What's the true purpose of console wars? Other than 'hur dur I'm superior' I don't understand the motive. What's the end goal here?
What's the true purpose of console wars? Other than 'hur dur I'm superior' I don't understand the motive...
Only the poor and children console war
People trying to justify that they bought the “right” product.
Also this:
Some people legitimately have brand loyalty and want to prove that their plastic box is superior to the rest. Makes them feel like a part of something larger.
Also (you)s.
>What's the true purpose of console wars?
Its called being a fucking ADULT.
Paid shills and wishful unpaid shills hoping to get paid
Its pure autism
It's tribalism (my tribe is better than your tribe) amplified by buyers remorse.
its like eu vs na but in console format
If you mean people that literally do it for free:
Make more people convinced "your" machine is the machine to have, thereby increasing ownership, which results in more games for "your" machine.
Xbots need to be put in their place after thinking that Halo 1 was the greatest game ever and that the 360 was the greatest console of all time. Now they are just xbone SAD
That's interesting side effect of loneliness on their part
Consolewar is a marketing scheme pushed by Sony and Microsoft to incite brand loyality in customers and sadly it worked perfectly.
It's pure shitposting. Whenever someone posts anal vore or a wojak edit, know that they don't give a shit about the topic at hand. They're just there to degrade the discussion.
autists need no reason
>whats the purpose
There isn't. Name some people that have stopped doing/buying what they wanted to because you called them a pleb. No one.
>Consolewar is a marketing scheme pushed by Sony and Microsoft
It's really just poor kids seething because their parents only bought one console so they are missing out on some games.
It's just to fuck around when I'm bored. It's not like this board still wouldn't be garbage if it disappeared anyway.
Infinite wojak edits
NPCs don't do things with an end goal in mind, they just do it because they're programmed to
Advertising numbnuts. Selling consoles. Big mega corporations profiting off of consumer retardation. Dough. Cash. Pesos. Euros. Cheddar.
Do you understand OP?
Getting people like this to show how they love to posture as smart because they used the NPC meme.