Xshit 2

>Start xcom 2 war of the chosen because of some threads on Yea Forums
>play for about 2 hours
>suddenly my pc restart and my monitor lost signal and shit
>goes to pc store and the indian tell me my cpu and mobo is dead
What the fuck???

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Next time you'd do well to play OpenXcom instead

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What mod?


It has titties and tactics, more focus on the tactics but the titties definitely seem to be the standout feature for people who've never played it

Is too much to ask for a tooltip in the equipment menu to check items stats? It's annoying to check civpedia each time I want to equip them and X-piratez has a fuckton of weapons.

>He wants to waste over 600 hours on this
>Not superior X-Files or Final mod
I can kind of agree with you, but why everyone obsessed with x-Piratez ?

No it's not too much to ask, because it's already in game. Press middle mouse to bring up the bootypedia my guy.

works on vault, craft equip screen, and battle inventory

Read up on the controls sometime, there are other things you probably don't know.

Looks like the mudranger from X-COM Files.

Where can I read that kind of stuff?

Because it's fantastic? Even Solarius is out posting in the X-Piratez discord every day.

Personally I just enjoy how meticulously balanced and yet absurdly open for experimentation the combat is. Every time I boot the game up I come across new badass strats.

Like loading up attack puppers with live grenades, they have so many turn units and it only costs 2 to drop things out of your inventory. 5k for the perfect jihadi. Is it optimal? Only Sometimes, but always fucking hilarious to work into my playstyle when I'm feeling it

In the bootypedia, there's an entry with all the keyboard functions that don't exist in vanilla

You DID read the bootypedia, right user? Notice how the title screen says "read or die"?

>Start xcom 2 war of the chosen

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So, is UFO Aftershock wort playing?
I might even do one of those Yea Forums playtrough

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>In 2019
lol, no, I'm not a nerd

Stick to nu-com

I don't know. I hate X-Files due to it "Lol Let's bring back TftD levels xD" and long cave\vilage maze-like levels. I play a bit of X-Piratez and it's doesn't clicked for me. But I respect amount of effort that devs put in. But I miss vanilla due to it simplicity sometimes.

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Just buy Phoenix Point bro

Maybe in a year or so.

You might ought to get a second opinion.

Indians are pretty notorious scammers.

> Get a randomly generated soldier
> it's a gopnik

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>>goes to pc store and the indian tell me my cpu and mobo is dead
It's probably just the power supply that's dead. Never listen to those PC "repair" services it's 90% bullshit made to wring as much money out of technologically inept boomers.

Area 51

It's fun most of the time, like a more balanced vanilla with extra toys to play with, but compared to vanilla it throws shitloads of UFOs at you only a few months into the game (some even assume the "hunter-killer" role and chase your crafts) which leads to countries signing pacts with the aliens more quickly and the semi-regular special missions can get somewhat tedious because some maps are too complex to replay.

I'm playing it at the same time as "Reaver's Faithful Megamod" and I'm enjoying that a bit better because like Area 51, it aims to balance vanilla and introduce some sensible additions that don't change the game too much but unlike Area 51 it doesn't have all the crazy maps and exhausting UFO spam.

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do you guys play with upgraded high-explosive or no? what about explosive bubble radius? also where do you put starting base? i always go balkans cause it covers a lot of places. another thing is there's an option to make it so enemy psychics can only psi you if they have LoS, which makes it less frustrating but feels cheaty

>dat bulge

Explosive height 2 always

Bombs make missions very simple. Walls were made to be blasted

>>Start xcom 2 war of the chosen because of some threads on Yea Forums

we got another one!

>Bombs make missions very simple. Walls were made to be blasted
True, but you need an explosive license first, And enemies could be in place where they stuck and you need to spend 30 turns to figure out where they are.


sounds like a you problem