCK do i get that t shirt?
Maybe, I sometimes went out in my Umbrella hoodie, but that one is just perfect for mildly cold days, with the fur inside and all. People here don't really get what it is anyway, and it's hardly the worst fashion attempt.
shit's the stuff of nightmares
Hahahaha Nigga Just Read a Book Nigga Just JC the mobs and stay away from them Haha
Remapping bird to trigger/bumper helps alot, also bind nightmare somewhere close like B/O, you invincible when you summon him
What the fuck is wrong with her head shape?
V is unironically my favorite playstyle. I'm a little mad that they played it safe with him instead of going balls deep, but I'd put him on par with 4Nero in terms of complexity so it might be an "introduce a new style and then go all out later" thing.
Oh man I'm grinning like a motherfucker
>Remapping bird to trigger/bumper helps alot
Did this with Blue Rose as well and the game was just infinitely smoother to play.
loos like Sigourney Weaver in Alien 3, lol
Mah niggas, great minds think alike
>finish nero BP in one go
psh nothing personnel
The whole Sparda family is nothing but a bunch of bullies!
dont bully
Is the mtx in DMC5 the dumbest idea anyone could have come up with? Thankfully it literally has no impact in the game, but talk about executives/higher-ups not knowing the audience. This is not some multiplayer game and no self-respected DMC fan would ever spend real money on shit like that.
Then again we have retards like Sterling who thought this would be some Battlefield scenario where you had to spend real money to buy all moves.
>no u listen dead weight
Get this off my sights
She still looks better than Trish, wtf
Maybe that is why the EX Provocations cost 3 million each... but fuck that, im fausting them red orbs
whos ex taunt did you buy first?
something something lighting+filters
The entire series had been on my backlog for a while and I guess 5 coming out was a motivator. Went through it all over the past couple of months and finished 5 today. What a ride, game is a god damn masterpiece.
Lighting, minor facial differences between Eva's model and Trish's, Eva's hair is smoother
>What should I even talk to him about
>Should I ask him about power
>I wonder if he likes floating swords
>Does he enjoy this "Pizza" food as much as Dante
>Should I use hip lingo or will that be trying too hard
>Oh god has anyone told him about the Birds and Devilbees am I going to have to do it
Someone post it.
>V is unironically my favorite playstyle
how do you even play him effectively? I'm trying to S rank his missions on dmd, but I always get hit on the very first fight on his second mission, it also seems like I don't get how the ranking works, sometimes I'm at SSS for almost the whole second half of a fight and barely even get 5000pts, other times I get my ass kicked and scratching S and I get 5100-5200pts, I don't get it
Nero=Future Trunks
Oh shush yourself Spardlette
>Vergil tries to give Nero the sex talk
>uses Yamato to help him visualize it
>Lady=Chi Chi
Now look what you've done.
DMC threads are always best threads on Yea Forums
Eva's skin tone and haircut look better with the model's face.
How do I turn on life action cutscenes?
>Lady=Chi Chi
Don't kid yourself.
Go to the options menu, you have to buy them first tho
>just S-ranked missions 10, 11 and 12 on HaH
>mission 10 took me hours of retrying
>in the end made a perfect no-hit score
She's either Chi Chi or Videl
It looks good here wut
I know
Here it does looks like 3Dante
Here doesn't
user STOP
Why he looks so much like MvsC Infinite Dante?
>Dante! I want you to take me out on a date!
I'm trying to play DMC4 but it's so fucking slow compared to 3 but at the same time it is harder cause someone though pressing 2 buttons to dodge was a good idea
Stop. You're only going to get hurt.
>Nero wearing Virgil's style of clothing
She's neither, besides "dark-haired woman that fights" there is zero these women have in common.
sorry patty, dante is not feeling good
Dante isn't available right now. Leave a message at the sound of the judgement cut
i wonder if Dante likes video games
How the fuck was Trish so hot but Lady looked like fucking garbage?
we need to make Dan say that ASAP
>harder cause someone though pressing 2 buttons to dodge was a good idea
What is so hard about locking on and pressing A?
Trish looked good in 4 while Lady had the fucked up face, now in 5 is the other way around
His head looks too small here
Dante is not here, he grabbed my dad and mumbled about having to fight a demon in Hell called Damndatbrat or something like it.
Take a break from DMC for a week so you can forget 3's controls and adapt to 4
dodge is the same input tho
>someone though pressing 2 buttons to dodge was a good idea
How it was on 3? i do not remember
>on 4Nero level of complexity
kek, considering you could not beat the whole game with nero by just spamming square + triangle and running in circles, no.
Would people be up for the equipped weapons changing up how styles other than swordmaster worked?
Something like Cavalier's Trickster moves involving using the bike to ride up on walls or getting a shield weapon augmenting royal guard when equipped?
Press O to special style power
Lower half of Glorish's face looks better than the regular but the upper half is way worse.
Eva > Trish >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Glorish
could you take pictures of the booklet when you get it? I wanted to order it but I don't have the funds right now.
Somehow those eyebags look a lot worse when transplanted onto Dante.
>nero gets his own DT
>has two "devil bringer" spectral arms now
>same two DT ultimates he had from 4
CAPCOM, ITSUNO WTF......really niggas? you couldn't come up with SOMETHING new and different ffs. Especially after you made us play a the whole game with no powers, and then you reward us with the same ults we had? Itsuno pls.
Why does he looks like younger dmc3 Dante while not looking like dmc3 Dante at all at the same time?
My thoughts exactly kinda, they didn't give him a new weapon, gave Cav to Dante instead, the least they could've done was change or add on to his ults. In Capcom's heads the breakers are enough, ugh.
Subhuman is a pretty solid song, only normies who listen to the most mainstream music think it's awful.
Crimson cloud is the best battle theme though.
What if Griffon's personality is how Vergil remembers Nero's mom?
>seeth seeth seeth how dare you normies like devil trigger better when the theme I like is the irrefutable best, seeth seeth seeth
Wonder why they chose to make his eye's yellow.
Did red not contrast well? Liked his 4 DT eyes.
Then again considering Vergil and Dante's Sin DT's have glowing Bright Blue and Orange/Reddish eyes they might have wanted to contrast them by throwing in another primary colour into the mix.
I ain't angry, Devil Trigger just isn't all that good.
It's not only good, it's also technically the most complex and diverse. Neither Crimson or Subhuman change up the song as much throughout. Trigger got everything! hard ass bass, ambience, vocal trance, riffs. It's legit.
Crimson is FALLLING IN BETWEEN FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFEEEEEEEEEEEEE, and Subhuman is just, oh jesus god, fuck.
No, we needed DmC to understand Nero isn't replacing Dante.
While the ultimates are the same there are some slight differences.
Maximum bet actually has a Red Queen slash crossed with a claw swipe launching the wave.
At least they gave us Flaptop, Double Snatch/Hold.
His Trigger in 4 also had two arms to do things with as well.
Agree that a new weapon could have been neat.
Could have pulled cool tricks off by riding the motorcycle and using Snatch to maneuver and tether across things.
Could have even been a cool buster animation.
Ride the Motorcycle and use a spectra arm to push a demon's face into the floor as you accelerate into another enemy.
DmC sold better than all Dante's solo games tho, awkward. They're also nothing alike, Donte isn't goofy at all.
Elder Geryon Knight is also Trish right? Would explain V's lines beforehand.
>and Subhuman is just, oh jesus god, fuck
it's pretty kino to hit SSS and hear the YOU CANNOT KILL ME chant
It was just Cavaliere on a Geryon horse
Yellow eyes is old cliche for predatory beasts and they indeed make a nice contrast with Nero's blue.
Wonder whether Vergil will learn how to make several at once.
The Animation for Judgement Cut end in 4 made me think he was generating a couple at once for it but DMC5's animation reveals it was just after images and he was going that fast.
Also, how does Griffon (and by extension V) know that Dante killed Geryon back in the day? Did he canonically use Quicksilver to fight him in 3?
Vergil found female dante?
Griffon for some reason knows more than Vergil, judging by the fact he knew Nero is Vergil's son, while deadbeat dad himself had no idea.
Hilariously enough, DMC3 the one Yea Forums holds the best sold the least in the entire series.
That’s not what complexity is dipshit, that’s like saying Dante isn’t complex because you could go the whole game by doing Rebellion A only
never I hope given that dante has 90% of what made him interesting in previous games but better and nero/V take the last 10%
more DLC for the characters we have please
>Nero is becoming Wesker
Imagine having an opinion this fucking shit
Well, she does wear red and Nero does display a lot of behavior similar to Dante, despite not living around him or anyone that he could copy from.
>Griffon (and by extension V) know that Dante killed Geryon back in the day
Vergil knew everything that went on in the 'nigru or dante told him.
The chorus in sub human is honestly great.
The in game mix isn't great on Crimson Cloud because the vocals don't stand out as much. The actual song itself sounds a lot better.
Shit's a great mix of industrial and dance that fits V really well, Devil Trigger doesn't fit Nero in the slightest.
Then again Subhuman doesn't fit Dante either.
That's another interpretation.
I don't like the idea of Rebellion and Sparda losing powers during their fusion into Devil Sword Dante but I can see narrative reasons for it just being a giant beatstick now.
With how vague they've been able to apply Yamato's ability to divide things, Rebellion's absorption ability could also be multipurpose as well.
The real secret is that Vergil unlocked his Devil Trigger when he got laid explaining how he got it before 3.
Wait, when you pump them up with DT, you can still control them?
He's still not complex moron, he's literally just the characters we already have changed to ranged lmao. Only unlike them he turns the game into an entire joke, as he makes it childsplay and undermines the very core of the gameplay. He doesn't belong, maybe in Dragon's Dogma.
>wanting more V
fuck you
I wish Wesker would pound me into the ground
I mean it came after 2, which was seen as pretty shit and soured people from future entries.
And I guess the sales of the collections add an equal number of sales to 1,2 and 3.
So it recovering from that gap is almost impossible at this point as the vast majority of people getting into the series would get the collection.
>RE5 has bosses with tentacles
>DMC5 has a boss with tentacles that you fight more than once
Complete Global Vergilation
Devil trigger fits him pretty well, the songs about him being angry and unlocking his devil trigger, it seems about right.
One of the reviewers nailed everything that was wrong about V's gameplay, let me see if I can find the review.
Diablo blanco...
>Capcom's twitter page
Which one?
nice counter argument fedoralord
dante has better summon swords, better teleports, an entire kick balrog style on top of the punching one, a version of judgement cut end that's actually semi-balanced and even his own take on regular judgement cut
Didn't mention him at all and was actually talking about more weapons/arms for dante and nero. V is living in your head rent free revealing your favorite character was actually a nerd who got bullied by his younger brother for reading poetry.
With that said I would absolutely take DLC that tries to salvage V over vergil DLC. Intead of flodding this game with half finished characters like 4SE did I'd rather they just continue to refine what they already have because I care about gameplay way more than I care about my specific brand of anime edgelord being playable
>vergil missed dante so much he fucked a women that reminded him of his brother
Arkham City got a trailer mere months after Arkham Asylum came out.
>only unlike them he turns the game into an entire joke
Are you sure you’re not talking about Vergil? DMC doesn’t need swords and shit all the time, it’s good to branch out like with V
no but you CAN beat the whole game as nero doing level 3 charge shots and buster. what exactly are you trying to prove?
>it’s another one of these b-b-but the other characters could be styles and weapons for Dante too retards
There’s such a thing as too much you cunt
>didn't mention V
>but better and nero/V take the last 10%
>dlc for the characters we have
Dante doesn't have Yamato
>With that said I would absolutely take DLC that tries to salvage V over vergil DLC
bad bait, and Vergil isn't even my favorite character
>least combo potential in the whole game
Miss me with that gay shit
No it certainly doesn't, but don't call something not mechanically complex nor designed in the slightest, complex.
That looks horrible please stop.
I mentioned all characters in the same post. V takes vergils yamato taunt from 3 with his book reading
>Dante doesn't have Yamato
nero has better versions of everything it can do besides judgement cut except for stupid shit like 4SE DT rapid slash where you mash buttons and cover the entire screen in AOE while moving around at hyper speed
Fair enough, he’s still fun to messs around with
>the only way complexity can be measured is in how elaborate of a combo video against a punching bag you can generate
4fags belong in gas chambers
You COULD it's going to take you several hours though. As that not consistent enough dps, running in circles spamming square and circle. That don't take long at all, that's how I played all his missions AND Bloody Palace. Nero charged shot only? watch your ass run out of time.
>nero has better versions of everything it can do
The fuck do you even play DMC? Nero has 2 attacks that are only accesible being in DT that have a bootleg Yamato. I want to play with THE Yamato
V > Vergil
V > Nero
V > Dante
I just like the summoning playstyle V has. No bullshit gay little devil breaker with limited ability to switch them out, no billions of weapons with overly complicated movesets bloated from previous games, just move your cat & bird around like chess pieces
For a moment there I thought someone made Dante's daughter.
>Game has microtransactions and log-in bonuses like a constantly updated service game
>No more DLC plans announced after BP
What did Capcom mean by this?
>"you can't comeback" comment with "why do you think i'm going, someone has to keep an eye on your old man"
Imagine Nero's reaction to dante saying "of course I can come back I'm just going with my autismo brother so we can fight like the tards we are for a whole month.
okabe said theres unreleased packages
You guys sure are impatient. Itsuno is on vacation let him chill out.
>move your cat around like chest pieces
Literally just have to mash square and triange while moving the analog autistically to MAYBE get them to use the right move on the target. I gave up, so I just mash whenever forced to do his missions.
you're thinking too literally because you're blinded by the shit I was talking about in my other post, focused on visuals and not the actual gameplay functions
nero has the same aerial rave as yamato. streak is the same as rapid slash in terms of being a wider but slower stinger. in 4SE they even made this connection more explicit by giving yamato a bunch of nero moves like shuffle and the pause combos
what exactly would vergil bring to the table that the other characters don't already have a similar but more interesting and/or more balanced version? and what justifies not just giving those few things to dante and nero instead of making a new character besides your lust for hanzo steel?
even doppleganger, the obvious thing they gave vergil in this game to try and give him something new to play with (even if its just from DmC lol) is just V's summons with a character who can actually fight. why would they spend dev time making a brand new character when they could take the character that already has this mechanic and give him actual moves? again, do you really want a game like 4SE where they shit out a bunch of obviously unfinished characters just because it has an anime face you recognize from other games? I thought DMC fans were all about the gameplay and that's why they're okay with the games just being a series of hallways breaking up combat?
>>No more DLC plans announced after BP
level 3 charge shot and buster do the most damage of anything in neros kit in dmc4 and also build good style (and buster makes you LITERALLY invincible in that game too)
its easy mode. the only reason you do anything else as nero is beause you want to
She said something along the lines of "Well, nobody looks worse for wear" before that. She was double checking that everyone was alright.
You must go back, to Dragon's Dogma
I just want to play Vergil and do judgement cuts, don't care if other characters have similar moves
dmc threads on Yea Forums are filled with mentally ill dmc4 fans so you're going to get a lot of grief for this post
sorry but i dont give twitch views
But she just disappears, everyone was there already
Imagine having such a shit taste jesus christ.
>I just want to play Vergil and do judgement cuts
then play dmc4, the game where you can judgement cut into space because they shat out a unfinished and buggy character because of mouth breathers like you
>if you say you don't like v because his gameplay is shit you're a 4fag
No one liked V's gameplay. If they wanted to bring V's gameplay back shove it on vergil, at least vergil isn't that fucking annoying to listen too.
Lock-on to a target and Shadow will reappear in front of it. It obviously won't work if the target is a million miles away, it's not that hard.
>then play dmc4
Don't wanna, i wanna play Vergil in 5 because 5 is a complete and better game. It's not hard to understand.
hi vujo
>this fucking thread
I don't see vergil getting a spinoff manga
I liked V's gameplay. Could've used an additional mechanic or two, but it
Vergil's new birthday is June 15th, making him Gemini.
Legit, V is literally the tutorial character.
@ 8:08
Nailed, exactly how I felt in V's missions
5 is a complete and better game in part because they spent time focusing on a few key things instead of spreading themselves thin by making a bunch of characters and other superfluous shit
That's because the people who like V don't play the game
was fun nevertheless.
>at least Vergil isn't annoying to listen to
You dissing on V's smooth inflection?
Cleared all 3 bloody palaces on my first try.
S-ranked all missions.
Still not gud.
That's why Vergil will be playable and better then never
He got two actually ;) dmc 3 and visions of v
>a new playstyle and playable character is superfluous shit
Not him but he does. V is Vergil. So it's a manga for Vergil as well.
Post vergil SDT ass
How do you beat Urizen 3, user? I'd really appreciate the tips.
>guys im good at the game!! that means my opinion matters and you'll guys will care about it right?
Which character?
>40yo vujo woke up to defend her pixel boyfriend
>vergils playstyle is new because he does shit other characters in this game can already do but with a katana and BLUE summon swords
I wasn't sarcastic my man. I'm terribly mediocre.
If V is vergil then why are vergil fans so against the idea of making V's gameplay actually fun? Vergil is already playable in this game, right?
>vergils playstyle is new because he does shit other characters in this game can already do but with a katana and BLUE summon swords
this unironically
i mean. nero doesnt have yamato or force edge's full moveset in any way so theres still valid reasoning for having vergil in the game. you also act like he cant be expanded upon at all with new weapons or even styles
sorry im too used to bait
Wait, warm up keeps track of your time on every individual floor and lets you play the bosses any time you want? Holy shit, this was unexpected.
You're the rare Vfag that actually played the game, there's not many like you.
Vergilfags want his actual gameplay not just his gay homo half with the retarded talking bird.
>Start DMD mode
>die during mission 3
I knew I was trash but holy shit :(
>nero doesnt have yamato
he has most of its moves in one form or other
> force edge's full moveset
dante has THREE fucking weapons with this movelist
>you also act like he cant be expanded upon at all with new weapons or even styles
that's not what I said. I've said multiple times that there's no justification for not just giving whatever new stuff you could give vergil to dante or nero instead. It's not like they're afraid of making the characters too strong given how they have so many insane options already
the only justification for spending the time making vergil is bullshit like
I literally have nothing against making V's gameplay fun. He doesn't have yamato and Vergil's moveset. They're respective gameplay are far different in the end. So that's legitimate to want to play as Vergil. But you can like V's gameplay as well.
>new weapons or even styles
You're gonna get Force Edge and Beowolf and you're gonna like it.
>you just don't understand he's goth and he has pokemons like omfg best boi
i want v to lift me up as he hugs me and spin me around
>No one liked V's gameplay
I want Vergil with summons.
kill yourself
With 4 the main incompleteness was a lack of missions and content to go through no?
People still enjoyed the extra character in 4SE but that didn't fix the problem with 4's lack of content.
Think it would be cool if the DLC also added more enemies so people could have new challenges to take on.
Not sure how they'd expand on the given characters without a major retool.
Add even more weapons to Dante? Add some more arms for Nero?
Give V's familiars more moves or more familiars as a whole?
Think that's a lot of work for already completed characters. The V one especially would be like making a new character anyways.
i'd be okay with it if he got some new moves for them and possibly a new style. something to mix things up
What is this look trying to convey?
keep seething katana lover. 2 really fleshed out characters >>> a bunch of half baked ones
You and one other person doesn't account for much.
>breed me and give me a daughter, dante
>that collar
Lady didn't had t-that
V and Nero.
I'm seeing double
4 Vergils!
Too bad that no one gives a fuck about your opinion and we will be getting a Vergil DLC in ~6 months
I wouldn't be surprised if that's an actual tag
holy shit, this looks good
I'm unsure on this myself.
Because this logic taken to it's logical conclusion could just leave us with a game with Dante only playable and all the other character's gimmicks and moves being relegated to a weapon/style loadouts.
It is
On the PC version, how easy would it be to re-activate checkpoints on Hell and Hell?
Asking for a friend.
Looks like Mathilda from Léon.
Yes, which is what this series should be. The only reason it's not is because dante is itsuno's wife's son and so he has to make his own son nero to get all the focus instead because he feels awkward he didn't make dante
The drawfag here.
Working on it, close to finishing it. I didn't have much time recently.
Just get good you stupid fucking incel, jesus christ
Vergil's character and his flashy style is what the fags like. and capcom makes money off him
So are you bros gonna buy any of the figs?
I was gonna buy Dante's but I didn't like his face that much.
>Unnecessary ethereal effects on plastic figures
>go to any DMC post in DMC page or Capcom page
>90% asking for Vergil and Dante DLC
>10% asking for Lady and Trish DLC
>0% asking for V DLC
i think this above all else really exhibits how dmc fans are literally manchildren.
Tell your friend he has to git gud
Why would they ask for a character they can already play?
how, every game has figures my dude
>0% asking for V DLC
Of course, nobody asks for a Nero or Dante DLC either
Although it would be great if we would get a few older Devil Arms back for Dante
I mean it's a bonus challenge mode. What's the point of beating it if you aren't beating it legit?
I'm waiting for a DMC5 Vergil, that's the only one I want.
>Vergil and Dante dlc
Adventures in hell when
yeah no. they really dont. its literally just dmc and some nintendo games, and at least nintendo games are marketed to actual kids.
I want Vergil's as well. How much do you think it would cost ?
I don't know if you guys can read, but people are asking for a Vergil + DANTE DLC
I dislike collecting figs. They are expensive, fragile, hard to move, and have no practical use.
At least you can wear the jacket. Although that is useless too most of the time, since it is too hot for warm weather, and too cold for the winter without sleeves.
Prime1 is making a very expensive one of Vergil.
>Agni and Rudra with occasional quips on high ranks
nice bait
That's logical. If it's a getting out of hell DLC, there is a chance that you can chose to play with both.
I find all Urizens piss easy with V because you can just spam Shadow and run circles around Urizen while he tries to hit you with his ranged attacks.
Phase 1: Spam shadow. use Griffon's charged neutral attack. Run around and do an air taunt now and then to build some DT. Use the side dodge now and then to move Shadow from Urizen's kicks if you want.
Phase 2: Shadow is basically completely safe now because Urizen spams ranged shit. Spam Shadow, run in circles and evade attacks, air taunt. Hold Griffon's attack until Urizen summons the swords. It'll break most of the swords and build your DT.
Phase 3: When he summons double lasers you may want to spam side dodge with Shadow (basically infinite i-frames if you didn't know) or summon Nightmare to keep your summons safe. Same when he summons the spikes from the ground. I thought I would struggle but it went surprisingly easy. Ground spikes is the only decent threat.
With Nero I did nothing special. Just jumped on Urizen's head throughout most of the fight to avoid most attacks (basically nothing can hit you). Probably used Gerbera. Only scary thing is if he summons swords while you're around his head, so you may not want to be too aggressive in phase 2. Probably activated DT when he did in hope the extra swipes would trash the swords.
Vergil has to make everything bleed in copious amounts, from cities to fans' wallets.
Lady = unironically Krilin
Strongest human in the universe, overshadowed by saiyans
Yep the logic is dumb
>if you take this mechanic from this character and give it to the other's there's no need for other characters!
Stupid logic, and the people who think like this would prefer it if the series just died. We LIKE characters with different mechanics. One of the main positives people list about the previous installments were the amount of characters to play. I like having Dante be this over the top. whacky flashy combatant. I like having Nero be this WWE, club swinging hulkling. I like Vergil having this stern, quick and precise combat style. Personality in the different combat styles, is awesome. FUCK giving everything to one character. That's stupid begin with, because there WILL become a point where a character is TOO cluttered. Dante is already overwhelming af, he doesn't need more buttons to press.
Not sure how some of these mechanics could be integrated smoothly into Dante's moveset.
Press the Dpad and instead of style switching you instead change the whole moveset to X or Y character's abilities?
I don't really do much with Exceed or Bringer Knuckle but can't see it work with Dante easily without a ridiculous amount of reliance on rapid style switching.
I suppose it could be possible to cram everything into Dante and leave it all intact but I'd think it would be overwhelming or require a far more rapid series of inputs to emulate what could be done with separate character with their own separate input commands.
Admittedly I can see the point with Vergil playing rather similar to Dante, as they have the same base mechanics with the main difference being Vergil only having one ranged weapon, but he still can manage to bring in loads of sales regardless.
So something about his gameplay, his aesthetics or his character manages to entertain people in ways that Dante doesn't.
Thanks, man. I really only have trouble with Urizen 3 because of his fucking dash punch move. Fucks me over so bad.
Well shit, then it's only a matter of time before the androids come.
>i read some anecdotal post on a twitter comment
Hope the face won't look like shit.
The prices are crazy for 1/8 scale figures. I'll be waiting for the sentinel action figures.
Are you fucking serious? Almost every game has figures.
my nigga
Kek all this hoopla about Vergil, fucking Trish in DMC4 was funner to play.
>no vergil figure
Vergil loses again
I want Vergil to stab me. I love him.
Sad they ruined her in 5, brother. I had to morpcompletely into a Ladyfag
>implying it isn't being mentioned everywhere
>2 antenoras
>couple of cainas
>and a constantly teleporting Judecca who keep shitting on me mid combo
>all in super tight room
>THREE antenoras
>and teleporting Lusachia
>in a room with 3 cage/columns in a middle of the room to prevent your trickster tps
i will see nightmares of mission 12 in my sleep
It's coming soon.
This looks like it's going to looks amazing and make wallets bleed.
Holy fuck he looks so much like how the original DMC4 Dante was supposed to look. When 4 was supposed to be set right after 3.
> tfw no more trishfag
I found Judeccas more tolerable after I realized they're fairly easy to stun with Balrog and then finish with RI.
Vergil is the coolest.
>tfw DMC 4 forever changed my tastes in porn
No figure, no dlc, the least lusted for of the bois, Vergil just can't win. Why can't he win!
God, Yamato looks so good to hold it
I want to put my hands into Yamato handle and hold it tight
Dante says trans rights!
ikr? It looks so sleek and ergonomic. DSD and Sparda look quite uncomfortable to hold in comparison.
Too bad user, she's for Vergil only
Wonder how nice they'll make yamato look in their figure.
Vergil is the prettiest
Yes. They go on autopilot but still obey any inputs you give them.
He's a support and dlc character, that's why.
who wants to dress up like vergil now
based nero coat user, how are you enjoying it? is it comfy?
Why hasn't there been a humanized waifu version of Yamato?
>pure black coat
>white ornaments
I'd take just the coat and pants, double leather vest sounds terrible and those boots are a bit too crazy for this day and age.
Nero dominating, based. Chads always win just like real life.
>Vergil isn't annoying prick
>not liking V
I want to feel his lips on my cheek
you're that one tranny that says Vergil is toxic masculinity and V is not Vergil?
His name alone is enough to sell the game. He has won from the very beginning.
>vergil with dante hair looks like early DMC4 concept dante
Yeah that's right, come on.
This. That last trailer that showed him not only shot DMC5 up the Steam top selling for 2 weeks solid but made it number 1 on Amazon. No one else has that power.
No idea about that. Vergil has no real character. He's boring as shit. V was much more interesting.