Do you enjoy online card games, Yea Forums? You know, stuff like hearthstone, gwent, MTGA, Shadowverse and the likes

Do you enjoy online card games, Yea Forums? You know, stuff like hearthstone, gwent, MTGA, Shadowverse and the likes.

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God, this bitch. She ruined my time playing Shadowverse, and I even liked runecraft the most.

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>Turn 5
>This is going well, I got board control and plenty of removal in hand
>Daria drops
>Ok, a bit early but I can handle it


I play online implementations of card games, if that counts.

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Should I play this? Ive been looking for a game to sink some time into a game

It's free, so just try it out. You get showered with free stuff in the beginning aswell.

They are dice roll simulators that only exist to try to make you mad enough to spend real money on packs.
Nowadays it's one of the worst in its genre, despite its strong start. Only play it if you're an ironic weeaboo. Don't listen to that other poster about the free stuff, your time is not free.

I play hearthstone but I'm tired of it. May give MTGA a go but I hear the meta is pretty bad there too.

The current MTGA standard meta is kino. There's so much space for experimentation and janky lists. Obviously playing best of one makes the game an aggro clown fiesta, but the best of three format (the actual way to play the game) is so fucking good. If you genuinely wanna play an actual control deck, do the switch.

That whore made me quit the game years ago.

none of the card games I like are online

I enjoy playing single player. It's too stressful against real humans.

shadowverse is the only one i enjoyed. i dont play it much anymore though. the rest are all terrible.

yeah I do, Hearthstone is pretty fun when the expansions come out
I've tried every other one I think?

I used to play Shadowverse, how is it currently, dead?

I do. I played Shadowverse, but I really needed a break so I uninstalled it for now. I still have access to the account, so maybe in a few months I'll be in the mood to go back to it. I don't care if I fall behind, since there's always arena and Unlimited decks always seem to be somewhat cheap.

Shadowverse went to shit ages ago and never recovered.

I feel bad for new people getting into it with how expensive rotation decks are and how much of a shitshow unlimited is.

I play ptcgo but the client is literal shit

I would like to play a digital card game but I hate gatchashit and grinding so much that I don't. Shame no-one's tried an LCG model and that Artifact just wasn't a good game.


Is Forte relevant at all in shadowverse anymore? Giving people the triple dork was my favorite deck

Relevant in unlimited where she’s basically one of the best storm cards there is

The shilling on this thread is unbelievable, the game is shit, weebs get out.

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They reprinted her in the set that came out this month.

Hate card games

>With a bang and a boom!

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I like card games but I hate online moneysinks. Doesn't help that 99% of the time they feel like hearthstone ripoffs even if they're based on actual card games and I fucking hate hearthstone on a mechanical level.

PTCGO is alright but I'm too lazy to get deep into that game or learn proper deckbuilding for that game so whenever I do get the itch I just mess around in theme deck battles. I should really play more YGOpro but I never really bothered learning to adapt for MR4 (not that my deck really uses the extra deck anyway but still.)

Are there ANY good card games where i only have to pay ONCE? Im not about to pay for digital booster packs

>tfw they made her a leader skin so she'll forever be there, no matter how long ago she rotated out

I used to play Urban Rivals like 10 years ago

It got worse, there's now a spellboost albert stats storm follower to join the other one in reaming your face.

How bad is Shadowverse?
I wanted to give it a try, anyone can tell me pros and cons compared to similar games?

Rune is dead in both formats though, they don't have any decent rotation list and in unlimited they are too slow against aggro / would never survive against portal.


My personal recent favourite is KARDS, it's a very well made game set in WW2, fast and tactical, with many similarities to Heartstone and none of the cons:
Fixed mana gain. Almost no randomness.
Units have both deploy and operation costs, which is an factor important.
There is positioning of units and a limit on their numbers.
Plays fast, seems well balanced, but has its depth.
Max amount of a card in a deck is related to its rarity (so 4 copies for common ones, 3 limited, 2 elite, 1 for a legendary).
You can make 'allied decks', but your ally is limited to 12 out of 40 cards.

I am surprised, it's very good.

Anyways, personal ranking is:
MTGA >= Kards > Gwent > Faeria > Eternal >> Heartstone => Tes Legends >> Shadowverse >>>>>> Artifact

>tfw keep trying to update Waifuverse but after just a minute it keeps disconnecting and giving an error

It's fun in the beginning, but the meta game is stale like in almost any other card game. It doesn't help that the healthpool is fairly low, so a single card can basically decide the difference in a match.

>rune is dead
Praise Rowen

You mean online or in general?

Yugioh: Legacy of the Duelist is kinda barebones (it has a singleplayer campaign but it's just a retelling of the anime) but unless you really want the DLC packs for some archetype decks like kaijus or Masked HEROs you can have a good time with just the base game. Wouldn't be surprised if all the DLC for it is included in that Links version coming out soon on Switch actually. If you don't want to go balls deep into something like YGOpro it's probably the best card game on the market these days.

If you're willing to go older (much older) the Pokemon TCG games on Gameboy Color are the best card games I've ever played and I'd even say they're the best pokemon games I've ever played. Especially the sequel, look up the fan translation.

I hear the Microprose Magic The Gathering game from around the same time as those Pokemon ones is good, but I've never gotten around to playing it. I'd assume it works on Sixth Edition-era rules though so keep that in mind. I think I heard there's a mod that brings it relatively up to date but again, never really looked into it.

>play mtg and really like running thematic decks or decks with art that I particularly like
>friends all do min/maxing gameplayfaggotry to win in 1 or 2 turns
>they make fun of me and jerk off over how they shitstomp me
>build a semi-gameplay focused deck myself and shitstomp them back because they were bad deck pilots in the first place
>suddenly I'm the bad guy and they no longer want to play
>collecting the art I like in online card games just doesn't feel the game
I tried hearthstone but it was baby shit. I tried MtG and I don't like being restricted by the rules you need to have in order to accommodate the game being digital. I played online with Cockatrice from time to time and that was fun but it was only really useful as a way to see how my decks would match up against whatever meta decks were out there and it lacked the social component that card games have in person

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I desperately want to like post-HC gwent as much as open beta, but so far I just can't. Was really hoping the first expansion would help, but I'm losing hope.

I'm in the same boat.
Old gwent was comfy and fun
This gwent is some kind of tryhard shit bullcrap that takes too long.

I ernjoyed Shadowverse, but it didn't take my long to realise its the only game type that gets me mad. I am impervious to raging in fighting games and dota2, yet doing ladder in Shadowverse gets my blood boiling more than anything.

>mfw seraph

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Its dead sooner or later, when they go mobile.

Glory be, faggot.

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I only play SV unironically for the story now. Its funny, I used to play this game religiously. Even became GM twice, but the lack of event variety and GP every 2 weeks is just tiring. Cygames really fucked up during Wonderland Dreams. They had the chance of stealing Hearthstone's thunder but didn't.

Eitherway, it seems like they hired actual writers this time, Im invested with the story.

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Eternal Card Game
one of the closest to Magic. Used to play it a lot as a F2P. Buying boxes (the equivalent to boosters) does help immensely, but its definitely not needed.
What is good to focus on, though, is Draft (and Forge, which is basically drafting against AI), You keep everything you choose, and get tons of free shit if you manage to win a lot.
I used to be top dog but quit playing and then missed 2 expansions so I'm back to being a scrub. Plus I don't have much time to play anyway.

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Yes, Hearthstone

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>GM twice
tell me more
also do GMs cheat by giving free shit to their regular account? always wondered that ever since my ragnarok online days

>really like TES lore
>card game looks like it rode on hearthstone's popularity
>story mode is locked by currency

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GM in shadowverse is grand master. Once you reach master rank you can't drop down to lower ranks anymore, but they put in grand master rank that resets every season to give you a goal to grind towards. Based on how many points you achieve in GM rank you get a lot of free shit, I think you can get up to 30 packs from the next set that releases and stuff.

tl;dr it's not game master, but the highest rank in the game

Shadowverse had nice art but the gameplay/grind got boring after a while. Never really got into MTG cause everybody I knew only played Yu-Gi-Oh, I hear MTGO is still going strong but its full of veterans and cards cost real money.
Currently playing Hearthstone again, got a bunch of free boosters and it runs on my phone. I think one of the reasons I never got into these online card games is because there is no card trading and paying for virtual only stuff seems kinda lame.
Maybe I should give MTGO a go, but I would need to spend money and catch up on 20 years of experience other players have. There's standard that only lets you play with the recent season's cards but it would still be a learning curve.
By the way, how is MTGA? Is it a good start to learn the ins and outs of the game, I read it only has standard cards.

Compared to other CCGs on the market it's by far the most generous. Artstyle is anime and personally I think it lacks the visual polish of Gwent or HS, but balance wise it's still better than both.

>CDPR announces they're removing siege row
>"It's not for mobile, we swear"
>Not even 6 months after HC release they announce a mobile version
they could at least try to lie convincingly

Yeah, matches just feel like they're dragging for some reason. Foltest's pride is the only card I actually enjoy using in decks and removal is so common it rarely sticks to the board

GM stands for Grandmaster rank, the rank above master that resets back to master every season. I GM'd during Wonderland Dreams, when the rank first appeared. It was a very very degenerate meta that made a lot of people quit since it was dominated by Alice Neutral Blood. Everyone n the ladder used a variant of the "Neutral Package" which consists of Goblin, Actress Feria, Goblin Leader and Alice herself. Anyone who gets the infamous T1 Goblin, T2 Feria, T3 Goblin Leader, T4 Alice first will most likely win the game. Blood just does it better because they have the Baphomet>Soawn of the Abyss combo that deals 16 damage unavoidable by turn 6. Most of us used that deck so its just a matter of who goes first, so its easy to climb the ladder because its just grinding coinflips til you make it to GM.

The second time I got GM was during month 3 Starforged Legends, which was the game's most balanced meta. Every class has a tier 1-2 deck that shut off each other. There was variety and counterplay and it felt great.

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Best way I can think to describe my experience is that it was fun until it wasn't.

Basically this. Time to time again I take a break and come back but it can get stale pretty quickly.

I'm really bummed there is no multiplayer EDH or Cube draft in Arena. Those are the only two formats I play in real life and just couldn't get into Standard at all.

I saw they had a Pauper event in arena after I left. Do they do any other fun formats in Arena?

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Cygames is the most generous mobile game dev in the industry. They will shower you with free stuff all the time and sometimes just because. The earlygame of SV is some of the most fun Ive had with CCGs. Its easy to build decks gradually tok.

Once you reach A rank above, the game ceases to be fun, everyone will run the latest meta deck and you'll start to notice the game's flaws (no counterplay vs strong decks, game designing around fast games meaning grinding the game is not a viable option, some decks being very frustrating to play against etc)

Basically, what this guy said. You'll have fun, the devs are cool guys, but the game, like any MtG offshoot without instant speed play and best of 1 ladder system, will get tiring.

I love Card Hunter
It's technically a tabletop RPG, but you do stuff with your hand of cards from a deck determined by your equipment.

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posting best couple

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I mostly don't enjoy online card games because drafting is too expensive and besides MTGO nobody does drafting "properly". Drafting in MTGA is a joke since you just pick random cards but you don't compete against people from the same draft. SV/Heartstone are even worse. Games also are way too fast in general, people are just grinding for quick wins due to how dailies and free currency is distributed.