So what will blizzard do when Classic is a ghost town after 1 month?
So what will blizzard do when Classic is a ghost town after 1 month?
make another copy of Imperator: Rome
Say "told you so" on Twitter, blame white males, and double down on their tardpandering.
Hopefully revive Lost Vikings.
What happens when it revitalizes Warcraft interest in the later stages of Pre-BC?
Does Blizzard move on to resurrect later expansions?
Does Blizzard decide to edit dead projects and unfinished zones creating new content and modifying the original classic content?
These are better questions to start a thread with than your shit.
I can honestly see adding t4 being more likely than maintaining vanilla and tbc servers simultaneously
>What happens when it revitalizes Warcraft interest in the later stages of Pre-BC?
Naxx? Because there's really not much else in the "later stages" of Classic. There's just a raid.
>Does Blizzard move on to resurrect later expansions?
I doubt it, unless it absurdly successful and everyone is demanding later expansions. Bringing back Classic has taken them over 2 years, and it's the most bare-bones version of the game mechanically.
>Does Blizzard decide to edit dead projects and unfinished zones creating new content and modifying the original classic content?
This would be shit. Just let it die, don't turn it into modern WoW.
Say "I told you so"
What did runescape classic do when all the players left?
Runescape is free, so it's still alive, and they basically created an alternate storyline with quests and equipment using Old Runescape sensibilities.
>the golden age of World of Warcraft Classic+ is in full swing. Original plans for vanilla completely realized and expanded upon.
>seasonal servers allowing freshbulls enjoy their preferred gaming experience
>static servers for raidlogging alliance trannies
>What spec will you pick and other dumbass questions by people who never actually played Vanilla: The Thread: The Sequel
I think there is an argument to be made that Blizz should update it all the way to WoTLK, right before Cata.
Maybe then it resets back to 1.1 and we do it all over again
>"I think there will be a lot of tourists," he adds. "But it doesn’t matter what I think because once we’re committed to doing this at a Blizzard level, which we are, whatever happens is going to happen. If millions of people show up and play for years, that’s awesome. And if just tens of people show up and play for years, we’re fine either way. What’s important to us is that we have this Classic experience people can enjoy, that people do have the opportunity to go back to. This is an important game in videogame history and there’s not a way to go back and experience that today. This is also about preserving something that we think is really important.
>alliance trannies
>from the faction that tried to host a solemn funeral in a contested zone on a PvP server and got fucking buttblasted over it on the forums and is still salty to this day
eat it pigfarmer
Daily reminder that 3.1 was the last time wow was good.
Doing level 12+ right now live on Youtube if you wanna chill 'n shiiiiet.
Honestly, video game preservation is something that we really need to be talking about.
lol you're that guy that threw a hissyfit when he got banned from the Yea Forums Minecraft server.
No I didn't. I played under like 30 different names lel. IP changes take 2 mins.
They'll blame the players with a smug face and continue fucking the corpse of the game.
if anything it will kill the low pop servers from retail, they can also merge servers if people stop playing
That isn't going to happen. Classic is going to be a clinic in retro gaming and bring back a lot of the early player base they lost with the expansions. I'm coming home, momma I'm coming home.
No no no no no no changes! There is no Classic+ and never will be. All content stops with the release of Naxx as it should.
Wow was good during vanilla. That's all. Fuck yourself retailcuck
We are going home bros.
>Runescape is free, so it's still alive
it peaks at about 10 times the concurrent players than the new runescape does
classic will go the same route
Wrathbabby here, revisiting that expansion on a private server has convinced me it isn't worth playing again. It was the beginning of all of the tard pandering and patch 3.3.5a is fucking shit. Revisiting BC would be great though.
So you got elemental shaman, balance druid and shadow priest. All specs that function in pvp and would be solid in pve if not for glaring mana issues. What would you think if Blizzard added a lvl60 trinkets for these specs/classes that are something like "whenever your lightning bolt hits a target that's higher level than you, refund x% of the mana cost". This would have zero effect on pvp, but would alleviate their biggest drawback in raids.
Obviously, something like that can't really be done for specs other than offensive casters. You would have to figure out something completely different for physical dps specs.
That would be gay of course, because muh nochanges. But you can still be an Ele shaman, just drink hundreds of mana potions. Or use those runes that convert health into mana.
how about we play vanilla wow instead
They say they told us so, completely ignoring the fact that they did not deliver what true vanilla fans wanted.
Ultra based
20 million people have already preordered Classic.
I'm all for it, but vanilla wow isn't eternal.
play mage or warlock if you want to play caster dps
>classic will go the same route
Yeah no.
Reminder that this is Classic and not Vanilla.
Based and holypilled
Unironically neck yourself mongoloid tripfag
Paladins in classic
>Defensive healing / buff class but can also deal a lot of damage with the right spec / items
Paladins in wrath
>God fairy / immortal angel of death, come to judge the weak, likes nine inch nails, dislikes his dad, rogues, himself.
it makes sense, if you think about it
there has always been class designers, but...
during vanilla, everyone had tons of work so each department just focused on their thing
in tbc, METZEN who mained paladin just pushed them to be a little better.
in wrath, his righteous fury could not be contained, to he buffed them to the max
it would be really cool if they added new content like that after the 6 content updates they have planned, new items and maybe a new raid like osrs?
Make warcraft 4
and dab on trannies
nigga when should i go to barrens as an undead?
how about tauren shaman, would you guys inv me to your cool guy dungeon-spamming group at 60?
Bros come hit the stream up just hit Crossroads.
I'm gonna rank 1 mindflay the boss to keep Weave stacks up and I'm gonna love it.
Shadow DPS doesn't really matter, since I have no qualms funneling rank 2 heal into idiots for my dkp, though hybrid mana issues should probably get resolved at some point.
I think the bigger issue is Naxx+ (whatever is post naxx) where fights are actually tight enough that Mages/Wars take over the entire world of dps and everyone else is just a secondary
In Vanilla I tanked 5/10 mans on a Shaman. You gotta work harder than a warrior but it's not a problem if you have cc in the group and two instances in particular I think Shaman tank is the best bet (interrupts for days)
what addons are you using?
This is what I got so far. Any recommendations?
They dont need to do anything. These servers are so cheap that probably 100 players could pay for them perpetually.
Most people won't even be 60 by that point. Only hardcore poopsockers will even be level 60 with pre-raid gear or doing MC.
no one cares tripfag
Too funny.
>Guy asks what addons I use
>I answer
>"No one cares tripfag."
Fukken lol'd hard.
you're probably samefagging while you shill your stream for all I know. you're already an attention whoring tripfag. I recommend all tripfags kill themselves.
Stop giving him attention.
Streams over about to go to bed can't really post here when engaging with the viewers who aren't timid betas too afraid to check out a stream.
Go watch that one youtuber that "leaked" classic beta screenshots. He's got the personality of a slice of toast. That's what all the zoomers these days are into. Flavorless NPC's with no heart and soul.
if classic wow fails than MMO's are unironically a dead relic of the past.
they are a dead relic of the past, these days kids play session games
you are doing it wrong buddy
Thanks reddiit
It won't
Blizzard will copy OSRS & add content to Classic in the design philosophy of Vanilla & it will become the most popular version of WoW
Except it will not be a ghost town. By releasing Classic, Blizz adds so much content that will help keep those subs up. Releasing TBC and then Wotlk is just a matter of time. This way everyone can experience the whole content at its best, not by soloing 40m raids. Dont like retail or done everything there was? Np, go play vanilla/tbc/wotlk - whatever suits you. Bored with classics? Go play that next update to retail. The classic project will keep everyone happy - both players and fucking Kottick.
I don't think the average person truly realizes how little content their is at max level. The max level dungeons are time consuming but ultimately provide very little challenge. Raids are only difficult due to managing people and excessive farming of consumables (which likely won't be necessary with how high skill levels are). Modern players will steam roll through each raid tier in a few resets. PvP is PvP; people can only run the same unbalanced BGs for so long.
Once the raids immediately cleared and people realize classic PvP is an unbalanced mess, there is nothing to do. You're stuck farming 15 year old dungeons and raiding once a week for clear.
Hopefully they add more content a la osrs, TBC and the whole illidan redemption arc is where the retarded gay shit started.
WoW Classic is going to do an Old School Runescape and absolutely dab on retail.
People have known for over a decade that the only thing that could kill WoW is WoW itself. Now that's happened, it's time to go back and unfuck the game. I cannot fucking wait.
Killing yourself is the best medication i can recommend.
>WoW Classic is going to do an Old School Runescape
I seriously doubt Blizzard have the balls to do new development on Classic. Its just going to be a barebones progression server which will die when it hits mid TBC.
no, only thing that could kill WoW was Blizzard and they did so
I don't want new content, I don't trust the current dev teams or creative teams to produce anything non-garbage tier.
Just leave the game how it was, without fucking pandas.
>Took the most successful MMO of all time and crucified it themselves
>Now they want to do it again with progression rather than new content
At least Jagex only did it once.
Competent new development > Not touching a fucking thing from 1.12 > Progression to TBC > > > Incompetent new development >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Going into Wrath
I suspect they are waiting to see how many people are going to play it, if its a lot they will just do progression and probably an opt in to go from vanilla to TBC. If its barely anyone, they will probably force the whole community into TBC.
Well competent new development isn't happening so let's discount that.
Not touching a thing is the ideal. I imagine we wouldn't be seeing progression into TBC for 2 years. I personally will quite playing then because >dranei, but 2 years of enjoyment and time with a fresh new guild is enough for me.
I hope they fork classic and have part of it stay #nochanges forever, another part become classic+, and the third part progress to BC or Wrath. It might not have the players for that, but if it does it's the ideal outcome
After seeing their presentation at last Blizzcon I'm cautiously optimistic about the idea of "new" content. Assuming they don't forget why they made classic in the meantime. They brought up a lot of points that made it clear they recognize why people like classic, mainly making conscious decisions to keep "quality of life" changes to a minimum if they would impact the overall experience and the way players interact.
How many of you are going to poopsock to 60, then poopsock some more to get blue bis gear, faceroll MC and BWL with all world buffs, get bored before AQ is out and then start demanding for fresh server so you can poopsock again?
Not at all, im not retarded. Im going to take my time leveling and meeting new people.
god I hope I get to do this
classic is the new wow. retail is failed wow and will be slowly relegated to a niche community of basically people too spastic to give up whatever dumb shit they've accumulated on their not-wow for the past decade, but even that will slowly trickle out and i doubt anybody's going to be assed to make a bfa private server.
this, I will finally prove the world I'm an elite gamer
The same thing they did when retail became a ghost town?
Flood the game with bots posing as players, running off of a chat bot AI system.
Wait, does this mean they are going to re-release bfa?
Yeah the same way they re-released WoD for the past few years
illidan should have never been a boss in WoW, the power creep in WoW was worse than Dragon Ball Z
We went from struggling to kill Kel'Thuzad as a final boss, to 5 manning Anub'Arak in low level greens, fuck that
I can't wait to, except the last part. With private servers there's always a fresh one popping up and the threat of being left on a dead server, but classic won't be like that.
No more migrating to the next buggy server as the previous one dies...
Finally, Home
14 years 4 months 28 days AGO
4 months
28 days
TBC sucked though, just as bad as EOC was to Runescape
Truly based
No. Changes. No. Changes. No. Changes. Classic+ as you put it is the exact thing Blizzard needs to avoid. Keep it at 1.12 release the raid content as planned and LEAVE IT THE FUCK ALONE
Sm/Ruin warlock to level then respec at 69 to DS/Ruin
fuck off ManletTears
>So what will blizzard do when Classic is a ghost town after 1 month?
Learn absolutely nothing and continue making the same mistakes in Overwatch, Starcraft, and Diablo.
Why are you looking forward to Classic?
For me, it's because retail is shit
>gave him Beats
based is about going that extra mile
I'm really not, except I know that I'll somehow end up playing it anyway. But the thought of giving nu-blizzard money, especially for 15 year old game disgusts me.
Bad item. Causes more balance issues than it fixes, and is the same type of Diablo 3 itemisation that makes that game's itemisation more of a chore than an excitement.
What you'd want to do is to add some form of mana leech or mana regen for group members.
fuck your stream, get a real job
needing to practice a 15 year old tab target mmo
do you understand what a fork is?
>implying they aren't gonna double down on tardpandering regardless.
Yea I don't really like the design myself either, but there aren't many ways to buff specs in raids without also affecting pvp (and leveling). You could potentially also make items that buff certain skills so much it forces you to switch to meme rotations like those in WotLK that you can't really pull off in PVP and so your highest potential dps is only doable in a group PVE setting.
But isn't that Diablo 3 itemization as well?
I have no clue why people stomach this guy.
>the fatass iranian twat who is nice on stream and an annoying unbearable motherfucker when off stream lurks Yea Forums
gee i wonder
>people have been playing vanilla on private buggy as shit servers for over 10 years
>this is their chance to have everything done properly, from low ping to no gamebreaking bugs to no risk of admins crapping on things or the servers shutting down
he used to be cool and funny, now he is a shill that only streams IRL shit that nobody cares about
What are the chances what little devs who still are starry eyed about WoW, actually make new and interesting content?
>See? I told you you didn't want to play vanilla!
>but sharding isn't vanilla, you killed socialization and WPVP with it
You're ignorant. They've said sharding is only at starting areas and only on launch.
>TBC sucked
What a shit fucking opinion. Did you ever like WoW? Because I don't see how someone who liked WoW could dislike TBC.
>So what if we only ruined a little bit of your game, it's still vanilla!
Shoo shoo Activision shill.
LARPers who want to pretend that flying killed le ebin world pvp battles and not battlegrounds
Seeing as how they've lost all the original people behind WoW and have no talent left on their current staff, I'd say zero.
The only good thing about WoW was world PvP, and flying mounts killed it.
>he wants ten thousand players in the newbie zone trying to kill the same five boats
That's a no from me dog.
Right on queue.
Arenas single handedly killed the uniqueness of each class. This is fact.
You mean, each spec became viable at least to some degree.
TBC > Vanilla = WotLK > Legion > Cata > BFA > MoP > WoD
I'd say "Debate this" but it literally can not be
If by "viable" you mean "streamlined and mixed in the blender of casual fuckwaddery"
>Why do we need sharding?
>Because otherwise you'll fight with ten thousand other players in the starting zones!
>I thought vanilla retail servers had population limits to prevent this?
>They did!
>So why do we need sharding?
liek 3 dungeons and 1.1 raids that are easy. The later stuff is only difficult with pugs.
Classic is a quick trip down nostalgia lane and then forgotten once more.
how to spot a troglodyte. unless you're making $$ playing, you're casual.
>b-but i min/max and play 100 hours a week on optimized classed #nerdflex
c a s u a l
What kinds of druids did you see in vanilla? How about paladins? How many different tank classes were viable?
How many servers do you think there will be for classic? I'd also rather not sit in an hours long queue.
>Same few people will replay an old game cause they can't move on
>now instead of being ona free private server they have to pay a sub fee to acess classic as part of retail
classic cuck
So which is it? Blizzard is going to only release one server for ten thousand players to play on? Or Blizzard is going to go with authentic population limited servers?
Funny how fast the "we need sharding!" argument dies the second zoomers are told vanilla servers had population limits. Almost like... they... never played... vanilla...
>invulnerability nerfs
>cc nerfs
>stealth nerfs
>everyone gets a mortal strike!
>everyone gets an interrupt!
It wasn't just making classes viable. It was balancing the game for 2v2 which ended up with homogenization. No longer could someone lack something necessary for 2v2 combat, whole making up for it in some other way. It was a terrible idea.
fair rating although I'd say mists was better than bfa. cata seems a little low, dungeons and tier 11 were great. started to go downhill at tier 12 and went to shit with tier 13.
Sounds like a good story.
you're confusing professional with casual, which i didn't think any one in this entire world since the dawn of civilization would be able to confuse, but here we are
>BFA better than anything
lol no
>Empty waste lands and 2 raids, the expansion
>Somehow better than WoW literally throwing everything they can to the wall to keep a playerbase
WoD was shit and you know it, they blew their budget on semi-decent IG cinematics
>my favorite twitch streamer says that bfa is shit!
it's better than warlords
WoD was good if you only played for a few months in 6.2. There's no way BFA will ever be good
>They didn't pay me this month
>WoD was good
TBC > MoP = WotLK > Legion = Classic > Cata > WoD > BfA
Do you honestly believe in what you're saying? You do know that there's a reason why Blizz is hiding their sub numbers, and also why they're even making these Classic servers.
>its another episode of user thinking mop was actually good
i hate when autistic people don't know when to shut up, allcraft is basically asmongold rambling around with 3 other dudes
Ideal game would have all current world content scaled down so that BC drops 10 levels, wrath drops 20 etc. (not changing as player levels). Then let players choose which expansion's gameplay they want for their character.
Throw in something like +1dps for every different raid you complete or some other actual rpg mechanic where playing improves your character.
guys what if classic isnt that good?
>People want Classic to be the exact same down to the same gamebreaking bugs
>People want Classic to have minor QoL changes like AoE looting
It doesn't matter who wins, because I get to enjoy the shitshow from a comfortable distance.
It's going to be good, they question is will they fuck it up after
dont you even joke about that
Shut up FFagot tranny
but it is that good, there's no "what if", we know what were getting
It isnt.
Leveling and wpvp are the only fun parts.
If the success of Nostalrius and the like is any indication of how this will go, Classic will outpopulate modern WoW in a few months
Go out of business I hope.
>chinese and slav infestation
we know old classic was good / nostalrius was good but we dont know what blizzard is going to do exactly with new classic
What? I'm just saying there's going to be/already is a huge divide on people who want THE EXACT SAME EXPERIENCE I SWEAR TO GOD IF I DON'T SOMETIMES GET THE CROUCH LOOT BUG THAT REQUIRES ME TO ALT F4 AND STAY OFFLINE FOR AN HOUR WE RIOT and people who want changes like transmog and AoE looting. And no matter what Blizzard go with there's going to be a shitstorm and it'll be funny.
What does that have to do with Final Fantasy and Transexuals?
You forget how long leveling takes in classic. It was actually fun compared to modern wow where leveling is a chore and endgame is the real game.
>the success of Nostalrius
The private server community has like a few thousand western players. The rest are chinks, russians and huehuehues.
i think im gonna play an orc fury warrior
It will always be good because unlike nu-wow it encourages or necessitates player interaction which is what makes it great because the people who play it are great
I mean shit I had fun so
I'm french and my english is not good but listen to me : You wont believe me but I know a guy who's working in Blizzard and he told me that if Classic is a success they will continue the main story but with the "classic version" of the game
grand si vrai
sacre bleu
You "no changes" faggots DON'T want classic to become more popular than retail. If it somehow does, you can bet they will start making changes after Naxx, and it WILL get features that you whiners hate so much. You want it to stay niche so you can play the same game again and again with other ex private server autists.
sacre blue..... la creatura luz extinguido
Why are retailcucks so worried about Classic being a success?
It's over for retailcucks. All the money you spent on store mounts, all the hours you spent farming transmog and pets while your wife was fucking Tyrone, all gone. Everyone will start from scratch on Classic, and BFA will be a wasteland.
Fellow troll players, remember to worship the loan, to do your sacrifices and you cannibalistic acts, no matter what the green cuck says,
They might eventually do a pseudo-merge like they did in retail when the population shrinks significantly, but I don't think they will do much more than that.
What is certain is that cross-realm zones will be added eventually. That's the only thing you can safely bet on.
You do realize people who want classic are a minority, right?
Even though there might be up to 50k of you out there, the only reason anyone ever took those demands for classic servers seriously was because big e-celebs started making videos about it.
Don't take this as me saying retail is better than vanilla or vice-versa, I'm just saying the number of people who really give a fuck about classic is way smaller than people are making it up to be. Most wow players ONLY play the game because they have been for years already. If you take away their character and everything they worked for throughout several expansions, they will simply quit.
People don't love the game, they love their characters. Don't get those two things confused or you might end up assuming classic will be a way bigger hit than it is supposed to be.
It's out right now!
Nost was big as fuck even before some "eceleb" jump on the vanilla train to make money.
And before Nost, servers like Scriptcraft were quite popular.
Corecraft when, lads?
If Classic goes the same route then Blizzard will start developing new content for it.
Just like OSRS.
what will retailcopes do when this doesn't happen?
Doesn't seem that bad to me.
do you really believe this?
nost had 12k people online around the clock. that represents at least a low 6 figure sum. and those are just the people who were willing to play on an illegal server. add in the normies who'll play after its officially sanctioned and doesn't require torrenting
could easily see 250k-500k players
Not sure if you're aware but Blizzard actually had a in person meeting with the people behind Nost after they issued them a C&D letter. Mostly to gain information about how they built the server up to the most functioning one in history, but also probably to get real number estimates from them.
Remember Classic is releasing for the US but they would be stupid to not try and possibly branch out further to maybe China or other places. Have you seen the Northdale numbers? They have 280k active unique log ins in the past 100 days.
I realize you're probably trolling since you said it was e-celebs who caused it, but just for other people who might be dumb enough to believe you I wanted to point out how wrong you are. This has been an on-going demand for the past 10 years, for all we know it could be Activision finally kicking their ass saying, "hey, this is literally free money here, get on it"
>could easily see 250k-500k players
For perspective on this, BFA has less than 1m active NA/EU subs currently.
Further, blizz has already said several times that once they're in the classic server business, they're in it for good. The amount of players is secondary to the real purpose: having an option to lure past blizzard customers back and on their new bnet social network. Viewing it as a pure numbers issue is something only a retard would do. It functions like a loss leader, only this kind of opportunity is rare for a company: luring past customers in the door, CHARGING them for it, and getting loads of eyeballs on your other promotions you wouldn't otherwise get, period.
Consider: dadgamer is stoked for classic, re-connecting with old buddies. Gets in, has fun. A month later, sees one of his new in-game buddies in the bnet app playing Overwatch. "I should try that" says the dadgamer. And it's just one fucking easy button press away.
Again, and this shouldn't have to be repeated but everyone here doesn't understand things and falls for memes. Sub to sub comparison is largely irrelevant anyhow (since bfa makes the bulk of its cash off of value added services - mounts/race changes/pets/etc) but especially asinine regarding classic and why it's even a fucking thing.
You're welcome.
"Popular" in terms of private server is a pretty loose term.
Private servers who have 500 active members consider themselves "popular", yet, that's not even close to what any sane person would consider a healthy population for an mmorpg by any stretch of the imagination.
I understand the wishful thinking in believing there's millions of people out there dying to relive their childhood memories, but if you really are being realistic here, nobody really has the same mindset that they had back in 2006, and if you really believe the people who played classic then are not the only ones who will be drawn to play it now, you got a big blind spot that you're either willingly ignoring or is just too stupid to see.
>nost had 12k people online around the clock.
This was when the server shut down and the e-celebs were making a big deal out of it. The server had barely 2k players at rush hours. Stop trying to overly inflate numbers just because you want to support a narrative.
>They have 280k active unique log ins in the past 100 days.
Assuming those are not overly-inflated numbers that include unrealistic and extremely dodgy sources or plain wrong data, you're spreading those 280k on a three month spam. Even shitty ragnarok online servers with less than 1000 active users could claim similar numbers, yet you don't see any of them making a big fuzz about their "amazing" numbers, do you?
I understand a private server isn't supposed to reflect the actual number of players interested into a specific title, but if you're going to assume this number is real, and that it will, somehow, double for whatever reason you have to admit you're being overly optimistic at best.
You're grossly overestimating the number of people who are at all interested in world of warcraft in 2019.
>The server had barely 2k players at rush hours.
>Replying to bait posters
Don't give attention whores (You)s
>Assuming those are not overly-inflated numbers that include unrealistic and extremely dodgy sources or plain wrong data
Oh, sorry.. but your """"50k"""" estimate is right on the money I'm sure?
>The server had barely 2k players at rush hours.
If you legit think there's more than 50k people (at best) interested in a dead game, then there's nothing I can tell you.
Keep on dreaming, cowboy.
Give no (You)s
>believes the number of players showing up when the server closed down reflects the average they had before that
It's like talking to a wall.
cute little troll :D
>Views from reddit mean something! I swear!!
>video game preservation
Actually based
>every single one of those who randomly clicked threads on this forum will definitely 100% play classic
Those numbers should make you concerned, considering you're the one who assumes there will be 200.000 people playing this game.
>source: my ass
they shouldn't be afraid to merge servers.
>classic beta data mining has HD models and animations
uh oh
*blocks ur path*
those will 100% be used as excuses to justify why classic failed in a few months. just watch
I believe they've already said several times that you can toggle the character models, just like modern retail.
that's lame im gonna use new models if there's an option and the best graphics i can
Probably just means they haven't finished scrubbing the non-essentials out. Or removing them would cause more issues for some stupid reason.
Highly doubt they will allow it. They will look like shit in the old world also so I don't know what they are thinking.
>new models in low rez gear
Classic never was about graphics for me. I'd love to have modern wow graphics with the classic experience.
because they are shitposting
>unironically calling someone ignorant
>well ackshully
Smug fucking gamma leftist kysasap
>classic will go the same route
Exactly this. I never played WoW when it came out so I'll definitely be playing this. I also play OSRS.
Orange tier >TBC
Purple tier >Vanilla, Wrath
Blue tier >Legion, MoP
Green tier >Cata, BFA
Grey tier >WoD
>the expansion that ruined everything
I don't understand why people think wotlk was good expansion, if you like wotlk why you wouldn't like modern wow
But TBC was when everything started to go wrong
Besides lfd and flying TBC was great expansion
>muh dungeon finder ruined everything
The initial dip after peek population ruined everything. Servers started to die, people whined on the forums and eventually caused the dungeon finder and sharding
Wait a second. Is this what bait looks like?
TBC had growth in population thorough the expansion, there was no stagnation or decline in population?
LFD was Wrath
LFD was in wrath.
Arena was an issue as well. Very very fun and i loved it, but it became the only pvp that "mattered" and between that and how resilience changed everything.
I wouldn't argue that vanilla ranking was in any way superior, however.
I think one thing most can agree is that simply upping the level cap and making 90% of the world irrelevant overnight has been an ongoing design flaw since tbc.
It adapted and realized sticking in one point in time got boring in about 4 months. Osrs was dead In 2014 but they started adding new content that wasn’t just following the original timeline. Now it’s at a constant 80-90k players
It can't hurt. Nothing better to do honestly.
I actually unironically still play WoW and lots of folks think MoP was the best expansion. I took that one off because honestly fuck kung fu pandas but I levelled through the zones and enjoyed it. The art team did some of their best work in MoP but that's it. Personally I think Orc Hitler is a stupid premise but zoomers love that shit.
Cross realm dungeon finder came out in late Wrath. I don't mind the server specific LFD because you still had to maintain a reputation on your server, you couldn't just ninja everything and shittalk everyone or you'd get blacklisted.
Yeah upping level cap is bad mistake, at most they should've made them 5 man dungeons where the gear is still relevant
But biggest mistake after upping level cap and making entire new zones is making different raid difficulties which invalidate previous content entirely when new comes out
At least in classic plebs who wanted to gear up had to do bwl and mc and ZG, now it's just do normal difficulty and everyone gets welfare epics and forget old raids
This is pretty much what everyone hype for Classic will do. Then they will burn out after 2 months and go back to private servers with ERP mods.
I just figured out what ERP mods are. Why are discord trannies the way that they are?
If I have to buy Classic again I will personally murder the men at activision responsible
We already have that in modern WoW. Basically all slutmog is low res as fuck
classes played great in mop, i think it was the last time the game was actually good. people shit on mop because muh pandas and dailies, but the fact is, it was an amazing expansion that gave us one of the greatest raids of all time (tot) and like i said earlier, the classes played great
from business perspective it would be better to just be required to buy latest expansion
And they wont release classic in 2-3 months anyways, not before people get bored of latest BFA patch from retail players and non-wow players will play the classic regardless of time window, since it's 14 year old game (I got banned for pointing this out in reddit classicwow lol)
Warlock mannoroth farming as demo in smurf village was great, 50k/hour in time where 50k would last you the entire expansion
>(I got banned for pointing this out in reddit classicwow lol)
Oh man I am so sorry
Even poopsocking classic will get you a few months of gametime before you are bored.
Challenge mode dungeons were great too and siege was pretty good.
>Why are discord trannies the way that they are?
loneliness and echo-chamber effect
there is a lot of other aspects to it but without knowing and addressing each person as an individual it would be pure armchair psychology nonsense.
The gist is
>be lonely, give up on a normal relationship
>spend all your time online
>all your friends are online
>adopt different personas online until you can't even tell the difference anymore
>the new you is a frankenstein mish-mash of anime memes and what you think a biological female would act like (intensely slutty, petty, unable to think critically, and needing attention above all else)
It all explains itself after that.
I'm not sure why you guys are even "Speculating" when all of this has already been announced and is official. You only need a sub, no other purchase is required.
Mythic + is unironically great and challenging but the BFA dungeons fucking suck thematically. I want to keep slaying world eating demons not an octopus wizard and fat pirates.
Classic will die as all of the new kids figure out how long it takes to progress. Classic is a time sink that broke up marriages and caused divorces. Shit will be DOA, just like retail is.
Not a fan of mythic+ in bfa, but that's just probably because my class plays like ass in dungeons.
>new kids
Kids don't play wow. Kids play fortnite.
Wow is a dead game that only seems to attract neets, incels, and disgusting trannies in their 30s. Nobody who has any shred of self-respect would play this game for more than an hour and still think it's fun in any way shape or form.
I can't believe people are unironically hyped for Classic. For the last two years now they've been anticipating going back in time, how ironic that is. The brain of the classic cuck is wired in such a simplistic way, too.
There are websites for BiS, tactics, leveleing etc. available RIGHT now. The isolated experience of classic is available RIGHT now like nigga just level to 60 with your fellow incels and go raid Molten Core pretending it's 2006 and you won't have to wait another couple of months. What is the point in playing Classic once the realms do go online? Whenever I ask this to people who are "hype for classic" it's the same answers:
Even if a big part of the original community DID come back (it won't), you'll still be bungled in with a horde of zoomers who will come and check out what the experience used to be like. The funny thing is the zoomers WILL go away soon after launch because they'll realise what an absolute pain in the ass Classic is (as should you have by now). Soon Classic servers will be merged together due to low intrest and you'll be playing with the remaining high level autistm bitter incels who'll make look like an inclusivity programme.
Like they did BfA? They'll quit because the social aspect of Classic has more gate keepers than retail does. You can bet your bottom dollars you won't be doing any relevant content unless you have your BiS. Your friends will quit because they aren't nearly as autistic as you are.
HOW. It's all been theorycrafted. Pic related. Just google "spec + bis classic" and you'll know exactly what to do even before the game goes live. If you want to explore Classic (lmao) just make a new character and explore every nook and cranny from the original zones. There is no point. Literally no argument will validate your hype.
Tauren fucking Warrior
>mfw retards think legion was better than any expansion other than bfa and wod
This is the reason why I'm so certain classic will flop.
You imbeciles praise one of the worst expansions ever released just because it had legendaries dropping like candy and a meme weapon with gated spells behind it.
This type of poor judgment is what makes me believe the autistic fucks who defend vanilla are completely out of their minds.
Sigh every time
The community will not be full with zoomers, simply don't intergrate with them and stick to player with people you enjoy playing with, simple as. I don't understand how you claim classic will die when it was ever growing on nost?
My friends didn't quit private server, and they won't with classic, plus you make new friends in game? Come on, pvp with friends is good enough for me
I enjoying playing the game and learning new things, it's a breath of fresh air in that it's not the same thing as before with bfa and ect, also people still learn new things when playing, not everyone looks everything up either
just stop man, its not worth it,
Nobody is hyped for this shit. It's the same 10-15 morons who keep spewing the same incel rhetoric as if they were part of a cult of warcraft, or something.
Why are you here then, and why state things like that when you know that's not the case? Have you not seen the views on the forums, constant talk on Yea Forums reddit youtube comments ect many people played private servers
i dont understand why people like you come in these threads
The experience won't be the same, back then you could shit on each other on tradechat
now it will be moderated because 'm-muh toxic'
If classic is so amazing why aren't you playing it on a private server right now?
How do you know I'm not? Also private server isn't the exact same as classic, bugs and ect
I'm waiting and saving my excitement for classic tho
>For the last two years
Every single time.
>Retailcucks support running the same dungeon over and over while taking slightly more time to beat a clock.
>System encourages abuse, gear inflation, and carries
This is why Classic has a large following
You sound so fucking soi, why are you such a muttering pussy
>everyone who says my game sucks must be a retailcuck
You do realize nobody plays this game anymore, right?
I'm gonna laugh my a** off when in 2 years classic is dead and blizzard starts adding stuff to it like transmog and raid finder lmao
Instead of making WC4 they should make a new series of isometric RPG games using the DND/Pathfinder ruleset in the Warcraft universe.
I literally stated why I wasn't playing. Nothing to do with community. Stop straw manning you spastic
I’ve played a lot of private servers and honestly I can’t say I ever spent more than a month or two on any one. It’s usually a passing fancy for me. I’m sure that’s not true for everyone, but I imagine there will be a drop off after a few months, but probably something of a plateau after that.
>Be a muttering faggot with the personality of sliced toast
>Be mad when no one wants to watch your stream and claim that "no, other streamers are that thing that i am."
>He breaks down :"z-zoomers! Zoomzoomzoomzoom..!!!"
you can swear here you fucking faggot
They started updating the game, meanwhile we're stuck with classic people not wanting anything new
They see the depressed loser in themselves and wish they could get paid stupid amounts of money to literally just exist on camera and have average opinions about everything.
So what will the cope be when Classic is succesful? Will you cut your losses and back away slowly or double down?
seething belfs
every time.
Damn, imagine when people start calling Classic "the real game". How will bfags cope with this?
10x0 is still 0 but give him credit
I will never not be mad at the fact Anub'arak was treated so poorly. He should have 1) been a raid boss from the get-go, and 2) been in ICC alongside Kel'thuzad (put deathwhisper in Wrath Naxx to keep the whole phylactery thing sensible) so the boys could be together for their last stand.
BfA is constantly shat on both on plebbit and the wow forums. These people in classic threads are literally just shitposters.
And that's perfectly acceptable.
imagine being so young that you think WoW is retro
Just imagine getting angry because other people like a video game. It's such an outlandish position I can't even begin to relate to it. I find it easier relating to an ISIS terrorist or something.
Is the rank 14 PvP grind as ridiculously long and painful as people make it sound? Like I’ve heard stories of people play 18 hours a day for weeks in honour grind-offs. That’s not even sustainable.
How realistic is rank 11? I just wanna show off the mount
So what is retro was set in stone forever at some point (gen 5?) and everything after that point can never be retro?
There's retro then there's zoomer core
Rank 14 is absolutely brutal to grind simply because of the autistic lengths players will go to in order to obtain it or even keep it. The best way to do it was to form BG honor farming groups in WSG and literally just do that 16-18 hours a day. I don't know if people actually died of exhaustion doing this, but it was certainly very unhealthy for those who attempted it.
You will need to play (and accountshare) literally 24/7 to get rank 14. Because if you don't, the guy that does gets more points than you. The problem is that you're directly competing with other players and there will always be someone autistic enough to do the absolute maximum. It's a terrible system
Reminder to roll on the same server as /ourguys/ Soda and Swifty for easy honor farming.
I liked Legion because the burning legion is badass better than pirate
>how viable is ret if i do x
>what is the best pvp class/spec
>what class is the best at ganking
>does anyone else think tbc is next?
>sharding is good, here is why
>an honest plea for transmog, hear me out
>july release? discuss below!!
>anyone else listening to 2005 songs?
>found this battle chest at goodwill, pics inside reddit!!
>protadin tanking: viable?
>can i raid as enhance?
>how many shadow are brought to raids
>so do we need to re buy vanilla wow??
>my take on the beta files on the CDN, video inside, please comment for more
>has blizz confirmed we're getting post naxx content?
>sign this petition to get transmog you earn in classic linked to your bfa account
>guys, what about the token?
>ret cant dps? video inside!
>what is the best healer?
>will old addons work?
>cash shop is a good thing, video linked, opinions my own
>arena in classic?
>will reckbombs work? i want to solo kazzak lol
>any news on DW for shamans?
>my speculation about beta and what it means, video inside
>will beta characters carry over to launch?
Sounds awesome but I doubt modern blizzard could pull that off
>having this saved to your hard drive
I genuinely don't understand when people say they "like a class". Every class and spec in WoW since 2004 has been slight variations of "use your spells when off cooldown, maybe manage a resource." It's a very simple game and there's nothing wrong with that.
>that one "youtube personality" that said he was going for the scarab lord title
jesus christ, these are the people you're gonna be playing with lmao
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?
Cause I don't want to wake the neighborino's.
I'd actually really like that option.
I thought you lived in a fucking van, you said so yourself, who are you afraid of disturbing, the customers at the mcdonalds across the parking lot?
Don't reply to him please.
And you're right, he's alternated between living in his van, to taking care of his mom (and thus why hes at home), to living with his hot gf and dropping some reddit redpill bombs.
He's just here to make shit up and get (you)s and feels like pretending to be a personality will get him some classic WoW streamer cash.
Ignore ignore ignore, maybe someone will dox him again but other than that please continue to disregard him until he gets catfished by a discord tranny with low standards.
How big the server cap is going to be? 3k maybe?
We don't know yet but we should likely assume vanilla server caps until we find out.
That would mean anywhere from 2.5k to 3.5k based on old census data that was taken when queues were in effect (some servers were different than others, also servers were upgraded at some point).
>BfA is garbage.
>Most people hate it.
>It's been confirmed all the important WoW players like Swifty, Kungen and Towelliee will be moving to Classic.
>Future is uncertain for retail.
Anyone else worried about this? I'm feeling a massive population drop in BfA in favor of Classic.
Yeah you're probably right
Post discarded.
>So what will blizzard do when Classic is a ghost town after 1 month?
WoW The Burning Crusade
>tfw friends with legit top 30 players
If nothing else i can ride their coattails and have them brocarry me, what about you guys? How's the pack animal life?
I don't take care of my mom.
Sometimes I crash at the gf's place.
Also, good luck doxxing a homeless person LEL.
WoW classic could only be a long term success if they progressed into a remastered TBC more in line with what vanilla looked like without fucking it up. Which would be amazing but I don't think they can pull it off.
Nah, they'll just release Warcraft Classic Classic.
Eventually they'll be releasing twenty iterations of WoW each month.
I fucking hate the OSRS community. Every time the devs try to introduce anything all the oldfags just start shrieking about their achievements being devalued, even if it's completely nonsensical.
Progressing to TBC completely defeats the purpose of releasing WoW Classic which is to play classic... forever.
The same incels who complain about not having enough content in game, and new patches taking too long to go live, are the same ones who don't want expansions to be added to classic servers.
It makes you wonder how much of a retard one has to be in order to get excited for classic while at the same time pushing the rhetoric that classic will not be a flop.
Negatives aside, I wouldnt mind if they made character and guild names unique across all servers so if in a year's time there are two dead PvP servers, they could more easily merge them
They can just "connect" realms like they did on retail.
You shouldn't be looking forward to classic WoW failing. Players are looking forward to the game and willing to participate even if it will result in a dead game half a year later. They aren't letting the fear of it's failure paralyze their desire to try. Stop acting like incels
retailcucks seething
>there are people on this board right now who were too young to play classic WoW
>good luck doxxing a homeless person LEL
You're right, wading through your reddit and twitter accounts would literally kill me of cringe before i found anything of substance
Upgrade it to Burning Crusade
Lel, there isn't any substance. This account was created with 100% anonymity in mind. I am literally every race, every color, every religion, and a hodgepodge of every dox'd tripfag on this site to the point if anyone "dox's" me they're just gonna hit one of the actual tripfag blog posters. I spent a year planning this shit out dawg. I've planted countless false flags.
Are you sure I'm even homeless? Are you even sure I'm not a bored pajeet girl gamer? Who the fuck knows! Welcome to Clown World.
You guys do realize that TBC announcement basically killed vanilla wow and was one of the reasons so few people got to do Naxx, right?
Thank fucking God. I wasn't gonna give classic a chance if it didn't have the new models.
Also they need to add transmogging as well. Sorry nostalgiacucks.
They don't need to upgrade the classic realms. Just make a couple of different realms for TBC, and have people who want to transfer their characters, do that.
Legion was legit good if you came back for the last 2-3 months of the expansion. Everything was attainable lightning fast and you didn't wait for any content dripping. Just constant fun.
What I mean is, people are going to have shit to do for a long time. No one but the most autistic are going to run out of content to do anytime soon. It seems to me when people talk about classic for some reason they always picture themselves as a bleeding edge raider when very few people will be that.
If the new models are FORCED I might not play.
The OLD UNDEAD STEALTH WALK is based and redpilled. The new stealth is bouncy / tip-toe'y and is retarded.
If I can't figure out how to change it myself if it's forced I'm fucking out.
>Played classic when it was new
>Don't feel an overwhelming need to play it again aside from nostalgia purposes
I never reached level 60, so maybe that's something I'll do. But I spent more time looking for WC3 units in WoW than anything else.
They should expand on the game with a Vanilla WoW design philosophy.
I remember it being a big deal to actually see inside the WC3 buildings in WOW.
You don't need to be an autistic loser to be able to clear all the raiding content in classic in a decent time. Plus with the way they will release each patch, Classic will last at least 2 years for the ordinary player.
>classic will be bad
>classic will be good
me, an intellectual
>classic will be alright
>You don't need to be an autistic loser to be able to clear all the raiding content in classic in a decent time
Sure user.
Do you honestly think they won't offer transfers from Classic to Retail for $39.99? Bitch, please. That's the WHOLE point of Classic. It's to bait back people that quick wow and get them sucked in again, then when the player runs out of content they pay to transfer to the bigger hamster wheel. We've been telling you this shit for a year.
I'm more excited for WC3 remaster than classic. i still play maps in WC3. TBC leveling is a lot of fun.
Fucking based
>Legion was legit good if you came back for the last 2-3 months of the expansion
Depends on the type of experience you're looking for Legion WoW was still modern WoW where leveling means nothing, the game is single player, no sense of community, etc.
>>classic will be bad
>>classic will be good
this is backwards
Thanks doc
What an absurdly cringy post
>RE2 remake
>Halo PC
>WoW classic
2019 is the year of the boomer
I had a couple of friends to clear content with of course. But yeah, modern wow is dead when it comes to community. I don't remember that shit being a thing since early/mid wrath.
forgot WC3 remaster
I can't fucking wait to finally play Halo 3 and ODST so I can finish the fight. Fuck the games after that though.
Yes, welcome to Clown World.
shut it down, say "SEE? we told you you didn't want it and you didn't believe us"
and then they'll use it as an excuse to never listen to player criticism ever again
Do not reply to Manletears new trip and just ignore and filter his ass.
Give no attention and No (You)s he will fuck off like he always does.
See? I planned this shit out so well this sperg things I'm MrBTFO.
Reach had my favorite campaign mechanically. Elites are a lot more interesting to fight than Brutes, and Reach's elites have some great AI
>Lel, there isn't any substance
You can certainly say that again, it is absolutely mindnumbing how you seem to do nothing but talk about "NPCs", dropping red pills and LE DESTROYING GIRL GAMERS. Your anonymity is impressive truly, such that i doubt you're even a living, thinking person
Le alt-right propganda machine.
>So what will blizzard do when Classic is a ghost town after 1 month?
Nothing. Not that that's gonna be the case, but even if it was there's nothing they can do. Wow is fucking deader than it has ever been right now, it only gets more dead every expansion after it tails off. Hots died, they killed sc2, d3 died a death. They are a company riding purely on sunk cost idiots and cheap ass games like hearthstone with their almost non existent teams that cost them nothing to make or maintain but idiots keep throwing money at them for it.
When it comes time for blizzard to actually make a new game, they're gonna just shit out another disaster, it's all they can do now. Remastering wc3 and d1/d2 isn't just for easy money, it's because they know they can't actually make anything that good and want to stall having to do so.
Vanilla is the same concept
If the new models are rigged to the old animations still it'll be alright.The new bouncy anims completely fucks the soul of the art style otherwise
I just hope I can find a LGBT friendly guild ^.^
This is exactly what im talking about and you still cycle through the same flashcards anyway
BASED radical centrist
Starting to panic about the stealth animation now.
I really need that old animation and google isn't telling me jack shit.
This thot dating motherfucker... Why can't he just neck himself?
It was pretty exciting. I remember seeing "the crossroads" are under attack thinking it was being attacked like in the RTS but to my disappointment it was just PVP related. There was a quest with the centaurs that was like the RTS though with the peon and I liked that.
Fuck off faggot
Literally this. And this is what I expect desu. That philosophy requires less effort and man power in the first place. I don't even expect expansions, just patch content here and there
Same, the issue is modern blizzard is out of touch with what players who want classic want out of classic.
lol, here's your you
So what name are you taking on launch day?
They're starting to wake up and realize what's wrong. They're doing small changes to retail like removing portals.
Just put it to community vote same as OSR. You have to have a Classic level 60 to cast a vote
Imagine being a dev for current WoW. Your dream job as a kid was to work for Blizzard and develop games there. When you finally get the job, people are more interested in the 15 years old iteration of the game instead of the one you're currently working on.
Why are hyrbid faggots always whining. You should not be able to play the same way as a caster dps should because you have 1000x the utility they do. No hybrid should ever be doing dps or tanking except in a hybrid role, meaning they should be far less effective but they should also be healing people and using their utility shit. Their slot in a raid should come after you've got all the main healers you need, but you want more safety and utility than just bringing more dps, so you fill some of the slots with hybrids who do both to a much lesser degree
It's just as likely junk data that's left over as it is actually in the final release.
current dev team doesn't give a shit. that's why BFA is the way it is.
Same, kek. Quit in 2006 after hundreds of days playtime. Tried to come back for laughs a few times when it was free but the game didn't age well. What a shitshow. This dumb drama makes me laugh on the sideline while idiots fight for something that will disappoint them whatever blizzard will choose to implement.
>You're stuck farming 15 year old dungeons and raiding once a week for clear.
So exactly like live servers then, except with an actual community, forced interaction, having to farm for money and reagents to be able to raid, and better designed dungeons and itemization instead of ones designed for retards and around playing with 4 complete strangers who don't communicate or take time to learn anything
Will windfury proc off itself in classic?
For me? Ill be rolling a nelf hunter
No since it's 1.12
They also get paid pennies and are treated like shit. Lmao
Fuck them for turning WoW into a mount and transmog farming simulator.
This. Shamans and paladins were such a neat concept in vanilla. The amount of damage they add to the raid dwarves that of other classes, it just doesn't show up on the damage meters as their own. I've always loved that kind of indirect but massive contributions. Shamans more thab paladins, they are a significant bit more straight forward. Shamans are just cool as shit and it's a shame the soul of that class has been gutted to be "generic wow class #7". Shamans are a pretty good way to look at the state of wow as a whole desu.
That was a lie they actually added more portals and made them all cool and HD
>you can't play it forever so it's bad
Yes user, I am planning on quitting when I kill Kel'Thuzad. Is that a problem? Why? I usually stop playing games after I beat them.
I'm pretty sure it had a cap in 1.12 but most definitely still proc'd off itself and 1 shot people. Don't quote me tho
They removed some portals, like caverns of time, dalaran crater and Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
Stick to retail bub,
Even then you certainly won’t be in with raiders
That doesn't work either, see: that reddit community poll from like a year ago
You HAVE to go back
Who gives a fuck? Max level is only a fraction of the game in the first place, and it's still leagues more engaging than bfs end game. This is what's wrong with zoomers. So narrow-minded
Hes seriously responding to him self... god thats just despret
I don't visit reddit so you'll have to explain it to me
What will Blizzard do when there will be more people playing classic then retail?
Can still gib people with a lucky chain of crits and frost shock will still be OP as fuck since iirc that didn't get nerfed til WotLK?
Learn something, hopefully.
Occasional reminder that BfA will be the last WoW expansion
Why would I respond to myself and why would I post anime girls?
For things like this that you're curious about, you can research it yourself by going to wowpedia and cycling through patches to see what changed and when.
1.12 was the last "vanilla" patch (if you don't count the tbc pre patch) and is what classic is based off of. So while people may have memories of various things being a thing in "vanilla" and they aren't necessarily wrong, it may not be the same in 1.12. Vanilla morphed a fuckload from launch until 1.12 and using 1.12 as the template is the only thing that makes sense - and as it is 1.13 will still be a frankenpatch in some respects.
Other examples of things that were no longer a thing:
>reckoning stacks are capped
>/sit to proc abilities or effects does not work
>sentry totem will not freeze the shaman in place (including mid-air)
>all DRs that you may or may not recall are in game (frostshock didn't have one early on)
>lupos won't be shadow damage
And so on and so on.
Wowpedia is a great resource anyhow so I'd encourage anyone to go there and browse through shit, relying on Yea Forums to know fuck about fuck is not a good strategy. Same goes for reddit, where the exact same questions are asked all the time. Patch notes will also help explain why fury is so fucking strong on private servers when you may not remember that being the case in live.
Related to this, anyone barking that classic should be a recreation of the game from 1.1 forward (Alex) is outing themselves as a retard who doesn't think shit through. Not that we needed that hot tip but there you go.
ele shamans are meta right now iirc their 4 button cast rotation is 0.37% better than the next closest class. People whining about class balance unironically ruined the game
>download and install private vanilla server
>create your wow:classic main
> post em
> rate em
Ion Hazzikostas here, after Naxx is on farm for 1 year we will be adding in Grim Batol, Kara crypts and Medivh tower, uldum, and azshara crater (classic exclusive)
Fuck you I'm gonna be Le
kys retard
Yes, but i think you're missing what is truly op about shaman. Grounding totem, short cd ranged interrupt, and purge make them caster killers. Combine that with engineering and you can be really fucking obnoxious, even more annoying for duels if you fag out hard enough to make different sets (shadow resist, frost resist).
That said, relying on melee burst is going to frustrate you more often than you have fun instakilling clothies, and the best time for it would be while leveling and soon after 60. Once spellpower gear is more readily available I'd suggest going ele/resto, but you can do whatever the fuck you want.
Whatever the fuck you do, if you can manage the time, rank enough to get the ghost wolf boots.
post timestamp and tits or gtfo
For me, it's healing touch rank 4 and 3
0/10 would not bang
>do all that when you can just go to wow classic dressing room
you can't play "classic" in the dressing room
If you played on a private server when it was happening, there was no way not to hear about it. The majority wanted things like cross-realm battlegrounds, guild banks, new raids, new class balance.
The amount of tryhard wannabe min-maxers... just stop
Oh, and for hybrid classes to be viable tanks and dps in raids
>playing private servers in 2019
honestly can't get worse than bfa.
Is it gay if I do white hair?
>not playing female
That's a bad idea. OSRS works because they ignore the fuckstupid shit the community wants.
I don't trust nu-blizz to have as stable of a grasp on things and if history has shown anything it's that WoW community doesn't know wtf they want, and they'll choose convenience with retard speed.
Aside from class design BfA doesn't feel that terrible. About on-par with Legion, except there's no desire to level alts because there's no class-based rewards. Allied races aren't that rewarding to level either.
I'm hoping it gets better with content but I doubt it will.
I'd be okay with all of those to be honest.
The problem with nu-WoW isn't with the QoL features though ill admit they can be if pushed to far with things like portals everywhere.
The issues arise from drip content, group finding, and braindead easy filler content like island expeditions.
I think there's a pretty clear line and something like Guild Banks wouldn't harm the integrity of WoW Classic
This is 100% happening and anyone who cant' see it is dumb as fuck, but not for the reason you are listing, but rather that there is a lot of items from vanilla you can not get in anymore and obviously they want to cash in on this.
I'm one of those people, even as disgusted as I am with WoW I would 100% pay for it, and they know it.
You should kill yourself
>no self inserting as a comfy adventurer in classic
Lol you can get to level 60 in a fucking day or two in Retail, nobody is paying for that
Guild banks are fine
Why rather give everything to a guildy?
You didn't even read my post mongoloid, I literally said it wouldn't be because of that, but because of unique vanilla items
If you don't have an argument you should just stay silent. Things in Classic don't need to be unecessarily obtuse just because it was that way in the past.
The Classic Experience isn't logging onto your bank alt to spend 10 minutes mailing potions to the raid leader. Nobody can be realistically mad at a Guild Bank
>theres people leveling on chinkdale right now
>theyre shutting it down come classic release
lol even they know blizzard will have superior servers.
>That offhand
Nost started as a project until classic was to be announced. Lights Hope is definitely going down
Not a guild bank, but the rest of that shit. Cross realm bgs is not remotely comparable to guild banks lad.
>The Classic Experience isn't logging onto your bank alt to spend 10 minutes mailing potions to the raid leader.
That takes 10 seconds with a mail addon
It's from Naxx and obtainable in Vanilla.
wow places literally no one goes to
the management is migrating to a tbc server.
Dont' be tricked by the "its for the game" garbage.
Even nost was in bed with the chinese, and northdale is much much worse.
yeah, cross realm BGs are worse than an extra character's worth of bank slots you can share.
Huh, cross realm BGs were in vanilla.
Trip back on
Getting to all those empty/unfinished areas of the world map with actual content in them would be rad
that is the wotlk version, vanilla was lower res and shittier model
Is that... the sword of a thousand truths?
Yes, actually it does need to be like it was in the past. That's the point of it. Again, commit suicide. No one is forcing you to play it.
The genre is so fucking starved for content I think it'll last at least 3 no matter how shitty it turns out.
Added right at the tail end in the patch that was basically just preparing for TBC launch.
Imagine all the money they'll make if you can copy a character to live for a certain amount of money. Spergs will pay 100 dollars if they can get naxx gear and take it to retail.
I’ll look into it. Ty user
holy shit he said the n word
As someone with multiple Cutting Edge kills in retail, including the hardest boss ever created, Mythic Kil'Jaeden, I can tell you that all the raids will be cleared on release day. Vanilla raids are literally tank and spank.
Enjoy your dead game with 0 content though!
Back when the whole Nost shitshow happened, Blizzard devs said they were really curious about retrying previous xpacs with a "classic" mindset.
I'd fucking love to see that.
If you play anything but mage/warlock/hunter youre doing it wrong
No they weren't. When people talk about vanilla they're talking about a specific experience and specific time in the game. Just because cross realm bgs were added right at the very end of vanilla does not make them part of what people deem the vanilla game.
And they were garbage, from the minute they were added, as everyone with a brain told them they would be. Instantly your rivalries and friendships with opposite faction pvp teams you'd gotten to build up and know over the past forever disappeared because you would literally never see those cunts again, you might as well be fighting against bots when it's cross realm. Queues are inconvenient, a lot of things in mmos are inconvenient, but clearly a necessity that facilitates community
I think everyone forgets but they left the door open in interviews after blizzcon. JAB was asked twice in two different interviews about post vanilla plans and he was diplomatic about it, giving a non-answer, but said they're open to ideas.
That could just mean tbc, it could mean nothing, or it could mean post naxx vanilla content.
If classic does well, it could be pretty neat. But who fucking knows.
One of these things is not like the other. One of these things is shit.
I could be wrong, but I think they said they didn't want to develop 2 games.
Horizontal design philosophy over the vertical one we have now where each expansion doesn't just invalidate the last one completely. Problem is you can't just keep releasing bigger and badder raids or the gap between a fresh 60 and a top geared 60 will become even more insane. Naxx geared characters could already bully 3+ fresh 60's at a time.
Bros ... the retailchads are laughing at us again ...
Hunters arent shit for farming
Jannies cant stop me
That's the correct position to take going in, but will easily be reversed if Classic becomes insanely popular
patch 1.12 was six months long, user
i'm not arguing for or against battlegroups but it wasn't added at "the very end" of vanilla. Maybe it looks that way going by patch numbers but not in terms of the length of time on each patch.
what about kiting kazzak to stormwind or getting the Zul’gurub sickness spread in capital city’s?
Was guild charter 10 gold or 10 silver? I forgot
Pretty sure it was silver, nobody had fucking 10 gold at low level and I made a guild with my friends at low level I recall
I can't imagine any kind of WoWfag laughing at anything.
The Hakkar exploit was patched out in Vanilla because it was server destroying.
I don't remember when they added leash ranges to world bosses
They did, but that was before. And they've already semi-backtracked on that.
I agree, i think it's kind of unlikely and if anything we'd stay with standalone vanilla or standalone vanilla with tbc option further on. But it IS possible.
When he said the door was open for different shit, it was when he was explaining that once vanilla servers are active, they'll stay active (the question was asking about future content, and would that mean vanilla changes to tbc). So that's at least an early confirmation that the initial plan is to keep vanilla even once naxx is cleared by everyone and their dad. So that's one thing that autists screech about that they can ignore.
And mages are much better at literally everything else except killing warriors. As a farming alt, hunters are great. As a main, not so much.
They banned people for kiting kazzak to stormwind so I doubt they'd leave it in.
>Just put it to community vote same as OSR. You have to have a Classic level 60 to cast a vote
WoW has one of the most moronic shitty fanbases in all of gaming. You have to remember that retail is filled with people who actually think
>Playing solo should be viable in an MMO
>There should be ways to avoid socializing
>Immersion is a meme
>All classes should be homogeneous
>All races should be homogeneous
>Nothing should be difficult
>Convenience is good
You have to realize the overwhelming majority of retail plays think like this, and giving them a vote will turn Classic straight into Wrath tier shit.
Honestly, TBC would be amazing. Not sure about Wrath, sure it was fun, but the whole raiding mess after Ulduar ... not to mention lfd.
That would be 2.0.1, and that was like half a year later, the cross-realm BG patch had nothing to do with TBC.
They weren't added at the very end, they were added at a time in the original game were most of the servers were dying because of low-pop and you waited 2 hours for queues. It was a necessary change, it may be added for the same reason in Classic depending on the queue times.
Rest of your post is just muh nostalgia, has no relevance to reality.
Yeah I thought so but someone was saying otherwise in another thread, thanks user
2.0 was like 3 months after 1.12
>doesnt have thunderfury
otherwise 9/10
You know what's better than grinding your life away on a 20 year old game being piloted by the biggest Jews in the gaming industry?
Having sex.
Enjoy your eventual cash shop.
Just filter him you dumb faggot.
have sex.
Jokes on you fag im going to do BOTH.
Also its not grinding if its fun :^)
>No barbershop
Guess I know why they never really retired the character appearance service.
I feel like I'm cucked into being a human rogue if I go alliance, dwarf or gnome would be much cooler.
Vanilla will be plagued with very bad players like all private servers, the content is just too grindy and easy for good players to enjoy. The PvP is hilariously bad. There is just nothing that will keep the average decent player interested in it beyond the novelty of it all.
I'm on tinder but I just moved out of CA and it's a lot harder finding cheap thots to fugg when the population is like 1/100th of socal
Dwarf rogues are great, they shit on people trying to keep them from stealth dickery with stoneform.
what's wrong with hunter mains?
>but muh 5 weapon skill
Hunter is an incredibly easy class to level which leads to many 60 Hunters who still don't know how to play their class properly or efficiently
for every min maxer there will be 10 casuals, i wouldn't worry about it too much
Idk how but this image is simultaneously sexy and horrifying
They're fine in PvP, but not really better than the other two. In PvE they're only good for kiting and tranq shot, their dps is terrible. They're maybe the lowest demand DPS if you're interested in raiding.
I really wish they would do a Classic+
Should add in new zones/dungeons/raids to make memespecs more useful, give them content to balance out specs, rather than changing the specs.
I mean thats the real difference between say a priest and shadow priest, the shadow just has less content hes 'optimal' in.
Not all that knowledgeable about rogue raiding, but isn't a dagger build almost as good as swords? As a human you'll feel pigeonholed to use only swords/maces because of your racial. Personally, I would hate passing on good weapons just because they aren't maces/swords.
Getting daggers should also be much easier since there's no fury warrior competition.
It's comin' home it's comin' home it's comin'
footballs comin' home
There is not a single human being within 100 miles of any Blizzard building who could do the original expansion docs justice. Even if such a person existed they would not be hired or given any kind of control.
You can't go home again.
Holy shit it literally does not matter. No one is going to give a crap about your race, even with vanilla differences.
That's literally TBC, and it's about 10 times better than vanilla was.
Nice meme kid
TBC started fucking with things it shouldn't though, thats why i would prefer classic+