How much is he paying them?
How much is he paying them?
Too much.
Kojima looks so lonely when the other guy is watching something on his phone
kojima can barely speak english, what do they talk about?
>posting the edited version
Why is Ryan Gosling conspicuously absent?
We know Kojima likes him and he's met Refyn.
kojima looks so tryhard in these pictures. really hoping his game is good, tho
what the fuck lmao
Sony is paying Kojima to just hand the money over to celebrities so they'll hang out with him. I cant wait for death stranding to expose this hack once and for all
>japanese man tells you broken english to come pose with him while holding cup noodles
can you post the initial leak with all the cast members for Death Stranding?
Did he rike it?
>I cant wait for death stranding to expose this hack once and for all
very high possibility
>flys to new zealend to see peter jackson
>Do thing or I'll kill your children.
I wonder why
>when you realise kojumbo’s hand is empty
That's jack black bro.
gosh i hope he'll include the remove kebap scene
I want to be Kojimbo san and fuck kawaii girls
Why you incles always hating kojima? are you not having anything else to do?
>bankrupts Konami
>bankrupts Sony next
Kojima is our hero
How long will Sony's budget last?
You better delete this shit before Kojima's bf sees this
Made up headline, koji-daddy would never betray us.
>god I hope Sony doesn’t get mad and take my phone away like Konami did
Will his senpai in hollywood ever notice him so he can stop making games and start making movies?
Is that a raw egg in a dish?
Yes, they just watched Rocky
Hideo Kojima continues his scam of renting Hollywood friends to spend time with him all while getting Sony to pay for his lifestyle and he still has enough time in the day to show off his Bluray, anime, music CDs, food, airports, glasses, and Apple products collection on Twitter.
Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding is a serious game and Sony totally didn't get ripped off! No sir, with the PS5 coming in this or next year, yup! Konami totally misses Kojaima the money spender!
>Believe it, Will.
Hideo Kojima meeting Peter Jackson was really important for Death Stranding, completely and utterly dependent on the plot!
>Taking pretend pictures
Jesus, Kojima really is paying actors to be his friends
You don't get to post pictures of poor Genie, user.
I don't think Refn owns Ryan Gosling.
Lad, MGS 4 had almost 10 hours of cutscenes. He started making movies instead of games a rong time ago.
I believe you are misinformed.
What the fuck does Kojima even have in common with celebrities?
What the fuck do they talk about for an hour+
>Do you rike bearu movie?
Is that Hideo or Kojima in the pic?
>Paddington 2
>best of 2018
Ok this is actually based
Its Kojima. Hideo died on that tanker two years ago.
Fuck. That story is so goddamn sad to me. Like nigga you just went and ruined my day at 6am. My WHOLE DAY IS RUINED. Because now everything that happens is just gonna somehow remind me of the horrors that humanity is capable of on a micro scale
He is so desperate to be a cool Hollywood kid. Poor guy.
Imagine giving Kojima money to pay high end actor friendwhores.
Enough for Mikkelsen to hop onboard his Punished Naruto project, it seems.
He’s trying to be cool by knowing the story without telling people. Just ignore him.
Dai Kojima.
Suck it down
Based Kojima wasting faggot vidya company money
Hack or not, I love him. He is Kojima.
jesus, kojima is fucking pathetic.
Haha why does Mads look like such a decrepit old man. Sit the fuck up, you're not dead yet.
he's playing death stranding
He's got such shit taste
Which one is fucking real
I only wonder so badly because on one hand there's no way he wouls post the image with the condom but on the other how the fuck would ypu edit the rest of his jacket and torso in
What if Kojimbo is just a super interesting guy and all these famous actors are naturally attracted to him?
I've heard that from multiple places. Still not gonna see it but apparently it was great.
one dinner date per written word, like with MGSV
My guess is that it's a combination of these things:
>they're working together on a project and getting paid
>he's a cinephile and a creator so he's got a lot of informed opinions they can talk about
>he's extremely flattering to them, like borderline worship
>not a lot of Japanese they can connect with on that level
I wouldn't be surprised if he's actually in the game but he wants it to be some big twist.
too much
3 blowjobs per day
Is he serious? That was his favorite movie that year? Fucking Paddington 2?
pretty based list actually
based retard
70% of his body is made of movies man
Stop posting this please. It makes me uncomfortable.
Come on man, the condom one is automated photoshop filling. If you can't see that switch your brains back on.
So will death strading cost 200 usd
>M-mister Kojima, you spent another 50000 dollars of your budget to go out to eat with Hollywood celebrities? Is the development of your game going that well?
>>My what now??
makes me kinda sad how kojima probably thinks they're friends
What's going to happen when this game inevitably flops?
kojimbo commits suicide
The game's development budget is bloated. Now think about how much marketing costs for AAA games. they will have to sell A LOT and I mean A LOT for a brand new IP with tons of marketing. The whole game's contract was a net loss for Sony once it became apparent Hideo KOjima would rather fuck around with rent-a-Hollywood pal to take pictures for Twitter/
At this rate even if the game sells it will flop, the amount of money going to it is absurd
are those Thunderbirds puppets? FUCKING BASED
i wish i could see the look on kojidrones faces
imagine riding kojima and demonizing konami for years and finally seeing konami was in the right and kojima is just a hack and moneysink
Nothing really. Kojima will just find another company willing to throw money at him. Maybe he'll approach Microsoft, god knows they need a new exclusive to hype up.
Snoy files for bankruptcy and Hideo is never heard from again.
I like Kojima when he trolls fans with ambiguous hints/hidden shit in trailers/interviews. I'd argue that the lead up to MGSIV and MGS5 (and the shit in between like Peace Walker and Deja Vu or whatever) was more fun than the actual game.
I'm not a fan of current Hideo though since he seems to be just trolling his publisher and has had next to 0 interaction with fans or dropping hints or anything like that.
>Kojima will just find another company
no he won't
he'll be black listed for life if he words gets around that he went overbudget with both konami and sony
no company is as willing to pump money into games development as sony. if he fucks them he's fucked forever
you underestimate how lacking the games industry is with active game devs w/ star power
>just realized kojima and hideo are two different persons
how dumb am i
This is a very reddit/gimmicky/over exagerrated/attention seeking post
Find a purpose
Pretty damn dumb
He's got dirt on them. Serious dirt. They're being blackmailed to hang out with him.
It's a common mistake desu, they look pretty similar at a glance.
They look like edgy late 2000s skaters
All of you haters will regret your words and deeds once Kojima-san proves you wrong and creates the greatest video game ever made!
Refn and Kojima are both high paying members of a sodomy club where they keep several male actors as borderline slaves, Reedus, Gosling and Mikkelsen among these. They are kept on a tight leash through a mix of blackmail and very large sums of money. Kojima is running the asian chapter of the rape guild and has prime access to several well known western actors which he parades around town as gigolos and uses in his projecs. Obviously the whole thing is just a small part of the big picture of the overreaching web of dark crime, financial pressure and blackmail used by the Bogdanoffs to control most shadow governments and the entertainment industry and specifically bitcoin ups and downs.
Showing up at press events to release a new Death Stranding trailer of another Hollywood actor doing nothing gameplaywise and slow walking gameplay sequences is trolling the publisher (Sony), user.
What the fuck is Kojima doing lool
this is honest to god one of the most depressing pictures to look at in the last 5 years
Real life "remake" of the yakuza games