>we finally get 10/10 writing coupled 10/10 gameplay
Fromsoft may have perfected their gameplay but their writing sucks dick
Hyped for this
>we finally get 10/10 writing coupled 10/10 gameplay
Fromsoft may have perfected their gameplay but their writing sucks dick
Hyped for this
Other urls found in this thread:
Sounds like shit, hopefully it's not true.
>game of thrones
>10/10 writing
So, it's never going to come out.
Also From's writing is perfectly cromulent, they just expect you to follow the lore through sparse dialogue and item descriptions, without spelling it out for you.
George Martin
10/10 writing
Yeah he's fucking amazing
Hurrrrrr let's kill another character for more shock value
Plus with all his procrastination, he'll be dead before he finishes it!
Kill off any character you don't have a story for.
>good writing
>George "Tolkien Wannabe R. R." Martin
>10/10 writing
Fuck no.
Holy shit, George R.R. Martin is going to write Armored Core 6!
You can take 50 years to write a book while surviving on speaking gigs and tours but developers need to eat.
>that one From game you will not fucking purchase
The only positive thing that could potentially come out of this is sex scenes with firekeepers.
what's the tax policy in armored core
>we finally get 10/10 writing coupled 10/10 gameplay
>10/10 writing
Epic contrarians. Name a better writer. Name a better written show than GoT.
there will be a large dissonant feeling in this game if it comes out and exists
from's stories are core to their games' appeal to me and something will be lost if its the same ol mechanics with grrms writing
>game of thrones battle royale
>George "Tolkien Wannabe R. R." Martin
>10/10 writing
As opposed to the riveting storytelling of the Souls games?
Someone tell this fat fuck to finish the last two books then fuck off altogether
>Miazaki wants GTA influenced game
>This guy is working on it
normie shit inc
I could stick my finger in my butt and let it feature in a short comedy routine and it would still be better than GoT
10/10 writing?
It's entertaining at best, nothing more. I enjoyed reading them but it's not exactly the Foundation series.
>10 /10 writing
Can't wait for the diarrhea storyline and the oh-so-shocking constant character death.
Did he even finish his own books?
>10/10 writing
Wait so He's getting a ghost writer or something???
idk dude any classic or even contemporary fiction wrtiter that doesnt write genreshit?
>even the westcuck brings up fucking planescape and knowing that all the future westcuck games are sjw dogshit
The show is fucking garbage. I say it as a diehard fan of ASoIaF
Kings, queens, dragons, dwarves,
Horses, fortresses, magic, and swords!
You Hob-bit my whole shit, you uninspired hack!
You want a war, George? Welcome to Shire-raq!
In book sales, you've got nothing to say!
I'm number one and two! You're under Fifty Shades of Grey!
I got the prose of a pro! Your shit's subpar!
You're a pirate! You even stole my "R. R."!
being able to write a book is not the same as being able to write a story for a game.
prove me wrong
you literally can't
>Both the Japanese developers have historically favoured gameplay over story
Lolwut. Ico is literally a walking simulator. The main character can't even die during combat.
Writer of Fantasy? Tolkien. Though granted Tolkien does high fantasy. As for sure, the Wire, or Rome, or Shield(not the marvel one).
He is just trying to avoid writing the books with any means possible huh.
Hopefully he does some interesting storytelling that only works in video games.
I'd love me some eternal darkness kinda shit.
Stop reading genre fiction.
>Name a better writer
Erickson. Hell, if we take Martin's latest """masterpieces""" into account, even fucking SANDERSON is better than this old piece of shit.
>Name a better written show than GoT
Fuck off.
Is this supposed to be a good argument, faglet?
>10/10 writing
>George Rigatoni Ravioli Martin
Pick one.
So it will be a never finished episodic game?
>Also From's writing is perfectly cromulent, they just expect you to follow the lore through sparse dialogue and item descriptions, without spelling it out for you.
>Miyazaki also said he needs to get better at communicating the story of his games to the team, who often don’t understand the overall plot of the games they’re working on.
The people who work on the Souls games and who write the dialogue and item descriptions are literally making shit up as they go along. It's not cryptic because it's intentional, it's cryptic because they're just making random shit up
>your character is able to pinpoint...
How did whoever made this image come to that conclusion? I, the player, know about things the characters don't. It's a thing in every game ever.
>Is this supposed to be a good argument, faglet?
You tell me. The fact that you couldn't even formulate a single counter-argument indicates you tacitly agree with it.
Finish the fucking books
Still better story than your weeb shit game LOL
Valve hire this man
>Open World
And down the drain it goes.
Also, doesn't this fat fuck have some books to finish?
the item description in dark souls is more of a flavor text for the benefit of the player than a real description. there is no need to physically describe the item since you can see it right there.
The 3 LOTR movies had more depth and insight than all of GOT seasons combined.
Just look at the audience and reason normies love it because it's shallow shit disgusted as something deep
Why would you want ""10/10"" writing when the best part of FROM's games is that story, narrative and shit like that doesn't bog one part of the game.
Orson Scott Card
Lord of the rings and hobbit are garbage.
Fuck off back to Yea Forums there is nothing wrong with genre fiction.
Imagine playing video games but 100000 times better stories than even in the best video games are somehow bad.
Still better than any videogame writing
5-7/10 writing coupled with 6-9/10 gameplay.
A better combo than we get with most games, sure. But lets not kid ourselves.
what's so good about game of thrones? why is it so popular
Finish the fucking books first
First seasons were unirionically good and got people hooked and now that the series is utter shit people are already on the hook.
No you fucking retard, I didn't respond properly because it's a fucking non-argument. Nobody mentioned FROM or Miyazaki if you didn't notice. I'm just bashing G(rr)M for being a fat hack.
The Sopranos
>Name a better writer.
Almost any other writer. Even massive hacks like Rothfuss and Abercrombie are better than Martin.
Based and boomerpilled
it's like anime but for adults
>he doesn't like ERB
So shit writing but qt waifus?
This cocksucker wanted to be the next Martin and got fucked over so hard. I don't even care for his third book, and I was a huge fan of the first two. Plus that show he supposedly arranged to make on his trilogy is still nowhere to be seen
dis nigga need to finish ASOIAF books fo' real
minus the waifus
Wait, why would you watch it then
>after release of this gameoftwats shit the Witcher will still be on his throne
The show? Starts of better than any fantasy series made so far, with better production values and more edge most tv watchers are accustomed to.
Quality starts declining rapidly as they catch up with the books and start deviating from them, but by then you are already invested in it enough to finish it.
Books? (A song of Ice and Fire, only the first book was called a Game of Thrones). Not the best written fantasy out there, but intriguing at the outset for its interesting mining of medieval history and fantasy motifs, coupled with large and interesting character gallery. Basically starts out as a critique on high fantasy and how it would actually suck to live in those worlds if they were more honest in their mirroring of actual medieval history. But the series sort of looses steam after the third novel, and it's all but certain it won't be finished while their author is still alive.
Is fat fuck even working on Winds?
No waifus, most are britbong slags.
I read the books before the film series was ever announced. Most of the books are "low" fantasy and mostly just a 15th century european political war story between different factions, with many characters who the story is told through from their unique perspectives. And it has good attention to detail, there is clearly a lot of research gone into them, to make the characters, setting and story believable. Then it obviously starts to ramp up the fantasy aspects more and more first in subtle ways, then much more so as the books continue.
But the show went to shit because it started diverting from the books in key ways, and obviously they ran out of material from the books, so they had to make shit up as they went along. The story and pacing started suffering as a result.
hating on popular things doesn't make you unique, you are just an NPC who acts on impulse, without thinking.
God bless you for utilizing cromulent in it's proper context.
One of my favorite words.
Hyped by no-brain cucks and twats.
Actually rubbish story like marvel shitfest.
It is better to spend time on education, rather than spending time on this shit.
At this point I'm convinced it's finished but he'll have them released after his death because he knows its shit and doesn't want to hear people bitching about the ending.
read it and find out
TV show is a shitty fanfiction. The books are basically the retelling of a hundred year war in a fantasy setting. It's the only series in the genre that have such massive amounts of backstory and worldbuilding woven in and he does a good job writing interesting characters but the writing itself is not particularly good and the story is a massive clusterfuck at this point.
>"Strange are the ways of Men, Legolas! Here they have one of the marvels of the Northern World, and what do they say of it? Caves, they say! Caves! Holes to fly in time of war, to store fodder in!
>My good Legolas, do you know that the caverns of Helm's Deep are vast and beauytiful? There would be an endless pilfrimage of Dwarves, merely to gaze at them, if such things were known to be. Aye indeed, they would pay pure gold for a brief glance!"
>"And I would give gold to be excused," said Legolas; "and double to be let out, if I stayed in!"
>"You have not seen, so I forgive your jest," said Gimli. "but you speak like a fool. Do you think those halls are fair, where your King dwells under the hill in Mirkwood, and Dwarves helped making long ago?
>They are but novels compared with caverns I have seen here: immasurable halls, filled with an everlasting music of water that tinkles into pools, as fair as Kheled-zâram in the starlight."
>"And, Legolas, When the tourches are kindled and the men walk on the sandy floors under the echoin domes, ah!then, Legolas, gems and crystals and veins of precious ore glint in the polished walls; and the light glows trough folded marbles, shell-like, translucent as the living hands of Queen Galadriel.
>the ending
There's still one book to go after Winds of Winter.
Form should've made a Witcher game
He looks like a biggest cuck of them all
Knowing the real masterpieces and beating the shit out from shit is ok.
>There are columns of white and saffron and dawn-rose, Legolas, fluted and twisted into dreamlike forms; they spring up from many-coloured floors to meet the glistening pendants of the roof: wings, ropes curtains as fine as frozen clouds; spears, banners, pinnacles of suspended palaces!
>Still lakes mirror them: a glimmering world looks up from dark pools covered with clear glass; cities, such as the mind of Durin could scarce have imagined in his sleep, stretch on through avenues and pillared courts, on into the dark recesses where no light can home.
>And plink! a silver drop falls, and the round wrinkles in the glass make all the towers bend and waver like weeds and corals in the grotto of the sea. Then evening comes: they fade and twinkle out; the tourches pass on into another chamber and another dream.
>There is a chamber, Legolas; hall opening out of hall, dome after dome, stairs beyond stairs; and still the winding paths lead on into the mountains' hearth. Caves! The Caverns of Helm's Deep! Happy was he chance that drove me there! It makes me weep to leave them!"
>"Then I will wish you this fortune for your comfort, Gimli" said the elf, "that you may come safe from war and return to see them again. But do not tell all your kindred! There seems little left for them to do, form your account.
>Maby the men of this land are wise to say little: one family of busy dwarves with hammer and chisel might mar more than they made"
In one of the latest interviews he said he feels pretty good about the writing, maybe he takes these other jobs to prevent burning out. He's been writing this thing for what, 7 years?
>Name a better writer.
Harlan Ellison
Gene Wolfe
Not interested in the GoT universe. Fuck sake FROM, give us a fucking BB2.
>"No you don't understand," said Gimli, "No dwarf could be unmoved by such loveliness. None of Durin's race would mine those caves for stones or ore, not if diamonds and gold could be got there.
>Do you cut down groves of blossoming trees in the springtime for firewood? We would tend these glades of flowering stone, not quarry them.
>With cautious skill, tap by tap - a small cip of rock and no more, prehaps, in a whole anxious day - so we could work, and as the years went by, we should open up new ways, and display far chambers that are still dark, glimpsed only as a void beyond fissures in the rock.
>And lights, Legolas! We should make lights, such lamps as once shone in Khazad-Dûm; and when we wished we would drive away the night that has lain there since the gills were made; and when we desired rest, we would let the night return."
>"You move me, Gimli," said Legolas. "I have never heard you speak like this before. Almost you make me regret that I have not seen these caves.
>Come! Let us make this bargain - If we both return safe out of the perils that await us, we will journey for a while together. You shall visit Fangorn with me, and then I will come with you to see Helm's Deep."
>"That would not be the way of return that I should choose," Said Gimli "But I will endure Fangorn, if I have your promise to come back to the caves and share their wonders with me."
>"You have my promise" said Legolas.
illiterate retard detected
He's properly got the outline worked out and knows how it'll end but just hasn't actually written any of it out.
Leaving behind all the classics I could use to blow you the fuck out I'm going to go with Black Sails. Black Sails (but ASOIAF was better than Black Sails)
Cromulent? More like corpulent.
>10/10 gameplay
ebin dodge roll attack dodge roll attack dodge roll attack x 1000
He's outright said how looking back he'd want the dragon bitches family (the special snowflakes with dragons, white hair and purple eyes) that he would have made them black.
Sadly, I'm still hooked. I reread the books a few years ago so I was up to speed and to read the new standalone one, and the second one definitily meanders far too much. The stand alone book in the series I actually really enjoyed, which made me all the more angry that he's taking a decade to fucking finish the trilogy.
>Name a better written show than GoT.
The Sopranos, The Wire, The Shield, Twin Peaks, Mad Men, Twilight Zone.
Moon Presence arsonist DLC when?
Fucked over by whom?
>10/10 writing
A friend got me the one about the autistic girl for my birthday years ago and I haven't managed to muscle through half of it. It's fucking terrible
Don't worry, westerners are already raping CDProjekt with their sjw shit lmao
What's this meme of Tolkien and LoTR being better than George and GoT? Are you saying this just to be unique and edgy? Tolkien is a shit writer and LoTR is more overrated than GoT. GoT at the very least ,despite its flaws is entertaining and have well written characters. LoTR has no entertainment value and no good characters. Stop trying to be different, it's cringe worthy.
You aren't fooling anyone, Martin.
Try actually reading the books. Shock value is a byproduct, not the main focus.
Major characters killed in ASOIAF almost always have it coming as a fitting end result to some flawed aspect of their character they've shown throughout, or sometimes as part of the development of another character.
Ned and Robert die due to their sense of honour forcing them to take stupid actions that end up getting them killed.
Oberyn's arrogance and OTT unwarranted self-confidence get him killed completely unnecessarily after he had almost already won.
Daenerys' naivety gets Drogo killed, as she foolishly trusts the witch to help him as a favour to her after she helped her, when Drogo and his men have just raped and killed their way through her home village.
Etc. Etc. Etc.
The books are fairly well written, you'd have to be genuinely dim to read it and still think they're all about shallow shock value. If you want to see genuinely shit writing, you have to watch the show, everything they didn't take directly from the books is awful.
2/10. You're boring.
>they were raped
>they were betraye
>and then the dragon breathed fire
>and she was raped
>but she liked it later
>they were family
>and they fucked
>and were fucked
>when they were betrayed
>wheat is good, except in the winter
>so they traded badly
>but the alcohol was flammable
>so the castle burned down
>and she was raped until she liked it
>she raped him and he was her brother
>but now he is married
>now he is dead
>and she is raped again
>but by a metaphorical mythical beast
>battle happens and everyone dies
>including the new character you thought was important
>no rape, just incest
>everyone died
>turns out the new character from last chapter wasn't dead, just dead, so now he's immortal, but mortal immortal
>and he's also her brother so it's still incest
>trade agreements where one side gets everything and the other side thinks they're smart when they get nothing
>characters want to fuck but can't
>metaphorical incest
He had a big trilogy going and signed rights to make a show about his books. This was probably 3-4 years ago. Where is it? Where is the third book?
GRRM hasn't really shown he can do show not tell storytelling because FROM's worlds are very isolated, and often dreadful and oppressive. FROM doesn't really rely on long winded explanations from an NPC or huge backstory forced onto every player.
do you guys really watch this netflix shit ?
Le Guin
The Wire
It's literally normie shit.
>gay shit
lol no
The simpsons
I'd say it's very divisive for sure. Not for everyone.
I mean, you're the one pretending to like LoTR which is 10 times more boring than GoT. Not saying GoT is a masterpiece but it's still above the likes of Tolkienshit and none of you have said legit reasons to back up your opinions. You can post as many reaction images and sidestep like a coward all you want, you're the real contrarians here.
I just want a BB2. That's all I ask.
Now GoT is terrible but
>incest is normie shit
>faggots unironically defending Fat Fuck and his shitty writing
Le winter is cumming, amirite? xD
Yeah, we know how that Brandon Sanderson game ended right?
Tolkien is to creative literary genius what Martin is to hack pulp idiocy. They both so far surpass anyone else in their field that they will be remembered 1,000 years from now as a kind of yin and yang of fantasy, a Manichaen duality of speculative letters. For every sublime, luminous beauty that Tolkien has gifted the world, Martin has cursed us with a tedious, banal ugliness. It is unfair to compare the two directly on any one point, because Martin is in every way the anti-Tolkien, patently sterile, parasitical, and inferior, but so much so that he becomes a monument in his own right, and counterbalances Tolkien. Could one exist without the other? Tolkien obviously could. But it is only by the contrast that Martin offers that we can truly appreciate the full depths and heights of Tolkien. Our understanding of Tolkien would be incomplete if Martin had never set pen to page. It is through only the abject failure and futility of Martin that we can approach an apprehension of the true scope and scale of Tolkien's hitherto inconceivable greatness. Perhaps this is what Tolkien had in mind when he wrote about the Music of the Ainur. If Tolkien is a subcreator in the image of Eru, truly Martin is like unto Melkor. It is only reflected in the awfulness of the one that we can fully see the goodness of the other.
>they're just making random shit up
So, fiction?
You can post as many reaction images you want
Didn't really need your permission, but with that stupid opinion of yours it is kind of warranted.
I mean, who would actually think something like asoiaf is good enough to go head to head with LOTR?
Yeah you sure love simple present in your books.
Also shock value is literally the main point of the saga. Every character motivation is perfecly interchangeable and the ones who arent (like arya) you know theyre never gonna be killed
Based on a book moron
The small chance that you aren't baiting depresses me
Imagine thinking two of the most widely praised pieces of fiction are garbage
The only thing garbage about the hobbit is the movies.
Compare ANY passage of the books side by side and Tolkien will always come out on top.
There is nothing interesting about game for fags.
Tolkien literary quality is nonexistent. He is good for being really good at creating a consistent lore and worldbuliding, almost autist-like but his dilogues and narrational skills are very low. I read his books as a teen and liked thinking that they were part of something bigger than what you could see, but re-reading it recently I saw all their flaws
Biggest offender here is how Dany being unable to bear children is a major focus point in the plot since it means extinction of her house, yet the last season 7 episode immediately goes "nah witch didn't know what the fuck she was sayin lol" even after she has fucked her way across the whole steppes without getting pregnant
Niel gaiman
Avatar:the last airbender
Gaiman is a hack
>Imagine thinking two of the most widely praised pieces of fiction are garbage
>look guise it's the best among all this other shit
Wow great accomplishment Tolkien.
>but his dilogues and narrational skills are very low
And yet it is still above asoiaf. Says a lot don't you think.
>10/10 writing
Here’s your reply.
This. Been waiting on WoW for 8 fucking years.
>fiction is shit
How do you even live with yoursepf if you think one of the biggest human pastimes is shit?
>backing down
Even you don't know why you hate GoT and like the much more boring LoTR. You're doing it for the sake of contrarianism. Thanks for proving me right.
Martin is like a 2/10 genre fiction hack
Still no actual argument?
jelly as fuck
But what about their tax policy?
Jealous of the people who can enjoy his work?
I guess. Things are easier if you have no taste.
Japs hate chinks so no
Contrarians are always right, retarded fucking NPC.
popular =/= 10/10 writing
>Thought it was George Romero at first, got mildly excited
>It's just some boring book writer instead
babies first court intrigue
>backing down
>It's a thing in every game ever.
What the FUCK are you talking about? It's a long-understood tradition in RPGs that flavour text is a in-universe thing. In-universe stories, rumours and legends about a thing that your characters infer either by themselves or by taking an item to an expert.
Even pseudo-RPG trash like Dawn of War did this right. Not Souls though. Because, I guess, it's not "deepest lore" enough.
ASOIF was a solid series until George put in 10000000 characters and subplots. Post season 3 GoT is dog shit though.
How the fuck do you get George Romero from George RR Martin? Are you ultra dyslexic and just fuck up words completely?
Amy Hennig.
Huh, I always thought it was George R. Romero, turns out it's George A. Romero.
I cant believe no one has posted
>The more she ate
>The more she shat
>Most of these posts shitting on game of thrones
>Not knowing he only wrote A Song of Ice and Fire
>A book series the T.V show absolutely butchered
>Most of Yea Forums has only seen the show and is calling George a bad writer
>Game of Thrones shills trying to call it the best written T.V show even though seasons 5-7 exist
>LoTR has no entertainment value
Which is why the film adaptations were so popular that they single-handedly revitalised high fantasy in cinematography?
her cunt
the world
>Which is why the film adaptations were so popular that they single-handedly revitalised high fantasy in cinematography
which is why so many good high fantasy films were made after The Fellowship of the Ring, right? Oh wait, there's none.
If George kills Stannis the books are literally unredeemable garbage. Thats my line. I'd still be hatewatching the show if my king was still alive
get hype
1) the books are shit too, only the first two are worth anything
2) the shows are shit directly because GRRM is a hack and does not give a singular shit about his IP.
3) George IS a bad writer, which can clearly be seen after he just mumbles about and goes no where for two entire fucking books.
I'm still seething over this.
>George RR martin
>10/10 writing
you people will believe anything
why is Yea Forums so fucking gullible
Not just him, I love how the show writers killed off every relevant secondary character just to get rid of plot devices they had absolutely no clue what to do with
>that one convention where GRRM and King were onstage together and GRRM talked for ten minutes about how and why he's so slow and King pretty much outright tells him he's a shitter
>The show is shit because George has nothing to do with it
>But the books are bad too!
If the books are bad, George not doing anything for the show wouldn't have any bearing on the quality, but you just said it does
yes it's fucking horrible
bastard needs to get dun with the third so we can have some closure
seriously anyone who starts a book claiming to be a certain number of volumes long should be required to write all of the books before releasing one of them
>10/10 writing
What is the average IQ of this board? 70?
You're right. You got the joke.
Imagine being such a hack that you let a show finish your series for you.
Not even Rowling stooped that low
>Twilight Zone
it's a shame about 2019 twilight zone....
I don't think you understand what revitalised means. Or understand his statement to being with
how can a genre of film be "revitalized", i.e. filled with new life, when there's no a single decent film been made since the "revitalization"?
We aren't talking about the film market. We're talking about cinematography.
JK Rowling
>only the first two are worth anything
Funny you say that. I stopped reading the books a bit after starting the third, where I decided I was wasting my time.
The only thing worse, than seeing their popularity, must be people seriously reading The Sword of Truth", which even managed to get two whole seasons of a TV series.
Tolkien is to creative literary genius what Martin is to hack pulp idiocy. They both so far surpass anyone else in their field that they will be remembered 1,000 years from now as a kind of yin and yang of fantasy, a Manichean duality of speculative letters. For every sublime, luminous beauty that Tolkien has gifted the world, Martin has cursed us with a tedious, banal ugliness. It is unfair to compare the two directly on any one point, because Martin is in every way the anti-Tolkien, patently sterile, parasitical, and inferior, but so much so that he becomes a monument in his own right, and counterbalances Tolkien. Could one exist without the other?
Tolkien obviously could. But it is only by the contrast that Martin offers that we can truly appreciate the full depths and heights of Tolkien. Our understanding of Tolkien would be incomplete if Martin had never set pen to page. It is through only the abject failure and futility of Martin that we can approach an apprehension of the true scope and scale of Tolkien's hitherto inconceivable greatness. Perhaps this is what Tolkien had in mind when he wrote about the Music of the Ainur. If Tolkien is a subcreator in the image of Eru, truly Martin is like unto Melkor. It is only reflected in the awfulness of the one that we can fully see the goodness of the other.
Whereas with Martin we have "Sunset found her squatting in the grass etc." to Tolkien we have “Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, Seven for the Dwarf-lords in halls of stone, Nine for Mortal Men, doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. One Ring to rule them all etc." and “Roads Go Ever On etc.", I wonder if future scholars will study the contrast and literary relationship between the two authors.
Don't want to catch your cancer OP
>>Yea Forums
Well, King wrote books while doing drugs non-stop and he had even written a scene more incredible than Daenerys' diarrhea with his children orgy.
Also eat a dick
>Martin's blog
>nothing about the books
>still whines about the politicized SF awards like they matter to anyone but himself and other convention judges (even complaining that Wolfe didn't win a Nebula when the man was 100x too conservative for anything more than a nomination despite being the undisputed king of recent years)
And yes, he's a mediocre fantasy writer compared to anyone active in the 30s, Vance, Wolfe etc.
Even chinese webnovels tend toward a higher standard of writing. (they're about as derivative too, if you know about the Tudors and the Rose war GoT becomes nothing special)
And even now, post drugs and post accident, with all the money in the world and no reason to write, he still puts out volumes more than GRRM
Plane episode was ok
He is a madman for sure. The only writer I have seen with an entire section of a bookstore in his name.
W-what about The Belgaraid?
I'm going to explain for you. Revitalization does not mean making good films. They could all be shit films that doesn't matter. What matters is what he is arguing is which is after lotr there was a revitalization if fantasy movies. for example the industry starts pumping out fantasy movies again over a period of time. Hence revitalization, if they are good then all the better, but if they are all bad then poof it dies again.
Frank Herbert
Twin Peaks
>10/10 writing
Peep Show
Garth Marenghi's Darkplace
>The Lord of the Rings
>The Hobbit
>High Fantasy
Ok, retard.
Generation Kill
>tfw ASOIAF fanfic has better writing quality than the show
His writing is garbage and he only knows 15 adjectives. Only his food scenes are well written. Every non main character is always described as wearing chain over boiled leather with bits of plate mail, and every time someone is eating, they “wipe the grease from their mouth with the back of a mailled fist.”
It literally is
>all those replies
>the absolute state of Yea Forums
Even reddit wouldn't fall so bad for this epic trolling.
all me desu
T. Morrison
I might go so far as to say the only pieces of fiction more beloved are the bible and a Christmas Carol.
>Doesn't squeeze in "And who, are you..." at any point
The Starks, while being built up as the good guys, actually deserved to be annihilated due to their countless mistakes
>GRRM thread
>Not a single "Oh my sweet summer child"
Have we finally weeded out all the redditors?
How could anyone care about Eddard's death when he acted like a retard?
Even fucking JK Rowling is better than that old fart
Now user, let's not go crazy
No, they are just in the console war, Twitter screencap, and stale meme threads.
Where has GoT even come close to a passage like:
Suddenly Tom’s talk left the woods and went leaping up the young stream, over bubbling waterfalls, over pebbles and worn rocks, and among small flowers in close grass and wet crannies, wandering at last up on to the Downs. They heard of the Great Barrows, and the green mounds, and the stone-rings upon the hills and in the hollows among the hills. Sheep were bleating in flocks. Green walls and white walls rose. There were fortresses on the heights. Kings of little kingdoms fought together, and the young Sun shone like fire on the red metal of their new and greedy swords. There was victory and defeat; and towers fell, fortresses were burned, and flames went up into the sky. Gold was piled on the biers of dead kings and queens; and mounds covered them, and the stone doors were shut; and the grass grew over all. Sheep walked for a while biting the grass, but soon the hills were empty again. A shadow came out of dark places far away, and the bones were stirred in the mounds. Barrow-wights walked in the hollow places with a clink of rings on cold fingers, and gold chains in the wind. Stone rings grinned out of the ground like broken teeth in the moonlight.
One of the many amazing prophecies of Jesus Christ from the Old Testament is that of verse 1 from Psalm 22:
>"O God my God, look upon me: why hast thou forsaken me?"
Many people have said, "Jesus said God has forsaken him on the cross, how could he be the Messiah?"
Jesus was invoking Psalm 22 on the cross. The Psalm was wrote around 1,000 years before Christ was born.
This is significant because a few verses later in the same Psalm it says this:
>"They have pierced my hands and feet."
Some renderings have it;
>"they have torn holes in my hands and my feet"
Strange. It would appear that Jesus Christ invoked a Psalm wrote 1,000 years before He was born that seemed to tell of His very unique death, crucifixion; which did not even exist at the time Psalm 22 was wrote.
Psalm 22 goes on to say:
>"They parted my garments amongst them; and upon my vesture they cast lots."
This is another strange coincidence. It is known that the Roman soldiers gambled, or "cast lots" on Christ's garments as He was being crucified. If Christ was utterly out of His depths and defeated; why does this Psalm--that was invoked as He was in unimaginable pain--foretell of exact circumstances of the very death He was experiencing? Circumstances that no one could have known?
Not only this, Psalm 22 ends by foretelling the great rise of Christendom, which was achieved based on the very death that Christ Himself was experiencing, that the Psalm undeniably addresses:
>"All the ends of the earth shall remember, and shall be converted to the Lord: And all the kindreds of the Gentiles shall adore in his sight."
Remember, at the time of Christ, only one tribe was expecting a Messiah. This Psalm called forth by Christ on the cross predicts His death to an exactitude, and it just happens to predict the unprecedented worldwide conversion based on this death.
How do atheists explain this away?
Much like the people involved in Archer, this asshole has clearly run out of ideas and is just costing til he's canceled or some shit. You think it's hard waiting for shit like Kingdom Hearts to finish it's story, a video game by this motherfucker would take decades for just the first half
>Bethesda turned him down because they wanted to focus on Skyrim
holy shit did we dodge a fucking bullet
this is the best timeline
Funny that you use the King James translations of the original hebrew of Psalm 22. Reeks of revisionism. 'The hebrew translates to a band of evildoers has encompassed me, like a lion, my hands and feet.'
Revised Psalm translations to match the events of crucifixion.
>George R R Martin
>10/10 writing
Even if his narratives are interesting its generally agreed his prose is shit, relies in basic sentences and repetition way too often
>"All the ends of the earth shall remember, and shall be converted to the Lord: And all the kindreds of the Gentiles shall adore in his sight."
That didn't happen though.
>"They parted my garments amongst them; and upon my vesture they cast lots."
Clutching at straws. Like it wasn't common practice to do this anyway? Exactly.
> pretending to be THIS retarded
Gene Wolfe (Book of the New Sun)
Steven Erikson (Malazan Book of the Fallen)
Game of Thrones is awful. It's generic trash, literally just a soap opera mixed with gay sex scenes 90% of the episodes. They also love killing off any strong male characters and empowering women, what a surprise. How woke.
High fantasy is a genre for plebs
It's called Left Souls
welcome to historic revisionism 101, you get a pass
fucking abramfags.
Your reasoning being?
And I'm not even a defender of high fantasy, I just really love Malazan.
What? Run-on sentences?
the same sheep-fags that write shit like this have literally watched like 2 other shows in their entire life besides GoT and then think they have any authority on "other writers"
>the hebrew
The greek version is older (septuagint) and say, after the line you two fags are quibbling over ”the council of the malignant hath besieged me. They have dug my hands and feet.”
>10/10 writing
I wish I was a low IQ retard like you and could enjoy the shit he writes
I'd love to hear some writing that a high IQ intellect like yourself reads.
Its just the new Lost.
>great start
>people get hooked
>gets shittier each season
>people are too invested to stop watching now
The ending will also be Lost-levels of garbage
Superfluous prose is boring as fuck to read though, at least for me. It's like eye candy, I don't really value it if there's nothing interesting underneath.
I read your post
is this real
Name a better writer then, oh wait you won't because you're just a pseudo-intellectual hipster failing at being cool.
It only became shit because they ran out of source material. The ending is mostly straight from GRR Martin though so it should be pretty interesting.
No one cares.
I bet he's working on Bannerlord
>cannot even finish a his own works
>writing for a vidya.
So this will be released in 50 years.
Sounds like you're a low IQ retard who's too stupid to read anything at all.
Fake. Butthurt Tolkienfags have to make shit up just to be relevant.
>I hate it cause it's popular
Why do people do this?
Hack writer.
You would know, master.
With two continents that have sunk due to divine intervention, a vast history of magical creatures, and magical artifacts it's definitely high fantasy. The confusion comes in because the setting is transitioning away from that, just like how Tolkien is recognizing the shift away from romanticism to modernism.
Why do you pretend to like boring shit just to seem like an intellectual? You would sacrifice entertainment just to impress a few anons on the internet? Fucking PATHETIC.
Or Ned's Son Rob. He was a fucking retard. Honor my ass you were already pledged to a Frey.
I hate it because it’s honestly mediocre, reading the books was a pretty big waste of time and I say that as someone who read all of fucking Wheel of Time.
Most Yea Forumsfags are elitists and act like the super niche books they read are superior to everything else.
He donesn't need to finish his books. HBO did it for him
It's almost like any of this shit is subjective.
You think that's bad? Hemingway and Faulkner would like a word.
Read the expanse
Sorry user, my taste is objective.
Objectively shit you mean?
>It only became shit because they ran out of source material
it became shit at season 4.
You don't even have to know anything about literature to find one. Tolkien and Lord of the Rings are such easy picks. Literally the first writer and series that comes to mind when you think of GoT and it's superior in every way
I watched the first season of the tv show. Does it get any better in later seasons?
Season 4 is when they started to deviate from the source material.
That guy looks like the literal phyiscal manifestation of /tg/
The funny thing is, those elitists pretend to like the dullest, most bland bullshit just to seem smart. They're not having fun reading, they just want a facade of superiority that doesn't exist.
The first season is honestly a bit slow, since it's just setting up the backstory but 2 and beyond really make up for it. The books are even better, of course.
unironically Gravity Falls
It went to shit once Tyrion killed Tywin.
literally all of these
Neither list contains any names, only more lists.
So you're saying there's nothing better?
apples to oranges
>open world
>everyone gets raped author
Hard pass from me
What the fuck, that's got to be fake.
because it's Yea Forums, full of young teens to early twenties 'adults' that still live at home.
if GOT was still relatively unknown, they'd be praising it as a masterpiece
Barley. They show up for like 10 seconds and are forgotten about until the next episode.
If it was actually about the dragons I'd watch.
It's the most quotable passage from his most recent book. It's from the part when Dany rides away on her dragon and ditches everyone then gets found by the dothraki.
>if GOT was still relatively unknown, they'd be praising it as a masterpiece
Exactly. Yea Forums is the same board praising the writing of Nier Automata, Persona 5, SMT games, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, The Witcher 3, Tales of games. No one on this board knows what good writing is.
GOT is genuinely shit though and Persona 5 and XC2 actually have solid writing.
Because they can recognize shit writing and Martin happens to write shit.
How surprising.
You're not only a pleb, but you're also retarded. Congratulations.
Nice opinion
True bros.
>10/10 writing
A quote from one of his books when describing a woman's pussy is "Wet as a Mirish Swamp". That's the shit a 13 year old would write
Books 1-3 are actually fucking solid.
Season 1 of the show was really fucking good and built the world and set shit up perfectly.
The quality drops off a fucking cliff after though, that fat fuck wrote himself into corners with like every character and introduced a bunch of MAJOR characters they didn't add to the show.
Lady Stoneheart, the blue haired prince etc.
The show isn't even following the plot at all, and GRRM works with them directly so he obviously gave up.
He won't finish the books, and the show is mediocre shock value bait.
Yoko Taro should do a game with From.
GRRM should fade into his J.K. Rowling future where he does nothing but talk about which characters like buttsex on Twitter.
As opposed to your shit opinion.
Jumpra lahri
The wire
If you actually think GOT isn't anything more than Mcdonalds Arthouse I don't know what to tell you kid
Chapters are written from the perspective of the character that is the focus. The character's personality oozes into the writing and the descriptions because it's meant to show how they perceive the world. What character had the chapter of your quote?
I don't want a filthy fucking westacuck writing for FROM's games. He's the worst of the worsts and would ruin the fantasy that Miyazaki and his team are capable of providing.
>I don't want a filthy fucking westacuck writing for FROM's games
The Souls series is inspired by the Fighting Fantasy books, which was written by the guys who made Warhammer.
What the fuck, how is that even relevant you dumb bitch? Bravo captain obvious. What's next? Berserk is also inspired by western medieval fantasy works and history? No shit nigger. It's still written by a competent writer which is why it's good in the first place. Shove that irrelevant wewuzing shit up your cunt.
I don't want this fat degenerate mutt piece of shit and his garbage writing in my Dark Souls. Or any other Japanese medieval fantasy game for that matter.
Westacucks can't even produce worthwhile media set in their own fantasy settings anymore. They should fuck off instead of leeching off of actually good franchises and teams.
Just because something is popular doesn't mean it's automatically shit, and nobody will think you are smarter, cooler, or more interesting just because you hate something popular.
Imagine being this much of an assblasted weeb.
Wow. He really will do anything to avoid writing that book. He's almost as bad as the author of Berserk.
IF Bannerlord is ever finished then the ASOIAF mods made for it will be the best ASOIAF game there could be
As you should, because Malazan is the best.
How would this even work?
Miyazaki is known for his vague story telling and R.R Martin is known for clear and direct writing.
The amount of people ITT who fell for this 2/10 bait is astonishing.
Fuck all of you.
>Westacucks can't even produce worthwhile media set in their own fantasy settings anymore
Laurus takes place in them middle ages and is better than anything ever written in Japan.
>an Ukrainian author
>westacucks so desperate they keep claiming random slavs among them when it's convenient to win an argument
This is almost as sad as people posting Witcher 3 girls as a proof that westacucks can still make pretty female characters lmao.
Never reply to me again.
It wouldn't. It's a shit idea and whoever approves it ought to be castrated.
>d-doesn't count!
>competent writer
floppy penises
and saggy tits
Hopefully they dont censor the sex scenes
Pretty sad that George and ASOIF are main targets for shitposting for decade. Before GoT ASOIF threads were chill and his books were not hated by Yea Forums
>10/10 writing
>the more she shat, the thirstier she grew
>In an interview that dates from a few years back, Miyazaki not only criticized Hollywood, but those who enjoy its films.
>“Americans shoot things and they blow up and the like, so as you’d expect, they make movies like that,” said Miyazaki at the time.
>“If someone is the enemy, it’s okay to kill endless numbers of them,” he continued. “Lord of the Rings is like that. If it’s the enemy, there’s killing without separation between civilians and soldiers. That falls within collateral damage. How many people are being killed in attacks in Afghanistan? The Lord of the Rings is a movie that has no problem doing that [not separating civilians from enemies, apparently]. If you read the original work, you’ll understand, but in reality, the ones who were being killed are Asians and Africans. Those who don’t know that, yet say they love fantasy are idiots.”
>George R.R Martin is rumored to be working
Kek, context? Is this for real?
this has been done before, it never works. Novelists will always end up writting books that doesn't work in videogames
10/10 writing
The production values are fucking Mystic Knights tier.
IDIOCY *hits pipe*
>George R.R. Martin
>Open world
I like From Software, but these two together can only mean shit.
Yeah, Dany was wandering through the desert and had dysentery. She was hallucinating and shit.
Hidetaka Miyazaki
>"Oh, my! I imagined it might be so. Then thou'rt a dragon, or perhaps a crow? Well, whatever thou be-est, thou'rt wondrous strange, yet strangely familiar, visitor."
>"A corpse... should be left well alone. Oh, I know very well. How the secrets beckon so sweetly. Only an honest death will cure you now. Liberate you, from your wild curiosity."
>"I am no king. I am more fit to be a jester... I was unaware of my own blindness. We are feeble vessels, with feebler souls"
>"You have a heart of gold. Don't let them take it from you"
>"If thou seekest I, thine desires shall be requited not. Thou must returneth whence thou came. This land is peaceful, its inhabitants kind, but thou dost not belong."
>"I would speak to my brother of this, one day. Of the shining new hope that joined our dear company ...I speak of thee, of course."
George R. R. Martin
>"Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water."
>"And suddenly his cock was out, jutting upward from his breeches like a fat pink mast."
>"She was sopping wet when he entered her. “Damn you,” she said. “Damn you damn you damn you.” He sucked her nipples till she cried out half in pain and half in pleasure. Her cunt became the world."
>"He found a line and pulled on it, fighting toward the hatch to get himself below out of the storm, but a gust of wind knocked his feet from under him and a second slammed him into the rail and there he clung. Rain lashed at his face, blinding him. His mouth was full of blood again. The ship groaned and growled beneath him like a constipated fat man straining to shit."
What was his tax policy?
>Name a better writer
Proof that you haven't read any actual literature.
>“Even in the Indiana Jones movies, there is a white guy who, ‘bang,’ shoots people, right? Japanese people who go along and enjoy with that are unbelievably embarrassing. You are the ones that, ‘bang,’ get shot. Watching [those movies] without any self-awareness is unbelievable. There’s no pride, no historical perspective. You don’t know how you are viewed by a country like America.”
Miyazaki(not From's Miyazaki, the other one) is just angry that japs love whites, that's all.
>Name a better writer.
His mentor and friend, Roger Zelazny. You can fit the entire first Chronicles of Amber (five novels) into about one of the A Song of Ice and Fire novels. Fantasy authors have completely abandoned the concept of brevity.
>Ned and Robert die due to their sense of honour forcing them to take stupid actions that end up getting them killed.
Not even close to being true. Ned's sense of honor may have set the war into motion, but Ned swallowed that honor after being captured. He admitted his wrongdoing. Nobody wanted him dead, not even Cersei who had the most to lose from him being alive. Cersei, Petyr, Varys, etc intended for him to be sent off to the night's watch but the last minute decision of Joffrey ruled otherwise. A decision that virtually everyone at the execution protests and later remarks as being contrary to their plans. As for Robert, he literally never had any honor. Robert never cared about any of his actions being morally justified. He started a rebellion for a girl he barely knew just because he couldn't stand the thought of being momentarily humiliated. He died because he had long outlived his usefulness, it was simply easier to kill him than to keep him around anymore.
Oberyn's arrogance has nothing to do with his death. He went into the duel on Tyrion's behalf because he wanted revenge and an opportunity presented itself. He fully understood that he likely would not live through the ordeal, he even admits as much. Maybe he could have lived if he didn't get caught up in the moment of taking revenge, maybe not. Either way his objective was to make Gregor admit to the killing of Elia and Aegon publicly which he achieved, something he would not have accomplished if he outright killed Gregor quicker.
>flowery prose intended to mask lack of actual direction and meaning
>cherry picked lines from hundreds of thousands of words
I don't even like GoT but christ, this is low quality bait.
A god doesn't need money, people did things for him as a form of worship.
lol those are Jews famalamb.
"Her cunt became the world" carries a lot of meaning okay? Don't laugh. Nobody laugh at this. You guys are just plebeians.
There are literal fucking medieval writers who did what Martin clumsily attempts far better.
But the actors are white, well, Harrison Ford is, atleast.
Why do you tards think GRRM is in charge of the show?
Something being popular doesn’t make it good or immune to criticism.
>nobody will think you are smarter, cooler, or more interesting just because you hate something popular.
who the fuck cares? are you a roastie?
>fat creepy masochist is writing a game
Ew. No thanks.
He's a Jewish mutt you uninformed donkey.
if George RR Martin and Hideo Kojima collaborated on a project, would we reach the pretension singurarity?
And bu "working on a video game" they mean he is playing World of Warcraft 15 hours a day.
You are a fucking retard. That man is sincere to the point he had to leave the company. Play some video games instead of browsing Yea Forums, you've been on Yea Forums too long.
Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Miyazaki, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Dark Souls had a very medieval philosophy: that if the king was a good man who linked the fire, the land would prosper. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. Miyazaki can say that Gwyn became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was wise and good. But Miyazaki doesn’t ask the question: What was Gwyn's tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these demons? By the end of the war, the Demons of Chaos are gone but all of the demons aren’t gone – they’re in the Bed of Chaos. Did Gwyn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby demons, in their little cradles of chaos?
>Fromsoft may have perfected their gameplay
souls games have shit combat and even worse controls
>Harrison's father was Catholic and his mother was Jewish
Do you think (((Spielberg))) would frontline a random goy just like that my dude? The entire Muttistan media is projected degeneracy propaganda. Not """"white"""" proud culture or whatever lmao
>buying a game that will only be 5/7 complete
This dude got it right. The books are decent overall, pretty fun read when you haven't been spoiled. The TV show completely falls apart after the red wedding.
Like I give a fuck about this opinion from a country that had to get nuked in order to stop acting like the real life bad guys.
>If someone is the enemy, it’s okay to kill endless numbers of them
Japanese people are massive fucking hypocrites.
H. P.lovecraft was far more original than this over inflated hack will ever be
George’s entire career and fame is being propped up by superiority complex addled redditors who need to broadcast how much “better” their tastes are; similar to how they treat other inflated shows like Rick and morty
No one but 14 year old and other people who haven't read many books think he's a good writer. He's a servicable writer at best who completely shits the bed whenever he tries to write flowery prose. He would fit into the Black Library or other glorified pulp publishers.
Better authors? Robert Harris, Haruki Murakami, Neal Stephenson, Umberto Eco, Yes, dead, but not long enough dead to not count as contemporary writing. Just from the top of my head. You can find dozens of others.
The show (past season 4) is just the plebbest shit you can watch.
>10/10 gameplay
>Roll, hit, roll, roll, hit, repeat
It'll be complete shit.
I like how mutts always get triggered whenever someone dares to criticize their Jewish overlords' mind rotting shitty schlock flicks. They always just go "N-NO U".
They're not even aware that Miyazaki is one of the more prominent people that openly criticizes the Japs for their war crimes.
>Robert Harris
Best Rome kino right fucking here. Competent show adaptation fucking when.
Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning
Let me guess. It will be a brainlet political "game" where everyone is an asshole and someone has to die every 30 min to keep you from noticing it..
And that somehow makes it ok for him to accuse western media of all being the same thing, right? Why are weeaboos such fucking brainslaves to this false idealized version of japan?
>americans are dumb, the people that get killed in their movies are basically just minorities
>now forget about the fucking horrific shit we did to other people during the war just because they weren't japanese
If they had ended the war by invading and conquering japan instead of nuking them would we have a pussified version of japan like what happened to germany instead of a bunch of unrepentant cunts?
better than 95% of games
yeah I bet you would like that you little queer
Better Call Saul.
Why do I have the faint recollection that Martin put just a small bit of scat smut in one of his books?
>hey user stop being retarded, Miyazaki actually remembers and criticizes the Japs for that as well
Sasuga mutt.
This guy gets it
>"A loose, foul-smelling stool, belonging to a nameless Maiden. It is said that by the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat. This led to her endless shits which still echoes faintly in this fetid lump. Of course, most of these have been long washed away. Is it not the fate of man, to thirst for what we have lost?".
My god
Imagine what our great x15 grand children will say when they read that this was popular
Berserk > ASOIAF
Give me more Berserk
Does Ni no Kuni fall under this category?
>It only became shit because they ran out of source material
Explain AffC and ADwD. They aren't as shit as the show becomes in later seasons, but let's be honest, the books have been declining in quality too. GRRM has an idea for the ending in mind, but clearly has no idea how to get there and has written himself into a corner. He should have done a timeskip.
>10/10 gameplay
literally just read Tuf Voyaging and the Egg and Dunk stories for good GRRM writing
>10/10 writing
you have to go back
>where are muh dragons?
>where are muh soldiers?
>where are muh tiddies?
>where are muh elephants
>better written
neck yourself kike desu
My husband Dia is so cute!
>This land is peaceful, its inhabitants kind
What did she mean by this
>implying DS1 is good
You fell for the meme, you should take a look at Bloodborne or Sekiro.
I want to look EXACTLY like this gem!
I would but I frankly can't be arsed to spend the time watching a show I know I won't like whatsoever like GoT.
I like Lost.
>her cunt became the world
Just Sekiro desu
>10/10 gameplay
Maybe if he spent less time eating he could finish those books he's known for.
>he chose from soft
kek that's gonna trigger cd projekt fangirls hard as fuck
take thou cock out of thine mouth or flee back to /r/eddit posthaste, thou art a foul faggot, you.
P.S. GoT is still dogshit. Japshit filled with sophistry and bullshit ain't better.
Psycho-Pass (season 1)
No, you fuck off back to reddit. Cancerous tourist.
>Is it not the fate of man, to thirst for what we have lost?".
This is the icing. Absolute kino.
Maria was never a good fight. She's always been propped up by waifufags who nut themselves over epic anime duels.
>Details from Hag's Nail description.
It's red green and black, it's long, it's gross, it's from a hag in a maze, and what it's probably used for (scratching, gardening, nose picking).
>Details from Havel's ring
What the ring does, who used it, reason for it's name and association with a main character, information that Havel influenced the way people fought war, there are more than one Havel's Ring, and that his effect on combat has persisted for thousands of years.
One is flowery, the other is efficient.
>muh 4chin was a place full of sunshine and daisies before those fucking autists came in. Before, we were just pretending to be retarded, it was all just a prank bro. I promise!
Moot is a faggot, so are you. neck youself
>that's gonna trigger cd projekt fangirls hard as fuck
>two companies with a gigantic overlap in fanbases
If you don't like epic anime duels you can fuck off the edge of my dick.
incest is one of the most popular porno genres
Dr. Seuss
Haven't you learned? It's always "this" OR "that". If you like one video game company it also means you HATE all the others, and anyone else's success makes you SEETHE.
>when you have to go back to Mesozoic era to find westacuck games that aren't complete irredeemable shit but merely mediocre shit
>when you don't understand the differences between the basic plot and world building lore
>when your game is forgotten and its genre rotting while Japanese action RPGs are shaping the industry as well as remaining enjoyable to this day
Can't wait for half the game to dedicated to food and oddly animated sex scenes
>aprils fools joke still going
His sci-fi stories were better
>Lady Memeria
>Not Orphan
>stories about characters or items in the universe
>written from the perspective of an third person omniscient narrator instead of your PC
Whatever dude, the end result is the same.
Orphan is a mechanically bankrupt bossfight.
Now give the controller to someone who has never played that game and get them to do that.
t. zoomer
>Let's move the goal post so far that I will have a "verified" opinion no matter what
Post a parry spam WEBM with the Dark Souls 1 final boss.
All I was saying is that it takes some amount of practice to be able to parry orphan like that, you dumb cunt.
To be fair final bosses in every Souls game are a joke.
Not a Souls game.
>move the goal post
There was none to begin with. If the claim is that you can break/cheese a boss in a video game if you take the time to learn how, then this is not something that is exclusive to FromSoft games. A person playing this for the first time will most definitely not know how, though, so it's hardly relevant.
Can`t be any more of a normie NPC than what`s stated in this post, seriously
What a bait. Good shit user.
This is Yea Forums m8. People here don't understand that Tolkien has never been considered one of the greats in literary circles. I know literally nothing about Martin and his writing, but that's because I almost never read genre fiction.
All I do know is that Tolkien's writing is mediocre and full of purple prose.
>Name a better writer
Tolkien by far and it's not even funny.
How is that breaking or cheesing the game? Everything is working as intended in that webm. Just because parrying in Bloodborne is braindead and overpowered doesn't make it cheesing.
Alright, then replace that with "using very overpowered mechanics effectively". Doesn't really change what I said.
Fuck him and fuck them schlock he produces, which the Netflix lemmings think it's Deep because it's grimdark bullsbit.
ya i want to play a game written by bignose needsashave
>Tolkien has never been considered one of the greats in literary circles.
It is considered the best fantasy book ever written
Should I read the books first or watch the series? Which one would I get more enjoyment out of going in blind?
you should read lotr instead
Ignore both because the show becomes garbage quickly and the books will never be finished.
how many hours do you have?
Nah, read Andre Norton instead.
Gene Wolf. Book of the New Sun is way beyond you.
Seriously, I despise Games of Thrones and everything that It represents.
do neither, it's a shitty sexed up soap opera that people take seriously because it has dragons
About an hour
Read Blood Meridian.
By the way, Gilbert Chesterton or Wilkie Collins could have written a neat adventure game.
And boobies, and incest, but it's dark so it must be clever.
you will barely make it past one book/episode
my recommendation? download the 1993 doom shareware
It's better than GoT but only marginally. I'm so tired of BOTNS fans acting like the book is so nuanced. Your average high lit is far more nuanced than that book.
Martin equates cynicism with intelligence, so obviously it became reddit's fave show because dumb teenagers see the world in that way too.
I hope this is a lie
>reddit's favorite show
You're thinking of The Wire.
Since we are plugging writers, read Frederick Pohl. Good stuff.
meant for
And your point is?
Game of Thrones is literally a soap opera.
You need to be 18+ to post here.
> R. Martin
> 10/10 Writing
I dare any artsy developer to adapt Naked Lunch to some sort of point and click game. I want to see Hassan's Rumpus Room in glorious 4K HD.
Neither is Bloodborne.
Bloodborne was a variation of Souls formula and so is Sekiro.
whats wrong with the wire?
god, just finish the books already before death claims you, martin
Work on your books you fucking fat ass
>Single handedly saved an entire genre
just face it the shows ending is now going to be canon
cope tolkienlet
I never watched it but a lot of people recommended it ten years ago so it's probably shit.
Quick give me a book recommendation list of novels better than GoT
I seriously hope you're NOT implying the books become garbage quickly. Only first 2 books are moderately entertaining, everything else is a piece of shit.
This, bonus points for fantasy stuff.
Bloodborne is a Souls game.
Sure but it's a spin-off. Sekiro's mechanics are more divergent.
The Bible
>Your average high lit is far more nuanced than that book
We're talking about fantasy books, dude.
Just exempt GoT from the library and there you go
Except it isn't you braindead faggot.
Not really no.
Literally nothing rofl, you can try LOTR if you haven't read it but it's a significant downgrade to fairytale bullshit after reading a realistic, gritty, complex history-based novel like ASOIAF with gorillions of characters and politics, everything else will feel barebones after ASOIAF.
The Black Arrow.
The Master of Ballantrae.
dont know if you're into sci-fi but Cordwainer smith is pretty decent retro sci-fi stuff from the 1960s
There's nothing wrong with genre fiction but GRRM is a complete hack
Yeah. It's childish and pseudo intellectual to act like BOTNS is deep. Just let people enjoy what they enjoy (unless it's YA and they are adults). There's just as many arguments that it fails at what it reaches for and that severin is just as much a product of sloppy writing as he is engineering genius. In fact Wolfe's other books tend to indicate that he's more a product of the former than the latter.
Anything by Lord Dunsanny.
Vance's Dying Earth
I see you got filtered by the first book.
>grrrrrrr stop saying ASOIAF is a good novel normies read it and i'm not a normie we're only based contrarians over here
American Tolkien
a song of ice and fire
just type it out you lazy piece of shit
>grrrrrrr stop saying ASOIAF is a bad novel normies read it and i'm a normie we're only based normies over here
The best literary piece ever written is about the girl sticking rotten meat up her pussy and growing maggots inside her.
Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace
It is THE best book ever written
t. spends his free time complaining about shit he thinks sucks rather than educating himself
[never read either of them]
You're thinking of Gravity's Rainbow.
the fuck are you talking about? I read all the way to Urth. There's nothing challenging about this books. It's clear to anyone who reads real literature that Wolfe was just doing steam of consciousness and then asspulled plot points to justify how they are actual deep twists in later installments upon reviews of the first. It might be deep if it's your first rodeo.
No love for Michael Moorecock? Come on Yea Forums.
user you were actually gay the entire time
>I googled the plot and looked at some forums where people discussed it in great detail, or read one of the many books that tries to unpack the sheer genius of BoTNS.
This but unironically.
t. gaping mouth onions
That's Fire Emblem.
Tolkien is söy repellent, lad.