
Attached: xiii.jpg (1180x821, 64K)

oh fug

fuck off with those remakes and remasters and whatever the fuck else

>quiet your whore

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But why? Did anyone give a fuck about this game? I swear when it came out it was pretty much critically panned and didn't even manage so much as a cult following. I picked up a copy a few years back just because I liked the artstyle but I haven't even bothered to play it.

I remember playing it when it was fairly new
Other than the graphics being cool to look at i dont remember much else

I played it a bunch because there weren't many other shooters on the Gamecube

Lots of people liked XIII, I played it on PS2 when it came out and it was a good time

>remakes a game with a cliff hanger that was never properly addressed in a sequel that we waited for that never came to be.

Fuck video games.

>the west is so creatively bankrupt they just re-release old games from dead IP

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Japan does that all the time too.

on top of releasing new games

Good guns, fantastic artstyle, amazing plot, and superb music.
Also the multiplayer was the shit back then.
So yes, XIII is a good game.

notice how it just says PC/MAC
shit is going to be EGS exclusive lmao

>It automatically means its egs exclusive.

I wasn't saying it was bad, I'm just surprised it has enough of a following to get a remaster.

Is it going to have David Duchovny's "Oh, fuck, I can't believe my agent roped me into taking this gig & I'm hung over as fuck. How am I supposed to say these lines again? Oh, fuck it, I'll just wing it" voice?

It wasnt a mediocre game either, it was pretty great and lots of people loved it.

You mean his every day voice? I haven't heard him use any other voice in any piece of media.

It was also, if not the first, one of the first games to use cel shading.

>he says as not-Dark Souls, Resident Evil 2, Monster Hunter 3456 and Devil May Cry V just came out

see Anno 1800 is the only decent western game with nothing from the whole 2019 Q1

You could list literally anything and you decided to go with Anno 1800

> literally anything
There's nothing else.

only small cult

>Change the political and social commentary about 2019 in a 2003 game.

Not even if they GIFT it to me.

everyone who actually played it loves it you faggot

I remember playing over and over the Java game on my ma's phone.
Good times.

the only good thing about this game was cellshading

Hopefully, there won't be so many stealth levels.