Well Yea Forums I personally thinks it's pretty good. Could use a little more content and such but yeah it's pretty alright.
World War Z game thoughts?
Is this that DayZ clone from 5 years ago or a new game?
New game, more like left 4 dead.
Modded Left 4 Dead 2 with "thirdpersonshoulder" command on
and thats a good thing
As much as I like the game I have to agree, but you have to admit it's equivalent to heavily modded material.
does this take place in Israel?
Yes lmao you can even see Jewish zombos in the map.
are there rabbi zombies
watch out arnetta there's niggers with guns behind you!
That's funny since Arnetta's black, the girl in pink is Japanese and the guy on the left is Latino.
I wish. But sadly no. Only subtle jew references on the zombies.
I like Jews they're pretty chill usually :3
>zombie games
What a striking commentary on black on black violence.
>Tfw this type of shitposting will turn Yea Forums's opinion of this game into a bunch of racist jokes and shitposting
I like this.
oy vey!
>kippah flies off head and spins around
She cute.
>Epic Store exclusive
Haha no, the chinks can go get fucked.
Is the IDF girl cute? I love IDF girls
>+10 to barter headwear
Sex machine. Not a joke.
Are all the playable characters minorities?
Literally every screenshot i've seen is diversity plus.
shes the sexiest woman ive seen in vidya, she overtook ada as my vidyaslut
No /pol/tard they aren't.
>thirdperson zombie shootan
This is literally just L4D
Pics? Whats her name
Really? Are you sure? Because the only whites i've seen are the *zombies*.
too small, I can't see her
a zombie game in 2019
missed the boat by an entire decade
yeah you idiot there are like 10+ playable characters
Black chick on the left is actually pretty cute. Asian chick is too obviously.
Even though this game probably sucks, the character modelers were actually pretty damn good at their job.
>only in NY episode
>the other episodes (Russia, Japan) have all four of their respective ethnicity
U S fucking A
im bored of zombies
didnt slavs make the game? with this and the witcher they seem to be the only region that actually still makes good looking women that hasnt been infected with sjw trash
So, nigger, nigger, riced, nigger, jew?
What are the other playable characters, more riced ,spics and Australians?
Is it on PC?
Looks like a Fallout 4 character.
well yeah, depending on the borough there could be barely any white people at all. im not sure where the mission takes place but if its the bronx then id except all four party members to be dominican
Nobody cares about your platform war
>subtle jew references on the zombies
like what
Only 56% of the characters minorities, and of that 56% 100% of them are American.
god why is she so perfect guys, i hope porn gets made of her eventually
you can toss a coin to distract them
What the fuck are you talking about no you cant
wtf i love wwz now
Where the fuck is the hispanic? Now I'm fucking mad.
the bald fat guy's name is Angel Flores
>all hispanics are dark skinned nongs
This is some stereotype shit. Fking whites pandering don't even know my people. They think they're allies, but when shit hits the fan, they're gonna be the first to get the bullet.
>shit taste
Stealth isn't as important nor is blazing your guns loudly is dangerous either.
It is literally left for dead but without the goofy graphocs or wacky valve shit and the guns are actually fun to use.
Any white characters or is it just gooks, nigs and spics?
>Gore system is shit
>Enemy reaction to bullets and explosions is shit
>Main gimmick of the game is poorly executed aka zombie hordes
>Game constantly forces you to shoot zombie for 3-5 minutes until it let you progress
>no tension at all
>empty characters
>no community servers or maps or even mods
>maps suck ass. Who designed this shit?
>replayability is non-existent
>Special zombies are worthless and boring
In l4d you rush towards victory.
In this game you just stand still and shoot meat.
>muh white character
the state of amerimutts
Bro if I were a shill I'd be alot more positive, psh I wish i made money shitposting all day.
The game was just released, I've played the original left 4 dead on release and the same things were said about it. It's not complete yet, it's just finished enough for release.
What point did you think a game absolutely needs to be perfect to be playable? It's a fun game, but no game is perfect. Why do you people need community shit as soon as the game releases? Theres enough content for several hours, plus I personally find it replayable so long as you dick around and dont speedrun. It fixed left 4 deads speedrunning problem, the first level cant be beat in 30 seconds like the first no mercy chapter.
In the Jerusalem episode, pic related. One is a NY reporter (left guy from her), and the other is a British SAS (on her right). There are also slavs, all 4 of them in the Moscow episode
Maybe, she is quite fine.
>that fucking image
You better pay the hospital bill because I think my lungs popped.
I wish the game had transexual option
gib IDF waifu
I dunno, looks white enough for me
Most of the my points still stand. No amount of content will save this game, faggot.
reminder that the Jews created the zombie virus against the palestines
Jewish girls are superior to white ones.
ok buddy
is this another DayZ, Division, COD, battlefield tc?
Does USA not make any games that doesnt envolve fireweapons?
yeah lets give them some outdated swords or magic weaboo god powers
is the multiplayer better than the co-op play episodes?
>escape new york, notice no black zombies, no brown zombies.
>new york character are 2 blacks, one with stereotype name, a Hispanic who is a stereotype, and a Asian.
>Go to Japan, streets are clean in zombie apocalypses not like shit filled new York ones. Don't even start in the city, but a suburb.Expect asian zombies, only stupid gajin zombies, killing immersion.
>JEW episode feature the most operator characters, and do secret spy base shit.
I am tired of shooters, I would love good challenging melee instead. most games with guns no longer require you to have skill only it is multiplayer, they make sp guns rail guns.
play Vermintide instead?
I didnt know it existed
The multiplayers weird, its neat and unique but it crashes alot, the game starts up quick tho, if you've got time to deal with the occasional crash its aight.
It's kinda fun to use zombies to gain advantage against enemies.
This game lack diversity,you have a lack of diversity in the zombies models, they are all whites. I can not relate to the Hispanic character , because it propagates a racist stereotype. BROWN,bald tatoo gangbanger look.
I mean, his backstory is from some latin kings gang or some shit, pretty sure nobody would relate.
literally makes no sense to ever have trans representation
trans people want to be the other gender
video games let them self insert as a genuine member of the other sex, rather than an abomination
I haven't played it but the amount of zombies on screen and collision ragdoll effects look bretty gud. Is the shooting decent?
hold up guys i need to dilate my vagina.
it is probably the closet zombie game we have to an actual city outbreak, shoot feels very hitscan, like you will miss in range if you not using sniper, but you don't feel recoil impacting you much.
>Willingly open giant gaping bleeding wound
95% of trannies are intolerable retards, honestly I think they'd be the first to go, not only do they feel the need to do all this horseshit but an "vagina" which is really just an open wound would attract zombies from smell, I say put em on a motorized cart and send em out as decoys.
Me neither until a friend told me.
god, this sounds fucking grotesque and sickening
>cinematic scene were the group of survivors made it in to safe zone.
>tranny go to the bathroom and dilates, scene is shown, while the surviros are surrounded by a horde and everyone want to leave. Insufferable tranny screams to wait.
>mission objective defend your team mate while they dilate.
how will the trannies coupe when they got no more hormones, and make up to mitigate their original form.
>run from your life from zombos, pant to safety, with some fellow survivors, jump ledge, saved by a manly hand, say thank you sir, tranny goes ballistic and shoots you, and one the survivors says be calm he didnt know , tranny shoots teamates saying TRANS RIGHTS!!!!
Steam niggers SEETHING
I want to kill zombies, not Jews and muslims and now there even adding Mexican immigrants!
war z is the game for you all the zombies, are whites, no non-whites are zombies, even in Jerusalem, to japan they are just whites.
I want this to happen, fuck you I'm smiling at how hilarious this is.
It's a debatably worse/better Operation Raccon City. Depending on how you look at it.
Is "press" his nickname because he can bench press a lot?
Is "friendly" fire possible?
I love Yea Forums's willingness to play along with humor.
Yes. Higher difficulties have higher percentages of friendly fire. People complain about griefing already.
Trannies are midgame psychos you fight as Frank West in an irl zombie situation
it is yom kippure, goyim die for me I cannot do anything today.
How could they fuck up so badly by not adding private lobbies, literally everything else is great and fun.
Kek. Taking photos of them puts them in the horror category.
I think it's one of the latest dev build, no DRM or anything. Offline only with bots. Just in case you guys want to try it.
It's pretty funny to run the double rocket perk with 100% extra damage, you can wipe your whole team including yourself
I think certain features other than multiplayer can only be accessed online. Cant quite remember tho.
It does kinda suck that it's not on steam. But not much you can do.
Could use some more interactions between characters and long stretches to walk but I liked it. I can't tell if this or L4D had longer scenarios.
Lmao it's not thaaaaaat bad.
10 year vet of left 4 dead here, the only campaigns with levels longer than 7 to 10 minutes are custom campaigns
Shooting is pretty clean, large crosshairs but clean.
Post more character anims like these.