What the hell happened to maze-like levels, fast movement, and key-hunting in games...

What the hell happened to maze-like levels, fast movement, and key-hunting in games? I'm not a nostalgic boomer (I first played Doom like 2 years ago), but it felt like a MASSIVE breath of fresh air after other modern single player shooters.

The reason I hated shooters was because it was just clicking on the heads, but with Doom, Shadow Warrior, Blood, you have to keep thinking about your location a lot more, hunting around for secrets, getting stuck, etc.

Why did that go away? Why has nobody made a modern game with modern graphics with the speed and fun of the doomlikes? I'm tired of mediocre throwback indies for nostalgiafags, I want a AAA hipfire maze-shooter (DOOM 2016 was just arenas).

Attached: 1555709383361.jpg (1337x1337, 90K)

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I have some hope for Dusk but it feels like an arena as well sadly

>well, have you tried any of the new gam-

because lootboxes and micro transactions faggot

What? I have tried the new games, but they are lacking keyfinding and mazes and speed.

Name one AAA title like that in the past 5 years.
Dusk was super disappointing.
Why not have those in there too? You could make doomguy sexy or something and you can gatcha crates.

>Why has nobody made a modern game with modern graphics with the speed and fun of the doomlikes?
Because of controllers. Running and gunning is fucking impossible without mouse, and you MUST sell AAA games on consoles. Even shit like Diablo 3 gets pushed there because PC players money is not enough.

Why was it enough in the past but not now despite the PC market having grown a ton?

>Why was it enough in the past but not now despite the PC market having grown a ton?
What are you talking about? Even Doom 2 was released on like 6 different consoles.

How come it worked then?

Project Warlock is decent in the Key Hunting Maze Like FPS department. Gunplay feels good, too. But it's way too fucking easy in normal (didn't try hard yet, I picked normal because someone did told me it was reminding him of Blood so I though it would be tough as nail) and level design is not all that great. Many level feels too constricted, to narrow. It' s maze-ish but sometime lack the big open room of doom with multiple branching

> Even shit like Diablo 3 gets pushed there because PC players money is not enough.
That's just greed. Which is understandable for a company that want to make money, don't get me wrong but it's not like PC money was "not enough" and that they "needed" to go on console to survive. Diablo 3 sold more than 10 fucking millions in mere weeks on PC, they were swimming in fat bucks already

Half life

user... half life is more than 5 years old.

>half life
>maze-like levels

>How come it worked then?
What worked, aiming? Doom 2 has insane amount of autoaim and no vertical aiming.

Boomer here, because they just aren't as fun to play through. Try playing Hexen, Heretic or Quake 2 to get an idea of just how tedious it is to run around massive areas trying to find a keycard or then find a door you overlooked 2 miles back.

>Running and gunning is fucking impossible without mouse
You do realize that Doom and Quake 1 were designed to be played with keyboards only. Let that sink in for a second, because trying to do that is a lot more like aiming with a potato than a controller.

>Because of controllers. Running and gunning is fucking impossible without mouse
Sure, keep telling yourself that.
I’ve played on PC my whole life and bought my first controller only a few years ago, and it’s not even nearly as bad for shooters as people make it seem. If you don’t want to learn anything new, then don’t, you don’t have to, use your keyboard and mouse, but stop telling everyone that it’s (((literally impossible))) to aim with a stick.

Quake 1 was not designed to be anything, they wanted to make an RPG, but quickly retooled it into a drab Doom with real 3D. It's pure luck that gameplay turned out to attract tourneyfags. Doom 2 however was made to work with keyboard and controllers from ground up.


The entire game is one level

Two I guess, counting getting knocked out as a level change

Aw fuck, zen too

No you dips, he's saying that Half Life is the reason we don't have that kind of design anymore, which is true. HL set a new standard of FPS being cinematic setpiece-driven A-to-B affairs in realistically designed environments, all of which is fundamentally incompatible with navigating abstract mazes and other more traditionally "game-like" design.

It's sad that shooters are not getting sprawling level design at a time when stealth games are finally getting back into it

Attached: hitman2cga.jpg (1920x1080, 516K)

>You do realize that Doom and Quake 1 were designed to be played with keyboards only. Let that sink in for a second, because trying to do that is a lot more like aiming with a potato than a controller.

Attached: Screenshot_20190420-065439.jpg (1440x887, 333K)

Based boomers.

>maze like levels

wanting complex levels is one thing, wanting tedious mazes is another.

Ion Maiden

Mazes fucking sucked, I go back to so many old games and they feel so cheap now. Especially menus. I have no idea how we used to think the JPEG gradient menus we used to put up with were okay.

most old fps levels are actually complex in a fun way, though if we're talking tedious I'd point to something like Hexen

imaging making a thread like this in 2019 to desperately build up cred on an anonymous board. this thread is gay and the discussion is decades old faggot shit. also op is a faggot

That only applies to FPS babbies. Many other genres have not suffered (or at least, suffered nowhere near as badly) in regressive game design. Racing games are a good example.

Attached: The floor is now lava.webm (640x360, 1.94M)

That needs to hurry up and get a release.

>literal who twitter screencap as argument
every fucking time

>getting stuck
This is not a positive. Just Saiyan.

>Literally a straight line with 20degree bends

Cringe and yikes

That game was so boring.

>implying shit like Driveclub or NuNFS can hold a candle against NFS HP

Thank god FPSes actually grew up and realized shit like "maze-like" levels was garbage and stopped that shit. Rest in piss, quakefags and doomfags. Your games are not good just because they're old.

Wellp Quake Champs is still the same quake I guess...

i agree OP. you should play exhumed/powerslave (ps1 or saturn) if you haven't.
the games were simpler so they had to rely on their mechanics/level design more and it was just more fun

good goy

this! so much this! narrative driven linear experiences have so much more value

I honestly don't know what's bait anymore and what's just representative of nu Yea Forums. Romero worked on Doom.

>John Romero
>Literal who

Attached: index.jpg (216x233, 6K)

Mazes are linear, you literally have to follow a linear path through, you just don't know what the path is. The best level design for FPS games is mostly straight with hidden shit that you can carry on to the next levels to encourage you to hunt around.

marathon>>>>faggy doom

What game is this

Naturally a 20 second clip is all there is to see of a track.

By HP I assume you mean the original and not criterion's 2010.

Attached: Hometown purple diablo.webm (720x405, 1.7M)

I believe it's GRIP, a spiritual successor to Rollcage made by the same devs.

GRIP. Its totally not rollcage stage III.

Attached: who needs brakes.webm (720x405, 2.22M)

there's been tons and quakers refuse to play them. warsow, reflex, nexuiz/xonotic, and so on. or they have jobs and shit. also no one will play diabotical

fuck esreality shitheads as well, they love shitting on every game that isn't quake 3 and css.

>Why did that go away?
take a guess OP

Attached: 1445707765360.jpg (602x792, 103K)

>155 mph
>feels like 60

Because all nu-shooters care about is multiplayer


The Xbox and Nintendo audience happened to games.

What was the Duke3D/Blood tribute that was made recently by one slav in his basement?

>The best level design for FPS games is mostly straight with hidden shit that you can carry on to the next levels to encourage you to hunt around.
so quake then

>What was the Duke3D/Blood tribute that was made recently by one slav in his basement?
Disregard me, it's Dusk. Literally being discussed in this thread.

>Because all nu-shooters care about is multiplayer
and multiplayer in modern shooters is fucking terrible wjhen compared to something like Quake 3, even Quake Champions which was super disappointing and possibly the most atrocious Quake game possible is still more fun than most zoomer shit

Plus the game engine is limited to 64fps which is a shame.

Halo wasn't that bad because of enemy squads and spacious maps. The real problem is how developers put basic stuff without proper thought and then try to compensate with story or cutscenes. Labyrinths-like games can be as tedious with worse doom-clone examples.

you really fucked yourself by choosing the words "maze-like" op

One wonders why they don't just sell KB+M on consoles. They support it. Hell they've supported it as far back as the Dreamcast and probably even before that.
I mean, every PC gamer has their arcade stick and gamepad, so the console guys can handle their KB + M.

Diablo 3 is a console game that was mistakenly sold on the wrong platform first. It's like TES IV Oblivion or Deus Ex: HR.

Well yeah.
Imagine if people could play a game where you move fast, are free to roam an open map and attack people from any angle, play at tickrates of 60 or 66 or 83 or 120 or 133 or 166, have gameplay without any stuns or shields or walls, and are expected to both dodge incoming projectiles AND lead their targets in order to fire their own slow moving projectiles?
It'd be ... why, it'd be a MERITOCRACY. We can't have that.

>Labyrinths-like games can be as tedious with worse doom-clone examples.
The irony of this when you consider the literal definition of "labyrinth" is that linear levels are labyrinths. Non-linear ones by definition aren't. A maze is a path from A to B with many intersections to false paths and dead-ends. A labyrinth is a path from A to B with no intersections whatsoever, just a really convoluted and twisting single path.

Attached: labyrinth vs maze.png (560x326, 29K)


Keyhunting in doom is a pain in the ass desu, I'd rather the levels be more straightforward. Open-ended levels are cool in games like Deus Ex because you have different methods of approach but everything you do in Doom is the same.

stop calling them maze like
thats why people thought they are outdated and doom had actual recognizable zones

Underrated post


Attached: hilbert.jpg (220x298, 17K)

There are no "mazes" in my native language, only labyrinths, including the ones with intersections. Still thanks for explanation.

4/20 is a good day to play DOOM with this soundtrack
