Why is this so hard to do these days?

Why is this so hard to do these days?

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You'd have to find people who speak that language instead of casting your buttbuddies

Bong accents in videogames are garbage.

>tfw drunked polaks did eng/kurwa both great.

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Because a majority of people don't give enough of a shit to make it a priority.

Because generally speaking, most people would rather actually hear dialogue they can understand than have to read text at the bottom of the screen while missing everything else. Especially during actual gameplay. Forced accents are dumb though.

Aside from Tekken and Nioh, what other games have characters speaking their native language?

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bong accents are useful for denoting a typical european setting since french and german accents sound too comical and nobody wants to read fucking subtitles during gameplay

Bamco seems to be getting that right with Tekken for a long time now.

Wii Punch-Out is the first that comes to mind.
Although from what i heard, they fcuked up a line for Great Tiger that tells Little Mac to go suck his mother's tits or something.

Yea let's just pump the budget dry for something that the majority of people won't give a shit about and has little to no bearing on whether the setting is actually immersive

Soviet soldiers in mgsV speak Russian until you capture an interpreter then they speak English. Maybe I'm remembering wrong

>Forced accent making it sound authentic
That might be true if the characters talk to an Englishman and therefore speak English to them. But if a bunch of Germans for example talk to each other, they won't have a butchered foreign accent. Dialects maybe, but they'll sound like native speakers nonetheless. Making them speak in weird accented English makes it seem like they'd speak English to each other, which makes no sense.

xenoblade 2 did that and you all called it the worst dub ever made

>should we keep the original voices or make some shit on top of it?
bonus points if removing original lenguage
resident evil is fine , it was always first english > everything else later

Same with mujaheddin speaking Pashto (all one of them) as well as guys in Africa speaking either Afrikaans or Kikongo.


>germany or somewhere similar
>everyone speaks english with a british accent

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>Non-native English speaker speaks English with the proper accent and sometimes sneaks in words in his own language

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>19th century Paris
>everyone speaks english with a british accent
>only one character in the entire game has a french accent

What the fuck was Konami thinking when making Doctor Lautrec?

Wolfenstein TNO and the ones that followed did a good job with this, krauts speak kraut, polacks speak kurwa, jew throws yiddish into his english quite often, it was good effort on their part, I wish wolf TNC didnt suck dick tho

>character starts speaking in native tongue
>grammar is butchered and it doesn't make any sense

Because Jap VAs suck ass. All the males sound like they're trying to pinch out a particularly stubborn shit while recording their lines and all the females sound like they were interrupted during an exit tank.

This is pretty much how Paolo Bellini speaks italian in Alpha Prime. It's hilarious, but it's also almost completely fucked up.

We just don't know.

>sometimes sneaks in words in his own language
I didn't know how bad this actually is until i heard it being done with my native language. It sounds absolutely retarded.

I think The Secret World did this with some of the quest givers in Tokyo
rip TSW

Bladestorm proves you wrong. Frenglish accents are kino.


dubfags are a plague

>Japanese game has characters voiced in Japanese
>Americans get the game released in their country with an English dub, often not as good as the Japanese voice acting
>localisation is adapted for the American market because that's just basic marketing
>Europeans get the game translated from the American version with all the sometimes obscure American cultural references and the bad dub
>Europeans get called weaboos when they say they wanted the original voice acting

It's funny because it's way easier to imitate an American accent than a British accent for people whose first language is French. Speaking form experience here.


Bong accents in general are garbage

kys autist

Pastafag here, i can tell 9 times out of 10 italian localisation teams prefer to ask directly for the japanese scripts to translate instead of the american versions for the sake of being the most faithful. Some examples are the Ni No Kuni duology or Final Fantasy games in general (random sample, Ultimecia translated correctly into Artemisia and removed her stupid tick of spelling Ks instead of Cs).

This can work but depending on the character it can get annoying pretty fast. The only character I can recall who I actually liked doing it is Paarthunax from Skyrim, and that was largely because Bethesda made a half descent, if incomplete, fictional language

Name a single non-English game to do the latter. Anglos are the only race whose culture is so ubiquitous that foreign accents are common enough to feature in popular culture. Continental dirt-eaters and ricefaggots just dress up in costumes and speak their own shitty gibberish. Stay mad fucker.

That's cool. It really depends on companies and even within the same series it depends on which game got released when. The localisation of FE Awakening was so different from the one for Fates. For Europe they actually made efforts to change some of the characters' names because they had awkward names in the Japanese and America versions and even if I find censorship dumb as fuck in general it wasn't as bad in the European versions. But in Fates they literally just copypasted the American script and translated it thanks to google translation.

It's such a small example but it's pretty telling in my opinion but a character named Benoit in the Japanese version (fairly common French name for men) got changed to Benny in the US version for no reason at all. And guess how he's called in the European versions? Benny. I've never seen anyone called or nicknamed Benny in my entire life in France. That was so half-assed. Not even gonna talk about the censorship because that's even worse for different reasons.

I don't have experience with FE, so i cannot tell how the italian localisation has been handled for those.
My theory is that Europe has the advantage of importing anime of all kind since the '60s-'70s, (most of wich America never got to this day; in the case of my country we even had an exclusive deal with Toho and Tatsunoko as we co-produced and commissioned several anime series based on fairy tales/books like Robin Hood, Zorro or Cinderella. And you wanna know the irony? The company who commissioned these animes was MondoTV, the guys who made two of the animated Titanic movies and all those other shitty cartoon movies. How the mighty have fallen.) so i'm guessing the thought process for handling videogames has been the same.


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