You're in Dhirim and this guy comes up and slaps Ymira's ass

>You're in Dhirim and this guy comes up and slaps Ymira's ass
>What do you do?
Mountain Blade thread

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>tfw have 2 villages under my control now
>tfw losing all my income when they get raided

I can't wait until I earn enough respect to get a castle. Game is fantastic.


>Earning through villages
u wot m8? Just build those dyeworks in every city and you'll be swimming in so much dosh [Ye Old Gloves of Slightly Less Faggotry] can be bought with pocket change.

>It's a "Swadia get knocked out early because Harlaus keeps organising feasts" episode

>raid a village
>suddenly this fucking 200 strong army pops out of nowhere
Why did I fight them help

You need a lot of green to set up dyeworks though, and in some towns they actually lose money.

I'm new to the game so I don't have any idea what I'm doing. There are no dyeworks options in my town upgrades, I'm so far just trying to build a mill in each town.

If only we had a general to precisely avoid making the same threads.

Nothing. Ymira is not part of my gang because she doesn't get along with Matheld and Lezalit.

>Taking Matheld over Ymira

Not in the villages you own, go to one of the fortified towns, wander around the streets until you meet the guild master, then talk to him about setting up a productive enterprise.
He'll take some money from you, then every week afterwards you'll get a nice trickle of dosh in return.

Dyeworks can be set up at the guildmaster in cities. 9.8k startup fee and nets you maybe 1 or 2k per week iirc

The right choice is common sense. Sometimes its brewery, sometimes it's oil, but the secret to dosh is always business. Also, you can start small and work your way up to more lucrative business.

In each city, once you earn the guildmaster's trust, you can open a business. Business costs a certain amount of money and makes a certain amount of money each weekly report. The profit you make (or losses) depend on the type of business, where it is, and the current status of that city (recently plundered, etc.).

Your focus early game should be establishing as much business as you can, as early as you can, because they offer (mostly) stable income each week to fund increasingly larger armies. If you spread businesses around enough regions, you'll have a huge safety net no matter who goes to war where.

My last run was a traveling business man with optimal businesses in every city on the map with a harem of 100 rescued and trained up Sword Sisters, plus some Mamlukes. I was so rich there aren't words for it.

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It's not just Matheld over Ymira.
It's majority of group A over group B. 3/5 of group B are women. Matheld is a tough girl. It's a no brainer.

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Imagine being such a fucking basedboy you let women in your army
Imagine being such a fucking cuck you let Rhodok scum into Dhirim.

>Saint Jeremus of the Miracle Hands of Healing & the Three Harpies
Math's cool and all, but she can't compete by herself. Plus you're roped into Rolf's group. Rolf!

Hope you don't have to be a king's personal errand boy or establish your own kingdom to set up your own base for your band of mercenaries in Bannerlord.

>trying to help Swadia take over Calradia
>king Harlaus declares war on 3 factions then starts hosting feasts
>losing ground and can't hold off armies by myself

How do I overthrow this dick?

In all seriousness, why do people choose Swadia? My first run was the Sultanate because sultans, and they ended up being pretty based with easily navigated land. Then I realized they teched up to Mamlukes and realized I was never leaving those golden sands.

Yet whenever I see threads about the game on Yea Forums everyone seems to try Swadia and suffer tremendously for it.

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Feels like home to me, I have one of the desert guys in my party though because I freed him at some point. When I'm stronger I'll venture out to those desert lands.

Group A (2 nobles)
Based engineer uncle
Based scout
OK strong girl. Makes female warriors look somewhat adept.
Based noble and also trainer
Good for vanguard. Also a noble.


Group B (no nobles)
Rhodok scum. Only good as archer.
Le ebin darkie bow girl
Someone's cunty aunt with mixed unrelated skills.
The only based member of this group
Her upside is having no stats which means you can train her however you choose. Distracts Alayen from what matters with her feminine allure.

Group A is objectively superior for your campaign.

Spam Swadian Nights, win game. Too easy. Bannerlord when?

Swadia are good for babbies first M&B if you just want to use blob heavy cavalry tactics. If you actually want to try and use the godawful tactics interface then Rhodoks are the best.

My man.

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was this in the basegame? i feel like even the most common mods alter the economy in such a way that the dyeworks everywhere don't work out.
business in general feel all over the place, they sometimes tell you it would be profitable to have business x in town y and then it performs like absolute garbage, even under non war conditions.

>was this in the basegame?
Yes. It's the only way I've ever played.

>and use the godawful tactics interface
>advance 10 paces

Matheld also counts as a noble I think

trying to save swadia from the inevitable is pretty fun

*inevitable rape train

>tfw you are King of Calradia
>tfw horde of bandits kidnap you

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Redpill me on Prophecy of Pendor vs Vanilla.

you buy dyeworks from guild masters in towns by choosing the " i wanna open a productive entreprise in this town" option, there's several of them but most of the time the only worthwhile one is the dyework wich is also the most expensive, you may circle trough all of them and see wich one gives the most profit tho as it tends to vary from city to city

Remove all my clothes and equip my 2hander.

>Noble quest
>Have to convince some asshole noble to pay up the money he owe to another asshole noble
>Sounds simple enough, right?
>After more than 800 hours into the game it never
>worked out
>A few days ago decide fuck it, cheats my stats so I have max persuasion and high charisma
>Apparently hold a speech that even fucking Jesus wept as my words echoed through the heavens
>Asshole noble still fucking refuse

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honestly fuck that quest.

Best i did in this game was 3 castles, 1 town and 2 villages. I had like 4 best friends out of which 1 was the king. After a while it just got too repititive because in late game bandits roam around in 3 packs with 40 in each. You often have to slay 120 bandits just to get on with your day. And the lords just keep fucking respawning.... To the end of your days, enemy lords defeated in battle will always have a 50% chance of escaping (being teleported to their factions nearest castle). There they wil assemble a little pissant army and come to raid your vilages again, and again, and again. There is no option to slay enemy lords, or conscript them into your service, lock them up forever (they can always escape your dungeons) or otherwise decisively defeat them in battle, that's what grinded my gears.

Prophesy of Pendor (I wish I had the screencap of the autistic shitfit by the mod author about the spelling, but I digress) is designed to be grindy as fuck and is balanced more towards being a stat-based RPG (complete with an obscure main questline you have to do to "beat the game") whereas vanilla is balanced around building a gimmick army based on elite national troops and has no goal apart from 'conquer everything'.

Pendor has some neat shit like creating a knighthood order that you can fully customize, gems that lets you do a bunch of things like recruiting rare units or unlocking some powerful gear. But I thought it was a pain to play. There's a big difference between mid-tier troops and the strongest and actually getting gems requires fighting massive event spawns. The main factions are pretty bland aside from the Not-Roman offshoot, and if you're one of those rare players who likes to win a campaign for once, I remember one of the victory conditions is having to suck up to some elves, which was annoying to do because they hate your guts at the beginning.

Still worth a playthough once at least, and if you're into low fantasy, there's Perisno too.

Lords army replenishment rate is based on your Campaing AI setting, if you put it on Good lords will pull armys out of their asses really fast, also you can recruit lords to your faction when you are a king (can do it while you are a vassal aswell but the vassals won't serve you but the faction you serve), talking to them while having a high relation with them should make them defect to you so long as they hate their current liege, building a prisioner tower in your fief reduces the chance for vassals to escape to a mere 5% wich is checked every 48 hours in vanilla, so its really easy to keep them contained later on, you where pretty close to make your own faction, once you request enough fiefs as a vassal your king will eventually refuse to give them to you and you can choose the option to rebel and take everything with you to your new own faction

you'l always have to pay the only thing persuasion does is reduce how much you have to but only by a bit, the only real reason why you would wanna do that quest is to get factions to actually make peace as the quest does help with that

>where pretty close to make your own faction
that is just so much pain, it's unbelievable. making lords out of your own guys so late in the game is asking for trouble, they just have fuckall for troops and cant actually maintain larger armies.
the other factions lords had all the time in the world to grow their armies and will facefuck your own dudes 100% of the time.

Yeah i actualy did get that message once "You have been wronged, renounce your oath to your liege!" But at that point i was getting a bit bored with the overall repetitive nature of the game especially the bandits (i wanted to be able to decisively root out bandits from my budding kingdom but learned its not possible due to game mechanics) So that's about as far as i got in this game, still overall a great game but i spent most of my time in multiplayer.

> making lords out of your own guys so late in the game is asking for trouble

if you don't spec them properly to become lords then they will be shit, if you want them to be good you gotta give them points into leadership for more troops, pathfinding for extra map speed, and Tactics to improve their autoresolve results ( all the battles they do on their own are solved this way), with enough points on these and enough fiefs to their name they will behave better than any other lord in vanilla, their renown as a vassal is based on their level and can only be increased by them winning tournaments on their own, Vassals also need enough fiefs to properly support their armys, villages will serve at first but if you want them to have more troops you need to give them castles wich increase their max party size by 20, and city gives them a lot of wealth to spend on troops

the more you increase your honor the more honorable and upstanding lords will like you so you can recruit them really easily once their faction is defeated to yours, they are the best lords to have asides from martial lords since they won't complain when you give somebody a fief and will be with you until the very end

bandits are always there so you always have a way to get experience and money to progress, you also need them for training your troops when you haven't stacked Trainer on all your companions yet, they are a necesity in order for the game to properly function, the game does become a grind later on but its mostly because every siege is the same boring one ladder meatgrinder and most of them just have you employ the same strategy everytime so going for full map completion is a pain in the ass