Post your PC specs. Let's rate each other.
Post your PC specs. Let's rate each other
No man.
Haven't upgraded anything in like 2 years
I'm a PC brainlet and my dad helped me build it, how powerful is my PC actually? from what I can tell 3.20GHz seems below average
It's okay. There nitpicks here and there like a locked processor and single channel memory.
Based retard.
Thanks to Intel and their +5% upgrades each generation, I can still play modern games with a 10 year old CPU.
Is it time to upgrade?
I should really get a better GPU, I'm wasting the 16go of ram and shiet.
6 years but still rocking.
You'd have to change the cpu and motherboard if you want higher clocks since your cpu is locked, dual channel ram is always better also
Yes, the whole system
>24gb ddr3
For what purpose
Solid system user
>1060 3gb
Big oof. I had one too, wasn't worth saving the few bucks, what are you planning to upgrade to?
I skimped on my GPU and I'm getting another monitor next week
Haven't bought AAA title in years. What's the best recent game this could possibly run?
what monitor?
Probably just another KG251QF, I want them to line up nicely and I'm poor
>GTX 1080
>16GB DDR4 3200 RAM
Seems decent enough
Just bought this for about 1k, what do you guys think?
I'm looking into an upgrade from that exact gpu but I wouldn't say its bad. The latest things I've played on it was RE2make and Division 2 @1080p60. If you want an upgrade and you want to stay in the same ballpark for 1080p60 then a 1660ti will do it.
>its comfy
If console talk is fine on Yea Forums then so is PC talk, it's literally the same thing in this context.
>Fell for the RTX meme
Otherwise good start
choose one
2070 maybe ? Dunno, I don't really waste money on vidya anymore.
need to upgrade my shit soon, more ram and a proper soundcard
Unchanged since 2012 except for the GPU and an extra SSD
>RX 580 and i3
forgot my pic
i have a 2600 at 30Celsius on idle
works on my machine
Even knowing about the temp sensor issues with Ryzen, this made my heart skip a beat
Still doing its job since I got it more than 4 years ago. Needs a bigger SSD with how hueg the games have been getting lately.
speccy stopped wotking after i made BIOS update
I've got a similar build, it's pretty dope
careful with the RTX cards, there might be an issue with them that causes stuttering. I have it, it's kind of annoying and I can't tell if it's something that will eventually be fixed in future drivers
Keep up with the times kiddos
I just wanted it cus it seemed comparable to the 1070 ti but costs less.. lol
Thanks for the advice user, i'll look into that a bit before pushing its limits.
First time i opened speccy to show up my specs it said my 2700x was at fucking 103ÂșC
Closed that shit and compared with Aida and HWInfo immediately. Fucking Speccy adds 60C for NO FUCKING REASON
Anyway specs time
Not that user but Speccy can fuck up pretty bad, pic related, it's actually running on 4.2Ghz, and the GPU is 8GB not 4GB. Also RAM is entirely wrong.
>98.1 bus
Jesus man disable spread spectrum, that board is garbo
i7-7700K @ 4.20GHz
32GB DDR4 @ 2666MHz
GeForce GTX 1060 6GB (for Linux)
GeForce GTX 1070 (for Windows VM)
>RAM is entirely wrong
No, it's one of the few things speccy gets right. Read up what what DDR is.
I'm assuming speccy is wrong here since single-channel ram doesn't even exist for your motherboard and those timings would be horrific, otherwise it's decent enough. If your temps are correct (and the RAM is in fact not from the stone age) then you're due a nice CPU overclock if you have a nice cooler.
I have an 8 year old i3930K OC'ed to 4.2Ghz that still handles everything beautifully even 2160p but it's a based K series with unlocked multiplier, you'd have to consult something other than speccy (like, receipts/boxes ideally) to see what kind of OC you could run. 3.2Ghz is probably misleading since all core i5's run turbo boost natively too
Hmm... gonna do that. Thanks.
It's not since I know for a fact those timings are wrong. And yes I know 799Mhz actually means 1600Mhz in this case because DDR. Also there's no way speccy got this right.
>single-channel ram doesn't even exist
It means one stick, dual channel is 2 sticks
>those timings would be horrific
Those are completely normal timings for DDR4
>due a nice CPU overclock
It's a non-K CPU, locked and not overclockable
The clock speed is simply part of the CPU's name. Intel put the base clock in the name of their chips for some reason. It isn't any sort of real-time measurement.
>I'm assuming speccy is wrong here since single-channel ram doesn't even exist for your motherboard
What are you talking about? Skylake is DDR4. He could easily have a single 16GB stick. More likely though is that he has two 8GB sticks in the wrong slots so that they're not running in dual channel. Those timings aren't particularly bad for DDR4 either.
I got tired of the X79 setup that I bought to play with and bought another Ryzen chip a couple of days ago. It has a much better IMC than the 2700X that I had previously, which could never get 3466MHz RAM stable at all. Will probably drop a Zen 2 chip into the same board in a couple of months.
Broke my good monitor by being retarded so i'm stuck at 900p for the time being.
Its worked kinda fine so far but W7 + low-mid CPU is starting to become hell for my weeb games and those're all I ever play nowadays. Jap devs being absolute shit at optimizing are gonna force my poorfag ass to buy new parts and go to W10 even though I spent the better part of 2017 scraping up the shekels for that 1070.
My 2600X won't get over 3400 stable, fucking imc lottery is annoying tried 3 different chips this was the best of them.
explain what is this
*dabs on Yea Forums*
Spread Spectrum reduces your bus clock a bit to try and reduce electrical interference (doesn't really do anything in practice). On a good board it might be ~0.2mhz, on a shit one it can be a lot more and have a pretty significant performance impact.
>integrated audio
Where my S O U N D B L A S T E R B O I S?
Back in the early 00s where they belong
so i'm good at 99,8? great
Yeah you're only down 0.2%
gtx 960
16gb ram
will no upgrade until new version of consoles
I like to play games on my Laptop on minimal settings
My favorite are indie games and games that I can emulate~
i can't help but feel i'm getting a little mouse lag in games where my friends with cheaper computers don't get any
is there something off with my specs?
Yeah, it ain't great. I'm hopeful that Zen 2's IMC will be better all-round, though some guy who works for AMD and posts on the forums suggested that it's largely the same.
1usmus doesn't work for AMD, just a ruski modder.
The new RAM divider will make a big difference though, 4000mhz+ should be doable even if the core imc stays the same.
t. integrated audio fag
I think i need to upgrade my gpu, what do you think pcbros
2070 seems pretty solid. Fair enough.
maybe your videocard that has nothing to do with games
i7 7700k
32gb ram
palit gamerock gtx 1080ti
You're right, my bad. He does claim to have a direct line to people inside the company though, and that he's working on memory compatibility with them. I guess we'll see how it turns out soon enough.
I don't know, some guy was selling three sticks for extremely cheap so i just jumped in.
Just did, but it didn't fix the issue.
Apparently having SVM/Virtualization on is what causes it.
Pic related with SVM off.
oops, forgot pic
>windows 7
are you sure you're getting a full potential of your hardware?
I heard high end computers work better on win10.
I know win10 is total garbage, but Im just curious if its true
It's good enough for a laptop
Ah yeah good call didn't see you had that on, it's usually disabled by default.
>windows 7
>fans mounted wrong
>not using the white rubber pads on the fans
Did BestBuy assemble this for you at the low pricepoint of 1100$?
This motherboard is fucking GARBAGE.
I tried to update the bios, and then it wouldn't save the settings and would reset every boot. Had to revert to another version, which apparently fixed my BCLK issues even with SVM.
Too bad no money to replace it for now.
user, he could have bought 2x2GB originally and then added 2x4GB later.
I don't see the issue here. It's on dual channel.
Intel HD chads, where you at?
You could sell 2700x and get Zen2 in a few months, it's free real estate
screenshotting all these shitty builds for the next console thread.
The idea is to sell it next year, to avoid ZEN2 launch prices in Brazil, shit's gonna be expensive