Reminder that none of the events of Borderlands 2 would have happened if it weren't for this bitch
Reminder that none of the events of Borderlands 2 would have happened if it weren't for this bitch
Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder:Anthony Burch is so bad at writing, that Dameon Clarke ad-libbed the majority of Handsome Jack's lines.
>mfw still have never played Borderlands
>mfw i pirated it didnt finish it
You're not missing out.
Is this something TPS or the other spinoff retconned? I dont remember this.
Did a pretty damn good job of it IMO
>the most famous line from 2 was ad-libbed by dameon
Holy Based.
Burch was genuinely pissed over that line being better received and recognized than literally anything else he wrote in BL2
>no dick
Jack is best Waifu.
Butt stallion is second best
TPS had Jack being a regular dude until they fucked him over and burnt his face to bits.
Getting hit in the face by Lilith was just a convenient tipping point for the story.
It was the logical end from the get go, Jack is a dangerous guy surrounded by assholes who merely accelerated his fall. He still would have ended there anyways.
Yeah. Didn't he have his mother killed at that point?
I like how they fleshed out Wilhelm tho
>Jack literally starts the game with the intention of saving Elpis
>he insists on staying on the Helios that is being besieged by Zarpedong while letting the vault hunters escape and get rid of the jamming signal
>the original VH's even make comments about how Jack seems like a great guy here
>except for Lilith, who gets defense over this story being told
I don't remember anything hinting at this in 2. What the hell are you on about?
the games are nothing special at all, maybe the first one felt a little unique when it came out, but 2 is literally the same but with what little soul it had stripped away and with horrendous writing and reddit tier humor, shit is so bad you don't know when the game is trying to be serious or not with its storytelling, its the kind of game where you either mute the dialog or completely ignore it as you go as it has nothing to offer, the only real reason as to why you would play these games is if you have nothing else to play, they are average at best with the first one being a bit better, the waifus are great tho, pic related is the best of all
t.somebody that played both games to death
I started 1 last week, it's decent enough I guess. Had to tweak the shit out of it because it's very unoptimized.
There's like 8 enemies repeated all over the game.
The loot is fun though, finding different kind of guns with effects is probably the main appeal
TPS has Jack as a mostly charismatic guy in over his head who is trying to be a hero.
He progressively grows more violent and crazy during the game in order to become the character he is in borderlands 2.
So you could say they retconned it retroactively.
Killing his grandmother happens during BL2 but Angel is already shackled during TPS. Either way it is pretty clear his plan for the Eye of Helios was cleansing Pandora. he just needs a different weapon once that one is destroyed, And that plan also started before TPS.
One can make the argument he is sorta justified in the way Pandora is populated by criminaly and violently insane people. But just like Atlas and Steele in the first game the end does not justify the means, At no point is he really depicted as anything other than a villain in waiting.
nice vagina
I for one like good looking vaginas and not dicks.
>Angel is already shackled during TPS.
According to what?
>Either way it is pretty clear his plan for the Eye of Helios was cleansing Pandora.
Why? I don't think he even knew what was in the first vault until it was opened, and at that point he could've just seen it as a basic corporate opportunity to amass power. When was the first time Jack even called the people of Pandora bandits? Iirc it was at the end of TPS, which makes sense at that point.
>borderlands lore
yeah but she's hot so it's okay
>saving images of coal burners
What are you doing retard?
>Coal burner?
There are no blacks in borderlands, dumbass
Lilith merely accelerated Jack’s descent into what he is during BL2, remember when he killed all 4 hyperion scientists at helios because he was told by one of them that someone MIGHT have double crossed him? He also said that it felt really good killing so there you have it, he was going to reach his BL2 state of mind eventually
Man Borderlands is really a shitty place. Corporations have grown so powerful they can just take planets for themselves while the actual government is nowhere to be seen.
Gaige still best girl
best character coming through
Krieg fucked Maya
What events? I literally don't remember anything other than that you fight a dragon in the end.
Jack was already starting his path to villany when he killed the Meriff, but it's true the entirety of BL2 could've been avoided if Lilith did her fucking job properly and actually killed Jack instead of just fucking up his face.
Is there a pregnant version of this?
why are vaginas so inviting
Based and dual wielding everything.
According to TPS they went into a galactic super war with the goverments of most planets and WON. Is not like they grew while the goverments ignored them, is that when they attempted regulation they got fucking straight up exterminated. Don't fuck with the companies that makes the guns is the lesson here, I guess.
>tfw only played the first STALKER game 2 weeks ago and found meh at best.
>tfw coun't even finish Clear Sky because I found boring as fuck
>tfw will never play Call of Chernobyl because of this same reason.
The only good thing on the first STALKER (that funny song that plays in every radio) for whateaver reason it wasn't on my version of the game.
No bandit radio and no Cheeky Breeky iv Danke for me :(
no, Krieg fucked Axton
there will be one in 2 weeks
If you played 2, you'd know Jack already forced Angel into the machine from the ECHO logs. And was telling her exactly what to say right from the beginning of BL1.
post more cameltoe borderland characters
Wouldn't it have actually been Moxxi?
I mean she's the one that kinda fucks Jack over, and gets you to destroy the Eye, if she didn't do that he would've had the Helios base at full power and by the time BL2 starts up he could've reduced the entire planet to...well it's already a garbage heap, but yeah, a garbage heap.
All Lilith did was fuck up his face, he was already evil, he was already experimenting on his siren daughter, and he was already on track to taking over Hyperion.
>Jack apologists
Yeah, by today's standard it not just clunky but slow as fuck. That was true back on release as well all the way until you got to the first lab.
Did you play some pirated version or what?
It was probably the death of his wife that sat him off in the first place. Everything after that, from imprisoning Angel to setting his sights on Pandora was a direct result of that. Was it ever mentioned if he or his wife were for Hyperion at that point?
It was both of them together, really. Without them he would have still been an asshole that stomped every bandit camp he could find into the ground, but he would have considerd Sanctuary something to use instead of to destroy.
Version 1.006. The one that has the least bugs.
Apparently they wanted to diversify the dialogues and music too so the most memorable thing in STALKER wasn't experienced by me in the process :(
you are not missing anything.
Reminder she is the victim of plot induced stupidity.
I wanna play BL2 with the Reborn mod. Should I go for Salvador? I wanna do EVERYTHING in this game. All difficulties, all quests, all optional loot grinding, all raid bosses etc. Is this a good character choice? I heard he was OP at end game
athena > everything else regarding fun gameplay
one day you niggers will wise up to the fact that TPS was a good game
Everyone fucked Axton
Go give Gaige a try with Reborn. The changes actually make her Skill Trees that arent Anarchy pretty good. Shock Clouds for example can trigger on every shock damage kill. Bigger radius on em too
was she better than clone?
nah the clone is also really fun, too. it's a tough decision, I think most of the TPS characters are really fun to play, but personally I just liked her shield so much. Nothing better than to soak up lots of damage and shooting that shit into a bosses weakspot. the skill effects as it charges up also really contribute to my (subjective) fun with Athena
Maya > Athena > Gaige > Tina > Tannis > Grandma Flexington > Moxxi > Nisha > Lillith
Lilith's only mistake was not finishing the job then and there.
>ITT: child-killers
>Jack has a more personal connection to the BL2 Vault Hunter than any of the BL1 VHs
Fuck Mordecai, Roland, and Lilith. At least Brick admits he's crazy.
I guess I'll be playing a Non-Binary Robo in BL3.
Everyone except Gaige
Only because Axton fucked her instead.
The wokest man in history
oh shit, gaige looks like THAT??
I really liked playing as Clatptrap.
Gaige is one of the least fun characters to play, hurr anarchy, pet robot duur.
I hate her playstyle personally.
Shit man, just get it on gog, it's literally five bucks at the moment and you can install whatever version you want. Grab the Zone Zone Reclamation Project, too. It's a huge collection of community bug fixes.
I'm still not sure if that was meant seriously or they were taking a piss at genderfags.
Why does the Borderlands series have such great taste in music?
Is it really gearbox's fault that they wrote Pre-Sequal and went "Oh fuck we have to make sure BL2 happens"?
Or is this really another hidden incel thread?
Explains why he was the best part of the game.
Basically Jack was unhinged but not entirely crazy yet. Incels make this thread and say that Moxxi breaking up with him and Lilith burning his face are why BL2's story happened.
Honestly it means little other than a "I hate fucking women" thread being made and typical pre-new game shitposting.
i enjoyed playing as athena in TPS simply because she could actually tank damage once you activated his ability, wich is something no other character can do without guns that heal you as you deal damage with them
Which is bullshit cause Nisha spent the entire game loving the shit she was doing and agreed with jack completely.
>tfw pirated the first two, finished them
>the only remotely satisfying bit out of both was Dr. Neds zombie island
you havent missed out on much of anything.
also, just a fyi - id avoid the telltale game as well.
never heard much of anything good about it. id bet if its like the main games, its also incredibly dull and mediocre
>never heard much of anything good about it
not him, but i suppose my main dude in BL1, Roland, doesnt exist now, apparently
Whoever's in charge of picking songs for Borderlands is utterly based.
>only liked the generic zombie shit
>muh telltale
tell me this, if Telltale was so great, why did they close up shop?
TPS is fun I'll grant you, but its got zero endgame. No raid bosses, no pearls, you can get the capstone of every tree at the same time, etc.
Nisha became a bad guy in BL2 though, soo...
The telltale movie is pretty good. I'd watch it on youtube, because it's actually really good.
ok user, instead of giving some retarded, generic ass typical NPC response...
how about you contribute, and mention what you like?
did you like Hammerlock telling you about gettin the cock?
or tiny tina, so le random xD
yeah, kill yourself
The Pre-Sequel made Jack a worse character. There, I said it.
>tell me this, if Telltale was so great, why did they close up shop?
Bought too many licenses and ended up with way too much debt. Shit, they had TWD, Minecraft, even fucking Batman.
Also characters from the Telltale BL game will be in BL3.
Their library were all licensed by other companies that sucked profits dry.
I mean the ONLY original game Telltale did, was their first game, which was a shitty poker game.
No, Nisha was a sheriff trying to protect her town. Brick and his bandit friends came in, robbed her bank and murdered her.
why is Adam Sessler in this game?
But Brick's dog :(
>or tiny tina, so le random xD
So you didn't actually play Dragon Keep, then?
>get a pestilent defiler in old haven in PT1
>still using it in the upper 60s
i forgot just how the legendaries in this game for the most part felt, well, legendary. be nice to get an upgrade for it in a knoxx run though
thinking of tackling crawmerax when i get some gear on par with my level, any general tips for him? never fought him, should i be worrying about having specific elements on hand for him?
>why did they close up shop?
Retarded money management.
Dragon Keep is easily the best DLC in the series.
Let's just agree that the entire Handsome Jack arc is shitty writing saved by a good voice actor.
>let's get this military grade AI
>oh no turns out the military grade AI hates killing people?????
If you're thinking of soloing Craw without the exploit then I hope you're not playing Brick or Mordy, it's torture trying to get a good shot on the back weakspot with them.
Also yes, you should have a high DPS weapon of each element barring explosive.
i'm actually playing mordy with focus on revolvers and bloodwing
that's gonna be a massive pain, but i'll probably find a way to manage. i'll try and save the exploit for until i beat him normally once. the only issue i see really is being unable to get second wind because of shitty guns, most of my gear is sub 45 just because i've been getting shafted with drops
do i have to hit the weak points to deal damage to him or is he able to be chipped down even if i miss?
what is the exploit anyway
>the only issue i see really is being unable to get second wind because of shitty guns
Correct, you should most definitely get something better before attempting him. Even with a level 68 corrosive SMG I struggle to kill the armored craw worms in time to second wind unless I damaged them beforehand.
>do i have to hit the weak points to deal damage to him or is he able to be chipped down even if i miss?
You have to aim for them, everything else takes 0 like a Lance shield.
>what is the exploit anyway
Stand in a specific corner of the arena that makes him and his adds repeat the idle animation indefinitely, giving you free aim at every weakspot besides the back. For the back people time a few rocket launcher shots against one of the spines, so that the splash damage reaches back toward it.
>Push Jack to the point he goes from mentally unstable (who fucking isn't in BL anyway) to full blown genocidal maniac
>Ok Lilith you need to sneak in to the vault and kill Jack before he can learn its secrets
>So you want me to sneak in and just punch him, disfiguring him and making him somehow even more psychotic?
>What no kill the monster your created before it's too late
>Ok so punch him and act cool, got it
i see, good to know
i'll do a bunch of knoxx runs then to see if i can get decent revolves for it, maybe a decent sniper for the back pimples too
how would i go about hitting him in the back anyway? he seems like such a big target that running around him looks like a massive chore
As Siren I stop his aggro long enough with phase walk to get behind the other pillar and get some shots in before he turns around from me peeking out. Soldier has it easiest, once it's aggro'd on the turret the weakspot is toast. For the other two I can only imagine you'll have to kite around one pillar for a while until it decides to stop facing you, and eat a dozen claws that drop you to healthgate in the process.
You mean the town that's populated by mostly other Bandits?
Look please don't play Facist apologist to justify a hateboner for vidya characters that's stupid.
Borderlands 2 has to happen somehow dumbass.
I mean you can't just kill Jack, an already established popular character right then and there.
It's going to be bullshit we all know that, but you know, that's how it's gotta be.
Jack would of still tried to seize power since he is a power hungry asshole.
Stop trying to push the blame onto someone who deserves none of it.
>I don't remember anything hinting at this in 2. What the hell are you on about?
The Pre Sequel tries to make Jack out as some sympathetic character who was wronged by everyone. He fucked them over first so they stuck back.
Jack was never mentioned in BL1 now was him?
She could have just not been there and punched him, though, that's the point.
It literally accomplished nothing, had no relevance to anything and was a weak as fuck attempt to make Lillith "cool".
is bloodwing able to daze him at least? i assume no but i wanna be sure, otherwise i might respec a bit before facing it and just have bloodwing just be a health dispenser
But Fascism is good :)
I just replayed Borderlands 1 and I completely forgot that the ending vaguely alluded to Handsome Jack
>Gaige still best girl
not for long
Does anyone even like Lilith beyond her tits?
Burch does, and that's the problem.
He's gone so who cares
Nope. She was just eye candy in Borderlands 1. Even her wanted poster was just a picture of her tits.
So at any given point there's only 6 Sirens that exist, right? And of those, we know
>New VH for BL3
So what are the chances, if any, BL3 brings in the sixth 'active' Siren?
yeah lilith couldve killed jack after the sentinel fight but decided to just burn his face
moxxi backstabbed him too
they had rolands death coming, im glad lilith dies in 3
Yeah but just because he's gone doesn't mean all the bullshit around the character and how great and cool and awesome and amazing she is. Even without Burch she'll probably end up being the chosen one in BL3.
that bandit in the BL3 trailer and the girl(female) twin
I mostly played 2 to play as a hot punk girl.
from the trailer it looks like she's gonna get killed off thankfully
>wilhelm is the tankiest character in all of borlderlands
>claptraps skill heals him to full instantly
>nisha has lifesteal
>Jacks doubles tank for him
you clearly didnt play the game
So would you rather her just exterminate the bandits?
She policed them. Brought them to line, enforced a curfew and gave them actual jobs in the mine. Unlike every other fucking bandit who spend their entire life murdering and suicide bombing. Aside from Sanctuary and Overlook Pandora doesn't have normal folk, all those bandits are left over solders workers and scientists from pandora's mining days who went feral.
She wasn't even part of the main story, she literally was minding her own business until brick went and started trouble
That's a nice looking Jakobs
>gibb a level 51 character with nothing but a million bucks pocket money and 2 weapon slot SDU upgrades
>run BL2Reborn with cutscenes enabled, damage numbers turned off, UHVM difficulty set to easy, and money color returned to default
Is there a better way to enjoy this game? I just toggle the UVHM difficulty up depending on how many players there are. Even with the balance changes "normal" is too hard for a solo run.
theyre dead
I can only hope. Lilith is one of my most hated video game characters just because as the OP said, all of BL2 was her fault and she gets off/got off scot -ree.
I mean she's no Eric Sparrow, but nobody comes close to him.
>easy mode: the character
wait... that's a girl?!
Yeah, but feasibly the only replacements for them would be literal children depending on how long the new time skip is.
i can't believe there are people out there that think he was a good character with funny lines
>Replay Borderlands 1 multiple times across many years
>Done Crawmeraxx, all of the Knoxx DLC
>Still haven't found a pearlscent
Jesus fuck how rare are these things.
remember why lilith betrayed jack?
because jack killed 5 scientists and he knew 1 of them was a traitor
i wouldve done the same. Roland undestood it was nessecary but lilith was being retarded,
And then at the end she wants to kill an innocent girl(athena) because she worked with jack.
What a bitch
TPS is unironically my favorite. It still has some shitty writing here and there but the environments great and overall gameplay is just straight better than its predecessors.
me too, brother.
I can't believe there are people out there that are so contrarian that they can't enjoy an actor's mildly humorous ad-lib delivery incase anyone says they are from reddit
I prefer her butt, honestly.
I like her ass
the people who say jack isnt funny probably play those shitty weeb games
But Jack was mean to her in BL2! Even though she pretty much asks for it! That means Lilith should kill everyone that he was ever nice to!
Reminder that the New-U stations completely invalidate anything that happens in BL2, while simultaneously could have been the solution to fix everything.
>start tps
>play as nisha because i'm a sucker for latina girls
>she's absolutely broken
Jesus fuck what a pleasure it was to play, where was all that skill in BL2 anyway?
I honestly enjoyed what i did in the presequal compared to 2. Instead of pointless running around, you were constantly solving the problem in front on you.
or they are older then 15
Play Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
>Pandora becomes an absolute hellscape that nobody can truly die in
Any reason why you can't buy guns directly from the corporations but have to go through Marcus?
TPS fixes skill trees. You wanna have some real fun? Play as Jack with a nisha on your team.
Remember how any time Jack tried to do anything good people betrayed him for no real reason? Remember how Moxxi, fucking super slut death arena MOXXI, took the moral highground against Jack and said HE MEAN KILL MEAN MAN
no thanks
yoo nisha is so fun with her double wilding pistols and auto aim
Marcus has a monopoly on pandora. Thats why plasma weapons are banned on pandora.
Moxxi can go die too
maybe if were real lucky mordecai takes over after lilith dies he seems to not be retarded
What's the problem with plasma weapons?
all of my cum
>Maybe people will think I'm mature and cool if I say they are kids!
Fuck me how can you even type with your head that far up your own ass.
only 7 years late, really enjoyed borderlands 2, never gave it a try before but im glad I did
but Tales from the Borderlands is the best shit that came out from that universe, the only reason i'm hyped for BL3 is because some of those characters will return
>playing bl1 goty
>remember I have to go to old haven soon
How could they possibly fill the void left by Handsome Jack?
Make brand new U canon. but only jack has one.
Why were the Crimson Lance and Eridians the most fun enemies to fight in that game? I wouldn't even mind them coming back in future Borderlands titles, I know the Eridians come back in Pre Sequel but I hope we fight Lancers in 3.
I want to fugg maya.
What are the odds Bo Bandy will make her a squirter?
>all the R34 is, predictably, going to amara
>almost zero lewds of moze so far
This makes me sad. Here's the only pic I've been able to find, from a previous thread.
who's in charge of hyperion now? didn't play tales
They were cannon in 1 and were probably cannon during the writing of 2. Brutch realized that killing off one of the original vault hunters for shitty drama wouldn't make any fucking sense if they would just respawn, so he retconned them.
She wants to fugg you, too
>b-but she's asekshual!!
doesn't matter, if she loves you, she will fugg you just because it makes you feel you. That's the true love and dedication you can expect from Maya
i wish her voice change and its not the same shit
>vanilla fetishes
how boring
How does Krieg fight against Raid bosses? I never played him, he looks fun but also impossible for some content
I thought the New-U's were written to be completely non functional after Claptrap used em to revive a ton of bosses from the previous expansions in Borderlands 1's Robolution DLC.
That's the entire reason why you fight the bosses again, claptrap respawned em and fucked around with their brain to make them listen to him. Once Claptrap was taken care of, the New-U stations he had were taken down.
yes i did, and i still enjoyed athena more than the rest because of her action skill alone
>if its not a stinky fetish, its no cool
>>b-but she's asekshual!!
Isn't the little autustic looking twerp in BL3 her kid?
Who's the writer for BL3, please no more burch
God I fucking loved Krieg. So much fun to play. I remember giving my friend motion sickness with that one Krieg build that utilised the Phoenix Shield and constantly shook the screen with never ending explosions.
XD butt stallion i am le hero whoops i killed a whole family lmao
its burch
Unknown. Neumann was writing it but he resigned for health reasons.
it is not burch
it has been years since anthony burch left Gearbox
all characters can do all content with the proper equipment, you just have to switch your builds around some raidbosses and that's it
All in due time.
this is literally all borderland humor in a nutshell, you either deal with it or ignore it, you don't have to like it, i hate it, but i was able to still enjoy playing the games for what they were after i got over it
that's fine but there are people in this thread that love it and claim to be adults.
someone linked this a couple of threads ago (
PSA: Dandonfuga is a woman.
I unironically find Torque funny.
What's some humor for adults I can get into?
>Bandit grip and stock
nice Gaige tho
adults dont have time for fun
some fine big bang theory
Cuck jokes
Played the 2nd game (for psPlus free). Didn’t feel incentived to buy the first game or any collections. After Tales from the borderlands I became tempted but still didn’t do it. Here’s hope BL3 is great.
Reminder that killing Jack was all Moxxi's idea. She initially tried to have him stay in the kill-zone when the Eye blew up, but he snaked out of it. Lilith was the second attempt and she flubbed it up bad.
You may be joking, but Fraiser in reality actually is top tier humor. Brainlets and immature people will never understand.
tip your hat somewhere else
Jack burned down her Underdome just becauss eh ditched him. Whatever bad feeling she had for him was pretty much validated with that.
The whole thing was really just revenge for the Underdome.
ITS ONE OF [italics]THOSE[italics] DAYS
i wasnt joking
Daily reminder that Bandit is the best manufacturer in the series. Even better than the absolute dogshit that is Jakobs any manufacturer is better than them, truth be told.
Prove me wrong.
You can't
>Dandonfuga is a gril
How does she not get raped?
Because she enjoys it and consents.
If she was my gf I'd make her like sex.
There's also a side quest that has handsome jack pay you to kill yourself, if the New-U stations aren't cannon that whole quest makes zero sense.
>high magazine
>low damage
>high reolad time
eat shit bandit apologist
Can Lillith be saved from all the shit-tier storytelling she was hamfisted into? Or is her only redemption to be found at the back end of a gun barrel?
Which is why that quest is also deemed non-canon.
The vault hunters were so good in TPS, it's just a shame that they're stuck in an awful game. Would be great if they were in bl2
>>low damage
>So would you rather her just exterminate the bandits?
That's exactly what she does.
Honestly, it'd make for a great draw for the final game in a trilogy- bring back all the old characters for play. Except Roland.
And Nisha, and Wilhelm.
This is why you hire top notch VAs and then just let them ad-lib, to be honest.
A lot of the best lines in Harrison Ford's movies were him ad-libbing.
>lilith dies in 3
was this confirmed?
why? you dont even see her cause its fps
She WAS there to kill Jack, but she failed to do it right and didn't even at least stay to make sure he was dead.
>not liking Jakobs guns
What are you, some sort of aim disabled console pleb?
DT pulls a reversal and rapes them.
Can't rape the willing
Imagine how hard the orgasms of a girl who has never cum before would be.
It seems to be hinted at in the teaser trailer. I couldn't imagine Gearbox would just show something like that in promotional content so I don't think they actually will.
wtf are they gonna kill off Brick and Morde too???
I'm calling it: the twin Sirens are just going to be the Act 1 villains, and the real villains will be the Eridians themselves as they return to reclaim their empire.
for me its the antagonist
yes they die with sir hammerlock
LOL did any of the people saying this play pre-sequel? Jack was very clearly already unhinged if you bothered to get to any dialogue past the first ~hour of the game. He would have fucked Pandora over either way, as Handsome Jack, or just as Jack.
Ï like her for her hair. And ass.
sir hammerlock is black?
its supposed to be the twister, wich is an unique Jacobs elemental shotgun
i'm going for a melee Athena, you think it'll be worth it?
and yeah its a Jakobs Twister that has a bandit grip and stock..
your point?
pls don't take it to heart,i'm a minmax autist
Are there any pics of her? I want to know if she's cute.
Gaige and Moxxi are best girls anyway
sauce ? can't find anything
Dumb. BL was always about the human characters, not some alien faceless threats. Those are only plot tools.
What do you expect? Women define their legacy by that which they can destroy or usurp.
and Zer0 is best boy
she has never cum before?
Here comes another self proclaimmed chad to enlighten us on his knowledge of women taken from Twitter screencaps.
Regardless, the twins clearly feel like red-herrings. We go from taking on Jack and his corporate empire to a cult of hicks?
She's asexual, she doesn't even understand that she's considered hot according to a line from a DLC.
Which DLC?
The Crawmerax Headhunter DLC.
Not sure which one, I remember some user posting a screencap where one guy said something about her being hot and she just acted confused about him finding her attractive.
Gaige is cute! CUTE!
Tannis leaves a note saying that she is disgusted and confused by Maya's beauty. She then goes on to say that Maya will be important in the future, but all Maya can think about is how someone thinks she's attractive.
> All it takes one punch to drive man insane
>only pic I've been able to find
pretty good find though
Presumably, he killed her some time ago before TPS.
Just started playing BL2 for the first time with a friend.
Which characters are fun?
Gaige looks like garbage because her active ability relies on the games poop AI, Krieg seems to be a melee focused character and melee isn't fun because the guns are the main appeal of the game. Also, my friend already picked Krieg and i don't want to play the same thing as him. Siren looks like shit too because her phaselock just straight up doesn't work on some enemies. The turrent dude also seems like ass, especially considering that the active ability wastes like 3 seconds during set up.
That pretty much only leaves big guy and Zero. I went with Zero because dual wielding guns doesn't appeal to me.
Did i make the right choice?
Alright starting pre sequel now
Do I play as Jack?
>didn't choose Maya to ERP with his Krieg friend
>crosses every character out except 1
>did i make the right choice?
I don't know dude, you tell me
i wanna lick that bit of skin under her belt and then rip her pants off and lick her poosy
zero is basically the sniper of the group, but also has a tree based on his melee skill
if you're not into melee focus on the sniper tree, it'd compliment krieg decently so that you can pick things off that are a nuisance while your friend goes psycho on packs
I am disappointed...
Well, my decisions to cross out certain characters were based on very surface knowledge of the game. I know nothing about the characters skill trees.
also, b0re is a very good skill, especially combined with grenades that pull enemies closer. lets you mincemeat them very fast and will also let your friend cut them down with his rampage
Yes, everyone thinks he’s fun
Really everyone feels fun to play, but just know that if you want to play online, try not to pick Claptrap, you might get instantly kicked because of his skill.
But you crossed all other characters out based on something you found out about them you didn't like. So i don't see what the question here is. i thought Siren was fun, either going full heal bitch phaselock friends back up from across the map. Or to inflict every status there is on a enemy in a second. I agree i didn't liked Gaige too, Krieg was alright. Axel was a bit too boring and the turret not special enough. However, i also dislike Zero because in general i'm not a fan of sniper and the other trees were kinda mediocre.
And funny!
Someone post that Pastebin where a user fix the plot holes and make the New-U stations viable in cannon.
Something along the lines of "Jack takes off the original Vault Hunters from the New-U System, but Angel manages to keep a copy of the BL2 Hunter's so they can use it."
Well, as for Gunzerker or the Turret dude i'd be willing to look past the things that don't appeal to me if their skill trees just had some amazing skills that just make regular gunplay more fun. I heard many of Siren's shit only gets applied on a full phaselock which some enemies are immune to which makes her useless in those encounters, and i don't like the idea of being useless in some situations even if i'm the strongest any other time
Rhys put the Handsome Jack A.I. To run in a Claptrap unit
Reminder that Rhys either crushes the Jack-AI or leaves him screaming forever in the agony of nothingness. Either way, he's gone.
didn't do much gunzerkering myself, but my buddy had a great time with his Money Shot skill and low-mag weapons in our coop run
You shouldn't worry about Gaige's active skill though. You can use or not use it, it works well, also you have all the other skills not related to the robot.
Gunzerker buffs gun damage and your health level enough that you generally don't need to gunzerk unless you're playing with friends.
It's not quite the same level of self-sufficiency as a Siren, but you should be fine if you're actually good with your guns.
>Saving it for Hyperion interests, not necessarily for Elpis or Pandora's own.
>Shown at several points to mean well but be mentally-unstable, needing little excuse to murder anybody who so much as ticks him off
>Canon that before TPS, he dated Moxxi but she broke up with him, and he burned down her Underdome in retaliation
>Locked up his Siren daughter into a supercomputer and exploited her for years, including having her manipulate the events of BL1
Jack was hardly a saint even before TPS happened.
>Locked up his Siren daughter into a supercomputer and exploited her for years, including having her manipulate the events of BL1
The "Exploited her for years" part is pretty bad but i can't really blame the guy for sealing away his daughter with unstable alien powers after she liquified her mother/his wife
Did we ever find out what Steele's siren powers were?
>(Felicity) "born" a military grade AI
>modified to become digital waifu
>hinted to have engaged in degeneracy against her will
>excited to join up with Jack and do something valuable with her self
>gets revenge
>gets freedom
>world full of possibilities
>fully on board with repaying Jack and the hunters for rescuing her
>plan is to wipe her mem and personality and imprison her in a "dumpster made of sadness"
>Felicity no longer on board
Imagine a waifu-bots programming prerogatives, and then slapping that confused sentience into war and telling it to mash the human beings that it probably understands even better than other human beings do, into paste
Goddamn it I'm in love. Literally exactly what I was hoping for, oof.
TPS was a bunch of great characters trapped in a shitty game
You think Felicity will ever be relevant again? being the progenitor of an entire robot army is a bigger deal than TPS made it out to be
>Jack, the Hero, consistently thwarted by his literal thot ex-gf who has fucked half a planet, and an unstable coke-fueled Stacy who people continue to trust for some reason
Who wouldn't want to glass Pandora?
I heard the justification that Lilith only had enough time to get one punch in before all 4-6 of his Vault Hunters can react and gun her down the next time she comes, but that just begs the question of why Lilith just didn’t bring a gun and blew Jack away before escaping?
Better yet, where are the riches that the original crew got in the first game? Money can be spent fast, yeah, but they should all be rocking a small armory’s worth of rare guns
>without hesitation kills 3 brilliant loyal scientists because 4th said there could potentially be a traitor
>long before any """"betrayals""""
He was a lunatic faggot from the start alright.
Being cute.
Why did he wanted the alien tech if his company already had superior tech and stronger weapons?
>big guy
for you, and only you.
He wanted the Eridium, not the tech.
Sounds like you should play the damn game to decide which character you like instead of making baseless assumptions.
the first two seasons of The Big Bang Theory were actually legitimately good
who says she doesn't?
He wanted it to use the alien tech, didn't he?
Also this is one of the main reasons Moxxi and Lilith try to kill him.
>Roland, but he just murdered these scientists...
>Vault Hunter, what did you think about this?
Later Moxxi again
>Behind that smile behind that hero complex there's something wrong about you. If you come down from Helios alive a lot of decent people will live to regret it.
That's coming from his ex fucking wife that was helping and watching you the entire game. You can say Lilith is bad or "evil" but Moxxi? Misjudging Jack to the point she is ready to kill both him and you?
She broke up with him and he burned down her Underdome. Moxxi was using everybody just to get her revenge for it.
I thought her Underdome got burned down when Jack became Handsome Jack? if it got burned after a simple break up then Moxxi probably wouldn’t even be associating with Jack in the first place
She has two voice actresses. I have no idea why, but they shift between trees? Some bug that played old VA lines or some shit.
damn it looked like she had a huge ass cock bulge
One actor for Anarchy, another for mostly everything else
Probably not, but would be cool if it did.
Echoes of her memory reside within the constructor code, quest is to try and restore it then move it to a new body so she can escape.
Quest Name: Ghosts in the Machine
That's Maya.
I'm playing through 2 again and don't think the writing's as bad as people say it is
>Reddit parts
-Claptraps lines at the start (e.g wall sphincters, the part with Flynt is actually funny)
Then after that the game calms down a lot with Brick being the only annoyance but then for some reason you get the another really cringe part with Claptrap when you go to fight the warrior.
She would if she was plotting to kill him and his Hunters from the very moment they all stepped into her bar, feigning helpfulness and support to manipulate them all towards their deaths. Wiping out their superlaser is an added bonus, especially if she can kill them all with it (and she does try this before it all goes boom).
Conveniently forgetting that Mox is a gold-digging whore who jumps from man-to-woman-to-man depending on their money and status at the time. That is the base of her personality; fucking people (over) to get ahead.
Also, Mox raised two kids who routinely murder people and take enjoyment from it. Those apples didn't fall far from the tree as Mox herself routinely has you murder people who are rather innocent by Pandoran standards.
>that DLC mission where you tear out the robots wig still hurts
An user said it best about Roland; the guy is rather aloof from the other Vault Hunters because he had noticed that the "good guys" team is full of the worst kind of people. Psychopaths that would be enemies and bandits under any other flag.
dont forget the drumpf jokes
Imagine caring about Borderlands story.
case in point, that was at the end of S2, when the show started to turn to garbage
The board game DLC is full of shitty jokes as well
That's more like a full diaper.
the game came out 4 years before he became president
anthony burch said in an interview that handsome jack was based off donald trump
Jack was prone to becoming psychotic but the events of the TPS hastened it.
He was sold by his mother to his Grandmother that abused him (We even get a quest on BL2 to go and see her to find out the sent bandits to kill her), probably worked on Hyperion for most of his life and Hyperion is a Corporate backstabbing enviroment by a potency of 3, Married and had a daughter that then turned out to be a Siren and liquified her mother so he had to seal her to prevent other disasters (Using her for his personal gain was a really shitty thing to do but i don't suppose Angel did much of anything else while in there, it was probably the only Father/Daughter moments they had. It went to shit when he became Handsome Jack and started pumping her full of Eridium to charge the Vault Key)
He then worked on the Eye of Helios laser wich i assume took a fuckton of effort to try and get it to work and was a one of a kind weapon. During the pre-sequel he gets backstabbed by the Meriff that he had full intention of letting go but he tried to shoot him in the back. All this while under stress from the Lost Legion attacking Helios and everything going to shit. Then Gladstone suggest another traitor and Jack vents the scientists to prevent any further betrayal, Then Moxxi & Gang betray him, try to kill him and destroy the Eye of Helios that only ammounts to further break his mental health and killed a lot of Lost Legion soldiers that got succed into the singularity. Then Lilith burns his faces and breaks the Vault thingie that was pumping knowledge into his brain
I know it's dumb but I always get a chuckle out of Scooter describing Earl for the first time. The delivery of the line is just well done.
im so glad that faggot is gone, for real
He's gone, but the taint of his presence can NEVER be removed. The fact that Ashly is returning as Tina is already a bad sign.
how do people play bl2 online? is there matchmaking in this game? can I just join a random dude's game. what do we do then? wouldn't it be akward? what about level differences?
Borderlands setting really deserve better, it's plague by referential humour especially in 2 but Tales from the borderlands proved that you can do great story with it. Though I figure it's because it was a """"game""" focused on the story where you don't play OP vault hunters that made it better regarding the story
With a friend.
Borderlands is 100% shitty, psychopath people and murderers
There is matchmaking, it tries to find suitable matches based around your selected character level. You can join randoms if they are open to play. It's better to play with a friend/friends tho You do have friends, yeah?
It had the best group of playable characters by a margin so huge the other games may as well not even count.
apparently Athena is more useful with her left tree but I remember using the melee tree it was okay, it's fun to do that anime dash and make ennemies bleed
You had me until Tina user
Maya>Athena>Gaige>Tannis>Nisha in her sheriff outfit>Lilith in Borderlands 1>Moxxi in her mechanic outfit>anything else not worth mentionning
Loot isn't personalized so make sure you're playing with the right people
Unrelated, but Moxxi did destroy and kill like 3-4 battleships worth of Lost Legion with that singularity now that I remember, so she probably has one of the higher body counts now
Living in a purgatory of a planet where people don't really die New-U stations should be cannon, fuck anthony + several shitty things happened like Dahl and Atlas + Alien stuff that causes people to go insane usually do that to a planet
I'd love it if they made Tina grow up into a total hottie but you just know she's going to be a borderline mutant.
And they're perfectly fine with it, as Marcus opens up thr first game with.
This is her in BL3.
>Vaughn was featured in the Mask of Mayhem trailer and is on one of the roses on the game cover
>Rhys is also on the cover
I really hope they will have an important role (and are not flanderized like the characters from the first game were in 2), it's a shame that Troy Baker won't voice Rhys again, I hope they still have the guy for Vaughn
Anthony Burch's revenge: more Tina and more of her nepotism-protected VA.
she somehow looks more hideous than before, how is that even possible?
t. Krieg
well shit user there isn't much else to Lilith, she has good ass and nice tits and is overall good looking and cute in Borderlands 1, there is so much you can find for fetishes on such a bland characters. She became such a retarded adolescent girl in 2 it's pathethic
Just roll up with pestilent defiler
Tina already looked like a crack child, this is fitting
I mean, at this point she's in her gangly teens, isn't she
What's this meme
I thought she was cute in BL2.
I wish her new hairstyle didn't just look like tacked on extensions. Oh well.
I actually hope that happens. Like he's still Krieg and shouts bandit nonsense but she talks to him like he's speaking perfect English
Why was TPS so comfy?
>fun classes
>I enjoyed the new bandit personalities and space Australia
>ice weapons
It ain't
Watch Krieg's trailer. He might be a Psycho, but the sane part of him that is still there is attracted to Maya, so is the Psycho persona
Reminder that this is Maya's best look.
it's wasn't a certitude that there was a traitor but Jack was paranoid after being betrayed too many times so he chose to not take any risk. A bit brutal but it's understandable in that context desu.
I see which one you mean, honestly it was a really good justification, the suggestion for the penultimate quest was to go to the Archive to get the location of the vault and to remove Jack from the New-U system.
It cost thousands of dollars to resurrect everytime if it was canon, the price would have been a good justification for the fact that not everyone resurrect (obviously the mobs respawn each time but it would be a shit and boring game if no ennemies respawn)
New-Us waive the bill if the user can't pay up due to immediate lack of money.
only things good in bandits are their rocket launcher and the Slagga (mainly because its mandatory in UVHM)
it's a shit brand and it doesn't DAKKA enough. Seeing the concept art (and some of the very early gameplay of 2) is painful because they had a neat aesthethic before, they really looked like guns that were made of garbage, one of the scope was just a glass bottle with a target painted on it
I'd argue that is just game mechanic to keep the game goin
I disliked Jack when I initially started tps but he is pretty fun once you level him up a bit. I advise you to go for the left tree and then explore the others as you reach lvl20 or so, the middle one is a bit special as it focus on having your Expandable Assets dies so you get buff. The right tree is really fun, it focus on swapping weapons, gathering as much stacks of money as possible to make more damage and the skill cap is having the bonuses of the manufacturer of the weapon you switched applies to the next weapons.
Wilhelm and Athena are also very nice to play as, Aurelia is not that interesting, claptrap is claptrap and Nisha is OP but her action skill is just auto-aimand her design is shit, I prefered her sheriff outfit in 2
Holy shit Nisha does destroy everything.
With community patch I was able to get 2x Ladyfist from BL2 (it's in the game files but you can't obtain it legaly in vanilla).
A pistol with +800% crit damage...
Dual wielding this thing with 11/5 in Tombstone and the right build it melts raid bosses in seconds.
well I think she's cute
I think that's really adorable, I truly hope they are an item in BL3
The Meriff tried to shoot him in the back when Jack spared him.
Jack was already unhinged, after Moxxi dumped him prior to TPS he destroyed the Underdome in retaliation, his daughter was already locked up after accidentally killing her mom and he was molested by his grandmother when he was young.
Jack was obsessed with power and is overtly ambitious he wouldn't have stopped at Pandora
>lunatic faggot
like almost everyone on Pandora or Elpis desu,
So are New-Us themselves.
you get to see yourself when hopping in/out vehicles and operating vehicles. You get to see yourself when you die. You get to see yourself when using the menus. Did you even play these games?
you forgot Tina. I understand that she had a horrible childhood and grew up in Pandora alone but holy shit she is horrible to listen to. She got redeemed a bit in her dlc ending. But overall I agree, it's mainly the sidequests that contains badly aged referential humour
Agreed if it wasn't for quests and other mechanics ingrained with the game story. Fast Travel for example works the same way a NEW-U works, it digitizes your body elsewhere
And their expression is always permanently locked in empty soulless stares.
Brick's voice actor is black.
she looks like the chick from always sunny
Based. She was perfect.
I'm playing the first with a first witha friend.
>8 hours in
>boring as fuck
why this game is so boring? is bordelands overrated as fuck?
The first game has the worst gameplay by far, but overall they're really not very interesting games. The perfect examples of "fun with friends".
Play BL2 instead
I really like it and hope it continues
Maybe it can happen if they ignore Burch and his insistence on her being asexual.
I hope they bring back the old shock kill effect from 1, the one with the melting skull and bursting eyes
>no replies
1 isn't actually too bad. Kill things, get guns, Drive car to next location, do the same. The quest memery is easy to ignore, as are the quips on special guns because theur are either rare, orf quest rewards that may or may not be better then your current one.
That the first "boss" drops a gun that lasts like half the game if you are getting screwed on drops.
It isn't anything special, but nowhere near as obnoxious as 2 writing wise.
Yea Forums is playing randy pitchfork shitty games is so disgusting
I liked the first 3 games but I don't have any friends anymore so I don't think I'll bother getting 3
I prefer VaultHunter.EXE personally since i like RNG fuckery, Best Action Skill in the series for me due that.
Less than 2 weeks before gameplay event.
I'm hoping to be wowed.
Anyone know how to set jap voices on on a pirated copy?Just throwing jap audio in english voice folders didnt work,got no audio but game runs.
The Japanese VAs are somehow more annoying than the American ones.
Well he at least wouldnt be able to understand them supposedly while still understanding everything in the UI
That's why I'm using it
Can't help ya there though buddy,steam copy here.
It's not that good really, looking back.
You could find new friends to play with in the general.
Jack was already a psycho by then retard. Kys.
Who here hyped for May 1st gameplay reveal?
who cares she hot lol
krieg melee spec would be so much fun without the what feels like 99% chance to smack yourself instead
jack did absolutely nothing wrong
Worked on my machine
>unlock Cloudkill at level 16 as Maya
>suddenly become death, destroyer of worlds
>phaselock isn't even necessary anymore
Based Maya
It sucks that TPS had pretty good characters stuck in a mediocre game.
Claptastic Voyage was Kino though.
What's a good build for Maya?
Sign me up chief
> Single handedly destroys the game's balance
Would it be okay to have a Bee in borderlands 3
> Not playing as S mommy
Bait-and-switch villain, for sure. I can't see them wasting a sequel of even greater scope than BL2 on some lunatic cultists, especially when TPS teased that this is going to be an all-out Vault war
Didn't they nerfed it into the ground later on?
Oh good, I was right.
They nerfed the Bee + conference call combo.
The bee is still Overpowered as long as you don't get hit.
Thanks, boss. Here's a Maya for your trouble
If anything, her brother has a better chance of being the main villain than her, like he absorbs so much Siren power that he decides he's done being the pawn and betrays her.
Eh, her, Moxxi, and Roland all share the blame on that one
I want them to retcon Commandant Steele's death. She's by far the best looking Siren. With Tannis in a very close 2nd.
even if she is asexual maybe she is not aromantic if I'm using tumblr mumbo-jumbo right.
though she does mention that "there was an older man, he is dead now, of course" in the Wedding dlc but I don't get who it might be referencing to
Based on what we know, I could easily see this being the big villain twist of the game. I think the bandit "father" character is a red herring.
but Maya wears a one piece swimsuit/leotard and pants not a skin tight suits
all her sexiness comes from that sweet, sweet visible hips, as much as I like to shit on gearbox they can do some great stuff sometimes
it was probably an elderly Brother back at the abbey she escaped from.
>playing reborn mod
>open a toilet
>get this
I don't know if that's a feature or just a lucky world drop
>get shield that lowers your max hp
>get hp regen
>be literally unkillable because of 1 shot prevention mechanic
i hope 3 fixes this
Reborn is EZ-mode for baddies so it's a feature.
She's so cute bros
I mained Lilith back when, but I stopped playing around the time I had to do/get some shit for some scientist in some sort of underground(?) bunker or something, seemed like part of the main story not a side quest.
can somebody care to give me a quick run down of what happens next?
I just want to asses whether I should get back and finish it and then play BL2.
I hate her much bros
I'm litterly shaking and crying
someone post pics or her getting bullied it's the only thing that can make me feel better
Is that a Bitch in her hands?
The Ultra HD update broke mods
the scientist was in a jail cell
>the ONLY original game Telltale did
Eh, you could argue that Puzzle Agent was semi-original
someone modded BL2 Maya to look like BL3 Maya yet? Can it even be done?
Yeah asexual just means nothing gets you horny and aromantic being self explanatory. Can still form loving relationships with the former.
She was originally part of the sidequest where you tell people about Roland's death. There's even unused lines from it. I guess they decided to save that whole plot point for the DLC.
Oh, Tannis. So basically you're out to get all the pieces of the vault key so you can open up the vault, right? For safe-keeping you give all the pieces you find to Tannis (the scientist). Rinse and repeat 3 times and she tells you the 4th piece's location. You go out to kill the guy who has it only to find out that Tannis lied to you and that there was no 4th piece to the vault key, there's only 3. The Crimson Lance+ their leader (Basically) Steele convince Tannis to join them and to give them the Vault key. To no surprise, they betray her and you have to rescue her.
After saving Tannis you race off to the vault to stop Steele from opening it. You're just a few seconds too late and Steele uses the key to open the vault, only to get impaled and killed by the monster that was secretly sealed within the vault: The Destroyer. Fight it, kill it, all is good. You give the Vault Key back to Tannis because the Key only (naturally) 'recharges' every 200~ or so years so it's effectively a useless hunk of rock now. She pays you cash for it, and...that's about it.
There's also the end credits scene where Hyperion hack a Claptrap unit and turn him into a fighter which leads into the final DLC.
Also, you help an Atlas assassin defect from her and Steele's CO General Knoxx by killing him, looting his armory, and blowing it up. Said assassin later falls in with Jack and sets up events for later on in the story by helping him rise to power.
>Access denied. User identified as a cat with a birthday cap.
>Access denied. User identified as a racist hotdog.
I hope CL4P-TP is the ultimate villain of BL3.
He is this "Father" guy who is leading the calypso.
He ends up killing all the BL1-2 Vault Hunters.
I unironically want as little claptrap as possible
too bad
it looks like clappy is being used for some death machine we are obviously gonna save him and he will stick around us
You are gay and faggot.
Borderlands 2 and The Pre-Sequel are complete slogs. They are fun don't get me wrong, but god damn do they backtrack the shit out of you. After beating BL2 the 2nd time I noticed almost every area followed the same formula:
>Go to a new area for a story mission
>Finish the story mission
>Get loaded with side quests to go back to that area again
Its so fucking bullshit, just the devs padding the length because they can't be fucked to spring to build more levels. And the levels they do build are samey as shit, 95% of the environments in BL2 are desert or snow. That is it. Here and there you'll get a grassy place, or a Hyperion base/outpost to go through.
The Dust was the worst, man. They send you back there at least 20 times.
Borderlands is the most flawed franchise I've ever actually liked. I think it has more cons than pros and I'd still recommend it.
>the character that gets no art and is never featured in any of the porn
you have literally missed nothing except some so(y)lent reddit humor
He wanted to. The current twitter beef is he told Bitchford to check facts before making statements like 'Baker declined'