Night City...
Night City
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at least it was till the sun fucked everything up
Didn't realize they were making a new saints row
least it was before I fucked everythang up
California here we come...
51 days until release date boys
Scavs,™ huh?
The sun is not the real problem though.
Akira has scenes in plain daylight and it still looks cyberpunk-y enough. It's the aesthetic and level geometry of the game which just doesn't work.
Ok retard
Why exactly WOULD the sun disappear just because the setting is cyperpunk? HMMM? Checkmate atheists.
there are not enough tall buildings everywhere
Yes, the main city doesn't feel cramped enough
>taking a nigger’s opinion into account ever
>its called night city because it's always night
>Acid rainfall at all
Their cities are nightmares, yikes. A shame someone up top at CDPR ruined the noir feel it was supposed to have.
Wait, really? I don't remember hearing the release date.
Day 1 mod support, remember.
I'll be posting every other minute on how to disable the day in the game and making sure everyone plays in perpetual night.
He created the Cyberpunk rpg this game is based off of though.
They still can change it, don't worry
the world just doesn't feel interesting and I think in some ways it's too high tech in a lame way
The new Blade Runner did it right. Whenever there's an outside sunny scene, it still looks bleak because you're in a very shitty scenario. On the city though, it's always dark. That's how you do it.
>we wuz cyberpunk n shit
>original creators are infallible.
laughing george lucas
I think the city is not vertical and cramped enough and it lacks weird low life shit happening on the streets
*sigh* what could have been
I didn't say Neuromance, I said Cyberpunk, as in the rpg of the same name. Are you retarded?
Which part of "the cyberpunk rpg this game is based off" did you not understand?
What would happen if he ran a razor over his face?
Will be modded day 1
Because no console homos allowed, that's why.
Named after the famous Richard Night...
Why did I move here?
>noir feel it was supposed to have.
What's this? An Elder Scrolls thread? Mods will fix it?
Then after a while they will roll out official patches for all platforms
Cap this.
>He doesn't want to live in the world
There will be mods for your kind, be gone from this place. Go. Leave now.
Looks gay as shit.
>talks about Acid Rain and the heat of summer
>Noir feel
I play on PCs whenever I can and I still think third person is more immersive. First person I just feel like a floating camera with a gun sticking out of the corner. In this game first person is especially retarded because there is cover-shooting combat
>buy air on the streets during the heat of summer
If you have to buy air...
You're completely retarded.
Noir is KNOWN for rain you stupid cocksucker. And the nights of noir typically occur in summer meaning they can be hot, just how fucking ignorant are you about noir? Seriously, you're fucking stupid and opening your mouth.
You're stupid and there's nothing I can do about that.
>Vehemently defending the other user when he already made it clear he linked that post by accident
no u
>feel like a floating camera with a gun sticking out of the corner
>It's fine when I play as flying drone stuck behind character
yeah because the character is grounded in the world
What? Both posts support noir you retard.
>objective markers
wow so exciting cant wait to just hold W towards the next big giant arrow on my compass so I can clear shit off my laundry list of generic quests like every shitty open world RPG this decade
Your face looks gay as shit.
Goddamn you are dumb
Sorry cucks, but only normal rainy nights and neon make cyberpunk, not your gay acid rain.
Who says it won't be like that?
Day City...
They have a very long roadmap if OP and that are representative of the same game.
All the footage we've seen so far with the babby sized buildings. I want some fuckin megastructures like Judge Dredd, not this normal-sized skyscraper shit.
Every building should be at least as tall as the Burj Khalifa
yeah but it's even better when you're holding a stick forward AND pushing w just to keep it fresh
Why are nightcucks so autistic
>First person I just feel like a floating camera with a gun sticking out of the corner
They already confirmed that you'll be able to see your full body when looking down.
Whenever I see someone say they prefer third person I automatically assume they prefer cuck porn as well
Thankfully you'll get to enjoy CoD: GTA Edition instead!
>He posts this, thinking is justifies clear california skies that are nicer than modern day L.A.
>When this was clearly written facetiously to bolster how shit the weather is compared to modern day. Going so far as to point out the only time the skies are clear are in temperate zones in winter.
>chromatic aberration
>last gen materials work
>poor draw distance
>terrible aliasing in an era where aliasing has been almost totally eliminated
>I want
That's the problem, they don't care what you or I want, they want to appeal to mass market. Maybe they'll try and get nightfags on board and have whatever they show at E3 to be more like bladerunner and shit to win them over.
You're waifu looks like a tranny and you have shit taste.
M8 it has WORK IN PROGRESS plastered over the screen.That said it still looks boring as fuck.
won't change the game from being a first person no skill shitfest with awful melee combat
Let's not pretend Morrowind style instructions would work for a setting like this. What would you rather have seen?
I could be mistaken, but isn't that describing Cyberpunk 2020? And isn't he talking about running Cyberpunk campaigns in general, ie not set in Night City specifically?
I love the rain-slick cyberpunk dystopia setting as much as the next person, but truth be told in this case it's more interesting to subvert expectations a little.
No, I do prefer regular porn to POV trash though.
Fuck the sun
Daylight sucks
My waifu is better than your waifu and is a sexy feminine woman. Your waifu is a TRAP. Get bent, faggot.
m8 games look worse after they're released not better.
Once a week, all devs should be forced to watch Blade Runner 2049.
She looks even worse and more like a tranny in that image, was that a attempt to prove me wrong or do you get off at people insulting your waifu?
>my waifu is better then your waifu
Mine isn't 3D so you're already wrong.
Could happen but the game looks like absolute shit right now I can't see it happening, plus they would want to avoid another shit storm after the witcher 3 downgrade.
>plus they would want to avoid another shit storm after the witcher 3 downgrade.
reminder that cdprojekt still denies that they ever downgraded witcher 3
Wait, really?
>In this game first person is especially retarded because there is cover-shooting combat
>cover-shooting combat
I rest my case, your honor. The accused is not fit to stand trial, and we recommend immediate transfer to an ALMS Corp. facility, for the good of all persons involved.
Apparently they had a company showing of the movie.
Why would anyone put makeup on horse?
>"It's not a lie or a bad will," he said. "We don't agree there is a downgrade but it's our opinion, and gamers' feeling can be different." - Iwinsiki
I don't see why it couldn't considering street names and addresses exist.
>Could happen but the game looks like absolute shit right now I can't see it happening
Simple things like proper AA and shadows (which are clearly in an unfinished state in the gameplay vid), gamma tweaking and disabling all the meme post-process effects will go a long way in cleaning the image.
You see trannies everywhere because you're GAY, faggot.
>le horse meme
Get your eyes checked.
Can someone explain who this lady is?
A woman too beautiful to be created in the shitty character creator this game has. May as well play Sekiro, Emma looks like her with dark hair anyway.
he's trolling you, no date yet. Rumor is 2020 because of the table game's name to "match"
that was in 2020, by 2077 shit's been probably fixed
Oh, so you have played it already? Nice.
Now go kill yourself, faggot.
I did, I time traveled back here to let you know it sucks.
It's some literal schizo's horsfu.
What she has to do with this game?
Shut the fuck up.
>Can someone explain who this lady is?
Absolutely nothing.
We just have this one real actual schizophrenic who keeps posting her in cyberpunk threads.
*blocks your path*
Day = Boring
Night = Kino
Just like real life
*throws pebble at you*
Bitch please.
Another game of playing as an white male *yawn*
Dusk = SOUL
Night and Daytime = soulLESS
I leave when i damn well please.
I heard scientists found a planet where it's always dusk... why can't cyberpunk 2077 take place there?
Welp, guess there's a very good chance the already shit looking demo will get worse.
this is a humerus post
user you are already live in the cyberpunk setting in your daily life
this is the most retarded logic
>Emma looks like her
Don't you ever insult my waifu like that ever again.
Nothing, she's in some shitty netflix cyberpunk show. The guy went from spamming how he wants to be ble to create her in the game to shitting on it because he can't make the tranny looking MC look like his specific tranny waifu. Also pretty sure he's this guy who shills a cyberpunk dmc knock off made in unreal or some shit.
Why do you always posts niggers, mutts and trannies?
based seethe poster
Emma does look like her, the less attractive version of her. Stay mad
Why do you love cocks so much?
I find it hard to believe that atari still exist in 2049...
>the less attractive version of her.
I guess that other user was right about you being a schizo, because you'd have to be fucked in the head to think that.
Emma is Dichen's less attractive japanese cousin
Is this another waifu of yours? A literal nig?
>buzzfeed-tier gifs
Nigga please
Ones a qt nip, ones a literal mutt that looks like a horse faced tranny. Guess which one is the more appealing choice?
post music that fits PERFECTLY into the game
>Ones a qt nip, ones a literal mutt that looks like a horse faced tranny.
Dichen isn't Japanese, and I think you're being way too harsh calling Emma a mutt, come on now.
>reddit-tier image
Based Gibsontard
Imagine being the designer and thinking that looks good..yikes
Do they even know about him?
>sun exists
>frog posting
Simply Ebin argument user.
>calls others reddit
>posting gifs that look like they came straight from tumblr
>it's more interesting to subvert expectations a little
yea it clearly worked with the last jedi huh
>nigger that murdered his friend, lives on welfare in a country that isn't his own home, refuses to be a productive member of society
hes literally a nigger which is a step away from reddit
Get your facts straight, he lives off Burzum royalties and his role playing game.
Holy shit go back.
Fuck you pagan nigger, lick my dick.
Please not this shitty 80's vibe. I hope they don't do this. We need dread, wonder and vice.
Sorry for saying you were from reddit or Tumblr user, I should have been telling you to fuck off back to resetera.
baited nerd
>Every building should be at least as tall as the Burj Khalifa
Listen buddy. I have severe fear of heights and I'm not buying it unless all the buildings are less than 8 storey in height.
>He wants cyberpunk in ~Vermont
Mike Pondsmith must be spinning like a top in his grave right now.
When this releases you cunts will flood the boards praising the game and promptly turn on it three weeks later.
I hate you all. May you all suffer from crippling anxiety and agoraphobia.
Too bad he sold out then.
Sad thing is Poles can actually do cyberpunk if they try
can you enter in those buildings or are they just pretty backdrops?
Can you enter every building in 2077 mr. CDPR shill?
No but at least you can enter in some of them.
>literally almost a year later
>sunfags STILL going on about this shit
can't wait for the "all Night" mods
black ops had a pretty good cyberpunkish mission
>It's raining so it's cyberpunk.
doesn't work every time tho
This game will be trash
Some weird mix of GTA with Watch Dogs but in the future
Stupid quest markers everywhere and redneck punks
Based on everything this guy has said publicly, it sounds like he has a really juvenile/surface level grasp of cyberpunk, and that highlighted blurb doesn't really help his case.
JESUS CHRIST fuck off back to plebbit already cancer