Fuck this bullshit.
I used cheats and i feel fine.
Fuck this bullshit
Other urls found in this thread:
Mods != cheats
At least you beat the game. I'm still stuck on this boss trying to beat it legit. You can finally move on.
Maybe you should come to terms that you're not skilled enough to go toe to toe with him and develop a strategy more to your own level.
I refuse. I'll defeat him honorably or die.
>games stop using cheats in mid 2000s
>Yea Forums complains about how cheats made games fun, games are dying, etc.
>people use mods to cheat in Yea Forums's flavor of the month game
Yea Forums complains about how cheats ruin the fun of the game
A Shinobi should know the difference between honor and victory.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm it's almost like theres a difference.
I pretend I am a samurai. Head canon supersedes all other canon.
and that's why you're getting your ass kicked.
Okay? Do you want me to cheat to get by? I'm not sure why you're riding the fuck out of me about it.
Because you're not keeping it real.
I guess AMD will set Intel straight again
I am keeping it real... it's a videogame so I can attempt it as many times as I like.
Phase 2 and 3 are the problem
>Run away to heal
>Granpa Isshin jumps and dashes from the other side of the map and still hits you
I'm still on Owl 2.
These fights takes sooo long.
>being a samurai cuck
His jump attack is what you want him to do, it's so easy to dodge and gives you an opening to whack him with an Ichimonji Double.
Is Isshin the Tengu of Ashina?
No, Tengu is actually Kuro.
If the battle is taking too long, you're doing it wrong. This works for most bosses, with exceptions like Demon of Hatred.
Be aggressive.
His posture can take much more than mine.
I wait for his attacks give an opening and do 1-2 hits. If i keep wacking at it i will just get wrecked by those huge sweeps.
>tfw beat him on the first try
I'm sure he'll send me back to the idol on a second go round, but I almost felt cheated that he wasn't the "wall" that everyone described him as.
But those two are playing multiplayer...
I got too bored before I even reached him, as with every other Soulsborne game.
Frankly, the bosses are not why I play these games so I just couldn't care less about the shit endings and uninteresting boss fights.
>isshin jumps behind me
>camera spergs out, locks off and leave me with my back turned to him
>he one shots me with one of his curayze combos
The bottom line is: you don't really beat the game if you cheat.
You can do whatever the fuck you want and feel however the fuck you want about it, nobody cares it's your game.
But you don't get to brag about beating the game, because all you didn't.
Attack until he parries once and wait for his counter. Learn his patterns.
>that zigzag spear combo on no charm mode
I did it holy shit.
I fucking did it. And no cheats used.
Thank you for believing in me, Yea Forums
Good job user
Now beat Fire Isshin
Journalist spotted
>everyone talking about beeing stuck in the finnal boss and the poo monkey
>I just can't get past the oger and the poisen spitting dude
sucks beeing a reflex-let
This game demands a heavy toll. I know that feel.
I spent days on some bosses.
DarkSydePhil a former professional fighting game player beat Isshin after three tries, what the fuck is your excuse?
If you lower his health the posture breaks a lot easier
Why is the entire industry from developers to hardware suppliers rushing in to support a laughable "journalist"?
>implying he can be cheesed
Grinding for attack power and upgraded prosthetics as well as watching guides off stream.
They like to tap themselves in the back.
apparently he can be with double ichimonji
Iron Fortress trivialises him.
You dont have to actually set the ogre on fire to stagger him, it just has to be near him.
Setting him on fire will help due to the posture / health damage, but it's not crucial.
Use fire, get a couple hits in, back off until he does a move you can exploit.
The ogre's grabs, particularly the one with his arms outstretched, are the most bullshit in the game in my opinion.
You can also make it a bit easier if you wait for him to lose aggro after killing everyone else, then stabbing him in the back.
Nobody is gud from the git go, it's a learning process.
>try to use his secret techniques against him for roleplay faggotry
>they're extremely impractical
If you feel like it, just use the mod to slow down time to learn his attack patterns, then suicide and do it on normal speed.
But Ichimonji is literally the only good secret technique in the game
They're actually really good.
No, I mean the Mushin techniques.
Easy mode should exist
I did it and i still have no idea how to counter his second phase moveset.
I just got lucky because he used a lot of mikiri and thunder attacks
Turns out that the pro strat is to the skip the spear phase almost entirely.
Whirlwind Slash is good throughout the game.
The final unlock charge skill where you automatically jump on your target is fantastic too, almost always staggers even bosses.
Only if the game ends before the final boss.
Felt good to not cheese him at all just parrys and one heal per deathblow. People freak out in phase two but parrying the gun into midari is easy. Also his sheath will flash right before his big iai attacks makes them simple to parry for tons of posture damage.
>controller has a slight random twitch on the left stick
>got to the end but Isshin is impossible
What are all the miniboss/boss weaknesses and tricks?
For example
>many/most minibosses can be stabbed, or at least lured into a position where they can be stabbed including the drunkard and ogre, made even easier with the sugar that makes you transparent
>ogre fears fire and gets stunned for 5 seconda if you burn him
>giraffe can't deal with iron fortress parry spam, downs itself in like 10 seconds
>against headless ape, upgraded spear lets you pull the centipede out of its neck after parrying the falling sword slam, huge posture damage, plus the brown ape fears firecrackers
>the watermill ghost bitch can be backstabbed if you stand behind her and jump on her head quickly
>the shichimen warriors' beam after teleporting can be parried for no damage/fear build up
>not being high monk master race
The thing is I don't even feel like I'm getting better; Just going over the miniboss, getting some of his health and end up dyimg to one mistake. Repeat that for hours
>extremely impractical
you mean extremely good
you can three shot him with monk
Speaking of headless ape, it's entirely skippable encounter if you go through the area and Mibu Village before killing Guardian Ape. I only found out when I watched my bro play and he just so happened to do it in that order.
Looks cool but i never found a use for it
Stomping on fools after sweeps, it deals insane damage
Every single attack in the game can be countered by either parrying, dodging, jumping or running away.
You just gotta learn what works. You dont even need to use the ninjas tools if you get gud enough
Malcontent stuns the Demon of Hatred (up to three times).
I haven't tried it with Corrupted Monk's ghost yet.
Also the fire shield negates his big jump slam, for easy free hits.
deep down you know that you did not beat the game, you are just lying to yourself.
Double tap block quickly when you see the white flash on the Ashina Cross minibosses for a perfect deflection.
I have to beat Genichiro every time?
Are you fucking me?
If you cant beat Genichiro you have no cha ge against Isshin.
He's just there to refill your second resurrection
He becomes a joke the more you fight him, I stopped noticing he was even there.
cheating at single player games is fine if you are sub-12 years old. after that you deserve every ridicule
Threadly reminder that DSP beat him in 5 tries
Let me borrow a normie meme for this one
>Journos: "I honestly feel fine for cheating the final boss. Now let me write a 500 word article where I try to justify it."
>die several times to duo monkey
>stop playing for a couple of weeks due to work and other shit
>load the game up again tonight
>here we fucking go again
>let's see if i still remember the controls
>beat it first try effortlessly
It was difficult to find a sekiro thread too. Guess the game's dead now.
that twitter pasta was embarrassing
cheats have always fucking existed, gamegenie and gameshark have always existed, then cheatengine and trainers and then mods that make you OP or give you OP items
it's a video game not the Bar exam
what if i bought 1k of each sugar and divine confetti and then practiced sword saint with undead mode to learn his moveset.
am i a fraud? :(
>zoomers in charge of getting gud
Looks like we have another Generation X on our hands.
There are some games that can do that
Ninja also beat Isshin.
Yea Forums claims to be "hardcore", but it's actually one of the most casual places online.
bump sekiro is dying
>isshin never does his lightning attack when I try to bait it
So how exactly does the umbrella help against him?
>hides attack power with his camera
Pffft. What a chump.
Can I get a quick rundown on why this is being called hard? It doesn't look like something I'd play personally but I'm tempted to fire it up just to see what the bitchings all about.
Feast or famine defensive options combined with aggressive enemies.
I'd save 45% of the bitching is coming from people who are too used to souls, and aren't using the tools they're given. But still the game can be challenging.
Isshin is honestly the test that shows if you have played the game correctly up until this point.
All his combos are relatively easy to learn and if you deflect him properly you'll be able to kill him from almost a full health bar.
If you have played the game wrong(Like dark souls) then the fight is going to take forever and will be much harder.
Isshin is based, filtering dark souls cucks.
I managed to do it and kicked his ass.
You, didnt cheat the game, right?
You're like a little baby
Owl 2 is the hardest boss in the game. Took me 2 hours to best that fucker.
If you feel fine about cheating then why did you feel the need to try and justify it to a bunch of retards on a vietnamese blacksmithing fourm?
Please respond.
Maybe I'll pick it up when I get bored of Hitman 2, thanks user
>tfw i just killed Sword Saint and Demons of Hatred
Am i good at video games yet?
I think they just run away until he does an attack that can be punished
I don't get it. Isshin isn't even hard. It's the exact same fucking fight as every other fucking fight in this game. Literally all you do in this entire game is learn dumb attack rhythms and tells until it's muscle memory. He goes down to parries the same as every other boss that's the exact same thing that you've fought a dozen times at that point.
It's weird because the Sekirobabs are always whining about Demon of Hatred because it's one of the few bosses that isn't retarded parry spam and feels like a subpar Dark Souls boss. That's more understandable since it's a switch-up.
NG+ with demon bell and no Kuro's charm right?
You're not good until you do a no health/posture upgrade, no attack power upgrade, plus no kuro charm and bell demon run. Sorry.
That sounds lame. I'll just keep trying with the tryhard samurai route.
it does. on pc.
How can someone pretend that Dark souls style bosses, i.e learn attack patterns and dodge spam, is in any way more fun than chaining parries together in a rhythmic fashion while reacting to perilous attacks properly?
There is more variety in the combat in Sekiro than in any dark souls game.
So, what else should i do before NG+? I already defeated Demon of Hatred and got all the gourds
All the headless, all the lapis, all the beads.
Maybe farm some materials/gold to grab a couple of upgrades.
What's your opinion on old man Isshin?
Harder than prime Isshin.
how the FUCK is anybody still stuck on this guy? I beat him in like 5 hours. You're all pathetic.
Yeah I used the loaded umbrella and double ichi too...
feels bad man
>I beat him in like 5 hours. You're all pathetic.
pretty sure that was the point of his post
>I'm tempted to fire it up just to see what the bitchings all about.
that's the viral marketing campaign, they gotcha
it's no different from a dark souls game or any of the thousands of difficult indie games that come out every year
everybody knows fromsoft souls games are "hard", so selling it just on that narrative wouldn't work. so activation fired up the fake outrage fryers for "easy mode" "accessibility" "cheating" and "disabled gamers" as a tangent to reignite interest.
I relished the places where I was stuck. I wish I could go back and be stuck again and having to relearn my Oni fight. I think he took me 40 tries. Isshin took less. Gorilla took about the same. I think if I did it again it'd take me 3 tries now. Because I learned every fucking little detail, perfected my movement, and they became tacit knowledge. Because I understood everything Oni did and had learned to counter it through trying and mistakes and trying again. Because on my 40th try, it finally all clicked and I finally beat that stupid fuck. And I was fucking happy. That kind of elation, and the whole process is part of what makes games fun.
Cheats cheapen this felling.
>the shichimen warriors' beam after teleporting can be parried
lol really? going to test this out
I honestly do not understand why people find him so difficult. Great ape took some doing, though.
Kuro's cute feet alone make this GOTY.
whats the best strat against DoH?
no i am not going to have him walk off a cliff
Hug his nuts.
The setup of having a boss before him smokescreens his real difficulty by making every attempt feel more tedious than the fight itself really is.
For the low low price of 1 Spirit Emblem, you can safely ignore one of his combos, bait out a projectile attack (his gun), and retaliate with projected force to take a good chunk of his health at range. You can do this for all of phase 2 and 3 with the Tanto.
Corrupted monk ghost can be stunned thrice with a Snap Seed, it's an illusion.
you can still see his attack power in the menu when he swaps out to his axe
I actually died more times to Genichiro than I did sword phase or lightning phase Isshin. Spear phase was the worst for me.
Just keep running but stay a good distance to him it's not hard.
I get that, and it is embarrassing for me to admit, but I actually died to Genichiro more times in that fight than I did Isshin
He's the final boss, so the game expects that you understand the core mechanics by now.
Attack until you see a more colorful/sparking deflect, then begin deflecting his attacks (you generally get 1-2 hits before you need to start deflecting). Look for openings after his big attacks, and sneak in 1-2 hits after them. Since his moves are mostly special skills that you have, they have strong tells for if he is going to attack straight ahead, do a thrust attack, sweep attack, or if you need to run from his AoEs.
Phases 2 and 3 are actually a bit easier if you stay in close and keep deflecting and punishing with 1-2 counter hits. He has more thrust attacks that you can mikiri for easy counter hits and quick buildup of posture damage. Firecrackers can also open him to free hits, or time to heal.
3rd form is more of the same from phase 2, but with an easily telegraphed opportunity to use lightning reversal and shit damage on him. Between the lightning and mikiri, he can be killed a lot faster than you might expect. Just be sure you don't miss the shinobi execution deathblow, and have him recover at the last second.
Just don't choke.
that isn't that bad
genchi has a different parry timing than isshin thats why its so easy to fuck
The Malcontent whistle gives you free hits by stunning him. It works three times so it's a good idea to save it for his third phase.
Same, but I actually didn't like the game anywhere near as much as I expected so I just wanted to get it over with to avoid spoilers
whipped him on ng+ though
>run to the right
>stay close the whole fight
>use suzaku umbrella to defend his ranged attacks
>hesitation is defeat
Get the lapis from the pot nobles and clear their quest, doesn't matter for which one. Get all the beads and headless + szechuan warriors. Maybe farm adamantite and fulminated mercury, but don't bother farming money or exp because they drop much more in NG+
Play unlocked, sprint around him to the right and hit his ass. Run straight at him when he dashes away in phase 1.
In second phase it's safer to stay at a distance when he dashes, sprint+jump to the side to dodge his frontal fire attack, then grapple to him.
Phase 3 just stun him with Malcontent and go ham with divine confetti.
I actually really like that fight. I only got his final phase once and his second phase twice, but like owl, it feels like a fair fun fight. Didn't enjoy Demon of Hatred at all though.
But at the topic: One of his unlockables looks kind of like a very quick sweep after you parried an Ichimonji. Is it actually a swipe? And can someone help me tell apart his thrust and swipe?
Thrusts is when he points the pointy end towards you.
Sweeps is when he sweeps the long sharp edge towards you.
haha what a funny person.
Both his attacks from what I can tell are preceded with his weapon being pulled back and him pointing at you with his other hand.
That's because he literally played games for a living
well you are wrong, he points the tip at you for the thrust and holds the sword back for the sweep
Fuck off tranny
Implying the shitters who write about how this boss is so unfair to 'normal' gamers even got that far in the game.
it literally tells you everything to do before NG+ in the wiki
>You know how you've been using the parry system against literally every enemy in the game? Well forget that shit that because it's time to fire up the ol' "circlestrafe and stab the ass" technique from dark souls again!
They should have just saved Demon of Hatred for Bloodborne 2.
Some user in another thread mentioned that hes just reused assets from a Manus fight that got scrapped from DaS3 and that actually makes a lot of sense.
NG+7 Isshin is fucking bullshit.
>anything beyond ng+
why do people do this?
It's an optional fanservice curveball boss
there are 4 different endings
Standard playthrough, unless you're a shitter who looks up guides you're not gonna get everything. Severance ending
Did the shura ending and fought two bosses exclusive for that ending
>NG ++
Got the prayer beads I missed, did second hirata estate and beat the second owl boss, and got purification ending
>NG +++
Rice loli ending
That's how far I got. I'll do NG+4 when the DLC comes out.
It is fun to do boss rush. It not like it take too much time to complete a playthrough.
Just back up your save bro
Actually considered doing that, but after seeing how quickly you can get through the game during NG+ I decided against it.
Plus the game is fun as fuck and I didn't get tired of it.
Hyper speed and performance mode were my go to cheats in guitar hero, fuck normies