Enemies attack in groups

>Enemies attack in groups

Attached: 1554339305166.jpg (960x650, 201K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>advanced enemy AI knows to attack your weak points

Attached: 1551118311580.png (1106x1400, 1.58M)

>armpit has hp

Attached: reimu.jpg (1200x900, 1.19M)

>draw girls
>call them boys

>Enemies grope your ass and record it for everyone to see

Attached: 1523445703616.jpg (674x960, 58K)

>sweaty anime girls
God is there anything better

Attached: 2dd.jpg (600x600, 40K)

I'd sure like to be ambushed by these "enemies."


Attached: Shrug.png (800x678, 520K)

kill yourself

traps are gay

Can't think of many things that would be.

Attached: 1555172768611.jpg (1987x3056, 1.49M)

>enemy mobs have bonuses to cause [impregnated] status effect.

Attached: ss+(2019-01-02+at+05.42.24).jpg (1060x653, 202K)

God damn it do you ever stop

I sleep and go out sometimes.

>doesn't post anything new on his twitter
>still shills it

>japanese shadman

>never posts anything
>spams links

Attached: 584E7618-D30B-458A-800B-18BD41702D38.png (325x300, 87K)

What do you do when you go out?

I'll get to it. Give me about 2-4 months and I'll probably start making stuff more regularly.
Today I went to a game store with some friends and played board games with them all day and grabbed some food.

>2-4 months
lad, how difficult is it to put things up your bum and film it.

Tweet something cute right now and I'll follow you.

>Japanese shadman

I'm buff and about 30lbs heavier than I was when I last made any videos. Give me time to cut.
I'll post this picture I guess... It's not exactly anything new though.

Attached: 20190325_130135-min.jpg (2976x5312, 1.12M)

Do your real mates know what you do and that you're a sissy?

Attached: e0006719269c8b14.jpg (1800x1575, 2M)

>flat hex
Based and canonpilled

Yes but they love me for who I am as a person.

That's pretty cool then.
Would or have you fucked any of them?

One, yeah. That was years ago though.

Wtf how old are you?

I'm 25.

Yes, a bullet through your skull.

Fuck you Gary. Stop picking Squirtle you fuck!

lol videogame reference

please be in Wisconsin

user i'm going to blow my brains out and leave your post highlighted

God I wish that were me

Bellevue, Washington.

>Haven't been to Yea Forums since april fools
>First thing I see is you spamming your shit again
>Haven't uploaded anything since

Dumb attention whore

Ah fuck,

It can't be helped.

I wish I had faggot friends

Would there be any chance for us

Maybe I should start using discord again.