Days Gone looks so fucking kino

Days Gone looks so fucking kino.

They should be announcing the PC version soon too

Attached: days gone.jpg (1280x720, 261K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The studio is literally named Sony Bend user...

Another generic game with zombies

Looks like shit, and I like movie games. How did they manage to fuck this up so hard?

Its an open world cinematic game so every aspect is just too far stretched. The biggest fuck up by far are the awful weapon sounds, lack of feedback/satisfaction when hitting enemies, no gore, many times you see him full auto shoot into a crowd without even bullet hole decals or good blood sprays.

I think my perception of this game would be better if shooting into hordes looked like the World War Z game

Except they're not. They're alive and they don't just beeline towards the player as zombies do.

gameplay looks like shit

Guess the review score
im thinking 8-9 area since its a snoy exclusive

What part of exclusive don't you fuckers understand.

It's sad to see that a game so fucking awful has to already rely on consolewars for threads to even reach 10+ posts, a few day before it is even released.

You're the only one bringing up console wars autismo

They had time to polish it and it will be a perfectly servicable game.
What makes Sony exclusives score well is the polish compared to the competition.

>open world
>map is just a big forest

Attached: 1555718467019.gif (400x270, 2.01M)

You must be really new here if you don't understand what this part of the post was supposed to do for the thread.
>They should be announcing the PC version soon too

Something about John Garvin just made me see the game in different light

I legit dont know anyone that is looking forward to this game

This studio hasn't made a non-portable game since 2004 (PS2, Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain)

I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing...

Should be co-op otherwise, this shit look generic af

Literal fucking shill threads holy shit. Nobody gives a fuck about this generic looking cookie cutter typical Snoy game

The Order was polished too and it was garbage

PC port when?

Attached: fettbernd_steam.jpg (920x900, 207K)

>it's another "we made zombies but they're TOTALLY NOT zombies" episode

Imagine being hyped for SUCH FUCKING GARBAGE

why do people keep calling it a zombie game? theyre freakers not zombies, completely different story and gameplay wise

Attached: agentliberty.png (1280x720, 514K)

I think I'm the only person on Yea Forums who actually had fun with the order

This game will be a perfect comfort food type game.
The kind of game you play when you just want to chill.

Attached: 1458118713459.png (1000x1000, 214K)

I'm talking more recent Sony games.
Look at games like Horizon, GoW, Spiderman, etc.


Not expecting a GOTY contender or anything but just hoping for a game good and comfy enough to chill with while listening to music and podcasts and stuff

A disfigured humanoid (sometimes) creature != zombie.
Maybe your simple mind needs to compartmentalize to be able to comprehend things around you, but people with even a slight hint of intelligence don't (i.e. not you).

They actually behave like creatures, some are more cowardly, some stick to swarms, some are loners, etc.
Naturally all of this is falling on deaf ears since you already made it clear you're both stupid and close-minded. So w/e

Call it basedny

Snoy sounds retarded and lacks the key sounds of each word


why does Yea Forums fuck up by can’t we say S O Y

Sleep tight studio, you never got your chance and spent a ludacris amount of time on something that looks so uninspired Its hard to believe it was even at E3 and didnt just pop up on the indie page of Steam. I honest to god thought it was a spinoff series for Walking Dead. I have so little interest after watching some videos of it a while back that its actually upsetting. All that effort on something so fucking generic and played out. These are the same kind of people that thought that World War Z game would be a good idea in the current market, but at least they played it down with that and made it to fill a hole left by Left 4 Dead.

Based filter leaving these simps down for the count

The only thing they this game seems to have going for it is the size of the hordes and that's it.

It's got to be THE most generic modern videogame I've seen so far.

How recently did you just start posting on this website?

look at this dude, he's literally a boomer trying so hard to appeal to zoomer gameplay trends while keeping a boomer biker as the main character

Totally original game, zombies arent overdone one bit

This game would be PERFECT on the Switch.

For me, it's complaining about how there's too many zombie games then getting excited for RE2, TLOU2, Dying Light 2 etc

I have a friend who's a developer at Sony Bend. Hate to break it to you, but there's no PC port you retard.

i thought much the same

the only thing that i like in the game is the motorcycle driving, that look cool

This game looks boring AF. Another generic zombie shooter with a macho white male protagonist riding around on a motorcycle. Let me guess, he probably has a wife, girlfriend, or daughter with a stereotypical name like Sarah or Jessica who died and he is out for vengeance or something. What incredibly lazy writing. This game looks like Red to Hell Retribution if it had a higher budget. Sure the graphics are nicer or it may be less buggy, but still boring, generic, and uninspired as all hell. Now all it needs is a bunch of sex scenes degrading women or a PoC villain and the bro-gamers will declare it the best game ever made. I really hate this industry sometimes.

Attached: bored.gif (300x300, 872K)

I picked up Red Dead again to avoid burning out on Sekiro, and all I'm think about it how much I want an Undead Nightmare 2, this kinda looks like that, can you dress up the MC?

Call them whatever you want, they're zombies

Everyone saying this game looks boring but are unironically hyped for yet another Mortal Kombat game

"Freakers are human beings who were infected by a virus that killed the world"
Straight from the fat guy's mouth in OP's vid
They're fucking zombies

Game looked like dogshit from day one not even sure how this was even considered a good idea

Hello newfag

Not to mention another generic straight white male lead

Detroit got a 78 and so will this

30 minutes of game play


Don't you kids like shooting zombies??

bored of it

I already have L4D2 for that.
And no, World War Z was also shit.

Ugh daaad they're not zombies they're FREAKERS

I feel like this game was made as a social experiment to see how generic of a game they could make and see if it still sells fuck loads.

Yeah, about 10 years ago.

Linear games so much better than open world mindless trash.

>planning on leaving videogames in 2 years
UGH literally why didn't they just make him a gay black disabled tranny muslim. It's almost like they want to appeal to their largest demographic, fucking racist misogynists

it's just that his fat obscures the sun


Fuck You!


its a falseflag user

ahhhh now thats my kinda game