Give your money to Granblue Fantasy.
Give your money to Granblue Fantasy
KYS dumb Beato poster.
Bea is a treasure.
kys KMR
>tfw no gf
That jacket looks fucking stupid
Only for potatoes like doot loli and box
That's why he's giving her money. To buy some proper fucking clothes. Dumb Bea.
any doujins of her getting fucked by ugly men?
Isn't that the chick that gets raped and crucified? Dumb bimbo.
Stop being mean to Beato right NOW.
>tfw building my entire Dark team around my wife Bea
Can't wait to get a Dark Ultima sword, is it worth using as a mainhand? Or are there better Dark swords to use? How good is Baha Dagger Coda as a mainhand?
I told you to stop making threads on Yea Forums.
Xeno for za glory. Herma for gao. Para for everything else.
Fug, don't have any of them. I'm a latelet so the only xeno I have are Fire and Wind. does Herma need to be fully uncapped of would a 0* be fine?
big draph milkers
My peepee disagrees with your shit taste.
0* is fine. Anything that give DATA is good. Like GW dagger for example.
Ah, got it. Also, when should I attempt 40 boxing? I'm at box 11 right now and already sick of GW, and to make things worse Wind is by far my best team so I won't even be able to do this in other GWs.
My Wind team can 1-turn EX and 2 turn EX+, my other teams can only deal like 10% of what my Wind team can do.
You 40 box when you feel like it. If you don't then just do it over a few GWs. I'm at 20/40 for like 5 characters and about to 60 box to finish some of them now that I'm stronger but just be yourself and take your time.
Please play Dragalia Lost.
I'm gonna marry this idiot!
only if the girls bully me for being a paypig
Ah, I'll take my time then. The first time I started Granblue I burned myself out with the grinding and stopped playing for a long period, don't want that to happen again. Right now my real priority is gold bricks anyway so I'm saving the grinding for RoTB.
Granblue will take as much time as you can give it so it's up to you to pace yourself. Just remember to do some ubaha trains during magfest and do daily hosts of HL now so you have a higher chance of bars.
>tfw newbie
>first gw
>16 box
>tier a crew
feels alright desu
>tfw you will never be a submissive faggot like this guy and get to enjoy shitty fetishes like findom or degradation
It hurts, sometimes I want to have the same passion.
Versus soon, and Relink 1-2 years later
Yeah, right now my main concern is fixing up my awful grids, my Wind grid can throw out millions of damage a turn while others can't even touch 1 million a turn, besides Fire because holy hell that Xeno Ifrit Axe is ridiculous, my MC alone does almost 3 million turn-1 with a shit grid with the axe's ougi.
its not that shitty... and you can get the same passion. handing over money and getting degraded is super addictive
Findom is a weird fetish. I do get excitement of losing control, but to leave your finances in a hands of random thot to promote her own unhealthy financial practices? That sounds retarded
>it's not shitty
>it's just shitty AND destructive
More power to you if you're always ready to drop on your knees for being a weak loser, but I never enjoy losing control or getting bullied.
you are getting findommed by the government anyway at all times of your life, dumb paypigs
No sexual thrill is worth destroying your life over
What's so bad with paying taxes for the police and making sure you get an education, once you'll be ready for gradeschool?
>came for the draphs and harvin
>stayed for the erunes and humans
Only if there are Nier doujins
Maybe. Is it possible to have an entire party of oppai lolis fighting for me?
Some elements yea.
Post sexy, adult Harvins
>paying taxes for the police
>making sure you get an education
police are literally doms payed to make sure you comply with cruel and unfair payments that you don't consent too
education is a joke too
bea a cute
> pay for something with benefit to you and people around you
> hurr durr you get Findomed by government! It is totally the same as giving someone full control over your finances for the benefit of that person and making my peepee hard
>full control over your finances
user do you even know what findom is? you don't give them access to everything, you go and pay them
Just because you wasted your opportunity doesn't make it a joke.
>> pay for something with benefit to you and people around you
>benefiting its citizens
i have a pair of boots for you to lick clean as well
public school is the joke user
So it is a whore that doesn't have sex with you and just say you are a moron. You can have same experience here, you are moron. Fact that you think education is bad is just further proof of your shocking lack in mental capabilities
public education is bad, an utter waste of time that i had to spend my own time fixing my education out of my pocket.
though this varies by country, seeing as america has one of the worst education systems on the planet
Never played the game but I love Beatrix's design and doujins. Is she gonna be in the fighting game?
good choice
>So it is a whore that doesn't have sex with you and just say you are a moron.
pretty close, its an act of submission.
I barely know anything about granblue but the vampire girl with short hair and a knife is the best girl
HONKI DAYO is top cute.
her name is vampy/vania
At least post hot characters
Is that the mc from Bakarina?
i want to fuck sandals thighs!
Not that vampire, the other one
she'd make my dark so much better even without stamina grid and work so well with Nier
armpits are a bonus
this one?
its a boy though
Sandy is a miracle of the universe
I want to nookie nook with Veight so badly lads.
it shouldn't even be legal for a boy to have legs this good
i want sandal to step on me!
you mean onahole
show me a better OTP
i'll wait
sandal is a cute pure boy who would never let himself get turned into a cock holster by meaty skyfarer dicks
wake me up when its over
Holy shit
a retard
Give up user, fujos have taken over.
dont die please
post the best race then
Sorry user I'm grinding to stay in top 35K.
I want to marry and impregnate Magisa
Nothing wrong with police
Education is retarded to have in the hands of the government
Everything else short of border and army is similarly retarded
This but with Silva and her friend with benefits.
Imagine being the artist who designs these characters and then watching these waves of fat, foul smelling incels claim them as their "waifus" and obsess over them. It's so gross I really wish we could just murder incels
why should i give money to cygames when they handed me a 1 month ban while leaving obvious botters alone?
>cheating faggot got dabbed on by KMR
Pity about the botters though, they really should get around to banning them too.
Can we talk about how ridiculous the honors cutoffs for this guild war are?
>Education is retarded to have in the hands of the government
Hey, guess what! My government tried a mainly private system for University, and guess what! It's a gigantic fuckup because trusting the free market to fix education doesn't work!
it leaves a shit taste in the mouth when they banned the low-hanging fruit who were still playing the game while leaving botters and hackers alone
it didn't even do jack shit for this GW since people are still cheating anyways, cygames should've been more hard handed than doing this PR stunt
>Imagine being the artist who designs these characters and then watching these waves of fat, foul smelling incels claim them as their "waifus" and obsess over them.
imagine thinking these artists have any integrity and aren't designing these characters solely for the purpose of attracting fat, foul smelling incels into obsessing over them
I remember last GW i tried for top 1K which ended up being about 600 million, which is what is was already earlier today. Fucking horrible. And they keep making it worse.
There's nothing ridiculous about them.
Yes, look at this character designed for smelly incels
>a generic pretty boy added to appeal to fujoshits
you aren't helping your case
Well this then?
You should have posted Alethia and Keehar, they're my favorites
Beato or Clarisse?
Dokkan is for you, Bea is for her sword.
>Full of lesbos
>The ones that aren't already has guys
GBF is actually for cucks
Keehar is pretty cool dude
good taste user, shame alethia's va is dead, but atleast we got the old bowman
>got spooked by Valentine's Melissabelle on the Valentines banner
I want to mash that potato
It's up to 730 million and it's bad across the board. Even the lowest tier is already over what it was at the end of last GW. At this rate I wouldn't be surprised at a 100 million min for individual rankings.
I guess they aren't surprising in retrospect, with all the free stuff KMR has been giving out.
I want to play it, but there are too many hoops to jump through to play.
What do you mean? All you need is a Mobage account, and Google Chrome. That's literally it. If you have a phone, all you need is a mobage account.
Just start the game? You don't need to reroll you know.
I had both of those and still couldn't.
All you need to do is go here and change the language to English
I don't know how you could since it's so easy. Fuck, you don't even need to directly sign up with mobage now you can link a Google account or some shit.
no you still need a mobage account
I know I mean you can bypass most of the registration if you link a Google account or whatever.
>Wind grid elevated from shit to less shit
>Mirin is putting in work now
>Still sad I didn't pull her light version when it came out
Guys I swear to fucking god I'm gonna suptix this not-weeb next chance I get.
>youngest doraf
>E sized melons
What is this sorcery?
You forgot someone
doraf genetics
I bet they can get pregnant and start making milk earlier than humans too
No but I'm going to nut inside Cag
>suptix a sr
good thinking retard
Can you fujo fags fuck off already? You ruin every gbf thread with your faggotry.
Post gbf cunny.
you first
>subtixing an SR
Just save a spark and spark an SSR on her rate up, SR rate ups are really easy to get
>tfw being a Windchad
>M1 is godly
>M2 is godly
>M1+M2 is even more godly
>ludicrous amount of good characters
>Wind Magna dabs on Siete and Lucy while Primals needs sunstones and bricks to compete
i'm just a regular old fag(male)
Best girl.
I like the doujin where she rapes that dumb chief and then ends up falling in love with him. Thee wee 3 pats and the third one implies a 4th is coming.
Suptix when
Golden Week
quit this game on January after playing religiously every day for 3 days.
Thought i were going to have more free time to improve my life but end up wasting it all on Yea Forums, youtube and whatever.
waiting for the fighting game
>he missed the roulette for this
Should I get Okto for the next GW?
Why do mods allow these shitty gacha generals?
3 whole days huh
He's mandatory for playing earth so yes
He's only good once you 5* him.
Because we actually discuss the game instead of going on about da esjaydoubleUs and /pol/ this and eceleb that
Gambling sims aren't video games
fire primal playable with fingers? or is that worse than magna? fuck the power creep in this game no feeling worse than having the grid you whaled for become useless
And MMOs are pay to ERP simulators but those are allowed.
>Fire Primal only beat Siete because of Ilsa's status effects
>Wind Magna effortlessly beat Siete
>Gambling sims aren't video games
Good since GBF is not about gambling, retard.
But Grubble is a Korean-tier grinding simulator.
Post your GW mvp
the fuck they added jewten boss now?
Yes, and you literally become god when you beat them. Not really, you just get this skin.
I like potato
Anni update. For getting all 4* Jews, you can unlock this. For the Super Saiyan Danchou skin, you need to 40 BOX ALL THE JEWS ALL OVER AGAIN AND THROW IN SUNSTONES AND GOLD BRICKS for the Megajew battle where Siete alone can one-shot your whole party.
is that gran he literally went ssgss
I'm playing it. Its fucking shit. No wonder its dying.
>shit rates
>boring artstyle
>ear grating music, even without the vocals
>repetitive as fuck gameplay, and no cool sprites to make up for it, just shitty 3d chibis
>story is beyond horrendous, its so bad you can literally see how much they didnt give a shit about it
>none of the girls are for (you) since the mc isnt a self insert, but rather his own character just with your name (not to mention he's beyond generic)
And lets be real, 90% of the reason you're even playing a gacha is for the anime girl pngs
>literally shit all to do after you beat the story
>boring ass characters outside of the cute clown
>shitty clash of clans townbuilding crap for absolutely no reason
I dont know what the fuck Nintendo was thinking, making Granblue Fantasy without all the things people love about that.
Your game will die and no amount of crossovers will save it.
I don't actually play or pay for anything in the game, I just log in when they give out free rolls. It's better this way.
Cope gacha tard.
You get PNGs instead of money.
Yes. Not sure why, the skin is a fucking pain to get and is really for the most veteran of players right now.
You don't need to buy anything, farm is the only thing that matter in GBF.
you don't have to draw the characters to fap to them
post more bea
Bea is DUMB
Dumber than DOKKAN
I made it 2 months but yeah it's pretty much action GBF with a shit artstyle and no waifus. Not my thing.
same user i was getting addicted in 2k17 and raged whales for sszoi when i keep failing to get her and i just gave up when the fire primal grid I was working on got power crept by ixaba
now im clean and much happier i urge all anons to quit now that gbf is going to be a proper video game franchise with games being developed by respected companies
Why not just play magna like a normal person?
>No Brain: Humans
>Peanut Brain: Draph
>Galaxy Brain: Erune
>Dimensional Brain: Harvin
>multiversebrain: all of them
Me too
were you not not around for the
memes fire was a joke except maybe ex sex but that was austistic tier grinding even for me
Ex Sex is pretty rad though, it's just a pain to get.
I would if someone gifted me an Anila + Shiva(grand) starter account please.
This. It took me less than half an hour before I realized it was shit and deleted the app
This. It was at that point I asked myself "why actually play" and couldn't come up with a good answer
it was pretty good but the grind was autistic back then and it got dumpstered on when the athena weps came out
I'm giving my money to Dragalia Lost, an actual game with actual gameplay. Now excuse me while I go FS Void Agni with the true king.
The gameplay is shit though, go play an action game on console.
>Gachashit gradually being accepted on Yea Forums
It's too late. It was always too late.
Man does arc knows how to make good looking models. Too bad their games are underrated besides DBF
>Reason's Transcendance : Primal
You become blackhole brain retard the moment you like garbage race like humans as they are nothing but trash
Magisa is a honorary Draph
>i urge all anons to quit now that gbf is going to be a proper video game franchise with games being developed by respected companies
Nah, I'm playing it to enjoy the characters, the story and side stories. I don't care about the end game and farming like a retard.
>games being developed by respected companies
They are made by Cygames too, retard.
>They are made by Cygames too, retard.
source? last i check cygames have coders that made fighting or action games i assume they are designed by or co-designed by cygames
dont have*
CyGames has their own teams, CyGames Osaka is the team working on ReLink for example.
>implying they won't throw in bonuses for buying the console game to redeem in the mobage
Relink was a collab made by Cygames and Platinum, now only Cygames is working on it.
Versus is mostly made by Arcsys, but everything is still under Cygames direction.
>wanna flb Seofon
>need revenant weapon fragments
This part makes me want to die.
Who is best gbf girl?
Doot loli
i want some pork for tonight.
I've never spent a cent on it and this dumb slut keeps showing up in my rolls anyways.